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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attityder till arbetet inom revisionsyrket : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på generationer, kön och livssituationer / Work attitudes within the auditing profession : A qualitative study focusing on generations, gender, and life situations

Larsson, Ida, Pettersson, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att skapa en djupare förståelse kring varför attityder till arbetet inom revisionsyrket skiljer sig mellan människor i olika generationer, kön och livssituationer. Studien avser även att beskriva och förstå på vilket sätt dessa skillnader manifesterar sig. Tidigare forskning har bekräftat att revisionsbranschen är utsatt för en hög personalomsättning och svårigheter att få medarbetare att stanna inom yrket på lång sikt. Vidare menar tidigare forskning att arbetstagarens attityder till arbetet är avgörande för dennes arbetstillfredsställelse och därmed dennes val att stanna på arbetsplatsen. För att skapa en förståelse om hur revisionsfirmor kan skapa långsiktiga arbetsförhållanden med dess anställda, är det av vikt att förstå vilka attityder som existerar inom professionen samt hur attitydskillnader mellan människor med olika generation, kön och livssituation kan förstås.  Studien grundades i en kvalitativ metod där personliga intervjuer användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Totalt tio intervjuer genomfördes. Respondenterna bestod av tre revisionsassistenter, fyra auktoriserade revisorer och tre godkända revisorer. Studiens resultat indikerade att skillnader i attityder till arbetet mellan olika generationer och livssituationer främst kan förstås av olika värderingar. Vissa värderingar upplevdes vara konstanta under karriärens gång medan vissa kunde förändras över tid, till exempel när familjesituationen förändras eller när arbetsmarknaden förändrats efter Covid-19. Resultatet indikerade vidare att könstillhörigheten inte ansågs skapa attitydskillnader, däremot poängterades det att förutsättningarna för att lyckas inom branschen skiljde sig åt mellan könen. / The aim of the study is to generate a deeper understanding regarding why work attitudes in the auditing profession differ between people in different generations, gender, and life situations. The study also intends to describe and understand in what way these differences manifest themselves. Previous research has confirmed that the industry is exposed to high staff turnover and difficulties in keeping employees in the profession in the long run. Furthermore, previous research confirms that the employee's attitudes to work are decisive for his job satisfaction and thus his choice to stay in the workplace. To create an understanding of how audit firms can create long-term working relationships with their employees, it is important to understand the attitudes that exist within the profession and how differences in attitudes between people with different generations, gender and life situations can be understood. The study was conducted with a qualitative method where personal interviews were used as a data collection method. A total of ten interviews were conducted. The respondents consisted of three audit assistants, four certified accountants and three approved auditors. The results of the study indicated that differences in attitudes to work between different generations and life situations can mainly be explained by different values. Some values ​​were perceived to be constant during the course of their careers, while some could change over time, for example when the family situation changes or when the labor market changed after Covid-19. The results further indicated that gender did not seem to create differences in attitudes, however, it was pointed out that the conditions for success in the industry differed between the sexes.

Nostalgie: Počítačové hry jako nástroje překonání národnostních a věkových hranic / Nostalgia: Computer games as tools for overcoming cultural and generational boundaries

Králíček, Václav January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on the research of similar video game experiences among players of different cultures. Because video games are a product of the worldwide gaming industry, the same content is available for players of various cultural backgrounds, who can then share their experiences via internet forums. In a cross-cultural comparison, the thesis examines similarities in gaming experiences the players of different cultural backgrounds have, and thus exploring the potential of videogames to overcome national borders and to bring players closer. Because four generations of gamers had already got the opportunity to play videogames, the thesis also focuses on similar gaming experiences across the age groups, and thus potentially bringing together also players of different ages. The theoretical basis of this thesis is built on the works of theorists of play Johan Huizinga, Vladimír Borecký, and Roger Caillois, theories of anthropologists George P. Murdock, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Michal Tošner, and Clifford Geertz, and lastly, the history of video games as a medium along with the history of computers in general as described by Lev Manovich. The research itself was conducted by using two methods. An online survey, shared among respondents by using the Snowball Sampling method, followed by a...

Development of advanced methods for safety assessment of sodium cooled fast reactors

Bousquet, Jeremy 11 April 2022 (has links)
In the past years, more concerns are focused on the nuclear waste management due to the very long half-lives of various actinides produced in Light Water Reactors (LWRs). Sodium Fast Reactors (SFRs) are thus becoming more attractive since they are known to be very efficient to transmute long-lived radionuclides present in spent fuel. However, the current simulation tools (thermal-hydraulics code with point kinetics) and safety assessment methods are not as mature as for LWR applications and need to be enhanced. This thesis aims at filling the gap in safety analysis of SFR cores to reach a standard similar to LWR applications by applying multi-physics modelling. In contrast to LWRs, the reactivity in SFRs is affected by three main feedback: the Doppler broadening reactivity effect, the sodium density change reactivity effect and the thermal expansion of several mechanical components of the reactor. In this thesis, the thermal-hydraulic system code ATHLET is coupled with the three-dimensional neutron-physics code PARCS for transient analysis. Developed at GRS, ATHLET was recently upgraded for sodium coolant properties. The nodal diffusion codes PARCS, developed at the University of Michigan, can solve the multi-group diffusion equation in hexagonal geometry. While both codes already have the main features to simulate SFRs, the development of models dedicated to the thermal expansion effect of reactivity is necessary. The latter has three main origins i.e. the core axial thermal expansion effect (caused by the fuel and the cladding axial thermal expansion), the core radial thermal expansion effect (caused by the diagrid thermal expansion), the control rod displacement due to the thermal expansion of the Control Rod Drive Lines (CRDLs), the strongback and the reactor vessel. Thus, the three main new developments achieved in the scope of this work are: - Development of a method to generate homogenized multi-energy-group neutron macroscopic cross sections (needed by PARCS) for SFR applications which consider not only the Doppler temperature and sodium density but also the core axial and radial thermal expansion. - Development of a three-dimensional core radial thermal expansion model and its implementation in PARCS. A core axial thermal expansion model has already been developed for PARCS prior to this work. - Development of a module in ATHLET for modelling the control rod displacement as a result of the influence of the reactor structures thermal expansion. The parametrized homogenized multi-energy-group neutron macroscopic cross section libraries for PARCS applications are generated with the Monte Carlo reactor-physics code Serpent. For all materials contained in fuel assemblies, a three-dimensional model is used while the SPH method is applied to materials contained in non-fuel assemblies (e.g. control rods, etc.). The cross section libraries are collapsed into a 12-energy-group structure. Furthermore, a dedicated module was successfully developed and implemented within the core simulator KMACS (developed at GRS). The core radial thermal expansion effect is implemented in PARCS using a coordinate transformation of the diffusion equation from the expanded state to the nominal geometry. The core radial thermal expansion depends on the diagrid temperature. It is calculated by ATHLET and transferred to PARCS by the extended interface between both codes. The modelling of the control rod displacement as a result of the reactor structures thermal expansion is performed by a module linked to ATHLET. The strongback, the reactor vessel and the CRDLs are modelled as heated structures in ATHLET, which calculates their respective temperature. The module can compute the thermal expansion of each structure as well as the total control rod banks displacement. The new techniques are verfied on a selected case study, the ASTRID core design. First, full core criticality simulations are performed with the Monte Carlo reactor-physics code Serpent (considered as reference calculations) and with PARCS. Good agreement between the two codes is achieved in terms of multiplication factors and power distribution. This allows to conclude that the developed method for neutron cross section libraries can be used for SFR applications. The newly implemented core radial expansion model in PARCS is successfully verified on the ASTRID core with the standalone version of PARCS. Then, various transient simulations are performed in order to separately analyse the different contributions to the reactivity by: the Doppler broadening effects, the sodium density change effect, the core radial and axial thermal expansion effect and the control rod displacement effect. It is demonstrated that the core power responses are plausible which allows the conclusion that all the different thermal expansion models are properly implemented. Furthermore, the presented simulations show very different core power responses. It appears that the effect of the sodium density change on reactivity is a parameter that is strongly heterogeneous (depending on the core location). This shows the importance of using a three-dimensional neutron kinetics model rather than a point-kinetic model for transient simulations with thermal-hydraulic codes. Moreover, the time-scale of the various effects are ranging from few seconds to several hundred seconds. While the Doppler broadening, the sodium density change, as well as the core axial and radial thermal expansion effects on reactivity are fast, the thermal expansion of the strongback and the vessel only appears after several hundred seconds. This emphasizes the importance of considering all thermal expansion effects in addition to the usual thermal-hydraulic feedback parameters (e.g. fuel temperature, coolant density etc.) to be able to compute the core behavior realistically.:Contents Abstract II List of Figures VII List of Tables X List of Acronyms XI Acknowledgments XIII 1 Introduction 1.1 Sodium cooled fast reactors 1.1.1 Fast reactor development 1.1.2 Comparison of sodium fast reactor and pressurized water reactor designs Neutron spectrum Breeding Partitioning and Transmutation Control of the reactivity in the core Coolant properties Reactivity feedback Comparison summary 1.2 Objectives and structure of the thesis 1.2.1 Objectives 1.2.2 Structure of the thesis 2 State of the art of Sodium Fast Reactor safety assessment 2.1 Relevant safety events to consider for Sodium Fast Reactors 2.2 Major reactivity feedback mechanisms 2.3 State of the art of safety analysis methods for Sodium Fast Reactor 3 Methods and codes for safety assessment of sodium cooled fast reactors 3.1 Neutronics core calculations 3.1.1 Core calculations with the diffusion code PARCS 3.1.2 Generation of nodal few-group cross sections with the Monte Carlo code Serpent 3.1.3 Core simulator KMACS 3.2 Thermal-hydraulics simulations with the system code ATHLET 3.3 Coupled three-dimensional thermal-hydraulics / neutronics calculations 4 Development of three-dimensional thermal expansion models 4.1 General calculation approach proposed for safety assessment 4.2 Thermal expansion in solids 4.3 Model for generating nodal few-energy-group cross sections for deterministic core analysis 4.3.1 Energy group structure 4.3.2 Full-scale three-dimensional fuel assembly models in Serpent 4.3.3 Two-dimensional non-fuel assembly models in Serpent 4.3.4 Super homogenization method for non-multiplying media 4.3.5 Automated creation of Serpent models for parametrized cross section generation with KMACS 4.4 Core radial thermal expansion effect 4.4.1 Description of the core radial thermal expansion phenomenon 4.4.2 Coordinate transformation of the diffusion equation 4.4.3 Implementation of the coordinates transformation in PARCS 4.4.4 Adapted cross section parametrization scheme for the core radial expansion model 4.4.5 Diagrid model in ATHLET and temperature transfer 4.5 Core axial thermal expansion effect 4.5.1 Description of the core axial thermal expansion phenomenon 4.5.2 Implementation of a core axial thermal expansion model in PARCS 4.5.3 Appropriate cross section parametrization scheme 4.6 Control rod displacement due to reactor structures thermal expansion effects 4.6.1 Modelling scheme 4.6.2 Strongback model in ATHLET 4.6.3 Vessel model in ATHLET 4.6.4 Control rods drive lines ATHLET model 5 Verification on a case study 5.1 Description of the ASTRID reactor 5.2 Full core models 5.2.1 Full core Serpent reference models of the ASTRID core 5.2.2 Three-dimensional neutron kinetics model of ASTRID core in PARCS 5.2.3 Generation of appropriate few-group cross sections 5.2.4 Thermal-hydraulic model in ATHLET and ATHLET-PARCS feedback mapping 5.3 Verfications of the radial core expansion model 5.4 Assessment of the Doppler and sodium density effects 5.4.1 Assessment of the Doppler effect 5.4.2 Assessment of the sodium density effect 6 Coupled three-dimensional thermal-hydraulics/neutron-physics transient simulations with ATHLET-PARCS 6.1 Description of the models and transient simulations 6.2 Simulation 1: Doppler effect 6.2.1 Description 6.2.2 Results 6.3 Simulation 2: Sodium density effect 6.3.1 Description 6.3.2 Results 6.4 Simulation 3: Doppler and sodium density effects 6.4.1 Description 6.4.2 Results 6.5 Simulation 4: Core radial thermal expansion effect 6.5.1 Description 6.5.2 Results 6.6 Simulation 5: Doppler, Sodium density and core radial thermal expansion effects 6.6.1 Description 6.6.2 Results 6.7 Simulation 6: Core axial thermal expansion effect 6.7.1 Description 6.7.2 Results 6.8 Simulation 7: Doppler, Sodium density and core axial thermal expansion effects 6.8.1 Description 6.8.2 Results 6.9 Simulation 8: Doppler effect, Sodium density effect, core radial thermal expansion effect and core axial thermal expansion effect 6.9.1 Description 6.9.2 Results 6.10 Simulation 9: Doppler effect, Sodium density effect, core radial thermal expansion effect, core axial thermal expansion effect and control rod displacement due to reactor structures thermal expansion effect 6.10.1 Description 6.10.2 Results 6.11 Preliminary conclusions of the test calculations 7 Conclusion and outlook for future developments 7.1 Summary and conclusions 7.2 Suggestions for future work Appendices A The Boltzmann equation B Macro-group structure Bibliography

Customers perception of Artificial Intelligence as Chatbots in CRM

Kuylenstierna, Elsa, Trägårdh, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
ABSTRACT  Title: Customers perception of Artificial Intelligence as Chatbots in CRM  Subject: Bachelor thesis in business administration, 15 hp  Authors: Hanna Trägårdh & Elsa Kuylenstierna  Supervisor: Klaus Solberg Söilen  Examiner: Ulf Aagerup  Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Chatbots, Customer Relationship Management, Generation Z, Generation Y  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the perception Swedish customers from Gen Z and Gen Y have of companies using chatbots in customer relationship management. Furthermore the study will analyze if the different generational groups perceive chatbots in different ways. The study also focuses on finding out what role chatbots play in terms of CRM.  Methodology: In this study a deductive research approach was used where the empirical study was collected through a survey. The survey had 212 respondents, 100 of them were between 15 and 25 years old and 112 were between 26 and 44 years old.  Conclusion: Gen Z and Gen Y have similar opinions about how they perceive chatbots. Both Gen Z and Gen Y prefer communicating with a human since chatbots are not living up to their expectations. However, they are optimistic that chatbots have the potential to improve customer services to the better. Companies need to make sure that chatbots create value for customers and not only for companies themselves. Chatbots need to keep developing and make progress to be beneficial for customers to use.  Implications: This study can contribute with new perspectives about chatbots and customer relationships that can be a big advantage for companies when implementing chatbots for their business. The study brings attention to the unexplored issue of Gen Z and Gen Y’s perception in this matter. This study can also be helpful for further research within the subject area.

Vad motiverar olika generationer till att äga företag? : En studie baserad på individer i generationerna Millennials, Generation X och Baby Boomers

Nilsson, Olivia, Andersson, Mikaela January 2023 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har antalet företagare ökat i Sverige och på dagens arbetsmarknad befinner sig just nu fyra generationer. I denna studie fokuserar vi på de tre generationer som utgör den största delen av arbetsmarknaden; Millennials, Generation X och Baby Boomers. Dessa generationer skiljer sig åt beroende på olika faktorer som påverkat dem genom livet. Millennials är uppväxta i en tid där sociala medier har spelat en stor roll, Generation X växte upp med teknikens utveckling och Baby Boomers växte upp under ekonomisk tillväxt. I denna kvalitativa forskningsansats undersöks hur olika generationer motiveras av olika faktorer. Syftet med studien är att bidra med ny kunskap till tidigare forskning om vad som motiverar individer i olika generationer till att äga företag. Detta gör vi genom att besvara problemformuleringen “Hur skiljer sig motivatorerna åt mellan Millennials, Generation X och Baby Boomers vid valet att äga företag?” Insamlad teori redovisar relevant fakta om motivationsteori, inre och yttre motivation, push- och pull-perspektivet samt generationsskillnader. Arbetets teoretiska referensram är insamlad från vetenskapliga artiklar, hemsidor och litteratur. Vidare består arbetet av insamlat empiriskt material där mixed methods har använts i form av 49 enkäter samt sex semistrukturerade intervjuer, där respondenterna uppfyllt ett antal kriterier för att få medverka.  Studiens slutsats visar att Millennials och Generation X båda drivs av inre motivation, exempelvis passion, vara sin egen chef, flexibilitet och att utvecklas. Baby Boomers drivs av yttre motivation, exempelvis ekonomisk vinning och familjeföretag. / In recent years, the number of entrepreneurs has increased in Sweden and there are currently four generations in today's labor market. In this study we focus on the three generations that make up the largest part of the labor market; Millennials, Generation X and Baby Boomers. These generations differ depending on various factors that have influenced them throughout life. Millennials grew up in an era where social media has played a big role, Generation X grew up with the advancement of technology and Baby Boomers grew up during economic growth.   In this qualitative research approach we investigate how different generations are motivated by different factors. The purpose of the study is to contribute with new knowledge to previous research on what motivates individuals in different generations to own businesses. We do this by answering the research question "How do the motivators differ between Millennials, Generation X and Baby Boomers when choosing to own a business?"   Collected theory presents relevant facts about motivation theory, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, the push- and pull-perspective and generational differences. The work's theoretical frame of reference is collected from scientific articles, websites and literature. Furthermore, the work consists of collected empirical material where mixed methods have been used through 49 questionnaires and six semi-structured interviews, where the respondents met a number of criteria to participate.   The study's conclusion shows that Millennials and Generation X are both driven by intrinsic motivation, such as passion, being their own boss, flexibility and developing. Baby Boomers are driven by extrinsic motivation, such as financial gain and family businesses.


Luecke, Tim 27 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

The development of an effective recruitment strategy for Hispanic males and females in the Central Florida region

Zeballos, Barbara E. 01 August 2011 (has links)
This study examines the similarities and differences between males and females from the Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White population in the Central Florida labor force regarding recruitment strategies and techniques of the Baby Boomers, Generation X and the Millennial population. The purpose of this study is to identify those Human Resources recruitment practices that are most effective in retaining: (1) males and females from the Hispanic population, and (2) whether or not theses recruitment tactics affect the generation groups differently. The proposed issues will be assessed by collecting information from organizations, current employees, and job applicants. This study will use three research methods in addressing the stated purpose and objectives: literature review, focus groups, and questionnaire surveys. The literature review will explore present recruitment techniques, social and cultural similarities and differences between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic White, and generational differences. The main goal of the focus groups is to identify relevant recruitment issues as stated by Central Florida organizations, current employees, and job applicants. From the literature review and results of the focus groups two surveys will be develop to determine: (1) present recruitment practices used by Central Florida organizations; and (2) preferred recruitment practices among Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Whites. The results of this study will identify whether certain recruitment practices perceived as being most appealing and desirable vary among Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Whites. Based on the findings, the study will provide recommendations for designing effective recruitment strategies for Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White males and females while accounting for possible generational differences.

Multigenerational Communication Preferences in the Workplace

Beskid, Tiffany Rose Morse 26 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Трансформация профессиональных ценностей журналистов: поколенческий аспект : магистерская диссертация / Transformation of professional values of journalists: the generation aspect

Хафизова, В. Р., Khafizova, V. R. January 2018 (has links)
The transformation of professional values of journalists is considered through the prism of the generational approach. Also we have identified and substantiated the factors that influence the transformation of the values of journalists of different generations. The materials of the empirical-sociological research reveal differences between professional values that are expressed in the motivational structure of professional activity and professional-value orientations of soviet, modern and future journalists - representatives of different generations. / Трансформация профессиональных ценностей журналистов рассмотрена через призму поколенческого подхода. Определены и обоснованы факторы, влияющие на трансформацию ценностей журналистов разных поколений. На материалах эмпирико-социологического исследования выявлены различия между профессиональными ценностями, которые выражаются в мотивационной структуре профессиональной деятельности и профессионально-ценностных ориентациях советских, современных и будущих журналистов – представителей разных поколений.

Digital Platforms in Healthcare : A Case Study of Adoption and Usage Among Elderly Generations

Bergström, Frida, Ekman, Tilda January 2021 (has links)
Background – Digitalization and the utilization of ICTs in healthcare have revolutionized the healthcare industry through digital healthcare platforms (DHP). ICTs and DHP’s are highly beneficial for those who have the ability to use them, meanwhile increasing the digital segregation for those who cannot, e.g., elderly generations. Although, elderly generations can particularly benefit from utilizing DHP’s, e.g., enabling independent living. Furthermore, the elderly population is expected to grow globally in the upcoming years, which affects governmental expenditures on healthcare. Purpose – The aim of this study is to investigate what causes elderly not to adopt and use DHP’s, i.e., investigate and develop a deeper understanding of the central barriers for elderly. Furthermore, the second aim is to investigate how DHP providers better can facilitate increased adoption and usage among the elderly generations. Method – This study followed an abductive research approach of a single case company that offers healthcare services through a digital platform. To answer research questions, we primarily used a qualitative research method as well as quantitative data to strengthen our findings. In total, 22 qualitative interviews were conducted with respondents over 65. The interviews were divided between previous users of digital health platforms and non-users. The quantitative data were analyzed through SPSS where uni- and bivariate analysis was performed. Findings – Our finding disclosed that elderly experience mainly two barriers for adoption of DHP’s among elderly: negative attitudes and technology anxiety and one barrier for both adoption and usage: trust. This adds to the previous literature which has not made any distinction between adoption and usage of DHP’s among elderly. Furthermore, this study provides direct development suggestions that can enable increased adoption and usage. Theoretical implications – This study contributes to previous digital health literature by considering digital platforms a part of healthcare. We contribute with deepened knowledge regarding barriers that hinders adoption for elderly and by suggesting development suggestions that are able to bridge each barrier. Managerial implications – The managerial implications of this research are directed towards DHP providers on how they can facilitate increased adoption and usage respectively. The implications include design and marketing options that are able to enable the objective.

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