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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Säker kunskap : En studie om minne och strålskyddsutbildning på ett svenskt kärnkraftverk / Secure Knowledge : A Study of Recollection and Radiation Protection at a Swedish Nuclear Power Plant

Langerak, Benjamin, Sunnerdahl, Tobias January 2024 (has links)
Kärnkraftsindustrin är en bransch som präglas av avancerad teknik och omfattande säkerhetskrav. För att säkerställa en trygg arbetsmiljö krävs därför kontinuerlig fortbildning av medarbetarna. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka en strålskyddsutbildning på ett svenskt kärnkraftverk och bidra med förslag på hur utbildningen kan förbättras för att minska kunskapsbortfallet över tid hos medarbetarna. För att utvärdera kunskapsbortfallet genomfördes en enkätundersökning med frågeformulär innehållandes kunskapsprov. Som grund för förbättringsförslagen intervjuades lärare som undervisar den utvalda kursen. Enkätsvaren analyserades statistiskt och intervjuerna behandlades med tematisk analys. En svag korrelation mellan kunskapsnivå och tid uppmättes men undersökningen visade även att medarbetarna hade goda teoretiska kunskaper om kursinnehållet även lång tid efter kurstillfället. Förbättringsförslag som presenteras inkluderar bland annat mer stöttning till lärarna för att säkerställa fysikalisk förståelse och bra exempel på erfarenhetsåterföring, samt utveckling av lokalerna för att stimulera samtal och mer autenticitet i det praktiska momentet. Det goda kunskapsresultatet styrker lärarnas bild av att radiologiska tillbud på kärnkraftverket förmodligen inte i första hand beror på kunskapsbrist utan snarare på andra faktorer så som attityd, stress och slarv. / The nuclear power industry is characterized by advanced technology and extensive safety requirements. Continuous training of employees must therefore ensure a safe working environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate a radiation protection training at a Swedish nuclear power plant and contribute suggestions on how the course can be improved to reduce knowledge loss over time among employees. Surveys containing a knowledge test were used to evaluate memory retention. As a basis for improvement suggestions, teachers who teach the selected course were interviewed. The surveys were statistically analyzed, and the interviews were subjected to thematic analysis. A weak correlation between knowledge level and time was measured, but the study also showed that employees had good theoretical knowledge of the course content even long after the course. Improvement suggestions presented include, among other things, more support to teachers to ensure physical understanding and good examples of experience feedback, as well as development of facilities to stimulate discussions and more authenticity in practical activities. The demonstrated proficiency level support the teachers' perception that radiological incidents at the nuclear power plant probably do not primarily result from lack of knowledge but rather from other factors such as attitude, stress, and negligence.

Adaptivní optimální regulátory s principy umělé inteligence v prostředí MATLAB - B&R / Adaptive optimal controllers with principles of artificial intelligence

Samek, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Master’s thesis describes adaptive optimal controller design and it’s settings. Identification with principles of artificial intelligence and recursive least squares identification with exponential and directional forgetting are compared separately and as part of controller. Adaptive optimal controller is tested on physical model and compared with solidly adjusted PSD controller. Possibilities of implementation of adaptive optimal controller into programmable logic controller B&R are show and tested.

The Role and function of emotions in primary school children's meaningful learning

Langa, Selaelo Norah 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to critically examine the role and function of emotions in primary school children's meaningful learning. Emotions that are commonly experienced by primary school children were identified and an indication was given of how they relate to meaningful learning. Factors that affect both emotions and meaningful learning were also discussed. In an empirical investigation that was undertaken, it was found that emotions influence meaningful learning of primary school children either positively or negatively. The following emotions pointed to both positive and negative significant correlations with regard to meaningful learning: anger, aggression, anxiety, fear, love, joy and affection. Factors like family size, gender and the environment (life world of primary school children) also influence meaningful learning. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed.(Psychology of Education)

Les nouveaux médias, ou, L’ère du labyrinthe intermédial

Savoie, Ariane 06 1900 (has links)
Avec l’émergence des nouveaux médias, une nouvelle façon de raconter les histoires s’impose. Les structures connues de l’esthétisme classique semblent désuètes par rapport aux dispositions des nouvelles plateformes de diffusion. Mieux encore, ces plateformes propulsent le récit, lui permettent de sortir de la rigidité de la ligne narrative : elles intègrent la technique au logos. L’intermédialité devient omniprésente; la diversité des types médiatiques employés dans une œuvre sont rendus visibles et sont articulés par la mise en récit. Méchoulan dira que dans l’« être-entre », dans l’espace reliant chacune des unités sémantiques, que l’événement de la pensée advient; pour Rodowick c’est le « figural ». Une figure particulière s’impose : le labyrinthe. Multipliant les possibilités narratives spécifiques aux nouveaux médias, le labyrinthe fait converger les composantes intermédiales. Bleeding Through : Layers of Los Angeles 1920-1986, une œuvre dirigée par Norman Klein, pose le labyrinthe comme élément structurel en y tissant un réseau où s’inscrit une pratique intermédiale. On y adresse le temps comme une opération fragmentaire, qui se sectionne, se réorganise en rompant avec la linéarité classique. Il nous faudra alors voir comment le labyrinthe réfléchit dans l’étude du temps certains éléments de la mythologie grecque. Les réflexions de Gervais sur le labyrinthe permettront d’étayer pareille hypothèse. Nous analyserons Bleeding Through à la lumière de ces théories pour ainsi dégager l’essence de cette figure qui a infiltrée la narration contemporaine. En somme, le labyrinthe se présente dans l’écologie médiatique actuelle comme une figure inhérente à la mise en récit. / With the emergence of new media, a new way of storytelling becomes necessary. The known structures of classic estheticism become obsolete when confronted with the dispositions of the new broadcasted platforms. These so called platforms propel the plot structure, allowing an expansion of the rigid narrative line : they integrate technology into the logos. Intermediality becomes omnipresent ; the diverse media summoned in the different projects are made visible and articulated through narrative work. Méchoulan would talk about the « être-entre », the virtual space linking semantic units, that the occurrence of thoughts convene ; Rodowick would refer to this same spatial concept as « figural ». A particular figure then appears and seems to illustrate the workings of intermediality: the labyrinth. In multiplying the narrative possibilities specific to new media, the labyrinth interrelates the intermedial components. Bleeding Through : Layers of Los Angeles 1920-1986, directed by Norman Klein, establishes the labyrinth as a narrative backdrop to the intermedial practice. Herein, time is addressed as a fragmented function that can be segmented, reorganized, thus breaking with classic linearity. Subsequently, elements of Greek mythology tied to the labyrinth’s imaginary are highlighted, particularly through Gervais’s reflexions on memory and forgetting. To question the essence of the labyrinth’s figure, which infiltrates contemporary narration, Bleeding Through is analyzed under the scope of these theories. In short, the labyrinth is presented as an inherent figure to storytelling within the current media ecology.

Effet du type d’agencement temporel des répétitions d’une information sur la récupération explicite / Effect of the type of temporal schedule of item repetitions on explicit retrieval

Gerbier, Emilie 20 May 2011 (has links)
La façon dont une information se répète au cours du temps a une influence sur la façon dont nous nous souviendrons de cette information. Les recherches en psychologie ont mis en évidence l’effet de pratique distribuée, selon lequel on retient mieux les informations qui se répètent avec des intervalles inter-répétitions longs que celles qui se répètent avec des intervalles courts. Nos travaux ont porté spécifiquement sur les situations où l’information se répète sur plusieurs jours, et nous avons comparé l’efficacité relative de différents types d’agencement temporel des répétitions. Un agencement uniforme consiste en des répétitions se produisant à intervalles réguliers, un agencement expansif en des répétitions se produisant selon des intervalles de plus en plus espacés, et un agencement contractant en des répétitions se produisant selon des intervalles de plus en plus rapprochés. Les Expériences 1 et 2 consistaient en une phase d’apprentissage d’une semaine et ont révélé la supériorité des agencements expansif et uniforme après un délai de rétention de deux jours. L’Expérience 3 consistait en une phase d’apprentissage de deux semaines, et les sujets étaient ensuite testés lors de trois délais de rétention différents (2, 6 ou 13 jours). La supériorité de l’agencement expansif sur les deux autres agencements est apparue progressivement, suggérant que les différents agencements induisaient des taux d’oubli différents. Nous avons également tenté de tester différentes théories explicatives des effets de l’agencement temporel des répétitions sur la mémorisation, en particulier les théories de la variabilité de l’encodage (Expérience 4) et de la récupération en phase d’étude (Expérience 2). Les résultats observés tendent à confirmer la théorie de la récupération en phase d’étude. Nous insistons sur l’importance de la prise en compte des apports des autres disciplines des sciences cognitives dans l’étude de l’effet de pratique distribuée. / How information is repeated over time determines future recollection of this information. Studies in psychology revealed a distributed practice effect, that is, one retains information better when its occurrences are separated by long lags rather than by short lags. Our studies focused specifically on cases in which items were repeated upon several days. We compared the efficiency of three different temporal schedules of repetitions: A uniform schedule that consisted in repetitions occurring with equal intervals, an expanding schedule that consisted in repetitions occurring with longer and longer intervals, and a contracting schedule that consisted in repetitions occurring with shorter and shorter intervals. In Experiments 1 and 2, the learning phase lasted one week and the retention interval lasted two days. It was shown that the expanding and uniform schedules were more efficient than the contracting schedule. In Experiment 3, the learning phase lasted two weeks and the retention interval lasted 2, 6, or 13 days. It was shown that the superiority of the expanding schedule over the other two schedules appeared gradually when the retention interval increased, suggesting that different schedules yielded different forgetting rates. We also tried to test major theories of the distributed practice effect, such as the encoding variability (Experiment 4) and the study-phase retrieval (Experiment 2) theories. Our results appeared to be consistent with the study-phase retrieval theory. We concluded our dissertation by emphasizing the importance of considering findings from other areas in cognitive science–especially neuroscience and computer science–in the study of the distributed practice effect.

Réjean Ducharme, un écrivain de la « résistance à la disparition de soi »

Gagnon, Samuel 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Maintien à court terme de l'information chez l'enfant de 2 à 6 ans : oubli temporel et aide au maintien du but / Maintaining information in Short-Term Memory between 2 and 6 years old of age : temporal forgetting and helping in maintaining the goal

Bertrand, Raphaëlle 15 October 2014 (has links)
La mémoire de travail est un composant essentiel de la pensée qui est fortement impliquée dans les apprentissages et la réussite scolaires. Pourtant, elle est rarement étudiée chez l’enfant d’âge préscolaire, du fait notamment d’un manque de paradigmes adaptés. Cette thèse visait donc à étudier le fonctionnement de la mémoire de travail chez cette population, soit entre 2 et 6 ans. Pour cela, deux paradigmes originaux ont été utilisés. Ils ont été conçus pour être proches de situations de jeux, propices à aider le jeune enfant à focaliser son attention sur la tâche. Ainsi, il a tout d’abord été montré que les performances de rappel diminuaient au fil du temps, et ce, même en l’absence de tâche interférente. Les enfants de cette tranche d’âge opèrent donc un maintien passif de l’information, i.e. sans mise en œuvre spontanée de stratégie de maintien de l’information. De plus, le déclin de l’information était similaire au travers de l’âge. Pour la première fois, il a donc été mis en évidence que la vitesse d’oubli de l’information ne variait pas entre 2 et 6 ans. Finalement, aucun de ces deux facteurs, i.e. mise en œuvre de stratégie de maintien de l’information et modification de la vitesse d’oubli de l’information, ne peut être avancé pour expliquer l’augmentation des capacités mémorielles entre 2 et 6 ans. Ensuite, il a été montré que les caractéristiques intrinsèques de la tâche pouvaient conduire à une amélioration des performances de rappel, peut-être par la mise en œuvre d’une stratégie de maintien. Notamment, la réalisation d’une activité motrice, i.e. marche durant le délai de rétention, a permis à ces jeunes enfants de contrecarrer dans une certaine mesure l’oubli temporel de l’information. La mise en œuvre d’une activité motrice, en dirigeant l’attention du jeune enfant vers un indice visuel du but à atteindre, aiderait celui-ci à maintenir le but de la tâche en mémoire. Les ressources attentionnelles ainsi dégagées pourraient être mises au service d’une amélioration des performances de rappel, peut-être par la mise en œuvre d’une stratégie de maintien. / Working memory is an essential component of thought that is highly involved in learning and academic achievement. However, it is rarely studied in preschoolers, mainly because of a lack of suitable paradigms. Therefore, this thesis investigated the functioning of working memory in children between 2 and 6 years. For this purpose, two original paradigms were used. They were designed to be close to game situations which should help young children to focus their attention on the task. Firstly it was shown that the recall performance decreased over time, even in the absence of an interfering task. Children of this age therefore use a passive maintenance, i.e. without spontaneously implementing any strategy of maintenance. Furthermore, the decline of the information was similar through age. For the first time, it has been demonstrated that the rate of information forgetting did not vary between 2 and 6. Finally, none of these two factors, i.e. implementation of a strategy of maintenance and change in the speed of forgetting can explain the increase in memory capacity between 2 and 6 years of age. Secondly, it has been shown that the intrinsic characteristics of the task could lead to improved recall performance, perhaps by inducing a strategy of maintenance. Particularly, the implementation of a motor activity, i.e. walking during the retention period, has enabled these young children to counteract to some extent the temporal decay of information. Then, the implementation of a motor activity, by directing the attention of young children to a visual cue related to the goal of the task, help them to maintain in memory the purpose of the task. Attentional resources could be harnessed to improve performance of recall, perhaps by implementing a retention strategy.

Cooperative coevolutionary mixture of experts : a neuro ensemble approach for automatic decomposition of classification problems

Nguyen, Minh Ha, Information Technology & Electrical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
Artificial neural networks have been widely used for machine learning and optimization. A neuro ensemble is a collection of neural networks that works cooperatively on a problem. In the literature, it has been shown that by combining several neural networks, the generalization of the overall system could be enhanced over the separate generalization ability of the individuals. Evolutionary computation can be used to search for a suitable architecture and weights for neural networks. When evolutionary computation is used to evolve a neuro ensemble, it is usually known as evolutionary neuro ensemble. In most real-world problems, we either know little about these problems or the problems are too complex to have a clear vision on how to decompose them by hand. Thus, it is usually desirable to have a method to automatically decompose a complex problem into a set of overlapping or non-overlapping sub-problems and assign one or more specialists (i.e. experts, learning machines) to each of these sub-problems. An important feature of neuro ensemble is automatic problem decomposition. Some neuro ensemble methods are able to generate networks, where each individual network is specialized on a unique sub-task such as mapping a subspace of the feature space. In real world problems, this is usually an important feature for a number of reasons including: (1) it provides an understanding of the decomposition nature of a problem; (2) if a problem changes, one can replace the network associated with the sub-space where the change occurs without affecting the overall ensemble; (3) if one network fails, the rest of the ensemble can still function in their sub-spaces; (4) if one learn the structure of one problem, it can potentially be transferred to other similar problems. In this thesis, I focus on classification problems and present a systematic study of a novel evolutionary neuro ensemble approach which I call cooperative coevolutionary mixture of experts (CCME). Cooperative coevolution (CC) is a branch of evolutionary computation where individuals in different populations cooperate to solve a problem and their fitness function is calculated based on their reciprocal interaction. The mixture of expert model (ME) is a neuro ensemble approach which can generate networks that are specialized on different sub-spaces in the feature space. By combining CC and ME, I have a powerful framework whereby it is able to automatically form the experts and train each of them. I show that the CCME method produces competitive results in terms of generalization ability without increasing the computational cost when compared to traditional training approaches. I also propose two different mechanisms for visualizing the resultant decomposition in high-dimensional feature spaces. The first mechanism is a simple one where data are grouped based on the specialization of each expert and a color-map of the data records is visualized. The second mechanism relies on principal component analysis to project the feature space onto lower dimensions, whereby decision boundaries generated by each expert are visualized through convex approximations. I also investigate the regularization effect of learning by forgetting on the proposed CCME. I show that learning by forgetting helps CCME to generate neuro ensembles of low structural complexity while maintaining their generalization abilities. Overall, the thesis presents an evolutionary neuro ensemble method whereby (1) the generated ensemble generalizes well; (2) it is able to automatically decompose the classification problem; and (3) it generates networks with small architectures.

Kognitive Hemmung im Alter - Experimente mit dem Directed-Forgetting-Paradigma / Cognitive inhibition in older adults - experiments with the directed forgetting paradigm

Behrendt, Jörg 19 June 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Les nouveaux médias, ou, L’ère du labyrinthe intermédial

Savoie, Ariane 06 1900 (has links)
Avec l’émergence des nouveaux médias, une nouvelle façon de raconter les histoires s’impose. Les structures connues de l’esthétisme classique semblent désuètes par rapport aux dispositions des nouvelles plateformes de diffusion. Mieux encore, ces plateformes propulsent le récit, lui permettent de sortir de la rigidité de la ligne narrative : elles intègrent la technique au logos. L’intermédialité devient omniprésente; la diversité des types médiatiques employés dans une œuvre sont rendus visibles et sont articulés par la mise en récit. Méchoulan dira que dans l’« être-entre », dans l’espace reliant chacune des unités sémantiques, que l’événement de la pensée advient; pour Rodowick c’est le « figural ». Une figure particulière s’impose : le labyrinthe. Multipliant les possibilités narratives spécifiques aux nouveaux médias, le labyrinthe fait converger les composantes intermédiales. Bleeding Through : Layers of Los Angeles 1920-1986, une œuvre dirigée par Norman Klein, pose le labyrinthe comme élément structurel en y tissant un réseau où s’inscrit une pratique intermédiale. On y adresse le temps comme une opération fragmentaire, qui se sectionne, se réorganise en rompant avec la linéarité classique. Il nous faudra alors voir comment le labyrinthe réfléchit dans l’étude du temps certains éléments de la mythologie grecque. Les réflexions de Gervais sur le labyrinthe permettront d’étayer pareille hypothèse. Nous analyserons Bleeding Through à la lumière de ces théories pour ainsi dégager l’essence de cette figure qui a infiltrée la narration contemporaine. En somme, le labyrinthe se présente dans l’écologie médiatique actuelle comme une figure inhérente à la mise en récit. / With the emergence of new media, a new way of storytelling becomes necessary. The known structures of classic estheticism become obsolete when confronted with the dispositions of the new broadcasted platforms. These so called platforms propel the plot structure, allowing an expansion of the rigid narrative line : they integrate technology into the logos. Intermediality becomes omnipresent ; the diverse media summoned in the different projects are made visible and articulated through narrative work. Méchoulan would talk about the « être-entre », the virtual space linking semantic units, that the occurrence of thoughts convene ; Rodowick would refer to this same spatial concept as « figural ». A particular figure then appears and seems to illustrate the workings of intermediality: the labyrinth. In multiplying the narrative possibilities specific to new media, the labyrinth interrelates the intermedial components. Bleeding Through : Layers of Los Angeles 1920-1986, directed by Norman Klein, establishes the labyrinth as a narrative backdrop to the intermedial practice. Herein, time is addressed as a fragmented function that can be segmented, reorganized, thus breaking with classic linearity. Subsequently, elements of Greek mythology tied to the labyrinth’s imaginary are highlighted, particularly through Gervais’s reflexions on memory and forgetting. To question the essence of the labyrinth’s figure, which infiltrates contemporary narration, Bleeding Through is analyzed under the scope of these theories. In short, the labyrinth is presented as an inherent figure to storytelling within the current media ecology.

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