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Gud är manlig och kvinnan bär skuld : En genusteoretisk diskursanalys på läromedel inom religionskunskapsämnetEklund, Josefin, Lindberg, Sofie January 2018 (has links)
Detta är en diskursanalytisk studie med ett antaget genusteoretiskt perspektiv, som undersöker hur kvinnor inom de abrahamitiska religionerna framställs i tre utvalda läromedel för gymnasiekursen religion 1. Samtliga av läromedlen är anpassade för lgy11. Vidare undersöks vilka egenskaper kvinnan tillskrivs, samt var hon synliggörs och marginaliseras i läromedlen. Genom det genusteoretiska perspektivet, vilket nyttjats för analysen av det empiriska resultatet kan vi både visa vad synliggörandet och marginaliseringen beror på, samt se vad det bidrar till. Studiens resultat visar att läromedlen genom ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv framställer kvinnan och mannen utifrån dikotoma föreställningar om vad som är kvinnligt respektive manligt. Kvinnan framställs således som passiv medan mannen framställs som aktiv. Resultatet visar även att kvinnan marginaliseras när det skrivs om religionens historia, medan hon synliggörs i de textsammanhang som berör hennes villkor, samt hem-och familjeliv. Nyckelord: Kvinnan, abrahamitiska religionerna, diskurs, genusteori, genus, läroboksanalys, marginalisering / This is a discourse-analytic study with an adopted gender theoretical perspective regarding how women within the Abrahamic religions are described in three selected teaching materials for upper secondary school (Religion 1). All books are adapted to Lgy11. Furthermore, an analysis is made of what way women are characterized in the material, as well as where they are visible and marginalized. With help from the gender theoretical perspective, which has been utilized to analyze the results of the empirical study, it is possible to understand the reasons for the visibility as well as the marginalization, and see what is contributes to. The result of this study shows that the teaching materials, through a gender theoretical perspective, depict men and women based on the dichotomy of what is considered female or male. Hence, women are described as passive, whereas men are described as active. The result also shows that women are marginalized when the history of religions is being described while they are visible in the textual contexts of home and family life, as well as their conditions. Key words: Women, Abrahamic religions, discourse, gender theory, gender, textbook analysis, marginalization
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Sena nätter och farliga män –Vad säger media? : En kvalitativ studie om gestaltningen av våldtäktsoffer i media / Late nights and dangerous menAndersson, Hanna, Rosenblad, Joanna January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker hur våldtäktsoffer framställs i två olika tidningar (Dagens nyheter och Aftonbladet) och om det finns någon skillnad i framställningen beroende av offrets kön. Studien är gjord genom att tillämpa kritisk diskursanalys på de valda tidningsartiklarna för att se om det finns några skillnader. För att göra detta har vi utgått från genusteori samt Goffmans teori kring stigma. Studiens resultat medför att artiklarna har delats upp i tre kategorier: "ideala offer", "icke-idela offer" och "manliga offer". Utöver det genererades även kategorin för "diskussions- eller debattartiklar". Artiklar som kategoriseras som "ideala offer" innehåller färre detaljer kring brotten än artiklarna om de "icke-ideala offer". Kategorin "manliga offer" uppkom på grund av att artiklarna som tillhör den var gravt underrepresenterade, däremot kunde vi se att även dessa artiklar kan jämföras med de två första kategorierna. Artiklarna i den sista kategorin diskuterar mer allmänt kring problemen som våldtäkt för med sig mer allmänt. Majoriteten av dessa artiklar riktade sig till eller handlade om kvinnor. Den slutsats som kunde dras utifrån denna undersökning är att det rapporteras olika gällande olika kön hos våldtäktsoffer. Detta visar sig bland annat genom att det i artiklar som beskriver kvinnor ges mer detaljer som beskriver offret än om de som handlar om män; artiklar om män är generellt sett relativt detaljfattiga. Detta medför också att media styr den allmänna synen kring våldtäktsoffer och har därmed makt att förbättra situationen och göra bilden av manliga och kvinnliga offer mer jämställd då båda könen behöver lika mycket stöd från omgivningen. / This essay investigates how rape victims are shown in two different Swedish newspapers (Dagens nyheter and Aftonbladet) and if there are any differences depending on the victim’s sex. The study is using critical discourse analysis for the selected news articles to find out if the views differentiate. To be able to do this we have based our research in gender theory and the theory of stigma created by Goffman. The results if this study generates three categories: "ideal victims", "non-ideal victims" and "male victims". Apart from these, another category was detected: "discussion or debate articles". Articles that categorises as "ideal victims" contains fewer details of the crime than the articles about "non-ideal victims". The category "male victims" vas created because the articles from this category was seriously diminished, we could on the other hand also apply the two previously stated categories on this one. The articles from the discussion or debate category brings up the problems of rape in a more general matter. The majority of these are speaking to or about women. The conclusion of this study is that media is presenting male and female rape victims differently. This shows, among other conclusions, that articles about female victims contains more details about the victim than articles about men; articles about men do in general rapport lesser details. This contributes to media’s control over the general view on rape victims and have therefor the opportunity to make this situation better. Media can create a more equal image of male and female victims where both will be needing support from society.
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Striden mot genusborgen : En karaktärsanalys om reproduktion/ ifrågasättande av genussystemet i två kapitelböcker för unga / The battle against the gender castle : a character analysis of the reproduction or questioning of the gender system in two chapter books for childrenNilsson, Lina January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att, utifrån ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv, beskriva hur genussystemet upprätthålls eller ifrågasätts i böckerna Nidstången och Rum 213, vilka är de verk barn i årskurs 4-6 läser frekvent i sin fria läsning. Detta mot bakgrunden att skolans värdegrundsuppdrag är att arbeta för jämställdhet mellan könen och att elevers identitetsskapande påverkas av den skönlitteratur de läser. Syftet besvaras genom att söka svar på frågorna: vilka egenskaper tillskrivs karaktärerna baserat på deras tankar, känslor och handlingar? Hur framställs de relationer som finns i böckerna? Genom en karaktärsanalys som kombinerar ett mimetiskt och ett semiotiskt perspektiv, visar analysen av resultatet att samtliga karaktärer reproducerar genussystemets premisser, om än på olika sätt och i olika utsträckning.
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Olika nyanser av den sexuella kvinnan : En studie om hur kvinnlig sexualitet framställs på Baaam.se / Different shades of the sexual woman : A study of how female sexuality is portrayed on Baaam.seKarlsson, Clara January 2020 (has links)
Baaam is a Swedish digitized lifestyle magazine for young women that, among other things, writes about sex, sexuality and relationships. Baaam is a feminist platform that claims to be a guiding companion to young women. The purpose of this study was to examine how Baaam portrays female sexuality and thus what messages they convey to young women regarding female sexuality. The research questions were: How is female sexuality portrayed in the lifestyle magazine Baaam? Does the selected articles from Baaam confirm or change the traditional, dominant view of female sexuality? Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis (CDA) was conducted to find and then analyze discourses in the selected articles. A total of 23 articles published between 2016 and 2019 were analyzed. This was carried out from a social constructionist perspective together with representation theories and gender theories. Based on the analysis, different themes were used to explain how the sexual woman is constructed through different sub-discourses: ”The female sexual identity”, ”The woman’s sexual pleasure”, ”The sexual woman in relation to the man” and ”The performing sexual woman”. The sexual woman is portrayed both in a way that confirm and change the traditional, dominant view of female sexuality.
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Undangömda gåvor? : En genusteoretisk undersökning av skattdepåer och sociala praktiker under vikingatid på Gotland / Hidden gifts? : A gender theoretical study of treasure hoards and social practices during the Viking age on GotlandAndersson, Isabelle January 2020 (has links)
This paper presents an interpretation of an archaeological problem where Viking age treasure hoards on Gotland are discussed in relation to the provision of the morning gift in the medieval Guta law. There are around 700 treasure hoards found on Gotland and many of them contains what can be interpreted as female coded jewelry. In this essay Gender theory and the theory of performativity is used as a method to analyze treasure hoards with female coded jewelry and its purpose is to investigate jewelry in relation to gender. This study will take a closer look on eleven treasure hoards which have been selected based on jewelry identified as typically female. This might indicate that women were the ones who deposited their jewelry in the ground. The Guta law narrates women's political and social situation in the medieval society and it is possible that it can tell us about some social practices in the Viking society. This law is a great source to recount women’s rights and obligations when it comes to marriage and heritage. The law contains a provision about hogsl oc iþ which is interpreted to be the morning gift. The morning gift intended that a husband was to give his new wife a gift in relation to their marriage. The law stated that a woman had the right to her morning gift which could suggest that women could control this property and have ownership over it. This study investigates what the mentioned medieval law dictated in regard to what a morning gift should constitute of and if this have any connection to what can be found in Viking age treasure hoards. This study is performed by analyzing treasure hoards with jewelry identified as typically female, as well as analyzing the Guta Law which allow one interpretation of why there are so many deposited treasures on Gotland. The interpretation which is presented in this study is that women had ownership of their morning gift and they could have deposited it in the ground to protect themselves and their property.
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”Inte alla män” – En problematisering av arkeologisk könsbedömning utgående från tidigare tolkningar av två kvinnogravar med hjälp av genusteori / “Not all men” – A problematization of archaeological sex determination based on previous interpretations of two female graves using gender theoryOlsson, Johanna Caroline January 2020 (has links)
Archaeologists have employed a method to determine individuals’ sex through objects in grave contexts, this method is called archaeological sex determination. However, this method has proven to be misleading in interpretations in correlation with the concepts of gender and sex. This will be highlighted through a comparative study of two case studies: “Birkakrigaren” and “Barumskvinnan”. The concept of gender has grown stronger in the public debate concerning the difference between gender and sex, which has contributed to the concept’s amplification in the archaeological discipline, specifically gender theory. Gender theory will be used to explain and clarify the problems of archaeological sex determination, in addition how it could be used for criticism of a current case study, which is “Birkakrigaren” and why the criticism differed between two case studies: “Birkakrigaren” and “Barumskvinnan”. In order to reach the desired results, different articles and books will be examined, simultaneously with articles and blogs on the subject of the criticism.
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Social psychological perspective on stress and stress coping for working Kosovo Albanian mothers in Sweden and Kosovo / Socialpsykologiskt perspektiv på stress och stresshantering för arbetande kosovoalbanska mammor i Sverige och KosovoHaradini, Viktoria, Tapper, Essi January 2021 (has links)
Stress is something that affects women throughout their lives and has a huge effect on wellbeing. The negative consequences of gender inequality make it harder for women to improve their lives and be a part of the labour market because of responsibilities with children and housework. Women experience high levels of stress, which creates a burden affecting their health. The study aims to understand how gender roles, living and working conditions affect stress and stress coping for working Kosovo Albanian mothers in Sweden and Kosovo. The main focus is to understand how work-home relations affect these women in different societies. The study is based on theories of stress, stress coping, theory of gender and determinants of health. A qualitative study was carried out with individual semi-structured interviews concentrating on the phenomenological perspective with an in-depth insight into the women's experiences. Five women living in Sweden and five women living in Kosovo were interviewed digitally. The results show that personality, working and living conditions and social and community networks affect the experience and interpretation of stress and the choice of stress coping for the women depending on the context. / Stress är något som påverkar kvinnorna genom hela livet och har en stor påverkan på hälsan. Negativa effekten av ojämlika könsroller gör det svårare för kvinnor att förbättra deras liv, vara en del av arbetsmarknaden och samtidigt ta hand om barnen och hushållsarbeten. Kvinnor upplever högre mängder av stress, vilket skapar en börda som påverkar hälsan. Syftet med studien är att förstå hur könsroller, boende och arbetsförhållanden påverkar stress och stresshantering för arbetande Kosovoalbanska mammor i Sverige och Kosovo. Huvudfokus ligger i förståelse om hur arbets- och hemförhållanden påverkar kvinnorna i dessa två olika samhällen. Studien är baserat på teorierna stress, stresshantering, teorin om genus och hälsans determinanter. En kvalitativ studie genomfördes med individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer med fokus på fenomenologisk perspektiv med en fördjupadperspektiv på kvinnornas erfarenheter. Fem kvinnor i Sverige och fem kvinnor i Kosovo var intervjuade digitalt. Resultaten visar att personlighet, arbets- och livsförhållanden och sociala och samhälleliga nätverk påverkar upplevelsen och tolkningen av stress och den valda hanteringsmetoden av kvinnorna beroende av kontexten.
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Kvinnan och “Aftonbladet-medarbetaren” : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur Aftonbladet gestaltade Cissi Wallin och Fredrik Virtanen under #metoo. / The woman and the “Aftonbladet coworker” : A critical discourse analysis of how Cissi Wallin and Fredrik Virtanen were framed during #metoo.Milerud, Evelina, Akbarzadeh, Jasmin January 2022 (has links)
This study examines how the Swedish journalists Cissi Wallin and Fredrik Virtanen were framed and reported in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet during their conflict during the #metoo movement. The actor Alyssa Milano used the words me too in a hashtag to put a light on her sexual assaulter, Harvey Weinstein, and encouraged other women on social media to do the same. In Sweden Cissi Wallin was one of the first women to use the hashtag and tell her own story of how she was drugged and raped by Fredrik Virtanen in the year of 2006, who at the time was an employee at Aftonbladet. It was the start of a media scandal that would be continued for years after #metoo had its beginning. The ways that the media has been reporting about women in the manner of being a victim, has been shown in earlier studies being very gender stereotypical. The purpose of the study was to use Judith Butler's theory of gender and examine how Cissi Wallin and Fredrik Virtanen are framed based upon gender. By using Jesper Strömbäcks theory of news evaluation the study will look at how Aftonbladet has used both Wallin and Virtanen as opponent themes in their articles and in which ways they are framed. With the use of Adam Shehatas framing theory the study will also take a closer look at how Cissi Wallin and Fredrik Virtanen were framed in these articles. Both each individual and their relationship. The method used to examine the topic of the study was by a critical discourse theory which led to numerous themes showing that Aftonbladet used the power of being a big news source and also the employer of Virtanen to make Wallin the guilty one by the ways she was framed. Among other things the result showed how Aftonbladet used their position to neglect Wallins story by taking sides with Virtanen during the period of the conflict.
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En genusstudie om språkval och könsroller : En komparativ analys av modern i Moa Martinsons Mor gifter sig och Ivar Lo-Johanssons Bara en mor / Language choices and gender roles on motherhood : A gender study of Moa Martinsons Mor gifter sig and Ivar Lo-Johanssons Bara en morOlausson, Emilia January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Relationsvåld i dagspressen : En analys av ett urval publicerade tidningsartiklar under 1970-talet avseende våld i nära relation / Violence in relationship in the daily press : An analysis of a selection of newspaper articles during the 1970s regarding intimate partner violenceWickman Tiller, Angelica, Zhou, Celine January 2023 (has links)
Dagspressen har en samhällsfunktion som skapar intresse, förargelse, glädje eller avsmak för att lyckas med detta behöver varje journalist, redaktör och läsare bearbeta och fundera över den rapportering som görs. I denna undersökning har tjugo olika artiklar fördelat hälften var i dagstidningarna Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter analyserats kring hur de har rapporterat, debatterat eller bara diskuterat våld i nära relation och hustrumisshandel under 1970-talet. Forskningsläget har indikerat att dagspressen har ansvar i vilka frågor och vad som skapar stora samhällsfrågor. Undersökningen har visat att pressen rapporterar om orsaker, konsekvenser och detaljerade scenarion kring våld i nära relation men också att den arbetar med stora frågor i debatterande och diskuterande former. Dagspressen har dessutom förändrat hur rapporteringen ser ut under den undersökta perioden, vad som blivit viktigt att förmedla och hur det har förmedlats. / The daily press has a social function that creates interest, anger, joy, or distaste. To succeed in this, every journalist, editor, and reader needs to process and think about the reporting that is done. In this survey, twenty different articles, divided equally between the daily newspapers Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter, have been analyzed. The analysis has focused on how the articles have reported, debated, or just discussed violence in intimate relationships and wife abuse during the 1970s. Previous research shows that the daily press has responsibility in critical issues in society. The survey has shown that the press reports on causes, consequences and detailed scenarios around violence in close relationships and that it works with major issues in debating and discussions as well. Over the investigated period, the daily press has also changed how the reporting presented, what is seen as important to convey and how.
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