Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hexapod"" "subject:"hexapeptide""
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Vady seřízení hexapólového korektoru sférické vady, jejich analýza a korekce / Parasitic aberrations of the hexapole corrector of spherical aberration - analysis and correctionsSopoušek, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Jednou z možností korekce sférické vady v elektronové mikroskopii je hexapólový korektor. Ačkoliv samotný princip korekce je poměrně dobře v literatuře popsán, jen relativně málo je věnováno samotnému seřízení hexapólového korektoru, jež je stěžejní pro správnou funkčnost. Práce je věnována analytickému rozboru vad seřízení a jejich vlivu na rozlišení obrazu za použití metody eikonálu a aberačních integrálů. Je ukázáno, že nejdůležitější roli v parazitických aberací hrají výchylky a náklon hexapólů. V závěru je pak popsáno, jakým způsobem je třeba hexapólový korektor seřídit pro odstranění parazitických vad.
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Fundamental Studies of Two Important Atmospheric Oxidants, Ozone and Hydroxyl Radical, Reacting with Model Organic SurfacesWagner, Alec Thomas 02 November 2012 (has links)
Heterogeneous reactions between gas-phase oxidants and particulate-phase organic compounds impact many important atmospheric chemical processes. For example, little is known about the reaction dynamics of gaseous oxidants with organic compounds found in the atmosphere. The first step of the reaction between gaseous ozone and solid pentacene was investigated using Reflection Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy (RAIRS). Ozone was found to add to pentacene non-selectively and form a range of products after heavy ozone exposure. The rate limiting step had an activation energy of 17 kJ/mol, which is consistent with the findings of previous ozone oxidation studies for the cleavage of a carbon-carbon double bond. Unfortunately the products could not be used to distinguish between probable reaction mechanisms.
Hydroxyl radicals (•OH) play a major role processing atmospheric hydrocarbons. Due to their short lifetimes, not much is known about the dynamics of the first steps of •OH reactions. To investigate these reactions, a rotational state-selector was constructed to filter a molecular beam of •OH for reaction dynamics investigations with organic surfaces. The rotational state-selector was designed to leverage the linear Stark effect to pass only suitable molecules in a particular rotational state and block the flow of any other atoms, molecules and ions in a molecular beam. The state-selector was validated and used to positively deflect molecular beams of methyl iodide and D₂O via the linear Stark effect. Future studies with the rotational state-selector will investigate the initial steps of •OH reactions with solid organic compounds. / Master of Science
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Angular momentum polarisation effects in inelastic scatteringChadwick, Helen J. January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, a joint experimental and theoretical investigation of the vector properties that describe the inelastic scattering of a diatomic radical with an atomic collision partner is presented. A particular emphasis is placed on those correlations that include the final rotational angular momentum, j', of the radical. The depolarisation of both NO(A) and OH(A) brought about through collisions with krypton has been studied, providing a measure of the j-j' correlation, where j is the initial rotational angular momentum associated with the diatom. The total depolarisation cross- sections for both collisional disorientation and disalignment have been measured using quantum beat spectroscopy, and modelled theoretically using quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) calculations. The agreement between experiment and theory for NO(A)-Kr is excellent, but is not observed for OH(A)-Kr under thermal conditions. This has been attributed to the importance of electronic quenching in OH(A)-Kr. The depolarisation cross-sections have also been determined at a higher collision energy for OH(A)-Kr where electronic quenching is less significant, and the experimental results are in better agreement with those obtained theoretically. The NO(A)-Kr depolarisation cross-sections fall with increasing rotational quantum number, N, whereas for OH(A)-Kr, they exhibit less of an N dependence. This trend is mirrored in the elastic depolarisation cross-sections, which have also been determined experimentally for OH(A)-Kr. The significantly attractive and anisotropic nature of the OH(A)-Kr potential energy surface (PES) accounts for these observations. The j-j' correlation is extended to include the initial (relative) velocity (k) in a new theoretical treatment of the k-j-j' correlation. The formalism developed is used with the results from the QCT calculations for NO(A)-Kr and OH(A)-Kr to provide further insight into the mechanism of depolarisation in the two systems. Collisions of NO(A) with krypton do not cause significant depolarisation due to their impulsive nature, and the projection of j onto the kinematic apse is conserved. In contrast, collisions of OH(A) with krypton effectively randomise the direction of j, again showing the influence of the anisotropic and attractive nature of the PES. However, the projection of j onto the kinematic apse is still conserved. The inelastic scattering of NO(X) with argon and krypton has also been investigated, using a crossed molecular beam apparatus. The initial Λ-doublet state of the NO(X) was selected using hexapole focussing, and the products of the collision detected using velocity mapped ion imaging. The state to state differential cross-sections (equivalent to the k-k' correlation, where k' is the final relative velocity) have been measured for collisions which conserve the initial spin-orbit level of the NO(X) with krypton. The same parity dependent effects were seen as have been observed previously for NO(X)-Ar. The collision induced alignment (equivalent to the k-k'-j' correlation) of NO(X) as a result of scattering with argon has also been determined experimentally. The results can be explained classically by considering the conservation of the projection of j onto the kinematic apse.
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Aberration Corrector for an Exclusively Low-Voltage Electron Microscopy / Aberration Corrector for an Exclusively Low-Voltage Electron MicroscopyBačovský, Jaromír January 2021 (has links)
Současný vývoj v oblasti nízkovoltové elektronové mikrokospie vede ke zlepšování prostorového rozlišení cestou korekce elektronově-optických vad. V posledních letech se implementace korektorů u konvenčních elektronových mikroskopů (50-200 kV) stává standardem. Nicméně zabudování korektoru do malého stolního prozařovacího mikroskopu pracujícího s nízkým urychlovacím napětím je stále výzva. Velmi vhodným řešením korekce otvorové vady u takovýchto přístrojů se zdá být koncept hexapólového korektoru založeného na bázi permantních magnetů umožňující zachovat minimální rozměry stolního transmisního mikroskopu. Přednosti a potenciál Roseho hexapólového korektoru vzhledem k použití v nízkovoltových systémech jsou předmětem kritické analýzy obsažené v této práci, včetně zásadního příspěvku tohoto korektoru k celkové chromatické vadě přístroje. Chromatická vada zůstává, navzdory veškeré snaze o její minimalizaci, zcela zásadním aspektem při návrhu korektoru. Koncept představený v rámci této dizertační práce je určen především pro skenovací prozařovací transmisní mód z důvodu omezení nárůstu chromatické vady způsobeného průchodem elektronového svazku preparátem. V práci lze také nalézt podrobný popis navržených kompenzačních systémů korektoru určených k precisnímu seřízení optické soustavy.
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