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Případová studie pořadu Tlouštíci - reality show jako cesta ke štěstí / Case study of show Tlouštíci - reality show as a way to happinessMrázková, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
Diploma thesis Case study of the reality show Tlouštíci - reality show as a way to happiness aims to explore how the definition of the makeover reality television is interpreted and implemented in individual moments of the show's creation (contents, creators, participants), which understands change of lifestyle as a way to increase quality of life. The main sources of information for this diploma theses are the contents of the individial episodes of the show Tlouštíci, interviews with the creators of the show and the participant, and non-participant observation of the castings and the shooting of the second series. The theoretical part of the thesis discusses the issue of obesity from a medical and social point of view and the development of depictions and views on obesity. The work is also based on the topic of relationship between a doctor and an obese patient. In the theoretical part the diploma thesis further analyzes the theory and history of reality television shows, specifically makeover reality television. The practical part then examines the contents, interviews and observations that were made and with the help of a case study of the work examines how the makeover of reality TV can be interprete dat each level as a way to happiness. Then the diploma thesis interprets the results of the...
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Vliv vnější motivace na kondici u pacientů před transplantací plic / The influence of extrinsic motivation on physical condition in lung transplant candidatesJordáková, Magdalena January 2021 (has links)
Rehabilitation takes an important part in the care for lung transplant candidates with chronic lung disease. The theoretical part of this thesis summarizes current knowledge about motivation and adherence to rehabilitation, about telerehabilitation options (telemonitoring physical activity using pedometer), and their use in lung transplant candidates. In the practical part it was investigated whether extrinsic motivation (education, pedometer, communication with physiotherapist via e-mail) leads to an improvement in the six-minute walking test outcome (6MWD) or in adherence to rehabilitation in lung transplant candidates. It was found no statistically significant improvement in 6MWD nor in adherence to rehabilitation in extrinsically motivated patients waiting for a lung transplant. However, data suggested increasing trend of 6MWD after intervention.
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Trestní řízení proti právnickým osobám / Criminal Proceedings against Legal personsChovanec, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
Chovanec, Š. Criminal proceedings against legal entities Criminal proceedings against legal entities represent a significant innovation for Czech criminal procedure law. Adoption of Act nř 418/2011, about Criminal liability of legal entities and criminal proceedings against them, is considered as acceptance of the world's phenomenon of enactment of the institute of Criminal liability of legal entities. The lawmaker had chosen a special regulation for criminal proceedings against legal entities which however does not describe the issues solely. So the Penal Code is considered subsidiary applicable regardless it does regulate criminal proceedings against a natural person. The author of this text deals with risks and potential problems connected to this construct. The author of this text describes selected aspects of criminal proceedings against legal entities from its beginning to the enforcement proceeding.
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Režimová opatření pro úpravu životního stylu pro osoby se sclerosis multiplex / Lifestyle changes to lifestyle modification for people with multiple sclerosisLibá, Martina January 2014 (has links)
Title: Lifestyle changes to lifestyle modification for people with multiple sclerosis Aim: Designing a program that affects lifestyle, fitness and physiological parameters in subjects of different age and different sex of people who have a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Method: A literary review to make a summary of knowledge on MS and use of physical activities as opportunities to influence the overall lifestyle of people with MS. Results: The result is an overview of the programs and its evaluation - changes in physiological parameters, condition and subjective feelings. We found that when respecting the state of health programs may be implemented in the long term. Conclusion: The success of interventions depends on collaboration, time availability, but also the respecting of the designed programs of people involved. At the same time, however, assumes that an active lifestyle affects the mental aspect of individuals and their subjective feelings. Keywords: Multiple sclerosis, physical condition, subjective feelings, body fat percentage, body water percentage, body weight, muscle dysbalance
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Pracovní zátěž u pracovníků v sociálních službách v domově se zvláštním režimem / Workload of Social Service Workes in a Special Programme Regime HomeTOBOLKOVÁ, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with workload of social service workers in special regime homes. The aim of this paper is to chart the factors influencing workload of social service workers in special regime homes. The main research question asked is: How do social service workers in special regime homes perceive their workload subjectively? The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a research part. The theoretical part is divided into five chapters which are based on professional literature. The chapters contain a detailed description of the profession of social service workers including professional qualifications together with the definition of the social service - special regime home. The term strain is defined and divided into workload, mental strain and physical strain in the following chapter together with a mention of the term work-life balance in connection with this topic. The subsequent chapter is dedicated to prevention of inception of strain, more precisely to supervision and mental health hygiene. The last chapter deals in detail with occupational burnout. The research part contains the specifications of the aim of the thesis, of the main research question and of five research sub-questions which have been based on the main one. The data have been collected by means of qualitative research, survey methodology and the semi-structured interview method. A specific special regime home in the Vysočina region has been selected for the purposes of this research. The nine participants in the research are social service workers who have been employed at the facility for a minimum of one year. The research was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, a preliminary research was done to serve as a base for adjusting the research questions. The actual research was realised in the next phase. The acquired data were processed using the clustering method and evaluated subsequently. The evaluated data are ordered in relation to the research questions. The social service workers cope with the workload well. They consider their work to be not only physically but also substantially mentally demanding. Manipulating with bedridden clients is viewed as the most physically challenging operation by the facility workers. The most mentally challenging situations for them are the decease of clients, incessant explaining, dealing with clients, etc. The workers experience stressful situations with clients, however more frequently with clients' families as well. The most common work-related health problems of the workers at the facility are backaches. The results of this diploma thesis can serve the selected special regime home in the Vysočina region or as a study material to the lay and professional public.
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Hygienická problematika faktorů hluk, prach a vibrace na pracovišti broušení odlitků / Hygiene Factors Issues of Noise, Dust and Vibrations in the Workplace Grinding CastingsSTODOLOVSKÁ, Květa January 2014 (has links)
My diploma work is focusing on the health problems of selected factors in the working enviroment of grinding the metal castings. There are high-risk factors, which are harmful to worker´s health, especially physical stress, noise, dust and vibrations, which are passed on hands. The employer is under the obligation to take precautions to carry on worker´s health, in consideration of exceed the health limits. The aim of this diploma work was setting the efficiency of precautions to health protection in work enviroment. The situation had been monitoring in a company in the South Bohemia over ten years. There were used results of factor´s precautions (noise, dust, vibrations) in work enviroment, where workers grind the metal castings by hand grinders. The monitoring ensemble was created by employess in a company, which makes the metal castings by hand grinders in its work enviroment. To data collecting were used the following methods: non-aligned observation, conversation with the chief of the company, studying of positive law and technical literature incl. test codes of the health institute (department Ceske Budejovice). The data of the test codes were processed by the secundary analysis and summarized to tables and graphs. Within qualitative analysis I determinated four research questions, which were answered gradually in my work: 1)Which precautions are carry out by employers to particular factors of employee´s health protection? 2)What is the factor´ s efficiency? 3)What impact do the precautions have on results of factor´s measuring? 4)Which precautions can I recommend on the grounds of the evalutation of the work enviroment? Both means of collective and individual protection belong to the precautions of worker´s health protection today. The technical, technologiacal and organisational precautions are included to collective protections. The individual precautions are focusing especially on employees and offer the substitute solutions. All precautions are specific to individual factors. I found out, that all precautions, which are used by the employers in work enviroment of metal casting, are effective. Especially we can talk about the precautions to protection of employee´s health against excessive dust (instalation of air ventilation with strong effect), which caused the exceed of dust concetration in work enviroment of grinding. Finally I can say, that this branch of metal casting has been connecting with certain high-risk factors all the time. Although all the protective precautions has been realized, the health limits given for noise, vibrations passed on hands and dust are still exceed. For this reason it´s very important to regularly inform the workers of high-risk factors, which they could meet in their work enviroment of cast grinding.
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Perorální podání acipimoxu během fyzické zátěže způsobuje negativní zpětnovazebný mechanismus růstového hormonu na sekreci ghrelinu u pacientek s mentální bulimií a zdravých žen:Úloha lipolýzy / Acipimox during Short-Term Exercise Exerts A Negative Feedback of Growth Hormone on Ghrelin Secretion in Patients with Bulimia Nervosa and in Healthy Women: The Role of LipolysisSmitka, Kvido January 2011 (has links)
Title: Acipimox during Short-Term Exercise Exerts A Negative Feedback of Growth Hormone on Ghrelin Secretion in Patients with Bulimia Nervosa and in Healthy Women: The Role of Lipolysis Objective: Eating disorders, such as bulimia nervosa (BN) and anorexia nervosa (AN), are characterized by abnormal eating behavior. The main features of BN are binge-eating and inappropriate compensatory methods to prevent weight gain. The appetite-modulating peptide ghrelin is secreted by the stomach and shows a strong release of growth hormone (GH). A potential GH-ghrelin feedback loop between stomach and the pituitary has been recently reported. Acipimox (Aci), an analogue of nicotinic acid, inhibits lipolysis in adipose tissue (AT) and reduces plasma glycerol and free fatty acids (FFA) levels. Exercise and Aci are stimulators of GH secretion. We suppose that a negative feedback from increased GH levels during exercise may play a role in reducing plasma ghrelin levels. We surmised that altered baseline activity and exercise-induced activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) results in excessive stimulation of lipolysis associated with negative energy balance and may lead to abnormal AT metabolism in patients with BN. Disruption of the gut-brain-AT axis might be involved in the pathogenesis of BN. The...
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Optimalizace daně z příjmů fyzických osob / Personal income tax optimizationPÍPALOVÁ, Kamila January 2009 (has links)
I divided the thesis into two main parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, I analyze possibilities of legal tax optimization. The practical part was prepared on an example of an entrepreneur, whose income comes not only from his business activity, but also from lease and other sources. He lives in a household with a wife and a daughter. In the practical part, I calculate the total tax duty of the household, but also social and health insurance duty, the amount of which also depends on the tax base. In the practical part, I found six models of tax calculation for this particular household.
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Výsledek hospodaření fyzických osob - účetnictví vs. daňová evidence / income from operations of natural person - accounting vs. tax evidenceVrbová, Tereza January 2008 (has links)
The diploma work put brain to income from operations of natural persons in the accounting and tax evidence. At first it targets the income from operations and its different concept in the evidences. It describes establishment of income from operations on accrual and cash basis, defines components of income from operations - expenses, revenues, gains, losses, incomes and expenditures. The next part of the work focuses on legislation of income from operations in teh Czech Republic (in accounting and tax evidence).One of the chapters speeks about some economic transactions, which influences income from operations different in the accounting and tax evidence. The diploma work is finished with short example, which brings near the problem.
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Analýza změn právní formy podnikání z fyzické osoby Miroslav Cihelka na firmu Cihelka elektromontáže spol. s.r.o. / Analysis of changes from legal business form natural person Miroslav Cihelka to the company Cihelka elektromontáže LLCCihelková, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
Thesis analyzes the possibility of conversion legal business form of a natural person to a limited liability company, stating the essential facts in terms of legal, accounting and tax. The analysis is applied in the practical part on the example of natural person Miroslav Cihelka, thesis evaluates and suggests the most appropriate solution for that company. In addition, the financial analysis assesses the current economic results of company Miroslav Cihelka.
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