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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A evolução geológica brasiliana da região do Arroio Boici, RS / Not available.

Sayeg, Heitor Siqueira 23 April 1993 (has links)
O Vale do Arroio Boici, situado no município de Pinheiro Machado, RS, foi identificado como uma bacia limitada por falhas transcorrentes, desenvolvida durante a orogenia Serra do Herval (570-530 Ma). Essa região apresenta ampla exposição de unidades sedimentares englobadas na Formação Arroio dos Nobres (sensu FRAGOSO CÉSAR, 1991), representada por suas unidades Flysch Vale do Piquiri (inferior) e Molassa Vargas (superior). Os estudos efetuados enfocaram análises de proveniência, determinação de paleocorrentes, a identificação dos sistemas deposicionais que ali se desenvolveram e a análise dos principais falhamentos que condicionaram a bacia. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a região sofreu basculamentos regionais que provocaram inversões generalizadas de paleocorrentes, associadas ao soerguimento de blocos dos quais, na região estudada, o último a soerguer foi o bloco que contém o Terreno Serra das Encantadas. Nas fases precoces da orogenia Serra do Herval, toda a região do Escudo Uruguaio - Sul-Rio Grandense foi ocupada por um mar epicontinental, a Antefossa Arroio dos Nobres (FRAGOSO CÉSAR, 1991), cujo registro sedimentar constitui o Flysch Vale do Piquiri. A sedimentação representativa desta etapa foi promovida por sistemas de leques subaquosos evoluindo para leques costeiros, gerados num contexto de relevo progressivamente mais desenvolvido. Durante as etapas tardias dessa orogenia ocorreu a instalação de uma cadeia de montanhas a leste. Em conseqüência, na região anteriormente ocupada pela antefossa, instalaram-se diversas estreitas e alongadas bacias, limitadas por falhas transcorrentes sinistrais de direção NE. A Bacia do Arroio Boici, localizada numa zona limítrofe entre diferentes blocos crustais, é uma dessas bacias, sítios deposicionais dos depósitos tardiorogênicos reunidos na unidade superior da Formação Arroio dos Nobres, a Molassa Vargas. Os sedimentos dessa etapa foram gerados em ambientes inicialmente costeiros, passando a continentais. As análises de paleocorrentes e de proveniência indicam o isolamento tardio da região, provocado pelo soerguimento e exposição do Terreno Serra das Encantadas a noroeste. Em conseqüência, desenvolveram-se leques deltáicos passando a aluviais em ambas as bordas da bacia então definida, alimentando um sistema longitudinal de rios entrelaçados, com sentido de transporte para sudoeste. As análises dos principais falhamentos mostram que os movimentos predominantes foram sinistrais, com reativações de caráter destral e sinistral associados à abertura e expansão do Oceano Atlântico, responsáveis pela estruturação da falha do Boici, que delimita o contato entre as unidades da Formação Arroio dos Nobres na área estudada, e pela estruturação atual da região. / The Arroio Boici valley, located in the municipal area of Pinheiro Machado, RS, has been identified as a strike-slip basin formed during the Serra do Herval orogeny (570-530 Ma)This region shows wide exposure of sedimentary units of the Arroio dos Nobres Formation (FRAGOSO CESAR 1991) represented by the basal Vale do Piquiri Flysch and upper Vargas Molasse units. The studies concentrated on provenance analysis, determination of paleocurrent patterns, identification of depositional systems and analysis of the main faults which controlled basin development. The results show that the region underwent regional tilting, with widespread inversion of paleocurrent patterns, related to uplift of blocks. In the area studied, the last block uplifted was the Serra das Encantadas Terrain. During the earliest stages of the Serra do Herval orogeny, the eastern part of the Urugaio-Sul-Rio Grandense Shield was occupied by an epicontinental sea in the Arroio dos Nobres foredeep (FRAGOSO CESAR 1991), whose sedimentary register is the Vale do Piquiri Flysch. The typical sedimentation at this time was formed by sub-aqueous fan systems passing to coastal fans, and was generated by progressively raised topography. During the later stages of the orogeny, mountain chains formed to the east. Consequently, in the area formerly occupied by the fore-deep, a number of long, narrow strike-slip basins were formed. Their limits were NE-trending, sinistral transcurrent faults. The Arroio Boici basin is one of these basins, situated at a limit between crustal blocks. Such limits were sites for the late orogenic deposition of the Vargas Molasse, the upper unit of the Arroio dos Nobres Formation. The sediments of this stage formed in environments which were initially coastal and evolved to continental. Paleocurrent and provenance analyses show that the region became isolated late in the evolution, the isolation caused by uplift and exposure of the Serra das Encantadas Terrain to the northwest. Deltaic fans evolved to alluvial fans at both margins of the basin which formed and fed a longitudinal braided fluvial system with southwestward transport. Analysis of the main fault system shows that the main movements were sinistral, with both dextral and sinistral reactivations associated with the initial; opening and expansion of the Atlantic Ocean. These movements were responsible for the generation and evolution of the Boici Fault, which forms the contact between the units of the Arroio dos Nobres Formation in the studied area, and is responsible for the present structure of the region.

Desenvolvimento em MATLAB de um programa de elementos finitos para percolação

Soares, Luís Filipe Madeira Ribeirinho January 2010 (has links)
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Civil (Especialização em Geotecnia). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2010

Métodos estatísticos na cartografia geotécnica : um caso aplicado

Guimarães, Sofia Cabral Garrett de Castro January 1997 (has links)
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tecnologia e Gestão dos Recursos Minerais, na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, sob a orientação do Prof. Doutor Rocha e Silva

Disentangling climatic interactions and detecting tipping points by means of complex networks

Tirabassi, Giulio 05 June 2015 (has links)
En una situación de grandes cambios climáticos, el conocimiento de el sistema Tierra ha devenido, en los últimos años, una de las tareas mas importantes para la comunidad científica. En los últimos diez años, el incremento de la potencia de cálculo de los superordenadores, así como un mejor entendimiento de los procesos físicos subyacentes la dinámica de la Tierra (como por ejemplo la formación de nubes o el intercambio de humedad entre el suelo y el atmósfera) han mejorado grandemente la cualidad de los modelos climáticos. Además, un incremento en la cobertura satelital, ha consentido la generación de bases de datos muy detalladas, llamadas "reanalysis data", que dan el estado de las variables mas importantes por la dinámica de la Tierra con una alta resolución espaciotemporal por lo menos en los últimos 40 años. La grande cantidad da datos ha sido utilizada por la comunidad científica de los climatólogos para investigar la naturaleza de los procesos de el sistema Tierra. El incremento de esas base de datos motiva el desarrollo de un nuevo análisis. En particular, dado que en primera aproximación el comportamiento climatológico de la atmósfera puede ser descrito por modelos lineales relativamente simples, el análisis no lineal ha sido muy subestimado hasta ahora. De todas maneras, muchos procesos climáticos de hecho tienen una fuerte componente no lineal. Un ejemplo emblemático es El Niño Southern Oscillation, un sistema donde el emparejamiento entre el océano y la atmósfera puede ser representado en primera aproximación como un oscilador con retroalimentación retrasada. Otro fenómeno de el sistema climático en lo cual las no linealidades juegan un papel es, sin duda alguna, la corriente a en chorro barotrópica, que está mantenida por los esfuerzos no lineales producidos por sus mismos "eddies" (remolinos). De esta forma, se establece un sistema de retroalimentaciones positivas y negativas, influenciando la variabilidad sinóptica a las altas latitudes. Dado esto, es muy importante estudiar estos fenómenos con herramientas propia de la teoría de los sistemas complejos. En particular, en esta tesis, presentaremos nuevas técnicas de análisis de datos basadas en la teoría de la información y en las redes complejas, que toman en cuenta las características no lineales de los procesos climáticos en análisis, y además aportan un nuevo punto de vista en el campo de la análisis de datos climatológicos. Las redes complejas aparecieron en los últimos años como una técnica potente para investigar una grande variedad de fenómenos donde sea posible identificar un cierto numero de componentes entre las cuales se puede establecer una relación. Siendo esto un concepto muy genérico, no es sorprendente que haya sido aplicado con éxito en muchos campos distintos, como la sociología, la biología, etcétera En particular, en esta tesis, nos enfocaremos en la construcción le redes climáticas, o sea redes donde los nodos describen áreas de la Tierra y los enlaces están dados por las relaciones entre ellas. Consideraremos enlaces computados a partir de las similitudes estadísticas de las dinámicas de una variable climatológica (como la temperatura de el aire a la superficie) en cada uno de los nodos. Este es una técnica muy general que, dependiendo de la definición de similitud estadística utilizada, permite de investigar distintas características de las variables en análisis. Definiremos la similitud estadística utilizando conceptos propios de la teoría de la información. / In a scenario of major global climatic changes, the understanding of the Earth system has become in recent years an impelling task of the scientific community. In the last decade, an increased performance of supercomputers as well as a better understanding of the physical processes underlying Earth dynamics (such as cloud formation, moist exchange between soil and atmosphere, and so on) improved dramatically the quality of climate models. Moreover, an increasing satellite coverage allowed the generation of very detailed databases, called reanalysis data, that give with good precision the state of the most important dynamical variables at high spatio-temporal resolution for at least the past 40 years. This huge amount of data is being used by the climatological scientific community to investigate the nature of the ongoing physical processes in the Earth system. The increasing of such datasets motivates the development of new analysis. In particular, since in first approximation the climatological behaviour of the atmosphere can be described by relatively simply linear models, the non-linear data analysis has been largely overlooked so far. However, many relevant climatic processes have a strong non-linear component. A paradigmatic example is the so-called El Niño-Southern Oscillation, a coupled ocean-atmosphere process that can be sketched in first approximation as a non-linear oscillator with delayed feedback. Another phenomenon of the Earth system in which the non-linearities play a major role is doubtlessly the barotropic polar jet, that is maintained by the non-linear stress produced by its own eddies. In this way a complex system of positive and negative feedbacks is established, influencing the dynamics of the major actor in the synoptical variability in the high latitudes. Given these considerations, it is important to study such phenomena with tools coming from the field of complex systems. In particular, in this thesis we present new data analysis techniques based on information theory and complex networks that take into account the non-linear nature of the climate processes under examination, as well as give a new perspective to climatological data analysis. Complex networks have emerged in the recent years as a useful and powerful tool to investigate a large variety of phenomena in which it is possible to identify a discrete number of components among which relations can be established. Being this a very general concept, it is not surprising that it found successful application in very different field such as sociology, biology, epidemics, geophysics, and so on. In particular in this thesis we will focus in the construction of what are called climate networks, i. e. networks in which the nodes are composed by geographical locations on Earth and the links are given by relations among them. We will generally consider links computed from the statistical similarity of the dynamics of a climatological variable available at each geographical location, such as the surface air temperature (SAT). This is a quite general approach that, depending on the definition of the statistical similarity employed, allows to investigate different characteristics of the variable under examination. We will define the statistical similarity using concepts that are adopted from information theory.

El humedal sur del Lago Pátzcuaro (México) : balance hídrico, hidroquímica y funcionalidad= Lake Pátzcuaro south wetland (México): hydrological balance, hydrochemical and functionality

Rendón López, Martha Beatriz 29 May 2015 (has links)
El presente trabajo de tesis doctoral tiene como objetivos generales: a) Determinar el balance hídrico del humedal identificando los elementos hidrológicos que intervienen y su respuesta ante las variaciones temporales. b) Caracterizar la hidroquímica de las aguas superficiales del humedal y analizar su variación espacial en base a los principales impactos que sufre. c) Explorar la capacidad de retención de nutrientes y materia orgánica que son transportados a través del humedal. El estudio se compone de una introducción general, descripción del área de estudio, tres capítulos que responden a cada uno de los objetivos planteados y las conclusiones generales. En la Introducción General se revisa la importancia, función y servicios de los humedales, la dificultad de definir y clasificar a los humedales, y el estado del arte sobre el conocimiento actual de los humedales mexicanos. El área de estudio sitúa al humedal sur de Pátzcuaro en un contexto geográfico, ambiental y socio-económico. Los tres capítulos siguientes cubren los objetivos planteados: Capítulo 1: Hidrología y balance hídrico del humedal: Dado que no existen estudios que cuantifiquen los cambios anuales de los componentes hidrológicos del humedal sur de Pátzcuaro en este capítulo se analiza, por un lado, la dinámica de los componentes hidrológicos (precipitación, evapotranspiración, escorrentía y agua subsuperficial) que determinan la cantidad y variación anual del agua en el humedal, y, por otro, se establece una aproximación al balance hídrico anual. Capítulo 2: Variación espacial de la hidroquímica del humedal sur de Pátzcuaro: En este capítulo se realiza, por un lado, un diagnóstico general del estado hidroquímico de las aguas superficiales del humedal. Por otro y, teniendo en cuenta los flujos del agua naturales del humedal, se analiza la variación espacial de los parámetros físico-químicos y el efecto de los cambios de uso del suelo sobre la hidroquímica superficial. Capítulo 3: Retención de nutrientes y materia orgánica en el humedal: Este capítulo aborda la capacidad de retención de los nutrientes (nitratos, nitritos, fósforo reactivo soluble y fósforo total) y materia orgánica del humedal sur de Pátzcuaro a lo largo de un ciclo anual, enfatizando sobre los efectos de la variabilidad hidrológica temporal y determinando el papel de los factores ambientales sobre dicha retención. Las conclusiones más importantes son: a) El balance de agua anual del humedal Sur de Pátzcuaro fue positivo (ganancia de agua) y funciona como un sistema de amortiguación hidrológica, transfiriendo aproximadamente el 32.55% de agua a la zona sur del lago de Pátzcuaro, con el que forma una unidad funcional. b) Las aguas superficiales del humedal sur de Pátzcuaro son cálidas durante todo el año, de mineralización elevada, duras, alcalinas y como todos los humedales subtropicales ricas en nutrientes, materia orgánica y sólidos y, en consecuencia, eutróficas. c) Los análisis multivariantes realizados sobre las variables hidroquímicas medidas en las aguas superficiales del humedal, permitieron delimitar cuatro grupos diferentes que responden, por un lado al enriquecimiento de nutrientes y sales derivado de las alteraciones antrópicas del humedal y, por otro, a los procesos biológicos relacionados con la actividad fotosintética de los productores primarios d) A pesar de los efectos provocados por las actividades antrópicas que impacta una parte del humedal, en este estudio se evidencia que el humedal Sur de Pátzcuaro parece mantener su funcionalidad con capacidad para procesar nutrientes, materia orgánica y sólidos. e) El humedal es muy eficiente en retirar nutrientes, aunque su efectividad difiere según la fase del ciclo hidrológico. f) El humedal resultó ser más eficiente en la retirada de fósforo que de nitrógeno, tal vez por el almacenamiento de fósforo en el sedimento debido a las condiciones geoquímicas del humedal. / The main objectives of this doctoral thesis are: a) To determine the water balance of wetland identifying the hydrological elements involved and their response to seasonal variations. b) To characterize the hydrochemistry of surface water from the wetland and to analyze their spatial variation based on key impacts suffering. c) To explore the retention capacity of nutrients and organic matter transporting through the wetland. The study consists of a general introduction, description of the study area, three chapters corresponding to each of the objectives and general conclusions. In the general introduction the importance, role and services of wetlands, the difficulty of defining and classifying wetlands, and state of the art on current knowledge of Mexican wetlands is reviewed. The study area contextualizes south wetland Patzcuaro in a geographical, environmental and socio-economic context. The next three chapters cover the objectives Chapter 1: Hydrology and water balance of wetland: Since there are no studies that quantify the annual changes in the hydrological components of southern wetland Patzcuaro in this chapter looks at, first, the dynamics of hydrological components (precipitation, evapotranspiration, runoff and subsurface water) to determine the amount and annual variation of water in the wetland, and, second, an approximation of the annual water balance is established. Chapter 2: Spatial variation of hydrochemical in the South wetland Patzcuaro: This chapter is performed, firstly, a general analysis of hydrochemical status of surface waters of the wetland. On the other and, taking into account the natural flow of water from the wetland, the spatial variation of physical-chemical parameters and the effect of changes in land use on the surface hydrochemical is analyzed. Chapter 3: Nutrients and organic matter retention in the wetland: This chapter addresses the retention capacity of nutrients (nitrates, nitrites, soluble reactive phosphorus and total phosphorus) and organic matter in the south wetland Patzcuaro over an annual cycle emphasizing on the effects of temporal hydrological variability and determining the role of environmental factors on the retention. The main conclusions are: a) The annual water balance South wetland Patzcuaro was positive (gain of water) and it functions as a buffer hydrological system, transferring approximately 32.55% water to the south of Lake Patzcuaro, with which it forms a unit functional. b) The surface waters of southern wetland Patzcuaro are warm year-round, mineralization high, hard, alkaline and like all subtropical wetlands rich in nutrients and organic matter and, consequently, eutrophics. c) The multivariate analysis performed on the hydrochemical variables measured in surface waters of the wetland, helped to determine four different groups. These groups respond, first to the enrichment of nutrients and salts derived from anthropogenic disturbances and, secondly, to the process related biological photosynthetic activity of primary producers. d) Although the effects caused by human activities impacting on the wetland, in this study is evidence that South Patzcuaro wetland appears to maintain its functionality with ability to process nutrients, organic matter and solids. e) The wetland is very efficient in removing nutrients, although their effectiveness varies according to the phase of the hydrologic cycle. f) The wetland was more efficient in removing phosphorus than nitrogen, perhaps for the storage of phosphorus in the sediment due to the geochemical conditions of the wetland.

Rapporti tra tettonica e clima durante l'esumazione nelle Alpi Centrali. Evidenze dalla termocronologia e dall'analisi strutturale lungo il traforo ferroviario del Sempione

Pignalosa, Antonio <1982> 06 April 2009 (has links)
(U-Th)/He and fission-track analyses of apatite along deep-seated tunnels crossing high-relief mountain ranges offer the opportunity to investigate climate and tectonic forcing on the topographic evolution. In this study, the thermochronologic analysis of a large set of samples collected in the Simplon railway tunnel (western-central Alps; Italy and Switzerland) and along its surface trace, coupled with kinematic and structural analysis of major fault zones intersecting the tunnel, constrains the phenomena controlling the topographic and structural evolution, during the latest stage of exhumation of the Simplon Massif, and the timing in which they operated. The study area is located at the western margin of the Lepontine metamorphic dome where a complex nappe-stack pertaining to the Penninic and Ultrahelvetic domains experienced a fast exhumation from the latest Oligocene onward. The exhumation was mainly accommodated by a west-dipping low-angle detachment (the Simplon Fault Zone) which is located just 8 km to the west of the tunnel. However, along the section itself several faults related to two principal phases both with important dip-slip kinematics have been detected. Cooling rates derived from our thermocronological data vary from about 10 °C/Ma at about 10 Ma to about 35 °C/Ma in the last 5 Ma. Such increase in the cooling rate corresponds to the most important climatic change recorded in the northern hemisphere in the last 10 Ma, i.e. the shift to wetter conditions at the end of the Messinian salinity crisis and the inception of glacial cycles in the northern hemisphere. In addition, (U-Th)/He and fission-track age patterns lack of important correlation with the topography suggesting that the present-day relief morphology is the result of recent erosional dynamics. More in details, the (U-Th)/He tunnel ages show an impressive uniformity at 2 Ma, whereas cooling rates calculated at 1 Ma increase towards the two major valleys. This indicates a focusing of erosive processes in the valleys which led to the shaping of present-day topography. Structural analysis documents the presence of two phases of brittle deformation postdating the metamorphic phases in the area. The first one is directly related to the last phase of activity along the Simplon Fault Zone and is characterized by extension towards SO and vertical shortening. The young one is characterized by extension towards NO and horizontal shortening in a along the NE-SO direction. Structures related to the first phase of brittle deformation generate important variations in the older ages' dataset, until 3 Ma, suggesting that tectonics controlled rocks exhumation up to that age. Structures related to the second phase generate some variations also in the younger age dataset, highlighting the activity of faults bordering the massif and suggesting a continuous activity also after 2 Ma. However, most of (U-Th)/He tunnel ages, varying slightly around 2 Ma, document that the Simplon area has experienced primarily erosional exhumation in this time span. In conclusion, all our data suggest that in the central Italian Alps the climatic signal gradually overrode the tectonic effects after about 5 Ma, as a consequence of the climatic instability started at end of Messinian salinity crisis and improved by the onset of glaciations in the northern hemisphere.

Coastal flood vulnerability assessment with geomatic methods: Test sites of western Thailand, Sydney (Australia) and aeolian islands (south tyrrhenian sea, Italy)

Dall’Osso, Filippo <1977> 11 May 2010 (has links)
The work undertaken in this PhD thesis is aimed at the development and testing of an innovative methodology for the assessment of the vulnerability of coastal areas to marine catastrophic inundation (tsunami). Different approaches are used at different spatial scales and are applied to three different study areas: 1. The entire western coast of Thailand 2. Two selected coastal suburbs of Sydney – Australia 3. The Aeolian Islands, in the South Tyrrhenian Sea – Italy I have discussed each of these cases study in at least one scientific paper: one paper about the Thailand case study (Dall’Osso et al., in review-b), three papers about the Sydney applications (Dall’Osso et al., 2009a; Dall’Osso et al., 2009b; Dall’Osso and Dominey-Howes, in review) and one last paper about the work at the Aeolian Islands (Dall’Osso et al., in review-a). These publications represent the core of the present PhD thesis. The main topics dealt with are outlined and discussed in a general introduction while the overall conclusions are outlined in the last section.

Studio dei metodi di valutazione della pericolosità associata ai "debris flow" in ambiente alpino

Mammoliti, Maria <1982> 27 April 2011 (has links)
The present work concerns with the study of debris flows and, in particular, with the related hazard in the Alpine Environment. During the last years several methodologies have been developed to evaluate hazard associated to such a complex phenomenon, whose velocity, impacting force and inappropriate temporal prediction are responsible of the related high hazard level. This research focuses its attention on the depositional phase of debris flows through the application of a numerical model (DFlowz), and on hazard evaluation related to watersheds morphometric, morphological and geological characterization. The main aims are to test the validity of DFlowz simulations and assess sources of errors in order to understand how the empirical uncertainties influence the predictions; on the other side the research concerns with the possibility of performing hazard analysis starting from the identification of susceptible debris flow catchments and definition of their activity level. 25 well documented debris flow events have been back analyzed with the model DFlowz (Berti and Simoni, 2007): derived form the implementation of the empirical relations between event volume and planimetric and cross section inundated areas, the code allows to delineate areas affected by an event by taking into account information about volume, preferential flow path and digital elevation model (DEM) of fan area. The analysis uses an objective methodology for evaluating the accuracy of the prediction and involve the calibration of the model based on factors describing the uncertainty associated to the semi empirical relationships. The general assumptions on which the model is based have been verified although the predictive capabilities are influenced by the uncertainties of the empirical scaling relationships, which have to be necessarily taken into account and depend mostly on errors concerning deposited volume estimation. In addition, in order to test prediction capabilities of physical-based models, some events have been simulated through the use of RAMMS (RApid Mass MovementS). The model, which has been developed by the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) in Birmensdorf and the Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF) takes into account a one-phase approach based on Voellmy rheology (Voellmy, 1955; Salm et al., 1990). The input file combines the total volume of the debris flow located in a release area with a mean depth. The model predicts the affected area, the maximum depth and the flow velocity in each cell of the input DTM. Relatively to hazard analysis related to watersheds characterization, the database collected by the Alto Adige Province represents an opportunity to examine debris-flow sediment dynamics at the regional scale and analyze lithologic controls. With the aim of advancing current understandings about debris flow, this study focuses on 82 events in order to characterize the topographic conditions associated with their initiation , transportation and deposition, seasonal patterns of occurrence and examine the role played by bedrock geology on sediment transfer.

The Influence of Fractures on Vulnerability to Pollution of a Carbonate Aquifer: Monte Conero (Italy)

Diaz General, Elizabeth Noemi <1984> 26 March 2013 (has links)
The carbonate outcrops of the anticline of Monte Conero (Italy) were studied in order to characterize the geometry of the fractures and to establish their influence on the petrophysical properties (hydraulic conductivity) and on the vulnerability to pollution. The outcrops form an analog for a fractured aquifer and belong to the Maiolica Fm. and the Scaglia Rossa Fm. The geometrical properties of fractures such as orientation, length, spacing and aperture were collected and statistically analyzed. Five types of mechanical fractures were observed: veins, joints, stylolites, breccias and faults. The types of fractures are arranged in different sets and geometric assemblages which form fracture networks. In addition, the fractures were analyzed at the microscale using thin sections. The fracture age-relationships resulted similar to those observed at the outcrop scale, indicating that at least three geological episodes have occurred in Monte Conero. A conceptual model for fault development was based on the observations of veins and stylolites. The fracture sets were modelled by the code FracSim3D to generate fracture network models. The permeability of a breccia zone was estimated at microscale by and point counting and binary image methods, whereas at the outcrop scale with Oda’s method. Microstructure analysis revealed that only faults and breccias are potential pathways for fluid flow since all veins observed are filled with calcite. According this, three scenarios were designed to asses the vulnerability to pollution of the analogue aquifer: the first scenario considers the Monte Conero without fractures, second scenario with all observed systematic fractures and the third scenario with open veins, joints and faults/breccias. The fractures influence the carbonate aquifer by increasing its porosity and hydraulic conductivity. The vulnerability to pollution depends also on the presence of karst zones, detric zones and the material of the vadose zone.

Land use management in mountainous areas: combining ground-based and EO (Earth Observation) data to investigate the shallow landsliding susceptibility in the Duron valley (Trento, Italy). / Analisi e interpretazione di dati EO (Earth Observation) a supporto della stabilità dei versanti e della pianificazione territoriale in val Duron (Trento, Italia).

Morandi, Martina Chiara <1983> 19 April 2013 (has links)
Throughout the alpine domain, shallow landslides represent a serious geologic hazard, often causing severe damages to infrastructures, private properties, natural resources and in the most catastrophic events, threatening human lives. Landslides are a major factor of landscape evolution in mountainous and hilly regions and represent a critical issue for mountainous land management, since they cause loss of pastoral lands. In several alpine contexts, shallow landsliding distribution is strictly connected to the presence and condition of vegetation on the slopes. With the aid of high-resolution satellite images, it's possible to divide automatically the mountainous territory in land cover classes, which contribute with different magnitude to the stability of the slopes. The aim of this research is to combine EO (Earth Observation) land cover maps with ground-based measurements of the land cover properties. In order to achieve this goal, a new procedure has been developed to automatically detect grass mantle degradation patterns from satellite images. Moreover, innovative surveying techniques and instruments are tested to measure in situ the shear strength of grass mantle and the geomechanical and geotechnical properties of these alpine soils. Shallow landsliding distribution is assessed with the aid of physically based models, which use the EO-based map to distribute the resistance parameters across the landscape. / In tutto l'arco alpino, le frane superficiali rappresentano un rischio estremamente attuale che ogni anno causa ingenti danni alle infrastrutture, alle proprietà e, nei casi più tragici, provocano perdite umane. Le frane superficiali rappresentano un importante fattore di evoluzione del paesaggio alpino in quanto provocano perdita di suolo e modificano quindi la distribuzione dei terreni adibiti al pascolo. L'analisi dei meccanismi di innesco delle frane superficiali e la loro distribuzione, deve essere condotta partendo da una profonda conoscenza dei parametri geomeccanici che caratterizzano il suolo e soprassuolo. Nell'area di studio, un bacino montano situato tra i 1900 e i 2400 m s.l.m., la maggior parte dei versanti è ricoperta da un fitto manto erboso, il Nardetum; questa copertura vegetale tuttavia, presenta degli evidenti pattern di degradazione, causati dall'intesa attività pastorizia. Nelle zone in cui il manto erboso è danneggiato, le resistenze calano drasticamente, aumentando quindi la vulnerabilità al franamento superficiale. L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di combinare la suddivisione del territorio, fatta attraverso tecniche di classificazione automatica delle immagini satellitari alle proprietà geomeccaniche e geotecniche delle diverse coperture. La caratterizzazione di queste proprietà del suolo e soprassuolo è stata condotta utilizzando sia strumenti e metodi tradizionali, sia tecniche innovative e strumenti sperimentali. Infine per studiare la distribuzione delle frane superficiali, i dati raccolti in campagna e suddivisi nelle diverse classi di copertura, sono stati inseriti in modelli di stabilità dei versanti.

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