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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv vegetačního stadia a pořadí seče na výživnou hodnotu a silážovatelnost vojtěšky

Dvořáčková, Jitka January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Hodnocení pěstitelských a plodových znaků u vybraných hrušní v sadech Libina podniku ÚSOVSKO a.s.

Horáčková, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused to observed growth characteristics, phenological phases, fertility, yields, pomological traits, diseases, pests and needs for chemical protection of selected pears varieties. Practical part was focused to two plantations on different rootstocks in orchards company Úsovsko a.s. in north Moravia. The particular captures describe extent area of intensive pears orchards in integrated and organic growing systems in Czech Republic. There are mention Individual stages of phenological phases, description of orchards management during fruit develop and presence pathogens. All results are processed in the tables and graphs. From conclusions were drawn up a possible step and recommendation. Pears orchards are profitable fruit in Czech Republic and in the world. This diploma also confirms, that observed orchards belongs to economically perspective and costs-effective.

Vliv mikroklimatických podmínek na dynamiku růstových fází a výskyt vybraných škodlivých činitelů u hybridů kukuřice

Bureš, Stanislav January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with microclimate monitoring in maize canopy on a family farm BUREŠ in Švábenice (Vyškov region). Two meteostations were placed in two localities in Švábenice area. The measurement was done in a field trial with maize hybrids and on an ordinary production field. Data from a standard meteorological station situated on the farm area were used for additional calculations. Air temperature, humidity and soil temperature were measured in a vertical vegetation profile. The onset of phenophases and occurrence of pests were monitored simultaneously. The results show that using microclimate monitoring in maize stand is suitable for a pest occurence prediction, however, it is not fully applicable for the maize phenophases onset estimation.

Ampelografický rozbor vybraných moštových odrůd z rodiny Veltlínů

Muchová, Eva January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to study the available literature and to describe selected wine grape varieties from the Veltlín family using basic ampelographic methods. For these purposes, the varieties Veltliner rotweiss, Frühroter Veltliner and Grüner Veltliner were selected. During the year, the onset of individual phenophases was monitored, the leaves, grapes and berries of the varieties were collected and described. The work was focused mainly on the leaf. Descrtiptor List Genus Vitis L. was used for the description, only some descriptors were selected. The measurement results were evaluated using tables, graphs and basic statistical methods. Cluster analysis was used for statistical evaluation.

Posouzení trendů aktivních a efektivních teplot v období 1961-2010

Kourek, Zdeněk January 2017 (has links)
The work analyzes the meteorological element air temperature at three climatological stations. The aim was to assess changes in the values of temperature sum, and the sum of active temperatures (sum of temperatures over specified threshold) and the sum of effective temperatures (sum of temperatures over specified threshold - defined threshold) for the period 1961 - 2010. At the same time large vegetation season (number of days when the average daily temperature is consistently above 5 ° C), the main (number of days when the average daily temperature is consistently above 10 ° C the growing season) and the growing years (number of days when the average daily temperature is consistently above 15 ° C) was analyzed. These results were then compared with the proxy data from the field of plant and animal phenology. Pedunculate oak or English oak (Quercus robur) was chosen as a representative for the higher plants and the Great tit (Parus major) was chosen for the represenatives of the bird species in the Lednice area. On the basis of calculating the sum of active and effective sum, we can say that their values increase with time, as far as the number of days in the growing seasons. The results are regionally different.

Vliv průběhu počasí a délky fenofází na výnos vybraných polních plodin

Piroltová, Zdenka January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is dealing with phenophases of winter wheat and spring barley. It assesses influence of the sum of active temperatures and the sum of effective temperature on the length of period between commencement of early mil ripeness and hard dough ripeness. Monitoring undertaken at the fields around Cholina village between years was used as foundation for this thesis. Phenological monitoring as well as weather data fron weather station of Czech Hydrometeorological Institute in Luká was used for analysis. In this thesis, data about winter wheat yield and spring barley yield from station of Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture in Věrovany werw also used. Analysis was carried out in during twenty yares of monitoring. Evaluation of data shows that earlier commencement of mentioned phenophase does not occur, but begin vary considerably.

Sledování růstu, vývoje a rychlosti stárnutí píce u vybraných druhů trav / Following the growth, development, and speeds the aging of selected forage grasses.

ROUBÍČKOVÁ, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
The grasslands are in the Czech Republic a significant element of the landscape and also one of the essential components of diets of ruminants and horses. In connection with the production function of grasslands is an important forage quality, especially in dairy cows with high yielding. To create high quality roughage is essential for the optimal harvest of grass maturity date, which significantly affects the nutrient content, the energy and digestibility. Between 2009 and 2010 was monitored growth, development and the speed of aging in selected varieties of forage grasses. In the breeding station Větrov grasses were sampled, dried and then analyzed in a laboratory at the Department of Crop Production University of South Bohemia in the České Budějovice. Eighteen varieties of grasses collected in seven successive terms in the month of May and June were total analyzed. In all samples were laboratory way determined dry matter, ash, fiber and in selected varieties of grasses digestibility. Dry forage yields increased gradually. In the process of aging occurs between phenological for all the analyzed varieties of grasses, was increasing fiber content, which corresponded to the decreasing digestibility. The highest digestibility reached in the current term in the field of silage ryegrass Lonar and italian rye grass Prolog. The lowest digestibility was observed fescue Proba.

Fenologická pozorování ve smrkovém porostu na ekosystémové stanici Rájec, Drahanská vrchovina

Mizerová, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis evaluates the commencement of phenophases considering the changing microclimate conditions in the habitat of Norway spruce (Picea abies /L./ Karst) in a young and a mature spruce monoculture at the ecosystem station Rájec. The phenology of spruce undergrowth has also been under observation. Regarding the methods, above-ground phenology and observation by means of phenocams have been used. The results have been compared not only among themselves but also in the context of long-term averages. Thanks to the fact that phenophases of forest woody plants and herbaceous plants are dependent on climate conditions, the results of long-term phenological observations are a conclusive indicator of climate changes. The results of this diploma thesis can be a contribution to the phenology database.

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