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Fixation du prix de vente des exploitations agricoles québécoises : comparaison entre fermes laitières et autres types de productionOuellet, David 01 November 2024 (has links)
L’écart croissant entre les valeurs marchande et économique des exploitations agricoles québécoises complexifie le processus de transfert des fermes à la prochaine génération. La capacité de payer limitée des repreneurs et les besoins de retraite des cédants restreignent la marge de manoeuvre nécessaire afin de déterminer un prix de vente de l’entreprise adéquat. La présente étude vise à analyser les déterminants du prix de vente des fermes et montre que dans notre échantillon, le prix est significativement corrélé avec les besoins de retraite nets des cédants et de façon moins significative, avec la valeur économique des fonds propres de l’entreprise. Les considérations financières semblent éclipser les aspects humains et d’importants compromis sont réalisés des deux côtés de la transaction en vue d’assurer la continuité de l’entreprise. L’influence d’intervenants externes à l’entreprise entre également en ligne de compte dans la fixation du prix, ce qui implique que la décision ne découle pas uniquement d’une négociation entre cédants et repreneurs. De façon générale, les fermes laitières semblent confrontées aux mêmes défis que les autres types de production quant à la fixation de leur prix de vente, ce qui suggère que la problématique soit davantage une question de gestion plutôt qu’une question spécifique au secteur. À moins d’un rétrécissement de l’écart entre la valeur marchande des actifs et leurs capacités à générer des revenus, la fixation du prix de vente de plusieurs fermes du Québec risque d’être encore plus contraignante à l’avenir. / The growing gap between the market and economic values of Quebec farms makes the process of transferring farm assets to the next generation ever more complex. The limited ability of successors to pay and retiring farmers’ financial needs impede upon the flexibility needed to determine an appropriate selling price for the farm. The present study aims to analyze the determinants of the farm business selling price and shows that the selling price in our sample is significantly correlated to the seller’s net retirement needs and to a less significant degree, to the economic value of farm equity. Financial considerations seem to overshadow human aspects and considerable compromises are made on both sides of the transaction in order to insure the continuity of the farm. The determination of a selling price is also subject to the influence of external stakeholders, which implies a multiparty decision-making process rather than a conventional buyer/seller negotiation. From a general standpoint, dairy and non-dairy farms are faced with similar challenges with regards to farm assets pricing, suggesting that the issue is more a matter of management rather than a sector-specific one. Unless the gap is bridged between farms’ market value and their income generation capacity, pricing of farm businesses is likely to become increasingly onerous in the coming years for many farms in Quebec.
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Le succès de recrutement de la moule bleue : influence de la qualité de la ressource trophiqueToupoint, Nicolas 24 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Chez les invertébrés benthiques marins à cycle de vie bentho-pélagique, le taux de fixation-métamorphose est l'un des facteurs déterminant du succès de recrutement et donc du renouvellement des populations. Relié à l'abondance et au comportement des stades péri-métamorphiques (larves compétentes et post-larves), le taux de fixation est régulé par l'interaction de multiples facteurs endo- et exogènes. Prérequis du fonctionnement vital des organismes hétérotrophes, la ressource trophique est un facteur exogène biotique d'importance puisqu'elle affecte leur condition physiologique. Son influence sur le recrutement n'est souvent envisagée que d'un point de vue quantitatif alors que les recherches menées en laboratoire attestent de l'importance de sa qualité lipidique. Dans ce contexte, la présente étude a pour objectif principal d'évaluer l'influence de la qualité de la ressource trophique sur le succès de recrutement et implique la moule bleue (Mytilus edulis, L 1758) comme modèle biologique. La recherche se concentre sur les sources de nourriture potentiellement disponibles pour les stades péri-métamorphiques soit, le plancton et le biofilm. Une emphase est portée aux acides gras polyinsaturés (PUFA) et essentiels (EFA), dont le caractère indispensable aux organismes aquatiques est largement admis. De plus, les études menées sur le recrutement décrivent un découplage bentho-pélagique entre larves et recrues, une importante variabilité spatio-temporelle de la fixation, ainsi qu'une synchronisation du pic de fixation. La disponibilité en larves et le comportement sont souvent les facteurs incriminés, mais l'origine de tels phénomènes demeure encore incertaine. La présente étude propose donc d'apporter des éléments de réponse supplémentaires en fournissant une analyse fine de la variabilité spatio-temporelle au cours de l'ontogénie larvaire. Ce projet est constitué de trois grands axes de recherche dans lesquels nous définissons la fixation comme le processus par lequel les individus s'associent au substrat, et le recrutement comme le nombre d'individus présents à un temps t de la vie benthique : i) Considérant la théorie de " match/mismatch " de Cushing, nous posons les hypothèses que la concentration en EFA dans la nourriture influence les succès de fixation et de recrutement. Nous avons suivi simultanément le développement larvaire et les conditions trophiques pendant deux saisons de reproduction successives (2007 et 2008); ii) Considérant le biofilm comme une ressource trophique potentielle, nous posons les hypothèses que le taux de fixation augmente avec l'âge du biofilm et son contenu en EFA. Nous avons conditionné et caractérisé finement des biofilms en milieu naturel afin de tester leur influence sur le succès de fixation des moules; iii) Considérant le rôle important du comportement et des conditions physiologiques des stades péri-métamorphiques, nous posons les hypothèses d'une importante variabilité spatiale à petite échelle, d'un découplage bentho-pélagique et d'un avantage physiologique lors du pic de fixation. Nous avons suivi le développement larvaire dans plusieurs sites, ainsi que la qualité lipidique des post-larves et de leur nourriture. Nos résultats mettent en évidence le contrôle prédominant des communautés phytoplanctoniques sur le succès de recrutement de la moule bleue via deux processus novateurs : i) le " match/mismatch " avec la qualité lipidique du plancton et ii) le déclencheur trophique de la fixation (" trophic settlement trigger ", TST). Le rôle nutritionnel des PUFA/EFA semble important pour le recrutement de l'année, mais leur teneur dans les compartiments benthiques et pélagiques ne semble pas pour autant affecter le comportement et la physiologie des jeunes moules au cours de la saison. Ces dernières semblent répondre fortement aux variations d'abondance du picoplancton autotrophe (picoeucaryotes, < 2 μm) au sein de ces deux compartiments. Enfin, nos résultats montrent un couplage bentho-pélagique entre larves et recrues, et suggèrent pour la première fois que le découplage dépende de deux traits comportementaux typiques des bivalves : le retard de métamorphose et la dérive bysso-pélagique. Cette recherche apporte de nouvelles pistes de réflexion quant à l'écologie des invertébrés benthiques et souligne l'importance de considérer la composante planctonique et le comportement au cours de l'ontogénie larvaire et post-larvaire lors des travaux menés sur la dynamique des populations en milieu naturel. Une emphase particulière devrait être portée sur la qualité lipidique et la composition taxonomique de la ressource trophique, et la séparation des différents stades de développement semble nécessaire pour comprendre la dynamique des populations. La notion de TST constitue le point majeur de l'étude puisqu'il s'agirait d'un signal indépendant de l'habitat prospecté qui synchroniserait un comportement de fixation, peu importe la qualité du substrat et/ou l'histoire de vie des individus.
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Rôle de l'AmtB dans la régulation de la nitrogénase et la production d'hydrogène chez la bactérie Rhodobacter capsulatusBoukharouba, Narimane 12 1900 (has links)
L’azote est l’élément le plus abondant dans l’atmosphère terrestre avec un pourcentage atteignant 78 %. Composant essentiel pour la biosynthèse des matériels organiques cellulaires, il est inutilisable sous sa forme diatomique (N2) très stable par la plupart des organismes. Seules les bactéries dites diazotrophiques comme Rhodobacter capsulatus sont capables de fixer l’azote moléculaire N2 par le biais de la synthèse d’une enzyme, la nitrogénase. Cette dernière catalyse la réduction du N2 en ammonium (NH4) qui peut alors être assimilé par d’autres organismes. La synthèse et l’activité de la nitrogénase consomment beaucoup d’énergie ce qui implique une régulation rigoureuse et son inhibition tant qu’une quantité suffisante d’ammonium est disponible. Parmi les protéines impliquées dans cette régulation, la protéine d’intérêt AmtB est un transporteur membranaire responsable de la perception et le transport de l’ammonium. Chez R. capsulatus, il a été démontré que suite à l’addition de l’ammonium, l’AmtB inhibe de façon réversible (switch off/switch on) l’activité de la nitrogénase en séquestrant la protéine PII GlnK accompagnée de l’ajout d’un groupement ADP ribose sur la sous unités Fe de l’enzyme par DraT. De plus, la formation de ce complexe à lui seul ne serait pas suffisant pour cette inactivation, ce qui suggère la séquestration d’une troisième protéine, DraG, afin d’inhiber son action qui consiste à enlever l’ADP ribose de la nitrogénase et donc sa réactivation. Afin de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement de l’AmtB dans la régulation et le transport de l’ammonium à un niveau moléculaire et par la même occasion la fixation de l’azote, le premier volet de ce mémoire a été d’introduire une mutation ponctuelle par mutagénèse dirigée au niveau du résidu conservé W237 de l’AmtB. La production d’hydrogène est un autre aspect longtemps étudié chez R. capsulatus. Cette bactérie est capable de produire de l’hydrogène à partir de composés organiques par photofermentation suite à l’intervention exclusive de la nitrogénase. Plusieurs études ont été entreprises afin d’améliorer la production d’hydrogène. Certaines d’entre elles se sont intéressées à déterminer les conditions optimales qui confèrent une production maximale de gaz tandis que d’autres s’intéressent au fonctionnement de la bactérie elle même. Ainsi, le fait que la bioproduction de H2 par fermentation soit catalysée par la nitrogénase cela implique la régulation de l’activité de cette dernière par différents mécanismes dont le switch off par ADP ribosylation de l’enzyme. De ce fait, un mutant de R. capsulatus dépourvu d’AmtB (DG9) a été étudié dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse en termes d’activité de la nitrogénase, de sa modification par ADP ribosylation avec la détection des deux protéines GlnK et DraG qui interviennent dans cette régulation pour connaitre l’influence de différents acides aminés sur la régulation de la nitrogénase et pour l‘utilisation future de cette souche dans la production d’H2 car R. capsulatus produit de l’hydrogène par photofermentation grâce à cette enzyme. Les résultats obtenus ont révélé une activité de la nitrogénase continue et ininterrompue lorsque l’AmtB est absent avec une activité maximale quand la proline est utilisée comme source d’azote durant la culture bactérienne ce qui implique donc que l’abolition de l’activité de cette protéine entraine une production continue d’H2 chez R. capsulatus lorsque la proline est utilisée comme source d’azote lors de la culture bactérienne. Par ailleurs, avec des Western blots on a pu déterminer l’absence de régulation par ADP ribosylation ainsi que les expressions respectives de GlnK et DraG inchangées entre R. capsulatus sauvage et muté. En conclusion, la nitrogénase n’est pas modifiée et inhibée lorsque l’amtB est muté ce qui fait de la souche R. capsulatus DG9 un candidat idéal pour la production de biohydrogène en particulier lorsque du glucose et de la proline sont respectivement utilisés comme source de carbone et d'azote pour la croissance. / Nitrogen is the most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere with a percentage of 78 %. This element is essential for the biosynthesis of cellular organic material and is unusable in its stable diatomic form (N2) by most organisms. Only bacteria called diazotrophs such as Rhodobacter capsulatus are able to fix molecular nitrogen N2 through the synthesis of the nitrogenase enzyme. The latter catalyzes the reduction of N2 to NH4 which can then be absorbed by other organisms. The synthesis and activity of nitrogenase consumes a lot of energy and therefore implies a strict regulation and its inhibition when a sufficient amount of ammonium is available. Among the proteins involved in this regulation, is the membrane transporter AmtB which is responsible for the sensing and transportation of ammonia. In R. capsulatus, it was shown that following the addition of ammonium, AmtB reversibly inhibits (switch off / switch on) nitrogenase activity by sequestering the PII protein GlnK accompanied by the addition of an ADP ribose group onto the Fe subunit of the enzyme by DraT. In addition, the formation of this complex alone would not be sufficient for this inactivation, suggesting the sequestration of a third protein, DraG is required to inhibit its action of removing the ADP ribose from the nitrogenase and therefore its reactivation. To better understand the role of the AmtB in the fixation of nitrogen, regulation and transport of ammonium at the molecular level, the first part of this study was to introduce a point mutation by directed mutagenesis in the conserved residue W237 of AmtB . Hydrogen production is another property of R. capsulatus that has been studied for a long time. This bacterium is capable of producing hydrogen from organic compounds following photofermentation and the exclusive enzymatic intervention of nitrogenase. Several studies have been undertaken to improve the production of hydrogen. Some of them were involved in determining the optimum conditions that give maximum gas production while others were interested in improving the growth of the bacterium itself. Thus, since the bio-production of H2 by fermentation is catalyzed by the nitrogenase, it is important to study the regulation of the activity of this enzyme by different mechanisms such as the switch off by ADP ribosylation. Therefore, a mutant of R. capsulatus (DG9) lacking AmtB was studied in the second part of this thesis for its nitrogenase activity, its modification by GlnK-DraG, and to see the effects of different amino acids used in the growth medium on the regulation and therefore the future use of this strain for the production of H2. The results showed a continuous and uninterrupted activity of the nitrogenase when AmtB was absent with a maximum activity when proline was used as a nitrogen source for bacterial growth. In addition, Western blots were used to demonstrate the effect of ADP ribosylation on regulation and that the expression of GlnK and DraG were unchanged between the wild –type and mutant R. capsulatus. In conclusion, nitrogenase is not modified or inhibited when mutated amtB what makes the R. capsulatus strain DG9 an ideal candidate for biohydrogen production especially when glucose and proline are respectively used as source carbon and nitrogen for growth.
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Etude de la fixation d'azote dans les environnements "déficitaires en azote" : Contribution des diazotrophes unicellulaires et contrôle par la disponibilité nutritive / Study of dinitrogen fixation in N deficient environments : Contribution of diazotrophic unicellular and control by nutrient availabilityDekaezemacker, Julien 12 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a pour but d'étudier la fixation d'azote marine dans les environnements riches mais déficitaires en azote (N), comparé au phosphore (P) dans un rapport N:P<16, grâce à l'utilisation d'approches complémentaire en culture in vitro et sur le terrain in situ. La première partie de ce travail a consisté à évaluer la réponse de la fixation d'azote de la cyanobactérie unicellulaire diazotrophe Crocosphaera watsonii face à des concentrations micromolaires en azote inorganique dissous (DIN) supposées inhiber l'activité de fixation d'azote : - suite à un apport sporadique, ou, - après une longue période d'acclimatation. Les résultats de ces études n'ont pas permis d'observer une inhibition des activités de fixation d'azote de cet organisme, laissant supposer que ce processus pourrait être actif dans une zone de l'Océan ayant ces même caractéristiques biogéochimiques : le Sud Est Tropical de l'Océan Pacifique (ETSP). En effet, cette zone est une des trois plus grandes zones de minimum d'oxygène (OMZ) de l'Océan et d'intenses processus de pertes de N (dénitrification et anammox) y ont lieu, résultant en un déficit de N par rapport au P. Des études présumaient que des processus inverses, de gains de N par la fixation d'azote, pourraient y être actifs mais aucune mesure à l'échelle du bassin n'y avait été faite car la fixation d'azote n'était supposée se produire que dans les environnements oligotrophes, comme les gyres subtropicaux. Dans le cadre d'un projet international, des missions océanographiques ont pu avoir lieu dans cette zone en Février 2010 pendant un évènement El Niño et en Mars-Avril 2011 pendant un évènement La Niña. / The objectif of these thesis was to study dinitrogen fixation in marine environments rich but deficient of nitrogen (N) compared to phosphorus (P) in a ratio N:P<16, by using complementary approaches in culture in vitro and in the field in situ. The first part of this work was to evaluate the response of nitrogen-fixing unicellular Cyanobacteria Crocosphaera watsonii faced with micromolar concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) supposed to inhibit nitrogen fixation activity : - after sporadic input, or, - after a long period of acclimatization. The results of these studies have failed to observe the inhibition of nitrogen fixation activities of this organism, suggesting that this process could be active in an area of the Ocean with these same biogeochemical characteristics : the Eastern Tropical South Pacific (ETSP). Indeed, this area is one of the three largest oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) of the Ocean, where intense processes of N losses (denitrification and anammox) took place, resulting in a deficit of N compared to P. Studies assumed that the inverse process, gain of N by nitrogen fixation, could be active in the ETSP but no measurements across the basin have been performed because nitrogen fixation was assumed to occur only in oligotrophic environments, such as the subtropical gyres. In the framework of an international project, cruises took place in this area in February 2010 during a El Niño event and in March-April 2011 during a La Niña event. Results of these two cruises have confirmed that nitrogen fixation was unexpectedly active with an intensity comparable to those reported in oligotrophic areas.
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Avaliação das funções visuais de recém-nascidos prematuros nos primeiros seis meses de vida / Evaluation of the visual functions of preterm infants in the first six months of lifeSantos, Marcela Aparecida dos 14 May 2019 (has links)
Os primeiros meses de vida são críticos para o desenvolvimento normal do sistema visual. Nesse período, os recém-nascidos desenvolvem habilidades visuais, algumas delas presentes ao nascimento, que serão refinadas durante a infância e utilizadas ao longo de toda a vida. A literatura mostra que em recém-nascidos as habilidades visuais, como fixação visual e acuidade visual, são desenvolvidas em períodos diferentes. Embora o desenvolvimento da acuidade visual seja semelhante entre recém-nascidos prematuros e termos quando se considera a idade corrigida para a prematuridade (IGc), ou seja, o tempo em semanas que o recém-nascido teria se nascesse com 40 semanas, não se sabe ao certo como se desenvolvem outras habilidades que dependem do sistema visual nesses recém-nascidos. O presente estudo, de caráter observacional, avaliou o desempenho visual através da medida do tempo de fixação visual para a face humana, baseado nos estímulos desenvolvidos por Fantz - face construída com padrões internos semelhantes à face humana (FC) e face desconstruída com padrões internos que não formavam face humana (FD), mas com contraste e luminância idênticos à face construída. Foram incluídos no estudo apenas os recém-nascidos com acuidade visual de resolução de grades, medida através dos cartões de Teller, dentro do esperado para a idade corrigida. Os participantes foram 50 recém-nascidos, 21 (idade média = 13,1 ± 7,1 semanas; peso ao nascimento = 3109 ± 468,9 g), nascidos a partir de 37 semanas de gestação (termo; idade média = 39,1 ± 1,2 semanas), e 29 (idade média = 11,1 ± 6,8 semanas; peso ao nascimento = 1544,3 ± 505,5g), nascidos antes de 37 semanas de gestação (prematuros; idade média = 31,7 ± 2,6 semanas). Os recém-nascidos foram avaliados no Setor de Neonatologia e Pediatria do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo (HU-USP) e no Serviço de Neonatologia e Pediatria do Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo (HCFMUSP). Durante a avaliação os recém-nascidos eram posicionados no bebê conforto, semi-elevados frente a um anteparo que impedia visualização do entorno para o teste de fixação das características faciais e no colo do responsável durante o teste de acuidade visual de Teller. O tempo médio de fixação à FC (termo = 56,9 ± 54,4 segundos; prematuros = 49,3 ± 42,8 segundos) e à FD (termo = 34,8 ± 41,5 segundos; prematuros = 44,1± 31,1 segundos) foi semelhante para recém-nascidos a termo e prematuros (FC: p = 0,723 e FD: p = 0,637). Entretanto, o tempo de fixação à FC foi estatisticamente superior (p = 0,014) ao tempo de fixação à FD para os recém-nascidos a termo, enquanto prematuros apresentaram tempos semelhantes (p = 0,75). A atenção às características faciais humanas possui papel fundamental no contexto diário dos recém-nascidos, pois influencia o desempenho de algumas habilidades que serão desenvolvidas posteriormente, como a comunicação e a interação visual, o reconhecimento de objetos, a resposta social e a orientação espacial. Os resultados do presente estudo mostram que contrariamente aos recém-nascidos a termo cuja preferência pela face humana construída é estatisticamente maior que pela face desconstruída, recém-nascidos prematuros não apresentam preferência pela face humana construída. Os achados indicam os efeitos da prematuridade na fixação à face humana e ressaltam a importância de se identificar alterações em habilidades que poderiam ser estimuladas precocemente / The first months of life are critical for the normal development of the visual system. In this period, newborns develop visual skills, some of which are present at birth, which will be refined during childhood and used throughout the life. The literature shows that in newborns some visual abilities, such as visual fixation and visual acuity, are developed in different periods. Although the development of visual acuity is similar between preterm newborns and terms when considering the corrected age for prematurity (the time in weeks that the newborn would have been born at 40 weeks), the development of other abilities that depend on the visual system in these preterm newborns is unknown. The present observational study evaluated visual performance by measuring the time of visual fixation to the human face, based on the Fantz real face with internal patterns similar to the human face and scrambled face with internal patterns that do not form a face, but with contrast and luminance identical to the real face. Only newborns with visual acuity as expected for the corrected age, as measured by Teller cards, were included in the study. Participants were 50 infants, 21 (mean age = 13.1 ± 7.1 weeks, birth weight = 3109 ± 468.9g) born after 37 weeks gestation (terms, mean age = 39.1 ± 1.2 weeks), and 29 (mean age = 11.1 ± 6.8 weeks, birth weight = 1544.3 ± 505.5g), born before 37 weeks gestation (preterms, mean age = 31, 7 ± 2.6 weeks). The newborns were evaluated in the Neonatology and Pediatrics Sector of the University Hospital (HU-USP) and in the Neonatology and Pediatrics Service of the Hospital das Clinicas de São Paulo (HCFMUSP) at the University of São Paulo. During the evaluation the newborns were placed in the comfort baby, semi-elevated against a bulkhead that prevented visualization of the surroundings to test the time of fixation for the facial characteristics and in the lap of his/her responsible during the visual acuity test. The mean fixation time to the real face (term = 56.9 ± 54.4 seconds, premature = 49.3 ± 42.8 seconds) and to the scrambled face (term = 34.8 ± 41.5 seconds, preterm = 44.1 ± 31.1 seconds) was similar for term and preterm newborns (p = 0.723 and FD: p = 0.637). However, the fixation time to the real face was statistically superior (p = 0.014) to the fixation time to the scrambled face for term newborns, whereas preterm infants presented similar times (p = 0.75). Fixation to human facial features plays a key role in the daily context of newborns, as it influences the performance of some skills that are in development, such as communication and visual interaction, object recognition, social response and spatial orientation. The results of the present study show that, contrary to the term newborns whose preference for the real human face is significantly higher than the scrambled face, preterm newborns have no preference for the real human face. The findings indicate the effects of prematurity on fixation to the human face and emphasize the importance of identifying changes in abilities that could be early stimulated
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The control of fixational eye movementsMergenthaler, Konstantin K. January 2009 (has links)
In normal everyday viewing, we perform large eye movements (saccades) and miniature or fixational eye movements. Most of our visual perception occurs while we are fixating. However, our eyes are perpetually in motion. Properties of these fixational eye movements, which are partly controlled by the brainstem, change depending on the task and the visual conditions. Currently, fixational eye movements are poorly understood because they serve the two contradictory functions of gaze stabilization and counteraction of retinal fatigue.
In this dissertation, we investigate the spatial and temporal properties of
time series of eye position acquired from participants staring at a tiny
fixation dot or at a completely dark screen (with the instruction to fixate a
remembered stimulus); these time series were acquired with high spatial and temporal resolution.
First, we suggest an advanced algorithm to separate the slow phases (named drift) and fast phases (named microsaccades) of these movements, which are considered to play different roles in perception. On the basis of this identification, we investigate and compare the temporal scaling properties of the complete time series and those time series where the microsaccades are removed. For the time series obtained during fixations on a stimulus, we were able to show that they deviate from Brownian motion. On short time scales, eye movements are governed by persistent behavior and on a longer time scales, by anti-persistent behavior. The crossover point between these two regimes remains unchanged by the removal of microsaccades but is different in the horizontal and the vertical components of the eyes. Other analyses target the properties of the microsaccades, e.g., the rate and amplitude distributions, and we investigate, whether microsaccades are triggered dynamically, as a result of earlier events in the drift, or completely randomly. The results obtained from using a simple box-count measure contradict the hypothesis of a purely random generation of microsaccades (Poisson process).
Second, we set up a model for the slow part of the fixational eye
movements. The model is based on a delayed random walk approach within the
velocity related equation, which allows us to use the data to determine control loop durations; these durations appear to be different for the vertical and horizontal components of the eye movements. The model is also motivated by the known physiological representation of saccade generation; the difference between horizontal and vertical components concurs with the spatially separated representation of saccade generating regions. Furthermore, the control loop durations in the model suggest an external feedback loop for the horizontal but not for the vertical component, which is consistent with the fact that an internal feedback loop in the neurophysiology has only been identified for the vertical component. Finally, we confirmed the scaling properties of the model by semi-analytical calculations.
In conclusion, we were able to identify several properties of the different parts of fixational eye movements and propose a model approach that is in accordance with the described neurophysiology and described limitations
of fixational eye movement control. / Während des alltäglichen Sehens führen wir große (Sakkaden) und Miniatur-
oder fixationale Augenbewegungen durch. Die visuelle Wahrnehmung unserer Umwelt geschieht jedoch maßgeblich während des sogenannten Fixierens, obwohl das Auge auch in dieser Zeit ständig in Bewegung ist. Es ist bekannt, dass die fixationalen Augenbewegungen durch die gestellten Aufgaben und die Sichtbedingungen verändert werden. Trotzdem sind die Fixationsbewegungen noch sehr schlecht verstanden, besonders auch wegen ihrer zwei konträren Hauptfunktionen: Das stabilisieren des Bildes und das Vermeiden der Ermüdung retinaler Rezeptoren.
In der vorliegenden Dissertation untersuchen wir die zeitlichen und räumlichen
Eigenschaften der Fixationsbewegungen, die mit hoher zeitlicher und räumlicher
Präzision aufgezeichnet wurden, während die Versuchspersonen entweder einen
sichtbaren Punkt oder aber den Ort eines verschwundenen Punktes in völliger
Dunkelheit fixieren sollten.
Zunächst führen wir einen verbesserten Algorithmus ein, der die Aufspaltung in
schnelle (Mikrosakkaden) und langsame (Drift) Fixationsbewegungen ermöglicht. Den beiden Typen von Fixationsbewegungen werden unterschiedliche Beiträge zur Wahrnehmung zugeschrieben. Anschließend wird für die Zeitreihen mit und ohne
Mikrosakkaden das zeitliche Skalenverhalten untersucht. Für die Fixationsbewegung während des Fixierens auf den Punkt konnten wir feststellen, dass diese sich nicht durch Brownsche Molekularbewegung beschreiben lässt. Stattdessen fanden wir persistentes Verhalten auf den kurzen und antipersistentes Verhalten auf den längeren Zeitskalen. Während die Position des Übergangspunktes für Zeitreihen mit oder ohne Mikrosakkaden gleich ist, unterscheidet sie sich generell zwischen horizontaler und vertikaler Komponente der Augen. Weitere Analysen zielen auf Eigenschaften der Mikrosakkadenrate und -amplitude, sowie Auslösemechanismen von Mikrosakkaden durch bestimmte Eigenschaften der vorhergehenden Drift ab. Mittels eines Kästchenzählalgorithmus konnten wir die zufällige Generierung (Poisson
Prozess) ausschließen.
Des weiteren setzten wir ein Modell auf der Grundlage einer Zufallsbewegung
mit zeitverzögerter Rückkopplung für den langsamen Teil der Augenbewegung
auf. Dies erlaubt uns durch den Vergleich mit den erhobenen Daten die Dauer
des Kontrollkreislaufes zu bestimmen. Interessanterweise unterscheiden sich die
Dauern für vertikale und horizontale Augenbewegungen, was sich jedoch dadurch
erklären lässt, dass das Modell auch durch die bekannte Neurophysiologie der Sakkadengenerierung, die sich räumlich wie auch strukturell zwischen vertikaler und horizontaler Komponente unterscheiden, motiviert ist. Die erhaltenen Dauern legen für die horizontale Komponente einen externen und für die vertikale Komponente einen internen Kontrollkreislauf dar. Ein interner Kontrollkreislauf ist nur für die vertikale Kompoente bekannt. Schließlich wird das Skalenverhalten des Modells noch semianalytisch bestätigt.
Zusammenfassend waren wir in der Lage, unterschiedliche Eigenschaften von
Teilen der Fixationsbewegung zu identifizieren und ein Modell zu entwerfen,
welches auf der bekannten Neurophysiologie aufbaut und bekannte Einschränkungen
der Kontrolle der Fixationsbewegung beinhaltet.
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On Fixation of Hip ProsthesesPalm, Lars January 2007 (has links)
This thesis, comprising 5 separate studies, is concerned with fixation of prosthetic components in total hip arthroplasty. The results and conclusions of the studies fol-low; The initial stability of femoral revision components, the long cementless PCA stem and the Exeter standard stem cemented in a bed of impacted bone graft, was com-pared in an experimental study. The PCA stem was more stable than the Exeter stem. However, for both stems initial stability may not be sufficient to allow bone ingrowth. Initial fixation is especially vulnerable to torsion. Identical femoral stems with or without HA-coating were compared in a prospec-tive randomized clinical trial. The long-term stable fixation of a cementless Link RS femoral component was improved by application of hydroxyapatite coating to the femoral stem. In a clinical study the method of extensive impaction of morsellized bone allograft and a hydroxyapatite-coated cementless Mallory-Head acetabular component was found to be advantageous for acetabular revision in the presence of contained or acetabular wall defects. The limited contact between the HA-coated implant and living host bone did not seem to compromise long-term stable fixation. Two different cup designs were compared in a prospective randomized RSA study. At 3 years after implantation the cemented low profile Lubinus FAL cup performed as well as the cemented Lubinus Standard cup in terms of migration and polyethyl-ene wear. In a study of the relationship between radiolucent lines and migration the Lubinus FAL cup displayed more radiolucent lines in the cement bone interface than the Lubinus Standard cup but no difference in migration was found. Early appearance of such radiolucent lines represents an unspecific finding without reliable correla-tion to 3-year migration of the acetabular component.
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Axial pull-out strength of 3.5 cortical and 4.0 cancellous bone screws placed in canine proximal tibias using manual and power tappingDemko, Jennifer Lynn, January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Mississippi State University. Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.
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Efeito de diferentes concentrações e estirpes da bactéria Azospirillum brasilense nos componentes de produção em plantas de trigo / Effect of different concentrations and strains of Azospirillum brasilense on wheat plant production componentsRepke, Rodrigo Alberto [UNESP] 02 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by RODRIGO ALBERTO REPKE null (rodrigorepke@hotmail.com) on 2016-10-27T12:42:23Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-09-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O triticum aestivum é uma espécie de ciclo anual, pertencente à família Poaceae. Cultivado em regiões de climas subtropical e temperado, ocupa a segunda maior área plantada no mundo. Para obtenção de altas produtividade dentre outros cuidados, é essencial o fornecimento de nutrientes na quantidade demandada pelas cultivares de alto potencial produtivo, com destaque para o nitrogênio (N). A fixação biológica de nitrogênio é realizada por microrganismos simbióticos associados com raízes das plantas. Entre os microrganismos simbióticos que fixam nitrogênio associados com raízes de plantas, destacam-se os do gênero Azospirillum brasilense. O objetivo no presente trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do uso da inoculação Azospirillum brasilense no desenvolvimento e componentes produtivos da cultura do trigo. O estudo foi dividido em dois experimentos sendo o primeiro em ambiente protegido e o segundo em ambiente não protegido, ambos na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Campus de Botucatu, SP, no ano agrícola 2013. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos inteiramente casualizados para ambiente protegido e blocos casualizados para ambiente não protegido, com 10 tratamentos em esquema fatorial 3x3+1. Sendo os tratamentos compostos pelo uso de duas estirpes (Ab-V5 e Ab-V6) isoladamente e em combinação das mesmas (Ab-V5+Ab-V6), todos aplicados em três concentrações 65, 130 e 195 milhões de unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC) de bactérias. Mais a testemunha, sem inoculação de bactérias. Para o experimento em ambiente protegido, cada parcela experimental foi constituída por plantas cultivadas em um recipiente de amianto com capacidade para 0,462 m3 de solo. Foram 7 linhas de 0,88 m cada, espaçadas em 0,15 m, com 40 sementes por metro. Já no experimento em ambiente não protegido, a parcela experimental foi composta por 10 linhas de 2,0 m cada, espaçadas em 0,17 m, e 45 sementes por metro, onde ambos os experimentos teve uma densidade de semeadura em 266 sementes m2 almejando uma densidade de 250 plantas m2. Para atender a necessidade de água da cultura durante todo o ciclo, adotou-se o sistema de irrigação localizada por gotejamento, monitorada por tensiômetros de mercúrio. Após a emergência das plântulas até a colheita, foram realizadas avaliações de crescimento em diversos componentes morfológicos e de produtividade das plantas de trigo. Os dados obtidos foram submetidas à análise de variância pelo teste F a 5% de probabilidade, sendo os dados quantitativos submetidos a análise de regressão em função das doses de A.brasiliense os dados qualitativos em função das estirpes pelo teste de Tukey. Em ambiente protegido, a inoculação das sementes com Azospirillum brasilense promove maior crescimento das plantas de trigo, sem influencia na produção de grãos. Em condições de ambiente não protegido o crescimento das plantas é influenciado pela inoculação de Azospirillum brasilense. O uso de bactérias promotoras de crescimento em plantas aumentam o desenvolvimento das plantas de trigo, o que representa uma estratégia viável, além dos benefícios ambientais associados à redução no uso de fertilizantes nitrogenados. / Triticum aestivum is a yearly crop species belonging to the Poaceae family. It is cultivated in regions with subtropical and temperate climate, and takes up the second largest planted area in the world. Nutrient provision in the demanded amount by high productive potential cultivars, mainly nitrogen (N), is essential to obtain high productivity. The biological fixation of nitrogen is done by symbiotic microorganisms associated with plan roots. Azospirillum brasilense is one of the genera in which the symbiotic microorganisms fixate nitrogen associated with plant roots. This study aimed to evaluate the agronomical efficiency of Azospirillum brasilense inoculation on the growth and productive components of wheat cultivation. The study was divided into two experiments: the fist protected environment, and the second non-protected environment conditions, both in the School of Agriculture - Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Campus of Botucatu, SP, Brazil, during 2013 crop year. The experiment had completely randomized block design for the fist experiment in protected environment, and random blocks for the second experiment in non-protected environment, with 10 treatments in 3x3+1 factorial scheme. The treatments consisted of two separate (V5 and V6) and combined (V5+V6) stocks and three concentrations (65, 130 and 195 million UFC of bacteria) were applied. The control treatment had no bacterial inoculation. For the protected environment, each experimental plot consisted of plants cultivated in an asbestos recipient with the following dimensions: 0.50 m of height, 0.88 m of width and 1.05 m of length, and 0.462 m3 of soil. Seven 0.88-m rows with 0.15 m spacing and 40 seeds per meter were utilized. In the field experiment, the experimental plot consisted of ten 2.0-m rows with 0.17 m spacing and 45 seeds per meter. For both experiments, the seeding density was 266 seeds m2, aiming a density of 250 plants m2. To meet water cultivation requirements throughout the cycle, dripping irrigation was used and monitored by mercury tensiometers. After seedling emergence until harvest, growth evaluations of several morphological and productivity components of wheat plants were carried out. The obtained data were submitted to analysis of variance by F test at 5% probability and quantitative data were submitted to regression analysis in function of A.brasiliense doses whereas qualitative data in function of stocks were submitted to Tukey’s test. In protected environment, the inoculation of Azospirillum brasilense seeds provides greater growth of wheat plants, without influencing grain production. Under non-protected environment conditions, the plant growth is influenced by the inoculation of Azospirillum brasilense. The use of growth-promoting bacteria in plants increase the development of wheat plants, which represents a viable strategy, besides the environmental benefits related to the reduced utilization of nitrogen fertilizers.
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Avaliação dos resultados do uso de haste inflavel auto blocante intramedular (HEIA) para o tratamento de fraturas e falhas de fixação ossea dos ossos longos / Clinical and radiological results from the of a self-locking intramedullary expanding nailing system (SLINS) fixion 'trade mark' for treating failures in long bone fracturesRavaglia, Fabio Ferraz do Amaral 29 May 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Alberto Cliquet Junior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T22:08:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008 / Mestrado / Cirurgia / Mestre em Cirurgia
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