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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of Chinese metropolitan planning management systems : with particular focus upon governance

Wang, Yong January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines Chinese metropolitan planning management system taking lessons from its past as well as current development and involving recommendations for its future improvement. It investigates the historical and current developments in the metropolitan planning management systems and also makes recommendations about how to improve the future systems. It aims to find potential ways which can make the Chinese metropolitan planning management system work well and move the metropolitan planning management to good governance. This thesis also constructs a theoretical framework from the perspective of decentralization, focusing upon the change of relationships between the Chinese government, market and society, to gain an in-depth insight of changes in the development of Chinese planning management system since 1978. It considers a case study approach to analyze the current situation of the metropolitan planning management system. It employs a qualitative research methodology that comprises of questionnaire and interviews with governmental officials, planners and experts, to study the behaviors of different actors involved in the core operations of planning management system, and investigate relationships between the government, market and society in order to examine the fundamental institutional factors producing the problems. In the end, on basis of the global public management paradigm transformation and in view of the overall trend of the governance transition, it makes recommendations regarding an improved metropolitan planning management system in China. It identifies factors influencing the Chinese metropolitan planning management system. It argues that the planning management system changes with the administrative system. The administrative management system reform has become the most direct and fundamental motive for promoting the transition of planning management system. It scrutinizes the problems in metropolitan planning management system. It argues that inadequate modern bureaucracy is the primary characteristic of current planning management systems, which is inducing problems in the metropolitan planning management system. It argues that the focus of Chinese metropolitan planning management system reform is the allocation of power and responsibility among different interest groups. It argues that reform of the metropolitan planning management system needs continuous improvement and has to surpass the bureaucracy moderately. The essence of metropolitan planning management system reform is rationalizing relationships between different levels of governments as well as relationships between the government, market and society. It insists that improved metropolitan planning management system in China needs support from other governance tools.

Governance in new European regions: the case of Centrope

Coimbra Swiatek, Daniela 02 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation analyses governance in the process of the formation of new regional alliances and spaces in Europe, by studying the case of the Central European Region - Centrope, which is both a region and a political project at the border area of Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. This research aims at illuminating the historically founded relationship between emerging territories and new socioeconomic institutionalisations through unveiling the mode of governance in Centrope. It uncovers the progress and dilemmas of the institutionalization of a new region and regional alliances. The focus is on socio-spatial transformations, bringing in conceptual clarifications to unravel, among other issues, the ways in which actor's alliances are formed and mobilized to defend and promote particular interests grounded within already established, emerging, or potential state spaces. It thus sheds light on the mode of governance and regional development being fostered by the EU in new trans-border regions, as well as on the challenges involved in implementing new spaces in the EU under the absolute rule of a specific notion of competitiveness. This enabled sketching some alternative policy recommendations. (author's abstract)

Towards a Network of Marine Protected Areas in the South China Sea: Legal and Political Perspectives

Vu, Hai Dang 12 July 2013 (has links)
The once pristine and rich marine environment of the South China Sea is degrading at an alarming rate due to the rapid socioeconomic development of the region. Despite this, and because mainly of complicated sovereignty and maritime boundary disputes, coastal States have not been able to develop effective regional cooperation to safeguard the shared marine environment. This dissertation, “Towards a Network of Marine Protected Areas in the South China Sea: Legal and Political Perspectives”, researches legal and political measures to support the development of a network of marine protected areas in the South China Sea. Such a network, if properly developed, would not only help to protect the marine environment and resources of the region but also contribute to lower the tension among its coastal States. These measures should be developed in accordance with international law, based on the specific geopolitical context of the South China Sea region and take into consideration experiences in developing regional networks of marine protected areas from other marine regions. Consequently, three optional categories of measures for the development of a network of marine protected areas in the South China Sea are suggested at the end. They include national-focused measures; measures to enhance the regional cooperation; and measures to build a regime for marine protected areas and network of marine protected areas in the South China Sea. These measures could be taken alternatively or on a step-by-step basis.

Regionales Flächenmanagement im Städtedreieck am Saalebogen - Konzeption, Handhabe und Weiterentwicklung

Koch, Robert 05 April 2006 (has links)
Since formal instruments of spatial planning in Germany have turned out to be too inflexible to govern regional development, new ones are being implemented. One of them is Regional Land Management (RLM), which can be described as an application of regional management. A RLM comprises various aspects of planning, development and use of sites for industrial purposes, housing, recreation, open space et cetera. The complexity of tasks requires the cooperation between public and private actors ("public private partnership"), for instance municipalities and firms as well as different lobby groups. In most cases a Regional Development Concept contents the necessary guidelines, objectives and steps. This process has been analysed in the Municipal Network of "Saalebogen", which consists of Rudolstadt, Saalfeld and Bad Blankenburg and is situated in East Thuringia. Like elsewhere in Thuringia the "Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Thüringen", i. e. the state development corporation, has taken considerable measures toward the revitalisation of industrial areas by acquisition, clearing, development and commercialisation. Thus, it was explored to what extent the participating municipalities undertook activities in terms of mutual coordination of industrial areas and public projects on existing sites referring to different functions within the Municipal Network. This has to take into account especially the decline of population due to the volatile economic performance of the region. The overall question is whether and how it can be managed to stimulate a development from the bottom of the region. The method of research chosen is threefold: Based on a new understanding of communicative and cooperative planning and a general concept for an RLM, the respective elements in the "Saalebogen" were defined as they can found in the urban and regional development plans and concepts. Interviews should show the motives, objectives and actions of planners, local politicians and entrepreneurs who are more or less involved in the RLM. Moreover, data on several industrial sites are evaluated in order to reflect the actual results. In the conclusion the implications of the RLM for regional planning and governance are formulated as well as improvements concerning planning system, spatial arrangement and organisation. / Die Raumplanung hat in der jüngeren Vergangenheit einen deutlichen Paradigmenwechsel vollzogen. Zunehmende Umsetzungsdefizite von formalen Plänen haben informellen Planungsinstrumenten einen erheblichen Bedeutungszuwachs beschert. Dazu gehören v.a. Regionale Entwicklungskonzepte (REK), die zur Behandlung einzelner Themenschwerpunkte bzw. Teilräume unter Einbeziehung der jeweils relevanten Akteure erstellt werden. Gerade in Ostdeutschland hat es sich als sinnvoll und notwendig erwiesen, nicht nur formale Rechtspläne in einem aufwendigen Verfahren zu erstellen, sondern im Vorgriff darauf bzw. parallel dazu Entwicklungskonzepte zu erarbeiten. Der zu untersuchende Raum des Städtedreiecks am Saalebogen stellt einen Städteverbund, bestehend aus Saalfeld, Rudolstadt und Bad Blankenburg, dar und wurde inhaltlich in einem REK verankert. Der dabei gewählte Ansatz eines Regionalmanagements umfasst zahlreiche Akteure auf den verschiedenen Ebenen (Land, Region, Kommunen, Unternehmen etc.). In diesem Zusammenhang sind planerische Überlegungen nicht zuletzt von Fragen der Flächenentwicklung (Revitalisierung, Nachnutzung, Neuerschließung) bestimmt. Nachdem die Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Thüringen (LEG) erhebliche Leistungen in der Entwicklung gewerblicher Standorte sowie im Projektmanagement erbracht hat, stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit die beteiligten Kommunen ihrerseits eine abgestimmte, koordinierte und kooperative Flächenentwicklung betreiben. Elemente hierfür sind etwa die Bevorzugung gemeinsamer Standorte und die Rücknahme einzelner Flächen. Weiterhin soll anhand der Arbeit untersucht werden, wie mit den Rahmenbedingungen der Schrumpfung umgegangen wird. Dies betrifft v.a. die (interkommunale) (Um-) Nutzung bestimmter Standorte bzw. Flächen im Rahmen eines Bestandsmanagements. In Anbetracht der organisatorischen Form der Zusammenarbeit ist am konkreten Beispiel insgesamt von Interesse zu untersuchen, ob mit "weichen", kooperativen Instrumenten der Regionalentwicklung "harte" Standort- bzw. Flächennutzungsentscheidungen getroffen werden können. Als normative Grundlage zur Beurteilung kann dabei das Postulat einer nachhaltigen Raumentwicklung herangezogen werden, aus dem sich Kriterien einer ressourcensparenden und nutzungseffizienten Flächenentwicklung einerseits sowie einer kontinuierlichen Beteiligung von Akteuren bzw. Institutionalisierung der Zusammenarbeit andererseits ableiten lassen. In einer theoretischen Einführung werden die sich wandelnden raumplanerischen Funktionen allgemein erörtert sowie die Instrumente REK und Städtenetze im Besonderen vorgestellt. In einem nächsten Schritt erfolgt eine Begriffsbestimmung "des" regionalen Flächenmanagements anhand einzelner Elemente der Planung und deren Umsetzung bzw. Nutzung. Nach einer Beschreibung des Untersuchungsraums stehen konkrete Rahmenbedingungen (REK, Städteverbund), bisherige Aktivitäten und zukünftige Vorhaben eines regionalen Flächenmanagements im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit. Um dies differenziert beurteilen zu können, werden der (zeitliche) Vergleich von Raumordnungsplänen und REK, Gespräche mit regional bedeutsamen Akteuren sowie die Auswertung von Strukturdaten durchgeführt. Mit dieser empirischen Vorgehensweise verbunden sind neue Erkenntnisse über Entscheidungsprozesse in der Regionalentwicklung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Flächenentwicklung. Außerdem werden Vorschläge für die Weiterentwicklung des RFM im Städtedreieck und allgemein erarbeitet. Damit liegt der Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung auf planungspraktischen sowie umsetzungsbezogenen Fragestellungen.

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