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Exercice physique et plongée : aspects cardio-vasculaires / Physical Exercise and Diving : focus on Cardiovascular SystemGargne, Ombeline 04 December 2012 (has links)
L'étude des mécanismes physiologiques au cours d'une plongée subaquatique estessentielle à la compréhension des accidents qui lui sont associées. Le plongeur subit denombreuses contraintes issues du milieu dans lequel il évolue. Parmi ces contraintes, qui leplus souvent se combinent, nous pouvons citer l'immersion, l'exposition au froid,l'hyperbarie, les variations des conditions d'oxygénation (hypoxie, hyperoxie) et l'exercicephysique. L'objectif de notre travail a été d'apprécier les modifications de la fonction cardiovasculaireet de son contrôle neuro-végétatif induites par ces contraintes rencontrées enplongée chez des sujets sains, novices en plongée, et également chez des chasseurs sousmarins. L'étude de la circulation artérielle et de la fonction endothéliale était basée surl'échographie (bi-dimensionnelle et Doppler). Des mesures de tonométrie d'applanation etautres mesures ultrasonores ont complété nos données hémodynamiques. L'étude du systèmeneurovégétatif était basée sur l'analyse de la variabilité de l'intervalle RR (contrôle cardiaque)et de la variabilité de la pression artérielle (contrôle vasculaire). Après un exercice aigu de pédalage de 45 minutes à haute intensité, l'augmentationpost-exercice du flux sanguin et de la vasodilatation endothéliale a été réduite aux musclesparticipant activement à l'exercice comparé aux muscles non actifs. Pour expliquer cesdifférences, la contribution de l'inflammation locale et du stress oxydatif élevé présents dansles muscles actifs de l'exercice pourrait avoir un rôle. / During a dive, subjects undergo environmental stressors such as immersion, coldexposure, hypoxia, hyperoxia and physical exercise. All these stressors may be responsible forchanges in cardiovascular system and consequently modified autonomic nervous control. Theaim of this work was to assess physiological changes induced by diving to better understandinjuries reported during this activity. Investigations were performed in healthy men and inspearfishermen. Hemodynamic changes and endothelial function were assessed by 2-Dimensional and Doppler echocardiography. Arterial wall compliance was estimated by pulsewave analysis. Autonomic nervous activity was assessed by power spectral density of heartrate variability (cardiac control) and blood pressure variability (vasomotor control). After an acute cycling exercise of 45 minutes in high intensity, the increase postexerciseof the blood flow and the endothéliale vasodilatation was reduced to musclesparticipating actively in the exercise compared with no active muscles. To explain thesedifferences, the contribution of the local inflammation and the important oxydative stress inthe active muscles of the exercise could have a role. Thermoneutral head-out water immersion induce hemodynamic and arterial changes. At rest, we observed a brachial arterial vasodilatation. This might be attributed to endothelialrequest inferred by increase of the peripheral arterial debit flow. Endothelial reactivity did notseem to be modified. With cycling exercise in low intensity,hemodynamic differencesobserved disappear. At rest, normobaric hyperoxia didn't affect blood pressure but induced an increase insystemic vascular resistances.
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Komplexní ošetřovatelská péče u pacienta po transplantaci plic na anesteziologicko resuscitačním oddělení. / Complex nursing care for patient after lung transplant at Anesthesiology resuscitation department.Ivánková, Vendula January 2018 (has links)
Lungs transplantation is a solution for the end stage of pulmonary disease after other therapeutic possibilities that the modern medicine has to offer have been exhausted. The main objective of this thesis is to show postoperative patient care after lung transplantation in the department anesthesiology and resuscitation. A highly specialized complex care and cooperation of various fields is needed. Nurses who take care of these patients must be experienced and skillful. They also need to manage well the nursing care for patients in sedation as well as fully conscious patents. It is also needed that the nurses are acquainted with specialized methods of hemodynamics measurements, administration of nitrous oxide and operation of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machine. They need to know well the drugs that are being administered. The thesis summarizes anatomy and physiology of respiratory system, it deals with lung disease and their symptoms which most often lead to lung transplantation. Finally, the thesis describes the development of lung transplantation from its beginning to the present including the number of cases of lung transplantation per year. The last chapter of the theoretical part also shows indication, contraindication and the main principles of patient care that is given prior to and...
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