Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gestation diabetes""
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The Impact of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Maternal Oral Microbiome: A Scoping ReviewLangan, Jaclyn P 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a common pregnancy-related metabolic disorder associated with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. Recent research has highlighted the potential role of the oral microbiome in the pathophysiology of various systemic conditions, including diabetes mellitus. However, the impact of GDM on the maternal oral microbiome remains relatively understudied. Understanding alterations in the oral microbiome during pregnancy complicated by GDM could provide valuable insights into the mechanistic links between systemic metabolic disorders and oral health.
Objective: The objective of this scoping review was to comprehensively examine the existing literature on the relationship between GDM and maternal oral microbiome composition and diversity. The review sought to identify the microbial changes associated with GDM and explore their potential implications for maternal oral health and pregnancy outcomes.
Design: Following PRISMA-ScR guidelines, a systematic search of electronic databases, including “Pubmed” and “Web of Science,” was conducted to identify relevant studies investigating the impact of GDM on the maternal oral microbiome. Eligible studies included those examining microbial diversity, abundance, and composition in pregnant women with GDM and their neonates. Data synthesis involved summarizing key findings and identifying patterns across studies.
Results: A total of eight primary studies were identified and included in the scoping review. These studies employed various methodologies, including observational reports, longitudinal analyses, and cohort studies, to investigate the relationship between GDM and the maternal oral microbiome. Findings from these studies revealed distinct alterations in oral microbial profiles among neonates and pregnant women with GDM compared to healthy controls. These alterations encompassed shifts in microbial diversity, abundance, and composition, suggesting potential biomarkers or indicators of GDM status within the oral microbiome. Longitudinal analyses further elucidated dynamic changes in the oral microbiota throughout pregnancy and postpartum, underscoring the temporal nature of these associations.
Conclusions: The synthesis of evidence from the scoping review highlights significant associations between GDM and alterations in the maternal oral microbiome. While these findings imply a correlation between GDM and oral microbial changes, causality cannot be directly inferred. Further research is warranted to decipher the underlying mechanisms driving these associations and to explore their potential implications for maternal oral health and pregnancy outcomes. Nonetheless, the insights gleaned from this review underscore the importance of integrating oral health assessments into routine prenatal care protocols for gestational diabetic individuals. By doing so, healthcare providers can enhance risk stratification, early detection, and management of GDM, ultimately improving maternal and neonatal health outcomes.
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Screening, Diagnostik und Therapie des GestationsdiabetesBühling, Kai Joachim 25 November 2004 (has links)
Der Gestationsdiabetes ist eine der häufigsten Erkrankungen in der Schwangerschaft. Obwohl der Zusammenhang zwischen den Blutzuckerwerten und der Morbidität der Schwangeren und des Kindes hinreichend belegt ist, gibt es bemerkenswert viele klinisch relevante Fragen, die bisher nur unzureichend untersucht wurden. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit einigen Fragestellungen aus diesem Themenbereich, unter Einbeziehung einer neuen Methode der Glukosemessung, der kontinuierlichen Glukosemessung. In Deutschland wird in der Schwangerschaft lediglich ein Urin-Stix als Screening-Methode auf Gestationsdiabetes durchgeführt. Die wenigen Publikationen, die sich mit der Sensitivität des Urin-Stix zur Detektion des Gestationsdiabetes beschäftigen, zeigen eine nur geringe Sensitivität. Die in unserem Hause durchgeführte Untersuchung an 1001 Schwangeren bestätigt die bisherigen Ergebnisse an einer großen Fallzahl und weist zudem noch eine deutliche Abhängigkeit der Glukosurie-Rate von den diastolischen Blutdruckwerten nach. Eine weitere Untersuchung wurde zu dem 50-g-Glukose-Screeningtests durchgeführt, den wir seit 1993 routinemäßig bei allen Schwangeren durchführen, die sich in unserer Klinik vorstellen. Mit einer Sensitivität und Spezifität von ca. 90% - bezogen auf den oralen Glukosetoleranztest - zeigte dieser Test ein gutes Ergebnis, allerdings fanden wir heraus, dass die Rate positiver Ergebnisse von dem Zeitpunkt der vorangegangenen Mahlzeit abhängig ist und zwischen 11%-40% liegt. Bisher konnte kein Nachweis erbracht werden, dass die einem oralen Glukosetoleranztest (oGTT) vorangehende Kohlenhydratzufuhr bei Schwangeren einen Einfluss auf die Ergebnisse hat, wie es die Empfehlungen der Fachgesellschaften vermuten. In der von uns durchgeführten Studie, bei der wir - im Gegensatz zu den anderen Studien - detallierte Ernährungsprotokolle verwendeten, konnte diese Vermutung bestätigt werden. Aufgrund erhöhter Konzentrationen an Gestagen, Östrogenen und dem humanen Plazentalaktogen wurde häufig vermutet, dass Schwangere mit Gemini eher einen Gestationsdiabetes haben müssten. Wir konnten dies in einer Matched-Pair-Studie widerlegen. Die kontinuierliche Glukosemessung erlaubte neue Einblicke in die Physiologie und Pathophysiologie der Schwangerschaft. Nachdem wir zunächst ein Auswertungsverfahren etabliert hatten, wurden Schwangere mit und ohne Glukosetoleranzstörung mit Hilfe des kontinuierlichen Glukosemonitors der Fa. MedtronicMinimed (CGMS) untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass das CGMS eine deutlich bessere Differenzierung zwischen den Gesunden und den Schwangeren mit eingeschränkter Glukosetoleranz ermöglichte, dies im Gegensatz zum konventionellen Blutzuckertagesprofil. In einer weiteren Auswertung untersuchten wir den Zusammenhang zwischen der mütterlichen sowie der neonatalen Morbidität und den einzelnen postprandialen Messzeitpunkten. Es zeigten sich signifikante Unterschiede der Glukosewerte für die Schwangerschaftsausgangsparameter Entbindungsmodus, Makrosomie und fetale Verlegungsrate im postprandialen Zeitintervall von 45-105 Minuten. Erstmalig konnten wir so die Assoziation zwischen neonatalen Morbiditäten und den postprandialen Glukosekonzentrationen zu verschiedenen Messzeitpunkten nachweisen. / Gestational diabetes is the most common complication during pregnancies. Although the correlation has been clearly established between blood glucose levels and morbidity rates for both mothers and babies, there are surprisingly many clinically relevant questions that still have not been adequately addressed. The study presented here investigates some aspects of this topic, using a new method for measuring blood sugar levels, continuous glucose measurement. In Germany, the only screening method normally used to test pregnant women for gestational diabetes is a urine test strip. The few publications that deal with the sensitivity of urine test strips for detecting gestational diabetes show only minimal sensitivity. The study carried out in our clinic with a large number of test cases (1001 pregnant women) confirmed previous findings and demonstrates that the glucosuria rate directly corresponds to diastolic blood pressure values. An additional appraisal was made of the 50-gram glucose screening tests which we have routinely carried out on all pregnant women visiting our clinic since 1993. With a sensitivity and specificity of approx. 90% - as compared to the oral glucose test – this screening method yielded good results; however, we did notice that the interval since the most recent meal influences the positive outcome rate, which ranges from 11 % - 40 %. Up to the present, no one has been able to prove that eating carbohydrates before an oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT) influences the results, a belief often found in experts’ recommendations for pregnant women. However, our study, in which the pregnant women – unlike other studies – kept detailed food journals, did indeed confirm this hypothesis. Based on the higher concentrations of gestagen, estrogen and the human placenta lactogen, researchers often presume that mothers carrying twins are more likely than other expectant mothers to have gestational diabetes. Using a matched-pair-study, we refuted this idea. Continuous glucose testing allows new insights into the physiology and pathophysiology of pregnancy. After establishing an analytical procedure, we examined pregnant women both with and without glucose tolerance dysfunction using the continuous glucose monitors (CGMS) made by MedtronicMinimed. We demonstrated that the CGMS - as opposed to a conventional daily log of blood glucose values - provided markedly better differentiation between healthy women and those with impaired glucose tolerance. In a further analytical step, we studied the correlation between postprandial testing intervals and maternal and infant morbidity rates. Corresponding to the pregnancy parameters birth method, macrosomia and fetal transferral rate, significant differences were seen when glucose levels monitored 45 - 105 minutes after a meal were compared. For the first time, it was possible to demonstrate a clear correlation between postprandial glucose concentrations checked at various intervals and neonatal morbidity.
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Preterm birth and parental and pregnancy related factors in association with physical activity and fitness in adolescence and young adulthoodTikanmäki, M. (Marjaana) 15 May 2018 (has links)
A low level of physical activity and poor physical fitness are important risk factors of chronic non-communicable diseases and all-cause mortality. Much of the risk of these diseases originates in fetal life. The associations of early-life determinants with physical activity and fitness later in life are as yet not well studied.
The aim of this work was to investigate early-life factors as predictors of physical activity and fitness in adolescence and young adulthood. We assessed a wide range of parental and pregnancy-related factors in 16-year-old adolescent participants of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 (n=7,344), and focused on the long-term consequences of preterm birth in the 23-year-old adult participants of the ESTER study (n=1,161).
Prenatal and parental predictors of low physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in adolescence included high gestational age-related birth weight as well as parental overweight or obesity. Also, both short and long gestational lengths were associated with lower physical activity, and maternal gestational diabetes mellitus and smoking during pregnancy were associated with lower cardiorespiratory fitness.
Young adults born before 34 weeks of gestation reported substantially less leisure-time physical activity than those born at term, although this was not detected by accelerometer measurement. Those born preterm had lower muscular fitness, as individuals born before 37 weeks were able to perform fewer modified push-ups, and those born before 34 weeks had lower handgrip strength, but no difference was observed in cardiorespiratory fitness. Based on questionnaire data, young adults born before 34 weeks perceived themselves to be less fit than their term-born peers.
Most individuals exposed to preterm birth or maternal gestational disorders are relatively healthy when reaching adulthood. However, their lower levels of physical activity and physical fitness compared with their peers born at term may contribute to a higher risk of chronic non-communicable diseases in later life. Finding physical activities that are suitable for each individual is essential to promote well-being and health and diminish the increased disease risk later in life. / Tiivistelmä
Vähäinen fyysinen aktiivisuus ja heikko fyysinen kunto ovat merkittäviä kroonisten sairauksien ja ennenaikaisen kuoleman riskitekijöitä. Jo sikiökautisten tekijöiden tiedetään vaikuttavan syntyvän lapsen kroonisten sairauksien riskiin myöhemmin elämässä, mutta elämän varhaisvaiheen tekijöiden yhteyttä myöhempään fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen ja kuntoon on tutkittu verrattain vähän.
Väitöstutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää elämän varhaisvaiheen tekijöiden yhteyttä fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen ja kuntoon nuoruusiässä ja nuorena aikuisena. Tarkastelimme useiden vanhempiin ja raskausaikaan liittyvien tekijöiden vaikutuksia Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1986 16-vuotistutkimuksessa (n=7344) ja keskityimme ennenaikaisen syntymän pitkäaikaisvaikutuksiin ESTER-tutkimuksen 23-vuotiaiden nuorten aikuisten aineistossa (n=1161).
Tutkimustulostemme mukaan raskauden kestoon suhteutettu suuri syntymäpaino sekä vanhempien ylipaino tai lihavuus ennustivat vähäisempää liikunta-aktiivisuutta ja heikompaa kestävyyskuntoa nuoruusiässä. Sekä keskimääräistä lyhyempi että pidempi raskaudenkesto olivat yhteydessä vähäisempään liikunta-aktiivisuuteen ja äidin raskausdiabetes ja tupakointi raskauden aikana puolestaan heikompaan kestävyyskuntoon.
Alle 34-viikkoisena syntyneet raportoivat liikkuvansa nuorena aikuisena vapaa-aikanaan huomattavasti vähemmän kuin täysiaikaisena syntyneet, vaikka eroa ei kiihtyvyysantureilla mitattuna fyysisessä aktiivisuudessa havaittukaan. Verrattuna täysiaikaisena syntyneisiin, ennenaikaisesti syntyneillä aikuisilla oli heikompi lihaskunto etunojapunnerrustestillä mitattuna ja hyvin ennenaikaisesti syntyneillä käden puristusvoima oli heikompi. Kestävyyskunnossa ei havaittu eroja. Hyvin ennenaikaisesti syntyneet myös arvioivat fyysisen kuntonsa huonommaksi kuin täysiaikaisena syntyneet ikätoverinsa.
Vaikka valtaosa ennenaikaisena syntyneistä ja äidin raskaudenaikaisille sairauksille altistuneista on aikuisena varsin terveitä, liikunnan vähäisyys ja heikko fyysinen kunto voivat lisätä kroonisten sairauksien riskiä myöhemmin elämässä. Siksi tähän ryhmään kuuluvia tulisi erityisesti auttaa löytämään itselleen sopivia liikuntamuotoja hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden edistämiseksi ja siten myöhempien sairauksien ennaltaehkäisemiseksi.
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Exploring health systems integration in urban South Africa : from integrating prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV to prevention of type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetesMutabazi, Jean Claude 08 1900 (has links)
L'intégration du traitement et de la prévention des maladies chroniques non transmissibles (MNT) au sein des soins de santé primaires représente le principal défi à venir pour la santé publique et les systèmes de santé dans les pays à faible et moyen revenu comme l’Afrique du Sud. Il constitue le principal objectif de cette thèse. L’expérience de l'intégration de la prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant (PTME) dans les soins de santé primaires (SSP) peut apporter des leçons importantes pour l'intégration de la prévention du diabète chez les femmes souffrant de diabète gestationnel récent (DSG) dans les SSP. Il a été estimé que le DSG touche plus de 9,1 % des grossesses en 2018 en Afrique du Sud. Le DSG augmente le risque de développer ultérieurement du diabète de type 2 (DT2). Le DSG multiplie par plus de 7 le risque de développer un DT2 ainsi que les risques de troubles métaboliques pour les bébés des femmes qui en sont atteintes. Cette thèse explore comment appliquer les leçons tirées de l’intégration de la PTME pour intégrer le dépistage du DSG et les initiatives de prévention du DT2 dans les soins de santé primaires de routine en Afrique du Sud. Le cadre conceptuel adapté pour cette thèse permet ainsi de comprendre les aspects de l’intégration au niveau du patient et du système de santé, englobant les contextes, les mécanismes et la mise en œuvre de l’intégration d’interventions préventives dans les services existants. L'étude s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet IINDIAGO, « Intervention intégrée du système de santé visant à réduire les risques de diabète de type 2 chez les femmes défavorisées après un diabète gestationnel en Afrique du Sud ».
La thèse présente d’abord une revue narrative de l’impact de la PTME sur les services et les systèmes de soins de santé en Afrique subsaharienne (Article 1). Les résultats de cette revue montrent que la PTME a eu l’impact positif et négatif sur d’autres services de soins de santé et que son intégration dans les systèmes de santé est de plus en plus privilégiée. L’article 2 est une étude qualitative analysant l’histoire et l’expérience locales de l’intégration de la PTME dans les SSP de routine en Afrique du Sud de différents points de vue. Bien qu’elle ait constaté un fort soutien en faveur de l’intégration parmi tous les répondants, cette étude a fait état de multiples obstacles à la pleine intégration de la PTME dans les SSP, le post-partum en particulier. Les articles 3 et 4 ont utilisé les méthodes mixtes et révélé que l’intégration des services dans les SSP de routine, à base communautaire, pour dépister universellement le DSG et pour prévenir ou retarder le DT2 après le DSG, était perçue comme faisable, acceptable et nécessaire de toute urgence en Afrique du Sud. L’article 6 (dont le protocole est l’article 5) présentait une revue systématique et une méta-analyse sur la prise en charge intégrée du DSG et du DT2 dans le contexte de la multimorbidité en Afrique. Les 13 études incluses dans cette étude ont montré que la gestion intégrée du DSG et du DT2 dans le cadre de la multimorbidité était mise en œuvre avec succès, mais qu’elle nécessitait une formation et une supervision adéquates des infirmières, et la fourniture d’équipements et de médicaments additionnels au sein des systèmes de santé nationaux en Afrique.
Les conclusions de cette thèse suggèrent que, bien qu’elle n’ait pas toujours été retenue, en raison de défis structurels et opérationnels, l’intégration complète plutôt que partielle des services de santé est considérée comme souhaitable et réalisable par les femmes, les travailleurs de la santé, les gestionnaires et les experts. L’intégration complète pourrait être idéale pour dépister, diagnostiquer et soigner les maladies chroniques, y compris le DSG et le DT2, au sein des SSP de routine et selon l’approche de la PTME dont les leçons d’intégration n’ont pas été adaptées à ce prochain défi de santé publique. / Integrating chronic, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and their prevention into primary health care is the next major challenge for public health and health systems in low and middle-income countries like South Africa and is the primary focus of this thesis. The experience of integration of Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV into primary health care (PHC) may have important lessons for integrating prevention of diabetes among women with recent gestational diabetes (GDM) into PHC.
GDM was estimated to affect more than 9.1% of pregnancies in 2018 in South Africa. GDM increases the risk of developing subsequent type 2 diabetes (T2DM) more than 7-fold as well as increasing the risks of metabolic disorders for the babies of women who had GDM. This thesis conducted a systematised narrative synthesis, a systematic review and a convergent mixed methods study using primarily qualitative methods in South Africa (focus on Cape Town, Western Cape) to explore how to apply lessons from PMTCT integration in order to integrate GDM screening and T2DM prevention initiatives into routine PHC in South Africa. The adapted conceptual framework for this thesis enables to understand both patient-level and health system-level aspects of integration and encompassing the contexts, mechanisms and implementation for integrating preventive interventions in the existing services. The study was nested in the IINDIAGO project, “Integrated health system intervention aimed at reducing type 2 diabetes risks in disadvantaged women after gestational diabetes in South Africa”.
The thesis first presents a narrative review of the impact of PMTCT on health care services and systems in sub-Saharan Africa (Paper 1). This review findings show that PMTCT has had positive and negative impacts on other health care services and that its integration into health systems is increasingly favored. Paper 2 qualitatively documented the local history and experience of PMTCT integration into routine PHC in South Africa from different perspectives. Though it found strong support for integration among all respondents (N=20), this study reported multiple barriers for the full integration of PMTCT into PHC, especially in postpartum. Papers 3 and 4 used mixed methods and highlighted that integrating services within routine, community-based PHC to universally screen GDM and to prevent or delay of T2DM after GDM, was perceived as feasible, acceptable and urgently needed in South Africa – but that it is not currently occurring at a satisfactory level, despite international and national guidelines.
The fifth article is a published protocol for Paper 6, a systematic review and meta-analysis on the integrated management of GDM and T2DM in the context of multimorbidity in Africa. This was a study in which all 13 included studies showed that integrated management of GDM and T2DM within multimorbidity was successfully implemented but it required adequate training and supervision of nurses, provision of additional equipment and drugs to the existing resources within national health systems in Africa.
This thesis concludes that although not always opted for, due to structural and operational challenges, the full instead of partial integration of health services to screen, diagnose and care for chronic diseases including GDM and T2DM into routine PHC, following the PMTCT approach, was seen as both desirable and feasible by women, health workers, managers, and experts. However, the lessons learned through the history of PMTCT and its integration have not
been adapted to this next public health challenge.
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Identifikace biomarkerů podílejících se na patofyziologii gestačního diabetes melitus. / Identification of biomarkers involved in the pathophysiology of gestational diabetes mellitus.Šimják, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
Identification of biomarkers involved in the pathophysiology of gestational diabetes mellitus ABSTRACT Gestational diabetes mellitus is a disorder of glucose metabolism that occurs in pregnancy and resolves after delivery. Increasing production of pregnancy-related hormones leads to insulin resistance which is not adequately compensated by increased insulin secretion. Since obesity is an important risk factor for gestational diabetes and is also associated with adipose tissue dysfunction and increased peripheral insulin resistance, the question arises as to what extent is the adipose tissue involved in the development of gestational diabetes. The first part of the thesis focuses on the identification of changes in plasma concentration and mRNA expression of adipokines fetuin A, fetuin B and FGF21. In our study we did not show that the presence of gestational diabetes significantly influenced the plasma concentration of fetuin A, fetuin B and FGF21 during pregnancy. An important finding was that women who had pregnancy complicated with gestational diabetes had a significantly higher concentration of FGF21 several months after delivery in comparison to healthy pregnant women. We have been able to demonstrate the production of fetuin A in the placenta and fetuin B in perineal and subcutaneous tissue. However,...
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L'association entre la carie dentaire et la qualité de vie liée à la santé bucco-dentaire chez les femmes présentant un diabète gestationnelPayette, Eva 03 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Cette étude vise à investiguer l'association du diabète gestationnel (DG) sur la qualité
de vie liée à la santé bucco-dentaire (QVLSBD) et la prévalence des caries dentaires.
Méthodes : Dans cette étude cas-témoin, des femmes diagnostiquées avec le DG ainsi que celles ayant une grossesse sans complication ont été recrutées au Département d'Obstétrique et Gynécologie de l'Hôpital Sainte-Justine à Montréal, Canada. Tout d'abord, les participantes ont complété six questionnaires en ligne, fournissant des données sur leur historique médical, leur statut socio-économique, leurs habitudes de vie et leur QVLSBD. Ensuite, les femmes ayant dûment complété la première partie ont été invitées à participer à un examen oral. Des analyses bivariées ont été menées pour enquêter sur l'association entre le DG et les différents paramètres.
Résultats : Cent trente-six (136) femmes enceintes ont participé à la première partie de l'étude, dont 13 avaient le DG et 123 étaient dans le groupe témoin. Parmi elles, quatre femmes avec le DG et 18 du groupe témoin ont procédé à la deuxième partie. Les données sociodémographiques ont montré que les femmes avec le DG allaient moins chez le dentiste (p=0,005), participaient moins à des activités sportives (p=0,003), avaient des revenus plus faibles (p<0,001) et travaillaient davantage à temps partiel (p=0,019). Les femmes avec le DG ont rapporté des effets négatifs sur leur QVLSBD, particulièrement au niveau psychologique (p=0,033) et social (p=0,014), bien que la différence ne soit pas significative dans l'ensemble (p=0,066). Les facteurs ayant un impact négatif sur la QVLSBD étaient la multiparité, le revenu, l'usage du tabac, la douleur et la gingivite, sans disparités significatives dans les caries ou la salive entre les groupes.
Conclusions : Le DG semble détériorer la QVLSBD, surtout psychologiquement et socialement, soulignant le besoin d'une meilleure prise en charge dentaire pendant la grossesse. Des études additionnelles sont nécessaires pour approfondir les connaissances sur les impacts du DG. / Background: This study aims to investigate the association of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)
on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) and prevalence of dental caries.
Methods: In this case-control study, women diagnosed with GDM as well as those with uncomplicated pregnancies were recruited from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Hôpital Sainte-Justine in Montreal, Canada. First, participants completed six online questionnaires, providing self-reported data on their medical history, socio-economic status, lifestyle habits, and OHRQoL. Subsequently, women who duly completed the first part were invited to undergo an oral examination. Bivariate analyses were conducted to investigate the association between GDM, and the different data parameters.
Results: One hundred and thirty-six (136) pregnant women participated in the first part of the study, of which 13 had GDM and 123 were in the control group. Among them, four women with GDM and 18 from the control group proceeded to the second part. Sociodemographic data showed women with GDM had less frequent dental appointments (p=0.005), engaged less in physical activity (p=0.003), earned lower incomes (p<0.001) and worked part-time (p=0.019). Women with GDM experienced adverse effects on their OHRQoL, particularly in psychological (p=0.033) and social (p=0.014) aspects, although not statistically significant overall (p=0.066). Factors negatively impacting OHRQoL were multiparity, income, tobacco use, pain and gingivitis, with no significant discrepancies in caries or saliva between the groups.
Conclusions: GDM appears to impair OHRQoL, especially psychologically and socially, emphasizing the need for better dental care during pregnancy. Further studies are needed on GDM's long-term impacts.
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Investigation into Real-time Monitoring Solutions in Pregnancy Care : A Socio-technological Perspective on Enhanced Maternity Services / Undersökning av realtidsövervakningslösningar inom gravidvård : Ett socio-teknologiskt perspektiv på förbättrad mödra- och förlossningsvårdMalmsten, Chanel January 2024 (has links)
Sweden's maternal and childcare services have received recognition for maintaining high standards and employing effective risk-reduction strategies, leading to improved childbirth outcomes. However, these services face contemporary challenges exacerbated by evolving public health dynamics, including the increasing prevalence of obesity among Swedish adults, which mirrors trends in maternal healthcare and poses significant risks during pregnancy. Two significant risks during pregnancy are gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and preeclampsia. The rise in these pathophysiological conditions emphasizes the necessity for specialized maternal care approaches. In response, there is growing interest in utilizing technological innovations like glucose and blood pressure sensors for enhanced monitoring and proactive healthcare solutions during pregnancy. This thesis investigates the intersection of maternal healthcare, technological advancements, and public health challenges in Sweden, aiming to identify innovative approaches to maternal care and explore the potential of glucose and blood pressure sensors in improving outcomes. To achieve it, an extensive literature review established a robust foundation, focusing on women's and maternity care trends and the impact of BMI on pregnancy outcomes. Interviews with healthcare professionals from diverse fields provided further insights, leading to an in-depth cause analysis and technology assessment. Subsequently, a mockup was developed based on the gathered information, utilizing JavaScript for program development and incorporating user feedback. Real-world data acquisition was explored using APIs, particularly Dexcom, for glucose monitoring. The design process employed Figma, ensuring visual appeal and functional integration, followed by comprehensive evaluation involving functional, usability, and compatibility testing to refine the mockup interface in alignment with stakeholder expectations. The results of this study reveal two primary insights into maternal healthcare enhancement: Firstly, through a comprehensive literature review and stakeholder interviews, key challenges and potential solutions were identified, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration. Secondly, developing and evaluating a mockup integrating sensor technology demonstrated promising prospects for real-time monitoring and management, highlighting the potential for improving maternal health outcomes. These findings underscore the importance of integrating self-monitoring technology into maternal healthcare to enhance monitoring capabilities and address contemporary challenges in pregnancy care. / Sveriges mödra- och barnavårdstjänster har fått erkännande för att upprätthålla höga standarder och använda effektiva riskminskningsstrategier, vilket har lett till förbättrade förlossningsresultat. Emellertid möter dessa tjänster samtida utmaningar förvärrade av utvecklande folkhälsodynamik, inklusive den ökande förekomsten av fetma bland svenska vuxna, vilket speglar trender inom mödrahälsovård och innebär betydande risker under graviditeten. Två av dessa risker är graviditetsdiabetes mellitus och preeklampsi. Ökningen av dessa patofysiologiska tillstånd understryker behovet av nyanserade mödravårdsmetoder. Som svar finns det ett växande intresse för att använda teknologiska innovationer som glukos- och blodtryckssensorer för förbättrad övervakning och proaktiva hälsolösningar under graviditeten. Denna avhandling undersöker korsningen mellan mödrahälsovård, tekniska framsteg och folkhälsoutmaningar i Sverige, med målet att identifiera innovativa angreppssätt för mödraomsorg och utforska potentialen hos glukos- och blodtryckssensorer för att förbättra resultat. För att uppnå detta etablerades en gedigen litteraturgenomgång som fokuserade på trender inom kvinnors och mödravård samt BMI:s påverkan på graviditetsresultat. Intervjuer med vårdpersonal från olika områden gav ytterligare insikter, vilket ledde till en djupgående orsaksanalys och teknisk bedömning. Därefter utvecklades en prototyp baserad på den insamlade informationen, med användning av JavaScript för programutveckling och inkorporering av användarfeedback. Verklig datainsamling utforskades med hjälp av API:er, särskilt Dexcom, för glukosövervakning. Designprocessen använde Figma för visuellt tilltalande och funktionell integration, följt av omfattande utvärderingar som involverade funktions-, användbarhets- och kompatibilitetstester för att förbättra prototypens gränssnitt i linje med intressenternas förväntningar. Resultaten av denna studie belyser två primära insikter om förbättringar inom mödrahälsovård: För det första identifierades nyckelutmaningar och potentiella lösningar genom en omfattande litteraturgenomgång och intervjuer med intressenter, vilket betonar vikten av tvärvetenskapligt samarbete. För det andra visade utveckling och utvärdering av en prototyp som integrerar sensorteknik lovande framtidsutsikter för realtidsövervakning och hantering, vilket belyser potentialen för att förbättra mödrahälso-resultat. Dessa resultat understryker vikten av att integrera självövervakningsteknik i mödrahälsovård för att förbättra övervakningsmöjligheter och adressera samtida utmaningar inom graviditetsvård.
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Einfluss der Kohlenhydratzufuhr auf den Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel Schwangerer mit und ohne Gestationsdiabetes, gemessen mit dem kontinuierlich messenden Glukosesensor (CGMS ®, Fa. MedtronicMinimed ®)Engel, Barbara 22 May 2006 (has links)
Der Gestationsdiabetes betrifft etwa 5 von 100 Schwangeren. In unserer prospektiven, randomisierten Studie mit Crossover-Design untersuchten wir den Einfluß der Kohlenhydrataufnahme auf den Glukosestoffwechsel Schwangerer. 18 Gestationsdiabetikerinnen, 9 Frauen mit eingeschränkter Glukosetoleranz und 25 Kontrollen haben jeweils eine Woche eine kohlenhydratarme (35 Energieprozent) und eine kohlenhydratreiche (55 Energieprozent) Diät durchgeführt. Auswirkungen wurden anhand des konventionellen BZTPs und des kontinuierlich messenden Glukosesensors CGMS® untersucht. Die KH-Aufnahme wurde mittels einer Ernährungsberatung deutlich beeinflußt, und lag bei 39 % in der KH-reduzierten, und bei 49 % in der KH-reichen Woche. Nach DDG-Kriterien hatte der KH-Anteil bei keiner Gruppe einen signifikanten Einfluß bezüglich der Insulinpflicht. Dagegen waren der BZTP-Mittelwert und die AUC (area under the curve des CGMS®) der GDMs und der Kontrollen signifikant niedriger in der KH-armen Woche. In dieser Woche nahmen die Probandinnen auch eine niedrigere Energiemenge zu sich. Bei einer selektierten Untergruppe konnten wir diesen Einfluß ausgrenzen, und für die Kontrollgruppe eine signifikante Erniedrigung bezüglich der BZTP-Mediane und der AUCs nachweisen. Diese Beobachtungen belegen, daß ein höherer Kohlenhydratanteil mit erhöhten Blutzuckerwerten assoziiert ist. Außerdem wurde ein größerer Einfluß einer kohlenhydratarmen Ernährung auf die postprandialen als auf die Nüchternwerte festgestellt. Wegen der Auswirkungen auf das fetale Wachstum soll man bei Gestationsdiabetikerinnen eine kohlenhydratarme Ernährung empfehlen. / Gestational diabetes affects about 5 % of pregnancies. In our randomized prospective study with crossover design we examined the influence of carbohydrate intake on the glucose metabolism of pregnant women. 18 women with gestational diabetes, 9 with impaired glucose tolerance and 25 controls were put on a low (35 energy %) carbohydrate diet for one week and a high (55 energy %) carbohydrate diet for another. Blood glucose levels were recorded by self-monitoring and with a continuous glucose monitoring sensor (CGMS ®). Carbohydrate intake was strongly influenced by dietary advice, amounting to 39% into the low carbohydrate and 49% in the high carbohydrate week. According to DDG criteria, carbohydrate intake had no significant influence on insulin requirements. In contrast, mean blood glucose levels and the AUC (area under of the curve of the CGMS ®) were significantly lower for both gestational diabetics and controls in the low carbohydrate week. During this week, the average caloric intake was also reduced. We could exclude this influence for a selected subgroup, in which the controls displayed a significant reduction in median glucose levels and the AUCs. We could thus show that a higher carbohydrate content is associated with raised blood glucose levels. Furthermore, the influence of a low carbohydrate diet was greater on postprandial than on fasting levels. Because of the effects on fetal growth, one should recommend a low carbohydrate diet for gestational diabetics.
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Best practice guidelines to monitor and prevent morbidity and mortality related to gestational diabetes mellitus in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / Dintlhakaelo tsa tiriso e e gaisang ya go tlhokomela le go thibela ditshwaetsego tsa bomme le dintsho tse di golaganeng le bolwetsi jwa sukiri (diabetis mellitus) jwa baimana kwa Addis Ababa, EthiopiaGetahun Sinetsehay Alemayehu 08 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts and keywords in English and Setswana / Aim: The purpose of the research was to determine the magnitude and factors associated
with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and to explore the experiences of
gynaecologists/obstetricians and midwives in the monitoring and prevention of GDM- related
adverse maternal outcomes in order to propose best practice guidelines which may be
implemented to overcome the problem.
Methods: A concurrent mixed methods design was used. Participants for the quantitative
study were selected using systematic random sampling, with purposive sampling being used
for the qualitative part of the study. A total of 2000 medical records were reviewed using a
checklist, in addition to which 7 gynaecologists/obstetricians and 12 midwives were
interviewed using an in-depth interview guide. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used
for the quantitative part, while Colaizzi’s manual qualitative data analysis method wasused
for the qualitative part of the study.
Findings: The magnitude of GDM was found to be 2.2%. Age and family history of diabetes
mellitus were found to be factors associated with GDM (at p < 0.001). Other factors such as
obesity, previous GDM, previous history of fetal macrosomia and multiple gestations were
identified by respondents as factors related with GDM. In addition, the study explored the
experiences of health professionals (HPs) in the monitoring and prevention of adverse maternal outcomes related to GDM, with the results showing some differences in screening
and diagnostic techniques. It was also shown that lifestyle modification (physical exercise,
diet management) and medication were utilised for managing women with GDM. In this
regard, all the HPs agreed that creating awareness is the best intervention for preventing
GDM as well as its adverse maternal outcomes.
Conclusions: The magnitude of GDM is increasing, and much needs to be done to draw
attention to the burden that GDM places on the health of pregnant women and the public.
Since GDM is not considered a public health problem, little is being done to monitor the
condition and its adverse maternal outcomes. It is hoped that the best practice guidelines
developed from this research study may assist in reducing the adverse maternal outcomes
of GDM in Ethiopia / Maikaelelo: Lebaka la patlisiso e ne e le go tlhotlhomisa go nna teng le mabaka a a
golaganeng le bolwetsi jwa sukiri jwa baimana (GDM), le go tlhotlhomisa maitemogelo a
dingaka tsa malwetsi a basadi (gynaeologists/ obstetricians) le babelegisi mo go
tlhokomeleng le go thibeleng ditlamorago tse di maswe mo baimaneng tse di amanang le
GDM gore go tshitshinngwe dintlhakaelo tse di gaisang tse di ka diragadiwang go fenya
Mekgwa: Go dirisitswe thadiso ya mekgwa e e tlhakantsweng. Banni-le-seabe ba
thutopatlisiso e e lebelelang dipalopalo ba ne ba tlhophiwa go diriswa go tlhopha sampole
ka go se latele thulaganyo, mme go tlhopha sampole ka maikaelelo go ne ga diriswa mo
karolong ya thutopatlisiso e e lebelelang mabaka. Go sekasekilwe palogotlhe ya direkoto tsa
kalafi tse 2 000 go diriswa lenanetshekatsheko, mme mo godimo ga moo, go ne ga nna le
dipotsolotso le dingaka tsa malwetsi a basadi di le supa le babelegisi ba le 12 go diriswa
kaedi ya dipotsolotso tse di tseneletseng. Dipalopalo tse di tlhalosang le tse go sweditsweng
ka tsona di ne tsa diriswa mo karolong ya dipalopalo ya thutopatlisiso, fa go dirisitswe
mokgwa wa ga Colaizi wa tokololo ya data ya mabaka mo karolong e e lebelelang mabaka.
Diphitlhelelo: Go nna teng ga GDM go ne ga fitlhelwa e le 2.2%. Dingwaga le hisetori ya bolwetsi jwa sukiri ya baimana mo lelapeng di fitlhetswe e le dintlha tse di golaganeng le
GDM (ka p < 0.001). Dintlha dingwe, jaaka go nona phetelela, GDM mo nakong e e fetileng,
go nna teng ga macrosomia ya masea mo nakong e e fetileng le boimana jwa masea a feta
bongwe di ne tsa supiwa ke batsibogi jaaka dintlha tse di golaganeng le GDM. Go tlaleletsa
foo, thuto e ne ya sekaseka maitemogelo a baporofešenale ba boitekanelo (HPs) mo
tlhokomelong le thibelo ya ditlamorago tse di sa siamang mo baimaneng tse di golaganeng
le GDM, mme dipholo di bontshitse dipharologano dingwe mo dithekeniking tsa
go sekirina le go phekola. Go bonagetse gape gore phetolo ya mokgwa wa botshelo
(katiso ya mmele, tsamaiso ya mokgwa wa go ja) le kalafi di ne tsa diriswa go laola bolwetsi
jwa basadi ba ba nang le GDM. Mo lebakeng le, baporofešenale botlhe ba boitekanelo ba
ne ba dumelana gore go dira temoso ke tsereganyo e e gaisang ya go thibela GDM ga
mmogo le ditlamorago tsa yona tse di sa siamang mo baimaneng.
Ditshwetso: Go nna teng ga GDM go a oketsega, mme go tshwanetse go dirwa go le gontsi
go lemosa ka mokgweleo o bolwetse jono bo o bayang mo boitekanelong jwa baimana le
setšhaba. Ka ntlha ya gore GDM ga e kaiwe jaaka bothata jwa boitekanelo jwa setšhaba,
ga go dirwe go le kalo go tlhokomela bolwetsi le ditlamorago tsa jona tse di sa siamang mo
baimaneng. Go solofelwa gore dintlhakaelo tsa tiriso e e gaisang tse di dirilweng mo
thutopatlisisong eno di ka thusa go fokotsa ditlamorago tse di sa siamang tsa GDM mo
baimaneng kwa Ethiopia. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Public Health)
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Veränderungen des Kohlenhydratstoffwechsels im Leben einer Frau und seine Bedeutung für den FrauenarztSchlüter, Amelie 18 April 2005 (has links)
Ziel dieser vorliegenden, vergleichenden Literaturarbeit ist es, den heutigen Wissensstand in Bezug auf den Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel einer Frau darzustellen. Hierbei werden die physiologischen Veränderungen des Metabolismus zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten im Leben einer Frau, begonnen mit der Kindheit und Pubertät, über Menstruation und Schwangerschaft bis hin zur Menopause, betrachtet und es werden die Ursachen und möglichen Mechanismen aufgezeigt, die zu Abweichungen der Insulinresistenz und der Insulinsekretion und damit möglicherweise zu einer Glukoseintoleranz bzw. einem Typ-2 Diabetes mellitus führen können. Der Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel wird nicht nur bezüglich der physiologischen, sondern auch in bezug auf die iatrogen verursachten Veränderungen, d.h. unter oraler hormonaler Kontrazeption, unter Hormonersatztherapie im Klimakterium, sowie hinsichtlich bestimmter Pathologien, wie dem zur Infertilität führenden polyzystischem Ovarsyndrom oder dem Gestationsdiabetes, untersucht. Ergebnis: Es scheint eine starke Verknüpfung zwischen dem weiblichen Reproduktionssystem und dem Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel zu geben, deren Interaktion von den unterschiedlichsten Faktoren beeinflusst wird. Der Frauenarzt sollte sich bei der Verschreibung hormoneller Kontrazeptiva, der Hormonersatztherapie und im Besonderen bei der Therapie des polyzystischen Ovarsyndroms sowie bei der Untersuchung seiner Patientinnen bewusst sein, dass verschiedene Lebensphasen, wie Pubertät, Schwangerschaft und Klimakterium und die damit verknüpften Veränderungen des Reproduktionssystems und der Sexualhormone auch deutliche metabolische Veränderungen nach sich ziehen können. Besonders eine erhöhte Insulinresistenz, die mit einer gesteigerten Insulinsekretion einhergeht, muss bedacht werden. Nicht nur das Syndrom X, eine Zusammenfassung von metabolischen Abnormitäten (Dyslipidämie, Insulinresistenz, Adipositas, Hypertonie), die mit einem deutlich erhöhten Risiko kardiovaskulärer Krankheiten und besonders der Atherosklerose einhergehen, sondern die daraus folgende steigende Prävalenz von Typ-2 Diabetes mellitus und das stark vermehrte Auftreten von Adipositas verlangen nach einer fachübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit zwischen Frauenärzten und Internisten. / The aim of this comparative review is to reveal the current standard of knowledge concerning carbohydrate metabolism in women. The study demonstrates the physiological changes in metabolism at various stages in a female life, from childhood and puberty, through menstruation and pregnancy and ending with the menopause, whilst also evaluating different causes and possible mechanisms that lead to aberrance in insulin resistance and insulin secretion and thereby potentially to glucose intolerance and/or type 2 Diabetes mellitus. In addition to presenting physiological alterations in glucose metabolism, this work also analyses changes generated by iatrogenic treatment such as oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy, as well as those caused by different pathologies like polycystic ovary syndrome or gestational diabetes. The results indicate a strong correlation between the female reproduction system and the carbohydrate metabolism. The interaction is influenced by the many very different factors. Before prescribing oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy in climacteric (especially during the treatment of infertility in PCOS), or examining patients, the gynaecologist needs to be aware of the fact that different phases in life along with sex steroids and connected changes in the reproductive system, might lead to severe metabolic diversifications. Special attention should be paid to an increased insulin resistance, associated with an augmentation in insulin secretion. Not only the metabolic syndrome, the simultaneous appearance of metabolic abnormalities (dyslipidaemia, insulin resistance, adiposity, hypertonia), which holds a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, especially arteriosclerosis, but also the consequential increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and the highly increased prevalence of adiposity, demand for a multidisciplinary collaboration between gynaecologists and internists.
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