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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Social is Personal: Harry Emerson Fosdick, The Riverside Church, and the Social Gospel in the Great Depression

Gilmore-Clough, Gregory Kipp January 2014 (has links)
This project follows recent scholarship that challenges an older paradigm of the social gospel tradition's demise after World War I. It undertakes a multifaceted analysis of Harry Emerson Fosdick, his local and national audiences, and his context of The Riverside Church--as building and as congregation--as a means of tracing the contours of the social gospel through the Great Depression. Fosdick was an internationally known liberal Protestant minister who was prominent in efforts to rearticulate the social gospel and maintain its relevance in the postwar period. He grounded his interpretation of the social gospel in personalist philosophy, which asserted individual personality as irreducible, yet also shaped within social networks. Personalism manifested liberal Protestantism's emphasis on experience, pairing well with the interest in psychology that burgeoned in the early twentieth century, and which was prominent in Fosdick's preaching and writing. I refer to this threefold convergence of liberal theology, social gospel critique and activism, and personalist philosophy as social gospel personalism. While social gospel personalism promoted activity to bring about social change, I find within it a rhetorical tendency to prioritize attention to the psychological development of personality as the primary means through which the aim of transforming society would be met. In this dissertation, I attend to the ways in which social gospel personalism as articulated by Fosdick and embodied in The Riverside Church was particularly classed, with attendant blind spots and limitations, while simultaneously serving to provide its white, middle class adherents with a religious grounding that helped them weather a period of acute social and economic upheaval. Recent scholarship on American religious liberalism seeks to move beyond the narratives of Protestantism, but I argue that Fosdick and Riverside, by virtue of their cultural prominence, represent an important attempt to find personal grounding amidst depersonalizing social currents, and a religious vocabulary for critiquing those social forces that diminished the person. To make this argument, I engage social gospel personalism from multiple angles. I begin with an analysis of Fosdick's preaching and writing, situating him within the social gospel tradition and tracing the presence of personalist thought throughout his message. I then consider Fosdick as a mediated phenomenon, allowing an examination of the ways in which his message was received and utilized by his multiple audiences, suggesting that the dynamics of mediation tended to heighten the individual, existential elements of Fosdick's message. In turning to the Riverside Church itself, I interpret the building as a site within which social gospel personalism was embodied and enabled, attending to the utilization of space as both reflective of and formative of religious practice. Finally, I analyze two of Riverside's programmatic responses to the vast unemployment engendered by the Great Depression as a means of illuminating the ways in which social gospel personalism was and was not prepared to meet the crisis. / Religion

Transmedia, la magia de la industria: el fenómeno de Harry Potter y su constitución como narrativa transmediática que genera prosumerismo, comunidad y fidelización; tipificando así la tendencia audiovisual del siglo XXI

Sotelo Guadalupe, Andrea Isabel 01 April 2016 (has links)
Nadie puede negar que Harry Potter es un fenómeno de las comunicaciones y la nueva era digital, por ello ha sido constante objeto de estudio de muchas personas que se han preguntado ¿cómo ha sido tan exitoso? Las personas han intentado replicar ese modelo, incluso a partir de Harry Potter han tomado patrones para hacer campañas, marketing u otros. Uno de los ejemplos más interesantes que se ha imitado a partir de Harry Potter es dividir un libro (finalmente una historia) en una película de dos partes, que sucedió con ‘Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte’ y que ha funcionado para otras películas como ‘Los juegos del hambre’ y ‘El hobbit’. Algo que no deja de sorprender a la mayoría de investigadores del fenómeno Potter es cómo Harry ha tenido tanto éxito a lo largo del periodo en que se ha estado publicando, y al mismo tiempo se ha enraizado en la mente de los consumidores, generando algo totalmente sin precedentes en cuanto a literatura infantil. Alohomora es un encantamiento que permite abrir puertas, ventanas u otros. Una apertura nos permite observar dentro de algo y éste precisamente es el objetivo del presente trabajo, el ser una pequeña ventana que nos da acceso a atisbar desde una perspectiva escogida el inmenso mundo Potter. Hay muchas más cosas que se pueden analizar del universo Harry, que es tan rico y tan variado que desborda temas como la política, la simbología, la lucha de poderes, el feminismo y otro tipo de categorías que se ven en la historia y podría seguir enumerando. A pesar de que el libro es tan hondo que podría tener varias tesis sobre un millón de temas, éstos no son objeto del presente estudio.Lo que intento analizar, que empieza en el capítulo uno con la delimitación y planteamiento del problema, es especificar y verificar al objeto de estudio del presente trabajo, que es Harry Potter, en tres aristas distintas que sustentan su transmediaticidad: tribus urbanas, prosumerismo y web 2.0 Durante el segundo capítulo recojo las teorías pertinentes para que éste estudio pueda estar fundamentado. La base teórica va desde revistas, documentos pdf, videos en YouTube, artículos online, y sobre todo libros. Todo esto enriquece el estudio de una manera significativa y también lo sostienen. En el capítulo tres hablo sobre la metodología utilizada para el estudio y las herramientas principales con las que se analiza a Harry Potter, a partir de varias técnicas como la observación participante, las entrevistas, el focus group, el análisis del musical y de Pottermore. Todas estas herramientas potencian los datos recogidos y fortalecen el estudio, puesto que la teoría por sí sola no se sostiene si no hay una praxis que la respalde. En el capítulo cuatro se analiza todo lo que las herramientas han obtenido, entrando en asuntos tan sustanciales sobre cómo era la dinámica entre los agentes de la tribu urbana Orden del Sol, cómo es que Pottermore era un ejemplo de web 2.0 y cómo evolucionó, cómo así el musical es un caso de prosumerismo. Analizo cada una de estas vertientes en favor de entender un poco más el fenómeno, no sólo examinarlo de manera descriptiva sino el poder contraponerlo con la teoría. Finalmente, en el capítulo cinco apunto las conclusiones finales del estudio, asegurando si es que la hipótesis con la cual partí es correcta o no, al igual que plantear algunas recomendaciones para lo que podría ser el futuro de la web Pottermore, puesto que para los otros dos objetos de estudio se esboza escuetamente durante el capítulo tres. Empecemos entonces. ¡Alohomora!

Arnim and Bismarck, 1869-1875

Kent, George O. January 1958 (has links)
No description available.

Stäppvargens mask : En queerteoretisk undersökning av Hermann Hesses Der Steppenwolf

Ims Johansson, Jesper January 2007 (has links)
<p>I uppsatsen analyseras de två karaktärerna Harry Haller och Hermine, från Hermann Hesses Der Steppenwolf, med hjälp av Judith Butlers queerteori. Karaktärernas förhållande till varandra, köns- och genusroller samt heteronormativiteten undersöks och sätts i samband med bokens maskerad- och teatermotiv. Förutom att maskerad- och teatermotivet undersöks i relation till karaktärerna, analyseras det också i sig självt med utgångspunkt i Judith Butlers teorier om det konstruerade könet och dragshowens subversiva funktion.</p>

Autonomie personnelle et socialisation : l’approche hiérarchique de Frankfurt et la critique féministe

Baril, Mathieu 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire est consacré à l’approche hiérarchique de Frankfurt, laquelle donne une explication de l’action autonome grâce à son modèle théorique à deux niveaux de désirs. Pour Frankfurt, l’action autonome est une action causée ou guidée par un désir qui est lui-même causé ou guidé par un désir de deuxième niveau, lequel est formé par un processus d’identification qui fait l’évaluation du désir de premier niveau. Dans un premier temps, j’étudie le développement de l’approche de Frankfurt afin de démontrer que celle-ci subit une modification essentielle : Frankfurt donne d’abord une explication causale de l’action autonome pour ensuite lui donner une explication structurale. Dans un deuxième temps, je m’arrête sur les différentes versions d’une critique adressée à son approche, la critique féministe de l’autonomie du processus d’identification. Dans un troisième temps, je présente une défense de l’approche de Frankfurt à l’égard de cette critique. Cette défense est fondée sur une interprétation du processus d’identification : je soutiens, à l’aide des développements du premier chapitre, que l’évaluation consiste en une évaluation de la conformité d’un désir à l’égard d’un modèle motivationnel, et que cette interprétation permet de répondre à la critique féministe précédemment traitée. / The present study is about Frankfurt’s hierarchical approach, which gives an explanation of autonomous action by means of its two-level theoretical framework. According to Frankfurt, an action is autonomous when it is caused or guided by a desire that is itself caused or guided by a second-order desire, the latter being formed by a process of identification that realizes the evaluation of the first-order desire. As a first step, I study the development of Frankfurt’s approach and I show that it undergoes a significant change: if Frankfurt first gives a causal explanation of autonomous action, he will give later on a structural explanation of this kind of action. As a second step, I review different versions of a critique of Frankfurt’s approach made by some feminists, that is, the critique of the autonomous status of the process of identification. In the third part, I defend Frankfurt’s approach regarding this critique. This defense is based on an interpretation of the process of identification: I claim, with the help of the interpretation I suggest in the first chapter, that the evaluation intrinsic to the process of identification consists in the evaluation of the conformity of a desire with a motivational model, and that this interpretation avoids the feminist critique.

Förläggaren som medskapare : Om Harry Martinson, Moa Martinson och samarbetet med förläggarna på Albert Bonniers förlag 1928–1939

Broborg, Sanna January 2017 (has links)
Författare beskrivs ofta som ensamma skapare till sina verk. I många fall finns det dock betydligt fler som medverkar i produktionen av ett litterärt verk, däribland förlaget. I fallet med svenska författarna Harry Martinson och Moa Martinson är det sen tidigare vederlagt att de båda hade ett utbyte med sina förläggare på Albert Bonniers förlag och att de på olika vis fick råd och ändringsförslag gällande sina texter av sina förläggare Karl Otto Bonnier, Tor Bonnier och Kaj Bonnier. Uppsatsen undersöker på vilka vis förläggarna fungerar som medskapare genom att undersöka kommunikationen i brev mellan författarna och förläggarna gällande författarnas olika manuskript under perioden 1928–1939. Uppsatsen utgår från flera frågeställningar och undersöker mönster i förläggarnas kommunikation och deras synpunkter på författarnas manuskript, hur dialogen ser ut mellan de olika parterna samt vilken funktion förläggarna kan sägas ha i produktionen av de litterära verken, allt som allt i syftet att bidra till förståelse för hur relationen mellan de två yrkesgrupperna kan påverka produktionen av ett litterärt verk fram till dess att en originalutgåva publiceras. Av analysen framkommer det att det finns ett flertal mönster i förläggarnas kritik som berör allt från språket, innehållet och formen, manuskripten i relation till den tänkta mottagaren, förlagets angelägenheter samt vänskapliga relationer mellan författare och förläggare. Trots att förläggarna refuserar båda författarna vid ett flertal tillfällen ser relationen mellan dem olika ut och på så vis skiftar även kritiken från förläggarna och författarnas respons. Bland annat Harry Martinson och Tor Bonnier utvecklar en särskild vänskaplig relation, medan Moa Martinson förmodligen anser sig åsidosatt och att hennes författarskap inte tillskrivs lika stor vikt av förlaget. Harry Martinsons får även något mindre omfattande förslag om ändringar från förlaget och med tiden dessutom mer frihet, medan Moa Martinson in i det sista ombes göra omfattande ändringar och även av andra skäl, så som att hon måste göra ändringar för att hennes innehåll inte anses passande. Båda författarna visar tacksamhet för de kommentarer de får av förläggarna på sina manuskript men är till en början inte alltid villiga att göra ändringar, även om de i slutändan väljer att göra som förläggarna önskar för att på så vis kunna publicera sina verk. Uppsatsen konstaterar att förläggarna framför allt kan ses som medskapare i den litterära produktionen på så vis att de med sina kommentarer är med och formar författarnas åsikter om hur god litteratur ska skrivas och på så vis påverkar deras skapande i det långa loppet. / Authors are often described as lone creators of their work. However, in many cases there are several others included in the production of a literary work, amongst them the publishing house. It is previously known that Swedish authors Harry Martinson and Moa Martinson both had an exchange with their publishers Karl Otto Bonnier, Tor Bonnier and Kaj Bonnier at Albert Bonniers förlag (a leading Swedish publishing house). This thesis examines in what ways the publishers’ acts as “co-creators” of the authors literary works by analysing the communication in letters between the publishers and the authors regarding numerous manuscripts written during 1928–1939. The thesis frames several questions and analyses patterns in the publishers’ letters and their comments of the authors’ writing, the dialogue between the five respective parties and what function the publishers can be said to have in the literary production. The overall purpose of the thesis is to further understand the relationship between the two professions and how that affects the production of a literary work, up until the original publication of the work. The analysis concludes that there are some distinguishable patterns in the publishers’ critique of the authors’ manuscripts regarding language, content and disposition, the recipient, the publish houses’ interests as well as the friendship between the authors and publishers. While the relationship between the authors and publishers changes, so does the publishers comments and the authors response to those comments. Harry Martinson and Tor Bonnier develops a friendship which affects their working relationship, while Moa Martinson presumably feels left out and treated less amicably by Albert Bonnier’s. There is a difference between how the authors are treated by the publishers in that Harry Martinson gets less critique and does not need to make as extensive changes in his writings whilst Moa Martinson on the other hand has to do the opposite. The publishers, especially Karl Otto Bonnier, also demands that Moa Martinson make changes regarding unsuitable topics in her writing. Both authors show gratitude for the publishers’ commentary, though they are at first often unwilling to make the suggested changes. In the end Harry Martinson and Moa Martinson tend to yield to the publishers wishes, possibly in order to get their works published. The thesis concludes that the publishers could be considered “co-creators” of the authors’ literary works mainly by contributing to and shaping the authors’ views on what literature is and how it should be written, thus affecting their writings in the long run.

Männlichkeit in der Literaturwissenschaft

Schwanebeck, Wieland 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Ähnlich wie in den Sozialwissenschaften blieben Männlichkeiten lange Zeit ein blinder Fleck innerhalb einer Gender-orientierten Literaturwissenschaft und die Konstruktionsmechanismen literarischer Männlichkeit im Dunklen. Erforscht wurden zunächst herausragende Modelle von Männlichkeit(en): einerseits dominante Leitbilder, andererseits deviante Alternativen, etwa der Dandy, der Homosexuelle, der Cross-Dresser. Mittlerweile liegt in nahezu allen Philologien eine Fülle von Einzelstudien zur Darstellung von Männlichkeit innerhalb bestimmter Epochen oder Autoren-Oeuvres vor, wiewohl der Stand der theoretischen Reflexion unterschiedlich ausgeprägt ist.

An Inquiry into the Factors Affecting the Outcome of the 1948 Presidential Election with the Situations in the States of Illinois, Ohio, and California Subject to Special Emphasis

Raupe, Buell C. 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the factors affecting the outcome of the 1948 presidential election. The factors which will be take up are not a complete list of all those influences on the election but will be those which appeared most frequently in writings on the subject and those which, in the writer's opinion, exerted the strongest influence. By combining specific studies of the tree large pivotal states, with the investigation of general factors affecting the election, it is believed that certain rather definite conclusions can be drawn concerning what happened in the country as a whole.

Harry Potter v oficiálním a amatérském překladu / Harry Potter in Czech : Official and Fan Versions

Ešnerová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The thesis looks at fan translation of fiction, a phenomenon that, unlike fan translation of anime and videogames, has been mostly overlooked by translation studies until recently. More specifically, we examine fan translations of Harry Potter books. The thesis aims to address a wide range of aspects pertaining to fan translation of fiction. In the opening chapters, it gives a brief overview of the history of fan translation in general and of research papers dedicated to the subject. Based on comparison with fan translations of anime and videogames, the thesis defines functions of fan translations of fiction in relation to official translations. The phenomenon of fan translation of fiction is then set in a wider context, one chapter detailing its relation to fan communities and one addressing the question of copyright. The nature of fan translations of fiction is further explored through comparison with official translations, which in this particular case focuses on Czech translations of Harry Potter books. First, we compare the translation process in case of both official and fan translations and then chosen extracts from the last book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. We also focus on differences between the collective fan translation and the fan translation done by an individual. We draw...

Get Flanagan: The Rise and Fall of the Federal Theatre Project

Patterson, Sean 17 December 2004 (has links)
This thesis is an attempt to render theatrically the establishment and eventual dissolution of the Federal Theatre Project, from the point of view of its appointed director Hallie Flanagan. Drawn from a variety of historical sources, including subjective first-person accounts and objective transcripts of congressional investigation testimony, the play approximates the structure of the Living Newspaper, a style of presentation adopted by the Federal Theatre Project. This thesis also includes an appendix, which details my playwriting process for this particular play, from initial concept through to production.

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