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Protest Art and Urban Renewal in Taiwan: Convivial Combats from 2010-2013Wei, Lising L. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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<p>"The Cult of Cézanne:" Marcel Duchamp, Clyfford Still, and Banksy</p>Miller, Shelby E. 17 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Le retour de l'art mural à l'époque contemporaine / The return of the Mural art in the contemporary periodMalbranche, Chloë 01 October 2011 (has links)
Le retour de l'Art mural à l'époque contemporaine" tourne autour de la problématique suivante: en quoi l'Art Mural est-il une nouvelle forme de métaphysique puisqu’elle permet à l'homme de projeter son âme sur un support et se retrouve ainsi dévoilée aux yeux de tous sous cette forme qui s’apparente à l" ekstase "soit un au dehors mis en mouvement par une "corporéité habitée" car le peintre muraliste est celui qui revendique l'esprit d'une époque et fusionne avec le mur pour créer une image, celle de l'invisible rendue visible. Le concept de « mur » sera abordé comme une pierre angulaire au travers des âges, comme support dans l’art moderne, art qui permet de faire un lien avec le passé mais surtout se démarque des arts contemporains car il sera nécessaire d’approcher les œuvres murales et le graffiti en général qui sera défini et fera l’objet d’une étude approfondie. Ainsi l’art rupestre qu’il est possible de comprendre d’après les études de Henri LHOTE, d’André LEROI-GOURHAN et de l’Abbé BREUIL pourra être mis en lumière notamment en décrivant les peintures pariétales retrouvées dans la grotte de Niaux, de Kapova, de Altamira, de Lascaux et de Chauvet qui représentent la première forme d’art humain et le commencement d’une spiritualité naissante. Le lien pourra être fait avec le symbolisme de l’Art égyptien et sa construction de l’image pour arriver à l’art décoratif des fresques de Pompéi et d’Herculanum où les graffitis de ces villes ont été étudiés par Eva CANTARELLA. De manière chronologique il sera intéressant de rappeler que le Moyen Age fut l’époque de la naissance des fresques romanes en vue de promouvoir une spiritualité qui évolue au cours des âges. Il existe aussi des techniques selon Cennino CENNINI qui explique les procédés de l’« intonaco » et de la fresque « a fresco » associés au père Ignazio POZZO. Enfin la période contemporaine fera l’objet de cette réflexion car les mouvements en peinture sont faits de liens mais surtout font rupture avec ce qui précède pour s’établir dans le temps selon l’expression de Valérie DUPONT, historienne de l’Art. / The return of Mural Art in the contemporary period” revolves round the following issue: In what way can one consider art to be a new form of metaphysics, since it allows man to project his soul on a support thus unveiling it to all in this form, which is close to a kind of “ecstasy”, i.e. an outside that is made to move through a “lived-in corporality”, for the mural painter claims the spirit of a period and merges with the wall so as to created an image – that of the invisible made visible. The “wall” concept will be examined as a foundation stone through the ages, as a support in modern art, a type of art that can create a link with the past but which especially stands out from contemporary art types, since we'll be studying mural works made by muralists as well as graffiti in general, which will be defined and studied in depth. Thus, rupestral art, which may be understood through the studies of Henri LHOTE, André LEROI-GOURHAN and Abbot BREUIL, can be explained most notably by looking at parietal paintings found in the Niaux, Kapova, Altamira, Lascaux and Chauvet caves, which represent the first form of human art and the beginning of a nascent spirituality. A link may be made to the symbolism of Egyptian art and its construction of image before reaching the decorative art of the Pompei and Herculanum frescoes – graffitis in those cities were studied by Eva CANTARELLA. It will be interesting, from a chronological point of view, to remember that the Middle Ages were the period when romanesque frescoes were born in order to further foster that age-old evolving spirituality. Such art was considered by Cennino CENNINI, who, along with father Ignazio POSSO explains the processes of “intonaco and the “a fresco” fresco. Finally, we'll have to study the modern period, since painting movements are made up of links and, more importantly, make a break with what preceded them, in order to last in time, as Valérie DUPONT, an arti historian, says.
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Le matériel prépositionnel, préverbal et préfixal en latin littéraire et non littéraire : étude de la documentation autographe / Prepositional, preverbal and prefixal material in non literary latin : a study of autographical documentsRedoutey-Grosjean, Nicolas 16 March 2019 (has links)
La présente thèse a pour sujet la question du système des prépositions en latin vulgaire, ainsi que des morphèmes liés à ces dernières dans les langues indo-européennes (préverbes et préfixes). Notre objectif a été d’évaluer quelles ont pu être les spécificités relatives à l’emploi des prépositions (et des morphèmes connexes) dans la langue ordinaire, sur le plan sémasiologique comme onomasiologique. Est bâti pour ce faire le corpus le plus large possible de documents « autographes », c’est-à-dire de pièces portant une inscription directement réalisée par un latinophone (graffites, ostraca, tablettes de cire, defixiones, papyri documentaires), rédigés entre 1 et 395 p.C. La construction même de ce corpus et l’établissement d’une référenciation stable ont constitué un objectif secondaire de ce travail. La première partie établit les outils terminologiques nécessaires. Sont donc passées en revue toutes les théories relatives aux prépositions et à leur sémantisme depuis l’Antiquité, dans le but de souligner les manques et les imprécisions de la tradition terminologique. L’attention est ensuite portée sur le problème récurrent du « latin vulgaire », appellation nécessairement tolérée, même si elle demeure insatisfaisante et embarrassante. La question est spécifiquement posée au regard de la particularité du corpus, sur le plan matériel comme théorique. La notion « d’autographie » est en effet très floue, du fait de l’immixtion d’intermédiaires humains (comme les scribes, professionnels ou non), de la question de la « formularité » et des text types, et des problèmes complexes liés aux différentes formes de littératies à travers les provinces romaines. Cette partie se clôt sur les choix terminologiques et méthodologiques opérés, relativement au processus sous-jacent de collecte des données. La seconde partie présente les données. Celles-ci sont d’abord traitées sous l’angle quantitatif, avec prudence ; il s’agit d’abord d’établir quels sont les morphèmes encore en usage, quels sont ceux qui déclinent et quels sont ceux qui ont déjà disparu. Il s’agit également de comprendre quels écarts peuvent se manifester entre les données et nos attentes. On souligne ce faisant les différents processus de développement, en synchronie ou en diachronie, de certains morphèmes ou usages ; la notion de « préfixation pré-nominale », jusqu’ici peu envisagée dans les études latines, et ainsi étudiée. Le second chapitre de cette partie étudie ce matériel, sur un plan phonétique, morphosyntaxique et lexical. Il s’agit alors non seulement de découvrir les signes d’un possible renouvellement dans certaines zones de la langue (il est fait ici usage du concept de sermo castrensis, mais aussi de celui – encore peu envisagé – de sermo mercatorius) ; il s’agit en outre de comprendre pourquoi ce corpus manifeste une véritable résistance à l’égard des vulgarismes, et pourquoi l’on ne constate aucun véritable fossé entre la langue normée et celle du corpus.Le dernier chapitre se concentre sur le problème déjà ancien, mais complexe, de la chute des <-m> (et accessoirement, des <-s>) en latin vulgaire, et sur la conséquence de celle-ci au sein des groupes prépositionnels. Ce problème a une histoire (depuis Diehl), qui est rappelée afin d’expliquer comment se mélangent ici les niveaux graphiques, phonologiques et grammaticaux. Il s’agit de comprendre dans quels cas la disparition de <-m> peut être attribuée à une pure convention graphique, dans quels cas elle est relative à l’analphabétisme ou à la faible littératie des scripteurs, et dans quels cas elle constitue effectivement le premier signe (mesuré) d’un effondrement des systèmes flexionnels, dans une perspective romane. Ce chapitre s’interroge ine fine sur la capacité des locuteurs semi-lettrés, à un moment de la diachronie, à faire usage d’un « système polymorphique » (Banniard), et à choisir ainsi, bien qu’ils fussent relativement conscients des règles morphologiques, de marquer ou non le cas accusatif. / In this thesis, we deal with the question of prepositional systems in Vulgar Latin, and the linguistic material wih which it is usually associated, in indo-european languages, i.e. preverbs and prefixes. Our work aims to evaluate how specific usages of prepositions (and related material) in colloquial speech may have been, in both semasiological and onomasiological ways. For this purpose, we draw on the largest corpus of « Autographical » documents, i.e. directly inscribed artifacts, such as graffiti, ostraca, wax tablets, defixiones, documentary papyri, etc., from 1 to 395 a.D. Moreover, as a second objective ot the dissertation, we set up a fully-ordered and well-referenced corpus of our archaeological material.The first part of the thesis tries to lay the methodological tools of such the said design. Theories of prepositions and prepositional meanings from Antiquity to present reviewed are reviewed, in order to understand the lack and fuziness of inherited terminological displays. We then consider the customary problem of utilising and defining the terme « Vulgar latin » (which we tolerate, as embarrassing and unsatisfying as it is) and most specifically the peculiarity of our corpus, in a theorical and practical ways : « autography » is indeed a messy concept, due to the involvement of human go-betweens (like professional or casual scribes), the question of formularity and « text types », and the complex pattern of literacy, throughout the Roman provinces. This chapter ends with terminological and methodological choices, referring to the undergoing process of the data report.In second part of the thesis we lay out the data itself. We first deal with this data quantitativly by cautiously using statistical approaches, we try to establish which morphemes were still in use, recessing, or had already disappeared. Furthermore, we examine what kind of discrepancies could arrise between our expectation and the data. We stress, by doing so, the synchonical and diachronical expansions of certain morphemes or usages, and more specifically the question of « Pre-nominal prefixation », on which little has yet been written in classical tradition. The second part of this chapter studies the dynamics of our material phonetically, morphosyntaxically and lexically. Not only do we try to catch sight of linguistic renewals in some areas of language (dealing with the concept of sermo castrensis, or the yet unexplored sermo mercatorius), but also the evidence of a structural dragging into vulgarisms and linguistical changes in our corpus, questioning the lack of an expected « gap » between litterary standards and the language that our documents are using.The third part of our thesis deals with the very well known but very intricate problem of falling /-m/ (and, casually, falling /-s/) in Vulgar Latin, and their consequences in the prepositionnal phrases. The problem’s history (from Diehl’s work) shows up, explaining the entanglement of graphical, phonological and grammatical levels in such an inquiry. We then try to establish which part of the disappearing <-m>, in prepositional phrases, could be assigned to graphical convention, which part goes to real illiteracy (or « low-level literacy ») and which part shows the evidence for a real (but limited) starting point toward a future collapse of nominal flection, from a romance perspective. We conclude this chapter by questioning the ability of semi-literate latin-speakers, at some point of the diachronic evolution of latin language, to deal with « polymorphic » systems (as proposed by Banniard), who ware quite aware of morphological rules but choosing to mark or not mark or to omit the accusative case.
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The elusive clean machine : rational order and play in a public railwayEvans, Michaela Skye January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Rational order and play are often conceptualised as oppositional forces. In modern urban life especially, rational order is presented as destructive of a playful orientation towards life eschewing mystery through coherence, spontaneity through predictability, and contingency through systematic planning. In turn, the postmodern debate often asserts the reinvigoration of free, playful, and contingent individuals whose collective acts are destructive of the rationality of modern order with the present, in contrast to the past, offering a condition of enduring and unremitting uncertainty. This thesis explores the dynamic relation between rational order and play in urban society through an ethnographic account of a public commuter railway in Perth, Western Australia. Notwithstanding this ethnographic setting, the thesis addresses questions of broader significance through an analysis of the railway as an instance of public space and state techno-bureaucratic order. I investigate the creative process through which the state attempts to standardise the various operational components of the railway as well as the reasons underpinning the state's desire to produce what I term a 'clean machine'. In turn, I investigate how differentially positioned actors live within this carefully crafted machine. I do so by following the stories, experiences, and practices of: government administrators charged with building the railway; the managers who oversee the network's operation; the staff members who operate trains, clean stations, and discipline passengers; and the railway's end-users, including passengers and graffiti artists. ... In examining the two tensions of rational order/play and revelation/ concealment, I attempt to explicate how it is that people experience life as simultaneously coherent and serendipitous. In the thesis, I document the ways in which railway officials, passengers, and graffiti artists express a pervasive ambivalence towards their experience of the railway system. On the one hand, these actors experience the railway as a system of constraint that produces 'robotic' behaviours and automated transactions. On the other, they see the railway as a liberating space that enables autonomous expression and spontaneous interaction. By examining these contending experiences and associated sentiments, I highlight the railway as a stimulating site within which to explore the meaning and significance of urban modernity. Lastly, this thesis contributes to debate on the challenges posed by the character of contemporary social processes to anthropological research methodology. I illustrate the utility of such methods as written and photographic diaries as well as mental-mapping exercises, but primarily advocate the documentary and analytical advantages of participant observation in a mobile field-site. I assert that while participant observation poses a number of personal and professional challenges in this setting, these challenges uncover the stimulating complexity of contemporary urban life. To this end, I contest emergent academic commentary that propounds the destabilisation of anthropological techniques in what is frequently described as an equally destabilised world.
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Vlakové nádraží / Railway StationPETRÁŠOVÁ, Jitka January 2007 (has links)
The theoretical part of this work refers to the presence and approach to the technical element in former and current Czech art. It closely inquires into this theme in the work of the outstanding contemporary Czech artists and it also mentions the graffiti phenomenon and its influence on the present artistic production. Furthermore it explains my intention and technical method in the course of creating the practical part of the work - a cycle of six thematic paintings.
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Vizuální reinterpretace národní identity ve veřejném prostoru Mexika / Visual Reinterpretation of National Identity in the Public Space of MexicoHaakenstad Koháková, Magdalena January 2020 (has links)
Visual Reinterpretation of National Identity in the Public Space of Mexico Visual communication in public spaces of Mexico has been significantly shaping collective identity, from pre-Columbian times to nowadays. This PhD thesis analyzes the visual aspect of cultural and religious identity in pre-Columbian and colonial eras, later, the discussion is led through the development of the modern day national identity that followed while concurrently explaining how former structural characteristics were partially maintained. Those phenomena are explored from two vantage points: that of the cultural and political elites and that of the general population. However, these perspectives aren't presented in a sharp opposition, rather, as two conjugating cultural streams that have been continuously negotiating and shaping cultural and national identity in correlation with historical and cultural events, including influence from significant others. Accordingly, the thesis explores the official version of national identity, that is promoted by state power, but also how official identity is received into intimate spaces, the everydayness of the bearers of such identity, its reinterpretation and alternatively, the rejections. Since public art (mural art, popular graphics, graffiti, stencil art and other diverse means of...
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Street art в культурном пространства города : магистерская диссертация / Street art in urban cultural spaceШайдуллина, А. В., Shaydullina, A. V. January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation studies the features and modes adopted by the street art in urban cultural space. The text presents an analysis of history and contemporary forms of street art in Russia. Through the works of major artists, themes and festivals, the author elucidates characteristic features of Ekaterinburg street art, explores the work of “Sweater” street art gallery and the experience of the All-Russian Street Art Festival “Stenograffia”. Sociological research conducted by the author helps to understand the attitudes of Ekaterinburg’s younger population towards specific street art objects and street art in general. / Диссертация посвящена изучению особенностей и форм проявления street art в культурном пространстве города на примере г. Екатеринбурга. Анализируется история и современные формы street art в России. Через работы значимых художников, темы и фестивали выявляются особенности стрит-арта в Екатеринбурге, исследуется деятельность галереи уличного искусства «Свитер» и опыт проведения Всероссийского фестиваля уличного искусства «Стенограффия». На основе проведенного социологического опроса выявляется отношение молодежи г. Екатеринбурга к отдельным объектам уличного искусства и стрит-арту в целом.
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Создание набора стрит-арт-открыток : магистерская диссертация / Creating a set of street art postcardsБуга, М. А., Buga, M. A. January 2020 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена исследованию стрит-арт-открыток и уличному искусству в целом: рассмотрению американской и французской традиций, рассмотрению особенностей российского стрит-арта и его правового регулирования. Также работа включает в себя анализ современного состояния уличного искусства г. Екатеринбурга и классификацию стрит-арт-объектов города. Для разработки концепции издательского проекта стрит-арт-открыток был осуществлен анализ рос¬сийского книжного рынка в специфике публикаций об уличном искусстве и анализ открыток, посвященных стрит-арту, проведена оценка востре¬бованности продукта посредством сегментирования целевой аудитории и выведения «персонажей», а также рассмотрены структурно-содержательные и визуально-полиграфические особенности издания. Издательский продукт представляет собой набор открыток в количестве 12 штук формата А6, посвященный уличному искусству Екатеринбурга. / The master's thesis is devoted to the study of street art postcards and street art in general: consideration of the American and French traditions, consideration of the features of Russian street art and its legal regulation. The work also includes an analysis of the current state of street art in Yekaterinburg and classification of street art objects in the city. To develop the concept of a publishing project street art-cards performed analysis of the Russian book market in the specific publications about street art and analysis of postcards dedicated to street art, evaluated demand for the product by segmenting the target audience and removing "characters", and discusses the structural and visual features of the edition. The publishing product is a set of postcards in the amount of 12 pieces of A6 format, dedicated to the street art of Yekaterinburg.
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A Pedagogy of Holistic Media Literacy: Reflections on Culture Jamming as Transformative Learning and HealingStasko, Carly 14 December 2009 (has links)
This qualitative study uses narrative inquiry (Connelly & Clandinin, 1988, 1990, 2001) and self-study to investigate ways to further understand and facilitate the integration of holistic philosophies of education with media literacy pedagogies. As founder and director of the Youth Media Literacy Project and a self-titled Imagitator (one who agitates imagination), I have spent over 10 years teaching media literacy in various high schools, universities, and community centres across North America. This study will focus on my own personal practical knowledge (Connelly & Clandinin, 1982) as a culture jammer, educator and cancer survivor to illustrate my original vision of a ‘holistic media literacy pedagogy’. This research reflects on the emergence and impact of holistic media literacy in my personal and professional life and also draws from relevant interdisciplinary literature to challenge and synthesize current insights and theories of media literacy, holistic education and culture jamming.
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