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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detection Techniques of Radio Emission from Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays

Morris, Chad Michael January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Studium šíření kosmického záření o ultravysokých energiích / Study of ultra-high energy cosmic ray propagation

Fodran, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The master's thesis is dedicated to studying the propagation of ultra-high energy proton cosmic rays under a hypothesis of Lorentz invariance violation. For this purpose, numerical methods were used. Our calculations indicated that the ef- fective horizon of ultra-high energy cosmic protons is significantly extended when Lorentz invariance violation is assumed. Further, we investigated the effects of Lo- rentz invariance violation on the Cosmic ray spectrum. We learned that measured cosmic ray spectra are a suitable tool for constraining the coefficients describing Lorentz invariance violation and we estimated an interval where the upper bound on the pion Lorentz invariance violating coefficient lies. Moreover, a correlation between free parameters of the analytical model of cosmic ray spectrum and coefficients, that describes Lorentz invariance violation, was found.

L’instrument EUSO-Balloon et analyse de son efficacité de photo-détection / The EUSO-balloon instrument and an analysis of its photo-detecting efficiency

Rabanal Reina, Julio Arturo 08 December 2016 (has links)
JEM-EUSO (Extreme Universe Space Observatory on Japanese Experiment Module) est une expérience basée sur un télescope spatial d’optique diffractive, avec des lentilles de Fresnel, qui sera installé sur l’ISS en 2020. Il a comme but l’étude des UHECR et vise à améliorer d’un facteur de 10 les mesures actuelles de l’Observatoire Pierre-Auger. Le télescope EUSO-Balloon, qui a été validé technologiquement en 2014 a été le premier prototype intégrant l’ensemble de la chaîne de détection du télescope JEM-EUSO. Le principe de détection est basé sur la capture des photons UV individuels (photodétection) produits par fluorescence lors de l’interaction d’EAS avec l’atmosphère terrestre. Cette lumière est si faible qu’elle nécessite un instrument avec une efficacité de 100% pour la détection d’un photon. Le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit a porté sur toutes les étapes du projet EUSO-Balloon. Un procédé original de récupération de l’information des pixels avec une sensibilité faible a été développé. Le procédé consiste à utiliser une courbe (s-curve) générée par la modification du seuil de discrimination des signaux analogiques provenant des anodes des MAPMTs. Elle est valable pour tous les télescopes EUSO et sera utile dans l’espace, où la manipulation de l’appareil est limitée. / JEM-EUSO (Extreme Universe Space Observatory on Japanese Experiment Module) is an experiment based on a diffractive optical telescope, with Fresnel lenses, that will be installed on the ISS in 2020. It aims to study the UHECR, improving by a factor of 10 the current measurements of the Pierre-Auger Observatory. The EUSO-Balloon telescope, technically validated in 2014, was the first prototype with the entire detection chain of the JEM-EUSO telescope. The detection principle is based on the capture of individual UV photons (photodetection) produced by fluorescence when the EAS interact with the Earth’s atmosphere. The fluorescence light is so low that an instrument with 100% efficiency for the detection of a photon, is required. The work presented in this manuscript has dealt with all the steps of EUSO-Balloon project. An original procedure has been developed to recover the information from pixels with low sensitivity. The method consists in using a curve generated by the modification of the threshold used to discriminate the analog signals produced by the anodes of the MAPMTs. It is valid for all EUSO telescopes and will be most useful in space where the manipulation of the apparatus is limited.


[pt] Conforme entramos na era de precisão da astronomia multimensageira, novas janelas se abrem para compreendermos melhor o Universo, desde a escala quântica até a escala cósmica. Em particular, o estudo de fenômenos astrofísicos de altas energias tem nos permitido acessar os ambientes mais extremos conhecidos pela humanidade, bem como obter avanços sem precedentes no domínio da física de partículas. Esta tese resume as descobertas importantes da astrofísica multi-mensageira ao longo dos anos, e, em seguida, foca a sua atenção em três tópicos relevantes que estão atualmente sendo investigados neste campo. Primeiramente, abordamos o problema da propagação de raios gama no espaço. Interações durante este processo levam à formação de cascatas eletromagnéticas que se desenvolvem ao longo de distâncias cosmológicas. Apresentaremos um código semi-analítico chamado “γ-Cascade”, que calcula os fluxos na Terra resultantes de tais cascatas. Também exploramos a possibilidade de se produzir neutrinos em cascatas ocorrendo a energias ultra-altas. Em segundo lugar, estabeleceremos uma relação multimensageira nova e original entre os fluxos medidos de neutrinos astrofísicos entre TeV–PeV e raios cósmicos ultra-energéticos. Para isso, utilizaremos nossas observações precisas de raios gama em energias abaixo de TeV, demonstrando o poder de uma análise multimensageira. Finalmente, estudaremos a evolução da composição de sabor de neutrinos produzidos em supernovas. Nosso novo método permite previsões genéricas sobre os possíveis sabores de neutrinos medidos na Terra. São levados em consideração os efeitos de matéria dentro dos ambientes densos de supernovas, enquanto permanecemos completamente agnósticos em relação ao resultado das conversões auto-induzidas de sabor em seus núcleos. / [en] As we enter the precision era of multi-messenger astronomy, new windows are opened for us to better understand the Universe, from quantum to cosmic scales. In particular, the study of high-energy astrophysical phenomena has allowed us to probe the most extreme environments known to mankind, as well as obtain unprecedented breakthroughs within the realm of particle physics. This thesis summarizes the important findings of multi-messenger astrophysics over the years, before focusing its attention to three relevant topics currently being investigated in the field. Firstly, we tackle the problem of γ-ray propagation in space. High center-of-momenta interactions during this process leads to the formation of electromagnetic cascades that develop over cosmological distances. We describe a semi-analytical code called “γ-Cascade, which calculates the fluxes at the Earth resulting from such cascades. We also explore the possibility of producing neutrinos in ultra-high-energy cascades. Secondly, we establish a new, original multi-messenger connection between the measured fluxes of TeV–PeV astrophysical neutrinos and ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. This is done by taking advantage of our precise γ-ray observations at sub-TeV energies, demonstrating the power of multi-messenger analyses. Finally, we study the evolution of the flavor composition of supernova neutrinos in a model-independent way. Our novel method allows for predictions of the neutrino flavor content measured at the Earth from supernovae, accounting for matter effects within its dense environment, while remaining completely agnostic about the outcome of self-induced flavor conversions in its core.

JEM-EUSO prototypes for the detection of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) : from the electronics of the photo-detection module (PDM) to the operation and data analysis of two pathnders / Prototypes de JEM-EUSO pour la détection des rayons cosmiques d’ultra-haute énergie (UHECRs) : de l’électronique du module de photo-détection (PDM) à l’exploitation et l’analyse des données de deux pathfinders

Jung, Aera 30 May 2017 (has links)
L’expérience JEM-EUSO (traduction de Observatoire spatial de l’univers extrême à bord du module de l'expérience japonaise) est conçu pour observer les UHECR en détectant la lumière fluorescente UV émise par la gerbe qui se développe lorsque les UHECR interagissent avec l'atmosphère terrestre. Les gerbes atmosphériques sont constituées de dizaines de milliards de particules secondaires ou plus traversant l'atmosphère quasiment à la vitesse de la lumière, excitant les molécules d'azote qui émettent ensuite de la lumière dans la gamme UV. Alors que cette « technique de fluorescence » est habituellement utilisée au sol, en opérant ainsi à partir de l'espace, JEM-EUSO, pour la première fois, fournira des statistiques élevées sur ces événements. Avec un large champ de vue de ± 30 °, JEM-EUSO pourra observer depuis l’espace un volume d'atmosphère beaucoup plus grand que ce qui est possible du sol, en collectant un nombre sans précédent d'événements UHECR aux plus hautes énergies.Pour les quatre prototypes d’expériences construites par la collaboration, nous avons développé un ensemble commun d'électronique, en particulier le système central d'acquisition de données capable de fonctionner au sol, sur des ballons à haute altitude et dans l'espace.Ces expériences utilisent toutes un détecteur composé d'un module de détection de photo (PDM) identique aux 137 qui seront présents sur la surface focale JEM-EUSO. La lumière UV générée par les gerbes atmosphériques à haute énergie passe le filtre UV et frappe les tubes à photomultiplicateurs multi-anodes (MAPMT). Les photons UV sont alors transformés en électrons, qui sont multipliés par les MAPMT et le courant qu’ils créent est amplifié par des cartes ASIC de circuit intégré (EC-ASIC), qui effectuent également le comptage des photons et l'estimation de charge. Une carte FPGA nommé PDM board s'interface avec ces cartes ASIC, fournissant des paramètres d'alimentation et de configuration à ces cartes ASIC, collecte alors les données et exécute le déclenchement d’acquisition de niveau 1.Dans le cadre de ces travaux, je me suis occupée de la conception, du développement, de l'intégration et du test la carte FPGA PDM board pour les missions EUSO-TA et EUSO-Balloon ainsi que des tests d'algorithme de déclenchement autonomes d’acquisitions et j'ai également analysé les données de vol d’EUSO-Balloon et de la campagne sol EUSO-TA d’octobre 2015.Dans cette thèse, je donnerai un bref aperçu des rayons cosmiques à haute énergie, y compris de leur technique de détection et des principales expériences pour les détecter (chapitre 1), je décrirai JEM-EUSO et ses pathfinders (chapitre 2), je présenterai les détails de la conception et de la fabrication du PDM (chapitre 3) et de la carte FPGA PDM board (chapitre 4), ainsi que des tests d'intégration d’EUSO-TA et d’EUSO-Balloon (chapitre 5). Je ferai un rapport sur la campagne EUSO-Balloon de 2014 (chapitre 6) et sur ses résultats (chapitre 7), y compris une analyse spécifique développée pour rechercher des variations globales de l'émissivité UV au sol et j’appliquerai une analyse similaire aux données collectées sur le site de Telescope Array (Chapitre 8). Enfin, je présenterai la mise en œuvre et le test du déclencheur de premier niveau (L1) dans la carte de contrôle FPGA (chapitre 9). Un bref résumé de la thèse sera donné au chapitre 10. / The JEM-EUSO (Extreme Universe Space Observatory on-board the Japanese Experiment Module) international space mission is designed to observe UHECRs by detecting the UV fluorescence light emitted by the so-called Extensive Air Shower (EAS) which develop when UHECRs interact with the Earth’s atmosphere. The showers consist of tens of billions or more secondary particles crossing the atmosphere at nearly the speed of light, which excite nitrogen molecules which then emit light in the UV range. While this so-called “fluorescence technique'” is routinely used from the ground, by operating from space, JEM-EUSO will, for the first time, provide high-statistics on these events. Operating from space, with a large Field-of-View of ±30 °, allows JEM-EUSO to observe a much larger volume of atmosphere, than possible from the ground, collecting an unprecedented number of UHECR events at the highest energies.For the four pathfinder experiments built within the collaboration, we have been developing a common set of electronics, in particular the central data acquisition system, capable of operating from the ground, high altitude balloons, and space.These pathfinder experiments all use a detector consisting of one Photo-detection Modules (PDMs) identical to the 137 that will be present on the JEM-EUSO focal surface. UV light generated by high-energy particle air showers passes the UV filter and impacts the Multi-anode Photomultiplier Tubes (MAPMT). Here UV photons are converted into electrons, which are multiplied by the MAPMTs and fed into Elementary Cell Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (EC-ASIC) boards, which perform the photon counting and charge estimation. The PDM control board interfaces with these ASIC boards, providing power and configuration parameters, collecting data and performing the level 1 trigger. I was in charge of designing, developing, integrating, and testing the PDM control board for the EUSO-TA and EUSO-Balloon missions as well as the autonomous trigger algorithm testing and I also performed some analysis of the EUSO-Balloon flight data and data from the EUSO-TA October 2015 run.In this thesis, I will give a short overview of high-energy cosmic rays, including their detection technique and the leading experiments (Chapter 1), describe JEM-EUSO and its pathfinders including a description of each instrument (Chapter 2), present the details of the design and the fabrication of the PDM (Chapter 3) and PDM control board (Chapter 4), as well as the EUSO-TA and EUSO-Balloon integration tests (Chapter 5). I will report on the EUSO-Balloon campaign (Chapter 6) and results (Chapter 7), including a specific analysis developed to search for global variations of the ground UV emissivity, and apply a similar analysis to data collected at the site of Telescope Array (Chapter 8). Finally, I will present the implementation and testing of the first-level trigger (L1) within the FPGA of the PDM control board (Chapter 9). A short summary of the thesis will be given in Chapter 10.

Electronics and Timing for the AugerPrime Upgrade and Correlation of Starburst Galaxies with Arrival Directions of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays

Halliday, Robert Paul 23 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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