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Reescrita sentencial baseada em traços de personalidade / Text rewrite based on psychological profilesStávracas Neto, Georges Basile 13 March 2018 (has links)
Sistemas de Geração de Língua Natural tentam produzir textos de maneira automatizada. Em sistemas desse tipo, é desejável produzir textos de forma realista - ou psicologicamente plausível - como forma de aumentar o engajamento do leitor. Uma das formas de alcançar esse objetivo é gerando textos de modo a refletir uma personalidade-alvo de interesse. Por exemplo, uma pessoa extrovertida usaria palavras mais simples e seus textos teriam mais interjeições e traços de oralidade. Esse trabalho tem o objetivo de desenvolver um modelo de reescrita sentencial para o português brasileiro com base em traços de personalidade de um locutor-alvo. Para isso, foi coletado um córpus de textos e inventários de personalidade e, com base em uma análise preliminar desses dados, foram encontrados fortes indícios de correlação entre os fatores de personalidade e as características observadas dos textos em português brasileiro. Foram gerados três modelos de lexicalização, referentes à adjetivos, substantivos e verbos. Esses modelos de lexicalização, então, foram utilizados na proposta de um modelo de reescrita sentencial para selecionar as palavras mais adequadas à personalidade-alvo. Os resultados demonstram que o uso de personalidade permite que o texto gerado seja mais próximo do desempenho humano se comparado a um sistema de baseline que faz escolhas lexicais mais frequentes / Natural Language Generation Systems attempt to produce texts in an automated fashion. In systems of this kind, it is desired to produce texts realisticaly - or at least psychologically plausible - as a way to increase reader\'s engagement. One way to achieve this goal is generating texts in such a way to reflect a target personality profile. For example, an extroverted individual would use simpler words and its texts would have more interjections and orality traces. This work proposes the development of a Brazilian Portuguese personality-based sentence rewrite model. To this end, a corpus with text samples and personality inventories has been collected, and, based on a preliminary analysis, strong correlations between personality and text features have been found. Three lexicalization models were generated, related to adjectives, nouns and verbs. These models were then used by the sentence rewrite model to select the most appropriate word for the target personality. Results show that the usage of personality allows the generated text to be closer to human performance when compared to a baseline system that makes lexical choices based on frequency
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Reescrita sentencial baseada em traços de personalidade / Text rewrite based on psychological profilesGeorges Basile Stávracas Neto 13 March 2018 (has links)
Sistemas de Geração de Língua Natural tentam produzir textos de maneira automatizada. Em sistemas desse tipo, é desejável produzir textos de forma realista - ou psicologicamente plausível - como forma de aumentar o engajamento do leitor. Uma das formas de alcançar esse objetivo é gerando textos de modo a refletir uma personalidade-alvo de interesse. Por exemplo, uma pessoa extrovertida usaria palavras mais simples e seus textos teriam mais interjeições e traços de oralidade. Esse trabalho tem o objetivo de desenvolver um modelo de reescrita sentencial para o português brasileiro com base em traços de personalidade de um locutor-alvo. Para isso, foi coletado um córpus de textos e inventários de personalidade e, com base em uma análise preliminar desses dados, foram encontrados fortes indícios de correlação entre os fatores de personalidade e as características observadas dos textos em português brasileiro. Foram gerados três modelos de lexicalização, referentes à adjetivos, substantivos e verbos. Esses modelos de lexicalização, então, foram utilizados na proposta de um modelo de reescrita sentencial para selecionar as palavras mais adequadas à personalidade-alvo. Os resultados demonstram que o uso de personalidade permite que o texto gerado seja mais próximo do desempenho humano se comparado a um sistema de baseline que faz escolhas lexicais mais frequentes / Natural Language Generation Systems attempt to produce texts in an automated fashion. In systems of this kind, it is desired to produce texts realisticaly - or at least psychologically plausible - as a way to increase reader\'s engagement. One way to achieve this goal is generating texts in such a way to reflect a target personality profile. For example, an extroverted individual would use simpler words and its texts would have more interjections and orality traces. This work proposes the development of a Brazilian Portuguese personality-based sentence rewrite model. To this end, a corpus with text samples and personality inventories has been collected, and, based on a preliminary analysis, strong correlations between personality and text features have been found. Three lexicalization models were generated, related to adjectives, nouns and verbs. These models were then used by the sentence rewrite model to select the most appropriate word for the target personality. Results show that the usage of personality allows the generated text to be closer to human performance when compared to a baseline system that makes lexical choices based on frequency
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Drömmen om ett arbete : En undersökning om anställningsbarhet i förhållande till personlighet och sökbeteende / Dream on : A study on employability in relation to personality and search behaviourAakeröy, Maria, Sandelin, Veronica January 2010 (has links)
<p>Denna studie syftar på att ta reda på hur anställningsbarheten ser ut i förhållande till personlighet och sökbeteende. Studien vänder sig till tidigare studenter på det Arbetsvetenskapliga programmet på Högskolan i Halmstad. Finns det någon personlighetsprofil som är mer gynnsam i arbetssökningsprocessen? Hur ser kraven ut för tjänster inom yrkesområdet samt finns det något samband mellan personlighet, anställningsbarhet och beteende i sökprocessen.</p><p>Genom att granska platsannonser sammanställdes vilka krav som krävs för tjänster inom yrkesområdet. En enkätundersökning skickades till personer som gått utbildningen. Även intervjuer gjordes med respondenter för att få ett djup i studien.</p><p>Resultatet visar bland annat att det är egenskaper inom området samvetsgrannhet och extroversion som mest efterfrågas i platsannonser inom yrkesområdet. Över hälften av respondenterna som idag har arbete inom yrkesområdet har fått arbete genom sitt sociala kontaktnät. I intervjuerna framkom att respondenterna upplevt att personlighet är en viktig faktor som arbetsgivare tittar på vid rekrytering. Studien visar även att de som är arbetslösa är mer proaktiva än övriga. Dessutom finns ett tydligt samband mellan kön, familjesituation och geografisk rörlighet.</p><p>Att vara en strategiker samt utarbeta ett stort och brett socialt nätverk har i denna studie visat sig viktigt på vägen mot drömmen om ett arbete, medan däremot skillnader inom gruppen verkar sakna betydelse.</p>
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Drömmen om ett arbete : En undersökning om anställningsbarhet i förhållande till personlighet och sökbeteende / Dream on : A study on employability in relation to personality and search behaviourAakeröy, Maria, Sandelin, Veronica January 2010 (has links)
Denna studie syftar på att ta reda på hur anställningsbarheten ser ut i förhållande till personlighet och sökbeteende. Studien vänder sig till tidigare studenter på det Arbetsvetenskapliga programmet på Högskolan i Halmstad. Finns det någon personlighetsprofil som är mer gynnsam i arbetssökningsprocessen? Hur ser kraven ut för tjänster inom yrkesområdet samt finns det något samband mellan personlighet, anställningsbarhet och beteende i sökprocessen. Genom att granska platsannonser sammanställdes vilka krav som krävs för tjänster inom yrkesområdet. En enkätundersökning skickades till personer som gått utbildningen. Även intervjuer gjordes med respondenter för att få ett djup i studien. Resultatet visar bland annat att det är egenskaper inom området samvetsgrannhet och extroversion som mest efterfrågas i platsannonser inom yrkesområdet. Över hälften av respondenterna som idag har arbete inom yrkesområdet har fått arbete genom sitt sociala kontaktnät. I intervjuerna framkom att respondenterna upplevt att personlighet är en viktig faktor som arbetsgivare tittar på vid rekrytering. Studien visar även att de som är arbetslösa är mer proaktiva än övriga. Dessutom finns ett tydligt samband mellan kön, familjesituation och geografisk rörlighet. Att vara en strategiker samt utarbeta ett stort och brett socialt nätverk har i denna studie visat sig viktigt på vägen mot drömmen om ett arbete, medan däremot skillnader inom gruppen verkar sakna betydelse.
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Den självständige specialisten : En studie av personligstyper hos dagens kommunikatörerJakobsson, Sofie January 2012 (has links)
AbstractAuthor: Sofie JakobssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies CUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPeriod: Spring 2012Key words: Job ads, Professional Communicator, Public Relations Officer, Trait Theory, Five Factor Theory, Big Five, personal traits, work tasks.Title: The Independent Specialist. A study of requested personal types in Professional Communicators.Number of pages: 35Purpose/ Aim: The study aims to evaluate what kind of personality type that would make a good fit for a Professional Communicator. The study examines personal traits and work tasks that are presented in job ads for Professional Communicators in Sweden today. From this material the author wants to calculate what kind of personal type that characterize the profession with the help of the Big Five theory.Material/ Method: Quantitative research method based on job ads.Main results: The study shows that personal traits that employers look for in Professional Communicators today are mainly traits from the Conscientiousness group with characteristics such as independent, structured and planning. The second biggest personality group is Extraversion where personal traits like driving, outgoing and social were put. The results also indicate that the professional should enjoy working independently but also be able to cooperate with other people. A big part of the profession involves tasks which are of a producing nature which indicates that a talent or personality that fits for that kind of tasks is to prefer.
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Revisorns personlighet : Hur påverkar revisorns personlighetsdrag preferens för struktur och bedömning? / The auditor’s personality : How does the auditor’s personality influence preference for structure and judgment?Robertsson, Ester, Gustafsson, Sara January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Allt mer struktur införs i revisionsbranschen. Revisorer behöver i sitt arbete balansera strukturerade och bedömningsrelaterade arbetsuppgifter för att bibehålla en hög kvalitet i revisionen. Den enskilde revisorn inverkar på processen då personlighetsdrag har visat sig ha samband med vilka arbetsuppgifter som föredras. Syfte: Syftet är att förklara hur revisorns personlighetsdrag påverkar preferens för struktur och bedömning. Teori: Traitteori med fördjupning inom Big Five, yrkesmässiga intressen, komfortteori och definitioner av struktur och bedömning. Metod: I studien används en deduktiv forskningsansats där hypotesprövning används för att pröva ovanstående teorier. Studien är kvantitativ och en enkätundersökning genomförs. Auktoriserade revisorer från Revisorsnämndens lista (2015) ingår i urvalet. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet indikerar att revisorers personlighetsdrag förklarar preferens för struktur och bedömning. Studien presenterar ett positivt signifikant samband mellan öppna revisorer och bedömningsrelaterade arbetsuppgifter samt ett negativt samband med strukturerade arbetsuppgifter. Ett positivt signifikant samband existerar mellan samvetsgranna revisorer och strukturerade och bedömningsrelaterade arbetsuppgifter. Komfort visar sig i studien vara ett alternativt sätt att mäta preferens. Studiens bidrag: Studien bidrar med ett nytt perspektiv inom struktur- och bedömningsdilemmat. Studien ger även rekryterare inom revisionsbranschen en förståelse för personlighetens betydelse i revisorns arbete. / Background: More structure is being introduced in the auditing profession. Auditors need to balance structured and judgment-related tasks to maintain a high quality in the audit process. The individual auditor influences the process as personality traits have been shown to be related to the tasks which are preferred. Aim: The purpose is to explain how the auditor's personality traits influence preference for structure and judgment. Theory: Trait theory with focus on Big Five, vocational interests, comfort theory and definitions of structure and judgment. Method: The study uses a deductive research approach where hypothesis testing is used to test the above listed theories. The study is quantitative and survey method is used. The sample consists of certified auditors from Revisorsnämnden (2015). Result and conclusion: The result indicates that the auditor's personality traits may explain preference for structure and judgment. The study presents a positive significant relationship between auditors that are open and judgment-related tasks, and a negative significant relationship with structured tasks. A positive significant relationship exists between auditors that are conscientious and structured and judgment-related tasks. The study shows that the term comfort is an alternative way to measure preference. Contribution: The study provides a new perspective in the structure and judgment dilemma. The study also gives recruiters within audit companies an understanding in how the personality affects the work of auditors.
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Ledarskap & mångfald : Personlighetens påverkan på konflikter i mångkulturella organisationer / Management and Diversity : Personality and its effects on conflicts in multicultural organizationsÖhlund, Nina January 2018 (has links)
Datum: 2018 – maj Syfte: Att skapa förståelse för sambandet mellan en ledares personlighet och dennes förmåga att hantera emotionella och uppgiftsorienterade konflikter i organisationer som präglas av mångfald. Utifrån Big Five-modellen ämnar studien besvara vilka av ledarens personlighetsfaktorer som har påverkan på det som sker i konflikter som uppstår i mångkulturella grupper. Metod: Utifrån en kvalitativ forskningsansats har 10 stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts för insamling av information. Det gemensamma för de medverkande är att de har lång erfarenhet av arbete i mångkulturella organisationer. En tematisk analys av empirin har genomförts och resultatet av det har sedan redovisats utifrån de identifierade ämnena. Resultat & slutsats: Studien visar sambandet mellan ledarens personlighet och det som sker i konflikter som uppstår i mångkulturella grupper. Vidare framkommer det att specifika personlighetsfaktorer har en betydande påverkan på både emotionella och uppgiftsorienterade konflikter samt att det finns faktorer som endast relaterar till respektive konflikttyp. Examensarbetets bidrag: Arbetet ger en djupare förståelse för det förhållande som råder mellan ledarskap, mångfald och konflikter. Ur ett vetenskapligt perspektiv kan arbetet därför användas som språngbräda för forskning inom ledarskap, mångfald och konflikthantering och i praktiken tillhandhåller det mer kunskap om vad som krävs av en ledare och vad det innebär att hantera en mångkulturell grupp. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Studien visar att det finns specifika personlighetsdrag hos ledaren som påverkar konflikter. Vidare forskning som fokuserar på att bekräfta vilka av dessa som är bättre respektive sämre lämpade för hantering av olika typer av konflikter skulle därför vara värdefullt. / Date: 2018 – May Aim: The purpose of this study is to generate understanding for the correlation between the personality of a manager and the ability to manage relationship conflicts and task oriented conflicts in multicultural organizations. With the Big Five Model as a starting point the intention is to answer which of the manager personality factors that can have an influence on conflicts that arises in multi- cultural environments. Method: From a qualitative research approach the information is gathered through 10 semi structured interviews. All of the respondents in the study have a long experience of working in multicultural organizations. The analysis has been conducted by identifying specific topics and the result of that is then presented accordingly. Result & Conclusions: The study shows the correlation between manager personality and the events occurring in conflicts related to diversity. Also shown is that there are specific personality factors that has a significant impact on both relationship- and task oriented conflicts as well as there are factors that only relates to each of these conflict types. Contribution of the thesis: The essay brings a deeper understanding to the relationship that exists between management, diversity and conflicts. From scientific point of view it can therefore be used as a platform for research within management, diversity and conflict management. From an organizational perspective it provides more knowledge regarding what the requirements are when managing multicultural teams and what to expect while doing so. Suggestions for future research: The study shows that specific manager characteristics have impact on conflicts. Therefore it would be valuable to further verify which of these that is better suited to handle different types of conflicts.
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Personlighetsdrag hos säljstudenter på akademisk nivå. Är de som alla andra? : En studie genomförd med personlighetsverktyget ”The Big Five”.Haglund, Linn, Schöön, Josefine January 2018 (has links)
Title: Personality traits of business students, are they like everybody else? A study of The Big Five- theory. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degrees in Business Administration Author: Linn Haglund and Josefine Schöön Supervisor: Jonas KågströmDate: 2018 – MayAim: The purpose of this study is to analyze students’ at specialized sales programs, at an academic level, personality traits in relation to active, high-performing, professionals using The Big Five. Method: We chose to implement a quantitative investigation based on a deductive approach. The empirical material was obtained by a survey that was distributed to 445 real estate students at University of Luleå, University of Malmö and College of Gävle. The recieved data was then analyzed via the analytic and statistical program SPSS where we chose to conduct a descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and cluster analysis. Result & Conclusion: The results shows that there is a specific profile for real estate students who are characterized by high values of the personalitytraits openness, conscientiousness, extraversion and agreeablesness along with lower value of neuroticism. This means that those who study to become a real estate agent are more open, conscientious, outward and compassionate as well as less anxious and insecure in general in comparison with other people. The results also shows that the majority of the real estate students have similar personality types as high-performing real estate agents. Contribution of the thesis: This essay contributes to an increased understanding of how personality analyzes can bring prospective students into the right industry. The result is also valuable to trainers in real estate brokerage and real estate brokers, as it can provide a better insight into the recruitment of prospective real estate agents. The study also confirms previous research that shows that high values of conscientiousness and targeted work together with low values of neuroticism provide good conditions in the sales sector, which is a contribution to business research. Suggestions for future research: Since this study focuses on real estate students and their personalities, it would be interesting to study other programs to see if real estate students differ in comparison with other students, and if they do in which personality traits. It would also be interesting to continue comparing real estate student’s personality profiles with real estate brokers, both those with long experience and those who are newly graduated. Keywords: “The Big Five”, personality, sales, real estate brokers, real estate agents
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Relationship of Proactive Personality, Financial Planning Behavior and Life SatisfactionSmith, Lisa 01 May 2017 (has links)
The present study examines relationships among differences in personality, financial planning behaviors, and retirement life satisfaction. The hypothesized sequence of relationships is: PersonalityàFinancial Planning BehavioràRetirement Life Satisfaction. The study adds to prior research by clarifying the hypothesized role that proactive personality (as opposed to other personality variables such as the Big Five) has as a predictor, and also by showing how differences in discrete types of financial planning behavior influence retirement life satisfaction and mediate effects of proactive personality on satisfaction. This study tests these linkages while also addressing limitations and ambiguity in prior research regarding these potentially important effects among disposition, financial planning and a satisfactory retirement.
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Komparace prvních československých pětiletek. Jejich vznik a realizace / Comparison of the first Czechoslovak Five-Year plans. Their formation and implementation.Habr, Filip January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the first and second five-year economic plans in Czechoslovakia. These plans were created as a centrally planned. The paper starts with the global and domestic situation, both from a political and an economic perspective for understanding these events. The second part is a description of the two-year Czechoslovak economic plan, which hadn't been created purely the responsibility of the Communist Party, or under the influence of Soviet advisers. The main part deals with the first and second five-year plan, its creation, realization, including problems, it was necessary to revise the plan, what happened, especially in the second five-year plan and a summary of the results and deviations from the original plan. Conclusion compares these five-year plans, what were similar and different, what mistakes were repeated, and whether we can see or not to see parallels of the plans.
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