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Doctoral thesis recital (guitar)Grohovac, Janet 12 June 2012 (has links)
Segoviana / D. Milhaud -- Suite no. 3 in A minor, BWV 995 / J. S. Bach -- Sonatina Meridional / M. M. Ponce -- Tres Piezas / A. B. Mangore. / text
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Doctoral thesis recital (guitar)Kacherski, Jay 12 June 2012 (has links)
Ponciana / Julio Cesar Oliva -- Prelude; Sonata / Manuel Maria Ponce -- L'histoire du tango / Astor Piazzolla -- Theme and variations / Jorge Cordoba. / text
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Master's thesis recital (guitar)Komjornkijborworn, Yutthasak 03 July 2012 (has links)
An Malvina op. 13 / Johann Kaspar Mertz -- Violin sonata in A minor, BWV 1003 / Johann Sebastian Bach -- Due canzoni lidie / Nuccio D'angelo -- Fantasia no. 7, op. 30 / Fernando Sor -- Invocation y danza / Joaquin Rodrigo -- My favorite things / Richard Rodgers -- Cafe 3, improvisation and dance / Vojislav Ivanovic. / text
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Master's thesis recital (guitar)Mera, Giovanni 10 July 2012 (has links)
Fantasia no. 7 / John Dowland -- Cello suite no. 2, BWV 1008 / J. S. Bach -- The grand solo / Fernando Sor -- Sonatina / Federico Torroba -- Elogio de la danza / Leo Brouwer -- Canta cuando me ausente / Homero Hidrobo. / text
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Master's thesis recital (guitar)Palmer, Joseph W. 10 July 2012 (has links)
Etude no. 1 in C major; Etude no. 10 in A major / G. Regondi -- Suite for lute in A minor BWV 997 / J. S. Bach -- Suite for guitar op. 41 / J. Hetu -- Tarantella op. 87b / M. C. Tedesco. / text
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Doctoral thesis recital (guitar)Puljek, Paulina 11 July 2012 (has links)
A fancy / John Dowland -- Fantaisie hongroise op. 65 / Johann K. Mertz -- The swan / John Duarte -- Fantasie op. 19 / Luigi Legnani -- BWV 998 / J. S. Bach -- Invocacion y danza; Passacaglia / Joaquin Rodrigo. / text
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Doctoral Thesis Recital (guitar)Kacherski, Jay 04 February 2013 (has links)
Asturias - Leyenda preludio -- Mallorca - Barcarola -- Rumores de la Caleta - Malaguena / Isaac Albeniz -- Sonata I / Enrique Santos -- Sonata de la muerte / Julio Cesar Oliva -- Atravesado - Guajira va - Rasgueo / Gerardo Tamez. / text
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Doctoral Thesis Recital (guitar) lectureKacherski, Jay 04 February 2013 (has links)
"Neoclassicism in the guitar works of Mexico from 1948 to 2012: The continuation of the Ponce style." -- Sonata de la muerte / Julio Cesar Oliva -- Sonata I / Enrique Santos. / text
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Master's Thesis Recital (guitar)Ibison, Chad 15 February 2013 (has links)
Sonata in E minor for flute and continuo / J. S. Bach -- Six variations sur la chanson nationale I bin a Kohlbauern Bub, op.49 / M. Giuliani -- Sonata romantica Hommage a Franz Schubert / M. Ponce -- Sonata giocosa / J. Rodrigo -- Sonata for guitar, op. 47 / A. Ginastera. / text
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Master's Thesis Recital (guitar)Sunderman, Bryan 19 February 2013 (has links)
Preambule / M. M. Ponce -- Fantasia on themes from La traviata / J. Arcas -- Prelude, fugue and allegro BWV 998 / J. S. Bach -- Three pieces for guitar / J. Ritter -- El decameron negro / L. Brouwer -- Tarantella / M. Castelnuovo-Tedesco. / text
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