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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Big Five och Politik: En psykologisk undersökning om personlighet, studieval och politisk inställning. / The Big Five and Politics: A Psychology survey of personality, study choices and political identification.

Nilsson, Johan, Scheiding, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga skillnader mellan kvinnor och mäns politiskaställningstagande. Samt att undersöka om det skiljer sig i personlighetsdragen Openness ochConscientiouness, (the Big Five) mellan personer som studerar inom teknik eller humaniora. Även om personlighetsfaktorerna Openness och Conscientiousness har effekt på politiskidentifiering. Studien utgår från en kvantitativ metod vars data inhämtades i enenkätundersökning. Totalt deltog 110 personer vars deltagande efterfrågades inom olika utbildning och yrkesgrupper inom humanism och teknik på den sociala plattformen Facebook. Datan bearbetades i statistikprogrammet Jamovi, med två separata Anova och två chi2-test. Resultatet visade att det skiljer sig i politiskt ställningstagande män och kvinnor åt. Männen identifierade sig mer högerorienterat i jämförelse med kvinnorna, där majoriteten identifieradesig längre åt vänster. I studiens slutsatser kunde vi även finna att humaniora studenter definierarsig själva som mer åt vänster jämfört med teknikstudenter. Utifrån studiens resultat blev det även möjligt att dra slutsatsen att kvinnor i majoritet tycks dominera den humanistiskautbildningen, samt män med mer dominans mot det tekniska. Det finns tendenser att personligaegenskaper från the Big Five, som Openness och Conscientiousness, bidrar till individensyrkesval och politiska identifiering. Ett större urval hade kunnat kartlägga deltagarnaspersonlighetsskillnader och möjliggjort ett större sambandsdragande, mellan politiskidentifikation och deras personlighetsdrag. Nycklelord: the Big Five, (femfaktorsmodellen), politisk tillhörighet, humonoria, teknik, psykologi. / This study examines the differences between men and women’s political standpoint aiming todefine the possible personality distinctness between students of humanities and students of natural science (according to the big five). The study focused on analyzing the possibility of differences in openness and conscientiousness, between students of humanities and natural-sciences, but also if the level of conscientiousness and openness contributes to the individual politicial standpoint. The study proceeds from a quantitative method in which substances were gathered by survey. A total of 110 persons participated whose participation was gathered fromdifferent educational and occupation groups in humaniora and natural sciences on the socialplatform Facebook. The data was later arranged and adapted in the analysis program Jamovi.The chosen method was to analyze the data in Anova analysis and two separate chi-square tests.mOur study revealed a difference between the political standpoint between women and men. The men who participated indicated a higher right-wing dominated political standpoint, compared to women who defined themselves as more left-wing orientated. It was also possible to drawthe conclusion that students in humaniora defined themselves as less right-wing dominated compared to students in natural sciences. After operating the study and the data, this material made it possible to draw the conclusion that women tend to dominate humanistic education. According to the study, men seem to be the more common gender in education of natural-sciences. There are trends suggesting that personal traits such as openness and conscientiousness contribute to the individual occupation choice and political standpoint. If thestudy had included a bigger sample, this could have made it possible to draw a more firmconclusion between political standpoint and the individuals’ personal capacities. Key words: the Big Five, political identification, humaniora, natural sciences, psychology.

Partnerské vztahy a strach být nezadaný / Partner Relationships and the Fear of Being Single

Štěrbová, Iveta January 2020 (has links)
The current study deals with the topic of partner relationships with a special focus on the fear of being single. Although it has been introduced still quite recently, it seems it can predict settling for less in relationships in sense of expressing interest in low-quality mates and lower likelihood of initiating the dissolution of a less satisfying relationship. The first part of this paper aims to explore phenomena of partner relationships and singlehood and to conduct a review of the current research on the topic of the fear of being single. The empirical research examines the association between fear of being single and demographic characteristics, personality traits (the Big Five model) and feelings of loneliness using the Fear of Being Single Scale (Spielmann et al. 2013), whose first Czech translation is introduced, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (Hřebíčková & Urbánek, 2001) and the UCLA Loneliness Scale (Russel, 1993; Kumstátová, 2014). The study participants include 247 Czech adults. Women and involuntary singles reported significantly higher level of the fear of being single than men and voluntary singles respectively. Also the fear of being single proved to be significantly negatively correlated with Openness to Experience, Consciousness and Extraversion and significantly positively...

Vilken personlighetsprofil påverkar din konsumtion av tid? : En studie utförd med hjälp av personlighetsverktyget "The Big Five"

Hedberg, Tina, Johansson, Nellie January 2020 (has links)
Syftet men denna studie är att förklara om tidskonsumtion som uttryck för Conspicuous Consumption kan påverkas av en människas personlighet utifrån The Big Five”. Studien baseras på en kvantitativ forskningsmetod samt en enkätundersökning genom ett bekvämlighetsurval som genererade 478 svar. Insamlade data analyserades i statistikprogrammet Jamovi. Resultatet visar att hypotes 1, 3 och 4 korroboreras medan 2 och 5 falsifieras. Utöver hypoteserna framkom det att neuroticism är positivt relaterat till tidskonsumtion samt att personer med höga poäng på openness inte lägger någon vikt vid en upptagen eller ledig livsstil eftersom båda anses generera status. Slutsatsen visar att trots att lyxkonsumtion och tidskonsumtion båda genererar status och är en del av Conspicuous Consumption styrs utövandet inte av samma personlighetsdrag. Studiens teoretiska bidrag syftar till att komplettera den begränsade forskningen angående Conspicuous Consumption och tidskonsumtion. Studiens praktiska bidrag har som syfte att öka personers medvetenhet kring hur de konsumerar sin tid samt vad de konsumerar sin tid på eftersom tidskonsumtion kan leda till negativa konsekvenser. Vidare forskning bör undersöka om samtliga personlighetsdrag är positivt relaterade till tidskonsumtion. Det vore även intressant att se om en mer detaljerad The Big Five-undersökning resulterar i starkare kopplingar till tidskonsumtion. / The purpose is to explain whether time consumption as an expression Conspicuous Consumption can be affected by a human ́s personality based on The Big Five. This study is based on a quantitative research method and a online survey based by a convenience samplet that generated 478 responses. Collected data were analyzed in the statistical program Jamovi. The results show that hypotheses 1, 3 and 4 are corroborated while 2 and 5 are falsified. In addition to the hypotheses, it was found that neuroticism is positively related to time consumption and that people with high scores on openness doesn ́t care if it ́s a busy or a free lifestyle because both are considered to generate status. Although luxury consumption and time consumption both generate status and are within Conspicuous Consumption, the use is not determined by the same personality traits. The theoretical contribution of the study aims to supplement the limited research on Conspicuous Consumption and time consumption. The purpose of the study's practical contribution is to increase people's awareness of how they consume their time and what they consume their time on as time consumption can lead to negative consequences. Further research should investigate whether all personality traits are positively related to time consumption. It would also be interesting to see if a more detailed The Big Five survey results in stronger links to time consumption.

Personlighetsaspekter och  känsla av sammanhang

Aveborn, Felicia, Kaneberg, Josefine January 2024 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har i stor utsträckning fokuserat på de traditionella personlighetsdimensionerna i Big Five-modellen (extraversion, omtänksamhet, samvetsgrannhet, neuroticism och öppenhet) och visat att finns ett samband mellan vissa av dessa dimensioner och en känsla av samhörighet (KASAM). Till exempel att extraversion och omtänksamhet relaterar till KASAM. I föreliggande studie så undersöktes relationen mellan de mer subtila aspekterna av Big Five (t.ex. självsäkerhet och entusiasm som aspekter av extraversion) och KASAM. Vidare så undersöktes relationen mellan KASAM respektive Big Five aspekterna (BFA) och sex bakgrundsvariabler (yrke, tjänstgöringstid, typ av tjänst, ålder, kön och civilstånd). 135 personer med anställning inom polismyndigheten eller kriminalvården deltog genom att svara på enkät som bestod av Big Five Aspect Scale och Sense Of Coherence-13 scale. Syftet med studien var att bidra till en mer nyanserad bild av personlighetsstrukturen jämfört med tidigare forskning. Resultaten i föreliggande studie visade på få samband mellan KASAM, BFA och de sex bakgrundsvariablerna.

Personality traits and learning approaches : are they influencing the learning process?

Dalton-Brits, E., Viljoen, M. January 2010 (has links)
Published Article / The relationship between the big five personality traits, Extraversion, Agreeableness Neuroticism, Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience and deep and surface approaches to learning forms the basis of this article. The findings of a research study in this milieu will be presented to prove that earlier studies in this field have been upheld, but that an important deviation has occurred on certain levels of personality. A students way of learning implies the type of learning that is taking place. Ultimately we as lecturers want to encourage deep learning as this stimulates retention of information, important in production of students that are ready for employment.

Work, personality and psychological distress : direct and moderating effects of the Big Five personality traits

Di Sanza, Claudia 12 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’examiner les nombreuses associations qui existent entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail, les traits de personnalité et la détresse psychologique au travail. La question de recherche principale était : est-ce que les cinq grands traits de personnalité (Big Five personality traits) ont un effet modérateur sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la détresse psychologique. De nombreuses autres questions ont aussi été considérées. Pour répondre aux vingt-et-une hypothèses proposées dans cette recherche, nous avons utilisé des données secondaires d’une étude transversale de 395 employés d’un service de police municipal. À la suite d’analyses multivariées, nous avons pu observer quatre associations significatives. Concernant les conditions de l’organisation du travail, nous avons trouvé que les demandes psychologiques en milieu de travail augment la détresse psychologique, tandis que le support d’un superviseur la diminue. En ce qui concerne, les traits de personnalité, nous avons trouvé qu’être névrotique (neuroticism) augmente la détresse psychologique. Finalement, nous avons trouvé un effet modérateur du trait de personnalité, être consciencieux (conscientiousness), sur la relation entre les demandes psychologiques et la détresse psychologique. Bref, nos résultats nous indiquent que les cinq grands traits de personnalité (Big Five personality traits) ont une influence mitigée sur la santé mentale en milieu de travail. / The current thesis sought to observe the multiple relationships that exist between work organization conditions, personality characteristics and psychological distress in the workplace. The main question of interest was whether the Big Five personality traits have a moderating effect on the relationship between work organization and psychological distress, but numerous other questions of interest were also considered. In order to address the twenty-one hypotheses proposed in this study, secondary data was used from a cross-sectional survey of 395 workers from a municipal police service. Multivariate analyses showed four significant relationships between the three variables of interest. With regards to the work organization conditions, it was found that psychological demands in the workplace increase psychological distress, whereas, support from a supervisor decreases psychological distress. With regards to personality, neuroticism was found to increase psychological distress. Finally, a moderating relationship was found for the conscientiousness trait on the relationship between psychological demands and psychological distress. Globally, the results indicate that the Big Five personality traits have a mitigated impact on mental health problems in the workplace.

Välmående bland ledare kan förutsägas av (o)välvillig personlighet / Well-being among leaders may be predicted by (deviant) personality

Juntikka, Jaana, Bolander, Henrietta January 2016 (has links)
Med hjälp av personlighetstester och genom att känna till individers personlighet har forskning visat att man i viss mån kan förutsäga beteende och upplevd mental hälsa. Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka om och hur personlighetsdraget agreeableness (svenskans välvillighet) samverkar med upplevt välmående hos personer med en ledarroll. I en ledarroll förväntas personen kunna hantera beslutsfattande och konfrontationer. Furnham, Richards och Paulhus (2013) menar att Dark Triad, socialt avvikande personlighetsdrag, är en förlängning av agreeableness. Därför användes Dark Triad i studien och även för att eventuellt finna ytterligare samband med välmående i rollen som ledare. Mätinstrument som användes var IPIP-NEO-120 (α=.87) utifrån Big Five teorin vilken är den vanligaste teorin bland forskning om personlighet. För att mäta Dark Triad användes Dirty Dozen (α=.86). För att mäta välmående användes GHQ-12 (General Health Questionnaire) (α=.87). Studien utfördes med en online-enkät som besvarades av respondenter som har eller har haft en ledarposition (N=99). Respondenternas ålder varierade mellan 25-67, könsfördelningen var 54% män och 46% kvinnor. Insignifikanta resultat återfanns mellan agreeableness och upplevt välmående. Signifikanta resultat återfanns mellan Dark Triad och upplevt välmående (r=.22*) vilket vidare kan tolkas som att personer tenderar att må bättre om de besitter socialt avvikande personlighetsdrag. En rimlig slutsats av resultatet är därmed att det inte går att predicera hur välmående upplevs hos personer med en ledarroll med hjälp av agreeableness, dock i viss mån med hjälp av Dark Triad. / With the help of personality tests and by knowing the individual's personality, research has shown that it's possible to predict behavior and perceived mental health to some extent. The present study aimed to examine whether and how the personality trait agreeableness relates to perceived well-being among leaders. Furnham, Richards and Paulhus (2013) argue that Dark Triad, socially deviant personality traits, is an extension of agreeableness. Therefore Dark Triad was used in this study and in order to possibly obtain more connections for perceived well-being. Instruments used were IPIP-NEO-120 (α=.87), based on the Big Five theory, the most common theory among personality research. To measure Dark Triad traits Dirty Dozen (α=.86) was used. To measure well-being GHQ-12 (General Health Questionnaire) (α=.87) was used. The study was conducted by an online survey that was answered by respondents who have or have had a leader position (N=99). Respondents age ranged from 25-67, the gender distribution was 54% male and 46% female. Insignificant results were found between agreeableness and perceived well-being. Significant results were found between Dark Triad and perceived well-being (r=.22*), which is further interpreted to mean that people tend to feel better if they possess deviant personality traits, and particularly narcissism. A reasonable conclusion from the study is that it's not possible, based on our sample, to predict how well-being is perceived in the role of leader with agreeableness but to some extent with the help of Dark Triad.

En studie om hur gemene man definierar fastighetsmäklares personlighetsdrag utifrån The Big Five

Englund, Moa, Ståhl, Kelly January 2019 (has links)
Title:Laypeople'sdescription of real estate agents  Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degrees in Business Administration Author:Moa Englund and Kelly Ståhl  Supervisor:Jonas Kågström  Date:2019 – june   Aim: The purpose of the study is to examine the laypeople´s definition of real estate agent's personality types based on The Big Five.    Method:We chose to implement a mix method of a quantitative and qualitative study based on a deductive approach through surveys, primarily web-based. The results from these was then analyzed through the program Jamovi where we chose to conduct a descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and a factor analysis. We chose to do this type of analysis to get a clearer picture of how lay people comprehend real estate agents behaviors linked to The Big Five.     Result and conclusion: The result shows that the lay people’s definition of The Big Five dimensions for real estate agents partially consistent with the scientistdefinition, On the other hand, there are different views within certain characteristics. In addition, the result shows that the lay people tends to define the Big Five dimensions with the same adjective in several of the different dimensions. The study's results indicate that the lay people self-appreciated knowledge of the Big Five dimensions does not significantly affect their response.   Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes on a theoretical perspective to starch science within lay people's comprehension of The Big Five dimensions. The practical contribution the study adds is understand the lay people’s perception of real estate agents based on the Big Five dimensions.   Suggestions for future research: Continued research can be implemented in other sectors and thereby create an understanding of the chosen profession. Further research can be carried out where real estate agents may define themselves based on The Big Five. To let the laypeople describe real estate agents in other countries, where the real estate agent's tasks and working methods differ from the Swedish one, are further suggestions for continued research.   Keywords: “The Big Five”, laypeople, “laypeople behavior”, “personality behavior”, “personality traits” och “personality perceptions”

Personlighetstypers påverkan på förhandlingar : En studie utförd med hjälp av personlighetstestet The Big Five

Ruthman Lloyd, Josefin, Sökare, Felicia January 2019 (has links)
Title: Impact of personality types on negotiations - A study conducted with the help of the personality test The Big Five. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degrees in Business Administration Author: Felicia Sökare and Josefin Ruthman Lloyd Supervisor: Jonas Kågström Date: 2019 May Aim: The purpose of this study is to analyze the personality traits of negotiators in relation to how they prepare for a negotiation and in relation to what is required to refrain from negotiating with the help of The Big Five. Method:The study is based on mixed methods. The method is based on a combination of both a qualitative and quantitative research method. The empirical material is obtained through five semi-structured interviews with a total of 15 real estate agents who, in connection with the interviews, answered a questionnaire survey. The data was processed using a cluster analysis, which was created in the statistical computer program SPSS. The results are then compared with theory and the interviews. Result & Conclusions: The results of the study show that real estate agents read in on the statistics, listen to music and come in good time to prepare for a negotiation. The result also shows that threatening, lack of communication, high price expectations or a bad feeling inside requires that negotiators in the real estate brokerage refrain from entering into negotiations. Through this study we can observe that high values of extraversion and low values of neuroticism do not have to be related to a competing negotiating style, which differs from what previous research has shown. Contribution of the thesis:The study's implementation has provided both practical and theoretical contributions, especially how different negotiators with different personality profiles prepare for negotiation and in which situations they choose to refrain from entering into negotiations. The study gives an insight that negotiators are not quite as personal in character, meaningful information about what differences there are in preparing for negotiators with more and less experience in the professional role of real estate agent, an insight that the words that the real estate agents use most during the interviews show connection with their personality traits and knowledge of which personalities choose to refrain from being included in the negotiation at the first customer meeting. Suggestions for future research:As this study focuses on real estate agents and their personalities, it would be interesting to investigate other industries to see if real estate agents results differ from other professional roles. It would also be interesting to carry out the study in other countries to investigate whether there are any similarities or differences in comparison with the real estate agents in Sweden. Further research should continue to investigate real estate agents with more and less experience in the industry to ensure the results in this study. Key words: Personality, The Big Five, real estate agents, integrative negotiations, negotiation, preparation.

Vad frågar du efter? : En studie om hur tydligt förmågorna i the big five efterfrågas inom olika examinationsformer på olika program i kursen   religionskunskap 1

Larsson, Teodor, Stegå, Carin January 2019 (has links)
This essay is about how thinking skills are requested in examinations in the course religion 1 in Swedish upper secondary schools. To investigate this an analysis template has been created which is constructed from Göran Svanelids theory the big five, who explains which abilities the Swedish curriculum demands. The main question for this study is How clear and to what extent are the abilities who Göran Svanelids theory the big five points out in exams within the course religion 1? To answer this, three support questions has been made. The First is about how these abilities change between the program they are used. The second one is how the form of examination affects the possibilities to show the abilities and lastly how the kind of question affects the possibility to show the abilities. The analysis template and theory derive from the Swedish curriculum and the lecturer Göran Svaneldis analysis of the curriculum. He found five thinking skills or abilities which all subjects value and who the pupils are supposed to learn. These are; concept skills, the skill to analyse, communicative skills, the ability to perform a procedure and metacognition. These abilities have been operationalized to become a theory to inspect how well and to what extent they are asked for in an examination. Therefore, this study is based on text interpretation of the examinations, with an aim of being both qualitative and quantitative. Out of the total amount of 106 emails sent to principals, teachers and administrative personnel at upper secondary school’s total of 38 examinations were collected1. 14 out of these were written tests, 16 were written essays and eight were oral examinations. The result displays that all examinations ask for the abilities but not all types of questions in the examinations ask for all abilities. The closed type of question only gives the opportunity to show concept skills. The concept skill is the most visible ability in all exams, the secondly most visible skill is the communicative skill, thirdly the analysis skill, fourthly is the skill of procedure and fifth and lastly, the metacognitive skill. The conclusion is that programs who aim to ensue further studies ask for all abilities to a larger extent and with a higher level of clarity. While the vocational program who aim to ensure a working career after upper secondary school ask for the abilities with a lesser clarity. Written essays are the best form of examination to ask for the abilities to a larger extent and with a higher clarity than oral examinations or written tests.

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