Spelling suggestions: "subject:"brain size.""
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The Effect of Alternative Tungsten Carbide Grain Size Distribution on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Cemented CarbidesIvarsson, Filip January 2022 (has links)
In the constant pursuit of better-performing cemented carbides, recent studies suggest that a combination of better hardness and toughness can be obtained by changing its WC grain size distribution. As the area is still rather unexplored, this thesis aims to broaden the knowledge and answer whether mechanical properties can be changed by changing the WC grain size distribution, in the context of mining drill bit inserts. This was performed by producing four dual grained material as well as four single grained reference materials, for which the carbon content and presence of alloying element were varied. The materials were characterised and compared with regard to magnetic saturation, magnetic coercivity, hardness, fracture toughness, wear resistance, energy needed to cause fracture, as well as detailed microstructural analysis obtained through imaging and electron backscatter diffraction analysis The results showed that mining drill bit inserts with alternative WC grain size distribution could successfully be produced, but that a traditional bimodal distribution with two peaks could not be obtained. The distribution instead became significantly wider as well as skewed towards larger grains for the dual grained materials compared with their references. It was further also confirmed that the alternative dual grain size distribution could be used to improve the mechanical properties of fracture toughness and wear resistance, but only for material that was not alloyed, and the magnitude of the improvement may be considered to be small. For the alloyed materials, it turned out to be more difficult to influence the mechanical properties, as the improving effect of analloying element outweighed the effect of grain size distribution. / I en ständig jakt på hårdmetall med bättre prestanda, så föreslår ny forskning att en bättre kombination av hårdhet och seghet kan erhållas genom att ändra den mikrostrukturiella WC-kornstorleksfördelning. Då det ännu är ett relativt outforskat område, så har denna studie för avsikt att öka kunskapen genom att besvara frågan om de mekaniska egenskaperna kan förändras genom att ändra på materialets kornstorleksfördelning inom applikationsområdet hårdmetall för bergborrning. Detta gjordes genom att producera fyra material med WC pulver av två olika storlekar, samt fyra referensmaterial med en kornstorlek. För dessa varierades parametrarna kolhalt och närvaro av legeringselement. Materialen karakteriserades och jämfördes med avseende på magnetisk mättnad, magnetisk koercivitet, hårdhet, brottseghet, slitstyrka, energi som behövs för att orsaka brott, samt en detaljerad mikrostrukturanalys som erhölls genom avbildning samt elektrondiffraktionsanalys. Resultaten visade att material med alternativ WC-kornstorleksfördelning kunde produceras, men att en fullt bimodal fördelning inte gick att skapa i denna studie. Fördelningen blev istället betydligt bredare samt förskjuten mot större korn för materialen som innhöll WC av två olika storlekar. Det bekräftades också att den alternativa kornstorleksfördelningen kunde förbättra de mekaniska egenskaperna för brottseghet och slitstyrka, men endast för de material som inte var legerade och storleken på förbättringen får dessutom anses vara relativt liten. För de legerade materialen visade det sig vara svårare att påverka de mekaniska egenskaperna, eftersom den förbättring av egenskaper som legeringselement tillförde överträffade effekten av kornstorleksfördelning.
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UPNS4D+ – Neue Ansätze für die Kluftflächen- und HaufwerksanalyseDonner, Ralf, Geier, Andreas, John, André 28 September 2017 (has links)
Der Zugang zu wirtschaftsstrategischen Bodenschätzen ist für moderne Industriegesellschaften von essenzieller Bedeutung. Für Deutschland besteht für die Versorgung mit nichtenergetischen Rohstoffen wie Stahlveredlern und Seltenen-Erden eine weitgehende Importabhängigkeit. Vorhandene heimische Lagerstätten weisen eine komplexe geologische Struktur mit geringen Abbaumächtigkeiten in großen Teufen auf. Um diese Lagerstätten nutzen zu können, soll ein untertagetaugliches Positionierungs- und Navigationssystem, UPNS4D+, für die Erkundung der Lagerstätte entwickelt und als Demonstrationssystem gebaut werden. Das Institut für Markscheidewesen und Geodäsie der TU Bergakademie ist Teil des Entwicklerkonsortiums. Es ist zuständig für die markscheiderische und bergmännische Nutzbarkeit der mit dem Erkundungssystem gewonnen Daten. Entsprechend dem aktuellen Arbeitsfortschritt werden im vorliegenden Beitrag die Lösungen für die Kluftflächen- und die Haufwerksanalyse vorgestellt. Die teilautomatisierte Haufwerksanalyse dient der Detektion großer Partikel und deren Lagebestimmung in einem relativen Koordinatensystem. / Access to strategic mineral resources is essential for modern industrial societies. Germany is largely dependent on imports of non-energy raw materials such as steel refiners and rare earth elements. Existing indigenous deposits have a complex geological structure with low extraction thickness in large depths. In order to use these deposits, an underground positioning and navigation system, namely UPNS4D+, as a demonstration system has to be developed for deposit exploration. As part of the developer consortium, the Institute for Mining Surveying and Geodesy of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg is responsible for the utilization of the acquired data in the field of mining. According to the current work status, in this paper the solutions for rock fracture analysis and grain size analysis are presented. The partly automated grain size analysis is used for the detection of large particles and their position in a relative coordinate system.
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Unraveling the grain size evolution in the Earth’s upper mantle : experimental observations and theoretical modeling / Observations expérimentales et modélisation de la croissance de grains d’olivine dans le manteau supérieurHashim, Leïla 17 May 2016 (has links)
La taille de grains dans le manteau terrestre a des implications cruciales sur les processus à grande échelle, telles que la propagation des ondes sismiques, la perméabilité et la rhéologie des roches. Cependant, la taille de grains évolue constamment avec le temps, car la croissance de grains statique induit une augmentation de la taille moyenne tandis que la recristallisation dynamique contribue à sa décroissance. La croissance d’olivine au sein d’agrégats mantelliques dans un milieu inter-granulaire sec, en présence de liquide magmatique ou dans des conditions sursaturées en eau a été modélisée dans le cadre de cette thèse. En s’appuyant sur la théorie de croissance cristalline ainsi que sur des expériences à 1-atmosphère et hautes températures précédemment publiées, la loi de croissance d’olivine sèche a été déterminée. Le facteur limitant est, dans ce cas, la diffusion du silicium aux joints de grains à travers une épaisseur effective de 30 nm. La croissance d’agrégats en présence de liquide magmatique et fluide aqueux a été contrainte par de nouvelles expériences haute pression/haute température. Ces données indiquent que les taux de croissance sont significativement plus importants que dans des conditions sèches et sont limités par des réactions aux interfaces cristal/liquide. Nous proposons une loi de croissance générale régulée par une combinaison de joints de grains secs et mouillés, grâce aux paramètres de contiguité et de mouillabilité. Cette loi de croissance unifiée est fondamentale pour extrapoler les tailles de grains expérimentales à des échelles de temps, des profondeurs et des quantités de liquides relatives au manteau supérieur. / Grain size in the Earth’s mantle is a fundamental parameter that has crucial implications on large-scale processes, such as seismic wave propagation, the permeability and the rheology of rocks. However, grain size is constantly evolving with time, where static grain growth implies an increase of the average grain size whereas dynamic recrystallization contributes to its decrease. Static grain growth of olivine-rich mantle aggregates in an intergranular medium being dry, melt-bearing and water-oversaturated has been here modeled. By using the appropriate theoretical background, the dry olivine grain growth law has been established from previously published experimental grain growth data at 1-atmosphere and high-temperature conditions. Grain growth rates for these samples are limited by silicon diffusion at grain boundaries through an effective width of 30 nm. Grain growth for melt- and water-bearing aggregates was, however, constrained by new high-pressure and high-temperature experiments. This data indicates that grain growth rates for liquid-bearing samples are significantly faster than for dry samples and are limited by precipitation reactions at the crystal/liquid interface rather by diffusion through the liquid phase. We propose a general grain growth law, which takes into account dry grain boundaries as well as wetted grain-grain interfaces, through the contiguity and wetness parameters. This unified law is fundamental to extrapolate experimental grain sizes to time scales, depths and liquid contents that are relevant of the upper mantle.
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Emissividade dos atributos do solo via sensores terrestres e de satélite / Emissivity of soil attributes via terrestrial and satellite sensorsUrbina Salazar, Diego Fernando 05 February 2019 (has links)
A textura e o conteúdo do carbono orgânico (CO) influenciam na resposta espectral dos solos. O estudo desses atributos é de grande importância para a preservação e o manejo adequado da terra na busca de uma agricultura sustentável. O uso de sensores de laboratório e satélites tem se mostrado como uma ferramenta no auxílio para o estudo destes, porém a análise dos atributos do solo com esses sensores tem focado principalmente nas regiões do espectro eletromagnético do visível (Vis), infravermelho próximo (NIR) e infravermelho de ondas curtas (SWIR), com poucos estudos no infravermelho médio (MIR). O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o padrão espectral do solo com diferentes granulometrias (areia e argila) e teores de CO utilizando sensores de laboratório e satélite na região do MIR, especificamente na faixa do infravermelho termal (TIR). O estudo teve uma avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa da argila, CO e das frações de areia (fina e grossa). A área de estudo está localizada na região de Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram coletadas 150 amostras de solo a uma profundidade de 0-20 cm. A textura do solo foi determinada pelo método da pipeta e a porcentagem de CO via combustão seca. Dados espectrais em refletância e emissividade (ε) foram adquiridos com o sensor Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Alpha (Bruker optics Corporation). Uma imagem \"ASTER_05\" foi adquirida em 15 de julho de 2017 em valores de ε. As amostras foram separadas por classes texturais e o comportamento espectral no TIR foi descrito. Os dados obtidos pelo sensor de laboratório foram reamostrados para as bandas do sensor de satélite. O comportamento entre os espectros de ambos sensores foi semelhante e teve correlação significativa com os atributos estudados, principalmente para areia. Para os modelos de regressão por mínimos quadrados parciais (PLSR), foram utilizadas seis estratégias (MIR, MIR_ASTER, ASTER, Termal, Termal IDC e MIR IDC) que consistiram no uso de todas as bandas de sensores, ou pela seleção das mesmas que apresentaram as correlações mais significativas com cada um dos atributos. Os modelos apresentaram um bom desempenho na predição de todos os atributos usando o MIR inteiro. No TIR, o modelo para areia total e para as frações fina e grossa foi bom. No caso dos modelos criados com os dados do sensor ASTER, não foram tão promissores quanto os de laboratório. O uso de bandas específicas ajudou a estimar alguns atributos no MIR e no TIR, aumentando o desempenho preditivo melhorando a validação dos modelos. Portanto, a discriminação dos atributos do solo com sensores de satélite pode ser melhorada com a identificação de bandas específicas, como observado nos resultados com sensores de laboratório. / Soil texture and organic carbon (OC) content influence its spectral response. The study of these attributes is relevant for the preservation and proper management of land in pursuit of a sustainable agriculture. Laboratory and satellite sensors have been applied as a useful tool for studying soil attributes, but their analysis with these sensors has mainly focused on the visible (Vis), near infrared (NIR) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, with few studies in the Medium Infrared (MIR). The objective of this study was to identify the spectral pattern of soils with different granulometry (sand and clay) and OC content using laboratory and satellite sensors in the MIR region, specifically in the Thermal Infrared (TIR) range. This study had qualitative and quantitative analyses of clay, OC and sand fractions (fine and coarse). The study area is located in the region of Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. 150 soil samples were collected at a depth of 0-20 cm. Soil texture was determined by the pipette method and the percentage of OC via dry combustion. Reflectance and emissivity (ε) spectral data were obtained with the Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Alpha sensor (Bruker Optics Corporation). An image \"ASTER_05\" from July 15, 2017 was acquired with values of ε. Samples were separated by textural classes and the spectral behavior in the TIR region was described. The data obtained by the laboratory sensor were resampled to the satellite sensor bands. The behavior between spectra of both sensors was similar and had significant correlation with the studied attributes, mainly sand. For the partial least squares regression (PLSR) models, six strategies were used (MIR, MIR_ASTER, ASTER, Thermal, Thermal IDC and MIR IDC), which consisted in the use of all sensors bands, or by the selection of bands that presented the most significant correlations with each one of the attributes. Models presented a good performance in the prediction of all attributes using the whole MIR. In the TIR, models for total sand content and for fine and coarse fractions were good. In the case of models created with ASTER sensor data, they were not as promising as those with laboratory data. The use of specific bands was useful in estimating some attributes in the MIR and TIR, improving the predictive performance and validation of models. Therefore, the discrimination of soil attributes with satellite sensors can be improved with the identification of specific bands, as observed in the results with laboratory sensors.
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Efeito do refino do tamanho de grão pela adição de Hf nas propriedades mecânicas de tração e impacto do aço Hadfield. / Hadffield steel, refinement of austenitic grain size, tensile and impact properties, EBSD analysis, twinning deformation.Venturelli, Bianka Nani 12 March 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste no estudo das propriedades mecânicas de tração e impacto do aço Hadfield refinado com Hf em relação ao aço Hadfield sem refino. Foram realizadas simulações no software Thermo-Calc para caracterizar o caminho de solidificação e a evolução microestrutural do aço Hadfield (composição química de 13% de Mn, 1,2% de C e 0,65% de Si). Foram fundidos os corpos de prova de aço Hadfield sem refino e refinado pela adição de Hf, ambos com a composição química de acordo com a norma ASTM A128 - grau B2. Os corpos de prova foram submetidos ao tratamento térmico de solubilização à temperatura de 1120oC por 10 horas. A caracterização macroestrutural mostrou que o aço Hadfield com adição de Hf apresenta tamanho do grão austenítico cinco vezes menor (600 µm) do que o aço Hadfield sem refino (de 3000 µm para 600 µm), sendo que este resultado foi confirmado pela técnica de EBSD (Electron backscatter diffraction). Os resultados do ensaio de tração dos corpos de prova para as duas condições mostraram que as propriedades de limite de escoamento (6%), tenacidade (88%), resistência à tração (37%), e do coeficiente de encruamento (30%) do aço Hadfield refinado aumentaram em relação ao aço Hadfield sem refino. A energia absorvida no impacto aumentou de 156 J/cm2 para 179 J/cm2 com o refino do tamanho de grão austenítico. A lei de Hall-Petch foi utilizada para explicar o efeito do refino de grão no limite de escoamento, mas não pode ser usada para explicar o aumento na resistência a tração, tenacidade, e as mudanças no coeficiente de encruamento. A caracterização microestrutural das amostras rompidas em tração e impacto mostrou que a fração de maclas aumentou em 46% (em tração) e 45% (no impacto) para o aço Hadfield refinado em comparação com o aço Hadfield sem refino. Os resultados da caracterização microestrutural dos corpos de prova rompidos no ensaio de tração e impacto indicam que o mecanismo de deformação plástica por maclação foi mais atuante com o refino do grão austenítico. / The tensile and impact properties of Hf-refined Hadfield steel were compared to the properties of non-refined Hadfield steel. Simulations in Thermo-Calc software were made in order to study the solidification and microstructural evolution of a Hadfield steel (13% Mn, 1.2% C and 0.65% Si). Samples of non-refined and refined Hadfield steel (with addition of 0.1% of H), both with chemical composition as described in ASTM A128- grade B2, were cast and subjected to a solution heat treatment at 1100oC for 10 hours, followed by water quenching. Macrostructural characterization showed that the refined Hadfield steel featured an austenitic grain size equal to 600 ?m, five times smaller than the grain size of the non-refined Hadfield steel (3000 µm). These results were confirmed by EBSD (Electron backscatter diffraction) analysis. The tensile test results showed an increase in the values of the yield stress (6%), the fracture toughness (88%), the tensile strength (37%) and the strain hardening coefficient (30%) with the reduction on the austenitic grain size from 3000 µm to 600 µm. Additionally, the value of the absorbed energy of the impact test was improved from 156 J/cm2 to 179J/cm2 with reduction on the grain size. The Hall-Petch law was used to explain the small increase of 8% in the value of the yield stress with the grain refinement, but this law could not be used to explain the increase in the values of the fracture toughness, the tensile strength and the strain hardening coefficient. The microstructural characterization of the fractured test-pieces after tensile and impact testing showed that the values of the fraction of mechanical twins (definer) in the plastically deformed microstructure near the fracture surfaces of the refined condition increased by 45% when compared to the non-refined condition. These results indicated that the austenitic grain refinement of the Hadfield steel changed the plastic deformation mechanism, favoring the activation of the plastic deformation by twinning mechanism and, therefore, increasing the values of the fracture toughness (~88%), the ultimate tensile strength (~30%), the strain-hardening coefficient (~30%) and the absorbed energy during Charpy-test (~15%).
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Approche granulaire et colloïdale du matériau terre pour la construction / Granular and colloïdal approach of earthen building materialAnger, Romain 20 December 2011 (has links)
La terre crue est un des matériaux les plus utilisés au monde pour bâtir. Chaque terre est un mélange de grains de différentes tailles (cailloux, graviers, sables, silts et argiles) en proportions variées. Les particules les plus fines, qui constituent le liant du matériau, se différencient des autres grains par leur petite taille, à laquelle est associée des propriétés colloïdales lorsqu’elles sont mélangées à l’eau. L’argile, au sens granulométrique (particules inférieures à deux microns), contient généralement un mélange d’argiles, au sens minéralogique (phyllosilicates hydratés), d’oxydes de fer, d’aluminium et de silicium. Pour comprendre ce matériau de construction, la terre est envisagée dans un premier temps comme une matière en grains. La physique des milieux granulaires secs et la physique des milieux granulaires humides sont explorées afin de décrire les comportements physiques de cette matière. Des techniques de construction innovantes, qui découlent de cette compréhension, sont présentées. Dans un deuxième temps, l’argile est envisagée comme une matière colloïdale. Comme beaucoup de systèmes naturels, le liant argileux est un mélange de particules aux propriétés de surface différentes, contenant à la fois des charges permanentes négatives et des charges variables avec le pH et la force ionique. Ces systèmes mixtes sont dits hétérocoagulés. Des pistes de recherche, qui découlent de cette compréhension, sont présentées. / Raw earth is one of the most used building material in the world. Each earthen material is a mix of different sizes grains (stones, gravels, sands, silts and clays) in various proportions. The finest particles, which constitute the binding material, differ from other grains by their small size, which is associated with colloidal properties when mixed with water. Clay, as defined by size (particles smaller than two microns), usually contains a mixture of clays, as defined by mineralogy (hydrated phyllosilicates), with iron, aluminum and silicium oxides. To understand this building material, earthen material is considered initially as a granular material. Physics of dry granular media and physics of wet granular media are explored in order to describe the physical behavior of this material. Innovative building systems, which come from this understanding, are presented. In a second step, clay is considered as a colloidal material. Like many natural systems, clay binder is a mixture of particles with different surface properties, containing both permanent negative charges and variable charges, depending of pH and ionic strength. These mixed systems are called heterocoagulated systems. Different sujects for further researches, that follow this understanding, are presented.
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Mise en forme par extrusion de supports de catalyseurs à base d'alumine et à microstructure multi-échelles : Effet de la composition granulaire et du liant sur les propriétés des matériaux / Alumina catalyst supports with a multiscale microstructure : Effect of granular composition and binder type on the materials propertiesCassiano Gaspar, Stefania 01 July 2013 (has links)
L'empilement maîtrisé de granules de différentes tailles est un concept utilisé dans la plupart de procédés de mise en forme de matériau. Cette organisation hiérarchique est connue pour améliorer les propriétés d'écoulement à l'étape de mise en forme et les caractéristiques mécaniques du matériau final. Il est apparu intéressant d'appliquer ce concept à la mise en forme par extrusion de supports de catalyseurs avec des petites (2 µm) et grosses (19 µm) granules d'alumine poreuse dont l'assemblage est assurée par un liant traditionnel, la boehmite peptisée et neutralisée, ou par un liant plus original, le phosphate d'aluminium. L'étude vise ainsi à évaluer l'effet du liant et de la microstructure multi-échelles apportée par l'organisation hiérarchique des granules, sur les propriétés texturales et mécaniques des supports. Le contrôle des conditions de mise en forme et l'optimisation de la formulation des deux liants ont permis d'obtenir des extrudés à microstructure comparable entre la boehmite et le phosphate d'aluminium et variable en fonction de la proportion de petites. Cette population remplit les espaces entre les grosses granules de manière optimale entre 40 et 60% pds et les desserre aux plus fortes teneurs. La rétraction du liant au cours des traitements thermiques génère un volume de macropores qui est minimisé lorsque les petites granules comblent les espaces formés par les grosses. La macroporosité minimale conduit à de meilleures résistances à la rupture (par tests d'écrasement de type brésilien) et les matériaux les plus résistants sont ceux mis en forme avec le phosphate d'aluminium. Ce résultat est expliqué par la nature très cohésive de ce liant formée in situ par réaction de l'acide phosphorique avec la boehmite et la périphérie des granules d'alumine. Dans ce cas, la rupture a lieu au sein des granules différemment des supports mis en forme avec la boehmite peptisée à l'acide nitrique qui présentent une rupture à l'interface granule-liant. Les matériaux à microstructure multi-échelles présentent également une meilleure ténacité déterminée par des essais de flexion trois points. Le phosphate d'aluminium étant un liant non-poreux conduit à des supports avec une mésoporosité plus faible. Les nouveaux supports à microstructure multi-échelles semblent prometteurs pour des nombreuses applications catalytiques sensibles aux propriétés diffusionnelles et mécaniques. / The controlled packing of different sized-granules is a concept widely used in most of the shaping material processes. This hierarchical organization is known to improve the flow properties during shaping and the mechanical characteristics of the finished material. It seemed interesting to apply this concept in order to prepare catalyst supports by extrusion containing small (2 µm) and large (19 µm) porous alumina granules assembled by a traditional binder, the peptized and neutralized boehmite, or by a more original, an aluminum phosphate binder. This study aims to investigate the effect of binder type and of the multiscale microstructure achieved by the packing of different granules size on textural and mechanical support properties. The control of kneading and extrusion conditions associated with the optimized binder formulation, conducted to similar microstructures with both binders according to the amount of each granular population. Small granules fills better the residual spaces between the larges between 40 and 60 wt.% and loosens them with strongest contents. Binder shrinkage during heat treatment generates a macroporosity which is minimized when small granules fills the voids formed by the larger ones. Minimal macroporosity leads to better crushing resistance (by Brazilian test) and the most resistant materials are the ones shaped with the aluminum phosphate. This result is explained by the high cohesive capacity of this binder obtained in situ by reaction of the phosphoric acid with the boehmite and the border of the alumina granules. In this case, the breakage takes place inside the granules differently from the supports shaped with the peptized boehmite by nitric acid which present a breakage at the granule-binder interface. Also, the multiscale microstructure materials present a better tenacity determined by three point bending. Aluminum phosphate being a non-porous binder, leads to supports with a weaker mesoporosity. The new multiscale microstructure supports seem interesting for several catalytic applications that are sensitive to diffusivity and mechanical properties.
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Micromechanics of strength and strain hardening in mono- and multiphase fine grained materialsDelincé, Marc 28 February 2008 (has links)
In the transportation industry, weight reduction is essential in order to reduce fuel consumption. A solution towards lighter structures is to improve the mechanical properties while keeping a sufficient ductility for the forming operations. The aim of the thesis was to investigate the enhancement of the mechanical properties of metallic alloys by the refinement of the grain size while playing with other microstructural features in order to maintain the strain hardening, and thus the ductility, as high as possible.
Various fine grained dual phase steels were produced by severe plastic deformation followed by thermal treatment. Nano-indentation and tensile tests have been performed to measure the change of flow properties associated to the grain refinement. A new methodology, based on performing nano-indentation tests at different depth inside each phases of the steels, has been proposed in order to separate the different hardening contributions affecting the behaviour of the material.
In order to gain a better understanding of the link between the fine grained microstructure and the flow properties, three models were developed introducing successively a richer and richer description of the microstructure. The first model allows interpreting the nano-indentation data at different depths. The second model predicts the flow curve of dual phase steels by considering the accumulation of dislocations on the grain boundaries with the associated back stress and the saturation of this accumulation of excess dislocations, while introducing the second phase particles through a homogenization scheme. Finally, the third model promotes a new explanation of the Hall-Petch law and the interaction of the grain size and the texture for pure copper using a multigrain crystal plasticity model incorporating grain boundary effects.
Guidelines are given to optimize the microstructures towards an improvement of the structural properties and formability.
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Evaluation of infiltration, run-off and sediment mobilisation using rainfall simulations in the Riebeek-Kasteel Area, Western Cape - South AfricaJoseph Twahirwa January 2010 (has links)
<p>The project was conducted on a small-scale catchment at Goedertrou in the Riebeek- Kasteel district. The focus of this study was to address some of the hydrological processes active in the research catchment, namely infiltration, run-off and sediment mobilisation on different soil types. It was done to investigate the origin of Berg River pollutants. To answer the overall question about what influence the natural salt load of the Berg River, a number of subprojects have been identified, one of which is to understand the hydrological processes in the soil mantle and vadose zone. Hence, the study aimed to answer the research questions mentioned and discussed in section 1.3 of Chapter 1. Considering the results, it could be suggested that decayed root systems from the rows of plants, soil cracks, small channels and openings created by small animals, as well as slope orientation and, therefore, soil composition, all played a major role in influencing the ability of the soil to absorb the simulated rainfall. In this study, the factors that influenced run-off are micro topography, soil moisture, root system, animal activities in soil profile, soil crack dimensions and the hydraulic conductivity. The main factors that played a major role to influence sediments mobilisation are strongly believed to be the micro topography within the ring, slope gradient and length, vegetation cover and rainfall-simulation intensity. After using different techniques, the results show that farmers must be aware that with storm rainfall, particles smaller than 65 &mu / m are subject to mobilisation. It is important to let land-users know that they need proper and appropriate methods for land-use.</p>
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On Peritectic Reactions and Transformations and Hot Forming of Cast StructuresNassar, Hani January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with peritectic reactions and transformations that occur during the solidification of many alloys. Peritectics are believed to be a major cause of crack-formation in many steels, thus, good knowledge of the mechanisms by which these phenomena occur is essential for preventing such defects. The thesis also handles the behaviour of metals, in particular cast structures, during hot forming. Grain size and microstructure are of most importance in determining the strength, toughness and performance of a steel. For achieving enhanced mechanical and microstructural properties, good understanding of the phenomena occurring during hot forming is required. Peritectic reactions and transformations were studied in Fe-base and steel alloys through differential thermal analysis (DTA) experiments and micrographic investigation of quenched DTA samples. The effect of the ferrite/austenite interface strain during the peritectic reaction on equilibrium conditions was thermodynamically analysed, and the results were related to temperature observations from DTA experiments conducted on Fe-base alloys and low-alloy steels. Massive transformations from ferrite to austenite were observed in the micrographs of a number of quenched low-alloy steel samples and it was proposed that these transformations are uncontrolled by diffusion, and occur in the solid state as a visco-plastic stress relief process. DTA study of an austenitic stainless steel indicated that the alloy can exhibit primary precipitations to either ferrite or austenite. A continuously-cast breakout shell of the steel was analyzed and it was suggested that the observed irregularities in growth were due to alternating precipitations of ferrite and austenite; parts of the shell with higher ratios of primary-precipitated ferrite shrink in volume at the peritectic temperature and experience reduced growths. An experimental method for studying the behaviour of metals during hot forming developed, and hot compression tests were conducted on cast copper and ball-bearing steel samples. Flow stress curves were obtained at varying temperatures and strain rates, and the results showed good agreement with earlier observations reported in literature. Micrographic analysis of quenched samples revealed variations in grain size and a model was fitted to describe the grain size as a function of deformation temperature and strain. Solidification growth during continuous casting of stainless steel and copper was numerically modelled. A varying heat transfer coefficient was proposed to approximate the experimentally measured growth irregularities in the continuously-cast stainless steel breakout shell. Solidification growth of pure copper was also modelled in the Southwire continuous casting process. Temperature measurements from the chill mould were used to approximate the temperature gradient and the heat extraction from the solidifying strand, and the results were used in a two-dimensional model of solidification. / QC 20100803
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