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Management of Fusarium graminearum inoculated crop residues effects on head blight, grain yield and grain quality of subsequent winter wheat crops /Yi, Cuilin. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Hohenheim, University, Diss., 2001.
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Survival of Fusarium graminearum on maize crop residues : competition with Trichoderma atroviride and impact of maize Bt transformation /Näf, Andreas. January 2006 (has links)
Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology, Diss.--Zurich, 2006.
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Untersuchungen zur Physiologie des getreidepathogenen Pilzes Fusarium graminearum Schwabe durch gezielte GendisruptionMalz, Sascha. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Hamburg, Universiẗat, Diss., 2003.
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A comparative evaluation of the effects of 3-ADON and 15-ADON chemotypes of Fusarium graminearum on spring wheat and selected QTL linesGauthier, Victoria Margot 18 January 2011 (has links)
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a serious disease of wheat, primarily caused by the pathogen Fusarium graminearum. FHB results in yield losses and decreased grain quality due to the ability of the pathogen to produce the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) as well as acetylated derivatives of DON such as 3-acetyl DON (3-ADON) and 15-acetyl DON (15-ADON). Research shows that the 15-ADON chemotype is being replaced by the 3-ADON chemotype in eastern and central Canada. The first study investigated the potential for differences between the two chemotypes in terms of disease progression, effect on yield, Fusarium damaged kernels (FDK) and DON levels. Results showed that 3-ADON isolates were able to produce significantly more DON and FDK, and had significantly greater negative effects on yield than 15-ADON isolates, although there were no differences in symptom disease progression. The second study investigated if there were differences in resistance for the two chemotypes on 3BS and 4B quantitative trait loci (QTL) lines for disease severity and FDK levels. No differences were detected between chemotypes for disease progression but there were for FDK levels. One 3BS line was identified as partially resistant with significantly lower disease severity and FDK levels than the other QTL and null lines.
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A comparative evaluation of the effects of 3-ADON and 15-ADON chemotypes of Fusarium graminearum on spring wheat and selected QTL linesGauthier, Victoria Margot 18 January 2011 (has links)
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a serious disease of wheat, primarily caused by the pathogen Fusarium graminearum. FHB results in yield losses and decreased grain quality due to the ability of the pathogen to produce the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) as well as acetylated derivatives of DON such as 3-acetyl DON (3-ADON) and 15-acetyl DON (15-ADON). Research shows that the 15-ADON chemotype is being replaced by the 3-ADON chemotype in eastern and central Canada. The first study investigated the potential for differences between the two chemotypes in terms of disease progression, effect on yield, Fusarium damaged kernels (FDK) and DON levels. Results showed that 3-ADON isolates were able to produce significantly more DON and FDK, and had significantly greater negative effects on yield than 15-ADON isolates, although there were no differences in symptom disease progression. The second study investigated if there were differences in resistance for the two chemotypes on 3BS and 4B quantitative trait loci (QTL) lines for disease severity and FDK levels. No differences were detected between chemotypes for disease progression but there were for FDK levels. One 3BS line was identified as partially resistant with significantly lower disease severity and FDK levels than the other QTL and null lines.
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Molekulargenetische Untersuchungen zum Abbau pflanzlicher Zellwände durch den phytopathogenen Pilz "Fusarium graminearum" Cellulasen und ihre Regulation /Bauknecht, Heiko. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Münster (Westfalen), Universiẗat, Diss., 2004.
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Molecular biological and biochemical studies of proteolytic enzymes of the cereal pathogen fusarium graminearumHellweg, Matthias. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
University, Diss., 2003--Münster (Westfalen).
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Zur Bedeutung des Mykotoxins Deoxynivalenol im Wirt-Parasit-System Weizen, Fusarium graminearumLudewig, Andreas. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2003--Kiel.
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Activación transcripcional y respuesta fenotípica de materiales de trigo inoculados con Fusarium graminearumSoresi, Daniela Soledad 28 November 2014 (has links)
La Fusariosis de la Espiga de Trigo (FET) causada por Fusarium graminearum genera pérdidas
en rendimiento y contaminación de granos con micotoxinas. Existe escasa variabilidad genética a
la resistencia en el germoplasma de trigo candeal. La línea recombinante cromosómica
endocriada LDN(Dic-3A), presenta promisorios niveles de resistencia. Los objetivos de esta
Tesis comprenden: i)- identificar genes implicados en la resistencia a FET en LDN(Dic-3A); ii)-
transferir el QTL de resistencia de LDN(Dic-3A) a variedades susceptibles de trigo candeal; iii)-
desarrollar un ensayo in vitro en plántula para identificar genotipos resistentes y su relación con
la severidad de la enfermedad.
La identificación de la expresión diferencial de genes inducida en diferentes tiempos postinoculación
con F. graminearum entre LDN(Dic-3A) y el parental susceptible LDN se basó
principalmente en la técnica de cDNA-AFLP. De ~500 fragmentos derivados de transcripción
(TDF) identificados con las distintas combinaciones de cebadores utilizados, 85 mostraron
expresión diferencial: el 36% y el 19% fueron identificados en LDN(Dic-3A) y LDN,
respectivamente, mientras que el 45% se indujeron en ambos genotipos. Los patrones de TDFs
obtenidos mediante cDNA-AFLP demostraron ser reproducibles mediante la técnica de RT-PCR,
dando validez a nuestro sistema experimental. La comparación con secuencias depositadas en
bases de datos mostró que entre los TDFs identificados se hallan proteínas asociadas a la
respuesta temprana a la infección, receptores NBS-LRR y receptores quinasa involucrados en el
reconocimiento específico del determinante de avirulencia del patógeno. Fueron identificados
además TDFs que, aunque no pudo asignárseles una proteína o función, resultaron específicos de
la respuesta a la inoculación. La identidad de TDFs con ESTs de genotecas de espiga de
materiales de T. aestivum inoculadas con F. graminearum constituye un sustento adicional para
esta afirmación. El mapeo in silico permitió localizar 28 TDFs en el genoma de T. aestivum,
siendo el brazo cromosómico 5BL el más representado, además de obtener las regiones
genómicas y regulatorias de varios genes. A partir de estas regiones, pudo determinarse la
existencia de mecanismos de regulación de la transcripción en común entre algunos genes
asociados a los TDFs, entre ellas las proteínas WRKY implicadas en la regulación de los genes
asociados con la defensa ante patógenos. La integración de la información obtenida sugiere que
la interacción trigo - F. graminearum no sería una interacción compatible como generalmente se
cree sino que se trataría de una interacción “gen a gen” que finalmente lleva a la expresión de
genes asociados a la defensa.
Hemos asumido además el desafío de desarrollar cultivares de trigo candeal resistentes. La
compleja herencia de la resistencia y los efectos ambientales, son los responsables del escaso
éxito obtenido hasta el momento por los mejoradores en la incorporación al mercado de
cultivares resistentes. En este trabajo, por medio de cruzamientos se incorporó el QTL de
resistencia Qfhs.ndsu-3AS de LDN(Dic-3A) en los cultivares BESM y BCAN. El microsatélite
Xgwm2, ligado al QTL de resistencia permitió reducir la cantidad de individuos que continuaron
en el programa de mejoramiento. En la generación F3, se seleccionaron los individuos
homocigotos para el alelo de resistencia, y en F4, se evaluó la severidad en espiga identificando
individuos con niveles de resistencia similares o mejores que el parental resistente. El programa
de mejoramiento continuará con autofecundaciones de genotipos resistentes hasta alcanzar
estabilidad en la resistencia junto con la presencia de caracteres agronómicos de interés.
La evaluación del comportamiento ante F. graminearum de nuevos materiales requiere de la
existencia de ensayos rápidos y confiables. Hemos desarrollado un ensayo in vitro a través de la
evaluación de las variables Germinación, Largo de coleoptilo, Peso de coleoptilo, Peso de
raíces, utilizando siete variedades comerciales de trigo candeal, el trigo candeal LDN y las líneas
resistentes LDN(Dic-3A) y LDN-DGE1 y dos genotipos de trigo pan A601 y A601S3. Las
variables de plántula explicaron entre el 51 y el 74% de la severidad de la enfermedad, siendo
Largo y Peso de coleoptilo las más eficaces para predecir la resistencia a FET. Los genotipos
introgresados mostraron un buen comportamiento en el ensayo en plántula y menor daño en
espiga comparados con los susceptibles, sugiriendo que la prueba in vitro es efectiva para la
determinación de la resistencia a FET en diferentes fondos genéticos. Entonces, se propone un
ensayo in vitro basado en las variables de coleoptilo para evaluar de manera eficaz, rápida y
económica el nivel de resistencia a FET, definiendo el Índice de Resistencia en Plántula,
altamente correlacionado con severidad, para cada genotipo.
Los principales hallazgos de esta Tesis pueden compendiarse indicando que se ha establecido
que la interacción trigo - F. graminearum sería una interacción “gen a gen” que lleva a la
expresión de genes asociados a la defensa, la obtención de genotipos de trigo candeal resistente a
fusariosis de la espiga y el dearrollo de un ensayo in vitro predictor del comportamiento de los
genotipos ante la infección. / Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused by Fusarium graminearum produce yield losses and
contamination of grain with mycotoxins. Scarce genetic variability for resistance exists in durum
wheat germplasm. The LDN(Dic-3A) recombinant inbred chromosome line showed to be
resistant to FBH. The goals of this Thesis include: i)- identification of genes involved in FHB
resistance in LDN(Dic-3A); ii)- transference from LDN(Dic-3A) to susceptible durum varieties
of the resistance QTL; iii)- development of an in vitro seedling assay to identify wheat resistant
genotypes and their relationship with disease severity.
Analysis of differential gene expression induced at different time points post- inoculation with F.
graminearum between LDN(Dic-3A) and the susceptible parental LDN was performed by
cDNA-AFLP technique. A total 85 out of the ~500 transcript-derived fragments (TDFs)
identified with the diverse primer combination used showed to be differentially expressed: 36%
and 19% were identified in LDN(Dic-3A) and LDN, respectively, whereas 45% were induced in
both genotypes. The TDF patterns obtained though cDNA-AFLP showed to be reproducible by
RT-PCR, supporting the reliability of our experimental system to identify differentially
expressed transcripts. Comparison with protein databases revealed that among the cloned TDFs,
several showed identity to proteins associated with early response to infection, to NBS-LRR and
kinases receptors involved in specific recognition of avirulence pathogen determinant. However,
there was a group of TDFs that, in spite of being specific of the inoculation response, could not
be assigned to characterized proteins. The identity of these TDFs with ESTs from libraries from
T. aestivum inoculated with Fusarium graminearum additionally supports this affirmation.
The availability of T. aestivum genome sequences allowed the in silico mapping of 28 TDFs and
the identification of several genes and regulatory regions, being the 5BL chromosome arm where
most TDFs were located. The analysis of the regulatory regions revealed the existence of
transcription regulation mechanisms shared by some TDFs associated genes, such as WRKY
proteins, implied in the regulation of genes associated to pathogen defence. The present results
suggest that wheat – F. graminearum interaction is governed by gene-for-gene relationships.
The development of resistant cultivars has been a difficult task due to the complex inheritance of
resistance and the influence of environmental factors. The resistance QTL Qfhs.ndsu-3AS from
LDN(Dic-3A) was incorporated in the cultivars Buck Emeralda and Buck Candisur through
crosses. F3 homozygous individuals for the resistance allele were subjected to marker assisted
selection using the Xgwm2 microsatellite, linked to the mentioned QTL, allowing a reduction in
the number of individuals included in the following steps of the breeding program. In F4, there
were selected the individuals that showed equal or better resistance performances compared to
the resistant parent, evaluated through the spike severity at 21 days post-inoculation. The
breeding program will continue by selfing resistant genotypes to obtain plant materials that
possess both stable resistance and suitable agronomic traits.
Rapid and trustable assays are required for the evaluation of germoplasm response to F.
graminearum infection. In this Thesis, it was developed an in vitro assay through the evaluation
of the variables Germination, Coleoptile length, Coleoptile weight and Root weight using seven
varieties of commercial durum, durum wheat cv. LDN and the derived resistant lines LDN(Dic-
3A) and LDN-DGE1 and two common wheat genotypes, A601 and A601S3. The seedling
variables explained between 51 and 74% of the disease severity, being Coleoptile length and
weight the ones that more effectively predicted the resistance to FHB. The introgressed
genotypes showed better performance in the seedling assay and relatively lower damage in the
spikes in relation to susceptible ones, suggesting that this in vitro test can detect FHB resistance
in different genetic backgrouds. Thus, we propose an in vitro assay based on coleoptile variables
to perform quick, qualified and cost-effective evaluation of the FHB resistance level, defining
the Seedling Resistance Index, highly related to severity, for each genotype.
Thus, the present Thesis allowed us to postulate that the interaction wheat – F. graminearum
could be classified as “gen-for-gen” leading to the expression of defense-related genes.
Concurrently, there were obtained genotypes resistant to F. graminearum and it was developed
an in vitro assay that predicts the genotypes reponse to infection.
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Molecular characterization of a <i>fusarium graminearum</i> lipase gene and its promoterFeng, Jie 07 February 2007
A triglyceride lipase gene FgLip1 was identified in the genome of <i>Fusarium graminearum</i> strain PH-1. Yeast cells overexpressing FgLip1 showed lipolytic activity against a broad range of triglyceride substrates. Northern blot analyses revealed that expression of FgLip1 was activated in planta during the fungal infection process and under starvation conditions <i>in vitro</i>. FgLip1 expression was strongly induced in minimal medium supplemented with wheat germ oil, but only weakly induced by olive oil and triolein. Saturated fatty acids were the strongest inducers for FgLip1 expression and this induction was proportionally suppressed by the presence of unsaturated fatty acids. To determine the potential function of FgLip1, gene replacement was conducted on strain PH-1. When compared to wild-type PH-1, ∆FgLip1 mutants showed greatly reduced lipolytic activities at the early stage of incubation on minimal medium supplemented with either saturated or unsaturated lipid as the substrate, indicating that FgLip1 encodes a secreted lipase for exogenous lipid hydrolysis. The ∆FgLip1 mutants exhibited growth deficiency on both liquid and solid minimal media supplemented with the saturated triglyceride tristearin as the sole carbon source, suggesting that FgLip1 is required for utilization of this substance. No variation in disease symptoms between the ∆FgLip1 mutants and the wild-type strain was observed on susceptible cereal hosts including wheat, barley and corn. To delineate the promoter region responsible for the specific regulation of FgLip1 expression, a series of deletions of FgLip1 5 upstream region were fused with the open reading frame of a green florescent protein (GFP) gene and the constructs were introduced into <i>F. graminearum</i>. GFP expression in the resulting transformants indicated that a 563-bp FgLip1 promoter sequence was sufficient to regulate expression of the FgLip1 gene and regulatory elements responsible for gene induction were located within the 563-372 bp region. To further investigate the regulatory elements, putative cis-acting elements within the 563-372 bp region were mutated using a linker-scanning mutagenesis approach. A CCAAT box, a CreA binding site, and a fatty acid responsive element (FARE) were identified and confirmed to be responsible for FgLip1 basal expression, glucose suppression and fatty acid induction, respectively.
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