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Exploring the Trend of Near-Sourcing to Eastern-Europe: the Case of Swedish ManufacturersLaursone, Gunita, Domeij, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
Outsourcing has been a way for firms to reduce their cost of production and enabling them to focus on their core competencies for decades. As the total costs for manufacturing in China – the most prominent outsourcing location, are increasing due to unfavourable mar-ket changes, which in turn leads to loss of the competitive advantage, European companies are more and more often realizing and pursuing the benefits of ‘near-sourcing’ their manu-facturing operations to Eastern European countries. This paper is a study of outsourcing decisions related to specific products in the Swedish manufacturing industry, how the product characteristics identified through the Portfolio Model of Supplier Relationships, and how the dimensions of the CAGE Dimensions Framework affects such decisions. Primary data was collected through three qualitative, semi-structured interviews with re-spondents from Swedish manufacturers currently outsourcing to China and/or Eastern Europe. The data was analysed through categories obtained from thorough literature re-view, where theoretical models were found as a foundation for the research questions that were established. The research revealed that companies do follow the advised sourcing strategies for specific product characteristics. It serves as a good starting step, but can be developed into different directions. The leverage products were outsourced to China and Eastern Europe, while strategic items were also outsourced to Eastern Europe. However, some leverage items outsourced to both countries had some of the characteristics of a strategic item. The bene-fits from economic distance were the main advantage of production in China, whereas cul-tural and administrative distance had a negative impact. The economic distance for Eastern Europe provided benefits as well, even though these benefits were not as substantial as in China. The political distance served as both a positive and negative factor in Eastern Europe – positive due to its membership in European Union (for some of the countries) and negative due to high levels of corruption.
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Lärares syn på anmälningsplikten : en kvalitativ studie som belyser lärares tankar kring anmälningsplikten då misstanke finns att ett barn far illaGranström, Isabell, Högberg, Sofia January 2011 (has links)
Titel: Lärares syn på anmälningsplikten. Valet av ämne till detta examensarbete väcktes bland annat genom samhällsdebatter där det ofta framkom vikten av att uppmärksamma barn som far illa i ett tidigt skede i livet. Examensarbetet fokuserar på anmälningsplikten mellan skola och socialtjänst. Syftet med studien var att undersöka lärares syn på anmälningsplikten genom att visa vilka faktorer som påverkar om en anmälan görs eller ej samt undersöka om det fanns några skillnader mellan en större och mindre kommun. För att ta reda på detta användes kvalitativa intervjuer där totalt sju lärare intervjuades. Studien utgick från hermeneutiken och har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i utvecklingsekologin och rollteorin. Huvudresultaten i denna studie visade att de faktorer som påverkade anmälan var samarbete, risken för relationsskador samt lärarnas oro för att ha otillräckliga bevis. Det framkom ur resultatet en skillnad mellan kommunerna gällande samverkan med socialtjänsten, denna fungerade betydligt bättre i den mindre kommunen.
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"Vi har i alla fall fått ett ansikte" : En intervjustudie kring ett samverkansprojekt mellan skola/förskola och socialtjänstKarlsson, Carolina, Sunesson, Britt-Marie January 2007 (has links)
Vår studie har sin grund i den komplexitet som råder kring uppmärksammandet och anmälan av barn som far illa. Syftet med vår studie har varit att öka vår förståelse för den betydelse samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst kan ha för ett tidigt uppmärksammande av barn som misstänks fara illa. Vi har genom att intervjua lärare/förskollärare och socialsekreterare som deltagit i ett kommunalt samverkansprojekt ökat vår förståelse och tagit del av vad deltagarna uppfattar att projektet har lett till för uppmärksammandet av barn som misstänks fara illa. I vår analys har vi använt oss av Silvermans aktionsteori, för att kunna studera olika organisatoriska faktorers påverkan på samverkan. Vår studie kan inte klarlägga om personalen uppfattar att samverkan lett till att utsatta barn i högre utsträckning uppmärksammats via anmälningar. Däremot har vi kunnat finna andra vinster med denna samverkan som på längre sikt eventuellt kan ge positiva effekter för att i ett tidigare skede uppmärksamma barn som misstänks fara illa.
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" ... det är bara vår rädsla som hindrar oss." : - En kvalitativ studie kring hur personal i förskolan hanterar situationer då de misstänker att ett barn far illa / "...it's only our fear that prevents us." : - A qualitative study on how employees in preschool handle situations when they suspect that a child is maltreatedBukowinska, Maria, Brandi, Jonna, Ederfors, Jonna January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur personal i förskolan upplever och hanterar situationer då de misstänker att ett barn far illa. Därtill vill vi utreda hur väl förankrad anmälningsplikten är hos personal i förskolan, och vilken förståelse de har för de riktlinjer de har att följa. Orsaken till att vi valde detta ämne var för att vi själva ville få större kunskap kring hur dessa situationer bör hanteras. Uppsatsen grundades på en kvalitativ metod. Insamling av data gjordes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med personal i tre förskolor där en rektor, en förskollärare samt en barnskötare deltog. Resultatet av vår studie visade att kännedomen om de riktlinjer som påverkar personalens handlande i förskolan är relativt dåligt förankrade i verksamheten. Vi fann inga aktuella handlingsplaner i förskolorna. Därtill visade våra resultat att personalen många gånger tar på sig ansvaret att utröna om misstanken är befogad eller inte. Genom vår analys kunde vi fastställa att många faktorer hindrar personalen i deras uppdrag att anmäla sina misstankar till socialtjänsten. Därtill gav de också förslag på olika former av samverkan samt förebyggande arbete som ökar möjligheterna att stötta och hjälpa de barn som far illa.
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Fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) : en studie kring FaR-utbildnings inverkan på förskrivningLeppänen, Anne, Lundgren, Therese January 2010 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställning För att kunna utvärdera utbildningar inom Fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) och ur ett större perspektiv utveckla användandet av FaR som behandlingsmetod, är det av intresse att veta vilken inverkan specifik FaR-utbildning har på förskrivningen. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka detta med följande frågeställning: Vad har en specifik FaR-utbildning för kortsiktig effekt på förskrivningsfrekvensen av Fysisk aktivitet på recept? Metod Som studiedesign valdes kontrollerad interventionsstudie där den undersökta specifika FaR-utbildningen utgjorde interventionen. För att kunna mäta en effekt av den undersökta utbildningen studerades förändring av förskrivningsfrekvensen av FaR samt möjliga påverkansfaktorer. Enkätundersökning användes som datainsamlingsmetod och genomfördes, före och efter den undersökta utbildningen, på kursdeltagarna samt på en likvärdig kontrollgrupp. Antalet deltagare i studien var 9 i interventionsgruppen och 20 i kontrollgruppen. De frågor som togs upp i enkäten berörde kön, ålder, befattning, tidigare utbildning inom FaR, förskrivning av FaR, muntliga rekommendationer om fysisk aktivitet, egna fysiska aktivitetsvanor samt kunskaper om och inställning till FaR som behandlingsmetod. Enkäterna från den första mätningen samlades in manuellt medan de i den andra mätningen distribuerades via post. Resultatet analyserades statistiskt med hjälp av Chi-två test, Mann-Whitney U-test och linjär regression. Resultat Förändringen i FaR-förskrivning och antalet muntliga rekommendationer skiljde sig signifikant mellan grupperna. Kontrollerat för möjliga påverkansfaktorer som undersökts i enkäten kunde dock skillnaden mellan grupperna i förändring av FaR-förskrivning och antalet muntliga rekommendationer inte längre säkerställas statistiskt. Slutsats Den undersökta specifika FaR-utbildningen har sannolikt en kortsiktig effekt på förskrivningsfrekvensen av FaR. Dock krävs upprepade mätningar med fler deltagare för att bekräfta detta. Utbildning för förskrivande personal kan vara ett sätt att öka förskrivningen och vidare utveckla användandet av FaR-metoden.
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Corruption and the Counterrevolution: the Rise and Fall of the Black HundredLanger, Jacob 17 December 2007 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes the ideology and activities of the Black Hundred movement at the end of the Imperial period in Russia (1905-1917). It seeks to explain the reasons for the sudden, rapid expansion of Black Hundred organizations in 1905, as well as the causes of their decline, which began just two years after their appearance. It further attempts to elucidate the complex relationship between the Black Hundred and Russian authorities, including the central government and local officials.
The problem is approached by offering two distinct perspectives on the Black Hundred. First, a broad overview of the movement is presented. The focus here is on the headquarter branches of Black Hundred organizations in St. Petersburg, but these chapters also look at the activities of many different provincial branches, relating trends in the provinces to events in the center in order to draw conclusions about the nature of the overall movement. Second, this dissertation offers an extended case study of the Black Hundred in the city of Odessa, where a particularly large and violent Black Hundred movement emerged in 1906. It explores the factors that made Odessa conducive to the Black Hundred, and explains events in Odessa as symptomatic of the overall condition of Black Hundred groups.
The research is based primarily on material from archives in Moscow and Odessa comprising police reports and resolutions approved at national monarchist congresses. It also draws on memoirs, newspaper accounts from the liberal, leftist, and Black Hundred press, and the secondary literature. The framework primarily consists of analyzing the membership, leadership, ideology, funding, and activities of the Black Hundred organizations that served as the main expression of the monarchist movement.
This dissertation concludes that the decline of the Black Hundred cannot be attributed to the harmful actions of government officials, as historians have previously argued. Instead, the movement lost public confidence and fell victim to bitter infighting owing to the corruption of Black Hundred leaders, both in the center and in the provinces. Because Black Hundred organizations enjoyed the backing of many state officials and the outspoken support of the tsar, they were often perceived as officially-sponsored parties. This attracted many unscrupulous members who hoped to use their links to the Black Hundred to cultivate official connections or to identify money-making opportunities. These members, often rising to leadership positions, proved particularly prone to corruption, a habit that ruined the organizations' finances, sparked bitter internecine rivalries, and ultimately discredited the entire movement. / Dissertation
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An Efficient 2D FDTD Method for Computing EMI Due to Power Delivery System of PackagesLiu, I-Wei 26 July 2010 (has links)
The operation speed of power delivery system of packages has been upgraded to GHz. The instant current will pass to the power plane of the mother board by way of the IC pins and result in electromagnetic wave propagation between the power plane and the ground plane, then to produce the programs of electromagnetic interference.
In this thesis, we will analyze the EMI of power delivery system of packages by finite-difference time-domain in two dimensions structure in three sections. In firist section, to computing EMI in finite-difference time-domain in two dimensions structure. In second section, to analyze more complicated power delivery plane, ex: EBG, in finite-difference time-domain in two dimensions structure. In three section, to add property of capacitors on power plane to reduce EMI in two dimensions structure.
Above all, we hope to built a fast computing method to compute EMI to solve the time-consuming problems of full-wave simulated software. And to supply the engineer to deal with the similar problems in packages efficiently.
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A Study on Digitalization and Competitiveness of Far Sea Fishery Industry: A Case of Purse Seiners Fleet of F Fishery GroupTsai, Ting-Pang 05 July 2004 (has links)
Although the government has actively advocating the concept of the ocean-state country promoting sustainable development of fishery resource, there still remains a lack of adequate fishery policy and human resource training program in coherence with the fishery industry. Taiwan¡¦s far sea fishery industry is the earliest pioneer expanding business scope globally. As a result, it shall have the keenest tendency toward digitization. On the contrary, no total-solution for digitization has been ever offered to the fishery industry. This is due to that MIS experts have no knowledge about fishery while fishery experts have no knowledge about Management Information System (MIS). This gap eventually leads to the failure in technology adaptation of fishery industry. This research is based on a strategic analysis study aiming at competitiveness of far sea fishery after digitalization. Six organization competencies are designed and constructed as the framework of the research, relevant information system are later incorporated into the strategic structure.
In this industrial scale and case research, six organization competencies, which are competencies in strategy, information, logistic, quality control, and global logistic. It is hoped that the utilization of information system on fishing vessel can help improve the corporate competitiveness by grasping the market changes in time, enhancing corporate effectiveness, and maintaining stable productivity. Furthermore, four recommendations are generated for Company F¡¦s digitalization strategy:
1. Gradually adopt the e-information system according to the corporate digitalization plan to minimize the operation cost.
2. Using the employee needs within the company as the guideline, develop rapid response system and integrate the operation system in order to improve its competitiveness.
3. Fully utilize the science and technology to offset problems caused by lack of manpower.
4. A CEO¡¦s commitment, high-level executives¡¦ insistence, and general employees¡¦ common views are all definitely needed and shared in order to implementing the digitalization strategy.
Last, this research proposed the concept of e-fisherman whose intangible assets are to apply the technology when fishing instead of fishing without technological support. An e-revolution definitely needs to be carried out in order to sustain the business and keep competitiveness.
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Performance of the MC-CDMA Receiver with the GSC-IQRD-RLS AlgorithmTu, Jhen-Ji 04 July 2003 (has links)
Capacity of CDMA system is limited to interference due to other users. System performance is degraded by near-far problem when undesired users are closer to base station. Beside, the channel parameters could not be estimated perfectly at receiver, refer to as mismatch problem, which would also degrade the system performance.
We would like to consider the MAI and near-far interference cancellation by adaptive linear constraint algorithms to implement linear constraint minimum variance (LCMV) approach. To exploit the linearly constrained filtering, the structure of the generalized side-lobe canceller (GSC) has been employed, where the constrained problem is converted into an unconstrained form with fewer parameters. GSC structure is an indirect but simpler implementation of LCMV algorithm. Moreover, it is also known that the constant modulus (CM) criteria has advantage to combat the channel mismatch, and the performance of the adaptive constraint algorithm based on CM criteria will be investigate.
In this thesis, we will derive a new GSC-IQRD-RLS algorithm to combat MAI and near-far problems by combining LC-IQRD-RLS algorithm [1][5] and GSC structure [17]; and prove that the GSC and LC structures based IQRD-RLS algorithms are equivalent, which means that the good performance of LC-IQRD-RLS algorithm can be achieved by a simpler GSC structure algorithm. We will also derive a new GSC-CM-IQRD-RLS algorithm to improve the system performance under mismatch problem by combining CM criteria [20] and GSC-IQRD-RLS algorithm.
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Validity of the point source assumption of a rotor for farfield acoustic measurements with and without shieldingTurkdogru, Nurkan 15 November 2010 (has links)
Measuring the farfield noise levels of full-scale rotor systems is not trivial and can be costly. Researchers prefer to perform small-scale experiments in the laboratory so that they can extrapolate the model scaled results to the larger scale. Typically Inverse Square Law (ISL) is used to extrapolate the sound pressure levels (SPL), obtained from model-scale experiments at relatively small distances to predict noise at much larger distances for larger scale systems. The assumption underlying this extrapolation is that the source itself can be treated as a point sound source. At what distance from a rotor system it can be treated as a point source has never been established. Likewise, many theoretical models of shielding by hard surfaces assume the source to be a point monopole source. If one is interested in shielding the noise of a rotor system by interposing a hard surface between the rotor and the observer, can the rotor system really be considered to be a monopole? If rotating noise sources are under consideration what is the effect of configuration and design parameters? Exploring the validity of point source assumption alluded to above for a rotor for farfield acoustic measurements with and without shielding form the backbone of the present work.
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