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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Göteborg 2021 : Hur en jubileumssatsning kan attrahera besökare till en destination

Eldeblad, Julia, Löfquist, Ellen January 2019 (has links)
År 2021 fyller Göteborg 400 år som stad. På initiativ av Göteborgs kommun och Göteborg & Co firas detta med en stor jubileumssatsning som involverar ett stort antal projekt. Hela jubileumssatsningen startade år 2010 och sträcker sig fram till självaste jubileumsåret 2021. Under denna tidsperiod har flera projekt genomförts som en del av Göteborgs 400-årsjubileum, och fler projekt kommer att genomföras. Inför Göteborgs 300-årsjubileum, år 1921, grundades flera besöksmål som än idag har stor betydelse för Göteborg och Göteborgs besöksnäring. Denna studie syftar till att att undersöka hur fem projekt inom Göteborgs jubileumssatsning eventuellt kan bidra till att Göteborg blir en mer attraktiv destination för besökare med hjälp av destinationsutveckling och marknadsföring. De fem projekten som har studerats är; “Lisebergs jubileumssatsning”, “Göteborgsvarvet Marathon”, “Göteborg berättar”, “Artscape” samt “Tillgänglig skärgård”.  För att besvara studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod med intervjuer och dokument-och textanalys använts, med utgångspunkt i kritisk realism och en abduktiv ansats. Den tidigare forskningen har utgått ifrån två huvudteman, vilket är; “Destinationsutveckling och “Destinationsmarknadsföring”. Resultatet och analysen presenteras efter samma huvudteman. Från intervjuerna och dokument- och textanalysen kan det konstateras att projekten på olika sätt bidrar till att Göteborg blir en mer attraktiv stad, detta genom att erbjuda unika egenskaper som särskiljer Göteborg från andra destinationer. Det går även att fastställa att marknadsföringen är en viktig del för att sprida information till besökare, där innehållsmarknadsföring, spridning av information via hemsidor, sociala medier, radio och tidningar är betydelsefullt. Dessutom är samarbetet mellan aktörer oerhört viktigt för att destinationen ska utvecklas och attrahera besökare. / In 2021 Gothenburg is turning 400 years as a city. On the initiative of the Gothenburg municipality and Göteborg & Co, this is celebrated with a large anniversary that involves a large number of projects. The entire anniversary initiative started in 2010 and extends until the anniversary year 2021. During this period of time, several projects have been implemented as part of the Gothenburg 400th anniversary, and more projects will be implemented. Prior to the Gothenburg 300th anniversary in 1921, several visitor attractions were founded, which today are of great importance for Gothenburg and Gothenburg’s tourism industry. This study aims to investigate how five projects as a part of Gothenburg’s 400th anniversary possibly can contribute to Gothenburg becoming a more attractive destination for visitors using destination development and marketing. The five projects that have been studied are; “Liseberg anniversary project”, “Gothenburg marathon”, “Gothenburg tells”, “Artscape” and “Accessible archipelago”.  To answer the aim of this study, a qualitative method has been used, based on critical realism. Previous research from which the study is based upon, are divided into two main themes, which is; “Destination development” and “Destination marketing”. The result and analysis are presented through the same main themes. Furthermore, the study show the projects in various ways contribute to Gothenburg becoming a more attractive city, this by offering unique characteristics that differentiates Gothenburg from other destinations. It is also possible to state that marketing is an important part of spreading information to visitors, where content marketing and information via websites, social media, radio and newspapers are important. In addition, the cooperation between actors is extremely important for the destination to be developed and attract visitors.

Varats och utvecklingens kedja : en naturhistorisk museiutställning i Göteborg 1923-1968

Hedqvist, Eric January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is a museological study of the coming into being of a natural history museum, its building and its adherent zoological exhibition during the years around the First World War. The main problem of the dissertation is the opposition between the curator´s program 1903 for the exhibit and its realization twenty years later. The theoretical perspective is that in its synchronic aspect science, in accordance with the views of swedish sociologist, Thomas Brante, is divided into three levels interdependent upon one another in varying degrees – theoretical, sociological and psychological level. In the present study, the main issue is the weighing of the relative significance of each of these levels. The exhibit was structured as along a scale, or chain, from lesser to greater animals. In this and in other respects it belonged to the legacy of Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnæus. Interest in maintaining this tradition was powerful in the Swedish society during the years before the First World War. Not until around 1950 was the modern theory of evolution explicitly announced to the visitor of the exhibit, still however without the representation of the forces behind it By an investigation of the milieu to which the museum belonged is shed light upon the scientific and other ideals which are represented in its exhibit. The result of an assess of the significance of the theoretical, the sociological ant the psychological level is that contemporay theory does not stand out as a driving force behind the creation of the exhibit in 1923. Nor does the curator of the exhibition emerge as an innovator. Most dominant is however the sociological level. / avhandlingen framlägges för disputation i ämnet museologi

Vilket minne? : Historiebruk kring Göteborgskravallerna i svensk kvällspress / Which memory? : Use of history in Swedish tabloids in relation to the riot’s in Gothenburg

Sjöberg, John January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the use of historic memory  in relation to the riot’s in Gothemburg 14-16/6 2001. The empirical study is done through an examination, using a mainly qualitative method, of two Swedish tabloid papers (Aftonbladet and Expressen) published at the the time of the riot’s. The aim and goal for this study was to examine the process/struggle which took place over how the memory of this event was shaped. This study will show a more versatile, a true picture of that process. Also how different it was portrayed in the two tabloids and how those stories changed character daily depending on what happened.

”I Göteborg springs det inte i rulltrapporna” : En studie om hur besökare upplever Göteborg / “Nobody runs in the escalators in Gothenburg” : A study about how visitors perceive Gothenburg

Bengtsson, Elin, Wik, Sanne Maria January 2017 (has links)
In today’s modern society people tend to travel more due to the globalization and the fact that people are spending more money. As a result of the increasing competition within the field of tourism it has become even more important for destinations to create a clear profile and a target group when marketing destinations; it is extremely essential to have a positive image, which is genuine and perceived by visitors. This essay is written to explore how tourists experience Gothenburg as a tourist destination and how marketing is creating the city image. The study is qualitative and consists of interviews with visitors of Gothenburg to see how they perceived the city. Further one interview is performed with the communication manager of Göteborg & Co to explore how they want to be perceived by tourists. The entire essay is written in Swedish. The result of the essay shows that the image does reflect how the city wants to be perceived, but Gothenburg needs to better their marketing to gain more tourists in the future. / Idag reser jordens befolkning allt mer, konkurrensen är hård och det krävs omfattande strategier som destinationsmarknadsförare för att attrahera turister. Flera studier har gjorts i huruvida destinationer skall differentiera sig på en överbelastad marknad, forskare syftar till att turistattraktioner och unika miljöer är en bidragande faktor till ökat inflöde av turister.I denna uppsats studeras Göteborg som turistdestination, studien utformas av kvalitativa intervjuer med respondenter som under de senaste två åren besökt och turistat i Göteborg. De frågor som ställdes utformades för att få inblick i hur staden uppfattas av turister och vad som påverkar deras imagebildande av Göteborg som turistdestination. Ytterligare intervju gjordes med Göteborg & Co’s press- och kommunikationschef Stefan Gadd för att få förståelse i hur de arbetar för att skapa positiva och genuina bilder av Göteborg. Utgångspunkten för studien var att få svar på om Göteborgs identitet stämmer överens med den image som besökaren uppfattar. Studiens resultat visade på att imagen överensstämde med hur Göteborg önskar bli uppfattade, men att staden bör förbättra sin marknadsföring för att attrahera mer turister i framtiden.

Hur mycket kunskaper om HLR till barn har tandläkarstudenter i Sverige? / How Much Knowledge About CPR in Children Do Dental Students Have in Sweden?

Lafe, Raghad Ahmad, kousa, Rahaf January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Incidensen av hjärtstillestånd i Sverige uppskattas till 5000 fall varje år. Barn drabbas också av hjärtstopp hos tandläkare, därför är det viktigt att tandläkare har kunskap inom HLR till barn för att öka chansen för överlevnad. Syfte: Att ta reda på hur mycket kunskap tandläkarstudenter på tandläkarutbildningar i Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö har om HLR till barn och att undersöka om tandläkarstudenterna behöver ytterligare utbildning i HLR till barn för att säkerställa kunskaper inom området. Material & Metod: Webbaserad enkätstudie där tandläkarstudenter på sista terminen på utbildningsorterna; Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö tillfrågades om deltagande och att besvara 20 frågor om hantering och kunskaper gällande barn-HLR. Resultat: Totalt tillfrågades 263 tandläkarstudenter från Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö, och 90 personer av dessa svarade 34,2 %. Av alla tandläkarstudenter uppvisade 31,1 % korrekt kunskap i alla steg att kunna utföra HLR i rätt ordning, som bröstkompressioner samt skapandet av fria luftvägar. Av Göteborgs tandläkarstudenter uppvisade 54,5 % rätt kunskap medan motsvarande siffror för Malmö och Stockholm var 23,8 % respektive 23,1 %. Av de svarande önskade 85,6 % mer information om att hantera en situation vid hjärtstopp av barn.  Slutsats: Fler studier med ett större antal deltagare behövs för att kunna kartlägga kunskapen hos tandläkarstudenter om akut hantering och omhändertagande av situationen vid hjärtstopp och andningsstopp hos barn. Genom framtida samarbete mellan tandläkarutbildningar så kan flera möjligheter erbjudas till studenter för att uppnå högre kunskapsnivå. Det kan även finnas ett behov att erbjuda HLR-utbildning för att öka kunskapen i samhället. / Background: The incidence of cardiac arrest in Sweden is estimated to be 5,000 cases per year.  Cardiac arrest also happens at the dentist, therefore it is important that dentists have knowledge in CPR for children. The aim: To investigate how much knowledge dental students in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö have about CPR for children and investigate whether students need additional training. Material & Method: Web-based survey where dental students in their last semester in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, were asked to participate in answering 20 questions about  children-CPR. Results: A total of 263 dental students from Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, and 90 of them responded 34.2%. Of all dental students, 31.1% demonstrated correct knowledge in all stages to be able to perform CPR in the correct sequence, such as chest compressions and the creation of free airways. Of Gothenburg's dental students, 54.5% demonstrated the correct knowledge, while the corresponding figures for Malmö and Stockholm were 23.8% and 23.1% respectively. Of the respondents, 85.6% wanted more information about handling a situation in the event of cardiac arrest in children. Conclusion: More studies with a larger number of participants are needed to be able to assess the level of knowledge of dental students about emergency management of situations of cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest. Through future collaboration, several opportunities can be offered to students to achieve a higher level of knowledge. There may also be a need to offer CPR training at both adult and child level.

Grevegårdens kyrka: En arkitekts sammanfattning. : En studie i Rolf Berghs arkitektoniska motiv utifrån hans sista verk.

Seander, Petter January 2023 (has links)
This study of Grevegården Church, Tynnered, Gothenburg, Sweden, shows how Swedish architect Rolf Bergh's characteristic motifs are applied even in what is his last completed building. Through comparisons with works constructed at different times in Bergh's long, unbroken career of designing church buildings (from the late 1940s up until 1992), the study finds that the architect's theoretical base very much shapes the built space.  This study also shows how a relatively common process for a new church building in Sweden happened at the end of the 20th century - from the competition proposal, via the project design to the finished building. In this process we find a dynamic between architect and client, but also between architect and, for example, procurement rules. Rolf Bergh belongs to a modernist tradition in which the architect plays a major role in the process - as in Grevegården Church, where he has designed everything from the exterior to the light fittings.  Rolf Bergh has often been seen primarily as a religious architect, with the implication that function took precedence over aesthetic values. This study argues instead that Bergh was essentially a modernist architect, while maintaining high aesthetic quality, albeit probably more versed than many of his contemporaries in liturgical matters. In this specific building Bergh, in line with the times, incorporates and blends postmodernist motifs with modernist ones. The cultural-historical values of Grevegården church are counteracted by the relative ordinariness of the building and the fact that the building does not yet meet the age criterion for general conservation value. In the current discourse, there is a tendency to positively re-evaluate the architecture of the late 1980s and early 1990s. With an understanding based on this tendency, Grevegården church can very well assert itself on its aesthetic quality. The study concludes by discussing the ongoing debate about how potentially redundant church spaces should be managed and valued in the future.

Leder Covid-19 krisen till innovationer? : En kvalitativ undersökning som analyserar evenemangsarrangörers krishantering i Göteborg / Does the Covid-19 crisis lead to innovations?

Nodvall, Malin, Rosendahl, Sofie January 2022 (has links)
Vår vana av att ha möjlighet att besöka evenemang fick ett plötsligt avbrott i och med spridningen av Covid-19 och dess restriktioner som infördes. Vidare har Covid-19 viruset bidragit till rädsla, polarisering, isolering, restriktioner och dödsfall. Evenemangsbranschen var minst sagt hårt drabbad och många aktörer stod inför beslutet av att ställa in sina planerade evenemang eller hitta nya sätt för att överleva krisen. Pandemin tvingade fram andra lösningar, såsom digitalisering och livestreaming av evenemang, vilket kan ha resulterat i att fler och nya deltagare kan delta vid evenemang under Covid-19, men även på lång sikt efter pandemin. Ur ett innovationsperspektiv kan en kris som pandemin vara något positivt genom att öppna upp för nya perspektiv och lösningar, där den brådskande känslan som krisen frambringar leder till en nödvändighet av förändring. Av pandemins erfarenheter, vet vi att vi lever i en föränderlig värld och det kan vara svårt att spekulera i om Covid-19 kommer tillbaka eller inte. Av den anledning fyller den här studien viktig kunskap för yrkesverksamma i evenemangssektorn inom risk management. För att eventarrangörer ska fortsätta erbjuda sina evenemangstjänster behöver de hitta nya strategier för att genomföra evenemang på ett ansvarsfullt och säkert sätt som går i enlighet med den nya normaliteten kring Covid-19. Vilka lärdomar kommer man att ta vara på efter pandemin och vilka innovationer har skapats, påskyndats eller gjorts om i följd av krisen. Denna uppsats är skriven på svenska. / Our habit of being able to attend events was interrupted abruptly by the spread of Covid-19 and its restrictions. Furthermore, the Covid-19 virus has contributed to fear, polarization, isolation, restrictions and death. The events industry was greatly affected, and many organizations were faced with the decision to cancel their scheduled events or find new ways to survive the crisis. Other solutions had to be made during the pandemic, such as digitization and live streaming of events, which may have opened up for more and new participants in the long term even after Covid-19. From an innovation perspective, a crisis such as the pandemic can be something positive that opens up new perspectives and solutions, where the urgent feeling that the crisis produces leads to a necessity for change. From the experience of the pandemic, we know that we live in a changing world, and it can be difficult to speculate whether Covid-19 will return or not. For this reason, this study fills important knowledge for professionals in the event sector in risk management. In order to organize events, it will continue to offer its event services that need to find new strategies for conducting events in a responsible and safe manner that is in line with the new normality surrounding Covid-19. What lessons will be learned after the pandemic and what innovations have been created, accelerated or redone as a result of the crisis. This study will be written in Swedish.

“Det blir ju enklare att tänka utanför boxen om du vet vad boxen faktiskt är” : En jämförande intervjustudie mellan svenska och spanska reklambyråers förhållningssätt till reklambranschen

Erhardsson, Alva, Bornkessel, Mariann January 2024 (has links)
The existing literature extensively covers the demands placed on advertising agencies, yet there is notably less research on how these agencies respond to these demands, especially in a comparative context. In response, this current study aims to investigate how advertising agencies navigate the complex market, where they must adapt to external demands while maintaining their unique identity. The goal is to deepen our understanding of how advertising agencies conduct their operations and handle the challenges posed by the intricate advertising industry. The concept of isomorphism, drawn from institutional theory, represents a significant contribution explaining how organizations tend to adopt similar patterns when influenced by common institutional pressures. This comparative interview study, between advertising agencies in Barcelona and Gothenburg, delves into how these agencies navigate between global and local demands. The findings point to isomorphic patterns among the agencies in these different cities, suggesting their adaptation to global trends. Concurrently, differences in the results indicate the ongoing need for them to tailor their approaches to their respective local contexts.

In the boundless realm of unending change : Planning for cemeteries in an urban context as envisioned through scenarios / I den gränslösa sfären av oändlig förändring : Planering för kyrkogårdar i en urban kontext visualiserade genom scenarion

O'Connor, Kate, Lindroth, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Cemeteries are an integral part of the cityscape, which as a societal function are responsible for the interment of the deceased in a dignified manner. Cemeteries as a space imbued with cultural, historical, religious and emotional significance - as a site for grief, reflection and contemplation they also have a significant physical presence in the city. Cemeteries are a somewhat hidden issue in urban planning in Sweden today, but as a land intensive development that locks the land from future reuse it is paramount that the complexity is examined. The Burial Act (SFS 1990:1144) governs burial practice, services and the organisation structure of cemeteries in Sweden which creates an interesting set of conditions. The thesis investigates future cemetery planning in the context of Gothenburg, Sweden, as the city is faced with a shortage of burial space in the coming decade. Simultaneously, Gothenburg is growing and land for future development is highly contested. This provides motivation for why cemetery planning needs to be understood in an urban context. The thesis will use two case studies, first the case of Järva cemetery in Stockholm as inspiration for cemetery planning in current society and secondly the case of Gothenburg to guide the research regarding how to plan for cemeteries that are socially just. An extensive literature review and interviews with relevant actors, are used to gain knowledge of cemetery planning and the functions of cemeteries in a European context, as well as future trends regarding cemetery planning. The interviews are examined through the themes of physical considerations, qualities of cemeteries, diversity in burial provision and governance. Results of the interviews indicate the multifaceted nature of planning for cemeteries. The method of scenario planning is subsequently utilized as a tool to explore how a future cemetery in Gothenburg can be planned, developed and designed through four possible scenarios - small-peripheral, small-urban, large-urban and large-peripheral. A scenario analysis is carried out using a social justice theoretical framework to illuminate how a socially just cemetery development can be established and potential challenges regarding this. The concepts analysed through the theoretical framework are planning, ownership and management, finance, social infrastructure and environmental impact. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the cemetery scenarios analysis and providing recommendations for future cemetery planning in Gothenburg.

Regionala skillnader i arbetslöshetsnivå : En ekonometrisk paneldatastudie om storstadsregioners kommunala arbetslöshet och dess förklaringsvariabler / Regional Differences in Unemployment rate : An Econometric panel data study of metropolitan regions’ municipal unemployment and its explanatory variables

Nielsen, Linnea, Sjöbring, Lovisa January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats har undersökt kommunal arbetslöshet i 22 kommuner, vilka är geografiskt anslutande till Sveriges tre storstadsområden – Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö. Uppsatsen har ämnat undersöka huruvida det föreligger signifikanta orsakssamband som påverkar kommunal arbetslöshet. Uppsatsen har även avsett undersöka om det finns tydliga skillnader i faktorer som påverkar arbetslöshetsnivån i de undersökta regionerna, samt förorts- och storstadskommuner emellan. För att besvara syftet har det i studien genomförts en regressionsanalys med paneldata för de undersökta kommunerna mellan åren 1996-2014. Förklaringsvariablerna, vilka ämnar förklara kommunal arbetslöshetsnivå, har varit kommunal inkomstskattenivå, medelårsinkomst, andel med minst tre års eftergymnasial utbildning, befolkningstäthet och andel utrikesfödda. Resultaten påvisar positiva samband för variablerna kommunal inkomstskattenivå, medelårsinkomst, befolkningstäthet och utrikesfödda, vilket innebär att när dessa faktorer förändras påverkas även kommunal arbetslöshetsnivå i motsvarande riktning. Den enskilda förklaringsvariabel som har ett negativt samband med arbetslöshet är andel med eftergymnasial utbildning, vilket innebär att när denna faktor förändras påverkas kommunal arbetslöshet i motsatt riktning. Resultaten visar skillnader i kommunal inkomstskattenivås påverkan på arbetslöshet storstads- och förortskommuner emellan, då storstadskommuner visar ett starkare sådant samband. Inga övriga skillnader i variablernas påverkan på arbetslöshet kan tydligt urskiljas ur resultaten. Den tydligaste skillnaden regionerna emellan är sambandet mellan utrikesfödda och arbetslöshet, vilket är positivt för Stockholmsregionen, men negativt för Malmö- och Göteborgsregionerna. Resultaten påvisar också skillnader i hur starkt variablerna kommunal inkomstskattenivå och andel med eftergymnasial utbildning påverkar arbetslösheten. Sambandet mellan kommunal inkomstskattenivå och arbetslöshet är starkast i Göteborgsområdet, i förhållande till övriga undersökta områden, och variabeln eftergymnasial utbildning har starkast påverkan på arbetslöshetsnivån i Malmöområdet, i relation till övriga två områden. / This thesis has examined the unemployment rate in 22 municipalities that are geographically connected to the metropolitan areas of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The aim has been to examine whether there are distinct differences in factors that effect the municipal unemployment rate. The thesis has also aimed to investigate distinct differences in municipal unemployment rate in suburban and metropolitan municipalities. A regression analysis of panel data between the years 1996-2014 has been estimated and the explanatory variables are level of municipal income tax, average annual income, proportion of individuals with a higher educational level of three years or more, population density and proportion of foreign born.   The results indicate positive relationships between the variables municipal income tax, average annual income, population density and foreign born, which means that whenever these factors alter – the municipal unemployment rate does so as well. The sole explanatory variable with a negative relationship to municipal unemployment rate is education, which means that if the level of education changes, the unemployment rate alters in the opposit direction. The results also indicate differences in how strongly the municipal income tax effect the unemployment rate in suburban and metropolitan municipalities, since metropolitan municipalities indicate a stronger relationship between this variable and the unemployment rate. Moreover, there are no clear differences in the variables’ effect on the municipal unemployment rate. The most distinct disparity between the three regions is the relationship between the proportion of foreign born and municipal unemployment rate, which solely is positive for the region of Stockholm and negative for the regions of Malmö and Gothenburg. The results also indicate differences in how strongly the variables of municipal income tax and level of education affect the unemployment rate. The relationship between municipal income tax and unemployment rate is most powerful in the region of Gothenburg, in comparison to the other two regions, and the variable of level of education effect the region of Malmö the most.

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