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Perceived Job Satisfaction Factors Impacting the Retention of Middle School Teachers in Northwest North Carolina.Farthing, Karen Ward 15 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The body of research related to teacher retention continues to grow but is limited concerning middle school teachers. The focus of this study was to examine the factors of job satisfaction for middle school teachers. A portion of the study compares teacher responses with Herzberg, Mausner, and Snyderman's 1959 study of motivation. Additional components of the study provide middle school teachers' feedback on their dispositions and recommendations to administrators and others for attracting and retaining quality middle school teachers.
This qualitative study includes a review of related literature and includes a historical perspective of job satisfaction and a discussion of Herzberg's Two-Factor Motivation Theory. Teacher job satisfaction and dissatisfaction, along with current trends in teacher retention efforts, complete the review of literature.
Data for the findings were obtained from a demographic survey and semi-structured interviews of current and former middle school teachers. The data were then analyzed to learn what factors encourage middle school teachers to remain in the classroom or to leave. Responses related to teacher dispositions were also analyzed.
Findings of this study validate the research of Gawel (1997) based on Bellot and Tutor; salary was not found to be the highest motivator as in the Herzberg study. Instead, participants identified the work itself, their enjoyment of the early adolescent student, and their relationships with co-workers to be important areas of job satisfaction and what keeps them returning to their middle school classrooms. The personal dispositions identified by participants as necessary to being successful as a middle school teacher were a good sense of humor, a love of the age group, and being energetic, flexible, organized, enthusiastic, consistent, and firm.
This study will be of interest to universities and colleges with teacher preparatory programs. It will be of interest, also, to school administrators, principals, and staff development directors in their attempts to attract and retain quality middle school teachers in their schools. In addition, the study should be of interest of boards of education, state legislators who fund education, and State Departments of Education.
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Personlighetsegenskaper och motivation : En kvalitativ studie om hur mellanchefers personlighetsegenskaper inverkar på hur de motiverar sina medarbetare. / Personality traits and motivationOrtiz Andersson, Liv, Snöberg, Annie January 2018 (has links)
Titel: Personlighetsegenskaper och motivation Syfte: Att belysa hur en mellanchefs personlighetsegenskaper inverkar på hur de motiverar sina medarbetare. Teori: The Big Five, arbetsmotivation och Herzberg tvåfaktormodell. Metod: En kvalitativ studie med ett konstruktionistiskt perspektiv samt ur en hermeneutisk synvinkel. Metoden utgjordes av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer som spelades in och transkriberades. Intervjuerna utgick från en intervjuguide som var baserad på studiens teorier. Respondenterna valdes ut med ett målstyrt urval. Empiri: En sammanställning av de fyra semi-strukturerade intervjuerna som genomfördes. Slutsats: En mellanchefs personlighetsegenskaper visade sig ha en viss inverkan på hur de motiverar sina medarbetare. Hur stor denna inverkan är varierar mellan olika mellanchefer. I ett fall där en mellanchef hade medelnivåer av de flesta personlighetsdimensionerna och låga nivåer av extraversion samt neuroticism uppfattades hen vara lugn, reserverad och uppgiftsorienterad. Vilket inverkade på hens motivationsarbete genom att hen använde sig av inre motivationsfaktorer på ett sådant sätt där hen lämnade över ansvaret till medarbetarna själva. I ett annat fall hade en mellanchef utmärkande nivåer av tillgänglighet/vänlighet/behag och samvetsgrannhet, lite över medel av extraversion och låg nivå av neuroticism och öppenhet. Där det främst var hens låga nivå av extraversion som antydde på att hen är mer uppgiftsorienterad som visade sig inverka på hens sätt att motivera sina medarbetare, via den inre motivationsfaktor erkännande. En annan mellanchef med liknande personlighetsegenskaper, dock med en betydligt högre nivå av extraversion som innebär att hen är personinriktad istället, involverade sig betydligt mycket i sina medarbetare mer som enskilda individer och visade på ett betydligt större intresse för deras utveckling och välmående. Hen använde inre motivationsfaktorer som erkännande, prestation, personliga utvecklingsmöjligheter och hygienfaktorer som belöningar och lön. En annan mellanchef visade sig använda samma typer av motivationsfaktorer, dock med en helt annan nivå av engagemang och intresse i sina medarbetare, vilket troligen beror på hennes personlighetsegenskaper som är totala motsatsen jämfört med övriga studerade mellanchefer. / Title: Personality traits and motivation Purpose: To illustrate how a senior executive’s personality traits affect how they motivate their employees. Theory: The Big Five, work motivation and Herzberg's two factor model. Method: A qualitative study with a constructive perspective with one hermeneutical position. Four semi structured interviews were conducted, all of them were recorded and transcribed. Respondents were selected with a purposive sampling. Empirical: A compilation of the four semi-structured interviews conducted. Conclusion: A senior executive’s personality traits were found to have a certain impact on how they motivate their employees. The extent to which this effect is varied between the various senior executives. In one case where a senior executive had average levels of most personality dimensions and low levels of extraversion as well as emotionality, they were perceived to be calm, reserved and task-oriented. Which affected motivational work by using internal motivation factors in such a way that they left the responsibility to the employees themselves. In another case, a senior executive had distinctive levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness, a little over the means of extraversion and low levels of emotionality and openness to experience. Where primarily, there was a low level of extraversion that suggested that they are more task-oriented, which proved to impact in order to motivate their employees, through the internal motivation factor recognition. Another senior executive with similar personality characteristics, though with a significantly higher level of extraversion, which means that they are person-oriented instead, involved much more in their employees more than individual individuals and showed a much greater interest in their development and well-being. The senior executive used internal motivational factors such as recognition, achievement, personal development opportunities and hygiene factors such as rewards and salaries. Another senior executive was found to use the same types of motivational factors, but with a completely different level of commitment and interest in their employees, which is probably due to the personality traits, which is the opposite of the other senior executives
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Návrh způsobu přidělování benefitů / Proposal of application of benefit systemHlaváček, Radek January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis analyzes the current way of benefit distribution in Motorola company. First part of the thesis describes general motivation and stimulation factors. Second part describes the company's internal background. Third part analyzes the motivation factors within the company and consideres implementation of the cafeteria system.
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”Det känns ju fantastiskt att bli lite bekräftad” : En kvalitativ studie om undersköterskors motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse i äldreomsorgenFalk, Celina January 2021 (has links)
Undersköterska inom äldreomsorgen är det vanligaste yrket i Sverige, men också den yrkeskategori som har flest sjukskrivningsdagar. Arbetsbelastningen beskrivs som hög och arbetsvillkoren bristfälliga. Den demografiska utvecklingen i Sverige bidrar till ett ökat behov av utbildad personal inom äldreomsorgen och för att möta behovet krävs både nyrekryteringar och att befintlig personal stannar kvar på sitt arbete. Anställda som trivs på sina arbeten har en högre vilja att fortsätta arbeta och anstränga sig mer för att göra ett bra jobb; trivsel kan därmed sägas vara en av faktorerna som kan bidra till att möta kompetensförsörjningsbehovet. Syftet med uppsatsen är därför att ge en fördjupad förståelse för motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse bland undersköterskor inom äldreomsorgen. Genom att intervjua nio undersköterskor som arbetar på ett vård- och omsorgsboende har faktorer som främjar respektive motverkar motivation och tillfredsställelse i deras arbete kunnat identifieras. Den insamlade empirin har analyserats med hjälp av Self-Determination Theory, Herzbergs tvåfaktorteori samt tidigare forskning om motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse bland undersköterskor inom äldreomsorgen. Uppsatsens resultat visar att intervjupersonernas motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse till största del påverkas av arbetssituationen och av hur arbetet organiseras. Det är arbetets förutsättningar som antingen skapar möjlighet för eller hindrar intervjupersonerna att utföra den bästa möjliga omvårdnaden av brukarna, skapa goda relationer till kollegorna för att få stöd och uppskattning samt få den återhämtning de behöver under och mellan arbetspassen, vilket är avgörande för att de ska känna motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse. / The most common type of job in Sweden is to work as an Assistant Nurse in elderly care. It is also the profession with the highest level of sick leave. The job implies a heavy workload and the working conditions are far from ideal. The demographic development in Sweden contributes to an increased demand for trained staff in elderly care. Both new recruitment and existing staff shall be required to meet this need. Employees who thrive in their jobs have a higher level of commitment and work harder to do a good job. Job satisfaction can thus be said to be one of the factors contributing to ensuring an adequate supply of necessary nursing skills. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to provide an in-depth understanding of motivation and job satisfaction amongst Assistant Nurses in elderly care. Factors that affect motivation and job satisfaction in the workplace, both positively and negatively, have been identified by interviewing 9 Assistant Nurses who work in nursing homes. The empirical data gathered in the study has been analysed utilising the Self-Determination Theory, Herzberg's two-factor theory and previous research on motivation and job satisfaction among Assistant Nurses in elderly care. The results of this thesis reveal that on the whole, Assistant Nurses’ motivation and job satisfaction are largely affected by their work situation and by how the work is organized. The working conditions either encourage or hinder the opportunities for Assistant Nurses from preforming the best possible care of the clients, create good relationships with colleagues and get sufficient time for recuperation. This support, camaraderie and rest, both during and in-between their work shifts, is crucial for their sense of motivation and job satisfaction.
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Nurse Supervisors and Certified Nursing Assistants: Leadership Characteristics and Job SatisfactionPatterson, Jennifer 01 January 2018 (has links)
Significant costs are associated with the turnover rate of certified nursing assistants (CNAs) in skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), and turnover impacts the quality of care for residents of the SNFs through disruption of care. The purpose of this quantitative cross-sectional study was to identify the leadership characteristics of supervisors most associated with the job satisfaction (JS) of CNAs in SNFs. Herzberg's dual factor theory was used as the theoretical framework to explain the relationship between the leadership characteristics and the associated JS. The research question was used to examine the independent variables of trust, teamwork, supportive supervision, leader-follower relationships, and empowerment of supervisors in SNFs that help predict the dependent variable, JS of CNAs. A random sampling of the population of CNAs from 120-bed SNFs located in Florida completed online surveys that included the Organizational Trust Inventory, the Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire II, and the Benjamin Rose Nurse Assistant Job Satisfaction Scale. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze data to determine the effects of the leadership characteristics on the JS of CNAs in SNFs. Results indicated that the increased levels of trust negatively impact the JS of the CNAs, whereas increased levels of empowerment increase JS. Implementing strategies to address the needs of CNAs positively impacts society by improving the lives of the workers and increasing CNA retention, thus improving the lives of vulnerable members of society through enhanced quality of care.
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Motivation till arbete : En kvantitativ studie om vilken betydelse olika motivationsfaktorer har för kvinnor respektive mänBengtsson, Maja, Gagic, Selma January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie var syftet att undersöka medarbetarnas självuppfattade faktorer till motivation att arbeta. Vidare var syftet också att undersöka huruvida dessa faktorer skiljer sig mellan män och kvinnor. Studien genomfördes på en organisation som verkar inom lagerbranschen. En enkät med sju frågor, samt frågor om bakgrundsvariablerna kön och ålder, skickades ut till ca 140 medarbetare, varav 107 medverkade. Frågorna handlade om inre och yttre faktorer till motivation till arbete. Vårt resultat visar till största del att de motivationsfaktorer som togs upp i enkäten ansågs vara viktiga för majoriteten av respondenterna. De två faktorer som stack ut mest var frågan om lön och trygg anställning, där majoriteten av respondenterna ansåg dessa som viktigast. Trots att det inte förekom några statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i frågan vad gäller skillnader på män och kvinnors svar, kan man ändå dra den intressanta slutsatsen att enligt enkäten så tenderade kvinnorna att uppleva de inre motivationsfaktorerna som viktigare än vad männen gjorde. / In this study the aim was to investigate employees' self-perceived factors for motivation to work. Furthermore, the aim was also to investigate whether these factors differ between men and women. The study was conducted at an organization operating in the warehouse industry. A survey with seven questions, as well as questions about the background variables gender and age, was sent out to approximately 140 employees, of which 107 participated. The questions were about internal and external factors for motivation to work. Our results show that the motivational factors our survey covered were considered important for the majority of respondents. The two factors that stood out the most were salary and secure employment, which the majority of respondents considered to be the most important. Despite the fact that there were no statistically significant differences regarding the difference between men's and women's answers, one can still draw the interesting conclusion that according to the survey, a tendency could be seen that women considered the internal motivation factors more important than men.
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Vad anser högskolestudenter som ska ut på arbetsmarknaden attraktivt hos en framtida arbetsgivare? : En kvalitativ studie om motivation, självbestämmande och genusaspekterAndersson, Emma, Heinrich, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad högskolestudenter tycker är attraktivt på en framtida arbetsplats, samt om det skiljer sig mellan manliga och kvinnliga studenter när det gäller deras preferenser för en potentiell arbetsplats. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod varav den insamlade datan analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analys, där materialet strukturerades upp i sju teman. De teman vi har tagit fram grundar sig på vad våra respondenter har uppgett som de främsta faktorerna som avgör val av arbetsgivare. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av teoretiska perspektiv på motivation, självbestämmande och genusaspekter. Resultatet visar att både män och kvinnor värderar de inre faktorerna högst vid valet av framtida arbetsgivare, såsom arbetsuppgifter, utvecklingsmöjligheter och arbetsmotivation. I sammanställningen av resultatet går det att utläsa att det inte förekommer några större skillnader mellan kvinnor och män i vad de värderar högst i valet av framtida arbetsgivare. Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för vad som är en bidragande faktor för högskolestudenter vid deras val av framtida arbetsgivare. Resultatet av denna studie kan vara användbar för företag samt organisationer i deras rekryteringsstrategier för att attrahera och behålla nyexaminerade talanger. Avslutningsvis visar resultatet av vår studie att både manliga och kvinnliga högskolestudenter i stor utsträckning värderar samma attribut och kvaliteter vid val av arbetsgivare, framför allt inre faktorer som arbetsuppgifter och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Detta resultat ger bland annat företag en viktig insikt om vad studenter som ska ut på arbetsmarknaden efterfrågar, vilket gör det möjligt för dem att utveckla effektiva strategier för att attrahera ny kompetent arbetskraft. / The purpose of this study is to examine what university students find most attractive when choosing a future employer and whether there are differences in how men and women prioritize when selecting a future employer. The study was conducted using a qualitative method, and the collected data was analyzed through thematic analysis, organizing the material into seven themes. These themes are based on what our respondents identified as the key factors influencing their choice of employer. The material was analyzed using theoretical perspectives on motivation, self-determination, and gender aspects. The results show that both men and women highly value intrinsic factors when choosing a future employer, such as job tasks, opportunities for development, and work motivation. The analysis indicates that there are no significant differences between men and women in what they value most in a future employer. This study contributes to a better understanding of the factors that influence university students when choosing their future employers. The findings of this study can be useful for companies and organizations in their recruitment strategies to attract and retain newly graduated talent. In conclusion, the results of our study show that both male and female university students largely value the same attributes and qualities in choosing an employer, particularly intrinsic factors such as job tasks and opportunities for development. This result provides companies with important insights into what students entering the job market are looking for, enabling them to develop effective strategies to attract new, competent workforce.
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Därför gick vi vidare : En kvalitativ studie som söker klarhet och förståelse varför kontinuerligt anställda soldater vid Luftvärnsregementet lämnar yrket.Bramstång, Mattias, Hiller, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
I en tid då Försvarsmakten brottas med hög personalomsättning av soldater står Luftvärnsregementet i Halmstad inför en ombeväpning av historiska proportioner, med nya luftvärnssystem och en utökad organisation, för att möta det rådande säkerhetspolitiska läget i Östersjöregionen. I denna utveckling utgör den kontinuerligt anställda soldaten en viktig betydelse för att luftvärnsförbanden ska kunna lösa de tilldelade uppgifterna. För att djupare förstå och finna klarhet varför kontinuerligt anställda soldater väljer att sluta användes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, genomsyrad av en induktiv ansats. Genom intervjuer med tidigare anställda soldater insamlades empiri som står på egen grund. Med en analysmetod inspirerad av Grounded Theory skapades det emotionella spänningsdiagrammet som förklarar varför individen väljer att sluta. I diskussionen kopplades forskningens resultat främst mot Herzbergs tvåfaktorsteori men resultatet sågs även ur ett generationsperspektiv. För den unga generation Z är personifiering genom personlig utveckling tillsammans med ledarskapet avgörande i soldaternas beslut att lämna sin anställning. Den omväxlande och utmanande verksamheten i Försvarsmakten bidrar till en stark känsla av gemenskap som i sin tur påverkar soldatens motivation att stanna kvar längre i sin anställning. Soldaten är även påverkad i sitt val att lämna eller stanna kvar vid förbandet av basala behov så som anställningsvillkor, lön och geografiskt läge. / At a time when the Swedish Armed Forces struggle with high soldier turnover, the Air Defense Regiment in Halmstad is facing a re-arming of historical proportions such as new air defense systems and an expanded organization to meet the current security policy situation in the Baltic Sea Region. In this development, the continuously employed soldier is an important factor in ensuring that the air defense units are able to fulfill their assigned tasks. In order to understand more deeply and find clarity why the continuously employed soldiers choose to leave, a qualitative research method, imbued with an inductive approach, was used. Through interviews with formerly employed soldiers empirics that stand on their own were collected. With an analysis method inspired by Grounded Theory, the emotional tension diagram was created that explains why the individual chooses to leave. In the discussion, the results of the research were mainly linked to Herzberg's two-factor theory, but the result was also seen from a generation perspective. For the young generation Z, personalization through personal development together with leadership is of major importance why the soldiers are determined to leave their employment. The varied and challenging activities of the Swedish Armed Forces contribute to a strong sense of community that affects the soldier's motivation to stay longer in one´s employment. The soldier is also influenced by basic needs in one´s choice to leave or stay at the unit such as employment conditions, salary and geographical location.
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Leaders’ Perception of the Connection between Sustainability and Employee EngagementTerkowski, Ann-Christin, van de Loo, Justus, Pelikan, Pascal January 2019 (has links)
Todays’ organizations are facing low levels of employee engagement, with a tendency to decrease evenfurther. Sustainability has been found to positively affect employee engagement as it providesemployees with a higher purpose in their work. Therefore, this research study reveals leaders’perception on the contribution of sustainability towards employee engagement, with a focus onmultinational organizations in the Öresund region. This qualitative study combines Herzberg´s “Two-Factor Theory” and transformational leadership to analyze the research findings with a theoreticalframework. The results display that sustainability has a significant influence on the level of employeeengagement and various activities of organizations and leaders contribute towards this. The researchalso underlines that there is a potential for organizations to implement further strategies in this regardand thereby not only strengthen the satisfaction and loyalty of their current workforce, but also gain acompetitive advantage in the future for attracting new talents.
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Motivation hos äldre medarbetare : En kvalitativ fallstudie av hur äldre medarbetare motiveras i sitt arbeteSelin, Dina January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe and explain how older employees are motivated in their work. Method: The study was designed as a case study with a qualitative. Seven semi-structured interviews with leaders in a staffing company were carried out on Zoom and supplemented afterwards with internal-and external documents and news articles. Results and Conclusion: The results showed that older employees are motivated through autonomy, solidarity, and competence in their work, which are the starting points for intrinsic motivation. Likewise, they were motivated by extrinsic motivation and motivational factors such as praise, responsibility, recognition, and financial aspects. Older employees' motivation is also promoted when leaders maintain a good working relationship with them and take their interests into account. / Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva och förklara hur äldre medarbetare motiveras i sitt arbete. Metod: Studien utformades som en fallstudie med kvalitativ ansats. Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med ledare i ett bemanningsföretag utfördes på Zoom och kompletterades i efterhand med interna-och externa dokument samt nyhetsartiklar. Resultat och Slutsats: Resultatet visade på att äldre medarbetare motiveras genom autonomi, samhörighet och kompetens i sitt arbete som är utgångspunkter i inre motivation. Likaså motiverades de genom yttre motivation och motivationsfaktorer såsom berömmelse, ansvar, erkännande och ekonomiska aspekter. Äldre medarbetares motivation främjas även när ledare upprätthåller god arbetsrelation till dem samt tar hänsyn till deras intressen.
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