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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effectiveness of Online Art Instruction of Color Concepts to Fifth Grade Students

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: This quantitative, quasi-experimental study examined the effectiveness of three types of online guided-practice activities designed to increase learning of visual art concepts, the color concepts of hue, tint, shade, value, and neutral colors in particular, among fifth grade students in a large school district in the southwestern United States. The study's results indicated that, when students were given a limited amount of time to engage in practice activities, there was no statistically significant difference among the three types of guided practice and the control group. What was effective, however, was the instructional component of this study's instruments. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Curriculum and Instruction 2014

Využití on-line videa ve vzdělávání / Use of on-line video in education

Eichenmann, Filip January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part begins with explanation of basic concept of educational videos. The following chapter discusses advantages and possible barriers to using videos in education and presents examples of using videos in the classroom. The next chapter offers introduction to educational portals, selected YouTube channels, video tutorials and an example comparison of self-study versus university degree in a particular specialization. The practical part is divided into two chapters - Analysis of selected videos and Recommended steps for video production. The analytical part examines successful educational videos on YouTube in order to compile the recommended steps for creating quality video content in the last chapter. Included in the last chapter is also an educational video created by the author according to the previously recommended steps. This video was shown to students during a lecture at University of Economics, Prague. The students then filled in a short questionnaire as a feedback about the video. The conclusion summarizes the goals, results and benefits of the thesis.

Flipped Classroom i gymnasieskolan / Flipped Classroom at upper secondary school

Eriksson, David January 2017 (has links)
I denna undersökning studeras verksamma lärares syn på hur undervisning kan förändras genom att använda Flipped Classroom i undervisningen. Till detta används även tidigare forskningslitteratur där lärarnas erfarenheter jämförs för att verifiera resultatet med den tidigare forskningen. Resultatet av studien har visat att undervisning bör varieras och att undervisning som blandar Flipped Classroom med traditionell undervisning är att föredra. Arbetet med texten har visat att denna metod kan leda till att eleverna blir aktivare under lektionstid. Vidare blir eleverna bättre förberedda då de inför varje lektion ska ta del av inspelad teori.

Flippat klassrum- fem matematiklärares erfarenheter av den pedagogiska modellen flippat klassrum på högstadiet och gymnasiet

Flodin, Ola January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande examensarbete är att undersöka hur matematiklärare somarbetar utifrån den didaktiska modellen flippat klassrum inom högstadiet respektivegymnasiet uppfattar modellen. För att identifiera kvalitativt skilda beskrivningar avlärares erfarenheter av denna modell använde jag mig av kvalitativ forskningsmetodmed en fenomenografiskt inspirerad ansats. Fem matematiklärare med erfarenhet av attundervisa med flippat klassrum på högstadium respektive gymnasium intervjuades, ochderas svar analyserades med en av fenomenografi inspirerad analysmetod. Dettaresulterade i en beskrivning av lärarnas arbetssätt, och fem beskrivningskategorier - femolika sätt att beskriva lärarerfarenheten av modellen flippat klassrum. Det framkom attflippat klassrum enligt de intervjuade lärarna kan bidra till mer variation iundervisningen. Vidare kan modellen främja matematiska samtal och kommunikationmellan elever och lärare, samt bidra med mer tid till enskilt elevstöd från läraren.Slutligen uppgav lärarna att flippat klassrum ofta ökar elevinflytandet överundervisningens innehåll.En förutsättning lärarna angav för att uppnå ovan nämnda fördelar var att de lyckades”få med eleverna på tåget” så att de verkligen tittade på de videoföreläsningar de får iläxa, något som de intervjuade lärarna uppgav som en utmaning med att använda flippatklassrum. Även om många elever snart brukar upptäcka fördelar medundervisningsmodellen, så ansåg informanterna att det ofta krävs att de påminnereleverna att se videoläxan för att en acceptabelt stor andel av eleverna faktiskt ska göradetta, i alla fall innan man hunnit etablera en vana och en kultur av flippat klassrum.

From Africa to the USA: A Combined Strategy for Nursing Education

Weierbach, Florence M., Halford, Sandy K. 01 September 2020 (has links)
Engaging students in class when first-hand experience is not available is challenging. Three teaching strategies, flipped classroom, a guest speaker, and technology, engaged students during a global health class. Students were given a graded preclass assignment, which was used to guide the class session when an expert physician from Zambia joined us using technology. On the day of class, students were engaged and asked questions of the physician related to global health and culture. Combining the three strategies was an innovative and effective way to engage students, with many sharing with faculty that this was their favorite class day.

Inter-Professional Undergraduate Education and Technology Use in a Flipped Classroom

Halford, Sandy, Weierbach, Florence M. 01 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

An Investigation of the Impact of a Flipped Classroom Instructional Approach on High School Students' Content Knowledge and Attitudes Toward the Learning Environment

Bell, Matthew R 01 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The idea of the “flipped classroom” is a relatively new concept in education that has become increasingly popular. Instructors who flip their classrooms reverse the roles of school work and homework by recording video lectures for students to watch before coming to class. Students then work on their homework in the classroom while the instructor is present to help them. Very little research has been done on the effectiveness of the flipped classroom to determine if students can perform better on exams by learning in a flipped classroom environment, especially for high school demographics. The purpose of this research is to add to the body of knowledge and help provide data to investigate how well students learn physics content by using the flipped classroom in a high school physics class and identify students' attitudes towards the flipped classroom. Seven periods of Physics with Technology at Lone Peak High School in Highland, UT were used in this study. Three of the classes were randomly assigned to be “flipped” while the other four were taught using what is considered a “traditional” method of instruction of physics, which is based on a guided inquiry method. The pacing and content was matched each day and all classes participated in the same labs, homework, quizzes and tests. The defining difference is the method which the content is covered. The flipped classes watched video lectures at home to learn the majority of the content, then did what is traditionally known as “homework” in class with the teacher present to help. In this study, it was found that there was no statistically or practically significant difference in mean test scores for the first three units in a high school Physics with Technology class. Student responses on a survey also showed very little statistically different in the students' attitudes towards the classroom environment in either instructional method.

"Nu blir det som ett riktigt ämne" -Flipped classroom i bildundervisning

Ouis, Amina January 2014 (has links)
Jag har erfarat att bildundervisningen många gånger blir ineffektiv när det kommer till den delen av ämnet som innebär instruktioner och genomgång av planerad elevuppgift. Jag vill därför introducera en ny undervisningsmetod, nämligen Flipped classroom, där instruktioner och genomgång av planerad uppgift genomförs utanför skoltid i form av en instruktionsfilm. Jag har planerat en lektionssvit i bild, som i två klasser genomförs med metoden Flipped classroom. Syftet är att undersöka hur berörd bildlärare och dennes elever ställer sig till bildundervisning med metoden Flipped classroom. Vidare vill jag ta del av hur eleverna mottar min instruktionsfilm i syfte om att få en uppfattning om hur instruktionsfilmer i bildämnet kan utformas på bästa sätt. Undersökningen genomförs i form av djupintervju med läraren, enkätintervjuer med eleverna och observationer av elevernas arbete under lektionstid. Resultatet av min undersökning visar att metoden Flipped classroom är en undersökningsmetod som passar mycket bra för bildundervisning. Läraren i min undersökning upplever att den nya metoden lett till ett bättre och lugnare klassrumsklimat. Eleverna i min undersökning anser att bildundervisning är bättre med metoden Flipped classroom än den tidigare, mer klassiska undervisningsmetoden, eftersom att det nu är lättare att utföra arbetsmomenten då de har bättre koll på vad som skall göras och kan arbeta i sitt eget tempo. Mina observationer visar att metoden leder till att eleverna, med hjälp av instruktionsfilmens stöd i bildarbetet, arbetar mycket fokuserat och effektivt förutsatt att tekniken fungerar som den skall. Min slutsats är att metoden Flipped classroom passar mycket väl för bildundervisning, och att den i det stora hela en en metod med fler fördelar än en mer klassisk undervisningsmetod i bild.

Outcomes of implementing Team-Based Learning (TBL): the experiences of UK educators

Nelson, M., Tweddell, Simon 12 May 2020 (has links)
Yes / Team-Based Learning (TBL) is a collaborative learning model that refocuses classroom time to solving relevant problems instead of dispensing information. This is accomplished by a pre-class readiness assurance process that promotes accountability to self-directed learning and teamwork. While research related to the student experience with TBL is present in the literature, there is a relative lack of research published on the experiences of academic staff with TBL. Using a qualitative approach and a semi-structured interview format, this study explored the experiences of 26 academic staff in the UK who implemented TBL using a semi-structured interview format. Thematic analysis of interview text yielded five themes related to curriculum design, student outcomes, and the professional development of academic staff. / Supported by a grant from the Regis University Research and Scholarship Council.

Contribuições ao ensino de teste de software com o modelo flipped classroom e um agente conversacional / Contributions to software testing education with the flipped classroom model and a conversational agent

Paschoal, Leo Natan 20 March 2019 (has links)
Teste de software é uma atividade do processo de desenvolvimento de software que busca revelar os defeitos presentes no software. Apesar dos constantes avanços e surgimento de diferentes modelos pedagógicos, este assunto continua sendo ensinado com o modelo tradicional de ensino. A comunidade de educação em computação vem investigando a aplicação de diferentes modelos pedagógicos e, nessa perspectiva, emerge o modelo pedagógico flipped classroom como uma interessante solução. Estudos mencionam sobre a necessidade de investigá-lo, buscando reconhecer seu potencial no ensino de um determinado conteúdo. Além disso, implementar o modelo exige uma intensificação de esforços para o professor, pois ele precisará planejar atividades e mecanismos de apoio ao ensino para cada um dos momentos previstos pelo modelo. Trabalhos relatam que os alunos durante o momento de estudo antes da aula podem ter dificuldade em entender aspectos teóricos sobre o conteúdo, pois esse pode ter conceitos que podem gerar dupla interpretação. Este trabalho de mestrado tem o propósito de contribuir com o ensino de teste de software, investigando o impacto do modelo flipped classroom no ensino de teste de software. O projeto também propõe uma abordagem de apoio ao planejamento e implantação desse modelo e analisa o uso de um agente conversacional como mecanismo de apoio ao flipped classroom. Estudos experimentais foram realizados visando entender o impacto do modelo no processo de aprendizado de teste de software. Na sequência, foram analisados conteúdos de teste de software ensinados em cursos de computação no Brasil, definidos objetivos de aprendizagem para esses conteúdos, selecionados mecanismos de apoio e atividades para contemplar os três momentos previstos pelo modelo e implementado um mecanismo para apoiar a implantação do modelo flipped classroom no ensino de teste. Por fim, um agente conversacional foi proposto e investigado no contexto de uma aula de teste de software em que o modelo flipped classroom foi utilizado. Os resultados deste trabalho indicam que o modelo flipped classroom permite que os alunos tenham melhores resultados no aprendizado, especialmente quando há realização de atividades práticas. Os alunos revelaram que preferem este modelo em detrimento ao tradicional. No entanto, o modelo produz uma carga de trabalho maior para o aluno. Por fim, o uso do agente conversacional como um mecanismo de apoio durante o momento antes da aula indica sua relevância para o flipped classroom. / Software testing is an activity of the development process that aims to reveal the faults present in the software. Despite of constant progress and emergence of different pedagogical models, this subject is still taught with strategies based mainly on the traditional model. Although software testing is considered a relevant subject, some students are not very motivated to learn it. The computer education community has investigated the use of different teaching models and, from this perspective, the Flipped Classroom pedagogical model has emerged as an interesting solution. Several studies mention that is required to investigate this model in order to identify its potential in teaching a specific subject and/or teaching area. In addition, the implementation of this model demands an intensification of efforts from the teacher because he/she needs to plan activities and support mechanisms for all phases of this model: before the class, during the class, and after the class. Results from the literature indicate that students may present difficulties in understand the theory during the phase before the classbecause studying alone can lead to many doubts and misunderstandings. Therefore, this masters thesis investigates the impact of the Flipped Classroom model on teaching of testing techniques and criteria. Experimental studies were initially undertaken aiming to understand the models impact in the learning process of software testing. Following, we analyzed what subjects of software testing are taught in Computer courses in Brazil. Based on the results, we defined learning objectives for these subjects, selected support mechanisms and activities to contemplate the three phases of the Flipped Classroom model. An approach, named FlipClass-STT, to support the implementation of this model was defined and experimentally evaluated. Finally, the conversational agent TOB-STT was proposed and evaluated in context of a software testing class, in which the Flipped Classroom model was employed. The results of this work indicate that Flipped Classroom allows the students to have better learning outcomes, especially when performing practical activities. The students have revealed that they prefer this model against the traditional one. However, it is also observed that model produces a greater workload for the student. The use of TOB-STT how a support mechanism during the phase before the class indicate its relevance and impact for learning software testing.

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