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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Representations of war and trauma in embodied modernist literature : the identity politics of Amy Lowell, Djuna Barnes, H.D., and Gertrude Stein

Goodspeed-Chadwick, Julie Elaine January 2007 (has links)
This study situates the literary works of Amy Lowell, Djuna Barnes, H.D., and Gertrude Stein in a genealogy of American modernist war writing by women that disrupts and revises patriarchal war narrative. These authors take ownership of war and war-related trauma as subjects for women writers. Combining the theories of Dominick LaCapra, Judith Butler, Elaine Scarry, and Elizabeth Grosz with close readings of primary texts, I offer feminist analyses that account for trauma and real-world materiality in literary representations of female embodiment in wartime. This framework enables an interdisciplinary discussion that focuses on representations of war and trauma in conjunction with identity politics.I examine Lowell's poetry collection Men, Women and Ghosts (1916), Barnes's novel Nightwood (1936), H.D.'s poem Trilogy (1944-1946), and Stein's novel Mrs. Reynolds (1952). The chapters highlight the progressively feminist and personal ownership of war and trauma embedded in the texts. Lowell and Barnes begin the work of deconstructing gendered binary constructions and inserting women into war narrative, and H.D. and Stein continue this trajectory through cultivation of more pronounced depictions of women and their bodies in war narrative.The strategies are distinct and specific to each author, but there are common characteristics in their literary responses to World War I and World War II. Each author protests war: war is destructive for Lowell, perverse for Barnes, traumatic for H.D., and disruptive for Stein. Additionally, each author renders female bodies as sites of contested identity and as markers of presence in war narrative. The female bodies portrayed are often traumatized and marked by the ravages of war: bodily injury and psychological and emotional distress. H.D. and Stein envision strategies for resolving (if only partially) trauma, but Lowell and Barnes do not.This project recovers alternative war narratives by important American modernist women writers, expands the definition and canon of war literature, contributes new scholarship on works by the selected authors, and constructs an original critical framework. The ramifications of this study are an increased awareness of who was writing about war and the shape that responses to it took in avant-garde literature of the early twentieth century. / Department of English

A poetics of apprehension : indeterminacy in Gertrude Stein, Emily Dickinson and Caroline Bergvall

Haslam, Bronwyn 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire examine les poétiques de trois poètes très différentes, mais dont les œuvres peuvent être qualifiées d'indéterminées et de radicales : Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) et Caroline Bergvall (née en 1962). Dickinson et Stein sont anglo-américaines, tandis que Bergvall est d’origine franco-norvégienne, bien qu'elle choisisse d’écrire en anglais. Toutes les trois rompent la structure syntaxique conventionnelle de l’anglais par leurs poétiques, ce qui comporte des implications esthétiques et politiques. Dans ce qui suit, j’analyse l’indétermination de leurs poétiques à partir de la notion, décrite par Lyn Hejinian, de la description comme appréhension qui présente l’écriture comme un mode de connaissance plutôt qu'un moyen d’enregistrer ce que le poète sait déjà. La temporalité de cette activité épistémologique est donc celle du présent de l’écriture, elle lui est concomitante. J'affirme que c'est cette temporalité qui, en ouvrant l’écriture aux événements imprévus, aux vicissitudes, aux hésitations, aux erreurs et torsions de l’affect, cause l'indétermination de la poésie. Dans le premier chapitre, j'envisage l'appréhension chez Gertrude Stein à travers son engagement, tout au long de sa carrière, envers « le présent continu » de l’écriture. Le deuxième chapitre porte sur le sens angoissé de l’appréhension dans la poésie de Dickinson, où le malaise, en empêchant ou en refoulant une pensée, suspend la connaissance. Le langage, sollicité par une expérience qu'il ne peut lui-même exprimer, donne forme à l'indétermination. Un dernier chapitre considère l’indétermination linguistique du texte et de l’exposition Say Parsley, dans lesquels Bergvall met en scène l’appréhension du langage : une appréhension qui survient plutôt chez le lecteur ou spectateur que chez la poète. / This thesis investigates the poetics of three very different female poets, whose works nevertheless are characterized as both indeterminate and radical: Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), and Caroline Bergvall (b. 1962). Dickinson and Stein are Anglo-American, while Bergvall is of French-Norwegian descent yet writes in English, but all three fracture the conventional syntactic structures of the English language in their poetics. This move bears both aesthetic and political implications. In this thesis, I read the indeterminacies of their poetics through Lyn Hejinian’s notion of description as apprehension, which figures writing as a mode of knowing rather than a means of recording something the poet already knows. The temporality of epistemology in their work is thus the present tense of writing; thinking is concomitant with it. Following Hejinian, I contend that it is this temporality that, in making writing open to the vicissitudes, hesitations, reprisals, unexpected events, errors, and the torsions of affect, perturbs determination. The first chapter explores apprehension in Gertrude Stein’s work through her career-long commitment to the present tense of writing: perception occurs concurrently with composition. The second chapter, on Dickinson, hinges on the anxious dimension of apprehension, in which unease, in thwarting or repressing a thought, suspends its understanding. Indeterminacy figures as language claimed by an experience it can’t itself claim. Finally, the last chapter considers the linguistic indeterminacies of Say Parsley, where Bergvall stages the apprehension of language itself in using indeterminacy as a poetic strategy to determinate ends, placing the possibilities, uncertainties and responsibilities of apprehension onto the reader or spectator.

Charlotte Meentzen und Gertrud Seltmann-M.: Zwei sächsische Powerfrauen und Unternehmerinnen aus Dresden hatten eine Vision - ihr erfolgreiches Vermächtnis wird seit 2002 in Radeberg weitergeführt

Schönfuß-Krause, Renate 10 December 2021 (has links)
Berta Emilie Charlotte Meentzen (* 15. Juni 1904 Leipzig - † 26. Februar 1940 Dresden) gehört zu den ersten Pionierinnen, die als deutsche Unternehmerin auf dem Gebiet der Kosmetika-Entwicklung als Grundlage reine Naturprodukte erforschte und wissenschaftlich erprobt einsetzte. Ihre Grundidee ging von der Ganzheitlichkeit in der Schönheitspflege aus, die Schönheit nur als Einheit von Körper und Seele verstand. Sie entwickelte dafür eine für jeden Hauttyp individuell beschaffene Kosmetik mit Anwendungstechniken, die auf einem speziell von ihr entwickelten Massagesystem beruhten. Ihr Wissen verbreitete sie in mehreren Informationsheften und Büchern, und sie gründete neben ihrem Betrieb mit Laboratorium und Kosmetik-Vertrieb, zusätzlich eine Kosmetikschule. Mit einem eigens dafür entwickelten Schulungssystem wurden Kosmetikerinnen ausgebildet, die ihre Grundidee der natürlichen Kosmetik als anerkannte Fachkräfte an ihre Kunden weiterverbreiteten. Charlotte Meentzen wird als Wegbereiterin für den modernen Bio- und Naturkosmetikmarkt in Europa angesehen, die mit ihren hochwirksamen, auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage entwickelten Kosmetikprodukten die Schönheitspflege nachhaltig bis in die Gegenwart revolutioniert hat.

Charlotte Meentzen und Gertrud Seltmann-M. - Teil 2: Gertrud Seltmann-Meentzen - Firmenrettung durch eine starke Frau: Zwei sächsische Powerfrauen und Unternehmerinnen aus Dresden hatten eine Vision - ihr erfolgreiches Vermächtnis wird seit 2002 in Radeberg weitergeführt

Schönfuß-Krause, Renate 10 December 2021 (has links)
Gertrud Seltmann-Meentzen (* 14. Juni 1901 Leipzig - † 14. Januar 1985 in Betzigau) war eine deutsche Pionierin und Unternehmerin auf dem Gebiet der Kosmetika-Entwicklung, -Herstellung und des -Vertriebes. Gemeinsam mit ihrer Schwester Charlotte Meentzen baute sie das Kosmetik-Unternehmen auf und führte es nach dem Tod der Schwester ab 1940 erfolgreich weiter, durch alle Kriegswirren des Zweiten Weltkrieges und der Nachkriegszeit, ungeachtet persönlicher Verluste und des Totalschadens des zerbombten Betriebes, baute sie diesen wieder auf und führte das Unternehmen, trotz vieler Einschränkungen und Bevormundungen durch staatliche Stellen der ehemaligen DDR, erfolgreich weiter. Sie hat das von ihrer Schwester Charlotte Meentzen entwickelte Schulungssystem für Kosmetikerinnen ebenfalls weiterentwickelt und dafür eine eigene Schule betrieben.

Musical Semantics within Modern Literature: A Study of Seven American Art Songs Set to the Texts of Gertrude Stein

FORRESTER, ELIZABETH HARTLEIGH 24 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Exceptional intercourse : sex, time and space in contemporary novels by male British and American writers

Davies, Ben January 2011 (has links)
This thesis provides a theory of exceptional sex through close readings of contemporary novels by male British and American writers. I take as my overriding methodological approach Giorgio Agamben’s theory of the state of exception, which is a juridico-political state in which the law has been suspended and the difference between rule and transgression is indistinguishable. Within this state, the spatiotemporal markers inside and outside also become indeterminable, making it impossible to tell whether one is inside or outside time and space. Using this framework, I work through narratives of sexual interaction – On Chesil Beach, Gertrude and Claudius, Sabbath’s Theater, and The Act of Love – to conceptualise categories of sexual exceptionality. My study is not a survey, and the texts have been chosen as they focus on different sexual behaviours, thereby opening up a variety of sexual exceptionalities. I concentrate on male writers and narratives of heterosexual sex as most work on sex, time and space is comprised of feminist readings of literature by women and queer work on gay, lesbian or trans writers and narratives. However, in the Coda I expand my argument by turning to Emma Donoghue’s Room, which, as the protagonist has been trapped for the first five years of his life, provides a tabula rasa’s perspective of exceptionality. Through my analysis of exceptionality, I provide spatiotemporal readings of the hymen, incest, adultery, sexual listening and the arranged affair. I also conceptualise textual exceptionalities – the incestuous prequel, auricular reading and the positionality of the narrator, the reader and literary characters. Exceptional sex challenges the assumption in recent queer theory that to be out of time is ‘queer’ and to be in time is ‘straight’. Furthermore, exceptionality complicates the concepts of perversion and transgression as the norm and its transgression become indistinct in the state of exception. In contrast, exceptionality offers a new, more determinate way to analyse narratives of sex.

Gertruda Sekaninová-Čakrtová. Biografický portrét osobnosti československého veřejného života / Gertruda Sekaninová-Čakrtová. A Portrait of a Personality of the Czechoslovak Public Life

Kopeček, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the political biography of dr. Gertrude Sekaninová-Cakrtova - left-wing politician and diplomat, that the Czechoslovak public arena, she acted from 30' to 70' of 20th century. The main axis of the paper is thematization of their motivation for political actions over time (30th-70th years), which are based on the background of a utopian communist (socialist) promise with which she identified in the first half of the 30th years, yet. The dynamics of Sekaninova-Cakrtova's motivations in the course of 40 years paper articulate in the context of a whole generation of communist intellectuals and their ambivalent relationship to postwar communist regime during its development.

The Great Gatsby and its 1925 Contemporaries

Faust, Marjorie Ann Hollomon 16 April 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT This study focuses on twenty-one particular texts published in 1925 as contemporaries of The Great Gatsby. The manuscript is divided into four categories—The Impressionists, The Experimentalists, The Realists, and The Independents. Among The Impressionists are F. Scott Fitzgerald himself, Willa Cather (The Professor’s House), Sherwood Anderson (Dark Laughter), William Carlos Williams (In the American Grain), Elinor Wylie (The Venetian Glass Nephew), John Dos Passos (Manhattan Transfer), and William Faulkner (New Orleans Sketches). The Experimentalists are Gertrude Stein (The Making of Americans), E. E. Cummings (& aka “Poems 48-96”), Ezra Pound (A Draft of XVI Cantos), T. S. Eliot (“The Hollow Men”), Laura Riding (“Summary for Alastor”), and John Erskine (The Private Life of Helen of Troy). The Realists are Theodore Dreiser (An American Tragedy), Edith Wharton (The Mother’s Recompense), Upton Sinclair (Mammonart), Ellen Glasgow (Barren Ground), Sinclair Lewis (Arrowsmith), James Boyd (Drums), and Ernest Hemingway (In Our Time). The Independents are Archibald MacLeish (The Pot of Earth) and Robert Penn Warren (“To a Face in a Crowd”). Although these twenty-two texts may in some cases represent literary fragmentations, each in its own way also represents a coherent response to the spirit of the times that is in one way or another cognate to The Great Gatsby. The fact that all these works appeared the same year is special because the authors, if not already famous, would become famous, and their works were or would come to represent classic American literature around the world. The twenty-two authors either knew each other personally or knew each other’s works. Naturally, they were also influenced by writings of international authors and philosophers. The greatest common elements among the poets and fiction writers are their uninhibited interest in sex, an absorbing cynicism about life, and the frequent portrayal of disintegration of the family, a trope for what had happened to the countries and to the “family of nations” that experienced the Great War. In 1925, it would seem, Fitzgerald and many of his writing peers—some even considered his betters—channeled a major spirit of the times, and Fitzgerald did it more successfully than almost anyone.

Poetry Matters

Gillilan, Emily Ellen 29 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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