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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

BYGGA kunskap : Ett praktiknära forskningsprojekt om hur lässtrategier kan inkluderas i undervisning i yrkesämnen på gymnasiet och vilka förutsättningar det skapar för eleverna / BUILDING knowledge : An action research project on how reading strategies can be included in vocational teaching in upper secondary school and what conditions it creates for the students

Viklund, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med det praktiknära forskningsprojektet var att förstå hur läraren i undervisningen kan kombinera kunskaper om yrkesämnet med aspekter av läsning och vilka interaktioner det skapade i klassrummet. Vidare analyserades hur lärarens språkliga stöttning synliggjorts i elevernas egna texter samt elevernas tankar om undervisningen utifrån genomförda fokusgruppsintervjuer. Deltagare i studien utgjordes av elever i gymnasieskolan som läser inriktningen Samhällsbyggande och miljö på Teknikprogrammet. Eleverna är inte alltid medvetna om vilka strategier de använder när de läser en faktatext. Resultatet visar dock att eleverna som fått undervisning som inkluderar lässtrategier i ett yrkesämne har större förtrogenhet med ämnets innehåll och ämnesspecifika begrepp. Lärarens arbete med att inkludera läsning skapade interaktioner som väckte elevernas engagemang och gav eleverna fler möjligheter att medvetet välja strategi när de läste en faktatext. / The purpose of the action research project was to understand how the teacher can combine vocational knowledge and include aspects of reading and see what interactions it creates in the classroom. Furthermore, how the teacher's linguistic support was made visible in the students' own texts and in the students' thoughts about the teaching based on focus group interviews is analyzed. Participants in the study consisted of pupils in the upper secondary school who studied the specialization Community building and the Environment at the Technology program. The students are not always aware of which strategies they use when reading a factual text. The result, however, shows that students who have received vocational teaching that include reading strategies have a greater familiarity with the subject’s content and subject-specific concepts. The teacher's work on including reading created interactions that sparked student engagement and gave the students more opportunities to deliberately choose a strategy when reading a factual text.

Užití slovesného času ve vedlejších větách obsahových v češtině / The Use of Verb Tense in Subordinate Content Clauses in Czech

Koutová, Marta January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation is an analysis of the use of verbal tenses in Czech subordinate clauses. This analysis is based on the notions of relative and absolute tenses and on the distinction between content and adjunct clauses. We test the hypothesis about the connection of relative and absolute tense with the type of a subordinated clause (content and adjunct) and propose a revised version of the views presented in Czech grammars, monographs and articles based on a detailed analysis of the data from the Czech National Corpus. The syntactic and semantic criteria for the classification of dependent clauses into content and adjunct classes are studied together with the conditions for the application of relative or absolute tense. The great amount of data exploited from the Czech National Corpus support the idea that beside the expected forms of tense (relative in content clauses, absolute in adjunct clauses) there exists some shifting of the presupposed forms of verbal tenses. The explanation of these shifts is presented in this dissertation as a new contribution to the study of the interplay between Czech morphology and syntax. Key Words: subordinate content clause, relative tense, absolute tense, factual predicate, indirect speech

WATCH OUT! Not all that glitters is gold. The due motivation in arbitration awards and the appeal of annulment in court / “¡CUIDADO! No todo lo que brilla es oro. La debida motivación en los laudos arbitrales y el recurso de anulación en sede judicial”

Taboada Mier, José Carlos 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article present a way to analyze the motivation for arbitration awards and how it should be evaluated by the judges of the Judiciary at the time of the annulment proceedings. The objective is give elements such as the state of the normative question, the factual situation of the case and the structure argued for the definition in order to analyzing, from the simplest level, whether an award is motivated or not. / El presente artículo busca presentar una forma de poder analizar la debida motivación dentro de los laudos arbitrales y cómo debería ser evaluada por los jueces del Poder Judicial al momento de que se presenten los recursos de anulación. Se busca plantear elementos como el estado de la cuestión normativa, la situación fáctica del caso y la estructura argumentaba a fin de analizar, desde el plano más simple, si es que un laudo se encuentra motivado o no.

As pr?ticas educativas na sa?de da fam?lia: uma cartografia simb?lica

Fernandes, Suzana Carneiro de Azevedo 29 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SuzanaCAF_TESE.pdf: 4464002 bytes, checksum: ccbf9e6b9c67d3cd5262a8dc96f14579 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-29 / This qualitative research aimed to understand the educational activities carried out in Family Health Units, of the municipality of Mossor?-RN. It was used symbolic cartography to organize and present data from reality. It started on the approach of Health Education and knowledge transformation practice, aiming at the development of autonomy and responsibility of individuals and healthcare, publicized by the appreciation of the interpersonal relations area established in services, such as educational emancipator practices contexts. Individual and collective interviews were realized, conducted with health professionals and users of ESF, about themes, activities, membership, the difficulties, the potential and the design of health education that permeate everyday Family Health Strategy. From what was apprehended, thematic maps were done with the analysis of educational practices of professionals belonging to the Family‟s Health. Links are built with the wires of conceptions of education reflected on themes and activities of family health teams. The storylines are rebinded by voices about the difficulties and the potential of educational processes for emancipator postures. For users, health education means proper care and information on disease prevention. Professionals understand that it is all information that is given to users, about health, social well-being, economic and general condition of human being as a way of preventing and treating disease. Mark printed on voices denote that activities and themes worked don‟t motivate users enough for their participation, being that physicians and dentists also get excluded themselves from educational practices. Elderly groups are those who get most involved with the activities. The size of the contained area and its seclusion from community make harder the access of users, as well as diminishing the quality of educational actions and links users-professionals. Therefore, the searching for medicines, medical consultations and wish to be well served are trademarks of voices from the users that interconnect with enlightening information and guidelines offered by professionals to users. It brings out practices that need to incorporate the social, the subjective and act with practices of prevention and health promotion, on the basis of lifestyles. The dialogical model, which needs to be approached since planning phase of health education actions could arouse interest of involved groups; promoting a relationship of dialogue and listening; discussing the local reality; stimulating practical methodological dialetics; promoting processes of deconstruction of concepts, values and attitudes, as more necessary than construction, using multiple languages. The defended thesis denotes paths to other studies aimed at understanding a dialogical template committed to exchanges of knowledge, and discover strategies that encourage formation of critical consciousness and the discovery of how is the training of new generations of healthcare professionals to belong to the project of society, in its technical, scientific, pedagogical, ethical, political and humanistic dimensions / Esta pesquisa qualitativa buscou compreender as atividades educativas, realizadas em Unidades de Sa?de da Fam?lia, do Munic?pio de Mossor?-RN. Utilizou-se da cartografia simb?lica para organizar e apresentar os dados da realidade. Partiu da abordagem da Educa??o em Sa?de como pr?tica de transforma??o de saberes, visando o desenvolvimento da autonomia e da responsabilidade dos indiv?duos no cuidado ? sa?de, mediatizada pela valoriza??o do espa?o das rela??es interpessoais estabelecidas nos servi?os, como contextos de pr?ticas educativas emancipat?rias. Realizou entrevistas individual e coletiva, com profissionais de sa?de e usu?rios da ESF, sobre os temas, as atividades, a participa??o, as dificuldades, as potencialidades e a concep??o da educa??o em Sa?de que permeiam o cotidiano da Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia. Do apreendido fez mapas tem?ticos com a an?lise das pr?ticas educativas dos profissionais que integram a Sa?de da Fam?lia. Constr?i la?os com os fios das concep??es de educa??o refletidas nos temas e nas atividades das equipes de Sa?de da Fam?lia. Religa os enredos das vozes sobre as dificuldades e as potencialidades dos processos educativos em prol de posturas emancipat?rias. Para os usu?rios a Educa??o em Sa?de significa bom atendimento e a veicula??o de informa??es sobre a preven??o das doen?as. Os profissionais entendem que ? toda informa??o que se d? aos usu?rios, sobre a sa?de, o bem estar social, econ?mico e o estado geral do ser humano, como forma do mesmo se prevenir e tratar a doen?a. As marcas impressas nas vozes denotam que as atividades e os temas trabalhados pouco motivam os usu?rios ? participa??o, sendo que os m?dicos e dentistas tamb?m se excluem das pr?ticas educativas. Os grupos de idosos s?o os que mais se envolvem com as atividades. O tamanho da ?rea adstrita e seu distanciamento da comunidade dificultam o acesso dos usu?rios, bem como, diminuem a qualidade das a??es educativas e os v?nculos usu?rios-profissionais. Por conseguinte, a busca de medicamentos, a necessidade de consultas m?dicas e a vontade de serem bem atendidos s?o marcas das vozes dos usu?rios que se interligam com as informa??es esclarecedoras e orientadoras oferecidas pelos profissionais aos usu?rios. Disto decorre que as pr?ticas necessitam incorporar o social, o subjetivo e atuar com pr?ticas de preven??o e promo??o a sa?de, com base nos estilos de vida. O modelo dial?gico a ser adotado desde a fase do planejamento das a??es de educa??o em sa?de poderia despertar o interesse dos grupos envolvidos; promover uma rela??o de di?logo e de escuta; problematizar a realidade local; estimular a pr?tica metodol?gica dial?tica; promover processos de desconstru??o de conceitos, valores e posturas, como mais necess?rios que o de constru??o, usando m?ltiplas linguagens. A tese defendida denota caminhos para outros estudos voltados para a compreens?o de um modelo dial?gico compromissado com as trocas de saberes e a descoberta de estrat?gias que favore?am a forma??o da consci?ncia cr?tica e a descoberta de como est? a forma??o das novas gera??es profissionais da sa?de, de modo a pertencer ao projeto de sociedade, nas suas dimens?es t?cnica, cient?fica, pedag?gica, ?tica, human?stica e pol?tica

Aktiv läsundervisning : En studie av hur lärare stöttar elevers förståelse av faktatexter / Activ Reading Instruction : A study of how teachers support students' understanding of factual texts

Stenmo, Katarina January 2017 (has links)
Flera internationella kunskapsmätningar i följd har visat på att svenska elevers läsförståelse av faktatexter har blivit sämre. Debattörer och forskare har skapat en debatt om hur undervisningen bör gå till för att förändra den nedåtgående trenden. Även i skolans styrdokument kan debatten skönjas och lgr11 framhåller att samtliga lärare ska arbeta språkutvecklande oavsett ämne för att stödja elevers läsförståelse. Jag har av den anledningen undersökt hur lärare stöttar elevers förståelse av faktatexter i årskurs 4-6 vilket jag har gjort med kvalitativa forskningsmetoder. Jag har intervjuat fem lärare som undervisar i svenska och minst ett av orienteringsämnena där eleverna möter faktatexter naturligt. För att stärka resultatets validitet och reliabilitet har jag observerat samtliga lärares undervisning vid behandlandet av en faktatext. Observationerna ägde rum vid två SO- och två NO-lektioner samt vid en lektion i svenska. Jag har kommit fram till att informanternas undervisning inte lämnar eleverna ensamma med faktatexter då de bearbetas tillsammans i klassrummet och olika lässtrategier används i undervisningen. Dock modellerar lärarna inte. Lärarna påtalar heller inte för eleverna att de i undervisningen använder sig av strategier för att skapa sig förståelse samt att det är strategier som eleverna själva kan använda sig av när de läser på egen hand. Därmed har jag kommit fram till att mina informanter inte aktivt stöttar elevers läsförståelse av faktatexter. / Several international knowledge measurements in succession have shown that Swedish students' reading comprehension of factual texts has become worse. Debaters and researchers have created a debate on how education should be done to change the downward trend. Even in the school's governing documents, the debate can be considered and lgr11 emphasizes that all teachers should work on language development regardless of subject to support students' reading comprehension. For this reason, I have investigated how teachers support students' understanding of factual texts in grades 4-6, which I have done with qualitative research methods. I have interviewed five teachers who teach Swedish and at least one of the science topics where students meet factual texts naturally. In order to strengthen the validity and reliability of the results, I have observed all teachers' teaching in the processing of a factual text. The observations took place at two social science and two natural science lessons and at a lesson in Swedish. I have come to the conclusion that the education of the informants does not leave the students alone with factual texts when they are processed together in the classroom and different reading strategies are used in the teaching. However, the teachers do not model or argue to the students that in the teaching they use strategies to create understanding of the content and that there are strategies that the students themselves can use when reading on their own. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that my informants do not actively support students' reading comprehension of factual texts.

Begreppet väsentlig betydelse – särskilt i förhållande till köparens undersökningsplikt och säljarens upplysningsplikt / The concept of significant importance - especially in relation to the buyer's duty to investigate and the seller's liability to in-form

Rehn, Patrik January 2012 (has links)
I samband med fastighetsaffärer har ansvaret mellan parterna delats upp så att köparen ansvarar för faktiska fel medan säljaren svarar för andra typer av fel. Köparen har dessutom en långtgående undersökningsplikt för fel som denne inte har möjlighet att senare påkalla mot säljaren. Säljaren har å sin sida en upplysningsplikt som dock inte är generell utan omfattar endast vissa fall. I samband med domen i NJA 2007 s 86 kom frågan om felets väsentliga betydelse för köparen och själva köpet som sådant upp. Tyvärr gjorde HD ingen utförligare utredning av vad som skulle bedömas eller omfattas av begreppet. Till följd av att rättpraxis saknar en utförlig förklaring kring vad som ska omfattas av begreppet väsentlig betydelse trots att det vid flera tillfällen använts i både rättspraxis och doktrinen har detta utgjort grunden för den här uppsatsen. Uppsatsen är framförallt baserad på uppgifter från aktuella rättsfall och doktrin för att genomföra en utredning kring begreppet, dess omfång och kriterier för att begreppet ska kunna vara tillämpligt. Efter den genomförda utredningen står det klart att det finns vissa kriterier som omfattas i bedömningen om felet är av väsentlig betydelse för köparen. Inget av kriterierna som kommit fram kan på egen hand användas för att bedöma begreppet utan dem är beroende av varandra. Dessa kriterier är inte absoluta utan varierar beroende av köparens och fastighetens unika karaktärer. Några av kriterierna är av mer objektiv karaktär och kan bedömas utifrån fastigheten medan andra kriterier är ytterst beroende av den specifika köparen och dennes krav gällande standarden på fastigheten och blir därav av en mer subjektiv karaktär / In connection with a property transaction there are some responsibilities that have been split up between the parties. The buyer of the property has a responsibility to investigate the property before to find out factual errors in the property. On the other side the seller has a kind of responsibility to inform the buyer and the seller is also responsible for other kinds of errors in the property. The buyer of the property do by law not have the right to refer a factual error against the seller that the buyer is supposed to find during the examination of the property at hand. Due to the ruling by the Swedish supreme court in the case NJA 2007 s 86 have the question about an errors essential reason for the transaction and the specific buyer occurred. The Swedish Supreme Court does not investigate further into this why this is the subject of this thesis. The investigation in this thesis have been done by looking into case law from the Swedish courts since there is not much information about the subject to find in the Swedish legislation. The investigations finds out that there are some criteria that need to be evaluated in connection to if a factual error is of essential reason for the buyer and the transaction. There are some criteria that are of a more objective level close to the actual property. On the other side there are also some criteria that are of a more subject material and closely linked to the actual buyer of the property. According to the investigation it is not possible to give an exact ruling about the subject due to the fact that every property and potential buyer is unique.

En kvalitativ granskning utifrån kritisk-saklig utredningsmetodik av 16 vårdnads-, boende- och umgängesutredningar med utgångspunkt i barnets bästa och våld i nära relationer

Hall, Camilla, Sjögren, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att, utifrån en kritisk-saklig utredningsmetodik, granska hur familjerättssekreterare presenterar och bedömer barnets bästa och våld i nära relationer i 16 vårdnads-, boende- och umgängesutredningar. Utredningarna är gjorda av familjerätten i Örebro kommun. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har den kvalitativa metoden dokumentgranskning använts i kombination med en semistrukturerad intervju. Studien visar att barn under nio år regelmässigt fråntas rätten att göra sin röst hörd samt att ett vuxet barnperspektiv genomsyrar utredningstexterna. Konsekvensen blir att barnets perspektiv osynliggörs och utelämnas. Språket har en avgörande betydelse för hur våldsproblematik hanteras, våldet tenderar att tonas ner eller ignoreras helt i bedömningen. Våld i nära relationer relateras inte till barnets mående, anknytning eller föräldraförmåga. Det är inte heller något som diskuteras eller tas hänsyn till i bedömningen. Den kritiskt-sakliga utredningsmetodiken har genom sina teoretiska begrepp varit ett grundläggande verktyg i studiens analys och diskussion. Detta har kombinerats med den lagstiftning som reglerar familjerättens uppdrag samt anknytningsteori och barnets bästa. Studien ämnar bidra till reflektion, inspiration och upplysning rörande barnets bästa och våld i nära relationer i vårdnads-, boende- och umgängesutredningar. Förhoppningsvis kan studien även bidra till att öka barnens inflytande i vårdnadstvister, stärka deras ställning och göra deras röster hörda. / The aim of the thesis is to examine, based on critical-factual investigation methodology, how family law secretary’s presents and assess “child’s best” and domestic violence in 16 custody-residence- and contact investigations. The investigations are made by family law in Örebro. To reach the aim of the study and the research questions the qualitative method document review was used in combination with a semi-structured interview. The results of the study showed that children younger than nine years routinely were denied the right to have their voices heard and also that an adult child’s perspective permeates the investigations. The consequence is that the child's perspective became ​​invisible or omitted. Language has an important part in how violence is handled, it tends to be grayed or ignored in the assessment. Domestic violence is not either related to the child’s wellbeing, attachment theory or parenting skills. That is also something that is not discussed or taken into consideration in the assessment. The critical-factual investigation methodology through its theoretical concepts has been a fundamental tool in the analysis and discussion. This has been combined with the law that regulates the family law assignment, attachment and “child´s best”. The study intends to contribute to a reflection, inspiration and enlightenment concerning “child´s best” and domestic violence in custody-, residence- and contact investigations. Hopefully, the study also helps to increase the children's interests in custody disputes, strengthen their position and to make the children´s voices heard.

電視新聞工作者取用第三方影音素材之研究 / Evaluating third party video(TPV): How TV reporters work with crowd-sourced AV materials?

蕭伊貽, Hsiao, Yi I Unknown Date (has links)
自2008年Youtube熱潮席捲全球之後,以影音分享為主的媒介消費行為逐漸成為常態,在這股集體協作並開放分享的浪潮下,新聞組織亦不免於其外,開始盛行以取材於眾(crowdsourcing)的新聞產製模式增加新聞素材來源的多樣性。電視新聞工作者取用網友拍攝後上傳的第三方影音內容(third party video,TPV)作為新聞素材的一部分,使得眾多使用者生產內容(User-generated content/ produsage)漸成為電視新聞畫面的一大主軸。 本研究欲瞭解電視新聞工作者取用TPV的過程,因此採內容分析法觀察TPV做成的新聞內容,並深度訪談及實際參與觀察以瞭解電視新聞工作者取用TPV的動機、處理素材的方式與新聞查證的過程。研究結果分成兩部分,首先,在取用情況上發現電視台確實大量使用TPV,但超過半數以上的素材難以辨識來源。題材選定偏好具爭議性的內容,而處理素材的方式則以剪接為主。其次,由於TPV的特性使然,電視新聞工作者在查證時容易面臨原始資料不明、消息來源不確定與情境脈絡斷裂等挑戰,而他們通常採取單一查證方式、尋找單一採訪對象,且最常比對網路資料。此外,在需查證的新聞中,僅半數的記者會到現場勘查與採訪。而在取得報導素材後,為規避查證責任,電視新聞工作者經常以白描畫面、翻攝網友留言與重新議題設定等方式作新聞,藉此模糊具爭議性的部份。 本研究因此針對TPV的查證提供若干建議:(1)從第三方的角度客觀觀察,避免淪為有心人士操弄的工具;(2)設法從發文者的字面敘述中或直接從影像中找到可辨識的地點、物件與人物,據此找到當事者;(3)盡力找到消息來源,若無法與消息來源取得聯繫,則應轉而尋找當事者、公正第三方如警察、或是向媒體同業詢問;(4)到事發現場勘查;(5)題材為各種網路傳言時,可請專家以實驗的方式證實。本研究並整理出幾項適用於各種情境的查證原則:質疑優先、詰問必備、資料比對、邏輯至上與經驗輔助。 / Crowdsourcing is an important trend and affects major parts of our lives. More notably, bulk of our news consumption consists of crowdsourced content; these content are what we call third party video or TPV for short. In recent years, we see an increased use of TPV in the Taiwanese media landscape, especially in news reporting and creation. Using crowdsourced content in news presents two major problems: 1. Over half of the TV news today uses crowdsourced TPV. These content often contain controversial materials. These controversial materials are often selected in bid to manipulate its audience. . 2. Due to the nature of crowdsourced TPV, news reporters have difficulties identifying the source of these content. Since more than half of the news reporting today uses TPV, this makes news highly suspicious. Although this research finds that reporters do attempt to verify its sources, these attempts are far from vigorous: new reporters often adopt one of the following ways in order to verify their news sources: cross validating their data using the Internet, remake opinions based on netizens/cyber-citizens or changing the agenda of the news content. In the worst case, news reporters avoid or skip validation of their news sources altogether. This research provides the following suggestions in solving the above mentioned problems: (1) prevention of content manipulation by malicious parties so that consumer of news content are not manipulated or swayed. This ensures that the news presented is unbiased, objective and fair. (2) Verifying TPV can include attempts to find any recognizable location, object, or figure from TPV as tips to trace origin. (3) News reporters can try their best to get in touch with the news sources. If this cannot be done, try to get in touch with unbiased third parties, such as the police force or people same as your profession.(4) News reporters can also attempt to perform on-site investigation may be contributed to find the truth. (5) If the issue is about rumors on the internet, news reporters may consult experts on the subject matter for clarification. Finally, this study summarized essential factors for verification applied in a various situations: Doubting, Cross-examination, Cross validation, logic, and experience.

Förkunskapens betydelse för SvA-elevers läsförståelse : - Ett experiment och intervju om förkunskapsarbete för läsförståelse. / Prior knowledge for second language-students' reading comprehension : - An experiment and interview about pre-knowledge for reading comprehension.

Mostafa, Solav January 2018 (has links)
Läsförståelse är en av de viktigaste kunskaperna elever behöver ha med sig i sin skolgång där de enligt läroplanen ska möta olika typer av texter, bland annat faktatexter. Utan förståelse för texten blir innehållet bara sidor med ord utan innebörd. För SvA-elever är detta speciellt påtagligt. För att förstå textens innehåll behöver eleven ha förkunskap om innehållet. För att utveckla SvA-elevers läsförståelse kan läraren arbeta med olika metoder för förkunskapsarbete. Denna studie undersöker förkunskapsarbetets betydelse för SvA-elevers läsförståelse av faktatext i åk 3. Den baseras på ett experiment med tre grupper SvA-elever om deras förkunskapsarbete och läsförståelse av faktatext. Studiens syfte är att studera utfallen av läsförståelse av faktatext dels utan förkunskapsarbete dels med förkunskapsarbete i bildstödsprogrammet Symwriter och med lärares synonymer, gester och omformuleringar. Efter experimentet har en intervju gjorts med SvA-läraren om hur hon arbetar med förkunskap för läsförståelse. Resultatet visar att förkunskaparbete ger eleverna ökad läsförståelse. Metoderna för förkunskapsarbete i experimentet visade på liknande resultat.

Dravý hmyz a roztoči - faktografická informační databáze a výukový systém / Predatory insects and mites - information database and e-learning system

KROČÁKOVÁ, Jana January 2010 (has links)
Aim of thesis was to create an electronic version of an information database and the e-learning system, focusing on predatory insects and mites. The e-learning system provides information about the main types of predatory insects and mites used in biological plant protection, including the types of naturally occurring entomofauna and acarifauna agroecosystems in the Czech Republic. The system contains information about the taxonomy, morphology, development cycles, prey, methods of control, etc. Thesis is a combination of text, tables, photographs and line drawings from professional publications. The various components of the system are interconnected through hyperlinks. The system includes information on the ecotoxicology, dictionary terms and the ability to search based on various criteria. In the photo gallery you can find together 310 images, which are intended to create a picture of the morphology, development cycles and behavior of individual organisms.

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