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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dold luftlägesunderrättelseinhämtning : Passiva bistatiska radarsystems militära nytta inom ramen för en luftvärnsbataljon

Bornfleth, William January 2022 (has links)
Luftvärnsradarns lokalisering av flygföretag genom emittering av energi gör den sårbar för fientliga motmedel och verkan. Passiva radarsystem, som inte sänder egen energi utan parasiterar på icke-kooperativa sändarantenner undersöks i detta arbete som potentiellt komplement tillluftvärnsförbandets befintliga aktiva radarsystem. Syftet med arbetet är att beskriva hur användandet av passiva sensorer påverkar luftvärnets förmågor inom ramen för luftförsvaret över Sverige. Arbetets frågeställningar är:- Hur skulle en implementering av passiva radarsystem påverka luftvärnets grundläggande förmågor? - Vilken militär nytta har passiva radarer inom ramen för luftvärnsförbandet För att besvara frågeställningarna har MUAFT-metoden använts som en teoretisk ramverksmodell för att analysera och bedöma passiva radarers militära nytta genom att analysera deras påverkan på luftvärnsförbandets grundläggande förmågor. Inledningsvis konstruerades två spelkort utifrån nuvarande luftvärnsorganisation med och utan tillförd passiv radar, vilket presenterades i en SWOT-analys. Därefter bedömdes det passiva systemet påverkan utifrån de militära grundläggande förmågorna, samt faktorerna DOTPMFLI för att slutligen kunna bedöma systemets militära nytta. Resultaten från studien pekar mot att passiva radarer påverkar samtligagrundläggande förmågor, dock främst förbandets uthållighet och överlevnad. Vidare slutsatser tyder på att implementering av passiva radarsystem skulle ge militär nytta inom ramen för luftvärnsbataljon när de nyttjas i synergi med befintligt aktivt radarsystem / In the search of hostile aircraft air defence radars emit electromagnetic waves making them vulnerable to enemy countermeasures and effects. Passive radars, lacking dedicated transmitters utilize the electromagnetic radiation of non-cooperative transmitters. The possible introduction of passive radars is examined in this report as a potential complement to the currently used active radars of the Swedish Air Defence. The purpose of this study is to explore how the utilization of passive radars within the Swedish Air Defence effects the military capabilities regarding Air Defence over Sweden. The research questions of this report are:- How would an implementation of passive radars affect the military capabilities of the Swedish air defence?- Would passive radars within the Swedish Air Defence provide military utility? To answer the questions, the MUAFT-method has been used as a theoretical framework model to analyze and assess the military utility of passive radars and their impact on the Air Defence’s military capabilities. Initially, two conceptual technical systems were presented based on the current organization of the Swedish Air Defence. One system with and one without added passive radar. Both systems were then subjected to a SWOT-analysis. Thereafter, the passive radar system was assessed on the basis of its impact on the military capabilities, as well as its footprint according to DOTPMFLI. Finally, the military utility of passive radars in Air Defence was assessed. The results indicate that an implementation of passive radar would impact all of the military capability factors, although most prominently regarding endurance and survivability. Conclusions regarding the implementation of passive radars indicate that the system does have military utility within the Air Defence unit, provided they are used as intended, in synergy with existing active radars.

Utan dans? : danskunskap i ett expanderat perspektiv

Stövind, Jörgen January 2022 (has links)
Without dance? – dance knowledge in an expanded perspective   The vocational dancer education in classical ballet's subject-specific intended learning outcomes means many years of dance training that requires sacrifices in other school subjects and other hobbies, without work guarantee. There are more dancers than there are jobs, which is why many people stop dancing after graduation. The survey’s purpose is to investigate what happens over time with the dance knowledge that is generated during the vocational dancer education. Is it still relevant to the person's sphere of life even outside a dance context? Five people, who completed the vocational dancer education in classical ballet in 2011 and 2012 and stopped dancing after graduation, are interviewed. The results are analyzed with a phenomenographic approach, the description categories or result are analyzed to a final outcome space, which indicates, through the ballet´s genre-determined structure and a cognitive thought pattern that is characterized by a given construction to understand the meaning of structure, a unique and profound body knowledge and social adaptability as a consequence of the education. Dance practice enables social adaptability, a visualization of people's complex reality, the understanding of the value of taking varying perspectives to manage and adapt to different people and social contexts.

Automatiserad marknadsföring - mer än bara ett knapptryck? : En kvalitativ studie om automatiserad marknadsföring och CRM inom B2B-verksamheter / Marketing Automation - More than just a Push of a Button? : A qualitative study about marketing automation and CRM in B2B-organizations

Lindsjöö, Emilia, Pithyou, Jennifer January 2022 (has links)
Dagens digitala landskap skapar en hög konkurrens om kunder, vilket gör att verksamheter letar efter nya sätt att utveckla och hantera kundrelationer. Arbete med CRM och automatiserad marknadsföring användbart för att få en bättre förståelse för kundens behov och leverera relevant kommunikation. Automatiserad marknadsföring är en datadriven marknadsföringsteknik som används inom digital marknadsföring för att automatisera aktiviteter. Automatiserad marknadsföring inom B2B-verksamheter är ett outforskat ämne inom informatik. Därmed var syftet med studien att undersöka automatiserad marknadsföring och CRM ur ett informatikperspektiv. Syftet var även att bidra med kunskap om hur verksamheter använder data i arbetet med automatiserad marknadsföring och vilka förmågor för dataanalys som är centrala. I denna studie har en kvalitativ undersökning med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts, där sex respondenter som arbetar med automatiserad marknadsföring inom B2B-verksamheter intervjuats. Studiens resultat och slutsats visar att arbete med automatiserad marknadsföring är ett IT- beroende arbetssystem, där teknik är en central resurs för arbetet. Elementen deltagare, information och teknik bör samverka med arbetsprocesser och aktiviteter för att dra nytta av automatiserad marknadsföring. Dessutom är kunddata betydelsefull information för arbete med automatiserad marknadsföring och CRM. Således bör verksamheter besitta förmågor inom verksamhetsområdena ledning, kultur, teknik och människor för analys av data. Studiens resultat och slutsatser visar att de undersökta verksamheterna besitter relevanta förmågor för dataanalys, vilket möjliggör arbetet med automatiserad marknadsföring och CRM. Eftersom automatiserad marknadsföring handlar om att generera och bibehålla befintliga kunder med hjälp av relevant innehåll, är CRM centralt i detta arbete. / Today's digital landscape creates high competition for customers and organizations are looking for new ways to develop and manage customer relationships. Working with CRM and marketing automation is useful to gain a better understanding of customer needs and deliver relevant communication. Marketing automation is a data-driven marketing technique used in digital marketing to automate tasks. Marketing automation in B2B-organizations is an unexplored topic in information systems. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine marketing automation and CRM through a perspective of information systems. As well as contribute with knowledge of how organizations use data in marketing automation and the data analytics capabilities needed. A qualitative study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with six respondents, who work with marketing automation in B2B-organizations. The results and conclusions of the study shows that working with marketing automation is an IT-reliant work system, where technology is a crucial resource. The elements participants, information and technology should be aligned with processes and activities to benefit from marketing automation. In addition, customer data is meaningful information for working with marketing automation and CRM. Thus, organizations should possess organizational capabilities in governance, culture, technology, and people for analyzing data. The results and conclusions of the study also show the studied organizations possess the data analytics capabilities needed for marketing automation and CRM. CRM becomes pertinent in marketing automation since marketing automation is about generating and retaining customers with relevant content.

Robot 58 påverkan på den svenska pansarvärnsförmågan; en systemjämförelse av svenska pansarvärnsrobotsystem. / Rbs 58 impact on the Swedish anti-tank capability; a system comparison of Swedish anti-tank robots.

Cagenius, Anton January 2023 (has links)
I och med den ryska invasionen av Ukraina har Försvarsmakten identifierat behovet av en ökad pansarvärnsförmåga. Detta har lett till prov och försök av ett nytt pansarvärnsrobotsystem. Införandet av ett nytt vapensystem med nya egenskaper är en utmaning. När detta vapensystem är en pansarvärnsrobot vars förmåga inom markstridande förband har varit nedprioriterade i flera år, kan införandet ta tid. Arbetet generera underlag för att belysa de tekniska och doktrinära skillnaderna mellan Robot 58 och befintliga pansarvärnsrobotsystem som brukas i Försvarsmakten. Arbetets tillvägagångssätt var en intervjustudie där fyra individer intervjuades. Dokumentär forskning genomfördes för att komplettera och utvidga den data som samlats in från intervjuerna. De fyra olika pansarvärnsrobotsystemen egenskaper och prestanda analyserades genom en SWOT-analys. Analysen belystes ur Försvarsmaktens grundläggande förmågor, specifikt rörlighet och verkan. Resultatet av analysen visar att även fast systemen är ämnade för samma syfte, är Robot 58 väsentligt mer utvecklad och påvisar varför den tillhör generation fyra till skillnad från de andra robotsystemen. Robot 58 nya egenskaper, däribland indirekt eldgivning, kommer vapensystemet att bidra starkt till den tredimensionella striden för infanteriförbanden och utgöra ett stort hot mot motståndarens mekaniserade förmåga. Det som krävs är att chefer på lägre förbandsnivåer övar med förmågorna Robot 58 har att erbjuda. / Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Swedish Armed Forces have identified the need for an increased anti-tank capability. This has led to the test and trial of a new anti-tank missile. The introduction of a new weapon system with new characteristics can be a challenge. When this weapon system is an anti-tank missile which capabilities in ground combat units have been down prioritized for several years, the implementation can take time. The purpose of this paper was to generate data to highlight the technical and doctrinal differences between rbs 58 and existing anti-tank missiles used by the Swedish Armed Forces. The approach of the work was an interview study where four individuals were interviewed. Documentary research was conducted to complement the data collected from the interviews. The characteristics and performance of the four different anti-tank missile systems were analyzed with a SWOT analysis. The analysis was highlighted from the perspective of the Swedish Armed Forces' basic operational capabilities, specifically mobility and effectiveness. The result of the analysis showed that even though the systems are intended for the same purpose, rbs 58 is significantly more developed and demonstrates why it is considered to belong as a generation four missile unlike the other anti-tank missile. Rbs 58 new characteristics, including indirect fire mode, will greatly contribute to the three-dimensional battle for infantry units and pose a major threat to the opponent's mechanized units. The requirement is that officers at lower unit levels practice with the capabilities rbs 58 has to offer.

individual differences in Chronotype in relation to Cognitive Abilities and Academic Achievement : A systematic literature review of studies conducted in 2022

Sumaili, Pamela January 2022 (has links)
Abstract There has been an increase in the number of studies investigating the relationship between chronotype, cognitive abilities and academic achievement in different populations. It has been found that an individual’s natural tendency to prefer morning or evening activities is associated with circadian rhythms. The current literature review aims to further review and explore individual differences in chronotype in relation to cognitive abilities and academic achievement and an overview of current evidence on different moderators in chronotypes. The systematic literature review was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and the Study Quality Assessment tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional studies from the National Institute of Health was employed to assess the quality of the studies included. The systematic literature review identified three studies with 2162 health students from various countries that were eligible for inclusion. Due to the heterogeneity of the studies included, a meta-analysis could not be performed. One of the three studies’ reports was marked with fair quality as some data were missing from their report while the other two were marked to be good quality. The research on individual differences in relation to chronotype, cognitive abilities and academic achievement was not conclusive; however, a positive but weak correlation between cognitive abilities and academic achievement was found when GPA score was considered. Additionally, a significant correlation was identified between learning styles and chronotypes with eveningness obtaining a higher percentage in auditory learning than morningness. On the other hand, morningness obtained higher scores on visual learning styles than eveningness. This correlation was influenced by their chronotype. This systematic review observed differences in outcomes, which could not be compared due to the small sample size, more research into the relationship is required to fill the research gap and determine the effects of these inconsistencies in the relationships / Sammanfattning Det har skett en ökning av antalet studier som undersöker sambandet mellan kronotyp, kognitiva förmågor och akademisk utförande i olika populationer och det har visat att en individs naturliga tendens att föredra morgon eller kvälls aktiviteter är förknippad med dygnsrytmer. Den aktuella litteraturöversikten syftar till att ytterligare granska och undersöka kronotyp i relation till kognitiv förmågor och akademisk prestation samt att ge en översikt över aktuella bevis på olika moderator variabler i kronotyper. Den systematiska litteraturen granskning utfördes efter de riktlinjerna i Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) och Study Quality Assessment tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional studies from the National Institute of Health användas för att bedöma kvaliteten på de inkluderade studierna. Den systematiska översikten identifierade tre studier med 2162 friska individer med olika nationalitet som mötte inklusionskriterierna. På grund av studiernas heterogentitet kunde en meta-analys inte utföras. En av de tre studierna rapporterar var märkt med rimlig kvalitet eftersom vissa data saknades i artikeln medan de andra två bedömdes ha god validitet. Forskningen om sambandet mellan kronotyp, kognitiva förmågor och akademiska presentation var inte övertygande; dock fann man ett positivt, men svagt samband mellan kognitiva förmågor och academiska prestation när GPA-poäng beaktades. Dessutom identifierades en signifikant korrelation mellan inlärningsstilar och kronotyper, där kvällskänslan fick en högre andel i auditiv inlärning än morgonkänslan. Å andra sidan fick morgonen högre poäng på visuella stilar än kvällskänslan. Denna korrelation påverkades av deras kronotype. Denna systematiska översikten observerade skillnader i resultat som inte kunde jämföras på grund av den lilla urvalsstorlekan, mer forskning om sambandet behövs för att fylla forskningsluckan och fastställa effekterna av dessa inkonsekvenser i relationerna

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence For Sustained Organizational Competitive Advantage : A Study In Natural Language Processing And Dynamic Capabilities / Begagna artificiell intelligens för bestående organisationella konkurrensfördelar : En studie i naturlig språkbehandling och dynamiska förmågor

Sabri Ayoub, Diar January 2021 (has links)
Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)are disrupting industries worldwide and are being categorized as drivers of a technological revolution. The economic impact is hypothesized to amount to hundreds of billions of US dollars in losses of wages, affecting governmental tax revenue streams consequentially. Firms that manage to leverage these technologies by developing sustained competitive advantage are ultimately the firms that will prosper. Competitive advantage stems from the dynamic capabilities, characterizing the organizational and managerial processes in place to withstand the effects of external environmental turbulence, as with the technological revolution galvanized by AI. This research aimed to analyze how a tele- & cloud-communication company manages to leverage AI to materialize competitive advantage. The research was conducted in two principal parts. First, by developing an ML model for language agnostic document retrieval (LaDPR) and evaluating the performance vs. Facebook’s Dense Passage Retrieval (DPR) model. The ML experiments show that the developed LaDPR model outperforms Facebook’s DPR model by over 2x on average, on multilingual document retrieval. This performance increase rises to over 4x when excluding English, which is the language that DPR was trained on. Secondly, interviews were conducted with key representatives to research how such technological advancements can be exploited in the organizational goal for competitive advantage. Specific vital capabilities such as automated decision-making, knowledge integration, and platform maturity are the three prominent organizational and managerial processes that advanced AI systems can undergird. The results pinpoint that the process of a high-technology department focused solely on developing such AI systems, packaging them with engineering competence to then transfer ownership internally in the organization, ultimately coalesce into hard-to-imitate dynamic capabilities, materializing competitive advantage. / Teknologier som Artificiell Intelligens (AI) och Maskininlärning (ML) splittrar industrier världen över, och kategoriseras som drivkrafter bakom en teknologisk revolution. Effekterna på ekonomin spekuleras uppnå hundratals miljarder USD, som påverkar staters skatteintäkter markant. Företag som lyckas begagna sådan teknologi genom att utveckla långvariga konkurrensfördelar är i slutändan de företag som kommer se framgång. Dessa fördelar härstammar från de dynamiska förmågorna i ett företag, och karakteriseras av organisationella och lednings-orienterade processer som används för att stå emot effekterna av utomstående fluktuationer i marknaden, exemplifierat av den teknologiska revolutionen driven av AI. Den bedrivna forskningen ämnade att analysera hur ett företag inom tele- och molnkommunikation begagnar AI för att materialisera konkurrensfördelar. Forskningen bedrevs i två primära delar. Först, genom att utveckla en ML modell för språkagnostisk dokumenthämtning (LaDPR), och utvärdera prestandan i jämförelse med Facebooks Dense Passage Retrieval (DPR) modell. ML experimenten visar att den utvecklade LaDPR modellen presterar i snitt 2x bättre än Facebooks DPR modell på flerspråkig dokument-hämtning. Prestandaförbättringarna stiger upp till 4x, ifall engelska exkluderas, vilket är det språk som DPR tränades på. Genom att föra intervjuer med nyckelpersoner undersöktes det hur sådana teknologiska framsteg exploateras i de organisationella målen för konkurrensfördelar. Specifika nyckelförmågor som automatiserat beslutsfattande, kunskapsintegrering och plattformmognad är tre huvudsakliga organisationella och ledningsorienterade processer som avancerade AI system kan underbinda. Resultaten visar att processen av en högteknologisk avdelning som fokuserar på utveckling av avancerade AI system, som sedan paketeras tillsammans med ingenjörskompetens, för slutgiltig överföring av ägarskap, i slutändan förenas i svårimiterade dynamiska förmågor, som materialiseras i konkurrensfördelar.

När den anställde tror på sina egna förmågor kan en kompensutveckling ske inom den offentliga förvaltningen Vård och Omsorg : En kvalitativ studie om hur ett stödjande ledarskap kan främja kompetensutveckling inom den offentliga förvaltningen Vård och Omsorg / When the employee believes in their own abilities, a compensation development can take place in the public Health and care administration : A qualitive study about how supportive leadership can promote employees´ skills development in the public Health and care administration

Eriksson, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt vilka förutsättningar en chef upplever sig ha för att tillämpa ett stödjande ledarskap inom den offentliga förvaltningen Vård och omsorg. Bakgrunden till denna studie bygger på att det finns ett behov av att personal som arbetar inom den offentliga förvaltningen Vård och Omsorg att utveckla sin kompetens. Detta behöver ske på grund av att personalens kunskapsbrister inom dessa verksamheter har medfört att brukare utsätts för risker om missförhållanden på grund av personalens kunskapsbrister. Studien har belyst vilka behov av stöd som de anställda inom Vård och omsorg kan tänkas behöva ha för att kunna utveckla sin kompetens. Det framkom att det kan finnas ett behov av stöd för eventuella kognitiva nedsättningar som kan beskrivas vara ett dolt funktionshinder. Efter detta har chefer som arbetar inom Vård och omsorg blivit intervjuade för att beskriva sin upplevelse av sina förutsättningar för att kunna ge sina medarbetare de stöd som kan tänkas behövas. Resultatet visade att det kunde ske om cheferna upplevde sig ha rätt förutsättningar för att arbeta med syfte, metod och ledarskap i relation med att det tydligt att det var brukarfokus som var syftet. Syftet förtydligade vad som skulle göras och varför det var viktigt med brukarfokus. Det gav också metodiska förutsättningar inför att kunna planera och utvärdera arbetet i verksamheten samt för medarbetarens utvecklings. Om brukarfokus var ett tydligt syfte kunde deras ledarskap liknas vid ett verktyg för att ge ett individanpassat stöd till medarbetaren. / The study has examined the conditions a manager feels he or she has for applying supportive leadership within the public administration Health and care. The background tells that there is a need for the employers in the public administration Health and Care to develop their skills. This is happened because the employers insufficient knowledge has affected the residents who need their support being exposed to risks of misconduct due to the staff's lack of knowledge. The study has highlighted the need for support that employees in Health and Care may need to be able to develop their skills. It emerged that there may be a need for support for any cognitive impairments that can be described as a hidden disability. After this, managers who work in Health and Care have been interviewed to describe their experience of their conditions to be able to give their employees the support that may be needed. The results showed that it could happen if the managers felt they had the right conditions to work with purpose, method, and leadership in relation to the fact that it was clear that it was the user focus that was the purpose. The purpose clarified what was to be done and why user focus was important. It also provided methodical conditions for being able to plan and evaluate the work in the business and for the employee's development. If user focus was a clear purpose, their leadership could be likened to a tool to provide individualized support to the employee.

Marknadens triumf : lärare i en nyliberal tid

Westfelt, Anneli January 2018 (has links)
I essäns form utforskas här grunderna till och eventuella effekter av formuleringar i läroplanen för gymnasieskolan där entreprenöriella förmågor framhålls. Dessa ska främjas hos eleverna vilket ska leda till att de i framtiden kan starta och driva företag. Syftet är att undersöka varför läroplanen innehåller dessa formuleringar, om det är möjligt eller önskvärt att lärare omsätter dem i undervisning, vad det kan innebära för eleverna, utbildningen, arbetslivet och för samhället i stort. Essän tar sin utgångspunkt i ett boksamtal om romanen Yarden som författaren till denna essä och en grupp elever hade hösten 2017. Ur denna berättelse och ur upplevelsen av kontrasten mellan det som kan vara undervisningens mål och mening och de skrivningar om entreprenörskap läroplanen innehåller växer utforskandet fram. Det utmynnar i en kritik av den nyliberala politik som skapat den marknadsanpassade skolan. Essän ifrågasätter också tron på att vi kan utbilda för en tänkt framtid. Slutligen pekar den mot det nödvändiga i reformer som kan undandra skolan från marknaden. / An essay that investigates the basis and possible effects of certain formulations in the upper-secondary curriculum that emphasise entrepreneurial skills. Such skills are to be promoted in pupils, with the aim of their being able to start and operate businesses in the future. The purpose is to examine why the curriculum contains these formulations, whether it is possible or desirable for teachers to implement them in their instruction and what this might mean for the pupils, their education, the professional world and society as a whole. The essay is based on a discussion of the novel Yarden (“The Shipyard”) by Kristian Lundberg, which the author of this essay and a group of pupils read in autumn 2017. The exploratory aspect of the essay develops out of this story and the experience of the contrast between what is perhaps the goal and purpose of the instruction, and the writings about entrepreneurship contained in the curriculum. The result is a criticism of the neoliberal policy that created market-adapted schooling. The essay also questions the belief that we can educate people for a hypothetical future. Finally, it points to the necessity of reforms that can extract schools from the market.

What and How Students Perceive They Learn When Doing Mini-Companies in Upper Secondary School

Hunter Lindqvist, Steven January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain more in-depth knowledge into what Swedish upper secondary school students perceive they learn, and the factors that students perceive affect learning, when they start and run mini-companies within the Junior Achievement Company Program.  The data is comprised of interviews with eleven students each of whom ran a mini-company with other students. Situated learning theory, experiential learning theory and theoretical concepts on reflection in learning were used to analyze and further understand the data. The results reveal that the students talk about, and appear to convey, equal importance upon learning general skills as learning business skills when doing their mini-companies. Students describe using general skills they improved while running their mini-companies in other school activities and non-school activities leading to better performance in these activities. Doing business activities triggers learning and provides students with an opportunity to further develop, and learn multiple aspects, of skills. Students identify many factors, such as time, autonomy, assessment, and deadlines, which they associate with their mini-companies. On the whole, they say these factors have a positive effect on learning both business and general skills, however some factors can also inhibit learning. An analysis of all the factors students identified reveals that they originate, or are influenced by, multiple contexts such as school, the Swedish Junior Achievement organization, and the business environment. Together these factors can be said to create a special school community of practice for their mini-company project. Students point out significant differences between their mini-company project, and other school projects they have previously done, thus providing valuable insight into the importance of project design in relation to learning skills and possible pedagogical implications regarding learning general skills in other school projects. / This thesis strives to gain further knowledge and understanding into what Swedish upper secondary students perceive they learn, and how they learn, when starting and running Junior Achievement mini-companies. The data is comprised of interviews with eleven students each of whom ran a mini-company with other students. Situated learning theory, experiential learning theory and theoretical concepts on reflection on learning were used to analyze and further understand the data. The results reveal that students talk about, and appear to convey, equal importance upon learning general and business skills. General skills students improved when doing mini-companies can benefit other school and non-school activities. Students perceive that learning is not only triggered by the business tasks they do, but is also influenced by a multitude of factors such as time, autonomy, assessment, and deadlines that affect what, and how they learn. Overall, students perceive factors that they associate with the mini-company project have a positive effect on learning skills, however some can also inhibit learning. Students point out many differences between the mini-company project and other school projects providing valuable insight into the importance of project design in relation to learning skills.

What and How Students Perceive They Learn When Doing Mini-Companies in Upper Secondary School

Hunter Lindqvist, Steven January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain more in-depth knowledge into what Swedish upper secondary school students perceive they learn, and the factors that students perceive affect learning, when they start and run mini-companies within the Junior Achievement Company Program.  The data is comprised of interviews with eleven students each of whom ran a mini-company with other students. Situated learning theory, experiential learning theory and theoretical concepts on reflection in learning were used to analyze and further understand the data. The results reveal that the students talk about, and appear to convey, equal importance upon learning general skills as learning business skills when doing their mini-companies. Students describe using general skills they improved while running their mini-companies in other school activities and non-school activities leading to better performance in these activities. Doing business activities triggers learning and provides students with an opportunity to further develop, and learn multiple aspects, of skills. Students identify many factors, such as time, autonomy, assessment, and deadlines, which they associate with their mini-companies. On the whole, they say these factors have a positive effect on learning both business and general skills, however some factors can also inhibit learning. An analysis of all the factors students identified reveals that they originate, or are influenced by, multiple contexts such as school, the Swedish Junior Achievement organization, and the business environment. Together these factors can be said to create a special school community of practice for their mini-company project. Students point out significant differences between their mini-company project, and other school projects they have previously done, thus providing valuable insight into the importance of project design in relation to learning skills and possible pedagogical implications regarding learning general skills in other school projects. / This thesis strives to gain further knowledge and understanding into what Swedish upper secondary students perceive they learn, and how they learn, when starting and running Junior Achievement mini-companies. The data is comprised of interviews with eleven students each of whom ran a mini-company with other students. Situated learning theory, experiential learning theory and theoretical concepts on reflection on learning were used to analyze and further understand the data. The results reveal that students talk about, and appear to convey, equal importance upon learning general and business skills. General skills students improved when doing mini-companies can benefit other school and non-school activities. Students perceive that learning is not only triggered by the business tasks they do, but is also influenced by a multitude of factors such as time, autonomy, assessment, and deadlines that affect what, and how they learn. Overall, students perceive factors that they associate with the mini-company project have a positive effect on learning skills, however some can also inhibit learning. Students point out many differences between the mini-company project and other school projects providing valuable insight into the importance of project design in relation to learning skills.

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