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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An examination of the Reineke Fuchs glosses 1498-1650 in the light of the cultural history of the period

Richards, Elisabeth Gurney January 1987 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to compare the attitudes of the anonymous authors of the four commentaries or glosses on the Reineke-Fuchs poem, the first of these, the only pre-Reformation gloss, being written in Middle Low German and printed in 1498 in Lübeck, the second, again in Middle Low German, in 1539 in Rostock, the third, in High German, in 1544 in Frankfurt, and the fourth in 1650 again in Rostock, and to investigate how far these commentators' treatment of the work reflects the cultural history of the period. The three main cultural influences ,on sixteenth-century writers were, in the literary field, that of moral-didactic literature - where so-called Speculum, "Spiegel" or "Mirror" works were common - and that of Humanism, and, in the area of religion, that of the Roman Church initially and later that of Luther. Taking into consideration the socio-historical background against which the individual glosses were written, the attempt is first made in Chapter 1., based on the authors' prefaces to their glosses, to establish their intention in writing these and the audience they were probably addressing. This is followed in Chapter 2. by a comparison of glosses from all four editions on the same chapters in the narrative text, showing how the 1498 commentator reveals his dependence on his Dutch source for many of his general remarks, and, with regard to religious interpretation, on contemporary works printed in Lübeck in the same decade; how the 1539 commentator, while embodying most of his predecessor's general commentary in his own, illustrates this with material from a range of different sources, mostly High German; how the 1544 commentator, for his part, eschews literary illustrations and appears to be drawing from his own personal experience in what he writes, and how the 1650 commentator, on the other hand, embroiders his gloss with both Biblical quotations and tales from folklore. The main part of the investigation, however, comprises a comparison of the chapter-glosses under subject-headings: in Chapter 3. that of Government, where their content is compared with that of contemporary Humanist works dealing with the instruction of princes and with princely courts -the so-called "Fürstenspiegel" and "Curials" - and also with Luther's teaching regarding temporal authority and the obedience due to this, and, too, of Law, where attention is drawn particularly to the reflection in the glosses of how the practice of Roman law was superseding that of customary law at that time; in Chapter 4. that of Church, where, based primarily on Luther's writings, an investigation is first made of the difference between the teaching of the Roman Church and that of Luther regarding Church practice - confession, the ban, indulgences, veneration of the saints and pilgrimages - and the status and conduct of the clergy - both of the religious orders and the secular clergy - and of how far both the differences established here and other concerns voiced in contemporary documents are reflected in the glosses; in Chapter 5. that of Society, where the attitude of the individual commentators to the social structure, to women and the family and to the economic conditions of the time are examined against the background of Humanist writing and that of Luther and the glosses considered as "Ständespiegel"; in Chapter 6, that of Literary Influences, where those of Humanism and of moral-didactic literature are given special study and the glosses assessed as "Sittenspiegel." Finally, in Chapter 7., a comparison is made between each commentator's attitude to the fox-figure and consideration given to how far this attitude reflects his outlook on life and his social status. / Arts, Faculty of / Central Eastern Northern European Studies, Department of / Graduate

The viola, its foundation, role, and literature including an analysis of the twelve caprices by Lillian Fuchs

Palumbo, Michael A. January 1981 (has links)
Discussion in this document is directed toward two main areas: Chapters two, three, and four are concerned with the development of the viola as a serious musical instrument in the orchestral, chamber, and solo genres. The history of the instrument is presented on a parallel track with that of the violin, showing how the viola is similar to, and differs from the violin, with respect to the size and most importantly, playing technique. An attempt is made to show that historically there has been a lack of understanding on the part of most pedagogues concerning the subtle differences in performance technique between violin and viola. This is accomplished by a comparison of methods and studies for both instruments from the Harmonie Universelle of Mersenne through the development of the French School, including Kreutzer, Rode, Gavinies, and others. Such comparison leads the author to state that there is little which actually acknowledges the differences between playing violin and viola.The author states that the main problems between the two instruments are mostly a matter of degree with regard to such techniques as extension, shifting, finger percussion, double-stop articulations, and bowing. Such discussion leads to the conclusion that there is a need for technical studies which will provide for this above-stated degree of difference, and put the "finishing touches" on the violist's playing technique.It is the opinion of this author that such technical studies are embodied in the form of Twelve Caprices for Viola by Lillian Fuchs. These caprices were written by Miss Fuchs to help her overcome performance problems with which she was faced.Part two of this dissertation is an analysis of the Twelve Caprices. In preparing this analysis the author approached the principal problems of each hand and addressed himself to the methods for surmounting each separate problem. Each caprice is methodically analyzed in some detail, avoiding redundancy by discussing only new techniques as they occur, and not restating problems which are the same in more than one caprice.

Biblical hermeneutics and parable interpretation in the writings of Ernst Fuchs

Soulen, Richard January 1964 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston University / The problem of the dissertation is to describe, analyze, and evaluate the biblical hermeneutics of the Marburg New Testament scholar Ernst Fuchs, in the light of his own general hermeneutics and with particular reference to parable interpretation. The primary concern of the dissertation is to elucidate and to evaluate the movement in Fuchs' thought from the presuppositions of interpretation to interpretation itself. The nature of the presuppositions, their effect on the object of interpretation, viz., the parables and the historical Jesus, and the implications of these presuppositions for biblical hermeneutics constitute the subject of inquiry. [TRUNCATED]

La dystrophie endothéliale cornéenne de Fuchs sous l'angle de la mitochondrie : marqueur de progression et avenue de traitement

Méthot, Sébastien 25 March 2024 (has links)
Thèse ou mémoire avec insertion d'articles. / L'endothélium cornéen est la couche cellulaire la plus postérieure de la cornée. Elle a pour rôle de maintenir la cornée en déturgescence nécessaire à sa transparence. À cette fin, les cellules endothéliales cornéennes agissent comme une barrière pour limiter l'entrée de liquide et, à l'aide de pompes Na⁺/K⁺ ATPases, expulsent les liquides du stroma cornéen vers la chambre antérieure. La dystrophie endothéliale cornéenne de Fuchs (FECD) est une maladie de la cornée qui compromet le rôle de l'endothélium menant à des pertes de vision. La pathologie est caractérisée par une perte de cellules endothéliales accélérée et la formation d'excroissances de matrice extracellulaire appelées les guttaes. La perte de l'intégrité de l'endothélium cornéen provoque des infiltrations de liquide dans le stroma menant à une perte de la transparence de la cornée. Le seul traitement curatif pour la FECD est la transplantation de cornée pour laquelle la quantité de greffons est limitante. Les causes de la FECD ne sont pas encore bien comprises. Toutefois il existe des évidences d'une implication des mitochondries et du stress oxydatif. Ces deux éléments seraient liés dans un cercle vicieux où les dommages mitochondriaux causés par le stress oxydatif mèneraient à une augmentation de la production d'espèces réactives de l'oxygène. L'effet de ce cercle vicieux sur la fonction mitochondriale et comment cela affecte la progression de FECD reste peu connu et c'est à ce niveau que les travaux de cette thèse sont contributoires. En prenant en compte la démonstration de variation dans la masse mitochondriale entre les cellules endothéliales FECD réalisée précédemment dans notre équipe, nous avons tout d'abord lié la masse mitochondriale à des marqueurs de santé mitochondriale et d'état de la cellule. Ceci a permis de lier ces marqueurs à la progression de la pathologie. En effet, nous avons montré que le statut apoptotique et oxydatif ainsi qu'un niveau de calcium et de potentiel membranaire mitochondrial des cellules de l'endothélium provenant de patients FECD variaient en fonction de leur masse mitochondriale. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse que les variations de masse mitochondriale observées sont liées à des évènements dans la progression de la FECD liée à une surutilisation mitochondriale qu'on a appelé le «burnout mitochondrial». Nous avons ensuite lié la présence des guttae aux différents indicateurs du «burnout mitochondrial». En mesurant l'aire des guttae en conjonction avec les marqueurs de santé mitochondriale et d'état cellulaire, il a été possible de montrer que la présence des guttae est liée à un bilan négatif pour la santé mitochondriale et le statut apoptotique et oxydatif des cellules endothéliales des patients FECD. Nos travaux montrant que l'endommagement des mitochondries par la FECD jouait un rôle central dans la progression de la pathologie nous ont permis de soulever l'hypothèse que l'ajout de mitochondries saines dans les cellules endothéliales ralentirait la progression de la pathologie. Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons transplanté des mitochondries via la co-incubation avec des endothélia de patients FECD. Nous avons ensuite évalué l'effet de la transplantation de mitochondries sur les différents marqueurs cellulaires de progression de la FECD. Une amélioration de la santé mitochondriale, autant au niveau du potentiel mitochondrial que du calcium mitochondrial et de la mitophagie, a été observée à la suite de la transplantation. Nous avons également observé une amélioration de l'état cellulaire par la diminution du stress oxydatif et une perte du statut apoptotique pour la majorité des cellules endothéliales. Les travaux de cette thèse mettent en lumière une chronologie des évènements de la FECD liés à la progression de la pathologie ainsi que l'apparition de guttae. Ces travaux présentent aussi une nouvelle avenue de traitement pour la FECD en utilisant la transplantation mitochondriale. Cela pourrait permettre de diminuer, voire d'abolir, le besoin de greffons de cornée pour traiter la pathologie. / The corneal endothelium is the most posterior cell layer of the cornea. Its role is to maintain the cornea in deturgescence which is necessary for its transparency. To this end, corneal endothelial cells act as a barrier to limit fluid entry and, with the help of Na⁺/K⁺ ATPase pumps, expel fluids from the corneal stroma to the anterior chamber. Fuchs corneal endothelial dystrophy (FECD) is a corneal disease that compromises the role of the endothelium leading to loss of vision. The pathology is characterized by accelerate dendothelial cell loss and the formation of extracellular matrix growths called guttae. The loss of integrity of the corneal endothelium causes fluid infiltration into the stroma leading to a loss of corneal transparency. The only curative treatment for FECD is corneal transplantation for which the quantity of grafts is limited. The causes of FECD are not well understood yet, however there is evidence of the involvement of mitochondria and oxidative stress. These two elements appear to be linked in a vicious circle where mitochondrial damage caused by oxidative stress leads to an increase in the production of reactive oxygen species. The effect of this vicious circle on mitochondrial function and how it affects the progression of FECD remains unknown and it is at this level that the work of this thesis is contributory. Considering the demonstration of variation in mitochondrial mass between FECD endothelial cells made previously in our team, we first linked mitochondrial mass to markers of mitochondrial health and cell status. This made it possible to link these markers to the progression of the pathology. Indeed, we showed that the apoptotic and oxidative status as well as a level of calcium and mitochondrial potential of endothelial cells from FECD patients varied according to their mitochondrial mass. We hypothesized that the observed mitochondrial mass variations are related to events in the progression of FECD related to mitochondrial overuse that we have named "mitochondrial burnout". Then, we linked the presence of guttae to different indicators of "mitochondrial burnout". By measuring the area of guttae in conjunction with markers of mitochondrial health and cellular state, it was possible to show that the presence of guttae is linked to a negative outcome for mitochondrial health and the apoptotic and oxidative status of cells. endothelial disease of FECD patients. Our work shows that the damage of mitochondria by FECD plays a central role in the progression of the pathology, we raised the hypothesis that the addition of healthy mitochondria to endothelial cells would slow down the progression of the pathology. To test this hypothesis, we transplanted mitochondria via co-incubation to FECD patient endothelium. We then evaluated the effect of mitochondria transplantation on the different cellular markers of FECD progression. An improvement in mitochondrial health, both in terms of mitochondrial potential and mitochondrial calcium and mitophagy, was observed following transplantation. We also observed an improvement in the cellular state by the reduction of oxidative stress and a loss of apoptotic status for a majority of endothelial cells. The work of this thesis sheds light on a chronology of FECD events related to the progression of the pathology as well as the appearance of guttae. This work also presents a new avenue of treatment for FECD using mitochondrial transplantation. This could reduce or even eliminate the need for corneal grafts to treat the pathology.

Rôle des protéases dans la dystrophie endothéliale cornéenne de Fuchs et la transition endothélio-mésenchymateuse

Xu, Isabelle 02 February 2024 (has links)
No description available.

The style of Daniel Fuchs /

Hyman, Mitchell. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

The style of Daniel Fuchs /

Hyman, Mitchell. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

Fenomén digital labor a jeho různorodé projevy v blogosféře v České republice / Phenomenon of digital labor and its diverse practice in use of blogs in the Czech Republic

Umlaufová, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis, The phenomenon of digital labor and its diverse practice in use of blogs in the Czech Republic, aims to bring the current definition of the concept of digital labor and its applicability into the Czech blogosphere. The theoretical part of this work focuses on the demarcation, definition of, and perception of the concept of digital labor, and the blogosphere, which is mainly based on theoretical concepts of Christian Fuchs, Sebastian Sevignani, Ursula Huws, Trebor Scholz, that proceeded the political economic theory of Karl Marx. The analytical part of the thesis presents the environment of the Czech blogosphere, which is based on the interpretation of the data of quantitative research conducted in the Czech Republic as part of a wider project IPREX BLOGBAROMETERM in 2014 and 2015 and secondly on qualitative research, which aims to answer the research question, if Czech bloggers perceive their creative activity as work and leisure activities, or merge their very different activities in one. Keywords Digital labor, digital work, blog, blogosphere, playbour, prosumption, Fuchs

Elucidating the Genetic Basis of Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy

Minear, Mollie January 2012 (has links)
<p>Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD) is a complex, late-onset disorder that is a frequent indication for corneal transplantation and affects women more frequently than men. Although linkage and association studies in patients of European and Asian ancestry have started to explain the genetic basis of this disorder, the mechanism by which FECD develops is still unclear. Three projects were undertaken to help elucidate the genetic basis of FECD. The first project examined a large, multigenerational family that exhibited strong familial clustering of FECD and identified evidence of linkage to chromosome 18. This locus that has also been implicated through work on large and small FECD families as well as unrelated patients. The second project examined African-Americans with FECD and is the first work to examine this population of patients with respect to the FECD phenotype. Novel variants in three FECD candidate genes, <italic>COL8A2</italic>, <italic>SLC4A11</italic>, and <italic>ZEB1</italic> were identified at approximately the same rate as observed in patients of other ancestries, reinforcing the notion that these genes only contribute to a small fraction of FECD genetic susceptibility. Finally, the influence of environmental factors on FECD susceptibility was examined through the use of a risk factor questionnaire given to cases and controls at the time of study enrollment. Several factors, including gender, age, and cataracts, were found to significantly affect FECD risk. Gender and the number of cataract surgeries were found to significantly interact with a genetic variant, rs613872 in the <italic>TCF4</italic> locus on chromosome 18 that has been consistently and reproducibly associated with FECD, to influence FECD susceptibility. Together, these findings indicate that the genetic basis of FECD is complex, and recent advances in the field show promise in accelerating the pace of discovery that will hopefully develop better FECD treatments in the near future.</p> / Dissertation

Entwicklung eines indirekten ELISA zum serologischen Nachweis von Opisthorchis felineus (Rivolta, 1884) und Metorchis bilis (Braun, 1790) (Trematoda: Opisthorchiidae) beim Fuchs : mit einem Beitrag zu den Leberenzymaktivitäten bei experimenteller Opisthorchiidose /

Dell, Kerstin. January 2001 (has links)
Berlin, Freie Universität, Thesis (doctoral), 2001.

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