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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processo de formação de estratégias de desenvolvimento sustentável de grupos multinacionais

Cruz, Luciano Barin January 2007 (has links)
Em um contexto de explicitação dos problemas ambientais e sociais que assolam o planeta, causando enormes disparidades entre países, as empresas, e mais fortemente as Multinacionais, se vêem diante da cobrança pela adoção de uma postura de responsabilidade ampliada, ou seja, de incorporação das 3 dimensões do desenvolvimento sustentável (econômica, social e ambiental) em suas estratégias. Esta responsabilização das empresas, traz à tona o problema da gestão dos trade offs envolvidos com estas 3 dimensões e, para as Multinacionais, a gestão destes trade offs na relação entre Matriz e suas Filiais. Tendo por objetivo, justamente, a proposição de um framework baseado em um conjunto de proposições para a concepção do processo de formação da estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável, na relação entre Matriz e Filial, de Multinacionais, a presente pesquisa foi conduzida em 3 fases. Adotou-se uma postura epistemo-metodológica de concepção, aceitando a interação entre sujeito e objeto e a intencionalidade do sujeito/pesquisador ao longo da pesquisa, buscando-se explicitamente, a geração de conhecimento aplicável aos gestores dos Grupos estudados. Adotou-se também uma lógica abdutiva, ou seja, permitindo constantes “idas e vindas” entre teoria e campo empírico, na media que se avançava nas fases da pesquisa. Assim, na primeira fase buscou-se um aprofundamento teórico sobre Estratégia Empresarial, Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Teoria da Complexidade, visando dar suporte a pesquisa e a construção de um questionário com roteiro semi-estruturado, para ser aplicado junto a experts em desenvolvimento sustentável. Este roteiro foi aplicado na segunda fase da pesquisa, que tinha por objetivo a identificação de temáticas importantes a serem consideradas, em estratégias que levem em conta o desenvolvimento sustentável. Duas etapas foram desenvolvidas nesta segunda fase: na primeira etapa foram entrevistados 10 experts brasileiros, com os quais se co-concebeu 8 temáticas iniciais; na segunda etapa foram entrevistados 12 experts europeus, com os quais se procurou consolidar as temáticas iniciais, co-concebendo com os mesmos, 4 temáticas consolidadas (Relação com os Stakeholders, Governança Empresarial, Ética Empresarial e Aprendizagem Organizacional). Estas temáticas consolidadas serviram de base para a terceira fase, onde foram realizados 4 estudos de caso (Grupos A, B, C e D), em Grupos Multinacionais com a Matriz na França ou Luxemburgo e uma Filial no Brasil. A confrontação entre os estudos de caso, as entrevistas com os experts, o referencial teórico e a atitude inventiva do pesquisador possibilitaram a emergência de 7 proposições epistêmicas (estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável vista a partir de princípios da teoria da complexidade, ou seja, dialógica, recursividade, retroativa, holograma e auto-eco-reorganização), 12 proposições conceituais (governança empresarial, ética empresarial, e aprendizagem organizacional) e 16 proposições operatórias (governança empresarial - estrutura da área de desenvolvimento sustentável e divisão de ganhos com os stakeholders; ética empresarial - conteúdo e fixação de objetivos e postura empresarial; aprendizagem organizacional - sensibilização e troca de informações sobre o desenvolvimento sustentável), que em conjunto formam o framework proposto aqui. Assim a presente pesquisa contribui com avanços epistemológicos e metodológicos para a área de Gestão, além de avanços teóricos para a estratégia empresarial (quando integrada com as discussões sobre desenvolvimento sustentável e teoria da complexidade), e de avanços para os Grupos Multinacionais, através do conjunto de proposições. / Considering the innumerous environmental and social problems which are devastating the world and increasing differences among countries, companies are demanded, more precisely Multinationals, to stand for a responsible posture, i.e. the incorporation of the 3 dimensions of sustainable development in their strategies (economical, social and environmental). This responsibility from the companies arises the problem of trade off management connected to the 3 dimensions, and for the Multinationals trade off management among the Headquarter and its Subsidiaries. This research was conducted in 3 phases aiming the proposition of a framework based on a set of propositions for the conception of a sustainable development strategy formation process in the relation between Multinational Headquarters and Subsidiaries. An epistemic-methodological positioning was adopted, accepting the interaction between subject (researcher) and object and the intentionality subject/researcher throughout the research, explicitly searching for the knowledge generation applicable to the managers from the studied Groups. It was also adopted an abductive logic, i.e. allowing regular “come and go” between the theory and the empirical field as the research advanced. Thus, in the first phase theoretical deepening about Company Strategy, Sustainable Development and Complexity Theory was intended, aiming to support the research and the construction of a semi-structured questionnaire in order to be applied to the sustainable development experts.This script was applied in the second phase of the research, which expected to identify some important thematics to be considered, within the strategies that take into account the sustainable development. Two steps were developed in this second phase: in the first phase 10 Brazilian experts were interviewed, where 8 initial thematics were co-conceived; in the second phase, 12 European experts were interviewed, where it was tried to consolidate the initial thematics and then co-conceiving 4 consolidated thematics (Stakeholders Relation, Enterprise Governance, Enterprise Ethics and Organizational Learning). These consolidated thematics were the basis of the third phase where 4 case studies were conducted (Groups A, B, C and D) with Multinational Groups having the Headquarter in France or Luxemburg and a Subsidiary in Brazil. The confrontation among the case studies, the expert interviews, the theoretical referential and the inventive attitude from the researcher made possible the emergence of 7 epistemic propositions (development of sustainable strategy from the complexity theory principles, which is dialogical, recursivity, retroactive, hologram and autoeco- reorganization), 12 conceptual propositions (Enterprise Governance, Enterprise Ethics and Organizational Learning) and 16 operational propositions (Enterprise Governance – the structure of the sustainable development area and the sharing of profit with stakeholders; Enterprise Ethics – objective content and fixation and enterprise position; Organizational Learning – consciousness and information exchange about sustainable development), which here compose the proposed framework. Thus the present research contributed with epistemological and methodological advanced for the area of Management, and also theoretical advances for the enterprise strategy field (when integrated with the discussion about sustainable development and complexity theory), and advances for Multinational Groups through a set of prepositions.

Le rôle de la spatialité dans la mise en place du New Model Worker : du projet Valmy aux tours de la Défense de la Société Générale / How spatiality can help implement a New Model Worker : from the Valmy Project to the towers La Société Générale based in La Defense

Minchella, Delphine 06 May 2015 (has links)
Les organisations, tentées par la perspective de transformer un poste de dépense considérable en véritable ressource organisationnelle, envisagent généralement leur espace comme un potentiel outil de management, mais de l'espace conçu à l'espace vécu, on observe souvent un décalage remarquable. Cette thèse pose la question de ce que peut révéler un espace organisationnel du management pratiqué en son sein : au-delà des déclarations d'intention, que peut-on comprendre de l'espace? De la façon dont il est administré? Notre terrain d'observation est le siège social d'une grande banque internationale, de son projet architectural initial (rédigé en 1989) jusqu'à nos jours, soit six ans de construction (livraison des tours en 1995), et dix-neuf années de pratique spatiale. Ce cas emblématique a retenu notre attention car le projet consistait à faciliter la mise en place d'un "New Model Worker" par un aménagement spatial particulier, propice à la communication informelle. L'analyse de nos données nous a finalement permis de mettre au point une grille de lecture - regroupant la territorialisation, la valorisation et la localisation - pour mieux appréhender l'espace des organisations. / Willing to turn a tremendous item of expenditure into a real organizational resource, organizations usually perceive their spaces as potential management tools, but from conceived spaces to lived ones, a noticeable gap is often to be found. This thesis aims at understanding what an organizational space can reveal about the ongoing management practices: what can we understand from the way space is organized, beyond official discourses? Our research is focused on a case: an international bank's headquarter, from its original architectural project document (written in 1989) to 2014, that is to say: six years of construction (as the towers were delivered in 1995) and nineteen years of spatial practice. This is particularly interesting for those towers were supposed to help implement a "New Model Worker" through a particular spatial setting, favorable to informal communication. From our collected data, we've been able to build up a fresh perspective - an analysis grid gathering space, place, and artefacts - to better understand organizational spaces.

A comparative study of double tax agreements between South Africa, Mauritius and China

Van den Berg, Amandus 22 March 2012 (has links)
Mauritius has, in recent years, become one of the preferred financial centres owing to its business-friendly economy, preferential tax regime, wide tax treaty network and solid infrastructure. The Mauritian economy and people have greatly benefitted from the country’s success as a financial centre. One benefit offered by the Mauritian tax regime is the ability and ease with which a person can gain residency to access the preferential tax rates that the country offers. South Africa has recently re-introduced a headquarter tax regime, which will make it a competitor with Mauritius for channelling international trade and foreign direct investment. Previous research focuses on the elements of international taxation and highlights some of the benefits that a company could enjoy by using Mauritius as an offshore base. One of the key elements of a successful headquarter company regime is that of a wide tax treaty network which offers preferential terms for taxing certain income classes. The aim of this study is to provide a theoretical construct for the comparison of double tax agreements, with the goal of identifying those that provide preferential terms for the taxation of certain income classes and the elimination of double taxation. This study focuses on the double tax agreements between South Africa, Mauritius and China, highlighting some of the deficiencies of the South African agreement with China and comparing those with Mauritius’s agreement with China. These deficiencies and the preferential tax regime that Mauritius offers will inevitably provide multi-national companies with tax saving opportunities if they use Mauritius as an offshore base. This study will point out some of the areas where possible tax saving opportunities could be identified. The study further aims to provide a platform from which the South African headquarter company regime can be assessed and analysed. This is specifically important if South Africa is to compete with Mauritius. AFRIKAANS : Mauritius het in onlangse jare een van die gekose finansiële sentrums geword as gevolg van hul besigheidsvriendelike houding, voordelige belasting regime, hul wye netwerk van dubbelbelastingooreenkomste en gevestigde infrastruktuur. Die ekonomie van Mauritius en Mauritius se bevolking het baie voordeel getrek uit die sukses van Mauritius se finansiële dienste sektor. Een van die voordele wat Mauritius se belasting regime bied is die gemaklikheid waarmee inwonerstatus bekom kan word en ‘n persoon toegang tot Mauritius se voordelige belastingkoerse kan kry. Suid-Afrika het soortgelyks verlede jaar ‘n internasionale hoofkantoor regime bekendgestel wat Suid-Afrika dus ‘n mededinger met Mauritius gaan maak ten opsigte van die kanalisering van internasionale fondse en buitelandse belegging. Vorige navorsing fokus op die beginsels van internasionale belasting en identifiseer voordele wat maatskappye kan geniet indien hulle van Mauritius gebruik maak as hul buitelandse basis. Een van die belagrike elemente van ‘n suksesvolle hoofkantoor maatskappy regime is dat die regime ‘n wye netwerk van dubbelbelastingooreenkomste bied en dat die dubbelbelastingooreenkomste voordelige terme vir die belasting van sekere inkomste klasse bied. Hierdie studie se doelwit is om ‘n teoretiese platform te vestig vir die vergelyking van dubbelbelastingooreenkomste met die oog om dubbelbelastingooreenkomste te identifiseer wat voordelige terme bied vir die belasting van sekere inkomste klasse en die eliminering van dubbele belasting. Hierdie studie fokus op die dubbelbelastingooreenkomste tussen Suid-Afrika, Mauritius en Sjina in ‘n poging om sekere van die tekortkominge van die dubbelbelastingooreenkoms tussen Suid-Afrika en Sjina uit te wys wanneer dit met die dubbelbelastingooreenkoms tussen Mauritius en Sjina vergelyk word. Hierdie tekortkominge en die voordelige belasting regime wat Mauritius bied sal multi-nasionale maatskappye die geleentheid bied om belastingvoordele te ontgin indien hulle van Mauritius gebruik maak as ‘n buitelandse basis. Hierdie studie sal van die areas identifiseer waar ‘n maatskappy moontlik belasting kan bespaar. Die studie poog ook om ‘n platform te bewerkstellig vir die analise en evalueering van die Suid-Afrikaanse hoofkantoor regime. Hierdie analise en evalueering is spesifiek belangrik indien Suid-Afrika met Mauritius wil meeding. Copyright 2011, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Van den Berg, A 2011,A comparative study of double tax agreements between South Africa, Mauritius and China, MCom dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-03222012-172313 / > F12/4/180/gm / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Taxation / unrestricted

Knowledge Transfer from multinational corporations’ headquarters to their subsidiaries : The methods of transferring knowledge (Explicit &amp; Tacit)

Hossain, Monir, Islam, Ariful January 2023 (has links)
Background: Globalization, technological advancement and opportunity of capturing new markets have pushed business organizations to expand their business in the inter- national market. As a result, companies have established their subsidiaries in the host country and control their business from headquarters. Moreover, headquarters provide all the support such as training, strategies and knowledge to their subsidiary to perform better and help to build competitive advantage. The importance of knowledge transfer has increased in recent decades because knowledge is considered as an asset. Aim: The aim of the study is to analysis the method of knowledge transfer (explicit and tacit) from multinational companies headquarter to their subsidiaries. Methodology: In this paper, qualitative research approach has been followed with con- tent analysis technique. Primary data has been collected through interviews and Conve- nience sampling technique were used. Findings: Findings of the study shows that MNCs are using agency theory and knowl- edge base theory to transfer knowledge to their subsidiary. Most of the cases it has been observed that headquarters appeared as a knowledge creator whereas subsidiaries only utilize that knowledge. Moreover, manufacturing based companies transfer more explicit knowledge and service based companies transfer more tacit knowledge. Almost every MNCs use training, seminars, creating social groups and written instructions to transfer explicit and tacit knowledge to their subsidiaries. Study also found that there are some internal (hoarding behavior, non-invented here syndrome) and external factors (culture, language, location) which affect the knowledge transfer process of MNCs. Contribution of the study: This study will help managers around the world to under- stand the core concept of knowledge transfer, knowledge transfer method and factors affecting knowledge transfer. On the other hand, it will also help to design flawless channels to transfer knowledge. Scope of further studies: More interviews can be added including managers from the subsidiaries to get a more broader perspective. Also the studies can be done with com- paring different industries since knowledge is different depending on the industry. For example, the service Industry has more tacit knowledge than in the manufacturing indus- try.


林必佳, Pi-chia Lin Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本研究探討民國九十一年開始實施之企業營運總部政策對股市之影響,分為三部分。第一部份採用法令分析及文獻探討方式,分析我國與鄰近國家關於營運總部政策及其租稅優惠之異同,並佐以各界對此項政策之評論,以得出我國營運總部政策優劣之處;第二部份以敘述性統計檢視各產業符合營運總部申請要件比率及各要件達成之難易程度,以做為建立迴歸模型之基礎;第三部分則利用事件研究法與迴歸分析探討股市於營運總部政策演變期間股價異常報酬情形,並檢測股價異常報酬率與各要件間的關連性。 在我國營運總部申請要件方面,實質控制海外關係企業、員工人數和學歷、國內年營收淨額、國內年營業費用及國外關係企業年營收淨額等均較新加坡、上海和馬來西亞嚴格,『實質控股』、『員工學歷』和『國外關係企業年營收淨額』更為他國所無之要件。而雖然我國之租稅優惠較此三國優渥,但如無相關配套措施,優惠效果也會大減。在符合要件分析方面,本文針對458家上市公司進行分析,整體符合要件比率為29.85%。在各申請要件中,以國內年營收淨額、年營業費用和員工人數為企業較易達成之要件。但就國外關係企業佈局國家數及其年營收淨額而言則較不易達成,可謂企業欲獲得此項租稅優惠之最大障礙。而就各產業別觀之,以塑膠、電子和水泥業之符合比率最高,機電、電線電纜、塑膠、百貨、玻璃和造紙業次之。而紡織、化學和食品業則因無法達到國外關係企業佈局國家數與其年營收淨額此兩項要件導致符合比率相當低。另外汽車、營建、運輸、觀光與金融保險業中無一家公司達到符合營運總部設立要件。此結果顯示傳統產業在獲取營運總部租稅優惠上仍趨於劣勢,可能造成產業別租稅不公平之現象。 營運總部政策演變過程中,股市普遍給予其正面評價,包括在經濟部起草規劃、經發會通過、經濟部與行政院增訂促產條例,以及立法院三讀通過等六個事件日,皆出現顯著為正之股票異常報酬。而在分析企業申請營運總部獲准日之股市反應方面,在通過日之次一交易日也有顯著之正值異常報酬。 以迴歸模型檢視影響股價異常報酬之因素,在全體上市公司樣本方面,股市對電子業仍給予最高的顯著股價異常報酬,不過,實證上並無發現設立要件有顯著影響股價異常報酬之結果。就73家核准公司樣本分析則顯示遞延所得稅負債科目金額之大小對累積股價異常報酬率有顯著之正值影響。 / Abstract In January 30, 2002, the legislative Yuan passed the Chapter VI-1 of the Statute for Upgrading Industries to encourage companies to utilize worldwide resources and set up the operational headquarters in Taiwan by providing preferential tax interests. Using 2001 corporate financial statement data and regression analysis, this study explores the influence of the Operational -Headquarter policy on the reactions of the stock market. The results of this study are as follows: 1. Regarding the qualification requirements, Taiwan has a more strict qualification than those of Singapore, Shanghai and Malaysia, especially in the specification of “control over the foreign affiliates,” “the net revenues and expenses of the operational headquarter,” “the quantity and quality of employees,” and “the net revenues of the affiliates abroad.” 2. The statistical analyses show that there is 29.85% companies meet of requirements of operational headquarters. Among the qualifications, the requirements of “foreign affiliates” are the most difficult criteria to achieve than others, causing the traditional industries cannot qualify for applying the approval. 3. During the event period of this study, the stock market reacts to the proposal by significant positive stock abcdrmal returns. It shows the stock market favors the new policy. The regression results indicate that investors give the Electrical industry higher evaluation than other industries.

Relação matriz-subsidiária: a mudança do papel de subsidiária de mercado emergente pela geração de conhecimento tecnológico

Stolzmann, Klaus Peter 17 December 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2019-03-20T12:32:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Klaus Peter Stolzmann_.pdf: 1291405 bytes, checksum: 8ba46b28ffcae95c2b291db9ef3d1a05 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-03-20T12:32:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Klaus Peter Stolzmann_.pdf: 1291405 bytes, checksum: 8ba46b28ffcae95c2b291db9ef3d1a05 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-12-17 / Nenhuma / Ainda que os gerentes tenham expectativas moderadas sobre a capacidade das suas subsidiárias de contribuir para a renovação estratégica e tecnológica de todo o grupo multinacional, várias medidas poderiam ser tomadas para possibilitar a geração de novas tecnologias nas subsidiárias. Como a geração de conhecimento numa subsidiária é um tema relativamente recente explorado no campo acadêmico, a proposta desse trabalho é trazer alguma contribuição no processo de geração de conhecimento tecnológico como fator de mudança do papel de uma subsidiária brasileira de uma multinacional de um país desenvolvido. Por meio de um estudo de caso único, os dados foram coletados em análise documental, observação in loco e entrevistas com diversos colaboradores, entre eles engenheiros, gestores, expatriados, estrangeiros e brasileiros. Após, os dados foram triangulados com a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicam a relevância da geração de conhecimento tecnológico pela subsidiária e reconhecido pela matriz, para a mudança de seu papel na MNC, representado por um esquema gráfico de como tal processo ocorreu. Durante o mapeamento do mesmo, percebeu-se algumas particularidades no caso estudado, como a grande importância do papel do repatriado (funcionário da subsidiária que passa um determinado tempo na matriz e retorna), pouco abordado na literatura, e no presente caso, da relevância do cliente no processo de geração de conhecimento tecnológico no país da subsidiária, assim como ficou confirmada a grande importância do papel do gerente da subsidiária como também a influência dos fatores moderadores nesse processo. Por fim, esse trabalho traz alguma contribuição prática para os gestores de subsidiárias de países emergentes, sobre os quais poderão avaliar as iniciativas da sua subsidiária, tais como o treinamento dos seus empregados na matriz ou a busca de novos projetos para atender clientes locais, para obter a atenção da matriz e preparar-se para a mudança de seu papel dentro da MNC. / Although managers have moderate expectations about their subsidiaries' ability to contribute to the strategic and technological renewal of the entire multinational organization, a number of measures could be taken to enable the creation of new technologies in the subsidiaries. As the knowledge generation in a subsidiary is a subject that has not yet been deeply explored in the academic field, the proposal of this work is to bring some contribution in the process of technological knowledge generation as a factor to change the role of a Brazilian subsidiary belonging to a multinational from a developed country. Through a single case study, the data were collected in document analysis, in loco observation and interviews with several collaborators, among them engineers, managers, expatriates, foreigners and Brazilians. Afterwards, the data were triangulated with the content analysis technique. The results indicate the relevance of the technological knowledge generation by the subsidiary and recognized by the headquarter, to change its role in the MNC, represented by a graphic diagram of how such a process occurred. During the process analysis, we noticed some peculiarities in the present case, such as the great significance role of the inpatriate (employee of the subsidiary who spends a certain time in the headquarter and returns) which was less discussed in the literature and for this specific case, the customer role relevance in the process of technological knowledge generation in the subsidiary country, as well as confirming the great importance of the subsidiary manager's role and the moderator factors in this process. Finally, this work brings some practical contribution to managers of emerging-country subsidiaries who can evaluate their subsidiary's initiatives, such as the training of its employees in the headquarters or the search of new projects to serve local clients, to get the parent's attention and prepare to change its role within the MNC.


PILATO, VIVIANA 24 May 2017 (has links)
La letteratura di business internazionale fornisce la prova convincente della diffusione globale di pratiche di responsabilità sociale delle imprese (RSI) e l'importante ruolo svolto dalle multinazionali (MNC) nel trasferimento di pratiche di RSI alle loro controllate estere. La tesi esplora la gestione di strategie di RSI da società controllate di MNC, spiegando il meccanismo che permette loro di bilanciare le pressioni istituzionali divergenti. Questo fenomeno è noto come ‘complessità istituzionale’, derivante dai molteplici ed eterogenee forze istituzionali a cui le controllate di multinazionali e le loro sedi sono esposte in relazione all'adozione di pratiche di RSI. Attingendo alla letteratura su RSI e teoria istituzionale, il primo articolo della tesi sviluppa un framework concettuale e un set di proposizioni da testare per studi futuri, attraverso un approccio configurazionale. Il secondo articolo della tesi esamina come le filiali di MNC gestiscono le pressioni, le barriere e i mezzi che affrontano durante la distribuzione delle loro attività di RSI in cinque paesi africani (Angola, Egitto, Ghana, Kenya e Sud Africa), attraverso 33 interviste, permettendoci di catturare alcuni modelli di variazione nella distribuzione di pratiche di RSI all'interno dei paesi in via di sviluppo. Il terzo documento della tesi analizza le pratiche di dialogo realizzate da 418 società quotate all'indice FTSE4Good in Europa, Nord America e Asia. / The international business literature provides compelling evidence for the global diffusions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices and the important role played by Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in transfer of CSR practices to their foreign subsidiaries. The thesis explores the management of CSR strategies by MNCs’ subsidiaries, by explaining the mechanism that allows them to balance divergent institutional pressures. This phenomenon is known as ‘institutional complexity’, resulting from the multiple and heterogeneous institutional forces to which MNCs’ subsidiaries and their headquarters are exposed in relation to the adoption of CSR practices. Drawing on CSR literature and institutional theory, the first paper of the thesis develops a conceptual framework and a set of propositions to be tested for future studies, through a configurational approach. The second paper examines how the MNCs’ subsidiaries manage the pressures, the barriers and the enablers they face when deploying their CSR activities in five African countries (Angola, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa), through 33 interviews, allowing us to capture some patterns of variations in CSR deployment within developing countries. The third paper analyses the stakeholder dialogue practices realized by 418 companies listed in the FTSE4Good index in Europe, North America, and Asia.

會計師事務所總所審計與分析師預測行為之關聯性——基於中國A股上市公司的實證分析 / The association between headquarter office auditors and analysts’ behaviors:evidence from China

張璐, Zhang, Lu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究檢測會計師事務所總所審計與分析師盈餘預測行為的相關性。以中國大陸2010年至2015年A股上市公司為研究對象,構造分析師盈餘預測行為的回歸模型,並以分析師追蹤人數、分析師盈餘預測準確度及預測分歧度三種特性進行分析。 研究結果顯示,會計師事務所總所審計與分析師追蹤人數、盈餘預測準確度皆呈顯著正相關,與預測分歧度呈顯著負相關。進一步檢測發現:總所的審計公費更高,經會計師事務所總所審計的企業,分析師更願意對其股票給予較高的投資評級。這也顯示會計師事務所總所付出的努力更多,審計品質更好,因而分析師對其會計資訊信賴程度更高,對該公司之追蹤意願更高,盈餘預測誤差與預測分歧度更低,分析師也更願意推薦其股票。 / The primary objective of this thesis is to explore the association between headquarter office auditors and analysts’ earnings behaviors. I use a sample of firm observations from China during 2010-2015. The main findings can be summarized as follows. I find that firms audited by headquarter office auditors have more analysts following compared to those audited by branch office auditors. Secondly, I find that analysts’ earnings forecasts are more accurate and less dispersed for firms audited by headquarter office auditors than firms audited by branch office auditors. Further analysis indicates that the reason for the above results is that headquarter office auditors exert more effort, measured as audit fees, than branch office auditors. Finally, the empirical results indicate that analysts make more favorable recommendations for firms audited by headquarter office auditors than for those audited by branch office auditors. Overall, the findings suggest that headquarter office auditors have better audit quality and in turn result in more analysts following and issuing higher-quality forecasts and favorable recommendations.

跨界投資與在地再投資區位選擇研究 / A study on location selection of trans-border investment and reinvestment in home country

王冠斐 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究著眼於台灣經濟轉型、中國經濟的崛起與台灣企業組織的變化,從台灣企業集團的總部設立、跨界投資的區位選擇及在地再投資三個面向進行討論,期望在既有的研究基礎上,就台灣廠商在兩岸投資區位佈點的考量提出完整性的觀察,並強化既有的研究。 首先,以台灣1000大製造業為研究樣本,選擇包括純辦公室使用、研發設計、台商一千大、跨國生產網絡、外資企業、員工人數、資本總額、知識密集型、傳統型製造業等變項分別代表總部功能、跨界治理能力及企業屬性三大類變數,透過二元羅吉特模型以及集群分析方法,探討台灣企業在首都、都會區以及生產性服務業及創新氛圍同質性地區的總部設立區位選擇行為。實證的結果發現,代表企業屬性變數的資產總額、員工人數和產業別明顯影響台灣製造業廠商在首都設立總部的區位選擇,而總部功能為純辦公室使用或設有研發機構者更傾向將總部設立於首都或都會區,跨界治理能力的影響則未能獲得證實。另外,過去國內在研究企業總部地點選擇研究上較少從創新氛圍角度出發,而本研究實證的結果發現,台灣製造業廠商企業總部的區位選擇不僅受到地區生產性服務業的影響,也受到地區創新氛圍的影響。 在跨界投資區位選擇部分,本研究以台灣250大企業集團中的知識密集型製造業集團為研究對象,以台灣、環渤海地區、長江三角洲地區、珠江三角洲地區為研究場域,選擇企業特性與投資區位條件變數,並以多項羅吉特模型進行實證分析。其中,企業特性變數為產業類別、投資經驗、投資時間等三項因子,而投資區位條件則有勞工薪資、市場規模、區域創新強度及外資投資強度等因子。實證結果發現,代表經濟發展階段的投資時間變項確實會影響企業集團的區位選擇行為,產業的類別不同其區位選擇也會不同,先前的投資經驗雖然影響區位選擇。但是與過去研究不同的是,本次實證發現對台灣企業來說面對相似而且鄰近的市場,進入新市場的動機可能比過去的投資經驗來得重要的多,同時投資區位條件亦會影響區位選擇行為。另外,過去較少直接連結廠商生產面的區域創新能力亦明顯影響企業集團的區位選擇,因此本研究認為區域創新活動對於跨國企業在地化取得知識及技術亦具有相當重要的意義。 在地再投資部分以台灣製造業1000大廠商中知識密集型製造業為研究對象,並以工業地域觀點所劃分的台灣地區北、中、南三大區域為研究場域,選擇包括在台投資經驗、總部區位、第一次投資決策、路徑依循等企業廠商組織決策之屬性變數,以及包含區域中科學園區的設立、產業專業化係數、雜異化指標等區域環境變數,透過多項羅吉特模型進行實證分析。實證的結果發現,總部區位確實影響後續再投資的工廠區位選擇,第一次的投資決策經驗對於第二次投資的區位選擇行為影響比總部區位的影響明顯,代表時間演進而產生路徑相依的地區經濟型態差異變項也確實會影響區位選擇行為。而當區域內科學園區的發展相較未臻成熟時,其區域的賦能仍不足以吸引企業廠商進駐,至於台灣企業的再投資區位選擇基於對區域特性的了解較偏好區域內工業地域的地方化經濟,而不偏好區域內工業地域的都市化經濟。 / Stressed on the Taiwanese economical transition, the up-rising of Chinese economy and the change of Taiwanese enterprise organization as well as based on the past research, this study explores the factors affecting location selection behavior of Taiwanese firms across Taiwan Strait from three aspects including the establishment of enterprise headquarter, cross-border investment and local re-investment. On the establishment of enterprise headquarter, the top 1000 manufacturing firms in Taiwan were sampled and some factors were analyzed including office type, R&D, multinational production network, foreign enterprise, number of employee, total asset, knowledge-intensive business, and traditional manufacturing firms. However, these factors could be classed into three fields: headquarter function, cross-border management ability and firm characteristics. Then, the location selection behavior of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter was examined by the techniques of binary logit model and cluster analysis technique among capital area, urban area and homogenous area with productive service industry and innovation-based cluster. The results of empirical analysis show that the factors represented firm characteristics including total asset, number of employee and enterprise type significantly affected the location selection of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter. Furthermore, it is also verified that the enterprise headquarter had been established in capital or urban area if the headquarter was provided with R&D or simply used as office, but the effect of cross-border management upon headquarter establishment is insignificant. The effect of innovation-based cluster upon location selection of enterprise headquarter is seldom studied in the past. However, according to empirical results in this study, they show that location selection of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter is affected not only by local Productive Service industry but also by regional innovation-based cluster. On the location selection of cross-border investment, this study focused on the area of Taiwan, Bohai Economic Rim, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. The top 250 Taiwanese enterprise groups were taken into consideration, and the multinomial Logit model was adopted for empirical analysis in which firm characteristics and location conditions were chosen as research variables. Where, firm characteristics contained industrial type, investing experience and investment time, and location conditions included labor cost, market scale, regional innovation intensity and foreign investment intensity. The empirical results indicate that industrial type and investment time significantly affect the selection of investment locations. In contrast, investment experience only slightly influences the selection of investment locations. In addition, we find that entrepreneurial motivation to enter new markets may be much more influential than prior location investment experiences for Taiwanese enterprises functioning within similar markets. Regional differences shaping investment conditions in Taiwan and mainland China also affect the selection of investment locations. Our analysis shows a particularly strong linkage between regional innovation capacity and the selection of investment locations. This implies that regional innovation capacity plays a very important role in the selection of investment locations for multinational enterprises On local re-investment, the top 1000 knowledge-intensive manufacturers in Taiwan were the samples divided by region into the northern, central and southern Taiwan groups by administrative region. The factors affecting organizational decisions were the attribute variables, including Taiwan investment experience, headquarters location, first investment experience and path dependence; and the factors affecting location selection were the regional environment variables, including regional science park status, industry specialization coefficient and Hirschman-Herfindahl index (HHI). The multinomial Logit model was used for empirical analysis, and the results show that the headquarters location affects plant location selection in re-investment, and the first investment experience has a more significant effect on the plant location selection in the second investment than the headquarters location, suggesting that the path-dependent heterogeneity in regional economic style developed over time affects location selection. Also, the immaturity of regional science parks affects plant location selection when regional empowerment cannot attract enterprises. Lastly, Taiwanese enterprises prefer regions with localized economies to regions with urbanized economies for plant location selection.

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