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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reich e o enfoque de Deleuze e Guattari: o pensamento crítico em busca do desenvolvimento humano / Reich and the Focus of Deleuze and Guattari: Critical Thinking in Search of Human Development

Liliane de Paula Toledo 29 April 2009 (has links)
Nossa pesquisa objetiva apurar interseções, ressonâncias e diferenças entre aspectos do pensamento de Wilhelm Reich e dos fundadores da esquizoanálise, Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari. Seguimos, assim, a inclinação de estudiosos brasileiros da obra de Reich à interlocução com outros autores e ao enlace entre formulações reichianas e esquizoanalíticas presente em outros artigos, dissertações e teses. Nosso interesse específico recai sobre a questão do pensamento crítico dos autores escolhidos tema que pode trazer contribuições para a investigação acadêmica, visto que vislumbramos um terreno a ser habitado e, até onde temos conhecimento, ainda inexplorado. Em termos metodológicos, realizamos um levantamento de publicações que mencionam proposições de Reich, Deleuze e Guattari. Além de constatar que ultrapassam as fronteiras nacionais, verificamos que se trata de diálogo instaurado há mais de trinta anos e retomado depois de 1994. O material totaliza 24 textos, nos quais observamos dois grupos com características distintas. No primeiro deles, verifica-se uma breve referência a Reich e à esquizoanálise, sem uma acurada comunicação entre suas idéias; e, no outro conjunto, ao contrário, busca-se o debate conceitual. Localizamos nossa dissertação junto ao segundo grupo em razão de constituir-se como um trabalho teórico, que se concentra na discussão de idéias de Reich, Deleuze e Guattari e de pesquisadores de seus enfoques. Em conclusão, no que diz respeito à visão crítica, observamos o explícito combate cultural de Reich e destacamos igualmente a proposta da esquizoanálise em favor do inconformismo e da produção de transformação social. Todavia, se notamos essa peculiar convergência, o estudo de Deleuze acerca da diferença vem influenciar nossa dissertação no sentido de deixar de lado a exaltação das semelhanças, uma vez que o reconhecimento das distinções estabelece a possibilidade de vibração intensiva. Pretendemos, então, assinalar divergências inegáveis entre a abordagem reichiana e a de Deleuze e Guattari, e a militar por múltiplas interferências. Assim, ao longo da depuração dos tópicos deste trabalho, procuramos dar lugar à formação inusitada de heterocomposições entre formulações de Reich e de Deleuze e Guattari. Mostramos como tal exercício de comunicação estabelece um rico campo de correspondências e afetações e, percebendo o potencial dessa interlocução, sugerimos temas para novos estudos. / This research aims at examining intersections, resonances and differences among certain aspects of the thought of Wilhelm Reich and that of the founders of schizoanalysis, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. We have thus followed a trend in Brazilian researchs of establishing a dialogue between Reichs work and that of other authors, as well as between Reichian and schizoanalytic formulations present in other articles, dissertations and theses. Our focus dwells specifically upon the critical reasoning of the chosen authors a theme that may bring in contributions to academic investigations, since a whole field can be explored in that subject, and, as far as we can tell, it has not been explored yet. In methodological terms, we have listed up publications that mention the propositions of Reich, Deleuze and Guattari. Besides noticing that they go beyond national boundaries, we have also seen that this dialogue started more than 30 years ago, and was taken up after 1994. This material sums up to 24 texts, in which we can note two groups with distinct characteristics. In the first one, a short reference to Reich and to schizoanalysis is made, without a focused communication between them; in the second group of texts, on the contrary, a conceptual debate is sought for. We place this dissertation among the second group, since it constitutes a theoretical work, focusing on the discussion of ideas brought up by Reich, Deleuze and Guattari and also by researchers of their work. Summing up, insofar as a critical approach is concerned, we have observed the explicit cultural battle of Reich, equally highlighting the proposal of schizoanalysis in favor of dissent and the production of social transformation. However, if, on the one hand, we see this peculiar convergence, on the other hand, the study of Deleuze on difference comes as an influence in our dissertation in the sense of putting aside the craving for similarities, since recognizing distinctions establishes the possibility of intensive vibration. We aim, then, at pointing out undeniable divergences between the Reichian approach and that of Deleuze and Guattari, and to set forth multiple interferences. Thus, throughout the depuration of the topics in our work, we intend to give a place for the unusual formation of heterocompositions among the formulations of Reich and of Deleuze and Guattari. We show how such an exercise of communication establishes a rich field of correspondences and affectations, and, realizing the potential of this dialogue, we suggest themes for upcoming further studies.

Sémiotická "etnografie" Deleuze a Guattariho a ne-standardní animismus / Semiotic "ethnography" of Deleuze and Guattari and non-standard animism

Šír, David January 2020 (has links)
The starting point of this work is the concept of indigenous animism in Félix Guattari's late work at the end of his life, understood as a form of subjectivity operating through different regimes of signs than the "modern" one. These animist semiotics are "polysemic" and "trans-individual," while instead of building a sharp division between the spheres of "nature" and "culture", they inhabit reality by "collective entities half-thing half-soul, half- man half-animal, machine and flow, matter and sign." The aim of most of the following text is then primarily to trace these semiotics across the joint work of Deleuze and Guattari. After introducing the context of Deleuze's philosophy and its specific "image of thought," and explaining its basic concepts, we will focus on the description and comparison of the semiotic "ethnographies" of Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus. The first volume traces the "universal history" of the ways of hominization (becoming human) of man from the state of nature, through various forms of inscription, which constitute society and culture. These modes are several and do not work only through language. In the limit experience of schizophrenia, the authors of Anti-Oedipa find a moment preceding all these historically contingent forms of hominization. In contrast, the...

Uttrycksmaskinen : Subjektivitet, kollektivitet och språkets deterritorialisering i Johan Jönsons Efter arbetsschema / The Enunciating Machine : Subjectivity, Collectivity and the Deterritorialization of Language in Johan Jönson’s Efter arbetsschema

Rombo, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar poeten Johan Jönsons Efter arbetsschema från 2008 med hjälp av det begrepp om en ’mindre’ litteratur som utvecklas av Gilles Deleuze och Félix Guattari i deras studie av Franz Kafka. Deleuzes och Guattaris begrepp, som innebär ett särskilt förhållningssätt till den större, etablerade litteraturen, vecklas ut successivt genom uppsatsen för att varvas med läsningar av Jönsons verk. Uppsatsen har på så vis ett dubbelt fokus på både poetisk och filosofisk text. Genom att etablera en dialog mellan Jönsons poetiska verk och Deleuzes och Guattaris tänkande undersöker jag det subjektets, eller jagets problem som formuleras i Efter arbetsschema, ett problem som även delvis ligger till grund för den mindre litteraturens begrepp, och visar hur verket kontinuerligt underminerar alla försök att identifiera ett enhetligt subjekt genom texten för att låta en kollektiv mångfald ta plats i dess ställe. Dessutom undersöks språkbehandlingen i verket och jag visar hur några av dess många neologismer bär inom sig ett särskilt sätt att se världen. / This thesis considers Johan Jönson’s Efter arbetsschema, a multifaceted and extensive work of poetry, in relation to Gilles Deleuze’s and Félix Guattari’s notion of a minor literature and the conceptual apparatus underlying it. By establishing a dialogue between the poetry of Jönson and the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari, I examine the problem of subjectivity that is formulated in Efter arbetsschema and highlighted by Deleuze’s and Guattari’s thinking, and show how Efter arbetsschema employs poetological elements to consistently undermine any attempt to discern a clear-cut and uniform subject in the text, in favour of a collective multiplicity. I also examine the deterritorialization of language in Efter arbetsschema through its use of neologisms and a philosophic-theoretical vocabulary borrowed from Deleuze and Guattari among others, and discuss the notion of a minor literature in relation to poetry and the implications of this relationship.

Det är en spricka i allt, det är så ljuset kommer in… : Matematik och förskolebarns experimenterande och potentialitet

Unga, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
In preschools it is common that mathematics mainly focuses on how children learn mathematics through everyday activities, or on children´s understanding of mathematical concepts. However, views on mathematics-learning are today deepened and extended, and embrace children’s own mathematical signs, visual representations and bodily experiences. The overall aim of this thesis is to experiment with how this extended view in which children´s engagement and creativity is affirmed, simultaneously as they are developing knowledge about the world of mathematics with its procedures and rules. With inspiration from the French philosophers Gilles Deleuze´s and Félix Guattari´s immanent ontology and transcendental empiricism, and from the pedagogical philosophy of the preschools in Reggio Emilia, I have experimented both with mathematics, and with toddlers’ explorations and potentiality. The research-material primarily consists of video observations and documentations, and it is taken from a project with a mathematical topic through a cooperative work by me, preschool teachers and children aged 1–3 years. Methodologically the work is based on one example from the project where some children explores and experiment on geometric objects. In relation to the example some concepts from Reggio Emilia’s pedagogical thinking and Deleuze´s and Guattari´s immanent ontology are put to work, by focusing on the connections that emerge. The study make visible that children explore and experiment with mathematics in what in the study has called “a relational field of potentiality”. In relation to preschool didactics the study stresses the importance of teachers paying attention to and “listening” to children’s experimentations and sign-making, in order not to interrupt what is emerging/becoming. This requires an environment that embraces “the hundred languages” and enables collective experimentation for thoughts and ideas to be shared in “togetherness”. / I förskolan är det vanligt att matematiken främst handlar om det som sker i barnens vardag eller fokuserar på barnens förståelse av matematiska begrepp. Synen på matematik i förskolan håller dock på att vidgas och inbegripa barns egna teckenskapande och kroppsliga erfarenheter. Licentiatuppsatsens övergripande syfte är att experimentera och utforska hur barns engagemang och kreativitet kan tas tillvara, samtidigt med att barnen kan utveckla sina kunskaper kring matematikens värld med dess procedurer och regler. Utifrån de franska filosoferna Gilles Deleuze’s och Félix Guattaris immanenta perspektiv och transcendentala empirism och Reggio Emilias pedagogiska filosofi, har jag experimenterat kring matematik och de yngsta förskolebarnens experimenterande och potentialitet. Forskningsmaterialet består främst av videoobservationer och pedagogisk dokumentation från ett projekt med ett matematiskt ämnesinnehåll genom ett kollektivt arbete med mig, pedagoger och barn i åldern 1–3 år. Metodologiskt utgår arbetet från ett exempel från projektarbetet där några barn utforskar och experimenterar kring geometriska objekt. I relation till exemplet sätts några begrepp från Reggio Emilias pedagogiska tänkande och Deleuze´s och Guattaris immanenta ontologi i arbete med särskilt fokus på vilka förbindelser som frambringas. Det som studien synliggör är att barn utforskar och experimenterar kring matematik i det som i studien kallats ”det relationella potentialitetsfältet”. Förskoledidaktiskt synliggör studien vikten av att pedagoger uppmärksammar och ”lyssnar” till barns experimenterande och teckenskapande, för att inte stoppa barns potentialitet och det som är i tillblivelse. Detta förutsätter en miljö som inbegriper de hundra språken och som gör ett kollektivt experimenterande möjligt där tankar och idéer kan delas i en ”tillsammansskap”.

Organizing technological innovation of medical devices companies : an empirical study of two Midland venture companies

Espinosa Cristia, Juan Felipe January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents a qualitative study of the role of devices in the technological innovation phenomena of two venture medical equipment companies located in the Midlands, UK. The inquiry takes an empirical and non-foundational approach based on post-ANT and process philosophy. In particular, the thesis employs the theoretical lenses of both ANT and post-ANT concepts, Deleuze’s and Guattari’s machinic thought and Michel Serres’ parasitic philosophy. The data for this thesis comes from a fieldwork study lasting around one year. The methodology is mainly based on interviews and observations of engineers, technicians and managers working in venture companies. The central argument of this thesis shows that the venture organizing process of technological innovation is the product of discursive and non-discursive elements that act in several forms, keeping the venture company working but crucially reorganizing it. The present thesis offers a conceptualization of the device as a parasite-selector that reorganizes the venture company’s work activities and brings novelty to their operation. Equally, the mediational power of diagrams - which presents constitutional indifference - participates in the definition and production of the engineers’, managers’ and technicians’ professional identities. The thesis shows how the ideas regarding innovation in use at Med Dialysis and Med Diabetes bring forth the necessity of a life that embraces the uncertainty and ambiguity of the market. As a consequence, engineers and technicians build their professional identities by embracing the uncertainty of the venture company. This thesis names this process ‘engineering the engineer’. This is a process that leads to the emergence of a professional identity that this thesis tentatively calls the ‘venture engineer’.

Barn som framtidens planetära förvaltare? : Ett kartograferande av förskolebarns delaktighet i arbetet med hållbar utveckling.

Hylberg, Maria January 2017 (has links)
De senaste åren har intresset för hållbar utveckling ökat markant där källsortering, ekologisk mat och plastbantade förskolor kan ses som ett resultat av det omfattande samhälleliga intresset. Syftet med denna studie hämtar inspiration från dessa ingångar och då utifrån barns delaktighet i arbetet med hållbar utveckling. Metodiken och den teoretiska ansatsen som används utgår från Gilles Deleuze och Felix Guattaris rhizomatiska filosofiska prövande i ett kartografiskt arbete. Detta handlar dels om att spåra artikulationslinjer om barns delaktighet i utformandet av en hållbar framtid, dels om att genomföra ett aktivt experimenterande med dessa spårningar. Syftet är att möjliggöra fler kompositioner av barns delaktighet i utformandet av en hållbar omvärld. Resultatet i den spårande ansatsen har synliggjort att förskolan styrs av cementerade uppfattningar om hur ett hållbarhetsarbete ska implementeras. Barn målas upp som framtidens planetära förvaltare, en roll tilldelade av vuxna. Även miljön blir en sekundär och passiv aktör och finns där främst för människans operationer. Det andra steget i den kartografiska processens experimenterande har bidragit till en omkonstituering av ”lärande för hållbar utveckling” till något som tvärtom, inte är hållbart. Denna intervention belyser kraften då begreppet ”lärande för hållbar utveckling” sätts i rörelse i samproducerandet med teori och filosofi.

Vers une idée de la scénophonie : un parcours à travers Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari ainsi que, notamment, Samuel Beckett et Morton Feldman / Towards an idea of scenophony : an investigation reaching through Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari as well as, notably, Samuel Beckett and Morton Feldman.

Nowrousian, Schirin 21 December 2012 (has links)
La notion de « scène » étant, comme le montre Esa Kirkkopelto dans son livre Le théâtre de l’expérience – Contributions à la théorie de scène, un concept-limite qui deviendrait distinguable de nos jours à cause de ou grâce à un certain effacement du théâtre, nous voilà étrangement confrontée à l’un de ses pans qui est celui du son et de la musique. Car si la scène semble aussi et surtout à voir avec le théâtre en ce qui concerne son côté optique, quel serait son rapport au sonore, et avec celui-ci, à la voix et à la musique, mais aussi au temps et à l’espace ? Cette recherche tâche de poursuivre ce questionnement en une étude kaléidoscopique qui sollicite, d’un côté, une partie de la philosophie de Deleuze et Guattari (notamment dans Mille plateaux) et ce qu’a pu formuler Sartre dans son livre L’imaginaire, et, de l’autre, l’enquête de certaines œuvres artistiques choisies de Beckett et de Feldman, mais aussi, de façon très ciblée, de Rilke et de Jaccottet. Dans ce parcours à maintes résonances, le projet était et est une première mise à l’épreuve de la notion de scénophonie vers laquelle la présente étude se dirige, mais qui en même temps lui a permis de se mettre en route ainsi que de poursuivre. Il s’agit d’une contribution aux recherches et aux sciences de la scène. / The notion of « scene » being, as has been shown by Esa Kirkkopelto in his book Le théâtre de l’expérience – Contributions à la théorie de scène, a concept-limite (a limit-concept) which becomes distinguishable nowadays because of or thanks to a certain seclusion of theatre, puts us in front of one of its threads which is the one of sound and of music. Because the scene, if it seems to also and mainly deal with theatre as for being concerned by its optical side, what about its relation to and with sound, and thus to and with voice and music, but also time and space ? This thesis project intends to follow up this problem in a kaleidoscopic study which, on one side, mobilizes some of the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari (especially as to be found in Mille plateaux) as well as what Sartre has been able to formulate in his book L’imaginaire, and, on the other side, the investigation of some chosen artistic oeuvres by Beckett and Feldman, but also two texts of Rilke and Jaccottet. On this line of multiple resonances, the project put and puts to prove of value the notion of scénophonie (scenophony) towards which it runs, but which at the same time has allowed it to come into existence and to pursue. It is a contribution to the research and science of the scene.

Rhizomes, parasites, folds and trees : systems of thought in medieval French and Catalan literary texts

Gutt, Blake Ajax January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates conceptual networks —systems of organising, understanding and explaining thought and knowledge— and the ways in which they underlie both text and its mise en page across a range of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century French and Catalan literary texts and their manuscript witnesses. Each of the three chapters explores a separate corpus of texts, using two of four interrelated network theories: Michel Serres’ notion of parasites and hosts as the basic interconnecting units that combine to constitute all relational networks; the ubiquitous organizational tree; Gilles Deleuze’s concept of the fold as the primary factor in producing differentiation and identity; and Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s unruly, anti-hierarchical and anti-arborescent rhizomatic systems. The first chapter engages primarily with parasites and trees; the second with trees and folds; and the third with folds and rhizomes. However, resonances with the other network theories are discussed as they occur, in order to demonstrate the fundamentally interconnected and often interchangeable nature of these systems. Each chapter includes close analysis of manuscript witnesses of the texts under discussion. The first chapter, ‘Saints Denis and Fanuel: Parasitism and Arborescence on the Manuscript Page’, examines parasitic and arboreal networks in two hagiographic texts: late thirteenth- and early fourteenth-century prose redactions of the Vie de Saint Denis, and the thirteenth‐century hagiographic romance Li Romanz de Saint Fanuel. The second chapter, ‘Ramon Llull’s Folding Forests: The World, the Tree and the Book’, addresses arborescent and folding structures in Llull’s encyclopaedic Arbre de ciència [Tree of Science], composed between 1295 and 1296. The third chapter, ‘Transgender Genealogy: Turning, Folding and Crossing Gender’, considers three characters in medieval French texts who can be read as transgender: Saint Fanuel; the King of Torelore in Aucassin et Nicolette; and Blanchandin/e in Tristan de Nanteuil. The chapter explores the ways in which these characters’ queer trajectories can be understood through conceptions of directionality which relate to the fold and the rhizome.

Unsubstantial Territories : Nomadic Subjectivity as Criticism of Psychoanalysis in Virginia Woolf's The Waves

Belov, Andrey January 2019 (has links)
This essay looks at subjectivity in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves employing a psychoanalytic approach and using the theories of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Woolf’s relation to the theories of her contemporary Sigmund Freud was unclear. Psychoanalytic scholarship on Woolf’s writings, nevertheless, established itself in 1980’s as a dominant scholarly topic and has been growing since. However, the rigidity and medicalizing discourse of psychoanalysis make it poorly compatible with Woolf’s feminist, anti-individualist writing. This essay is a reading of The Waves, in which psychoanalytic theory is infused with a Deleuzo-Guattarian approach. The theories of psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, and especially his concept of the Other, together with Rosi Braidotti’s concept of nomadic subjectivity, are used as relevant tools for thinking about subjectivity in the context of The Waves. The resultant reading is a criticism of psychoanalysis. In this reading, two characters are looked at in detail: Percival and Bernard. Percival emerges as the Lacanian Other, who, situated at the central nexus of power, symbolises the tyrannies of individuality and masculinity. Simultaneously, Percival is detached from the metaphysical world of the novel. His death marks a shift from oppressive individuality towards nomadic subjectivity. For Bernard, nomadic subjectivity is a flight from the dead and stagnating centre towards periphery, where new ethics can be negotiated. The essay concludes with the implications of such reading: the affirmation of nomadic subjectivity makes the Deleuzo-Guattarian approach more relevant in the context of Woolf, whereas psychoanalytic striving towards structure, dualism, and focus on pathology are rejected as incompatible with her texts.

Real multiplicities: post-identity and the changing face of arts education

Robinson-Cseke, Maria Unknown Date
No description available.

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