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Monster i klassrummet : Fantasy och skräck i gymnasiets litteraturundervisning / Monsters in the Classroom : Fantasy and Horror in Swedish High School Literature TeachingAndersson, Alexzandra, Segrell, Claudia January 2018 (has links)
Lärare har svårt att välja och motivera sina val av litteratur i svenskundervisningen. Frågan är om de ska använda sig av endast kanonlitteratur, eller även populärlitteratur som skräck och fantasy. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa kunskap om och diskutera vad forskningen uttrycker om fantasy- och skräcklitteratur i gymnasieundervisningen, samt vilka möjligheter och problem sådan litteratur kan medföra. Arbetet bygger på dessa frågeställningar: – Hur ser forskningen på användandet av fantasy och skräck i litteraturundervisningen? – Kan lärare öka elevers motivation till att läsa med hjälp av populärlitteratur såsom fantasy och skräck, och i så fall hur? – Vad kan litteraturundervisning utifrån elevernas läsvärldar få för konsekvenser? För att besvara frågeställningarna granskades litteratur och forskning från 1980-talet och framåt. Resultat visade att skräck och fantasy ofta ingår i kanonlitteratur och därför inte kan uteslutas ur klassrummet. Lärares litteratursyn påverkar litteraturvalet i stort och därför bör syftet med läsningen vara tydligt. Vidare visar resultatet att det finns flertalet aspekter av fantasy och skräck som kan motivera elever i klassrummet. Däribland metoden språngbräda, där populärlitteraturen fungerar som en väg till kanonlitteratur.
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Žánr fantasy jako východisko pro lekce dramatické výchovy / Fantasy as a Resource for Drama Education LessonZelená, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the genre of fantasy and its potential as a resource in drama education, exploring it both theoretically on basis of academic sources as well as practically by means of several self-constructed individual lesson plans aimed at internal group development. These lesson plans are based on three works of fiction: J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series and N. Gaiman's Stardust. All of the drama lessons presented in the paper are graded according to their target participants' age, difficulty levels of the drama methods they comprise and/or degree of the particular lesson's interconnectedness with the original story. Additionally, each of the lessons is written with different objectives in mind, focusing predominantly on aims within the scope of drama education and personal and social education, as well as those of literature study. The lesson plans were implemented in drama lessons with elementary school pupils of varying ages (6-14 years) and evaluated in the form of detailed written reflections.
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Biblické a mytologické prvky v C. S. Lewisových Letopisech Narnie / The Biblical and Mythological Elements in C.S. Lewis´s Chronicles of NarniaVÁŇOVÁ, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the analysis of biblical and mythological elements in the fantastic series The Chronicles of Narnia. The theoretical part focuses on the life of the writer C. S. Lewis and his sources of inspiration that led him to write his work. These include mainly the medieval romance and mythological characters. The second part analyzes and characterizes biblical and mythological elements that have been found in the stories. The thesis focuses on the moral values of the series and its contribution. The conclusion contains a brief summary of biblical and mythological elements, as well as the moral values.
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Indivíduo singular e plural: uma crítica psicanalítica das identidades / Singular and plural individual: a psychoanalytic critique of identitiesEduardo Leal Cunha 01 April 2005 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O objetivo da nossa investigação é a ideia de identidade, a partir do lugar central que ocupa nas discussões sobre a experiência subjetiva na contemporaneidade. Partindo inicialmente das formulações de Giddens em torno da identidade como narrativa do eu, procuramos indicar os vínculos entre tal noção e o que chamamos racionalidade moderna, destacando assim a própria identidade como ideia especificamente moderna e vinculada a determinadas categorias fundamentais ao pensamento ocidental a partir do século XVIII, como indivíduo e estado-nação. Nesse percurso, introduzimos ainda uma discussão sobre a vinculação no modelo identitário, entre a afirmação de si e a sujeição às instâncias de poder e soberania. Em seguida, trabalhamos com a ideia de initeligível, que parece percorrer de modo
fundamental a lógica identitária interrogando o seu poder mortífero frente ao que, sendo estrangeiro, e escapando aos padrões de inteligibilidade dessa racionalidade moderna, se apresenta como impossível de ser absorvido pelo sistema e pelos identitários vigentes. A partir dais, procuramos vislumbrar modos alternativos para a enunciação de si, fora de uma lógica identitária e não submetidos a essa racionalidade moderna. Para isso, recorremos sobretudo ao pensamento de Freud em torno das categorias de desejo e fantasia. / The object of our investigation is the idea of identity, from the central position it occupies on the discussions about the subjective experience nowadays. Beginning with Giddens formulations about identity as a narrative of the Ego, we aim to indicate the links between this notion and what we call modern rationality, thus emphasizing identity itself as a specifically modern idea and likes to some fundamental categories of the accidental thought from the eighteen century on, such as individual and statenation. In this path we introduced yet a discussion about the bond, in the model of identity, between the self-affirmation and the subjection to the instances of power and sovereignty. Afterwards, we worked with the idea of unintelligible, that seems to go through, in fundamental way, the logic of the identities, questioning its deathly power in front of which, being foreigner, and eluding the patterns of intelligibility of this modern rationality, presents itself as impossible of being absorbed by the system and by the actual models of identity. From this point, we tried to glimpse alternative ways for the self-enunciation, away from this logic and non-submitted to this modern rationality. For this purpose, we made use of, above all, Freuds thought about the categories of desire and fantasy.
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Predictive Golf Analytics Versus the Daily Fantasy Sports MarketO'Malley, John 01 January 2018 (has links)
This study examines the different skills necessary for PGA tour players to succeed at specific annual tournaments, in order to create a predictive model for DraftKings PGA contests. The model takes into account data from the PGA Tour ShotLink Intelligence Program. The predictive model is created each week based on past results from the specific tournament in question, with the hope of predicting a group of twenty-five players who should be successful based on their statistical profile. The results of the model are detailed in this paper, which covers the first nine weeks of the 2017 PGA Tour season, with a net profit of $45,070. Despite a positive profit there is not enough information to prove significance, so the model would need to be carried out for many more weeks to be conclusive. Ultimately, the study shows that each PGA Tour course is slightly different, which means certain players should be more successful at certain courses, which is valuable information for predicting future outcomes.
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Fantaskní modifikace realismu v drobné próze zlomu 19. a 20. století / The Fantastic Modificationes of the Realism in the Czech Short Storry on the Break of the 19th And 20th CenturySTŘELEČKOVÁ, Alena January 2010 (has links)
In this final work we compare fantastic forms of realistic literature in the little formations from the break of the 19th and 20th century. We look for specifics of fantastic in selected texts. By the analysis of mysterious and realistic motives we aim to show the common roots of fantastic literature and its diversity. In the first part we analyse the tales of Karel Švanda ze Semčic and compare the poetics of Švanda and E. T. A. Hoffmann, an important German romantic writer of fantastic proses. In the second part we analyse the texts of Jakub Arbes, Julius Zeyer, Růžena Svobodová and Jiří Karásek. Particularly, we focus on how the mysterious and realistic motives are realized in these texts. Finally, we compare all the texts and observe how do they follow the tradition of romantic fantastic and which other kindes of literature we can distinguish there. We use the method of narratological analysis, the basic literature is Narrative Fiction: Contemporary Poetics of Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan.
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Från ragnarök till ainulindalë : En komparativ studie av Eddan och J.R.R. Tolkiens The SilmarillionElfwing, Jacob January 2018 (has links)
Jacob Elfwing: Från ragnarök till ainulindalë: En komparativ studie av Eddan och J.R.R. Tolkiens The Silmarillion (2017). Självständigt arbete. Svenska Va, 15 högskolepoäng. Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap. Uppsatsen analyserar J.R.R. Tolkiens roman The Silmarillion (1977) i förhållande till Eddan. Syftet med analysen är att se hur den nordiska mytologin återkommer i Tolkiens verk och vad detta kan tänkas få för betydelse för romanen. En komparativ metod används i form av parallell läsning av Tolkiens roman och Eddan. Analysen visar att The Silmarillion på olika plan har likheter med Eddan. I vissa fall rör det sig om uppenbara influenser medan andra likheter är mer allmänna och inte med säkerhet kan påstås komma från Eddan. Däremot kan man knappast säga att Eddan haft någon mer djupgående inverkan på The Silmarillion som helhet. Avslutningsvis behandlas studiens didaktiska potential inom gymnasieskolan.
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A imaginação e seus duplos: costume, opinião e fantasia em Pascal / Imagination and its doubles: custom, opinion and fantasy in PascalDalila Pinheiro da Silva 29 September 2016 (has links)
A pesquisa tem como objeto a imaginação na filosofia de Pascal, a qual parece se revelar não propriamente como uma região da alma, mas como força e seus efeitos, os duplos o costume, a opinião e a fantasia , que são as formas segundo as quais a imaginação se expressa nas três ordens de realidade definidas por Pascal, ou seja, segundo as quais ela encarna e assume contornos visíveis. O objetivo é seguir os embates entre a imaginação nas duas ordens de realidade às quais Pascal atribui um papel positivamente epistemológico: aqueles entre imaginação e razão nos apresentarão seu duplo na ordem espiritual, a opinião, serão objeto do primeiro capítulo; os embates entre imaginação e coração gestam a fantasia na ordem da caridade e serão abordados no segundo capítulo. No terceiro e derradeiro capítulo da dissertação, examinaremos a relação entre imaginação e perspectiva para explorar outras dimensões dos instrumentos hermenêuticos que Pascal mobiliza em Pensamentos com o intuito de melhor fundamentar a hipótese dos duplos da imaginação. / This research has as object the imagination in Pascals philosophy, which seems reveals itself not properly as region of the soul but as a force and its effects, the doubles the custom, the opinion e the fantasy , that are the forms accordingly which the imagination express itself on the three orders of reality defined by Pascal, such as, accordingly which she embodies and and takes on visible contours. The goal is to follow the conflicts between imagination in the two orders of reality to which Pascal assigns a positive epistemological role: those between imagination and reason will present in his double in the spiritual order, opinion, will be the subject of the first chapter; the clashes between imagination and heart bear costume in the order of charity and will be discussed in the second chapter. In the third and final chapter of the this work, we examine the relationship between imagination and perspective to explore other dimensions of hermeneutical instruments Pascal mobilizes in The thoughts in order to better support the hypothesis of doubles of imagination.
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Interpretação, sentido e jogo: um estudo sobre a concepção de fantasia (Phantasie) em Sigmund Freud / Interpretation, sense and play: the conception of fantasy (Phantasie) in Sigmund FreudAna Carolina Soliva Soria 24 February 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como propósito analisar, na obra freudiana, como a fantasia encontra-se na encruzilhada entre o que o ser humano possui de mais essencial e universal, e o que deste nos aparece de modo particularizado. Para demonstrar esta tese, buscamos expor, primeiramente, a concepção de fantasia e a sua relação com os termos interpretação (Deutung), sentido (Sinn) e jogo (Spiel). Em seguida, mostramos que a fantasia não é apenas um universo à parte, cuja existência está subtraída do exame de realidade, mas a condição de possibilidade da verdade e da efetividade do mundo. Na sequência do texto, traçamos uma analogia entre as criações fantásticas das crianças, dos enfermos e dos poetas, para em seguida mostrar como estas evidenciam a relação simbólica estabelecida entre o que há de comum e de particular nos homens. Em nosso último capítulo, analisamos a importância da fantasia na construção do saber científico e como este se revela como arte. / The present study has the purpose of analyzing, in Freud´s work, how fantasy is placed in an intersection between what the human being possess of most essential and universal, and in which it is shown in a particular way. To show this thesis we researched firstly to expose the conception of fantasy and its relation with concepts such as interpretation (Deutung), sense (Sinn) and play (Spiel). Then we show that fantasy is not only a separate universe, which existence relays on the exam of reality, but the condition of the possibility of truth and the effectiveness in the world. In the sequence, we traced an analogy between the fantastic creation of children, sick people and poets, and then demonstrate how those highlight the symbolic relation established between what there is in common and peculiar in people. In our last chapter, we analyzed the importance of fantasy in the building of scientific knowledge and how it is revealed as an art (Kunst).
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Determining Factors of Risk Tolerance: Evidence from Fantasy Football Snake DraftsObrand, Nicholas 01 January 2018 (has links)
This paper utilizes fantasy football snake drafts to analyze risk tolerance of individuals who are trying to maximize their present and future utility, but are faced with unknown factors and only have limited resources. Fantasy football provides a unique perspective on risk tolerance, different than the commonly researched fields of auctions, financial portfolios, and lotteries. I examine mock draft data from Fantasy Football Calculator as well as rankings data from Fantasy Pros to gauge the amount of risk associated with each draft pick. I find that the more perceived uncertainty that is connected to an individual selection, the more likely the selection will exhibit risk averse characteristics.
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