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Recherche tabou pour un problème de tournées de véhicules avec une flotte privée et un transporteur externeNaud, Marc-André January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Dimensionamento de frota de navios rebocadores de apoio marítimo offshore. / Determining fleet sizing of tugboats for offshore support services.Tiago, Leandro Lara 06 March 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa aborda o problema de dimensionamento de frota de navios rebocadores do tipo AHTS, que são utilizados essencialmente nas tarefas de operações de apoio à exploração e produção de petróleo offshore (em alto mar). Essas atividades se caracterizam pela requisição simultânea de múltiplos navios de classes diferentes, e possuem parâmetros como: compatibilidade de classes de navios com as tarefas, duração em dias, local de execução e instante desejado de atendimento. Para representar este problema foi desenvolvido um modelo de simulação com parâmetros estocásticos, cuja programação é orientada para minimização dos custos totais da operação, que englobam custos fixos, custos de penalidade por atraso no atendimento das tarefas, e penalidade por falta de cumprimento de tarefas. A abordagem de solução do modelo é a busca exaustiva onde são comparados cenários de simulação de eventos discretos. Adicionalmente, foram comparadas 2 modos de escolhas de tarefas na fila de tarefas, o primeiro é o modo FIFO (First In First Out), o segundo modo é a priorização de tarefas com maior custo de penalidade associado para o dimensionamento de frota. / This research addresses a fleet sizing problem of anchor and handling and tug supply vessels (AHTS), which support the exploration and production of oil at the sea. The support activities are characterized by simultaneous request of multiple vessels of one or more classes. Other characteristics of the research problem are:: the compatibility between vessels and tasks, task duration (in days), a place of execution the task and a desired instant to be attended. A simulation model with stochastic parameters was developed to represent this problem, aiming to minimize the total operational cost that includes fixed costs,penalty costs if tasks are delayed and penalty costs with not completed tasks. The strategy to solve this problem was the exhausted search through discrete-event simulation. Aditionally, 2 methods of approach for the queue were analyzed: the first one is the FIFO (First In First Out) and the second one is the priority according the highest penalty cost to size the fleet.
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[pt] Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre a Logística de
Distribuição de Derivados de Petróleo, com o
desenvolvimento de um modelo para a determinação do
tamanho mínimo da frota rodoviária necessária a uma
operação de distribuição. Esse modelo, implementado
através de uma heurística, não se propõe a determinar o
tamanho ótimo da frota e sim estabelecer um processo
prático e racional, com base numa aplicação real e
flexível. Antes da proposição da heurística, foi realizada
uma revisão dos conceitos de supply chain management e
comparado o desenvolvimento da indústria do petróleo no
Brasil, frente a esses conceitos. A aplicação do modelo com
dados reais teve seus resultados comparados com as
formulações propostas por DAGANZO et al (1985) e NOVAES
(1989). Essa comparação mostrou que a modelagem,
desenvolvida para a solução do problema prático, chega a
resultados adequados para o ajuste do tamanho da frota. A
abordagem prática e a apresentação detalhada da estrutura
do problema real são as principais contribuições que esse
estudo agrega à área de conhecimento e pesquisa de
logística de distribuição de derivados de petróleo. / [en] This master thesis presents a study of the logistics of
oil products distribution. It also creates a model for the
determination of minimum tankers fleet size, required for a
distribution operation in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. This
model was implemented through heuristics, and doesn`t
intend to determine the optimal fleet size; its objective
instead is to establish a rational and a practical process
for the distribution, based on flexible and real data
application. Before the heuristics proposal, we took into
consideration a review of supply chain management concepts
and we evaluated these in relation to the development of
the oil industry in Brazil. To validate the model`s
correctness, the results of the heuristics run, using real
data, were compared to figures obtained using
DAGANZO et al (1985) and NOVAES (1989) formulation. This
process shows that the developed model is able to solve
practical problems regarding truck fleet size. The
pragmatic approach and the detailed description of the
real problem structure are the main contributions of this
study to the field of logistics of oil products
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[pt] Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre os custos que
incidem sobre o transporte rodoviário de cargas e como
estes determinam o melhor momento econômico para a
substituição dos equipamentos de transporte. O problema é
relevante para a organização militar, cujo principal
objetivo é a execução da logística para o Exército. A
modelagem matemática foi baseada na coleta de dados na
organização militar e no Sistema Integrado de Administração
Financeira do Governo Federal (SIAFI). O desenvolvimento do
modelo que inclui equações matemáticas foi amparado pela
bibliografia pesquisada e nos dados coletados no sistema
federal SIAFI. Para a avaliação dos dados foram utilizadas
planilhas eletrônicas do Microsoft Excel para se calcular
apropriadamente os resultados. Os veículos considerados são
utilizados em cinco grandes eixos de deslocamento dentro do
território nacional. Estes veículos foram divididos em
quatro categorias de acordo com o peso bruto total. Quando
o modelo apresentou médio ou fraco grau de correlação
múltipla (R2), outras funções matemáticas foram buscadas
para melhorar o grau de correlação. Os resultados são
mostrados de modo analítico e por meio de tabelas e
gráficos com valores expressos em unidades monetárias em
função do tempo de uso dos veículos. / [en] This dissertation presents a study about all the costs that
fall upon the freight transportation in order to determine
the best economic moment to replace transportation
equipments. The problem is relevant to the military
organization, whose main objective is the execution of
logistics for the Army. The mathematical modeling was based
on data collect in the military organization and in the
Federal System Financial Administration (SIAFI). The
development of the model wich includes mathematical
equations was supported by bibliography research and data
collected in the SIAFI federal system. For the evaluation
of the data has used electronic spread sheets of Microsoft
Excel was used for the calculation and the fitting of the
results. The vehicles considered are used in five large
axels of displacements along the national territory. These
vehicles have been divided in four categories according to
its total gross weight. When the model presented a medium
or weak degree of multiple correlation (R2), others
mathematical functions have been searched in order to
improve the correlation degree. Results are shown in an
analytical way and through tables and graphs wich express
values in monetary terms as a time function of use of the
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Monetarização de gases poluentes de veículos do ciclo Otto no Brasil de 2000 a 2009Gonçalves, Thais Souza 14 April 2015 (has links)
O agravamento de inúmeros problemas ambientais nas últimas décadas – contaminação do ar e da água, epidemias, secas prolongadas, enchentes, incêndios florestais, perdas da qualidade do solo, desastres nucleares e químicos, o crescimento do buraco na camada de ozônio e a atual escassez de água – têm emitido alertas a gestores e sociedade sobre a devida responsabilidade acerca dos recursos naturais. Nesse sentido, a valoração ou monetarização da emissão dos principais poluentes veiculares é fundamental para a formulação de políticas públicas ambientais, de gestão de transporte e trânsito que busquem resultados mais efetivos no controle das emissões. Esse trabalho apresenta uma breve discussão sobre as emissões veiculares de poluentes e as principais políticas públicas adotadas no setor e das emissões evitadas pelo uso do álcool carburante. Apresentou uma metodologia de cálculo baseada no quantitativo da frota de veículos, da intensidade de uso, dos fatores de emissão e dos valores monetários de referência de monóxido de carbono, óxido de nitrogênio, hidrocarbonetos e material particulado. Como resultado, apresenta-se as análises com seus respectivos valores das emissões referentes ao quantitativo monetário dos gases selecionados. Com o aumento do carro com tecnologia flex-fuel, observou-se a redução das emissões totais dos gases poluentes, embora a frota tenha aumentado em valores absolutos. Os valores monetários calculados por meio dos Indicadores de Monetarização de Emissões demonstraram que o monóxido de carbono é o principal responsável das emissões por automóveis que utilizam o ciclo Otto no Brasil, representando 45,7% das emissões e o valor monetário foi de R$ 4.736.386.753,28. Os hidrocarbonetos são o segundo gás mais emitido pela frota de automóveis, sendo responsável por 27,3% das emissões, e valor monetário de R$ 2.835.304.578,20. Em seguida surgem as emissões de óxido de nitrogênio, que em teve suas emissões reduzidas em 26,8% e foi responsável por R$ 2.785.548.815,02. Já as emissões de material particulado, em 2000 foram de R$ 705.307,57. Com a redução de 23%, foram responsáveis por R$ 545.752,13. Pode-se verificar, também, que o custo ambiental do período de 2000 a 2009, provocado pela frota de automóveis do ciclo Otto, dedicados ou de tecnologia flex-fuel, movidos à gasolina C e etanol hidratado, foi de R$ 10.363.277.869,40. / The worsening of numerous environmental problems in recent decades - contamination of air and water, epidemics, prolonged droughts, floods, forest fires, loss of soil quality, nuclear and chemical disasters, the hole growth in the ozone layer and the current shortage water - have issued alerts to managers and society on the proper responsibility about natural resources. In this sense, the valuation or monetization of emission of key vehicle pollutants is essential for the formulation of environmental policies, transportation management and traffic that seek more effective results in controlling emissions. This paper presents a brief discussion on vehicle emissions of pollutants and major public policies adopted in the industry and emissions avoided by the use of fuel ethanol. Presented a calculation method based on the amount of the vehicle fleet, the intensity of use, emission and monetary values of carbon monoxide reference factors, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and particulate matter. As a result, the analysis is presented with the respective emission values for the quantitative currency of selected gases. With increasing car with flex-fuel technology, there was a reduction of total emissions of greenhouse gases, although the fleet has increased in absolute terms. The monetary values calculated using the emissions of monetization indicators showed that carbon monoxide is primarily responsible for emissions from motor vehicles the Otto cycle in Brazil, representing 45.7% of the emissions and the monetary value was R $ 4,736 .386.753,28. Hydrocarbons are the second most gas emitted by the car fleet, accounting for 27.3% of emissions, and monetary value of R $ 2,835,304,578.20. Then come the emissions of nitrogen oxide, which had its emission reductions of 26.8% and accounted for R $ 2,785,548,815.02. While emissions of particulate matter in 2000 were R $ 705,307.57. With the reduction of 23%, accounted for R $ 545,752.13. You can also check that the environmental cost for the period 2000-2009, caused by the fleet of vehicles of the Otto cycle, dedicated or flex-fuel technology, moved to C gasoline and hydrous ethanol was R $ 10,363,277,869 40.
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Avaliação de impactos da inserção dos veículos elétricos nos sistemas de distribuição das concessionárias EDP Bandeirante e EDP ESCELSA. / Evaluation of the electric vehicles impact on the distribution systems of the EDP Bandeirante and EDP ESCELSA utilities.João Paulo Niggli Silva 21 March 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar qual seria o impacto da inserção dos veículos elétricos nos sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica de duas distribuidoras brasileiras, a EDP Bandeirante e EDP ESCELSA. Como esta tecnologia ainda não se encontra em utilização no Brasil, será adotada uma abordagem prospectiva, de modo a projetar o crescimento da frota de veículos elétricos até o ano de 2020. Para que se possa simular em uma sub estação, qual será o impacto da adoção desta tecnologia. Utilizando-se das projeções de crescimento da frota, também serão quantificados o impacto na matriz energética nacional e nas emissões de gases do efeito estufa. / This work, aims to evaluate the impact of the electric vehicles insertion on two power distribution utilities, EDP Bandeirante and EDP ESCELSA. How the electric vehicles aren´t a reality on Brazil, an prospective approach will be adopted, to project the growth of the electric vehicles fleet until the 2020 year, so that can be simulated in one substation, the impact that would be caused by the adoption of this technology. Using these projections, the impact on Brazilian energetic matrix, and the greenhouse gas emissions will be calculated to.
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Métodos heurísticos aplicados ao problema de programação da frota de navios PLVs. / Heuristics methods applied in a PLV fleet scheduling problem.Queiroz, Maciel Manoel de 03 October 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho abordou um problema de programação de embarcações que realizam o lançamento de dutos ou linhas de produção e a interligação destes à infra-estrutura submarina, em uma operação de exploração de petróleo offshore. As tarefas são realizadas por embarcações PLVs (pipe layer vessels), e possuem como atributos: duração, em dias; lista de embarcações compatíveis; instante de liberação; penalidade relacionada ao atraso na execução da tarefa. Este problema é uma variação da classe de problemas de programação de máquinas paralelas não-relacionadas, em que o objetivo é minimizar o atraso ponderado total. Este trabalho empregou como métodos de solução a meta-heurística GRASP com path relinking. Esta técnica foi implementada utilizando os recursos de processamento multi-threading, de forma a explorar múltiplas trajetórias simultaneamente. Testes foram feitos para comprovar o desempenho das heurísticas propostas, comparando-as com limitantes fornecidos pelo método geração de colunas. / This work addressed a fleet scheduling problem present in the offshore oil industry. Among the special purpose services one will find the pipe layer activities and its connection to the subsea infrastructure, accomplished by the Pipe Layer Vessels (PLV). The jobs are characterized by a release date, which reflects the expected arrival date of the necessary material at the port. There are compatibility constraints between job and vessel, so that some vessels may not be able to perform a certain job; the duration of the jobs can be differentiated by vessel and if a job is finished after its due date, a penalty is incurred. This is a variation of the unrelated parallel machine problem with total weighted tardiness objective function. This research employed a metaheuristic GRASP with Path Relinking, which have proved to be competitive and an effective solution strategy. This method was implemented in a multi-threading scheme allowing multiple paths to be explored simultaneously. Computational experiments were conducted, comparing solutions with bounds provided by linear column generation.
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Avaliação de impactos da inserção dos veículos elétricos nos sistemas de distribuição das concessionárias EDP Bandeirante e EDP ESCELSA. / Evaluation of the electric vehicles impact on the distribution systems of the EDP Bandeirante and EDP ESCELSA utilities.Silva, João Paulo Niggli 21 March 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar qual seria o impacto da inserção dos veículos elétricos nos sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica de duas distribuidoras brasileiras, a EDP Bandeirante e EDP ESCELSA. Como esta tecnologia ainda não se encontra em utilização no Brasil, será adotada uma abordagem prospectiva, de modo a projetar o crescimento da frota de veículos elétricos até o ano de 2020. Para que se possa simular em uma sub estação, qual será o impacto da adoção desta tecnologia. Utilizando-se das projeções de crescimento da frota, também serão quantificados o impacto na matriz energética nacional e nas emissões de gases do efeito estufa. / This work, aims to evaluate the impact of the electric vehicles insertion on two power distribution utilities, EDP Bandeirante and EDP ESCELSA. How the electric vehicles aren´t a reality on Brazil, an prospective approach will be adopted, to project the growth of the electric vehicles fleet until the 2020 year, so that can be simulated in one substation, the impact that would be caused by the adoption of this technology. Using these projections, the impact on Brazilian energetic matrix, and the greenhouse gas emissions will be calculated to.
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Bestämning av optimal fordonspark -Distribution av bitumen vid Nynäs AB / A vehicle fleet sizing problem -distribution of bitumen at Nynas ABHjort, Mattias January 2005 (has links)
<p>Nynas produces bitumen at two refineries in Sweden. The bitumen is shipped to seven depots along the swedish coast line, and from the depots special trucks handle the transportation to customers. Recently Nynas has transformed its supply chain and closed down a few depots. At the moment the company is considering a further reduction of the number of depots. In connection to these discussions an analyse of the companys distributionsystem and of possible changes is required. In this thesis an optimization model is developed that simulates Nynas distribution of bitumen from the depots to the customers. The model is used to investigate the required vehicle fleet size for a number of different scenarios, that is with different depots closed down. The question to be answered is, thus, what depots could be closed without any dramatic increase in the required vehicle fleet size? Scenarios where customers are allocated an increased storage capacity are also studied. </p><p>The distribution model that is developed is an inventory route planning problem. It is solved by column generation. Each column represents a route and is generated by a subproblem with restrictions on permitted working hours for the truck drivers. Integer solutions are generated heuristically. </p><p>Simulations that have been performed with the model reveals interesting differences concerning how the distribution is handled in different parts of Sweden. In western Sweden the transportation planning works well, but the distribution in the central parts of the country could be planned in a better way. Results from simulations also show that the depots in Norrköping and Västerås could be closed down without increasing the vehicle fleet. Probably, the existing vehicle fleet size will be sufficient even with the Kalmar-depot closed down. Nevertheless, Nynas transportation suppliers will have to purchase new vehicles if the Sandarne-depot is to be closed. </p><p>Another interesting conclusion that can be drawn from this thesis is that there is a potential for reducing the vehicle fleet size if the storage capacity is increased at a few chosen customers. A considerably small increase in the storage capacity at a few big customers that are located far from the depots will have a great effect.</p>
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Bestämning av optimal fordonspark -Distribution av bitumen vid Nynäs AB / A vehicle fleet sizing problem -distribution of bitumen at Nynas ABHjort, Mattias January 2005 (has links)
Nynas produces bitumen at two refineries in Sweden. The bitumen is shipped to seven depots along the swedish coast line, and from the depots special trucks handle the transportation to customers. Recently Nynas has transformed its supply chain and closed down a few depots. At the moment the company is considering a further reduction of the number of depots. In connection to these discussions an analyse of the companys distributionsystem and of possible changes is required. In this thesis an optimization model is developed that simulates Nynas distribution of bitumen from the depots to the customers. The model is used to investigate the required vehicle fleet size for a number of different scenarios, that is with different depots closed down. The question to be answered is, thus, what depots could be closed without any dramatic increase in the required vehicle fleet size? Scenarios where customers are allocated an increased storage capacity are also studied. The distribution model that is developed is an inventory route planning problem. It is solved by column generation. Each column represents a route and is generated by a subproblem with restrictions on permitted working hours for the truck drivers. Integer solutions are generated heuristically. Simulations that have been performed with the model reveals interesting differences concerning how the distribution is handled in different parts of Sweden. In western Sweden the transportation planning works well, but the distribution in the central parts of the country could be planned in a better way. Results from simulations also show that the depots in Norrköping and Västerås could be closed down without increasing the vehicle fleet. Probably, the existing vehicle fleet size will be sufficient even with the Kalmar-depot closed down. Nevertheless, Nynas transportation suppliers will have to purchase new vehicles if the Sandarne-depot is to be closed. Another interesting conclusion that can be drawn from this thesis is that there is a potential for reducing the vehicle fleet size if the storage capacity is increased at a few chosen customers. A considerably small increase in the storage capacity at a few big customers that are located far from the depots will have a great effect.
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