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Metodika začleňování žáků s odlišným mateřským jazykem do běžných tříd ZŠ / Methodics inclusion of pupils with different maternal languageKlabanová, Alena January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on integration of pupils with different maternal language to Czech primary schools. It concludes legislation of integration of foreign pupils in the Czech Republic. It suggests methodology and activities that can help foreign pupils to integrate to Czech school environment. It describes unsuccessful proces of integration as well. Practical part of this thesis is a case study that describes conception of integration in concrete primary school. KEY WORDS Integration of pupils with different maternal language, adaptation to different socio- cultural environment, individual approach, methodology of integration, inslusion, foreign pupil, Czech as the second language
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Migrationsstress, Alter und Lernen - Betrachtungen der Zusammenhänge sowie Implikationen für die Didaktik (am Beispiel in Deutschland lebender, gealterter türkischstämmiger Menschen) / Stress of Migration, age and learning - Considerations of the relationships and implications for didactics (on the example of elderly people of Turkish origin living in Germany)Özkan, Ibrahim 08 July 2011 (has links)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Möglichkeit der Wissensvermittlung für alte Migranten mit Sprachbarrieren. Mithilfe der Grounded Theory, die gleichermaßen als wissenschaftstheoretische Grundlage für die empirische Hypothesen- sowie Konzeptentwicklung als Fazit der Arbeit dienen soll, werden über unterschiedliche Zugänge zum Thema am Beispiel eines gegebenen Projektes, Handlungsansätze für zukünftige Methoden und Forschungsbereiche erschlossen. Zunächst beschäftigt sich die Arbeit mit einer Abhandlung über Kultur(-anthropologie) und die Auswirkungen auf kollektive und individuelle Identität eines Migranten. Der Begriff der Migration wird definiert, die historische Entwicklung der Migration in Deutschland skizziert, um im Anschluss die Lebenssituation in Deutschland lebender Migranten darzustellen. Da es sich bei dieser Arbeit hauptsächlich um in Deutschland gealterte Migranten handelt, schließt sich eine Definition des alten Menschen an, woraus schließlich der Begriff des alten Migranten entwickelt wird. Um pädagogische Mechanismen des Lernens verständlich zu machen, werden Lerntheorien erläutert, woraus sich dann Besonderheiten für das Lernen im Alter unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Konzepte (z.B. Lebenslanges Lernen ) ableiten lassen. Die Identitätsentwicklung der in Deutschland lebenden Migranten wird weiter unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Akkulturationsstresses erörtert. Es werden hirnbiologische Zusammenhänge für die Lebenssituation der alten Migranten erarbeitet, um einerseits individuellen Stress dieser Menschen und andererseits Stress durch Migration als kollektive Erfahrung mit Folgen im Ankunftsland in Einklang zu bringen. Fallbeispiele aus der psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutischen Praxis als pathologisches Endstadium für die Unfähigkeit des Nicht-Lernen-könnens werden eingebracht. Mithilfe einer nicht-experimentellen bundesweiten Erhebung zur Lebenszufriedenheit (FLZ: Fragebogen zur Lebenszufriedenheit) werden theoretische Überlegungen belegt. Dazu werden ferner verfügbare statistische Daten beispielsweise über die Teilnahme an Deutsch- bzw. Integrationskursen sowie Abbruch- und Erfolgsquoten herangezogen. Die Entstehung und Nutzung der Neurodidaktik - eine Verschmelzung der biologischen und pädagogischen Forschung - dient als Überleitung zu pädagogisch-didaktischen Möglichkeiten des informellen Lernens, wobei zuvor formelles und informelles Lernen mit historischen Beispielen (von Platon bis Freire) definiert werden. Der Infokoffer des Projektes Älter werden in Deutschland wird als Beispiel einer praktikablen Möglichkeit unter Berücksichtigung der in der Arbeit bereits genannten kritischen Momente des Lernens für ältere Migranten ausführlich dargestellt und erläutert. Letztlich werden als Fazit Elemente für zukünftige Entwicklungen von Methoden für die Arbeit mit in Deutschland lebenden älteren Migranten dargeboten. Durch diese Arbeit ergeben sich zusätzlich Ansätze zu aktuell gesellschaftlich diskutierten Thema der Integration und das Feld biophysiologischer Untersuchungen an Migranten als weitere Forschungsbereiche. Um beim Leser das Verständnis zu gewährleisten und Zusammenhänge ausreichend und umfassend vermitteln zu können werden im Verlauf der Arbeit Exkurse zu tangierenden Themen, Konzepten und Aspekten geboten.
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A constitucionalização do direito privado e os seus reflexos na propriedade imobiliária rural à luz da principiologia constitucionalKindel, Marcelo 06 October 2014 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-07-14T23:15:44Z
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Previous issue date: 2014-10-06 / Nenhuma / Com o desfecho do período submetido ao Direito Natural e o consequente surgimento do modelo de conformação estatal, aparecem com ele a segmentação entre o público e o privado e entre nacionais e estrangeiros. Sendo o território questão de interesse nacional, toca a cada Estado soberano decidir sobre como tratar a aquisição de imóveis por estrangeiros. Embora seja relevante uma análise comparativa sobre a condução do tema em outros países, a temática será desenvolvida sob a perspectiva do Direito brasileiro. Trata-se de tema que, de forma inerente, envolve Direito Privado e Direito Público. Afinal, a propriedade encontra respaldo tanto na Constituição Federal quanto no Código Civil, o que demanda uma análise da Constitucionalização do Direito (Privado), logo, do movimento dicotômico vislumbrado entre estas ramificações do Direito ao longo do tempo. Em uma sociedade transnacional de complexidade extrema, como a hoje experimentada, verificam-se significativas mudanças na concepção de ser humano, enquanto indivíduo, enquanto integrante da sociedade e enquanto partícipe da figura do Estado. Nesse cenário, aparece o específico e conturbado tratamento dado à pessoa jurídica brasileira equiparada a estrangeira, no tocante à imposição das restrições. A sua viabilidade passa pela inarredável leitura hermenêutica da influência da garantia fundamental da função social da propriedade, pautada no fundamento da dignidade da pessoa humana, na nova visão de propriedade inaugurada no século XXI. Ao pretender sejam impostas às pessoas jurídicas brasileiras as restrições típicas de aquisição de imóvel rural por estrangeiros, uma série de medidas precisam ser planejadas e implementadas. / With the outcome of the period referred to the Natural Law and the consequent emergence of the state conformation model, appear with him the segmentation between the public and private and between nationals and foreigners. Being the territory issue of national interest, touches every sovereign state to decide how to treat the acquisition of real estate by foreigners. Although relevant a comparative analysis on the driving theme in other countries, the theme will be developed from the perspective of Brazilian law. It is a topic that inherently involves private law and public law. After all, the property is supported by both the Federal Constitution and the Civil Code, which requires an analysis of the Constitutionalization of (Private) Law, so thus dichotomous glimpsed movement between these branches of the law over time. In a transnational society of extreme complexity, as experienced today, are reported to be significant changes in the conception of human being as an individual, as a member of society and as a participant in the figure of the State. In this scenario, appears the particular and troubled treatment given to Brazilian entity treated as foreign, concerning the imposition of restrictions. Its viability passes by the unmoved hermeneutic reading of the influence of the fundamental guarantee of the social function of property, based on the grounding of the dignity of the human person, in the new view of property opened in the XXI century. When you want the typical restrictions acquisition of rural property by foreigners are imposed on the Brazilian legal entities, a number of measures need to be planned and implemented.
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Mourir à la guerre, survivre à la paix : les militaires irlandais au service de la France au XVIIIe siècle, une reconstruction historique / War casualties and peace fatalities : the Irish military serving in France in the 18th century, an historical reconstructionCoudray, Pierre Louis 03 February 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est une étude chronologique de la présence militaire irlandaise en France sous l’Ancien Régime associé à une analyse du mythe de la Brigade Irlandaise au XVIIIe siècle. En s’appuyant sur des sources primaires, dont certaines sont inédites, les quatre premiers chapitres proposent un cadre historique de la communauté militaire irlandaise et de l’acculturation progressive, mais parfois difficile, de ses membres. Le premier chapitre se concentre sur les écrits de l’élite française et de la littérature populaire d’Angleterre face aux Irlandais lors de la « Guerre des trois rois », tandis que le deuxième se penche sur l’image des soldats irlandais dans la presse des deux côtés de la Manche à la même période. Le troisième explique comment ces hommes sont devenus au fil du temps une troupe reconnue par ses pairs dans l’armée royale, tandis que le quatrième explore les stratégies mises en place par les militaires irlandais et leurs familles pour intégrer la société d’accueil. Ces deux chapitres montrent également le déclin de la présence effective d’Irlandais dans la Brigade. La question de la mémoire de la bataille de Fontenoy est au coeur du cinquième et du sixième chapitre qui étudient minutieusement la part des Irlandais dans la journée du 11 mai 1745 et le rôle des écrits du XIXe siècle dans la naissance d’une identité militaire proprement irlandaise. L’étude se focalise sur des sources contemporaines des faits pour le premier et des documents anglais, français et irlandais datant du XIXe siècle pour le second. / This PhD is a chronological study of the military presence of Irishmen in Franceunder the Ancien Regime linked to an analysis of the myth surrounding the Irish Brigade in the18th century. Based on primary sources, some of which have been hitherto unpublished, the firstfour chapters propose an historical framework of the Irish military community and thesometimes difficult but progressive acculturation of its members. The first chapter focuses onthe writings of the French elite as well as popular literature from England about the Irish in the“War of the three kings”, while the second one is about the image of the Irish soldiers in thepress on both sides of the Channel during the same period. The third one explains how thesemen came to be recognised by their peers as a valuable unit in the French royal army and thefourth one explores the tactics used by Irish militarymen and their families to integrate intoFrench society. These two chapters also show the gradual decline of the actual presence ofIrishmen within the ranks of the Brigade. The question of the memory attached to the battle ofFontenoy is at the very core of the fifth and sixth chapters where the part played by Irishmenon the 11th of May 1745 is minutely studied. The birth of a distinct Irish military identity in19th century writings is also discussed. The study focuses on 18th century sources for the fifthchapter and 19th century sources from France, England and Ireland for the sixth.
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Las penas restrictivas de la libertad ambulatoria en la Codificación españolaGómez de Maya, Julián 24 May 2011 (has links)
Dentro de las penas de libertad se han distinguido tradicionalmente aquéllas que privan de ella en su mayor parte de aquéllas que sólo intervienen la facultad locomotiva o ambulatoria, con frecuencia referidas científica o legislativamente a la libertad de residencia, pero de concepto en realidad mucho más amplio, por prohibir la permanencia y aun el mero acceso al territorio vedado. En España, con atención tanto a los textos legales como a los proyectos legislativos, cabe reconocer ese componente restrictivo de la libertad ambulatoria en las penas de deportación o relegación, de extrañamiento, de confinamiento y de destierro; otra figura penal, la sujeción a la vigilancia de la autoridad, ha sido inicialmente medio punitivo y después medida de seguridad; por fin, la expulsión de extranjeros, que apenas ha tenido consideración de pena, completa el cuadro de consecuencias jurídicas del delito encuadrables en esta categoría. / Within the ambit of the penalisation of liberty there have traditionally been those penalties that remove liberty almost entirely and those that only restrict freedom of movement. These latter are frequently referred to, technically or legally, as concerning right of residence, but which are in fact of far greater compass, since they prohibit the possibility of staying in, or even entry to, the proscribed territory. In Spain, in both legal texts and in proposed legislation, one may notice this component of restriction of movement in the penalties of deportation, banishments and exile. Another penal measure, that of subjection to surveillance by the authorities, was initially a punitive measure and then became a matter of security. Finally, the expulsion of foreigners, which has scarcely been regarded as a punishment, completes the stock of legal measures used against the offences brought together in this category.
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Fenomén uprchlictví a možnosti jeho využití v interaktivní výuceŠONKOVÁ, Eva January 2017 (has links)
The submitted diploma thesis is focused on the refugee phenomenon and its classification among international migration issues as such, while the interest is focused mainly on immigration from third-world countries into European Union, accenting the Czech Republic. In this context, causes of growing tendency in international protection applicant and economic migrant numbers, but also responses caused by this fact, are being discussed. To enable a closer look at the multi-ethnic co-habitation character, there is secondary empirical data outlining the current situation of the majority´s relationship towards the ethnic and national plurality with regard to migration crisis given on the one hand, and determinants influencing the creation of different citizen attitudes on the other hand. Last but not least, there is some space left for chosen interactive education methods and didactic material based on them, which is useful when teaching about the controversial refugee issue in lessons of Civics.
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Čeština jako druhý jazyk pro žáka s odlišným mateřským jazykem v primární škole / Czech as a second language for a pupil with a different mother tongue in primary schoolHelclová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with teaching Czech as a second language for pupils with a different mother tongue at primary school. Collects and presents professional findings on this topic. Diploma thesis explains the difference between Czech as a second language and Czech as a foreign language and compares them. The thesis examined what is necessary when the teacher is planning the lesson. Further, describes in detail the various materials and textbook Domino 1 in terms of a beginning teacher of Czech for foreigners. In the practical part of the thesis submitted to analyse three topics. Based on this analysis and complete analysis of theoretical knowledge, textbooks, and materials originated recommendations for a beginning teachers. The thesis also deals with a utility of textbooks of Czech as a second language in a regular classroom. The practical part includes ideas for games in a lesson or samples of worksheets. The result of the work is to evaluate teaching materials and sample other tools that can be used in the Czech lessons for foreigners. KEYWORDS Pupil - foreigner, Czech as a foreign language, Czech as a second language, teaching foreigners, working with foreign pupils, integration, pupil with a different mother tongue, cultural differences, primary school, textbook
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Problematika začleňování žáků cizinců se zaměřením na zemi jejich původu / Issue of Integration of Foreign Pupils with Focusing on Their Origin CountryExnerová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
EXNEROVÁ, Marie. The Issue of Integration of Foreign Pupils with Focusing on Their Origin Country. Prague, 2014. Diploma thesis. UK, PedF. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate the current situation of the integration in the Czech education system focusing on the issues and specifics inclusion of foreign pupils and on consideration of the impact of pupils' country of origin on the process. The theoretical part of diploma thesis mentions the reasons for the integration of foreigners. Moreover, it highlights why and from where they are coming to the Czech Republic. It captures the current legislation and the rights of foreigners who want to settle permanently in the Czech Republic. Further, it shows the analysis of different ways of educating pupils with special needs, the placement of foreign pupils at Czech elementary schools and intercultural differences, which may have impact on pupils' integration. The practical part focuses on comparing the available theoretical knowledge and the everyday reality of Czech teachers who teach foreign pupils and can work on their daily practice. Based on the comparison of theoretical and practical knowledge the author explains the personal point of view on the integration of foreign pupils and suggests some ideas how to overcome mentioned shortcomings....
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Cizí vlivy v náboženství starověké Sýrie / Foreign Influences in Religion of Ancient SyriaVálek, František January 2019 (has links)
This thesis aims to map non-Semitic influences in the religion and culture of the Late Bronze Age Syria. During the Late Bronze Age, Syria was divided into many local kingdoms which were most of the time subdued to the great empires of the ancient Near East (Mitanni and Ḫatti) and Egypt. Influences from these cultural areas are the most noticeable. Trade across the Mediterranean brought many cultural influences, too. These are mostly observable in art. The thesis is centred around case studies from Ugarit, Amurru, Byblos, Karkemiš, Alalaḫ, Ḫalāb, Emar, Tunip and Qaṭna. Each case study shows peculiarities of individual sites and different modes of cultural transfer. The data are set into a broader anthropological perspective and some general conclusions are made about the process of culture transfer and about conceptions of foreignnessin theculturesof theancientNearEastand Egypt.Abroadertheoryof cultureasa system of concepts is outlined and the material is interpreted in its light. Key words Foreigners, foreignness, culture transfer, religion, Late Bronze Age, ancient Syria, ancient Near East, Egypt, Ḫatti, Mitanni, Hittites, Hurrians, Egyptians, Ugarit, Amurru, Byblos, Karkemiš, Alalaḫ, Ḫalāb, Emar, Tunip, Qaṭna.
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Mozky nebo svaly: Srovnání vzdělanostního a zaměstnaneckého statusu pracovních migrantů ze zemí mimo EU / Brains versus Brawn: Comparison of the Educational and Occupational Status of non-EU Labour Migrants in the Czech RepublicLeontiyeva, Yana January 2012 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to examine the educational and occupational structure of non-EU labour migration to the Czech Republic. Using insights from human capital theory and the sociology of migration this thesis explores the extent to which there is an educational-occupational mismatch among non-EU migrant workers in the Czech Republic. This thesis uses currently available statistical data and evidence from qualitative and quantitative sociological studies. The dissertation exploits data from two unique surveys conducted by the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in 2006 and 2010.
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