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Teure Umzüge = Staatsmodernisierung?15 May 2019 (has links)
Die CDU/FDP-Regierungskoalition sieht ihre sogenannte „Staatsmodernisierung“ als Arbeitsschwerpunkt. 2012 beschlossen CDU und FDP als Kernstück dazu das „Standortegesetz“ im Landtag. Und zwar bewusst ohne
Schätzung der entstehenden Kosten - obwohl das Artikel 97 unserer sächsischen Verfassung vorschreibt.
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Für den Ausbau der Windenergie in Sachsen15 May 2019 (has links)
Klimaschutz, Atomausstieg und Energiewende in Deutschland können nur gelingen, wenn die Bundesländer ihren Anteil dazu beitragen – auch der Freistaat Sachsen. Um die Chance zu wahren, die Erwärmung der Atmosphäre bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts auf zwei Grad Celsius zu begrenzen, müssen die weltweiten Treibhausgasemissionen bis zum Jahr 2050 um die Hälfte reduziert werden. Industriestaaten wie Deutschland müssen ihre Emissionen um 90 Prozent (Basis 1990) vermindern. Die Preise für fossile Rohstoffe steigen und steigen, weil die Vorräte begrenzt sind. Sachsen gibt heute schon rund 5,7 Mrd. Euro (2010) für Strom und Wärme aus, das entspricht 6,3 Prozent der gesamten Wertschöpfung (BIP). Die Hälfte der Kosten tragen mit 2,8 Milliarden Euro die privaten Haushalte. Die externen Kosten für Umweltschäden, Luftverschmutzung u.a. sind darin noch nicht enthalten.
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Development and validation of an ultrafiltration-UHPLC-MS/MS method for the quantification of unbound Beta-Lactam antibiotics cefotaxime, piperacillin, cloxacillin and flucloxacillin in plasma / Utveckling och validering av en UHPLC-MS/MS-metod med ultrafiltrering för kvantifiering av icke-proteinbunden beta-lactam-antibiotika cefotaxim, piperacillin, kloxacillin och flukloxacillin i plasmaClarin, Leona January 2020 (has links)
Infections in critically ill patients are a problem for the healthcare system and at any one time, 70 % of all intensive care unit (ICU) patients are treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics bind toproteins in the blood, but only unbound drug can diffuse over capillary membranes and bindto the targeted receptor. Standard protein binding percentages for antibiotics have been developed from studies on healthy volunteers and dosing regimens for patients are adapted accordingly. The determination of the total concentration of antibiotics in patients’ bloodsamples is, based on the standard percentages, ordinarily representative for the pharmacological effect of the antibiotic. However, certain conditions that are common incritically ill patients can alter protein binding percentages, resulting in a larger or smaller unbound fraction. This in turn can result in toxicity or therapeutic failure. The aim of this project was to develop an analytical method for the determination of the unbound concentration of the Beta-Lactam antibiotics cefotaxime, flucloxacillin, cloxacillin and piperacillin in plasma. A method was successfully developed using ultrafiltration for the extraction of unbound analytes and ultra high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, UHPLC-MS/MS, for their quantification. The method was partly validated according to the European Medicines Agency’s guidelines on bioanalytical method validation. / Kritiskt sjuka patienter med infektioner är en börda för sjukvården och 70 % av alla patienter på intensivvårdsavdelningar är ordinerade antibiotika. Antibiotika binder till proteiner i blodet, men enbart den icke-proteinbundna (fria) fraktionen kan diffundera över kapillära membran och binda till receptorer. Standardproteinbindningsgrad för olika antibiotika har utvecklats från studier på friska frivilliga och doseringen av läkemedlen är anpassade därefter. Den totala koncentrationen av antibiotika i patienters blod är vanligen representativ för den farmakologiska effekten. Dock kan vissa sjukdomar påverka proteinbindningsgraden vilket resulterar i en större eller mindre mängd fria antibiotika i blodcirkulationen. Det här kan i sintur resultera i toxicitet eller otillräcklig effekt av läkemedlet. Syftet med det här projektet var att utveckla en analytisk metod för att bestämma den fria koncentrationen av Beta-Lactam antibiotikan cefotaxim, flukloxacillin, kloxacillin och piperacillin i plasma. En metod utvecklades med ultrafiltrering för extraktion av den fria fraktionen och högupplösande vätskekromatografi och tandem masspektrometri, UHPLCMS/MS, för kvantifiering av analyterna. Metoden validerades delvis enligt den Europeiska Läkemedelsmyndighetens riktlinjer för bioanalytisk metodvalidering.
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Wir machen es möglich! - Die GRÜNEN im Sächsischen Landtag20 March 2019 (has links)
Die acht Abgeordneten von BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN im Sächsischen Landtag für eine nachhaltige, sozial gerechte und zukunftsfähige Politik stellen sich vor.
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Für mehr Frauen in der Wissenschaft19 March 2019 (has links)
Seit Jahren ist ein Widerspruch ungelöst: Obwohl junge Frauen knapp die Hälfte der Studierenden und der Absolventen an Sachsens Hochschulen ausmachen, sinkt ihr Anteil auf jeder Stufe der wissenschaftlichen Karriereleiter dramatisch ab. Auch wenn es in den vergangenen Jahren Verbesserungen gab, ist das Entwicklungstempo doch viel zu gering. Nach wie vor geht es an den Hochschulen nicht gerecht zu zwischen den Geschlechtern. Fachlich zu begründen ist dies nicht, wie die Abschlüsse der Frauen zeigen. Vielmehr sind es oftmals die Rahmenbedingungen an Hochschulen, die Frauen vom Aufstieg in der Wissenschaft abhalten. Auch angesichts fehlender Fachkräfte und des demografischen Wandels kann Sachsen sich solch einen Verzicht auf hoch qualifiziertes Personal einfach nicht mehr leisten.
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Hinter Schloss und Riegel?: GRÜNE Grundsätze für einen modernen Justizvollzug21 May 2019 (has links)
Sucht und Abhängigkeit sind bei Gefangenen deutlich stärker ausgeprägt als in der Gesamtbevölkerung. In Sachsen hatten über die Hälfte bereits Berührung mit der Droge Crystal Meth. Zur erfolgreichen Therapie reicht eine (einmalige) Suchtberatung nicht aus. Vielmehr bedarf es einer stationären Suchttherapie bereits während der Haft. Das Justizministerium hat dazu ein erfolgreiches Modellprojekt in der JVA Zeithain und im Jugendstrafvollzug initiiert.
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Heavy metal fractionation studies in tidal sediment cores in the clam farms from Tan Thanh commune, Go Cong dong district, Tien Giang province, VietnamNguyen, Mai Lan 27 February 2019 (has links)
This paper introduces the results from a study on the distribution of heavy metals in chemical fractions in tidal sediment cores at four sample stations inside the baby clam breeding plain, inside the harvested clam breeding plain, and on the frontier between the plains in the clam farms in Tan Thanh commune, Go Cong Dong district, Tien Giang province, Vietnam. The partitioning of metals among the compartments of the sediment’s solid phase was investigated indirectly by selective sequential extraction of substances that are water-soluble, exchangeable, bound to carbonates, bound to Mn oxides, bound to amorphous Fe oxides, bound to crystalline Fe oxides, associated with organics and residual. In case of investigated heavy metals (HM), the concentrations of Zn and Hg exceeded the National Technical Regulation on Sediment Quality QCVN 43:2012/BTNMT by 1.12 - 3.53 times and 26.58 - 171.96 times, respectively. The highest HMs concentration was found in the oxidable fraction (more than 60%). The data demonstrates the important role of organic matters in the oxidable condition at the surficial sediment layer. Besides the oxidable fraction, high HMs concentrations were measured also in the residual fraction. The HMs content present in the solid residue also indicates the level of contamination in the river system: the greater the percentage of HMs present in the solid residue, the lesser the pollution in the environment because this solid residue involves components that can not be remobilized. The HMs concentrations depending on the depth of the sediment indicate that clam’s digestive activity or the decomposition of tissue and shell of clams possibly affects the content of HMs. / Bài báo giới thiệu các kết quả nghiên cứu về sự phân bố kim loại nặng dưới các dạng liên kết khác nhau trong các mẫu lõi trầm tích tại các bãi nuôi nghêu giống, bãi nuôi nghêu sau khi đã thu hoạch, và ranh giới giữa các bãi nuôi nghêu tại xã Tân Thành, huyện Gò Công Đông, tỉnh Tiền Giang, Việt Nam. Các dạng pha liên kết bao gồm: 1.pha hòa tan; 2. pha trao đổi; 3.liên kết với các bô nát; 4. liên kết với Man gan ô xít; 5. liên kết với sắt ô xít vô định hình; 6. liên kết với sắt ô xít dạng tinh thể; 7. liên kết với thành phần hữu cơ và; 8. Phần bã rắn. Trong các kim loại nặng (KLN) được phân tích, hàm lượng Zn và Hg vượt quá tiêu chuẩn cho phép QCVN 43:2012/BTNMT lần lượt từ 1,12 – 3,53 và 24,58 – 171,96 lần. Hàm lượng KLN tồn tại nhiều nhất dưới dạng liên kết với các thành phần có khả năng ô xi hóa với tỉ lệ hơn 60% chỉ ra vai trò của thành phần hữu cơ trong điều kiện ô xi hóa tại lớp trầm tích tầng mặt. Sau các thành phần có khả năng ôxi hóa, các KLN hiện diện trong phần bã rắn nhiều hơn trong các pha khác. Sự có mặt của KLN trong phần bã rắn chỉ ra mức độ ô nhiễm của hệ thống sông: càng nhiều phần trăm KLN có mặt trong phần bã rắn, càng ít ô nhiễm trong môi trường bởi phần bã rắn này liên quan đến các thành phần không thể bị rửa tách. Sự phụ thuộc theo độ sâu của hàm lượng kim loại nặng đưa ra khả năng về sự ảnh hưởng của hoạt động tiêu hóa và quá trình phân hủy của nghêu lên hàm lượng kim loại nặng.
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Gespräche in einer Krise : Analyse von Telefonaten mit einem RAF-Mitglied während der Okkupation der westdeutschen Botschaft in Stockholm 1975 / Conversations in a crisis : Analysis of telephone communication with a member of the red army faction during the 1975 occupation of the West German embassy in Stockholmvon der Heiden, Gregor January 2009 (has links)
When crises develop, people are confronted with difficulties beyond those experienced in normal everyday activities. Due to the perceived threats inherent to such situations, familiar behaviors may prove ineffective, and such attempts can pose dangerous and unpredictable risks. Crises are extreme situations, occurring at the very edges of human experience. Oral communication in such situations cannot be casual; the seriousness of the situation demands exceptional communicative performance on the part of the participants. Therefore, certainties about everyday communication conventions are called into question. The following work examines conversations during which the participants were involved in an extreme situation. In this particular crisis, a politically motivated kidnapping, the personal involvement of the interlocutors is substantial. A clear and present fear of the situation escalating and the possibility of a failure to anticipate the resulting reactions from the other party(ies) characterize the communicative acts of those involved. Recorded telephone calls during the occupation of the West German Embassy in Stockholm by members of the Red Army Faction (RAF) on April 24, 1975 comprise the basis for this analysis. One of the occupiers speaks with various interlocutors located in an adjacent embassy building. These interlocutors are relatives of the hostages, the Swedish Minister of Justice, and a German official charged with leading the negotiations. In this study, the communicative processes of the crisis are reconstructed. In order to show how the interlocutors attempt to reach their goals in this tense situation with the resources available to them, as well as what they in fact achieve, ethnographic methods of analysis have been employed. This study shows how, despite strong conflicting interests and motives, a shared reality is built through the actions of the interlocutors. The interaction between two key figures in the early stages of the crisis can even be characterized as a form of coalition building. An explanation as to why this collaboration is not retained in the subsequent course of the events, however, leading to an escalation of the situation, is also presented. Furthermore, the following work sets forth qualities needed to interactively build a coalition in a precarious crisis situation, which has arisen between parties characterized by diametrically opposed aims.
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