Spelling suggestions: "subject:"found"" "subject:"count""
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Teminių žemėlapių tekstinės apkrovos analizė ir vertinimas / Textual strain analysis and assessment of thematical mapKutkaitė, Roma 23 June 2014 (has links)
Tobulėjant kompiuterinėms technologijoms tobulėja ir žemėlapių sudarymas, todėl atsiranda poreikis ir užrašams, taikomiems kartografijoje, analizuoti. Naujai apžvelgiama užrašų ir jų šriftų tradicijos, specifika bei komponavimas, kas ir lemia informacijos kiekį kartografiniame kūrinyje. Per didelis arba per mažas užrašų kiekis žemėlapyje, t.y. ne optimali žemėlapio tekstinė apkrova, tik apsunkina žemėlapio informacijos suvokimą. Atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad kartografinių kūrinių tekstinė apkrova užrašais nors ir yra aktuali tema, ypač leidyboje, bet Lietuvoje bei Europoje praktiškai nenagrinėta ir jokie tyrimai šia kryptimi nebuvo atliekami. Išanalizavus faktorius lemiančius žemėlapio tekstinę apkrovą, buvo sukurta metodika ir atlikti praktiniai šios metodikos tyrimai. Tyrimo metu gauti rezultatai bei jų analizė leido sukurti automatizuotą sistemą (kompiuterinę programą), kurios pagalba galima greitai įvertinti jau esamų bei naujai kuriamų žemėlapių tekstinės apkrovos laipsnį. / With the development of computer technologies, the mapping also progresses; therefore there is a need to analyze the notes used in cartography. The traditions of records and their fonts, their specifics and compilation, which determines the amount of information in the cartographical work, are being newly overviewed. Too big or too little amount of notes in the map, i.e. not optimal text load, only makes it more difficult to understand the information. Studies have shown that the topic of text load with notes of the cartographical works virtually was not analyzed neither in Lithuania nor Europe and no research was carried out, even though it is important topic, especially in publishing. After analyzing the factors which determine the text load of the map, the methodology was created and practical analysis of this methodology was performed. The results obtained in this research and their analysis, allowed to create an automated system (computer program) which helps to quickly assess the level of text load of maps, both newly created and existing ones.
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The art of dialogue in The sacred fount by Henry James and Martereau by Nathalie SarrauteBurns, Nancy Jane January 1982 (has links)
Conversation in Martereau is largely an affair of platitudinous and banal statements masking the antagonistic content of the subconversation. Consisting mainly of dialogue, The Sacred Fount presents the polished talk that evolves as the characters attempt to unravel an enigma. Though the aims of both authors are very different in many respects, Sarraute and James share a common fascination with the way in which language constitutes a means of dissimulation rather than communication. Dialogue is consequently a problematic element of both novels, registering the drama of the unspoken through commonplace remarks, echoes, and pauses which suggest the presence of a discrete psychological reality.
In seeking to renew the dialogue form in the novel, both authors depict dramatic situations in which speech functions as a means of manipulation.
The nature of reported discourse in the two novels will be discussed using Jakobson's six-part model of communication, examining in detail the constitutive elements of Jamesian and Sarrautian conversation. The stylistic traits of each author will be considered as a function of the specific constraints
of indirect and duplicitous communication.
In juxtaposition to the "trompe-l'oeil,” or illusory, reality presented in the dialogue, a pattern of repetitive social exchanges becomes apparent as characters make contact in conversation. While James is most interested in the way in which covert strategies are expressed in speech through implication
and allusion, Sarraute examines the effect of speech upon the listener: in both cases, indirect language is perceived as accomplishing
certain acts and producing unpredictable effects.
The interplay between hidden strategies in James or tropistic activity in Sarraute and dialogue becomes more evident in the narrative discourse, which develops the suggestions and possibilities inherent in the reported speech. The polyphony of the dialogue form is dominated in the narrative discourse by an obsessive observer, who, in the case of The Sacred Fount, is patently unreliable, or at best, unduly sensitive, as in Martereau. An examination of the various forms of narrative intervention, from sporadic inquit interpolations to sustained commentary, suggests the contribution of each novelist in innovating the dialogue form.
The post-Victorian experimental novel of Henry James is considered in relation to the nouveau roman, the latter illuminating the autonomous play of language in The Sacred Fount, which documents—if not "l'aventure d'une ecriture"—the adventure of the creative imagination. Placed in parallel with the more traditional dialogue form, Sarraute's work is seen to exemplify
the subconscious impulsions generated by the nature of the dialogue. Each author sheds light on the artistic project of the other: incipient, subconscious motivations are brought to light in the Jamesian text, while reported speech is revealed as having a major significance in Sarraute's fiction. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate
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Termální lázně Yverdon, pět smyslů v architektuře / Thermal baths Yverdon, five senses in architectureBrhelová, Jaroslava January 2015 (has links)
Draft spa in the Swiss city of Yverdon. CONTAINS part of the public baths, spas, health spas and hotel.
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