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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dietary Fiber/Carnitine, Diacylglycerol, and Low Glycemic Index Starch Effects on Obesity and Triglyceride Rich Lipoprotein Metabolsim in Dogs

Mitsuhashi, Yuka 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Obesity is the most common clinical disorder and is associated with various medical conditions in dogs. Appropriate dietary management potentially provides weight loss in a safe, healthy, and efficacious manner. In order to elucidate whether dietary fiber, carnitine, diacylglycerol (DAG), and low glycemic index (LGI) act on such dietary components, a series of studies was conducted: 1) the combination of dietary fiber/carnitine effect on short term (3 and 7 h) satiety and long term (6 weeks) canine weight loss, 2) the combination of dietary LGI/high glycemic index (HGI) starches and DAG/triacylglycerol (TAG) effect during a 9 week canine weight loss period, and 3) the DAG effect on triglyceride rich lipoprotein (TRL) metabolism isolated from canine plasma 3-4 h postprandially. The combination of dietary fiber/carnitine supplementation decreased both food and energy intake at 3 h post-feeding, suggesting that this combination diet provided 3 h post-meal satiety. This combination supplement also increased postprandial plasma B- hydroxybutyrate (BHB) at d 42 and body fat and weight loss at d 42 from baseline. This combination supplement did not alter plasma vitamin A distributions or concentrations although it contained high vitamin A as B-carotene. In the second study, the LGI diets resulted in a more pronounced body weight loss than the HGI diets due to lower diet digestibilities. These data are consistent with LGI diets decreasing metabolizable energy and consequently consuming less energy compared to the HGI diets. The DAG diets lowered postprandial plasma TAG at weeks 1 and 8 in and increased plasma BHB at week 8, suggesting an increase in fat oxidation. The combination of DAG/LGI decreased postprandial total cholesterol at week 8. Lipoprotein concentrations were not altered by diet types. Fasting lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and hepatic lipase (HL) activities were not affected by diets. In the final study, DAG ingestion decreased TRL and plasma TAG concentrations vs. TAG ingestion. The DAG enriched meal increased non-esterified fatty acid, monoacylglycerol, and 1,3-DAG and decreased TAG in TRLs which may be attributed to larger TRL particle size compared to the TAG meal. Consequently, the DAG derived TRLs showed increased affinity of core TAG for LPL and HL in vitro. Moreover, the intravenous injection of the DAG derived canine TRLs into mice underwent more rapid blood clearance associated with the greater hepatic uptake compared to the TAG derived TRL injection. In conclusion, the combination of dietary fiber/carnitine and DAG/LGI preferably reduced body weight and stimulated fat oxidation, which promotes overall weight loss. The postprandial plasma TAG lowering effect of DAG is the result, at least partially, from the efficient clearance of TRLs from blood circulation and their ability to act as a more efficient substrate for plasma lipolytic enzymes.

GI-metoden – bluff eller vägen till ett hälsosamt liv? : En studie om hur medier marknadsför hälsobegreppet Glykemiskt index

Westlund, Annika January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Title: The GI- method –bluff or the path to healthy life? Number of pages: 41 Tutor: Lowe Hedman Author: Annika Westlund Course: Media and Communication Studies C Period: Fall 2006 University: Division of Media and Communications Studies C Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay was to investigate how the site GI viktkoll describes glycemic index on their website. The intention was also to investigate how the media presented GI through articles and how they used doctors and dieticians to appear trustworthy. Another aim was to investigate what effect GI viktkoll could have on its readers. Method/Material: I have chosen a qualitative method where I did a discourse analysis of the articles which were presented on the GI viktkolls website during a period of three weeks. This was my main method in the essay. I also did two interviews with educated professionals. The articles on the website were thereby the main material I used in the essay. Main results: My result shows that GI viktkoll do have an underlying aim in wanting to influence its readers ina specific way. Therefore my result shows that it is important as a reader, to be aware of that GI viktkoll might not present a critical way of thinking and every aspect of the phenomenon. GI viktkoll also has influence on people because they have power to change peoples mind about the phenomenon GImethod in the society. GI viktkoll only presents the healthy way of living through the GI method, although there still there is a lot of disagreement from other directions such as doctors and dieticians about the actual effects of the GI method on healthy people. Keywords: glycemic index, media culture, encoding/decoding, discourse analysis.

The effect of the glycemic index on endurance performance

Vogel, Etresia. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.(MHS))-University of Pretoria, 1999. / Summary in English and Afrikaans.

Ontwikkeling van 'n laevetgraanproduk en die effek van verskillende veselvlakke op die glukemiese indeks

De Jongh, Jacolene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis(MSc Food Sc )--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Consumers are becoming more health conscious. Furthermore, time is a scarce human resource and therefore convenience is an important consideration when food choices are being made. A South African food company identified this trend and decided to develop a product that capitalised on these demands of health and convenience. The decision was made to develop a low-fat, low-cholesterol, low-saturated fatty acid, low-trans fatty acid, high-fibre wheat product with an intermediate glycemic index (GI). The market in Stellenbosch was scouted to determine whether a similar product already existed. Six products that made nutrient-, health- or any other claims were identified. Not one of the identified products, however, conformed to meet the requirements of the Department of Health for the product characteristics that were set. Therefore, the decision was made to continue the development of the low-fat, low-cholesterol, low-saturated fatty acid, low-trans fatty acid, high-fibre wheat product with an intermediate glycemic index (GI). To qualify as a low-fat product, the product had to contain less than 3 % fat. The ingredients were chosen with their fat content in mind. Fruit pulp is widely used in the preparation of baked low-fat products and was also used in this study to eliminate the use of butter, margarine and oil, but also to achieve the additional product criteria that was set by the food company, namely a chewy texture and a fruity flavour. Ingredients like soya flour, oatmeal, oats and wheat bran were chosen to increase the fibre content of the product, because all of these products have a fibre content of 10 g or more per 100 g. Two products were developed during 23 experiments. Except for the high fibre claim, both products met the criteria that were set before the development started, namely a low-fat, low-cholesterol, low-saturated fatty acid, low-trans fatty acid, high-fibre content and a calculated intermediate glycemic index (GI). One of the two concept products that were developed were chosen by an experienced panel to serve as basic product for an empirical study on the effect of different fibre levels on the glycemic index. Five different fibre levels were formulated by manipulating the amounts of wheat bran and oatmeal. The basic formula contained 6,25 % fibre and the other fibre levels were identified as: 4,39; 5,31; 7,45 en 8,17 %. The fibre levels were equal-distant. The prediction was made that the GI-value of the product will decrease as the fibre levels increase and the theoretical calculations confirmed this prediction. The real GI-values that were determined by blood glucose testings, however, showed an increase in GI-value up to the 6,25 % fibre level, followed by a.decrease in GI-value to the 8,17 % fibre level. It became apparent that more than just fibre played a role in the GI-values of the products. It is proposed that the results explained by fibre behaviour, starch gelatinisation and starch hydrolysis. Hundred households in Stell enbosch tested the developed product. Two fieldworkers identified 25 consumers in four retail stores in Stellenbosch and gave them the product and the questionnaire, which they had to complete at home after tasting the product. The questionnaires were then collected from the respondents' houses. A recognised measurement instrument, which is used by the South African food industry to determine the acceptability of a newly developed product, was used for assesing the results. The results showed that the orange flavour of the product led to a low overall acceptability of the developed product and that the other product concept (that was developed during the recipe development phase and not chosen by the panel) should be considered for testing its market potential. Another facet of the questionnaire determined the effect of buying practices, health consciousness and consumer knowledge on the consumer acceptability of the low-fat, high-fibre wheat product with an intermediate-GI-value. No correlation between these factors and consumer acceptability of the low-fat, high-fibre wheat product with an intermediate-GI-value were found. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verbruiker word al meer gesondheidsbewus: Terselfdertyd is tyd 'n skaars menslike hulpbron, en word gerief gevolglik 'n belangrike oorweging tydens voedselkeuses. 'n Suid-Afrikaanse voedselmaatskappy het hierdie neigings geidentifiseer en besluit om 'n produk te ontwikkel wat aan hierdie vereistes van gesondheid en gerief voldoen. Daar is besluit om 'n lae vet-, lae cholesterol-, lae versadigdevetsuur-, lae transvetsuur-, hoe veselgraanproduk met 'n intermediere glukemiese indeks (GI) te ontwikkel. Die Stellenbosse mark is verken om vas te stel of daar reeds soortgelyke produkte op die mark was. Ses produkte wat nutrientinhoud-, gesondheid- of ander aansprake maak, is geidentifiseer. Geeneen van die produkte het egter aan die Departement van Gesondheid se konsepregulasies betreffende die etikettering van voedingsmiddels vir bogenoemde produkeienskappe voldoen nie. Gevolglik is besluit om met die ontwikkeling van die lae vet-, lae cholesterol-, lae versadigdevetsuur-, lae transvetsuur-, hoe veselgraanproduk met 'n intermediere GI voort te gaan. Om as 'n laevetproduk te kon kwalifiseer, moes die produk minder as 3 % vet bevat. Die bestanddele moes dus met inagneming van hul vetinhoud gekies word. Vrugtepulp word algemeen gebruik in die bereiding van gebakte laevetprodukte en is ook in hierdie studie gebruik om die gebruik van botter, margarien of olie te vermy, maar ook om aan die addisionele produkkriteria wat deur die maatskappy gespesifiseer is, naamlik 'n sagte tekstuur en vrugtige geur, te voldoen. Bestanddele soos soja-, hawermeel, hawer- en koringsemels is gekies om die veselinhoud van die produk te verhoog, aangesien hierdie bestanddele meer as 10 g vesel per 100 g bevat. Twee produkte is deur middel van 23 eksperimente ontwikkel. Met die uitsondering van die hoeveselinhoudaanspraak, het beide produkte aan die vereistes wat gestel is, naamlik 'n laevet-, laecholesterol-, laeversadigdevetsuur-, laetransvetsuur- en 'n hoeveselinhoud en 'n beraamde intermediere GI, voldoen. Een van die konsepprodukte is deur 'n ervare paneel gekies vir die empiriese studie waar die effek van verskillende veselvlakke op die GI bepaal is. 'n Standaard formule is aangepas om vyf verskillende veselvlakke te verkry deur die koringsemel- en hawermeelhoeveelhede te manipuleer. Die basisformule het 6,25 % vesel bevat en twee veselvlakke is daarbo en -onder as ge·identifiseer: 4,39; 5,31; 7,45 en 8,17 %, dit wil sê, veselvlakke met dieselfde grootte verskille. Daar is voorspel dat die GI-waarde van die produkte sou daal met 'n toename in die veselinhoud van die produk en die teoretiese berekeninge van die GI-waarde het hierdie voorspelling gestaaf. Die werklike GI-waardes wat met behulp van bloedglukoseresponse bepaal is, het egter 'n toename in GI-waarde tot by die 6,25 % veselvlak, gevolg deur 'n afname tot by die 8,17 % veselvlak aangedui. Dit het duidelik geword dat meer as slegs die veselinhoud 'n rol gespeel het by die GI-waarde van die produk. Die resultate is gevolglik aan die hand van die veselgedrag, styselgelatinisasie en styselhidrolise verklaar. Die verbruikersaanvaarbaarheid van die ontwikkelde laevet-, hoeveselproduk is by 100 huishoudings in Stellenbosch getoets. Twee veldwerkers het die verbruikers in vier kleinhandelaars in Stellenbosch genader en produkte met 'n gepaardgaande vraelys aan hulle oorhandig. Die produkte is tuis qeevalueer en die vraelyste is weer ingesamel. Ook vervat in die vraelys was 'n erkende meetinstrument wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse voedselindustrie gebruik word vir die bepaling van verbruikersaanvaarbaarheid van 'n nuutontwikkelde produk. Uit die resultate het dit geblyk dat die lemoengeur van die produk gelei het tot die lae verbruikersaanvaarbaarheid van die ontwikkelde produk, en dat die ander produkkonsep (wat tydens die resepontwikkelingsfase ontwikkel is, en nie deur die ervare paneel gekies is nie) vir bemarkingspotensiaal getoets hoort te word. Die data wat uit die vraelyste ingesamel is, is ook gebruik om die effek van aankooppraktyke, gesondheidsbewustheid en verbruikerskennis op die verbruikersaanvaarbaarheid van die laevet-, hoeveselgraanproduk met 'n interrnediere-Gl-waarde te bepaal. Daar is geen verwantskap tussen hierdie faktore en die verbruikersaanvaarbaarheid van die laevet-, hoëveselgraanproduk met 'n intermedlere-Gl-waarde, gevind nie.

Mathematical Model of Glucose-Insulin Metabolism Considering Meal Absorption Rate and Model-based Blood Glucose Control for Prandial State in Type 1 Diabetes / 1型糖尿病における食事の吸収速度を考慮に入れたグルコース・インスリン代謝の数理モデル及び食事時の血糖値のモデルベースト制御

Claudia, Cecilia Yamamoto Noguchi 23 September 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第19996号 / 工博第4240号 / 新制||工||1656(附属図書館) / 33092 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電気工学専攻 / (主査)教授 土居 伸二, 教授 小林 哲生, 准教授 蛯原 義雄 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Muscle Glycogen Metabolism in Horses: Interactions Between Substrate Availability, Exercise Performance and Carbohydrate Administration

Lacombe, Véronique Anne 29 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Multi-Faceted Dietary Approaches for Lowering Postprandial Glycemia: Applications to Medical Foods

Heacock, Patricia Marie 31 March 2003 (has links)
No description available.

The Functional and Nutritional Benefits of Soy in Snack Foods

Simmons, Amber Lynn 28 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Association between glycemic index and glycemic load and the risk of incident coronary heart disease among Whites and African Americans with and without type 2 diabetes : the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study /

Hardy, Dale Sharon. Hoelscher, Deanna M., Aragaki, Corinne, Boerwinkle, Eric, Hardy, Robert J., January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, School of Public Health, 2008. / "May 2008." Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 69-02, Section: B, page: 0912. Adviser: Deanna M. Hoelscher. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 139-149).

Impact de l’indice glycémique sur la performance physique de cyclistes de haut niveau

Villeneuve, Anne-Marie 12 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs études ont démontré que la consommation d’un repas à indice glycémique bas (LGI) avant un exercice physique favorisait l’oxydation des lipides, diminuait les épisodes d’hypoglycémie et améliorait la performance. Par contre, d’autres recherches n’ont pas observé ces bénéfices. Le but de cette étude consiste à démontrer l’impact de l’ingestion de déjeuners avec différents indices glycémiques (IG) sur la performance en endurance de cyclistes de haut niveau. Dix cyclistes masculins ont complété trois protocoles attribués de façon aléatoire, séparés par un intervalle minimal de sept jours. Les trois protocoles consistaient en une épreuve contre la montre, soit trois heures après avoir consommé un déjeuner à indice glycémique bas ou élevé contenant 3 grammes de glucides par kg de poids corporel, soit à compléter l’exercice à jeun. Les résultats obtenus pour le temps de course montrent qu’il n’y pas de différence significative entre les protocoles. Par contre, on observe que le nombre de révolutions par minute (RPM) est significativement plus élevé avec le protocole à indice glycémique élevé (HGI) (94,3 ± 9,9 RPM) comparativement au protocole à jeun (87,7 ± 8,9 RPM) (p<0,005). Au niveau de la glycémie capillaire, on observe que durant l’exercice, au temps 30 minutes, la glycémie est significativement supérieure avec le protocole à jeun (5,47 ± 0,76 mmol/L) comparé à HGI (4,99 ± 0,91 mmol/L) (p<0,002). Notre étude n’a pas permis de confirmer que la consommation d’un repas LGI avant un exercice physique améliorait la performance physique de façon significative. Cependant, notre recherche a démontré que la diversité des protocoles utilisés pour évaluer l’impact de l’indice glycémique sur la performance physique pouvait occasionner des variations positives dans les temps de courses. Par conséquent, il s’avère nécessaire de faire d’autres recherches qui reproduisent les situations de compétition de l’athlète soit la course contre la montre. / Many studies have shown that the consumption of a low glycemic index (LGI) meal before exercise promotes lipid oxidation, thus lowering the amount of hypoglycemic occurrence and improving physical performance. However, other studies have not observed such benefits. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the impact of ingesting various glycemic index (GI) breakfasts on the endurance performance of high-level cyclists. Ten men completed three randomly allocated protocols, and each was separated by a time interval of a minimum of seven days. Each protocol was composed of a time trial, where a measure was taken three hours either after consuming a breakfast of low or high glycemic index containing three grams of glucose per kg of body weight, or after completing exercise while fasting. The race time results demonstrated that there were no significant differences between the protocols. However, the number of revolutions per minutes (RPM) was significantly higher with the high glycemic index level protocol (94,3 ± 9,9) in comparison to the fasting protocol (87,7 ± 8,9) (p<0,005). Furthermore, the capillary glycemic profile showed that, during exercise at 30 minutes, blood glucose level was significantly higher in the fasting protocol (5,47 ± 0,76 mmol/L) in comparison to the high glycemic index (HGI) protocol (4,99 ± 0,91 mmol/L) (p<0,002). Our study did not confirm that the consumption of a LGI meal before physical exercise significantly improves physical performance. Yet it demonstrated that the diversity of protocols used to evaluate the impact of glycemic index on physical performance could generate positive impact during the race time. Therefore, there is a need to conduct further research that can reproduce athletic competition situations, such as time trials.

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