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The effects of external ownership a study of linkages and branch plant location /Malmberg, Bo, January 1990 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Uppsala University, 1990. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 146-153).
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The effects of external ownership a study of linkages and branch plant location /Malmberg, Bo, January 1990 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Uppsala University, 1990. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 146-153).
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The application of the six sigma quality concept to improve process performance in a continuous processing plantNxumalo, G. L 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This report presents the application of the six sigma quality concept in solving a true
business problem. Six sigma is a quality improvement and business strategy/tool
developed by Motorola in the mid 1980s. It aims at delivering products and services that
approach levels of near perfection. To achieve this objective a six sigma process must not
produce more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities, meaning the process should be
at least 99.9997% perfect [Berdebes, 2003]. Motorola's success with six sigma
popularised the concept and it has now been adopted by many of the world's top
compames e.g. General Electric, Allied Signal-Honeywell, etc. All the six sigma
companies report big financial returns as a result of increased quality levels due to the
reduction in the number of defects. 'General Electric reports annual benefits of over $2.5
billion across the organisation from six sigma' [Huag, 2003].
The six sigma concept follows a five step problem-solving methodology known as
DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control) to improve existing processes.
Each of these steps makes use of a range of tools, which include quality, statistical,
engineering, and business tools.
This report first gives a theoretical presentation on quality and six sigma, attempting to
answer the question 'What is six sigma'. A step-by-step guide on how to go through the
DMAIC problem solving cycle is also presented.
The six sigma concept was demonstrated by application to the colour removal process of
a continuous processing plant manufacturing refined sugar. Colour removal is a very
important process in sugar refining since the purpose of a refinery is to remove colour
and other impurities from the raw sugar crystals. The colour removal process consists of
three unit operations; liming, carbonation and sulphitation. Liming involves the addition
of lime (calcium hydroxide) required for the formation of a calcium precipitate in the
next unit operations. Carbonation is carried out in two stages; primary and secondary
carbonation. Both stages involve the formation of a calcium carbonate precipitate, which traps colour bodies and other impurities. Sulphitation occurs in a single step and involve
the formation of a calcium sulphite precipitate which also traps impurities. The pH and
colour are the main variables that are being monitored throughout the colour removal
process. Colour removal process
Raw sugar
Melting Carbonation Crystalli
~ Liming ~ c::J Secondary f+ Sulphitation ..
Figure 1: Colour removal process
The pH control of the two colour removal unit operations; carbonation and sulphitation,
is very poor and as a result the colour removal achieved is below expectation. This
compromises the final refined sugar quality since colour not removed in the colour
removal processes ends up in the sugar. The first carbonation stage (primary) fails to
lower the pH to the required specification and the second carbonation stage (secondary)
is highly erratic, the pH fluctuating between too high and too low. The sulphitation
process adds more sulphur dioxide than required and hence the pH is lowered below the
lower specification limit.
The six sigma DMAIC cycle was implemented in order to solve the problem of poor pH
control. The Define phase defined the project and identified the process to be improved.
The Measure phase measured the current performance of the process by collecting past
laboratory data with the corresponding field instruments data. The data was used to draw
frequency distribution plots that displayed the actual variation of the process relative to
the natural variation of the process (specification width) and to calculate process
capability indices. The Analyse phase analysed the data so as to determine the key
sources of variation. The Improve phase used the findings of the analyse phase to propose solutions to improve the colour removal processes. The Control phase proposed a control
plan so as to monitor and sustain the improvement gained.
The key findings of the study are presented below:
• Failure of the first carbonation stage to lower the pH to the required level is due to
insufficient carbon dioxide gas supply.
• The second carbonation reaction occurs very fast hence poor control will result in
high variability.
• The amount of colour removed is dependent on the input raw melt colour.
• The histograms of the colour removal unit operations are off-centered and display a
process variation greater than the specification width and hence a large proportion of
the data falls outside the specification limits.
• The % CaO and CO2 gas addition were found to be the key variables that control the
processes centering on target. The % CaO having a stronger effect in the liming
process and CO2 gas addition on the carbonation process.
• The variation between the field instrument's pH and laboratory pH is the key variable
that control the processes spread (standard deviation of the processes).
• The processes Cpk values are less than C, (Cpk<Cp) meaning the processes can be
improved by controlling the key variables that control centering (% CaO, CO2 gas
The processes capability indices are low, Cp<l meamng the processes are not
statistically capable of meeting the required specifications at the current conditions.
Based on the findings of the study, the following deductions are made for the
improvement of the colour removal processes in better meeting the required
• Increase the CO2 gas supply to at least 4900 m31hr, calculated based on the fact that at
least 140 rrr' gas is required per ton of solids in melt [Sugar Milling Research Institute
Course Notes, 2002]. • Control the key variables identified to be the key sources of variation; % CaO, CO2
gas addition and variation between the field instrument's pH and laboratory pH.
Reducing variation in the % CaO and increasing CO2 gas supply will improve the
processes ability to maintain centering at the target specification. Maintaining a
consistent correlation between the two pH readings; field instruments pH and
laboratory pH will reduce the processes standard deviation and hence the processes
spread. Reduction in the processes spread will minimize the total losses outside the
specification limits. This will allow better control of the pH by getting rid of high
• Control of the input raw melt colour is essential since it has an impact on the degree
of decolourisation. The higher the input colour, the more work required in removing
the colour.
In improving the colour removal processes the starting point should be in ensunng
process stability. Only once this is achieved, the above adjustments may be made to
improve the processes capability. The processes capability will only improve to a certain
extent since from the capability studies it is evident that the processes are not capable of
meeting specifications.
To provide better control and to ensure continuous improvement of the processes the
following recommendations are made:
• Statistical process control charts
The colour removal processes are highly unstable, the use of control charts will help in
detecting any out of control conditions. Once an out of control condition has been
detected, necessary investigations may be made to determine the source of instability so
as to remove its influence. Being able to monitor the processes for out of control
situations will help in rectifying any problems before they affect the processes outputs. • Evaluation of capability indices- ISO 9000 internal audits
Consider incorporating the assessment of the capability indices as part of the ISO 9000
internal audits so as to measure process improvement. It is good practice to set a target
for Cp, the six sigma standard is Cp=2, this however does not mean the goal should be
Cp=2 since this depends on the robustness of the process against variation. For instance
the colour removal processes at the current operating conditions can never reach Cp=2.
This however is not a constraint since for the colour removal processes to better meet pH
specifications it is not critical that they achieve six sigma quality. A visible improvement
may be seen in aiming for Cp=I.
On studying the effects of CO2 gas addition the total data points outside specification
limits reduced from 84 % to 33 % and by reducing the variation between field
instruments pH and laboratory pH for the secondary pH the total data points out of
specification reduced from 55 % to 48 %. These results indicate that by improving C, to
be at least equal to one (Cp=l) the total data points outside specification can reduce
significantly, indicating a high ability of the processes to meet specifications. Thus even
if six sigma quality is not achieved, by focussing on process improvement using six
sigma tools visible benefits can be achieved. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis kyk na die toepassing van die ses sigma kwaliteitskonsep om 'n praktiese
probleem op te los. Ses sigma soos dit algemeen bekend staan is nie slegs 'n
kwaliteitverbeteringstegniek nie maar ook 'n strategiese besigheidsbenadering wat in die
middel 1980s deur Motorolla ontwikkel en bekend gestel is. Die doelstellings is om
produkte en dienste perfek af te lewer. Om die doelwit te kan bereik poog die tegniek om
die proses so te ontwerp dat daar nie meer as 3.4 defekte per miljoen mag wees nie - dit
wil se die proses is 99,9997% perfek [Berdebes, 2003]. As gevolg van die sukses wat
Motorolla met die konsep behaal het, het dit algemene bekendheid verwerf, en word dit
intussen deur baie van die wereld se voorste maatskappy gebruik, o.a. General Electric,
Allied Signal-Honeywell, ens. Al die maatskappye toon groot finansele voordele as
gevolg van die vermindering in defekte wat teweeg gebring is. So by. beloop die jaarlikse
voordele vir General Electric meer as $2.5 biljoen [Huag, 2003].
Die ses sigma konsep volg 'n vyf-stap probleem oplossings proses (in Engels bekend as
DMAIC: Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control), naamlik definieer, meet,
analiseer, verbeter, en beheer om bestaande prosesse te verbeter. In elkeen van die stappe
is daar spesifieke gereedskap oftegnieke wat aangewend kan word, soos by. kwaliteits-,
statistiese--, ingenicurs-cn besigheids tegnieke.
Die verslag begin met 'n teoretiese oorsig oor kwaliteit en die ses sigma proses, waardeur
die vraag "wat is ses sigma" beantwoord word. Daama volg 'n gedetailleerde stap-virstap
beskrywing van die DMAIC probleem oplossingsiklus.
Die toepassing van die ses sigma konsep word dan gedoen aan die hand van 'n spesifieke
proses in die kontinue suiker prosesserings aanleg, naamlik die kleurverwyderingsproses.
Hierdie proses is baie belangrik omdat die doelstellings daarvan juis draai rondom die
verwydering van nie net kleur nie maar ook alle ander vreemde bestanddele van die rou
suiker kristalle. Die proses bestaan uit drie onafhanklike maar sekwensiele aktiwiteite
waardeur verseker word dat die regte gehalte suiker uiteindelik verkry word. Tydens die eerste twee stappe is veral die pH-beheer onder verdenking, sodat die kleur
verwydering nie die gewenste kwaliteit lewer nie. Dit bemvloed op sy beurt die gehalte
van die finale produk, omdat die ongewenste kleur uiteindelik deel is van die suiker. Die
pH inhoud is nie net nie laag genoeg nie, maar ook hoogs veranderlik - in beginsel dus
buite beheer.
Die DMAIC siklus is toegepas ten einde die pH beter te kan beheer. Tydens die
definisiefase is die projek beskryf en die proses wat verbeter moet word identifiseer. In
die meetfase IS die nodige data versamel om sodoende die inherente
prosesveranderlikheid te bepaal. Die belangrikste bronne of veranderlikes wat bydra tot
die prosesveranderlikheid is in die derde-- of analisefase bepaal. Hierdie bevindings is
gebruik tydens die verbeteringsfase om voorstelle ter verbetering van die proses te maak.
Die voorstelle is implementeer en in die laaste fase, naamlik die beheerfase, is 'n plan
opgestel ten einde te verseker dat die proses deurentyd gemonitor word sodat die
verbeterings volhoubaar bly.
'n Hele aantal veranderlikes wat elk bygedra het tot die prosesvariasie is identifiseer, en
word in detail in die verslag beskryf. Gebaseer op die analise en bevindings van die
ondersoek kon logiese aanbevelings gemaak word sodat die proses 'n groot verbetering in
kleurverwydering getoon het. Die belangrikste bevinding was dat die huidige proses nie
die vermoee het om 100% te voldoen aan die spesifikasies of vereistes nie. Die hoofdoel
van die voorstelle is dus om te begin om die prosesveranderlikheid te minimeer of ten
minste te stabiliseer - eers nadat die doel bereik is kan daar voortgegaan word om
verbeteringe te implementeer wat die prosesvermoee aanspreek.
Ten einde hierdie beheer te kan uitoefen en vanasie te verminder IS die volgende
voorstelle gemaak: Statistiese beheer kaarte
Die kleurverwyderingsproses is hoogs onstabiel. Met behulp van statistiese beheer kaarte
is daar 'n vroegtydige waarskuwing van moontlike buite beheer situasies. Die proses kan
dus ondersoek en aangepas word voordat die finale produkkwaliteit te swak word.
• Evaluering van proses vermoee - ISO 9000 interne oudit
Die assesering van die prosesvermoee behoort deel te word van die interne ISO oudit
proses, om sodoende prosesverbeteringe gereeld en amptelik te meet. Die standaard
gestel vir C, behoort gedurig aandag te kry - dit is nie goeie praktyk om bv. slegs 'n
doelwit van C, = 2 soos voorgestel in ses sigma te gebruik nie, maar om dit aan te pas na
gelang van die robuustheid van die proses wat bereik is.
Daar is beduidende voordele bereik deur die toepassing van die DMAIC siklus. So het
byvoorbeeld die persentasie datapunte buite spesifikasie verminder van 84% tot 33%,
bloot deur te kyk na die effek wat die toevoeging van C02 gas tydens die proses het. Dit
toon dus duidelik dat, alhoewel die proses huidiglik nie die vermoee het om te voldoen
aan die vereistes van ses sigma nie, dit wel die moeite werd is om die beginsels en
tegnieke toe te pas.
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Presença de DNA de Brucella abortus em subprodutos lácteos clandestinos: diferenciação da origem da cepa em vacinal (B19) ou campo pela reação da polimerase em cadeia (PCR) / Presence of Brucella abortus DNA in clandestine dairy products: differentiation between vaccinal (B19) and field strains by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)Simone Miyashiro 22 June 2004 (has links)
A técnica de PCR, utilizando-se \"primers\" desenhados a partir do gene que codifica uma proteína imunogênica de 31 KDa de Brucella abortus, foi empregada na detecção de Brucella spp. em 300 amostras de produtos lácteos clandestinos apreendidas em municípios dos Estados de São Paulo (SP) e de Minas Gerais (MG). Foram analisadas 49 amostras de queijo minas frescal e 18 de queijo meia-cura provenientes de MG, e 92 amostras de queijo minas frescal, 33 amostras de queijo meia-cura e 108 amostras de leite cru provenientes de SP. O isolamento bacteriano foi tomado como referência, porém não se isolou Brucella spp. de nenhuma das amostras cujos cultivos mostraram-se contaminados com outros gêneros bacterianos. Pela PCR foi observado que 37 amostras de queijo foram positivas: 29/141 (20,56 %) das amostras de queijo minas frescal e 8/51 (15,68%) das amostras de queijo meia-cura. Todas as amostras positivas na PCR para Brucella spp. foram confirmadas como sendo da espécie Brucella abortus pela técnica de PCR utilizando-se \"primers\" espécie-específicos. Foi instituída a reação de hemi-nested PCR para a diferenciação da cepa em B19 ou campo tomando-se como base a deleção genética de 702 pb existente na cepa vacinal B19. A padronização da técnica permitiu que todas as cepas de Brucella spp. fossem diferenciadas, revelando que 30 (81,08%) amostras eram B19 e 7 (18,92%) eram cepas de Brucella abortus de campo. A concordância estimada entre as técnicas de PCR e do cultivo microbiológico através do indicador Kappa foi considerada baixa (K = 0) devido ao não isolamento do microrganismo. / A PCR assay using primers designed based on the gene that encodes a 31 KDa immunogenic protein from Brucella abortus was used in the detection of Brucella spp. in 300 samples of illegal dairy products obtained in cities of the states of São Paulo (SP) and Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil. A total of 49 samples of minas frescal cheese and 18 samples of meia-cura cheese from MG were analyzed, besides 92 samples of minas frescal cheese, 33 samples of meia-cura cheese and 108 samples of raw milk from SP. Although bacterial isolation was used as reference, Brucella spp. was not isolated from any samples in which culture was contaminated by other genera of bacteria. PCR showed that 37 samples were positive for Brucella spp.: 29/141 (20,56 %) of the minas frescal cheese samples and 8/51 (15,68%) of the meia-cura cheese samples. All positive samples for Brucella spp. were confirmed as Brucella abortus by PCR using species-specific primers. Hemi-nested PCR was used for the differentiation between B19 and field strains, based on the genetic deletion of 702 pb in the vaccinal strain. Standardization of the technique enabled the differentiation of all Brucella spp. strains, showing that 30 of them (81,08%) were B19 and 7 (18,92%) of them were Brucella abortus field strains. Estimated agreement between PCR and microbiological culture as determined by Kappa indicator was considered to be poor (K = 0) due to the absence of isolation of the microorganism.
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O desenvolvimento tecnologico do setor sucroalcooleiro no Estado de São Paulo (1975-1985)Mariotoni, Marili Arruda 14 September 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Andre Tosi Furtado / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T03:06:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Mariotoni_MariliArruda_M.pdf: 8967749 bytes, checksum: 28c0c42d34639803a8e56bc9178bf281 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento tecnológico das usinas de açúcar e álcool do Estado de São Paulo. Primeiramente, faz-se uma abordagem dos fatores mais gerais que explicam a formação, expansão e consolidação da agroindústria canavieira no Estado de São Paulo. Assim, busca-se atingir o objetivo de discutir a modernização tecnológica das usinas paulistas em relação aos principais centros produtores internacionais, principalmente visando os sistemas de preparo e extração de caldo de cana. No início da década de 1970, as usinas paulistas utilizavam uma tecnologia ultrapassada em relação aos outros produtores açucareiros do mercado internacional. Diante dessa situação, a Copersucar implementou um Programa de Modernização visando a elevar a produtividade das usinas paulistas para níveis internacionais definidos pelas usinas dos países que apresentavam tecnologias mais avançadas, principalmente África do Sul, Austrália e Havaí. Isso foi possível através de um programa pelo qual a Copersucar selecionou e implantou as tecnologias mais desenvolvidas e mais apropriadas ao parque sucroalcooleiro nacional. Os estudos realizados permitem concluir que o dinamismo do setor sucroalcooleiro, implementado pela Copersucar, possibilitou a consolidação dos objetivos do Programa de Modernização das usinas de açúcar e álcool no Estado de São Paulo. Isso ocorreu devido à superação dos gargalos tecnológicos com o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias, o que propiciou uma elevação dos níveis de produtividade das usinas paulistas aos patamares das usinas internacionais que utilizavam tecnologias mais desenvolvidas / Abstract: This work presents the technological development of the sugarcane and alcohol industrial sector in the State of Sao Paulo. It is emphasized the most important points of the technological modernization of the plants regarding the main international producers centers. The sugarcane businessman from the State Sao Paulo realized that if they did not improved the quality of the product and they continued to produce sugar with an outdated technology, they would be eliminated of the world market. Ahead of this situation, Copersucar - The Brazilian Sugarcane Research Institute implemented a Modemization Prograrn aiming to elevate the productivity of the plants from Sao Paulo into international levels defined by the plants of the countries that introduced more advanced technologies, mostly Southern Africa, Australia and Hawaii. That was possible through a Program by which Copersucar selected and implanted the most developed and appropriated technologies to the Brazilian sugarcane industrial park. The studies done allow us to the conclusion that the dynamic of the sugar cane industry, summed to the Copersucar efforts gave the consolidation of the Sugar Cane Industries Modernization Program at the State of Sao Paulo. That allowed to overcome the technologies limitations compared with the development of new technologies, what gave higher levels of productivity to the State of Sao Paulo sugar cane industries at a similar level of the international industry, which used more modems technologies / Mestrado / Planejamento de Sistemas Energeticos / Mestre em Planejamento de Sistemas Energéticos
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Comparing 3D interfaces of virtual factories : an iconic 3D interface against an abstract 3D visualisationMuñoz, Álvaro Aranda January 2014 (has links)
Context. 3D visualisations are highly demanded in different industries such as virtual factories. However, the benefits that 3D representations can bring to this industry have not been fully explored, being most of the representations either photorealistic or presenting abstract visualisations. Objectives. This thesis explores and compares two prototypes that present a visualisation of the process state of a factory. The first prototype presents a generic interface in which primitive 3D shapes convey the information of the factory status. The second prototype is complemented with specific and iconic 3D models of the factory that help the users associating the conveyed information to the factory flow. The motivation behind this dissertation is that the type of generic interface presented can lead to more reusable interfaces in the future. Methods. For the creation and development of the prototypes, the user-centered design process was followed in which the designs are iterated with users of the factory. Based on the two prototypes, a usability evaluation is conducted to analyse the perceived usability and the usability performance. This is complemented with post-interviews with all the participants. The results are presented attending to the triangulation methodology to support the strength of the qualitative findings. Conclusions. The results show that both interfaces are perceived as highly usable. However, the 3D iconic interface seemed to help the users more in depicting a better mental model of the factory flow, helping the users to complete most of the tasks with faster times. / This thesis explores and compares two prototypes that present a visualisation of the process state of a factory. The first prototype presents a generic interface in which primitive 3D shapes convey the information of the factory status. The second prototype is complemented with specific and iconic 3D models of the factory that help the users associating the conveyed information to the factory flow. The motivation behind this dissertation is that the type of generic interface presented can lead to more reusable interfaces in the future.
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Institutions and Drug MarketsHaddock, Billy Dean 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines how drug policy and enforcement affect drug manufacturers. The approach taken is a comparative institutional analysis of cannabis and methamphetamine production. I focus on the effects of prohibition, privacy, and clandestine markets on producer behavior for these two drugs and the unintended consequences that result. I demonstrate that cannabis and methamphetamine producers both face substantial transaction costs and that producers alter their behavior to manage these transaction costs. I conclude that cannabis producers can adopt indoor, small-scale operations to hide their activity, which are capable of yielding continuous, high-potency crops. Methamphetamine producers also adopt small-scale, decentralized strategies, but commodity control increases their exposure and leads to greater overall transaction costs during the manufacturing process.
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L'imagerie systématique de transcrits et de polysomes uniques révèle un mécanisme de transport dépendant de la protéine naissante / Systematic imaging of single transcripts and polysomes reveals a widespread transport mechanism dependent on nascent translationSafieddine, Adham 12 November 2019 (has links)
La traduction locale permet un contrôle spatial de l'expression des gènes. Dans ce travail, j'ai participé à deux cribles de localisation d'ARNm concernant plus de 1000 transcrits. Le premier était un crible double ARNm/protéine qui utilisait une approche de BAComics pour co-détecter les ARNm et la protéine pour laquelle ils codent. Le second a été réalisé à l'aide d'une nouvelle approche smFISH à haut-débit et a analysé tous les ARNm codant pour des protéines centrosomales et des régulateurs mitotiques. Le premier crible a révélé des cas de traduction locale dans divers compartiments subcellulaires, et notamment au niveau des protrusions cytoplasmiques, des centrosomes, de l’appareil de Golgi, des endosomes et des pores nucléaires, ce qui n'avait jamais été décrit auparavant. De manière remarquable, la traduction du peptide naissant était nécessaire pour le transport de nombreux transcrits localisés. De plus, j'ai montré que plusieurs ARNm (tels que ASPM et DYNC1H1) sont traduits dans des structures dédiées appelées usines de traduction.Le deuxième crible a révélé 8 transcrits localisés et traduits au niveau des centrosomes. J'ai montré que la localisation de ces 8 transcrits est régulée par le cycle cellulaire et qu'elle nécessite également la traduction du polypeptide naissant. En utilisant le gène ASPM comme modèle, j'ai visualisé des ARNm et des polysomes uniques avec les systèmes MS2 et SunTag, respectivement. Cela a révélé un transport dirigé des polysomes ASPM vers les centrosomes au début de la mitose, lorsque cet ARNm commence à être localisé. Ces données fournissent des preuves fortes d'un mécanisme de ciblage co-traductionnel dépendant de moteurs moléculaires ainsi que de la protéine naissante. Cela va à l'encontre du dogme actuel selon lequel le transport d'ARNm est un processus basé sur l'ARN et agissant sur des molécules réprimées pour la traduction. En revanche, cela suggère que des mécanismes tels que celui utilisé par le SRP sont plus répandus qu'on ne le pensait auparavant. / Local translation allows a spatial control of gene expression. Here, I participated in two mRNA localization screens imaging more than 1000 transcripts in total: (i) the first was a dual mRNA/protein screen that used a BAComics approach to co-detect mRNAs and the protein they encode; (ii) the second was done using a new high-throughput smFISH approach to screen all genes that encode centrosomal proteins and mitotic regulators. The first screen revealed cases of local translation at various subcellular compartments including cytoplasmic protrusions, centrosomes, Golgi, endosomes and the nuclear pore, which was never described before. Remarkably, translation of the nascent peptide was required for the transport of many localized transcripts. In addition, I showed that several mRNAs (such as ASPM and DYNC1H1) are translated in dedicated structures called translation factories.The second screen revealed 8 transcripts that are localized and translated at the centrosome. I showed that the localization of these 8 transcripts is regulated by the cell cycle, and that it also requires translation of the nascent polypeptide. Using the endogenous ASPM gene as a model, I imaged single mRNAs and polysomes with the MS2 and SunTag systems, respectively. This revealed a directed transport of ASPM polysomes towards centrosomes at the onset of mitosis, when this mRNA starts localizing. These data provide definitive evidence for a co-translational targeting mechanism dependent on motors as well as the nascent protein. This argues against the current dogma that mRNA transport is an RNA-based process acting on translationally repressed molecules. Instead, it suggests that SRP-like mechanisms are more widespread than previously thought.
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Pracovní podmínky v rozvojových zemích: vliv mezinárodních organizací / Working Conditions in the Developing Countries: The Effect of the International OrganizationsMrázová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the labor conditions of garment industry in developing countries. The text is structured as a comparative case study that is concerned with the situation in Cambodia and Bangladesh. Case studies of these countries describe domestic garment industry, its general and specific problems and a rate of compliance with labor standards. The goal of the thesis is to determine whether international organizations have an influence on the improvement of labor conditions in developing countries and compare it with other relevant actors. In this particular case the attention is focused on the International Labor Organization which manages its supportive programs in both countries but in a different manner. A pilot ILO program focused on the private sector has started in Cambodia thirteen years ago while in Bangladesh ILO had managed to run traditional program focused on the public sector until the Rana Plaza tragedy. Moreover, in the case of Bangladesh is a characterization of change after the tragedy. The thesis examines innovative ILO program that focuses on the monitoring of the garment factories, its functioning and outcomes. It also examines the role of ILO and its orientation by a theory of institutional change: whether it is possible to restore efficacy of one of the oldest...
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A multi-attribute layout design problemMishra, Prateer January 1992 (has links)
Plant layout procedures available today consider either the quantitative attribute or the qualitative attribute of the layout problem. These procedures are based on maximizing or minimizing one objective function. Some of the procedures that address the multi-attribute nature of the plant layout problem are based on assigning weights to objective functions and then solving the problem by heuristic methods. Exact methods guarantee optimal solution but are computationally intensive for large sized problems. Heuristic methods do not guarantee optimal solution, but are computationally less intensive and relatively faster than the exact methods.
This thesis suggests a procedure for solving the multi-attribute plant layout problem. The procedure is based on formulating the plant layout problem as a Quadratic Assignment Problem. Solution to the formulation is achieved by solving it by a combination of exact and heuristic methods. This solution procedure gives better results than just the heuristic method and is not computationally intensive.
A computer implementation of the proposed procedure is developed in "C" programming language. A detailed experimentation is conducted to study the performance of the proposed procedure as compared to a well known procedure called Blocplan. The layouts generated by the proposed procedure are found to be much better than those generated by Blocplan.
In the literature there is no discussion on the criticality of a layout to the change in flow related input data. An analysis is performed to study the affect of change in flow related input data on the final layout and a measure is developed for determining the criticality of a given layout to the change in flow related input data for the case of equal size departments. / M.S.
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