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L' émergence de l'Afrique dans l'oeuvre de Michel Leiris / Non communiquéKoné, N'Bégué 27 November 2013 (has links)
L’émergence de l’Afrique dans l’œuvre de Michel Leiris témoigne de sa volonté de connaître l’autre et de se réévaluer par la rencontre de l’autre. Leiris sillonne l’Afrique d’Ouest en Est au cours de la mission Dakar/Djibouti de 1931 à 1933 en tant que secrétaire archiviste de la mission ethnographique et linguistique dirigée par Marcel Griaule. Cette mission est une occasion pour Leiris de rentrer en contact aves les Africains et de s’éloigner pour un moment de l’Europe. Le séjour à Sanga, lui permet de pénétrer dans l’univers sacré des Dogon et d’analyser la symbolique des masques. De même son séjour en Abyssinie le met en contact avec les possédés et les génies zar. L’Éthiopie est le dernier pays visité par Leiris et le pays qui le marque le plus fortement. Les Noirs ne font aucune différence entre Leiris et les autres colons blancs à cette époque de la colonisation. De son contact avec l’Afrique naissent plusieurs ouvrages dont L’Afrique fantôme et La Langue secrète des Dogon de Sanga. Leiris espère par son voyage en Afrique trouver une thérapie à ses maux. Dans cette vaste entreprise, il verra se briser au contact des Africains le mythe du voyage régénérateur et ne parviendra pas à se défaire de ses obsessions. L’Afrique fantôme apporte un témoignage sur la position ambiguë de l’ethnologie de cette époque. En toute objectivité, il essaie de tout dire sur lui et sur ce qu’il ressent en Afrique. Il fait de l’altérité sa principale préoccupation ; de l’Afrique aux Antilles, il s’intéresse aux cultures des Noirs tout en ayant souvent un avis critique à leur egard. Il devient l’ethnologue de lui-même, interrogeant le monde à partir de l’échantillon de catégorie humaine qu’il est, se faisant témoin extérieur, en quelque sorte, de ce qui se déroule en lui et autour de lui. L’Afrique reste un fantôme pour Leiris à l’image d’Emawayish, la Gondarienne d’Éthiopie dont il tombe amoureux pendant son séjour en Abyssinie. / The emergence of Africa in the work of Michel Leiris testifies his willingness to know the other and at the same time to re-evaluate his own self through the encounter with the other. Leiris travels through Africa from the west to the east during the Dakar/Djibouti mission from 1931 to 1933 as the recording archivist of the ethnographic and linguistic mission headed by Marcel Griaule. This mission becomes an occasion for Leiris to get in touch with Africans and to be away from Europe for a moment. His stay in Sanga allows him to enter the sacred universe of Dogon people and to analyse the significance of the masks. As far as that goes, his stay in Abyssinia also gives him the opportunity to be in direct contact with the possessed people and the Zar spirits. Ethiopia is the last country visited by Leiris and it is the country which touches him the most. Blacks do not make any difference between Leiris and the other white colonialists during this particular period of colonisation. His encounter with Africa gives birth to several pieces of work such as Ghost Africa and The Secret Language of Sanga’s Dogons. Leiris hopes that his travel to Africa will help him find a therapy to his problems. In this vast enterprise, he will see the myth of a regenerative travel broken and will not be able to get rid of his obsessions. Ghost Africa is a testimony on the ambiguous position of ethnology of this particular period. Objectively; he tries to say everything on his own self and on what he feels while in Africa. The other becomes his main concern, from Africa to the West Indies; he is interested in the cultures of the black people with often a critical comment on them. He becomes ethnologist himself, questioning the world from the sample of human category that he is, as an external witness somehow, of what is happening in his own self and around him. Africa remains a ghost for Leiris because of the image of Emawayish, the Gondarian of Ethiopia with whom he falls in love during his stay in Abyssinia.
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Eletrodinâmica quântica sem massa nua do elétron: um estudo variacional / Quantum electrodynamics without bare mass electron: a variational studyPaulo Cesar Piquini 20 September 1990 (has links)
O método variacional foi usado para estudar a possibilidade de existência de um vácuo composto da Eletrodinâmica Quântica. Um ansatz contendo um condensado de pares elétron - pósitron foi investigado e uma equação de otimização para a função de onda do condensado foi encontrada. A prescrição de renormalização utilizada quebrou a simetria de escala inicialmente presente no Lagrangiano. A equação de otimização foi rededuzida resolvendo-se a equação de Schwinger-Dyson para a auto-energia do elétron. Expressões tanto para a massa dinamicamente gerada para o elétron, em termos da função de onda dos pares, quanto para a dependência da constante de acoplamento com o parâmetro de massa (ponto de renormalização) foram apresentadas. Nossos cálculos, entretanto, nos levaram a concluir que, pelo menos dentro de nossa abordagem, não é possível a existência de tal vácuo composto da Eletrodinâmica Quântica. / The variational method was used to study the possibility of existence of a composed vacuum of the Quantum Electrodynamics. An ansatz containing a condensate of electron-positron pairs was investigated and an optimization equation for the condensate wave function was encountered. The renormalization prescription used broke the scale symmetry initially present in the Lagrangian. Once more the optimization equation was derived. This time this was done by the resolution of Schwinger-Dyson equation to the electron self energy. An expression to the dynamically generated mass of the electron, in terms of the condensate wave function, was presented, as well as the mass parameter dependence of the coupling constant. Our calculations, however, lead us to conclude that the existence of such composed vacuum of the Quantum Electrodynamics is not possible, at least within our approach.
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Imprisoned and Empowered: The Women of Edith Wharton's Supernatural Fiction.Stansberry, Tonya Faye 01 August 2003 (has links)
By focusing on the status and state of women as represented in selected supernatural fiction by Edith Wharton, we explore the socio-gender relationships, as well as the gender roles of women in general as they existed in the early part of the twentieth century. These associations are discussed, as is the influence Henry James may have had on Wharton’s writing style within the genre of the ghostly tale.
The conclusions made within this study lead the reader of the tales to believe that Wharton expressed different feminist perspectives based on how she was developing as a person and as a writer.
The resources and scholarship that are strictly allocated to Wharton’s ghost stories are not as vast as they may be for her other fiction; however, more attention is being given to these supernatural works, and this study reiterates the literature’s scholarly importance.
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Knock Knock, Who's There? Spooky Stories from the White HouseLyons, Reneé C. 01 October 2012 (has links)
Excerpt: In the White House, Margaret Truman constantly heard floors popping, doors knocking, and drapes sidling back and forth.
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A sharp interface Cartesian grid hydrocodeSambasivan, Shiv Kumar 01 May 2010 (has links)
Dynamic response of materials to high-speed and high-intensity loading conditions is important in several applications including high-speed flows with droplets, bubbles and particles, and hyper-velocity impact and penetration processes. In such high-pressure physics problems, simulations encounter challenges associated with the treatment of material interfaces, particularly when strong nonlinear waves like shock and detonation waves impinge upon them. To simulate such complicated interfacial dynamics problems, a fixed Cartesian grid approach in conjunction with levelset interface tracking is attractive. In this regard, a sharp interface Cartesian grid-based, Ghost Fluid Method (GFM) is developed for resolving embedded fluid, elasto-plastic solid and rigid (solid) objects in hyper-velocity impact and high-intensity shock loaded environment. The embedded boundaries are tracked and represented by virtue of the level set interface tracking technique. The evolving multi-material interface and the flow are coupled by meticulously enforcing the boundary conditions and jump relations at the interface. In addition, a tree-based Local Mesh Refinement scheme is employed to efficiently resolve the desired physics. The framework developed is generic and is applicable to interfaces separating a wide range of materials and for a broad spectrum of speeds of interaction (O(km/s)). The wide repertoire of problems solved in this work demonstrates the flexibility, stability and robustness of the method in accurately capturing the dynamics of the embedded interface. Shocks interacting with large ensembles of particles are also computed.
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Sound of Terror: Hearing Ghosts in Victorian FictionMcleod, Melissa Kendall 28 November 2007 (has links)
"Sounds of Terror" explores the interrelations between discourses of sound and the ghostly in Victorian novels and short stories. Narrative techniques used by Charles, Dickens, George Eliot, Henry James, and Charlotte Mew are historically and culturally situated through their use of or reactions against acoustic technology. Since ghost stories and nvoels with gothic elements rely for the terrifying effects on tropes of liminality, my study consists of an analysis of an important yet largely unacknowledged species of these tropes: auditory metaphors. Many critics have examined the visual metaphors that appear in nineteenth-century fiction, but, until recently, aural representations have remain critically ignored. The aural itself represents the liminal or the numinous since sounds are less identifiable than visuals because of their ephemeral nature. My study shows the the significance of auditory symbols becomes increasingly intensified as the century progresses. Through analyses of Charles Dickens's David Copperfield, George Eliot's Daniel Deronda, and short stories by Henry James ("The Altar of the Dead" and "In the Cage")and Charlotte Mew ("Passed" and "A White Night"), I argue that Victorian writers using gothic modes employ metaphors and symbolism as an alternative to frightening visual images--what could be heard or not heard proved terrifying and dreadful.
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Being Incommensurable/Incommensurable Beings: Ghosts in Elizabeth Bowen’s Short StoriesSmith, Jeannette Ward 12 June 2006 (has links)
I investigate the ghosts in Elizabeth Bowen’s short stories, “Green Holly” and “The Happy Autumn Fields.” By blending psychoanalytic feminism and social feminism, I argue that these female ghosts are the incommensurable feminine—a feminine that exceeds the bounds of phallocentric logic and cannot be defined by her social or symbolic manifestations. An analysis of Bowen’s ghosts as actual ghosts is uncharted territory. Previous Bowen critics postulate that Bowen’s ghosts are imaginary figments or metaphors. These critics make Bowen’s stories “truthful” representations of the world, but, as such, Bowen’s ghosts become representations of the world’s phallocentric order. In contrast, I argue that these stories adopt a mestiza consciousness. Gloria Anzaldùa postulates that through a subaltern perspective developed outside of western logic, the mestiza reclaims the supernatural that exists outside of the masculine, symbolic order. The female ghosts are the feminine that Luce Irigaray explains, “remain[s] elsewhere” (76) as they live incommensurably in an alternate supernatural realm, disrupting phallic logic.
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Factors affecting atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic¡@Hydrocarbons in Kaohsiung coast by GMDHChiou, Guo-Yang 18 August 2010 (has links)
Coastal atmospheric concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured at top of a building on campus of the National Sun Yat-sen University of Kaohsiung. Concentrations of 52 PAH compounds were analyzed in both gaseous and particulate phases in air samples collected from May 2008 through April 2009. PAHs diagnostic, Hierarchical Analysis (HCA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were employed to determine the potential sources of PAHs. The Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) was applied to relate atmospheric PAH concentration to air quality variables like SO2 and O3, as well as meteorological conditions like precipitation and temperature.
During the sampling period the mean of total PAH concentrations was 14.2 ng/m3. Over all, PAH concentrations in winter were higher than summer, with the lowest concentrations of PAHs occurred in June (2.22 ng/m3), while the highest occurred in January (32.4 ng/m3). The night-time concentrations of PAHs are higher than daytime. The 2, 3-ring PAHs were mostly present in the gaseous phase, 4-ring were dominant in the gaseous phase, while 5, 6, 7-ring PAHs were mostly present in the particulate phase. During the Ghost festival and Asian dust storm events, atmospheric concentrations of PAHs and PAHs/TSP ratios were both found increased.
Meteorological conditions, such as temperature and relative humidity, may strongly affect PAH concentrations, the gaseous and particulate PAHs correlate significantly with SO2, NOx, and PM10. Result from analyses of diagnostic rations, HCA and PCA, indicates the major sources of PAHs include gasoline and diesel exhaust.
By using GMDH, a reasonable appraisal index was obtained for the pattern forecast potency with the meteorological and air quality variables. The GMDH algorithm obtained during 2008~2009 was tested in predictions and compared with what measured in 2007~2008.
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Fallstudie för distribuerad installation av operativsystemAndersson, Christopher January 2009 (has links)
<p>Rapporten undersöker om det är möjligt att använda Clonezilla för distribuerad installation av Windows Vista som alternativ till Symantec Ghost. Ett ytterligare krav är att installationen ska vara automatiserad och inte kräva något extra arbete efter installationens slut. Dessutom ska datorerna vara redo att användas i en Windows-domän efter en färdig installation.</p><p>Programmet Clonezilla är av typen open source och är fritt att använda medan Symantec Ghost är en kommersiell produkt som kräver flertalet licenser beroende på antalet datorer. Clonezilla körs i Linux och saknar grafiskt gränssnitt, Symantec däremot har ett eget gränssnitt för att överskådligt hantera datorer och distribuera operativsystem i välkänd Windows-miljö. Båda lösningarna testas under flera praktiska experiment i labbmiljö. De två programmen jämförs och utvärderas gällande prestanda och användarvänlighet. Resultaten visar på att skillnaden gällande prestanda är marginell. Gällande användarvänlighet är skillnaden för de båda programmen större då Symantec erbjuder ett grafiskt gränssnitt tillsammans med hjälpavsnitt för produkten. Båda lösningarna fungerar för ändamålet och har olika fördelar respektive nackdelar.</p>
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Modification of Trophic Links between an Omnivore and Macroinfaunal Prey from Sandy Beaches of differing Physical RegimesMorrow, Kristina Joan 01 January 2012 (has links)
Sandy beach ecosystems have been studied worldwide; however, ecological data are sparse for the extensive barrier islands of Florida. Accordingly, I investigated the feeding patterns of the ghost crab (Ocypode quadrata), a dominant omnivore inhabiting beaches along the Floridian coast. Density data was collected for ghost crabs and swash macroinfaunal prey. In addition, I utilized stable isotopes in conjunction with the mixing models IsoSource and SIAR to characterize diets of ghost crabs across three barrier islands in spring and summer 2011. Results showed that ghost crabs at Cayo Costa feed primarily on swash macroinfauna, while those from Anclote Key shifted their diet to one comprised primarily of semi-terrestrial amphipods. However, at Honeymoon Island, ghost crab isotopic signatures were best explained by a mixed diet of both macroinfauna and wrack-associated prey. The unique consumption of wrack fauna at Anclote Key co-occurs with comparatively low infaunal densities and biomass, and modified ghost crab behavior due to trait-mediated effects. My results are novel because they suggest that wrack-associated fauna may be an important food source for ghost crabs in certain beach regimes.
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