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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Porovnání přístupu českých a anglických zákazníků k věrnostním programům / Comparison of attitude to loyalty programmes between Czech and English customers

Müllerová, Patricie January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with customer loyalty and loyalty programmes in areas of buying chemist goods, clothing, footwear and groceries. The main objective of this work is to compare the approach of English and Czech customers to loyalty programmes in these areas. The intention of the analysis is to discover whether the approach to loyalty programmes in these two countries varies and what are the major differences. Does using a loyalty programme really affect customer loyalty? Who are more loyal, Czech or English customers? The aim is also to find out how customers use their loyalty programs, what kind of rewards are the most attractive for them and what personal information are they willing to provide when they sign up for loyalty programmes. The analysis also aims to pose these same questions to multi-brand partnership programmes and also mobile applications. This work can therefore benefit companies operating in both Czech and English markets to adapt their loyalty programs to be most effective.

Hur nudging kan användas i en webbaserad dagligvaruhandel för att påverka val i en hållbar riktning : En kvalitativ undersökning / How nudging can be used in a web-based grocery store to influence choices in a sustainable direction : A qualitative study

Nittler, Lovisa, Dunbäck, Victoria January 2021 (has links)
The number of people who buy their groceries via e-commerce at least once a month has increased since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. As food and food production contributes about 20 to 30 percent of the total consumption-related environmental impact in Europe, a change in consumer behavior is required. To encourage more sustainable consumer behavior nudging can be implemented. Digital nudging is an interface tool that can be applied in cases of influencing people to do a certain desired action. The scientific literature confirms that a knowledge gap exists in how nudging can be used as previous research has focused more on why nudging is beneficial. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to investigate how nudging can be used in a web-based grocery store to influence consumers to make more sustainable choices. The study uses a qualitative research strategy with semi-structured interviews as a data collection method. The results show that a lack of knowledge regarding the concept of sustainability and sustainable products is the biggest obstacle when it comes to trying to influence consumers to make sustainable choices. For this reason, the study's four nudge proposals are mainly intended to educate consumers about sustainable foods in connection with purchasing them via e-commerce. A need has been identified for future research studies to investigate how nudges can be designed for different customer segments and behavioral groups. In addition, there is a need for similar research studies to be conducted where the consumer perspective is included and explored.

Blickbeteende i dagligvaruhandel online : En eye-tracking studie om i vilken mån användares ögonrörelser avviker från förväntatmönster vid hunger och mättnadskänsla under onlineshopping av mat / Gazing behavior in online grocery shopping : An eye tracking study about how much users gazing patterns deviate from an expected pattern when they are being hungry or full

Larsson, Arvid, Olsson, Petra January 2017 (has links)
Our study aims to investigate if people who are hungry are affected by that when shopping groceries online. Nine people participated in two user tests, one in the morning, just before lunch and one in the afternoon, just after lunch. They were asked not to eat any breakfast if they were to conduct a test in the morning. This meant that the participants would be hungry in one of the cases and full in the other. The study was based on the participants being able to add groceries to the cart from a list that was read for them. They did this in two different interfaces, coop.se and ica.se, while an eye tracker logged their eye movements. The study was supplemented with surveys that determined whether the participants were hungry or full after each test and a final survey with the participants' preferences, BMI and habits in digital interfaces. After the study was completed we looked for deviations to see if the hunger affected the number of deviations and what the participants were looking for. Deviations were calculated partly as the number of products viewed as not belonging to the task, and partly as products with a high number of calories. Specially viewed products include sauces, breakfast products and ready meals and recipes. A distinction between the two interfaces could be found in that one interface received more deviations than the other. A significant difference in the number of data deviations between morning and afternoon could not be determined, on the other hand, at a 10% level of significance, we could determine that there was a difference between the different interfaces and that the subjects deviated more the first time the test was performed. We were able to contradict our hypothesis, that people would deviate with their eyes more when they are hungry than when they are not. Our results show, rather that other factors are crucial to what affects the deviations, such as which interface you’re in and whether it's the first time you do grocery shopping online. / Vår undersökning ämnar ta reda på om personer som är hungriga påverkas av den aspekten när de handlar mat på internet. Nio deltagare gjorde två användartester, ett på förmiddagen, precis innan lunch och ett på eftermiddagen, precis efter lunch. Detta för att personerna skulle känna sig hungriga i ett fall och känna sig mätta i det andra. Personerna blev ombedda att inte äta någon frukost om de skulle utföra ett test på förmiddagen. Undersökningen gick ut på att deltagarna fick handla från en uppläst inhandlingslista i två olika gränssnitt, coop.se samt ica.se, medan en eye-tracker loggade deras ögonrörelser. Undersökningen kompletterades med enkäter som fastställde om deltagarna var hungriga eller mätta efter varje undersökning och en avslutande med deltagarnas matpreferenser, BMI och vana i digitala gränssnitt. Därefter letade vi avvikelser för att se huruvida hungern påverkade antalet avvikelser och vad deltagarna tittade på för varor. Avvikelser räknades dels som antalet varor man titta på som inte tillhörde uppgiften, och dels som varor med högt antal kalorier. Särskilt förekommande varor var bland annat såser, frukostprodukter och färdiga maträtter och recept. En skillnad mellan de två gränssnitten kunde hittas i form av att det ena gränssnittet fick fler antal avvikelser än det andra. En signifikant skillnad i antal uppgiftsavvikelser mellan förmiddag och eftermiddag kunde inte fastslås, däremot kunde vi på en 10% signifikansnivå fastslå att det var en skillnad mellan de olika gränssnitten och att försökspersonerna avvek mer den första gången man fick utföra testet. Vår hypotes, att personer skulle avvika med blicken mer när de är hungriga än när de inte är det, kan vi i efterhand dementera. Våra resultat visar snarare på att andra faktorer är avgörande för vad som påverkar blickavvikelserna, såsom gränssnitt och om det är första gången man handlar mat online.

Dopady zníženia sadzby DPH na vybrané potraviny na Slovensku v roku 2016 / Impacts of 2016 VAT cut on selected groceries in Slovakia

Tóth, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the impact of the reduction of VAT on selected groceries in Slovakia in 2016. I am comparing the composition of the consumer basket and shopping lists of end-consumers before this legislative amendment and thereafter and consumer preferences, on which products they would like to have reduced VAT rate. Then I am also analysing the impact on the consumer prices of groceries with recured tax rate and on the groceries, which composition is similar, but they are encumbered with standard tax rate. The comparative analysis has shown that the tax reduction is reflected in the final price of approximately 96 %. The theoretical part deals with the characteristics and the system of value added tax, historical development in Slovak law and impacts of the tax rate cut abroad. Conclusion interprets the results of comparative analysis and questionnaire.

Marknadsföringens roll i strävan mot hållbar konsumtion : En kvantitativ studie om konsumenters hållbara köppåverkan

Johansson, Emelie, Lundin, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Title: The role of marketing in the pursuit of sustainable consumption Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Emelie Johansson, Elin Lundin Supervisor: Zahra Ahmadi and Akmal Hyder Examiner: Agneta Sundström Date: 2020 – 06 Aim: The aim of the study is to examine the extent to which sustainable consumption is perceived and how sustainable marketing influences consumers' purchasing behavior and awareness.   Method: In this study, we have used a quantitative method consisting of a survey. The survey was answered by a total of 223 respondents in order to test the study's hypotheses and purpose. Hypothesis testing was performed by descriptive analysis and correlation analysis using the SPSS program. The results obtained are reported in tables and analyzed in comparison with previous theory. Conclusion: The study has shown that consumers have a high level of awareness of sustainable consumption. However, sustainable consumption is not complied with to the same extent as the consumer is conscious, which is influenced by factors of price and habit. Studies have also shown that sustainable marketing has an effect on the consumer's buying behavior and awareness and that consumers demand more communication about this from the grocery stores. Contribution: The study has contributed to the supplementation of already existing research in sustainable consumption and sustainable marketing. We have been able to demonstrate a link between sustainable marketing and consumer sustainable consumption. The study's main benefits are showing how grocery stores can increase their understanding of their consumers and what sustainability issues motivates them in their efforts to promote sustainable consumption. Keywords: Sustainable marketing, sustainable consumption, environmental awareness, purchasing behavior, purchasing decisions, overconsumption, climate change, grocery stores, groceries. / Titel: Marknadsföringens roll i strävan mot hållbar konsumtion Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi   Författare: Emelie Johansson, Elin Lundin Handledare: Zahra Ahmadi och Akmal Hyder Examinator:  Agneta Sundström Datum: 2020 – 06 Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning hållbar konsumtion uppfattas samt hur hållbar marknadsföring påverkar konsumenters köpbeteende och medvetenhet. Metod: I denna studie har vi använt en kvantitativ metod bestående av en enkätundersökning. Enkätundersökningen besvarades av totalt 223 respondenter i syfte att testa studiens hypoteser och syfte. Hypotesprövning utfördes genom deskriptiv analys och korrelationsanalys med hjälp av programmet SPSS. Resultaten som utvanns redovisas i tabeller och analyseras i jämförelse med tidigare teori.   Slutsats: Studien har visat att konsumenter har en hög grad av medvetenhet om hållbar konsumtion. Däremot efterlevs inte hållbar konsumtion i samma utsträckning som konsumenten är medveten, vilket påverkas av faktorer såsom pris och vana. Studien har även visat att hållbar marknadsföring har effekt på konsumentens köpbeteende och medvetenhet och att konsumenterna efterfrågar mer kommunikation om detta från livsmedelsbutikerna.    Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien har bidragit till komplettering av redan befintlig forskning inom hållbar konsumtion och hållbar marknadsföring. Genom att vi kunnat påvisa ett samband mellan hållbar marknadsföring och konsumenternas hållbara konsumtion. Studien ger främst nytta till livsmedelsbutiker för att öka förståelsen för dess konsumenter och vad som motiverar dem i arbetet med att främja hållbar konsumtion. Nyckelord: Hållbar marknadsföring, hållbar konsumtion, miljömedvetenhet, köpbeteende, köpbeslut, överkonsumtion, klimatförändring, livsmedelsbutiker, dagligvaror.

Future grocery : A study of the e-commerce grocery basket business in Sweden

Fallgren, Karl, Sundborg, Håkan January 2013 (has links)
The era of the Internet has become increasingly important in our daily life. Internet channels are rapidly growing into sophisticated businesses. This thesis purpose is therefore to conduct an initial study on a newly approaching e-commerce business, namely the grocery basket business. As there has not yet been much research in this field the overall aim is to contribute to the research in this business area. There are many who argue that in relation to the Internet and e-commerce fields there are two other important fields: business model and supply chain. A qualitative approach is used, based on triangulation methodology including a multiple case study and a survey. The cases are two different types of e-commerce companies: brick-and-clicks and pure-players. An empirical investigation covering twenty interviews and a questionnaire with one thousand respondents has been conducted. Findings supported by the interviews and the questionnaire reveal much knowledge about the grocery basket business. This are analyzed in relation to literature of business model and supply chain and according to the two cases of companies in the business. The study concludes that there is a great deal of challenges facing the grocery basket business in both fields of business model and supply chain. In both cases it is a challenge to retain customers, flexibility for customers, competition and supply chain development. Regarding brick-and-clicks a major challenge is to make their physical channel and online channel work together. Regarding pure-players a major challenge is their dependency of wholesalers. In addition, recommendations to these acknowledged challenges are benchmarking on other successful grocery companies and/or other successful e-commerce companies. Additional recommendation for pure-players is that they should cooperate with a brick-and-mortar company. Finally, the study shows some decent potential in the business to reduce emissions. This by providing eco-friendly products with pre planned recipes to fit with the products, and having fewer products in stock.

Analysis of Single Echelon Logistics Model for Delivering Temperature Sensitive E-groceries in Cities using Electric Vehicle

Narayanasamy, Harivignesh January 2022 (has links)
With the increase in the growth of the e-commerce sector since the past decade, the pressure has been progressively more applied to the operations and supply chain. As the pandemic has pushed the companies to provide services at the customer doorstep due to the difficulties in accessing services from brick-and-mortar stores, the logistical operation of the companies is continuously put under pressure. Though the performance aspect of the supply chain operations is achieved as per company’s objectives, the sustainability part is always overlooked. For any logistics provider, the last mile is considered as one of the main deterrents in their supply chain operations. Some of the main factors include performance of the distribution process, delivery time window, level of service, congestion in the urban area, etc. The above and some other factors make it extremely difficult for the logistics provider to be sustainable in their operations.  There is a growing interest among the logistics provider to use electric vehicles in urban logistics. In particular, light electric vehicles are considered to be a valid alternate for fossil fuel powered sprinters or vans. The purpose of the study is to identify the logistical, technological and infrastructural challenges associated with implementing electric vehicles with refrigeration system in delivering e-groceries in cities. The thesis follows the methodology of collecting data from developed electric vehicle and analysing the data to identify the feasibility of implementing electromobility in last mile delivery. In order to identify the commercial application of electromobility, the collected data is applied in the developed simulation model. The scenario-based analysis has been used in the data collection and in simulation modelling experimentation. The scenario analysis has been used to have an in-depth understanding of all the possible outcomes. The results from the test observations provided data for further studies while the results from simulation modeling presented evidence for the effective application of electric vehicles in delivering e-groceries in last-mile. The comparison of electric vehicle (EV) with fossil fuel powered vehicle provided the strong performance of EV’s in terms of environmental, operational, and socio-economic aspects. The thesis provides new knowledge in the area of electromobility in last-mile research and also proposes potential future work which will be assisting the forthcoming research in advancing the boundary of the research topic. / Med den ökade tillväxten inom e-handelssektorn sedan det senaste decenniet har trycket successivt applicerats mer på verksamheten och leveranskedjan. Eftersom pandemin har drivit företagen att tillhandahålla tjänster utanför kunddörren på grund av svårigheterna att få tillgång till tjänster från tegelbutiker, sätts företagens logistiska drift kontinuerligt under press. Även om prestandaaspekten av leveranskedjans verksamhet uppnås enligt företagetsmål, förbises alltid hållbarhetsdelen. För alla logistikleverantörer betraktas den sista milen som en av de främsta avskräckningarna i deras leveranskedja. Några av huvudfaktorerna inkluderar distributionsprocessens prestanda, leveranstidsfönster, servicenivå, trängsel i tätorten etc. Ovanstående och några andra faktorer gör det extremt svårt för logistikleverantören att vara hållbar i sin verksamhet.  Det finns ett växande intresse bland logistikleverantören att använda elfordon i stadslogistik. I synnerhet anses lätta elfordon vara ett giltigt alternativ för sprinter eller skåpbilar som drivs med fossila bränslen. Syftet med studien är att identifiera de logistiska, tekniska och infrastrukturella utmaningarna i samband med att implementera elfordon med kylsystem för att leverera e-livsmedel i städer. Avhandlingen följer metodiken för att samla in data från utvecklade elfordon och analysera data för att identifiera genomförbarheten av att implementera elektromobilitet i sista mils leverans. För att identifiera den kommersiella tillämpningen av elektromobilitet, tillämpas den insamlade informationen i den utvecklade simuleringsmodellen. Den scenariobaserade analysen har använts i datainsamlingen och i simuleringsmodellexperiment. Scenarioanalysen har använts för att få en fördjupad förståelse av alla möjliga utfall. Resultaten från testobservationerna gav data för ytterligare studier medan resultaten från simuleringsmodellering presenterade bevis för den effektiva tillämpningen av elfordon för att leverera e-livsmedel på sista milen. Jämförelsen av elfordon (EV) med fossilbränsledrivna fordon gav elbilarnas starka prestanda när det gäller miljömässiga, driftsmässiga och socioekonomiska aspekter. Avhandlingen ger ny kunskap inom området elektromobilitet inom forskning på sista milen och föreslår även potentiellt framtida arbete som kommer att hjälpa den kommande forskningen att flytta fram gränsen förforskningsämnet.

Vybrané aspekty dodavatelsko odběratelských vztahů retailu a jeho dodavatelů / Selected aspects of the retail supplier-purchaser relations

Vejnarová, Alena January 2010 (has links)
The Diploma thesis ,Selected aspects of the retail supplier-purchaser relations' defines British grocery retailing. It presents government bodies which regulate retail industry and important independent not-for-profit organizations which have a strong influence on the market situation. It introduces the reader into legislation which regulates supplier-purchaser relations, particularly the Supermarket Code of Practice and its revised version the Groceries Supply Code of Practice. The analytical part examines the British market at the macroeconomical level, outlines the grocery retailing structure, describes the supply chain, customer behaviour, points out certain pricing and product policy trends and presents subjects which are bonded by the provisions set out in the Groceries Supply Code of Practice. The findings on local market competition and barriers which prevent the entry by a competitor are of a high significance as well. Despite the introduction of legal regulation the supplier-purchaser relations remain unequal and unfair. The thesis proposes a forecast of possible future grocery market development in the United Kingdom.

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