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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sobre a busca de superfícies minimais e seu emprego nas estruturas de membrana. / On finding minimal surfaces and their application to membrane structures.

Souza, Diogo Carlos Bernardes de 28 August 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma revisão histórica dos trabalhos acerca de superfícies minimais, ressaltando a pertinência da analogia entre a busca de superfícies de mínima área e a busca de formas de membranas estruturais sujeitas a um estado de tensões superficiais, homogêneo e isótropo. São colocados alguns conceitos geométricos das superfícies parametrizáveis, com base na geometria diferencial, a fim de realizar o equilíbrio diferencial de membranas e determinar as suas equações de equilíbrio. Além disso, é apresentada uma metodologia puramente geométrica para a determinação de superfícies minimais, baseada na minimização do funcional da área, dado pela soma das áreas das facetas triangulares nas quais a superfície é discretizada. O trabalho discute a formulação matemática do problema e apresenta resultados obtidos tanto por meio das rotinas implementadas no software MATLAB quanto por meio daquelas da biblioteca de otimização deste mesmo software. Finalmente, são realizados alguns exemplos e um teste de convergência, comparando as superfícies resultantes dos métodos numéricos com suas respectivas respostas analíticas. A geometria final de um dos exemplos é verificada por meio da analogia dos filmes de sabão, realizando-se uma análise não-linear de equilíbrio através do software Ansys. As soluções foram bastante satisfatórias, resultando em formas muito próximas das analíticas e com pequenos erros relativos das áreas. O teste de convergência também comprovou que o refinamento da discretização leva a uma solução mais próxima da desejada. Portanto, os procedimentos apresentados podem ser empregados no processo de busca da forma de membranas estruturais. / This dissertation presents a historical review on the theoretical developments on minimal surfaces, highlighting the important analogy between the problems of finding minimal area surfaces and finding membrane surfaces with homogeneous and isotropic stress fields. Some geometric concepts of the parametric surfaces are placed, on the basis of differential geometry, in order to do the differential equilibrium of membranes and to achieve its equilibrium equations. Moreover, a purely geometric methodology for the determination of minimal surfaces is presented, based on the minimization of the area functional, which is computed by the simple addition of a finite number of triangular facet areas in which the surface is divided. It discusses the mathematical formulation of the problem as well as some results obtained with the algorithms implemented in MATLAB and others obtained with the aid of MATLAB optimization routines. Finally, some examples and a convergence test are produced, comparing their analytical and numerical results. The final geometry of one of examples is verified by means of the soap film analogy, with a nonlinear equilibrium analysis through Ansys. The solutions have been sufficiently satisfactory, resulting forms very close to the analytical ones and with small areas relative errors. Convergence test also confirm that the method lead to numerical solutions as close to the analytical one as required, as long as the triangular facets mesh is refined. Therefore, the presented procedures can be used in structural membranes form finding.

Bifurcação de Poincaré-Andronov-Hopf para difeomorfismos do plano / Bifurcation of Poincaré-Andronov-Hopf to diffeomorphism in the plane

Barbosa, Pricila da Silva 18 May 2010 (has links)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho é apresentar uma exposição detalhada do Teorema de Poincaré-Andronov-Hopf para uma família de transformações do plano. Apresentaremos também uma aplicação a um sistema dinâmico que modela a evolução do preço e excesso de demanda em um mercado constituído por uma única mercadoria. / The main purpose of this work is to present a detailed exposition of the Poincaré-Andronov-Hopf Theorem for a family of transformations in the plane. We also present an application to a dynamical system modelling the evolution of the price and the excess demand in a single asset market.

El método de división en el Fedro de Platón / The division method in Phaedrus by Plato

Molina, Adriana Madriñan 13 December 2012 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente investigación es exponer y testar una hipótesis exegética y filosófica sobre el método de división propuesto por Platón en el Fedro. Según mi hipótesis, este método de división visa resolver la controversia a través de la formulación de argumentos y contra-argumentos que examinan la consistencia de definiciones opuestas sobre un mismo asunto, con el fin de determinar cuál es su definición correcta. Para esto, en el primer capítulo explico las principales nociones del método del Fedro y describo el modus operandi de este método. En el segundo y en el tercer capítulo, testo el modus operandi antes descrito a través de la evidencia textual del Fedro. / The aim of the present research is to expose and test an exegetical and philosophical hypothesis about Plato´s division method in his dialogue Phaedrus. According to my hypothesis, Plato´s division is a method that aims to resolve controversies via the formulation of arguments and counterarguments that test the consistency of opposed definitions. Consequently, the method ends with a correct definition. To achieve this aim, in chapter 1, I explain the principal notions of the method and describe the modus operandi of this method. In chapter 2 and chapter 3, I submit to critical examination the aforementioned modus operandi through the textual evidence founded in Phaedrus.

Tédio, conflito de superfície e teatralidade: uma leitura das formas em A+B e Esaú e Jacó / Boredom, surface conflict and theatricality: a reading of the forms in A + B and Esaú e Jacó

Lima, Ludmylla Mendes 15 February 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é a realização de uma análise do romance Esaú e Jacó, de Machado de Assis. Para isso, buscou-se investigar qual o sentido da construção da obra apoiada em um enredo tedioso, cujo conflito - um antagonismo entre irmãos gêmeos não é estabelecido em profundidade. O modo de atuação do narrador no que diz respeito à construção dessa aparência de conflito, juntamente com a sua relação - ou desdobramento - com a figura do Conselheiro Aires, a personagem que alega e propala tédio à controvérsia, é um dos focos principais de observação nesta pesquisa. Este viés de observação sugeriu a aproximação analítica com a série A+B, grupo de sete crônicas em forma de diálogo, publicadas na Gazeta de notícias por Machado de Assis. A série reproduz um princípio formal semelhante ao encontrado no romance, um narrador distanciado que conduz uma encenação do procedimento das elites brasileiras durante a passagem do Império à República. Os problemas formais discutidos pelas obras literárias foram considerados numa relação dinâmica com as movimentações históricas trazidas pela modernização conservadora do Brasil no século XIX. / The aim of this study is to conduct an analysis of the novel Esaú e Jacó, by Machado de Assis. For this, the author sought to investigate the meaning of the narrative construction supported by a tedious plot, whose conflict - an antagonism between twins - is not established in depth. The mode of action of the narrator in relation to the construction of this appearance of conflict, along with his relationship - or split - with the figure of Counselor Aires, the character who claims \"boredom of controversy\", is a major focus or observation in this study. These ideas suggested an analytical approach to the series A + B, group of seven chronicles, written in dialogue form, and published in Gazeta de notícias by Machado de Assis. The series plays a formal principle similar to that found in the novel, a detached narrator who leads a staging procedure of the Brazilian elites during the transition from Empire to Republic. The formal problems discussed by the literary works were considered in a dynamic relationship with the changes brought about by historical conservative modernization of Brazil in the nineteenth century.

A escola como forma social: um estudo do modo de educar capitalista / The school as a social form: an study of the capitalist mode of educating

Catini, Carolina de Roig 23 September 2013 (has links)
A tese aqui apresentada consiste num esforço para apreender os nexos entre escola e relações sociais capitalistas. Partimos da compreensão do capital não apenas como elemento econômico, mas como relação social que tende, contraditoriamente, a subsumir as diversas esferas da vida social, ao mesmo tempo em que permite e exige a autonomização de cada uma dessas esferas. Nesse sentido, debruçamo-nos sobre a relação entre a generalização da forma escola e da forma mercadoria, à luz de uma tendência - característica da formação social capitalista - de subjetivação das formas e de coisificação dos conteúdos, que corresponde ao conceito de fetichismo do capital. Procuramos desnaturalizar a forma escolar por meio do estudo de seu processo histórico de constituição, com ênfase em alguns momentos específicos, como o da reação estatal às lutas anarquistas do início do século XX, e as subsequentes reformas educacionais dos anos 1920. Analisamos a crescente importância da escola na formação da massa de trabalhadores assalariados, reificados pela condição de vendedores de sua força de trabalho, mas também de sujeitos de direito. Assim, fomos levados a tratar da imbricação entre a forma escolar e o Direito, fundamentado nas relações mercantis, na propriedade privada, e nos processos de expropriação dos trabalhadores como produto da acumulação de capital. Internamente à escola, investigamos a incorporação do tempo abstrato, bem como o desenvolvimento da divisão do trabalho, da didática, e das formas disciplinares, tudo isso em articulação com tendências de racionalização, de desenvolvimento das forças produtivas e da consequente simplificação do trabalho. Donde se explicita a prevalência da forma sobre a formação, como tendência inerente ao modo de educar capitalista. Ademais, tratamos brevemente de algumas distinções entre os processos de escolarização das camadas mais abastadas da população e do grosso da população trabalhadora, fruto da clivagem entre escola pública e privada, também fundamentada em relações de propriedade. Por fim, sem negar a relevância das lutas travadas historicamente com vistas à universalização do direito à educação e por melhores condições de escolarização para a população trabalhadora, enfatizamos os riscos de se limitar as lutas aos marcos institucionais, argumentando que, quando desacompanhadas da construção de experiências educativas autônomas, e portanto desprovidas de um caráter tático, tais lutas conduzem a um esvaziamento dos potenciais revolucionários da organização dos trabalhadores. / The present thesis consists in an effort to apprehend the nexuses between school and capitalist social relations. We start from the understanding of capital not only as an economic element but as a social relation that tends, contradictorily, to subsume the various spheres of social life, at the same time that allows and requires the autonomization of each of these spheres. Accordingly, we focused on the relationship between the generalization of the school form and of the commodity form, in the light of a trend - characteristic of the capitalist social formation of subjectivation of the forms and reification of the contents, which corresponds to the concept of capitals fetishism. We seek to denaturalize the school form through the study of its historical process of constitution, with emphasis on some specific moments, as the state\'s reaction to the anarchist struggles in the early twentieth century, and the subsequent educational reforms of the 1920s. We analyze the growing importance of the school in the formation of the mass of salaried workers, reified by the condition of sellers of its workforce, but also as subjects of law. Thus, we were conducted to address the imbrication between the school form and the Law, based on mercantile relations, on private property, and on the process of expropriation of workers as a product of the accumulation of capital. Internally to school, we investigate the incorporation of abstract time, as well as the development of the division of labor, the didactics, and disciplinary forms, all this in conjunction with trends of rationalization, of development of the productive forces and the resulting work simplification. From that becomes explicit the prevalence of the form over the formation, as a tendency inherent to the capitalist mode of educating. Moreover, we treat briefly of some distinctions between the processes of schooling for wealthier strata of the population and the bulk of the working population, the result of the cleavage between public and private schools, also based upon property relations. Finally, without denying the relevance of the historical struggles aiming the universalization of the right to the education and better schooling conditions for the working population, we emphasize the risks of limiting the struggles to the institutional frameworks, arguing that when unaccompanied of the construction of autonomous educational experiences, and therefore deprived of a tactical character, such struggles lead to an undermining of the revolutionaries potentials of the organization of the workers.

Valor econômico na forma e função arquitetônicas: tese sobre forma, função e finanças / Economic value in the architectural form and function

Miranda, Mauro 26 June 2009 (has links)
Tese sobre as articulações entre os interesses econômicos de investidores e a forma do projeto arquitetônico de alguns edifícios de escritório em São Paulo. Através da interpretação histórico-social são analisados os elementos motivadores dos investidores públicos e privados e suas ações na transformação do espaço urbano ativando intencionalmente determinadas regiões. Valorizadas, elas recebem empreendimentos comerciais à imagem dos símbolos arquitetônicos de status de cidades capitais vigentes. Os investidores manipulam o projeto arquitetônico de edifícios comerciais visando a maior lucratividade no lançamento e eventualmente após a ocupação. A compreensão da forma e função arquitetônicas utilizadas torna-se fundamental na compreensão do por quê destes edifícios manterem-se ocupados durante vários ciclos imobiliários. Atingiram a meta dos seus investidores e em alguns casos mudaram de mãos, outros até transformando-se em marcos urbanos. / Study about the articulation between investors / developers and the architectural form and function in some office buildings in São Paulo. Initially by the historic and social history analysis clarify the motivation of public and private investors and their consequent actions, activating the real estate market in some specific city areas. Appreciated became points attracts class A office buildings, world class symbols of status. Therefore manipulated by investors/developers in obtain the maximum economic value when they delivered, or post occupied - a few. The clarification of the architectural form and function becomes a paramount factor to understand why the selected buildings were highly occupied during several real estate cycles. Archived the investors economic goals and changing to other hands are still desired for corporate users and even a few becomes a landmark.

劉勰的文體理論與批評實踐. / Liu Xie de wen ti li lun yu pi ping shi jian.

January 1994 (has links)
劉慶華. / 論文(博士)--香港中文大學硏究院中國語言及文學部,1994. / 參考文獻: leaves 354-373 / Liu Qinghua. / Lun wen (bo shi)-- Xianggang Zhong wen da xue yan jiu yuan Zhongguo yu yan ji wen xue bu,1994. / Can kao wen xian: leaves 354-373 / 敘論 --- p.1 / Chapter 上篇 --- 《文心雕龍》的文體理論 / Chapter 第一章 --- 《文心雕龍》的「文體論」 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引言 --- p.2 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「文」的涵義 --- p.3 / Chapter 第三節 --- 《文心雕龍》裏「文」字的涵義 --- p.6 / Chapter 第四節 --- 《文心》中「文體」的涵義 --- p.11 / Chapter 第五節 --- 結語 --- p.19 / Chapter 第二章 --- 《文心雕龍》書中「(文章)本源,莫非經典」觀念試探 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引言 --- p.33 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「文源於經」的觀念分析 --- p.34 / Chapter 第三節 --- 宗經思想探源 --- p.39 / Chapter 第四節 --- 結語 --- p.46 / Chapter 第三章 --- 《文心雕龍》的文體分類評議 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引言 --- p.59 / Chapter 第二節 --- 有關文體分類問題的辨析 --- p.61 / Chapter 第三節 --- 《文心雕龍》文體分類的原則 --- p.67 / Chapter 第四節 --- 結語 --- p.94 / Chapter 下篇 --- 文體理論在批評中的實踐 / Chapter 第四章 --- 《文心雕龍》評定文章優劣的具體原則和方法 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引言 --- p.117 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「敷理以舉統」探源 --- p.117 / Chapter 第三節 --- 論「位體」與「敷理以舉統」的關係 --- p.131 / Chapter 第四節 --- 结語 --- p.144 / Chapter 第五章 --- 《文心雕龍》實際批評舉例(一)文之類 / Chapter <一> --- 詩 / Chapter (1) --- 古詩十九首 / Chapter (a) --- 〈 涉江采芙蓉〉 --- p.153 / Chapter (b) --- 〈庭中有奇樹〉 --- p.154 / Chapter (c) --- 〈青青河畔草〉 --- p.154 / Chapter (2) --- 何晏〈擬古〉 --- p.155 / Chapter (3) --- 何晏失題之作一首 / Chapter <二> --- 樂府 --- p.156 / Chapter (1) --- 〈桂華〉 --- p.158 / Chapter (2 ) --- 〈赤雁〉 --- p.159 / Chapter (3) --- 曹操〈苦寒行〉 --- p.160 / Chapter <三> --- 賦 / Chapter (1) --- 司馬相如<上林賦> --- p.163 / Chapter <四> --- 頌 / Chapter (1) --- 楊雄<趙充國頌> --- p.168 / Chapter (2) --- 班固〈車騎將軍竇北征頌〉 --- p.169 / Chapter (3) --- 陸機〈漢高祖功臣頌〉 --- p.172 / Chapter <五> --- 讃 / Chapter (1) --- 郭璞《爾雅圖讚.筆》 --- p.176 / Chapter (2) --- 郭璞《爾雅圖讚.枳首蛇》 --- p.176 / Chapter (3) --- 郭璞《爾雅圖讚.柚》 --- p.177 / Chapter (4) --- 郭璞《爾雅圖讚.蟬》 --- p.177 / Chapter <六> --- 祝 / Chapter (1 ) --- 侲子毆疫祝文 --- p.179 / Chapter (2) --- 潘岳〈祭庾婦〉 --- p.180 / Chapter <七> --- 盟 / Chapter (1) --- 臧洪〈與諸牧守盟文〉 --- p.182 / Chapter (2) --- 劉琨〈與段匹磾盟文〉 --- p.183 / Chapter <八> --- 銘 / Chapter (1) --- 蔡邕〈鼎銘〉 --- p.185 / Chapter (2) --- 張載〈劍閣銘〉 --- p.187 / Chapter <九> --- 誄 / Chapter (1) --- 潘岳〈皇女誄〉 --- p.189 / Chapter (2) --- 傅毅〈明帝誄〉 / Chapter <十> --- 哀 / Chapter (1) --- 潘岳〈為任子咸妻作孤女澤蘭哀辭〉 --- p.194 / Chapter (2) --- 潘岳〈金鹿哀辭〉 --- p.196 / Chapter 第六章 --- 《文心雕龍》實際批評舉例(二)筆之類 / Chapter <一> --- 論 / Chapter (1 ) --- 班彪〈王命論〉 --- p.203 / Chapter (2) --- 陸機〈辯亡論〉 --- p.206 / Chapter (3) --- 曹植〈辨道論〉 --- p.211 / Chapter (4) --- 嵇康〈聲無哀樂論〉 --- p.214 / Chapter <二> --- ¨®Ơ / Chapter (1) --- 李斯〈諫逐客書〉 --- p.220 / Chapter (2) --- 鄒陽〈說吳梁〉 --- p.223 / Chapter (3) --- 馮敬通〈說鮑永〉 --- p.226 / Chapter <三> --- 詔策 / Chapter (1) --- 〈漢高帝二年發使者告諸侯伐楚〉 --- p.232 / Chapter (2) --- 〈漢高帝五年赦天下令〉 --- p.233 / Chapter (3) --- 〈漢高帝六年上太公尊號詔〉 --- p.233 / Chapter (4) --- 武帝策封三王文 --- p.234 / Chapter (5) --- 潘勗〈冊魏公九錫文〉 --- p.237 / Chapter <四> --- 檄 / Chapter (1) --- 隗囂〈移檄告郡國〉 --- p.241 / Chapter (2) --- 陳琳〈為袁紹檄豫州〉 --- p.244 / Chapter <五> --- 移 / Chapter (1) --- 司馬相如〈難蜀父老〉 --- p.249 / Chapter (2) --- 劉歆〈移太常〉 --- p.252 / Chapter <六> --- 章表 / Chapter (1) --- 諸葛亮〈出師表〉 --- p.256 / Chapter (2) --- 孔融〈薦禰衡表〉 --- p.257 / Chapter <七> --- 奏 / Chapter (1) --- 賈誼〈論積貯疏〉 --- p.260 / Chapter (2) --- 晁錯〈言兵事疏〉 --- p.261 / Chapter (3) --- 孔光〈奏董賢〉 --- p.265 / Chapter (4) --- 劉隗〈奏周顗〉 --- p.266 / Chapter <八> --- 議 / Chapter (1) --- 吾丘壽王〈駁挾弓議〉 --- p.268 / Chapter (2) --- 郭躬〈擅誅議〉 --- p.270 / Chapter (3) --- 秦秀〈賈充謚議〉 --- p.272 / Chapter (4) --- 傅咸〈駁解結議〉 --- p.274 / Chapter <九> --- 書 / Chapter (1) --- 司馬遷〈報任安書〉 --- p.276 / Chapter (2) --- 楊惲〈報孫會宗書〉 --- p.277 / Chapter <十> --- 牋記 / Chapter (1) --- 劉楨〈諫平原侯植書〉 --- p.279 / Chapter (2) --- 劉楨〈答曹丕借廓落帶書〉 --- p.280 / Chapter (3) --- 劉廙〈謝恩書〉 --- p.282 / Chapter 第七章 --- 《文心雕龍》實際批評舉例(三)´ؤ´ؤ從文體論角度 辨析「奇正」觀念 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引目 --- p.297 / Chapter 第二節 --- 各家解說論列 --- p.297 / Chapter 第三節 --- 「奇正」觀念探源 --- p.302 / Chapter 第四節 --- 從《文心》「奇」字用例探討其內涵 --- p.304 / Chapter 第五節 --- 從劉勰判斷為「奇」的作品探討「奇」的內涵 --- p.313 / Chapter 第六節 --- 《文心雕龍》「正」字用例分析 --- p.321 / Chapter 第七節 --- 析論《文心》中屬「正」的作品 --- p.328 / Chapter 第八節 --- 結語 --- p.342 / Chapter 第八章 --- 结論 --- p.351 / 參考書目 --- p.354

文心雕龍文體理論硏究 =: A study on the genre theory of Wen Hsin Tiao Lung. / Study on the genre theory of Wen Hsin Tiao Lung / Wen xin diao long wen ti li lun yan jiu =: A study on the genre theory of Wen Hsin Tiao Lung.

January 1988 (has links)
李永鴻. / 書名原題: 文心雕龍「文體」理論硏究. / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學. / Shu ming yuan ti: Wen xin diao long "Wen ti" li lun yan jiu. / Reprint. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 235-244). / Li Yonghong. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue. / 敘論 --- p.1 / 上篇 / Chapter 第一章 --- 「文體」釋義 --- p.2 / Chapter 第二章 --- 劉勰以前的「文體」理論 --- p.17 / Chapter 第三章 --- 魏晉以來何以特別重視辨析「文體」 --- p.36 / 下篇 / Chapter 第四章 --- 《文心雕龍》「文體」理論的範圍´ؤ´ؤ兼論《辨騷》篇應否歸入本文硏究之列 --- p.55 / Chapter 第五章 --- 《文心雕龍》「文體」源出《五經》說平議 --- p.66 / Chapter 第六章 --- 《文心雕龍》論及的「文體」類別 --- p.85 / Chapter 第七章 --- 「文體」論例 --- p.132 / Chapter 第一節 --- 關於「騷」體的興起 --- p.133 / Chapter 第二節 --- 從「聲依永,律和聲」談起´ؤ´ؤ兼論「詩」與「樂府」的關係 --- p.138 / Chapter 第三節 --- 從「鋪采摛文」看「賦」與「諸子」的關係 --- p.145 / Chapter 第四節 --- 「讚」與「頌」、「論」的關係 --- p.154 / Chapter 第五節 --- 從《祝盟》、《奏啟》、《檄移》三篇探討彦和對作家操守的要求 --- p.166 / Chapter 第六節 --- 從《銘箴》篇、《諧讔》篇、《史傳》篇和《詔策》篇略論「銘」、「箴」、「諧」、「讔」、「史」、「戒」諸「體」的教化作用 --- p.174 / Chapter 第七節 --- 從《誄碑》篇和《哀弔》篇略論「誄」、「碑」、「哀」、「弔」諸「體」的悼亡色彩 --- p.181 / Chapter 第八節 --- 「雜文」釋義´ؤ´ؤ兼論《雜文》篇與《書記》篇的異同 --- p.188 / Chapter 第九節 --- 略論《封襌》篇的「選文以定篇」 --- p.195 / Chapter 第十節 --- 從《章表》篇、《奏改》篇和《議對》篇略論上呈君主之文的特色 --- p.299 / Chapter 第八章 --- 劉勰的辨「體」方法評議´ؤ´ؤ兼論他的「文學」觀念 --- p.220 / 結語 --- p.232 / 參考資料 --- p.235

The representation of the Spanish Civil War in the novels of Claude Simon and Juan Marse

Wykes, Sarah Jill January 2002 (has links)
This thesis consists of a close reading of the representation of the Spanish Civil War in selected novels of Juan Marse (1933-) and Claude Simon (1913-). It explores how this representation, ultimately, reveals the traces of their different intellectual contexts. The initial comparison questions whether Marse's representation of the Spanish revolution in Barcelona implies, like Simon's account, a negative representation of the concept of political engagement and a similar historical pessimism. It goes on to discuss how this negative view is shaped by the writers' respective historical contexts and aesthetics. Secondly, since, to varying degrees, the novels studied make the reader critically aware of processes of narrativisation and representation, and of issues of narrative reliability and authority, the thesis explores the extent to which their representations of the Civil War are 'anti-realist'. In order to do so, it initially locates the question of 'realism' or 'anti-realism' in the texts within a wider theoretical framework: that of the critique of realism within poststructuralist French theory after Barthes. The latter debate over referentiality in literary realism also underpins ongoing critical debates over the status of history as a text. This thesis, thirdly, considers whether both writers' representations of the Civil War and of historical processes suggest a particular attitude towards the writing of history, namely whether and to what extent Simon's and Marse's representations of the war problematize the relationship between their historical referent - the events of the war and/or its aftermath - and its narration and interpretation. In particular, it asks whether Marse's texts involve the kind of rejection of progressive historical 'meta-narratives' which is implicit and explicit in Simon's representation of the Civil War, but also whether Simon's texts do, in fact, not simply undermine this model of historical causality but posit an alternative, anti-progressive historical telos.

Sens et significations de nos formes de vie : dialogue intersémiotique / Purports and purposes of our forms of life : intersemiotic dialogue

Perusset, Alain 18 January 2019 (has links)
Exercer la sémiotique sans s’intéresser au monde de la vie, c’est condamner l’analyse à l’insignifiance, car le sens est cette direction indéterminée que tracent nos vies, individuelles et collectives, depuis que nous existons. Les textes et les objets qui composent le monde portent en conséquence tous, bien qu’à des degrés d’évidence variables, l’empreinte d’une multitude de vies humaines.Dans sa foulée, la vie humaine marque ainsi les textes et les objets qui croisent son chemin, ainsi que les activités qu’elle accomplit pour parvenir à ses fins et, ce faisant, persister dans son cours. Sur sa lancée, elle confère à ces existences et ces expériences une forme symbolique, celle de l’idée qu’elle dessine, malgré elle, de sa propre persévérance.C’est ce parcours, ou ce récit – car la vie, à travers ses péripéties, écrit aussi un récit –, que cette thèse vise à retracer en vue de définir la forme de vie, cette notion introduite par Algirdas Julien Greimas, au début des années 1990, dans les études sémiotiques, et qui, aujourd’hui, interpelle les sémioticiens désireux d’inscrire leurs recherches dans le champ des sciences de la culture, mais sans clairement savoir ce qu’il retourne de cette notion aux contours sinueux comme le sens. Instaurant le dialogue entre les sémioticiens de l’École de Paris qui se sont intéressés à la question, ce texte se propose de reconsidérer le statut existentiel des formes de vie, de décrire comment elles émergent dans l’expérience, de typologiser leurs variétés, enfin, d’expliquer comment, à terme, elles parviennent à colorer de leurs éthiques les milieux humains. / Doing semiotics without paying attention to the realm of life amounts to condemn analyses to insignificance, because meaning is this indeterminate direction that our individual and collective lives always trace. Texts and objects that are part of the world therefore all bear the imprint of a multitude of human lives, albeit with varying degrees of evidence.In its wake, human life thus marks texts and objects that cross its path, as well as the activities it carries out to achieve its goals and, in so doing, to persist in its course. In its track, human life gives these existences and experiences a symbolic form, that of the idea it draws of its own perseverance.It’s precisely this path, or this narrative – because life, through its adventures, also writes a narrative –, that this thesis aims to recount in order to define the concept of form of life introduced by Algirdas Julien Greimas in semiotic studies, at the beginning of the 1990s, and which, today, challenges semioticians wishing to place their research in the field of cultural studies, but without clearly knowing what returns from this notion as sinuous as meaning. Encouraging a dialogue between the semioticians of the Paris School Semiotics who have investigated the topic, this dissertation proposes to reconsider the existential status of the forms of life, to describe how they emerge from experience, to provide a typology of their varieties and, finally, to explain how, in the long run, they succeed in colouring human worlds by their ethics.

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