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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le Système judiciaire du Moyen Âge représenté dans les textes du Moyen Âge et les Arrêts d'Amour de Martial d'Auvergne

Finkelstein, Mark 09 1900 (has links)
On observe une évolution d'un système oral vers un système écrit à propos du domaine juridique. En même temps, on peut observer un changement pareil de l'oral vers l'écrit à propos du monde littéraire au Moyen Âge en France. En outre, le système judiciaire joue un rôle important dans l'intrigue des textes du Moyen Âge. La thèse examine des aspects de l évolution du système judiciaire et comment le système est dépeint dans certains textes de l'époque.et en particulier dans les Arrêts d'Amour de Martial d'Auvergne. En outre, on présente un exposé des débats d'amour, la casuistique amoureuse, parentés étroitement aux Arrêts d'Amour. / Master of Arts (MA)

Le Déplacement temporel et spatial dans Prochain Episode

Chuck-Wells, Alison Yip Jennifer 09 1900 (has links)
In this thesis, we propose to clarify the question of the time and space movement in Prochain Episode, by examining the double agent (hero-narrator) and by analyzing the attitude of the writer Aquin. Dans cette thèse, nous nous proposons de rendre plus clair le problème du déplacement temporel et spatial dans Prochain Episode en examinant l'agent-double (héros-narrateur), et en analysant également l'attitude du romancier Aquin, lui-même. / Master of Arts (MA)

The Expression of Colonialism in the Novels of Roch Carrier

Farrauto, Ross Carrie 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis deals with three novels written by Roch Carrier: La Guerre, yes sir, Il est par la, le Soleil, and Le deux-millieme Etage. The major focus of this study will be the expression of colonialism and the colonial relationship in each novel. The three different aspects of this literary expression will include the relationships between the exploited and the exploiter, and the imagery and language which emphasize these relationships. We shall see how the three different aspects contribute to reinforce the antagonism inherent in the colonial relationship. I will attempt to determine whether an evolution occurs in Carrier's presentation of the colonial relationship, and whether this reflects an evolution in Carrier's attitude towards Quebec's future. A sociological approach, based on Portrait du Colonise by Albert Memmi, will be adopted for this study. References will be made to sociological and literary theory and criticisms. / Master of Arts (MA)

An Analysis of the Influence of Courtly Love in Three Plays of Jean Racine

Saker, Vincent Marius 05 1900 (has links)
<p>An examination of the influence and role of courtly love, as portrayed and defined by Chrétien de Troyes and Andreas Capellanus, in three plays of Jean Racine: Alexandre le Grand, Andromaque, and Bérénice.</p> / Master of Arts (MA)

Nathalie Sarraute et la condition humaine dans Le Planétarium et Les Fruits d'Or

Mora-Reyes, Sonia 09 1900 (has links)
<p>An examination of Le Planétarium and Les Fruits 'Or leads one to the discovery of Nathalie Sarraute's importance in contemporary literature. Through what she calls "sous-conversatioti." a more realistic view of human condition is attained.</p> / Master of Arts (MA)

La Forme dialogique et la présence de l'allocutaire dans Jacques le fataliste de Denis Diderot

Wall, John Anthony 09 1900 (has links)
Most of Diderot's work makes explicit a relationship which remains hidden in many literary works: the relationship between the author and his narratee. In fact, all communication, not only literary communication, is based on the pair of sender and receiver. In Jacques le fataliste, Diderot posits pairs of interlocutors, speaking and listening alternatively, in every narrative level. The structure of the novel is complicated to the point of becoming ridiculous but a careful consideration can easily demonstrate that this one basic couple is prevalent everywhere. Instead of tying this basic dual structure to Diderot's personality, of trying to say that he was a man torn, for example, between reason and feeling, it is interesting to note that this double vision applies not only to Diderot, but to the whole fictional world he creates. We cannot communicate without others, we cannot understand without others, Every vantage point is relative inasmuch as it is only one possible view amongst many others. Everything that is uttered is not only dependent on its speaker in order to acquire a meaning; it is especially dependent on the interpretation that the other in the dialogue affords it. The reader is constantly forced to create the novel along with the author. Jacaues le fataliste was revolutionary in that its author recognized that it could never have any sense if it were never interpreted by someone. Diderot realized that this interpretation was ultimately not in his hands. His work remains a piece of living literature because with every new reading it seems ta be able ta generate new interpretations. The reading l present tries ta explore the reason behind this enormous discrepancy to be found in various works of criticism. To this end I have studied the linguistic structure of the novel in terms of the dialogue, and through this structure I have attempted to discover the mechanism by which the dialogue form of this novel leads to an active participation on the part of its readers. / Master of Arts (MA)

«Lost in Translation» La traduction littéraire avec des extraits de Captain Corelli's Mandolin de Louis de Bernières

Geist, Maria A. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>Cette thèse explore le décalage entre des textes littéraires en version originale et leurs traductions. Elle comporte une traduction de plusieurs chapitres tirés du livre Captain Corelli' s Mandolin, écrit en anglais par Louis de Bernières, pour illustrer les difficultés que pose la traduction littéraire. J'ai choisi ce roman pour mon étude pour sa structure complexe, qui se manifeste à plusieurs niveaux: les nuances culturelles grecques; les problèmes de communication entre les occupants (soldats italiens) et les occupés (paysans grecs) ; l'utilisation de mots grecs dans le texte anglais, (v) les moeurs de la société dans la période historique, la deuxième guerre mondiale, où se déroule l'action.</p> <p>Ce travail comporte la discussion de plusieurs théories sur la traduction littéraire ainsi que l'exercice de traduction des extraits de Captain Corelli' s Mandolin de l'anglais vers le français, et l'analyse de cette traduction.</p> / Master of Arts (MA)

Rimbaud's Towns: A Study of their Function as Theme and Image in his Poetry

Pocknell, Pauline 09 1900 (has links)
<p>While most critics make passing references to the town in Rimbaud's poetry, and a few have discussed the theme of the town in his prose poetry, it has never been studied thoroughly as a topic throughout his work. This thesis therefore traces Rimbaud' s view of towns and the role of the town as theme and image throughout his poetry, on the premise that the early poems are seminal works for the later ones.</p> <p>Because of the lacunae in our knowledge of Rinbaud' s life, this study is divided geographically rather than chronologically into chapters on Charleville, Paris, Belgian towns and the composite towns of the prose poems. It is not a biographical study but an examination of the poetry.</p> <p>Within each chapter, the poems are examined as entities in order to demonstrate Rimbaud's attitude towards particular towns, and especially the role of the town in his poetry. The town poems are classified as far as theme is concerned according to their function as social commentary, as analogies for his emotions, as demonstrations of his concept of poetry, as refuges, therapy or antidotes to pressures, as spectacle or theatrica.lization of reality, as transpositions of reality or memories, or as visions, The imagery which illustrates these varying roles or aspects of the tmm in Rimba.ud's tmm poems is analysed according to pre-selected areas of urban geography: localization, topography, geology, architectural features, climatic conditions, social and human aspects of towns, commercial activities, botanical and oiological life, political organization, circulation and movement, the language of the towns and the vantage point of the observer or narrator. Rimbaud's changing and developing interest in different facets of tmms can thus be followed in detail.</p> <p>This thesis can be read at two levels: for a view of Rimbaud's towns at any point in his poetic development through the analysis of individual poems and for a view of the pattern of development of this preoccupation in Rimbaud's poetry.</p> / Master of Arts (MA)

Étude Comparée sur les Interventions d'auteur dans la Mort le Roi Artu et dans l'Agravain

Haj-Ahmad, Beverly 09 1900 (has links)
ÉTUDE COMPARÉE SUR LES INTERVENTIONS D'AUTEUR DANS LA MORT LE ROI ARTU ET DANS L'AGRAVAIN Ce que je propose dans ma thèse ne constitue en aucune manière une nouvelle découverte, mais plutôt présente une façon différente d'envisager la controverse depuis longtemps discutée concernant l'unité du Lancelot en Prose, roman du XIII<sup>e</sup> siècle, qui comprend le Lancelot propre (l'histoire de Lancelot en trois volumes), la Queste del Saint Graal et la Mort le Roi Artu. Bien que je n'aie pas pu entreprendre une enquête si vaste sur tout le Lancelot en Prose, j'ai abordé quand même la question de la dualité de l'auteur dans une étude où j'ai compare les interventions de ce dernier dans l'Agravain (dernier volume du Lancelot propre) et dans la Mort le Roi Artu. Nous ne pouvons nier que certaines habitudes servent à caractériser un auteur, et en gardant ce fait toujours présent à l'esprit durant mon étude, après avoir analysé les "exordia", les remarques personnelles aussi discrètes qu'elles soient, les annonces et les rappels des deux textes, leurs similitudes m'ont suggéré la possibilité que ces deux oeuvres eaient été écrites par un seul et même auteur. Ce travail non seulement porte de nouvelle évidence qui tend en faveur de la théorie d'un auteur unique, mais encore suggère que ces deux oeuvres pouvaient être lues à haute voix ou silencieusement pour soi-même car les interventions dtauteur portent des traits nettement oraux. / Master of Arts (MA)

Godbout: The Journey from L'Aguarium to Salut Galarneau

Cloutier, Elizabeth Diane 11 1900 (has links)
The thesis deals with the three novels written by Jacques Godbout in the 1960's. The major focus of the discussion emphasizes the journey made through the three novels from the international ambiguity of L'Aouarium to the solidly-Quebec identity of Salut Galarneau and links this movement to the socio-political context of each novel. within the novel, the narrator's situation, his progress towards a sense of identity, and the change in imagery and syntax are analysed in light of this context. The thesis examines the relevant aspects of Quebec society by reference to recognized authorities on the subject and through articles written by Godbout in the period. The analysis of the novels includes references to critics and contemporaries of Godbout as well as specific references to authorities on the interpretation of imagery and symbolism. The sociological approach used in the novel relates the work of Godbout to his society and, beyond that, more generally to literature in any society experiencing economic, political, or social upheaval. / Master of Arts (MA)

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