Spelling suggestions: "subject:"highfat"" "subject:"highsulfate""
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Ações do óleo de peixe e triglicerídeos de cadeia média na esteatose hepática e estresse oxidativo induzidos pela dieta hiperlipídica em ratos / THE EFFECTS OF FISH OIL AND MEDIUM CHAIN TRIGLYCERIDES IN HEPATIC STEATOSIS AND OXIDATIVE STRESS INDUCED BY HIGH FAT DIET IN RATSBianca Bellizzi de Almeida 14 October 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica é caracterizada pelo acúmulo hepático de lipídeos, principalmente na forma de triglicerídeos. Devido à atividade inflamatória progressiva pode evoluir para uma forma mais grave, a esteatohepatite não alcoólica. Os ácidos graxos poli-insaturados ômega-3 são associados a efeitos metabólicos positivos para redução da esteatose hepática, no entanto, são mais susceptíveis a peroxidação lipídica. Os triglicerídeos de cadeia média (TCMs) promovem a prevenção do bloqueio da beta-oxidação de ácidos graxos e redução da peroxidação lipídica, no entanto os efeitos na redução da esteatose ainda são controversos. Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as implicações da dieta hiperlipídica (HL+) com óleo de peixe ou com óleo de TCM no desenvolvimento da esteatose hepática, no perfil de ácidos graxos hepáticos e no estresse oxidativo em ratos. Metodologia: Cinquenta ratos machos da linhagem wistar foram divididos em 5 grupos. Os animais receberam água e comida a vontade durante 45 dias. A adaptação a dieta HL+ foi realizada nos primeiros 15 dias. A composição da dieta do grupo que recebeu somente a gordura animal (HL+GA) era de 50% de gordura animal, e a dieta dos grupos HL+OS, HL+TCM e HL+OP era composta por 35% de gordura animal e 15% de óleo de soja, óleo de TCM e óleo de peixe, respectivamente. Resultados: Todos os grupos que receberam as dietas hiperlipídicas apresentaram maior acúmulo de gordura total e de triglicerídes hepaticos e somente os grupos HL+GA e HL+TCM apresentaram maior acúmulo de colesterol total hepático em relação ao controle. O grupo HL+TCM apresentou maior acúmulo percentual de gordura e um exacerbado acúmulo de triglicerídeos hepáticos em relação aos grupos alimentados com as dietas HL+. A redução do colesterol total sérico foi observada nos grupos HL+TCM e HL+OP, comparados ao controle. A maior incorporação hepática dos ácidos graxos EPA e DHA no grupo HL+OP contribuiu para o aumento do Índice de Peroxibilidade dos ácidos graxos e das substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico livres e totais e para a depleção da vitamina E no fígado. A maior razão AGS/AGPI hepática observada no grupo HL+TCM contribuiu para a preservação dos antioxidantes hepáticos. A alanina aminotransferase, um marcador de dano hepático, apresentou-se aumentada em todos os grupos que receberam as dietas HL+. Conclusões: A dieta hiperlipídica foi eficiente na indução do acúmulo de gordura hepática. O uso do óleo de TCM foi associado a uma maior concentração de lipídeos e preservação dos antioxidantes hepáticos. A dieta hiperlipídica com óleo de peixe foi associada ao aumento significativo na peroxidação lipídica, apesar do menor acúmulo de colesterol e triglicerídeos hepaticos. / Introduction: The Non-alcoholic Fatty liver disease is characterized by hepatic accumulation of lipids, mainly in the form of triglycerides. The disease may progress to a more severe form, the Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, due to progressive inflammatory activity. Many authors have shown positive metabolic effects associated with the use of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids and reduction in hepatic steatosis. However, these fatty acids are more susceptible to lipid peroxidation. The medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) are able to block beta-oxidation of fatty acids and reduce lipid peroxidation, but the MCT effects in steatosis are still controversial. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the implications of high-fat diet (HF+) with fish oil or with MCT oil in the development of hepatic steatosis, liver fatty acid profile and oxidative stress markers in rats. Methodology: Fifty wistar male rats were divided into 5 groups. The animals had free access to food and water for 45 days. The first 15 days was dedicated for adaptation to high-fat diet. The HF+AF group received high-fat diet with 50% of animal fat and the other high-fat diets were made with 35% of animal fat plus 15% of other types of fat: soybean oil (HF+SO), MCT oil (HF+MCT) and fish oil (HF+FO). Results: The high-fat groups had higher hepatic total fat and triglycerides accumulation and only the groups HF+AF and HF+MCT had higher accumulation of hepatic cholesterol compared to control. The HF+MCT group had the highest percentage of hepatic fat accumulation and an exacerbated triglyceride accumulation in the liver among HF+ groups. The serum total cholesterol decreased in groups HF+MCT and HF+FO compared with the control group. The highest incorporation of hepatic fatty acids EPA and DHA in the HF+FO group contributed to the increased fatty acids peroxidizability index and total and free hepatic TBARS and depletion of hepatic vitamin E. The biggest ratio SFA/PUFA of liver fatty acids observed in the HF+MCT group contributed to the preservation of hepatic antioxidants. The alanine aminotransferase is a liver damage marker and was increased in all high-fat groups. Conclusions: The high-fat diet was effective to increase the hepatic fat concentration. The consumption of MCT oil can increase the hepatic lipid concentration and hepatic antioxidants. There was a significant increase in hepatic lipid peroxidation in the HF+FO group, although hepatic cholesterol and triglycerides were decreased.
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Role of <em>Fto</em> in the gene and microRNA expression of mouse adipose tissues in response to high-fat dietRonkainen, J. (Justiina) 25 October 2016 (has links)
Obesity is associated with greater risk of several diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) within the fat mass- and obesity-associated gene FTO are robustly associated with increased body mass index (BMI) in several age and ethnic groups. Studies with transgenic mice support a mechanistic role for FTO protein in energy metabolism. Fto-deficient mice are leaner than wild-type and overexpression of Fto leads to obese phenotype; however, the precise mechanism of FTO action in the control of BMI has remained obscure. Fto mRNA is most abundant in the brain while high expression is present also in white and brown adipose tissues (WAT and BAT, respectively). WAT stores the nutritional energy and BAT dissipates it to produce heat. Furthermore, these organs participate in a complex endocrine network affecting the whole body metabolism, which is more or less disrupted in obesity. In the browning process, white adipocytes begin to manifest brown characteristics. MicroRNAs (miRNA) are small RNA molecules, which fine-tune post-transcriptionally the expression of genes important in several cellular processes, including WAT and BAT differentiation and browning of WAT. FTO has been shown to participate in these processes as well as miRNA regulation.
The current study used a new Fto-deficient mouse model to reveal deeper insights into the role of Fto on genes affecting WAT and BAT differentiation and function, as well as WAT browning. Furthermore, the effects of Fto on the miRNA regulation in WAT browning and BAT were investigated. Our results supported a role for Fto in adipose tissue. Fto-deficient mice were resistant to diet-induced obesity and their WAT and BAT adipocytes did not become hypertrophic similar to wild-type on high-fat diet. Furthermore, the expression of genes affecting adipose tissue differentiation and function was altered in Fto-deficient WAT and BAT, especially after high-fat diet, and the changes may be mediated via altered miRNA expression. Fto-deficient WAT was more susceptible to browning, which in part contributed to the lean phenotype of these mice. Current study supported a role for Fto in whole body metabolism and adaptation of adipose tissue to changes in dietary environment. / Tiivistelmä
Lihavuus on toistuvasti yhdistetty useisiin liitännäissairauksiin, kuten tyypin 2 diabetekseen ja metaboliseen oireyhtymään. FTO-geenissä (fat mass- and obesity-associated) esiintyvien yhden nukleotidin muutoksien (single nucleotide polymorphia, SNP) on useissa ikä- ja etnisissä ryhmissä raportoitu liittyvän korkeampaan painoindeksiin ihmisillä. Muuntogeenisillä hiirillä tehdyt tutkimukset tukevat FTO:n mekanistista roolia energia-aineenvaihdunnassa, sillä Fto-poistogeeniset hiiret ovat villityypin hiiriä laihempia ja sen yliekspressio johtaa ylipainoon. FTO:n tarkka rooli painon säätelyssä on kuitenkin vielä epäselvä. Fto:ta tuotetaan eniten aivoissa, mutta myös valkoisessa ja ruskeassa rasvassa. Valkoinen rasva varastoi ravinnosta saatavan energian ja ruskea hajottaa sitä lämmöntuotantoon. Näillä kudoksilla on lisäksi tärkeä rooli energia-aineenvaihdunnan monimutkaisessa verkostossa. Valkoisen rasvakudoksen ruskettumisprosessissa valkoiset rasvasolut alkavat muistuttaa ruskeita rasvasoluja. Mikro-RNA:t (miRNA) ovat pieniä RNA-juosteita, jotka hienosäätävät geenien ekspressiota transkription jälkeen ja vaikuttavat useisiin solun tärkeisiin tapahtumiin, myös valkoisen ja ruskean rasvasolun erilaistumiseen ja ruskettumiseen. FTO osallistuu näihin prosesseihin sekä miRNA-säätelyyn.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selventää Fto:n roolia valkoisen ja ruskean rasvakudoksen erilaistumisessa ja toiminnassa Fto-poistogeenisen hiirimallin avulla. Lisäksi selvitettiin Fto:n vaikutuksia valkoisen rasvan ruskettumiseen ja ruskean rasvan toimintaan osallistuvien miRNA:iden säätelyyn. Tulokset tukivat FTO:n roolia rasvakudoksessa. Fto-poistogeeniset hiiret eivät lihoneet rasvaisella ruokavaliolla eivätkä niiden rasvasolut varastoineet rasvaa yhtä paljon kuin villityypin hiirillä rasvaisen ruokavalion jälkeen. Lisäksi Fto-poistogeenisen rasvakudoksen erilaistumiseen ja toimintaan liittyvien geenien esiintyvyys muuttui erityisesti rasvaisella ruokavaliolla. Nämä muutokset voivat osittain selittyä muuttuneella miRNA-säätelyllä. Tulokset viittasivat siihen, että Fto-poistogeeninen valkoinen rasvakudos oli alttiimpaa ruskettumiselle, mikä osaltaan vaikutti Fto-poistogeenisten hiirten laihuuteen. Tutkimus tuki Fto-geenin roolia energia-aineenvaihdunnan säätelyssä sekä rasvakudoksen mukautumisessa ruokavalion muutoksiin.
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Proliferação e disfunção da célula beta pancreática em modelo animal de Diabetes Melito tipo 2. Envolvimento da via de sinalização WNT/Beta-Catenina / Pancreatic beta cell proliferation and dysfunction in animal model of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Involvement of the WNT/Beta-catenin signaling pathwayOliveira, Ricardo Beltrame de 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Carla Beatriz Collares Buzato / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T15:01:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Tem havido um grande interesse na determinação das vias envolvidas na proliferação e função/disfunção da célula beta e a aplicação deste conhecimento em terapias moleculares e celulares da diabetes. A patogênese da diabetes melito tipo 2 (T2DM) é complexa, mas frequentemente está associada com obesidade e distúrbios do metabolismo de lipídios (hipercolesterolemia e hipertrigliceridemia). A T2DM envolve o desenvolvimento de um quadro de resistência periférica à insulina parcialmente compensada por hiperinsulinemia e hiperplasia da célula beta pancreática, resultando em intolerância à glicose e hiperglicemia. Os mecanismos interligando os estados de obesidade/hipercolesterolemia e resistência à insulina ao fenômeno da hiperplasia da célula beta não são completamente conhecidos. A presente dissertação teve como objetivos: 1) caracterizar um modelo animal adequado para se estudar a proliferação e disfunção da célula beta pancreática, e 2) avaliar, no pâncreas endócrino desses animais, a possível ativação da via de sinalização Wnt/beta-catenina, conhecida por estar envolvida no processo de proliferação celular em outros tecidos/órgãos. Para tal, foram empregados camundongos C57BL/6, wild-type (WT) e knockout para receptor de lipoproteína LDL (LDLr-/-), os quais foram submetidos à dieta hiperlipídica (HF) por 60 dias. Após a dieta HF, os animais WT tornaram-se obesos e hipercolesterolêmicos, bem como moderadamente hiperglicêmicos, hiperinsulinêmicos, intolerantes à glicose e resistentes à insulina, caracterizando-os como pré-diabéticos. Além disso, os animais alimentados com dieta HF apresentaram uma diminuição significativa na resposta secretora das células beta à glicose. De modo geral, os animais LDLr-/- apresentaram uma susceptibilidade relativamente mais alta à dieta HF, sugerida pela acentuada hipercolesterolemia, intolerância à glicose, e reduzida secreção de insulina estimulada por glicose observadas nestes animais. No entanto, a dieta HF induziu, de forma semelhante em animais WT e LDLr-/-, uma diminuição significativa no conteúdo celular de Cx36, uma proteína associada à junção comunicante e um marcador de diferenciação terminal da célula beta. Ambos os grupos WT e LDLr-/- alimentados com dieta HF mostraram aumento na proliferação de células beta, como avaliada pela imunomarcação das ilhotas para a proteína Ki67, mas apenas os animais WT exibiram alterações morfométricas indicativas de hiperplasia do pâncreas endócrino, tais como aumento na massa total de ilhotas e de células beta. Uma vez estabelecido que camundongos WT alimentados com dieta HF por 60 dias consistiam em um modelo adequado para a segunda etapa deste estudo, fomos investigar a possível ativação da via Wnt/beta-catenina nas ilhotas pancreáticas desses animais, avaliando-se a distribuição e expressão celular das proteínas beta-catenina total, beta-catenina ativada, c-Myc e ciclina D. A análise por imunofluorescência para beta-catenina não mostrou acúmulo citoplasmático ou translocação para o núcleo desta proteína em ilhotas pancreáticas, que poderia indicar ativação da via Wnt/beta-catenina no nosso modelo de hiperplasia do pâncreas endócrino. No entanto, a análise por Western Blot revelou um aumento significativo na expressão de beta-catenina ativada e ciclina D em ilhotas de animais alimentados com dieta HF em relação ao grupo controle. Concluindo, a dieta HF por 60 dias induz alterações metabólicas típicas da pré-diabetes em animais WT e LDLr-/-. O estado de pré-diabetes está associado a uma diminuição da expressão de Cx36 nas células beta pancreáticas, sugerindo um possível papel da comunicação intercelular mediada pelas junções comunicantes na patogênese da T2DM. A maior susceptibilidade metabólica à dieta HF apresentada por camundongos LDLr-/-, em relação aos WT, pode ser explicada pela maior deficiência na secreção de insulina em resposta à glicose e ausência de hiperplasia compensatória do pâncreas endócrino. Ainda, a análise preliminar de expressão protéica de algumas proteínas da via Wnt/beta-catenina sugere que esta via parece estar ativada durante o processo de hiperplasia do pâncreas endócrino observada no nosso modelo animal / Abstract: The pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is often associated with obesity and dyslipidemia (hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia). T2DM involves intolerance to glucose and insulin resistance partially compensated by hyperinsulinemia and pancreatic beta cell hyperplasia. The mechanisms linking obesity/hypercholesterolemia and insulin resistance to beta cell hyperplasia are not fully known. The Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway has been reported to be involved in cell growth and differentiation in several tissues/organs but its role in endocrine pancreas development and function is still unclear. This work aimed at: 1) establishing an appropriate animal model of T2DM to study pancreatic beta cell proliferation and dysfunction and, 2) investigating a putative involvement of the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway in the beta cell hyperplasia in this model. To this end, we employed C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) and LDL lipoprotein receptor knockout (LDLr-/-) mice, fed a high fat (HF) diet for 60 days. After feeding a HF diet, WT mice became obese, hypercholesterolemic and moderately hyperglycemic, hyperinsulinemic, glucose intolerant and insulin resistant, characterizing them as pre-diabetics. Moreover, animals fed a HF diet showed a significant decrease in beta-cell secretory response to glucose. In general, LDLr-/- animals showed a relatively higher susceptibility to HF diet, as suggested by a marked hypercholesterolemia, glucose intolerance and reduced insulin secretion stimulated by glucose observed in these animals as compared to the control ones. However, HF diet induced similarly in both WT and LDLr-/- mice a significant decrease in cellular content of Cx36, a gap junctional protein and marker of terminally differentiated beta cell. Both WT and LDLr-/- fed a HF diet showed increased proliferation of beta cells, as assessed by Ki67 immunostaining, but only WT mice exhibited morphometric changes indicative of endocrine pancreas hyperplasia, such as increased total islet and beta cell masses. After we investigated a possible activation of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway in these hyperplasic pancreatic islets of WT animals fed a HF diet. This was done by assessing the distribution and cellular protein expression of some proteins associated to this pathway (i.e., total and activated beta-catenin, c-Myc and cyclin D) in islets of our animal model. Beta-catenin immunofluorescence showed no cytoplasmic accumulation or translocation into the nucleus of beta cells in HF-fed mice. However, immunoblotting revealed a significant increase of unphosphorylated beta-catenin (activated) and cyclin D expression in islets of HF diet-fed animals when compared to its control group. In conclusion, a HF diet for 60d induced pre-diabetes state in both WT and LDLr-/- mice. The pre-diabetes state is associated with a decreased expression of Cx36 in pancreatic beta cells, suggesting a possible role of intercellular communication mediated by gap junctions in the pathogenesis of T2DM. The relatively high metabolic susceptibility to the HF diet showed by LDLr-/- mice, as compared to WT, may be explained by a marked impairment of glucosestimulated insulin secretion and a lack of compensatory hyperplasia of the endocrine pancreas. In addition, the protein expression analysis suggests that the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway may be activated during the islet hyperplasia process in our animal model / Mestrado / Histologia / Mestre em Biologia Celular e Estrutural
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Hedgehog interacting protein (Hhip) regulates both pancreatic and renal dysfunction in high fat diet-induced obese mouse modelNchienzia, Henry 09 1900 (has links)
Hhip (Hedgehog interacting protein), un antagoniste de la voie de signalisation Hegehog (Hh) a était devouverte comme un antagoniste des 3 ligands Hh, soit Sonic (Shh), Indian (Ihh) et Desert (Dhh). La protéines Hhip régularise la fonction cellulaire autant par voie (Hh) canonique que non-canonique. Elle est formée de 700 acides aminés et est fortement exprimée dans les tissus riches en cellules endothéliales, comme les reins et le pancréas. Toutefois, son rôle dans le fonctionnement des cellules bêta matures soit en condition de bonne santé ou de maladie comme dans des conditions d’obésité provoquée par une diète riche en gras ainsi que son role dans les maladies chronique du rein et la dysfonction rénale. Les souris en déficience de Hhip (Hhip-/-) ont une malformation des ilots pancréatiques (une diminution de 45% des ilots et de 40% de la prolifération des cellules beta) et un problème pulmonaire qui cause la mort post-natale.
L’objectif de notre étude initiale était de démontrer le role de Hhip dans le pancréas, en utilisant un KO corporel entier en réponse à une diète riche en gras (HFD) et la dysfonction des cellules beta in vivo et ex vivo sur des souris hétérozygotes pour Hhip (Hhip+/-) et des souris contrôles (Hhip +/+)
Suite à une HFD, toutefois, les souris mâles et femelles HFD-Hhip+/+ ont développé une intolérance sévère au glucose (IPGTT) et cette intolérance a été améliorée chez les souris HFD-Hhip+/-. Associé a cette intolérance, les males HFD-Hhip+/- démontraient une hyperinsulinémie et leur taux d’insuline plasmatique (phase 1 et 2), contrairement aux souris males HFD-Hhip+/+, augmentait de façon significative. Dans les îlots de souris Hhip+/+, l’augmentation de Hhip induite par une HFD a été observée principalement dans les cellules bêta mais aucunement dans les cellules alpha. Sans varier le nombre total d’îlots et la quantité de cellules bêta, les souris mâles HFD-Hhip+/+ avaient un nombre supérieur de gros îlots dans lesquels le taux d’insuline était diminué. La structure de ces îlots était désorganisée, démontrant une évidente invasion des cellules alpha au coeur des îlots bêta, le stress oxidatif (8-OHdG et NADPH oxidase 2 (Nox 2)) est aussi augmentée. En revanche, chez les souris mâles HFD-Hhip+/-, il a été possible d’observer une augmentation du nombre de petits îlots, de la prolifération des cellules bêta, et aussi de la sécrétion d’insuline stimulée par le glucose (GSIS), une amélioration du stress oxidatif et un maintien de l’intégrité des îlots ont été démontré. In vitro, la protéine recombinante Hhip (rHhip) a accentué le stress oxidatif (Nox2 et l’activité de NADPH oxidase 2) et a causé une diminution du nombre de cellules bêta ; par contre, le siRNA-Hhip augmente le GSIS et abolit la stimulation de l’expression du gène Nox2 induite par le palmitate de sodium (PA)-BSA. Grace a ces observations, il est démontré que les genes Hhip pancréatiques inhibe la sécrétion d’insuline en altérant la structure des ilots et en favorisant l’expression du gene Nox2 dans les ilots en réponse à la dysfonction des cellules beta suite a une diète riche en gras HFD.
Le diabète engendre des risques élevés de complication tel que des problèmes chroniques des reins caractérisés par une perte graduelle des fonctions rénales. Cette situation a été récemment reliée au taux élevé d’obésité. On a aussi démontré dans notre modèle de diabète gestationnel que l’augmentation de Hhip causait des irrégularités durant la néphrogénèse des rejetons [127]. Ensuite, nos données récentes démontrent que, chez les souris adultes, l’hyperglycémie a provoqué une forte expression du gene Hhip rénales causant ainsi l’apoptose des cellules épithéliales des glomérules et la transition endothéliale à mésenchymateuse (EndoMT) - liée à fibrose rénale [128].
Dans l’étude présente, on a établi que la surexpression de Hhip dans les cellules des tubules proximaux rénaux contribuait au développement initial des problèmes chroniques des reins suite a une HFD de 14 semaines. Un gain de poids significatif a été observé chez les souris du groupe HFD comparativement aux groupes ND. Les souris du groupe HFD ont développé une intolérance au glucose mais sans changement apparent à la sensibilité à l’insuline ni à l’hypertension (pression arterielle) même si ces souris mâles avaient des légers dépôts du gras périrénal. Les fonctions rénales telle que mesurées par le taux de filtration glomérulaire restaient normales dans tous les groupes révélant ainsi que ces deux facteurs (HFD et surexpression de Hhip) n’avaient aucune influence sur l’hyperfiltration rénale. Néanmoins, la morphologie rénale a révélé que les souris du groupe HFD présentaient une lésion infraclinique et des signes de vacuolisation tubulaire et des lésions par rapport aux souris ND. Cette pathologie de lésion tubulaire et de vacuolisation était plus prononcée chez les souris transgéniques (Hhip-Tg) que chez les souris non-Tg, ce qui favorisait l'apoptose des cellules tubulaires bénignes et un stress oxydatif accru.
En conclusion, l'obésité provoquée par l'HFD a eu des effets néfastes sur la tolérance au glucose et de légères modifications morphologiques des reins, caractérisées par la présence d'une néphrose osmotique, une augmentation du stress oxydatif rénal et une apoptose pouvant être induites par une augmentation de la FABP4 rénale. Cela a été exacerbé par la surexpression de Hhip dans les tubules rénaux proximaux. / Hedgehog interacting protein (Hhip), a signaling molecule in the Hedgehog Hh pathway, was originally discovered as a putative antagonist of all 3 secreted Hh ligands, i.e., Sonic (Shh), Indian (Ihh), and Desert (Dhh). Hhip regulates cell function via either canonical- or non-canonical Hh pathway. Hhip encodes a protein of 700 amino acids, and is abundantly expressed in vascular endothelial cell-rich tissues, including the pancreas, and kidneys. To date, less is known about Hhip’s expression pattern in mature islet cells, and its function under normal and/or disease conditions, such as diet induced-obesity, as well as its role in chronic kidney disease, and kidney dysfunction. Hhip null mice (Hhip-/-) display markedly impaired pancreatic islet formation (45% reduction of islet mass with a decrease of beta cell proliferation by 40%), however Hhip-/- mice die shortly after birth mainly due to lung defects.
In our first study, we systemically studied the role of pancreatic Hhip expression by using a whole body knock out in response to 8 weeks high fat diet (HFD) insult, and HFD-mediated beta cell dysfunction in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro using heterozygous (Hhip+/-) vs. wild type (Hhip+/+) mice. Both HFD-fed Hhip+/+ male and female mice developed severe glucose intolerance (IPGTT), which was ameliorated in male and female HFD-Hhip+/- mice. Associated with this glucose intolerance, was hyperinsulinemia, which was observed only in HFD-fed male Hhip+/- mice. HFD-fed Hhip+/- mice had high levels of circulating plasma insulin in both insulin secretion phases compared to HFD fed Hhip+/+ mice. In the pancreas, Hhip expression was increased in the islets of HFD-Hhip+/+ mice, mainly co-localized in beta cells and none in alpha cells. While maintaining the total islet number, and beta cell mass, male HFD-Hhip+/+ mice had a higher number of larger islets, in which insulin content was reduced; islet architecture was disoriented, with evident invasion of alpha cells into the central core of beta cells; and an evident increase in oxidative stress markers (8-OHdG and NADPH oxidase 2 (Nox 2)). In contrast, male HFD-Hhip+/- mice had a higher number of smaller islets, with increased beta cell proliferation, pronounced glucose stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS), ameliorated oxidative stress and preserved islet integrity. In vitro, recombinant Hhip (rHhip) dose-dependently increased oxidative stress (Nox2 and NADPH activity), and decreased the number of insulin-positive beta cells, while siRNA-Hhip enhanced GSIS, and abolished the stimulation of sodium palmitate (PA)-BSA on Nox2 gene expression. We believe our data highlights a novel finding as to how pancreatic Hhip gene inhibits insulin secretion, by altering islet integrity, and promoting Nox2 gene expression in beta cells in response to HFD-mediated beta cell dysfunction.
Diabetes presents high risk factors associated with complications such as chronic kidney disease (CKD) characterized by a gradual loss in kidney function. The increased incidence of diabetic related kidney complications has been recently correlated with increase rate of obesity. We recently established that impaired nephrogenesis in kidneys of offsprings of our murine model of maternal diabetes was associated with upregulation of Hhip gene expression [127]. Subsequently, our recent data also shows that hyperglycemia induced increased renal Hhip gene expression in adult murine kidneys leading to apoptosis of glomerular epithelial cells and endothelial to mesenchymal transition (Endo-MT) - related renal fibrosis [128].
In this current study, we demonstrated how Hhip overexpression in renal proximal tubular cells, contributes to early development of chronic kidney disease after 14 weeks of HFD. Mice in HFD-fed groups showed significantly greater weight gain as compared to mice in ND fed groups. IPGTT revealed that HFD fed mice also developed glucose intolerance, with no apparent changes in insulin sensitivity. HFD did not impact hypertension, even though we had a modest trend of increase in perirenal fat deposit in the HFD fed subgroups. Renal function as measured by the glomerular filtration rate was normal in all four subgroups, indicating that neither HFD, nor Hhip overexpression promoted renal hyperfiltration. Nonetheless, renal morphology revealed HFD kidneys had subclinical injury, presented signs of tubular vacuolization and damage compared to ND fed mice. This pathology of tubular damage and vacuolization was more pronounced in HFD-fed transgenic (Hhip-Tg) mice compared to non-Tg mice, and this promoted mild tubular cell apoptosis and enhanced oxidative stress. In conclusion, HFD feeding-induced obesity led to detrimental effects on glucose toleranc,e and mild morphological changes in kidneys, characterized by the presence of osmotic nephrosis, increased renal oxidative stress, and apoptosis which might be mediated by an increase in renal FABP4. This was exacerbated by the over-expression of Hhip in the renal proximal tubules.
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The effect of an acute phenylalanine/tyrosine depletion on reinforcement learning in humans differing in the intake of fat and sugarPauli, Larissa Kristin 17 November 2022 (has links)
Eine Vielzahl an Studien konnte Veränderungen dopaminerger Signale in verschiedenen Stadien von Übergewicht zeigen. Diese Veränderungen wurden mit fehlangepassten Verhaltensweisen wie zum Beispiel maladaptiven Veränderungen im Kontext von Dopamin-abhängigem Verstärkungslernen in Verbindung gebracht. Solche Verhaltensänderungen wiederum können die Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von Übergewicht fördern. Tierstudien lieferten erste Hinweise, dass nicht nur Übergewicht an sich, sondern auch eine Ernährung reich an gesättigten Fetten und freien Zuckern – eine der wichtigsten Triebkräfte der aktuellen Adipositas-Pandemie – unabhängig von Übergewicht zu solchen maladaptiven Veränderungen in Dopamin-abhängigem Verhalten beitragen könnte. Belastbare Erkenntnisse aus Studien am Menschen stehen hierzu noch aus. Hier setzt diese Promotionsarbeit an, die den Einfluss einer diätetischen Dopamin-Vorläufer Manipulation – der akuten diätetischen Phenylalanin/ Tyrosin Depletion (APTD) – auf das Verstärkungslernen von zwei Gruppen gesunder Frauen untersucht, die sich in der habituellen Aufnahme von gesättigten Fettsäuren und freien Zuckern unterscheiden. Ausgehend von der Annahme, dass eine Ernährung reich an gesättigten Fetten und freien Zuckern zu veränderten dopaminergen Signalen führen könnte, erwartete ich, dass Dopamin-abhängiges Verstärkungslernen in den beiden Ernährungsgruppen unterschiedlich von der APTD beeinflusst werden würde. Dazu habe ich zunächst mithilfe des Dietary Fat and Free Sugar Kurzfragebogens (DFS) die habituelle Aufnahme von gesättigten Fettsäuren und freien Zuckern von gesunden Probandinnen erhoben. Auf Basis der erreichten Punktzahl im DFS wurden die Probandinnen entweder der Gruppe mit hoher oder der Gruppe mit niedriger Fett- und Zuckeraufnahme zugeteilt. Um einen möglichen Einfluss veränderter dopaminerger Signale zu bestimmen, habe ich dann eine diätetische Phenylalanin und Tyrosin Depletion durchgeführt. Diese Methode hat eine diätetische Manipulation der Dopamin-Synthese mittels Depletion von Dopamin-Vorläufern zum Ziel. Konkret wurde in früheren Studien bereits gezeigt, dass die APTD die peripheren Konzentrationen der Aminosäuren Phenylalanin und Tyrosin senkt, Dopaminvorstufen welche enzymatisch in Dopamin umgewandelt werden. Demzufolge senkt die APTD potenziell zentrales Dopamin in beiden Ernährungsgruppen. Verstärkungslernen habe ich schließlich mithilfe der Probabilistischen Auswahlaufgabe (PST), gemessen. Im Ergebnis konnte ich keine direkten Anhaltspunkte für einen Einfluss der Dopamin-Manipulation in Interaktion mit Ernährungsgruppen finden. Dennoch liefert diese Promotionsarbeit wichtige Ansatzpunkte für zukünftige Studien: In einer explorativen Analyse konnte ich vorläufige Hinweise für einen Zusammenhang zwischen Variationen in Dopamin-Vorstufen und einer habituellen fett- und zuckerreichen Ernährung aufzeigen. / Many studies have found alterations in dopaminergic signaling in different stages of obesity. Such alterations have been linked to maladaptive behaviors such as maladaptive alterations in the context of dopamine-dependent reinforcement learning. These behavioral changes are likely to foster the further emergence and maintenance of obesity. Animal studies have delivered first indications, that not only obesity itself, but also a diet high in saturated fat and free sugars – one of the main drivers of the current obesity epidemic – could independently contribute to such maladaptive alterations in dopamine-dependent behaviors. However, profound evidence in human studies is pending. Addressing this issue, this thesis investigates the influence of a dietary dopamine precursor manipulation – the acute phenylalanine/tyrosine depletion (APTD) – on reinforcement learning in two groups of healthy females that differ in their habitual intake of saturated fat and free sugars. Assuming, that a diet high in saturated fat and free sugars might lead to changes in dopaminergic signaling, I expected a differential influence of APTD on dopamine-dependent reinforcement learning in the diet groups. To test this hypothesis, I firstly assessed the habitual intake of saturated fat and free sugars in healthy female participants using the Dietary Fat and Free Sugar – Short Questionnaire (DFS). According to their score, participants were assigned either to the group with a high or the group with a low habitual intake of fat and sugar. To determine the impact of possible dopaminergic alterations, I secondly administered an acute phenylalanine/tyrosine depletion. This method aims at a dietary manipulation of dopamine synthesis via manipulation of its precursors. Concretely, the APTD has been shown to significantly reduce the peripheral concentration of the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine, dopamine precursors that are converted to dopamine enzymatically. Thus, the APTD is likely to lower central dopamine signaling in both diet groups. Thirdly, I measured reinforcement learning with the Probabilistic Selection Task (PST). As a result, I could not find direct evidence for an influence of APTD on reinforcement learning in interaction with diet groups. Nevertheless, this thesis supplies important starting points for further investigation: In an exploratory analysis, I could reveal preliminary evidence for a positive association between variations in dopamine precursors and habitual high-fat high-sugar diet.
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Exploring the impact of estrogen signaling on gut microbiota diversity in a diet-induced obesity and a colorectal cancer modelStepanauskaite, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common and deadly cancers in the western world. The incidence of CRC shows the tendency to rise with the increase of obesity, which is caused by current increase in fat intake, suggesting the correlation between CRC and high-fat diet (HFD). HFD-induced obesity causes gut inflammation which is also noticed in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and CRC and can be seen as an important factor in CRC development. Moreover, it has been demonstrated, that while both sexes are at risk of developing CRC, men have higher incidence compared to women, showing the protective effect of estrogen. In addition, since gut microbiome is first to respond to colon inflammation, we hypothesized, that intestinal estrogen signaling could contribute to reduced initiation and progression of colon cancer by modifying the microbiota composition. For that, two experiments with two different mouse models were conducted. First part of the study concentrated on the effect of (HFD, 60%) and different estrogenic ligands (17-β estradiol, and DPN) on microbiota. Bioinformatics analysis on whole genome sequencing (WGS) data and qPCR validation were used as the methods. Here we found that estrogenic ligands achieved restoration of close-to-normal microflora after significant change initiated by HFD. We also found that microbiome in males showed stronger reaction to HFD than female microbiome, implying protective actions in females. Furthermore, the effect of ligands also proved to be stronger in males. Second part of the study concentrated on the effect of estrogen receptor β (ERβ) on microbiota for which ERβ knockout mice were used in addition to cancerogenic AOM/DSS treatment. Bioinformatics analysis on WGS data was used as the method. We found that female mice were more affected by AOM/DSS treatment compared to males, especially the mice with knockout gene. The genotype alone, however, resulted in very few differences. In summary, this project shows the effect of HFD, estrogen and ERβ expression on gut microbiota diversity. It shows that microbiome of male mice is more susceptible to dietary changes and estrogen supplementation. Likewise, it demonstrates, that the microbiome of females reacts strongly to combination of carcinogenic treatment and lack of iERβ.
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Circadian Disruption, Diet, and ExerciseTopacio, Tracey Karen B. 24 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Régulation de la fonction vasculaire pendant le vieillissement : rôles de l’environnement post-natal et du gène suppresseur de tumeurs p53Leblond, François 12 1900 (has links)
La dysfonction endothéliale vasculaire constitue un marqueur précoce des maladies cardiovasculaires car l’endothélium est l’une des premières cibles des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire. La présence d'un stress chronique engendré par les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire sollicite les mécanismes de défense endogènes, tels que les enzymes antioxydantes, qui servent au maintien de la fonction endothéliale. L’environnement vasculaire auquel l’endothélium est exposé a un effet direct sur son fonctionnement à long terme. Certaines habitudes de vie sont ainsi associées à une bonne santé cardiovasculaire. Par exemple, la diète méditerranéenne et/ou la pratique régulière de l’exercice physique aident à maintenir une fonction endothéliale adéquate et à réduire l’incidence des maladies cardiovasculaires. D'autre part, certains gènes clés, comme le gène suppresseur de tumeurs p53, régulent plusieurs voies métaboliques importantes pour préserver l’intégrité des cellules endothéliales. Nous posons l’hypothèse que l’environnement vasculaire post-natal influence la mise en place de mécanismes de défenses endogènes tels que les enzymes antioxydantes afin de faire face à des stress plus tard dans la vie.
Notre objectif global était d’évaluer les impacts d’interventions post-natales bénéfiques et d’une diminution endogène du gène suppresseur de tumeurs p53, sur la fonction endothéliale vasculaire et sur sa capacité à faire face à un stress métabolique. Dans une première étude, nous avons soumis des souris saines C57Bl/6 dès leur sevrage et jusqu’à l’âge de 9 mois, à un programme d’exercice physique volontaire (course dans une roue) ou à un antioxydant (catéchine), comparé à un groupe de souris sédentaires et sans antioxydant. Puis les interventions ont été stoppées et une diète riche en gras a été introduite, ou non, pour une période de 3 mois; les souris ont été sacrifiées à l'âge de 9 ou 12 mois. Nous avons observé que l’exercice a protégé les cellules endothéliales des effets délétères induits par la diète riche en gras en préservant la fonction endothéliale par le maintien d’un profil rédox sain et en évitant la hausse de l’inflammation. La catéchine a maintenu la fonction endothéliale aortique, mais n’a pas prévenu le profil inflammatoire en présence de la diète riche en gras. Finalement, chez les souris sédentaires, la fonction endothéliale a été détériorée en présence de la diète riche en gras, sans indice d’inflammation vasculaire.
Dans une seconde étude, des souris partiellement déficientes en p53 (p53+/-) et contrôles C57Bl/6 ont été exposées à la même diète riche en gras à partir de 3 mois et ce jusqu’à l’âge de 6 mois. Notre raisonnement était basé sur la démonstration que p53 est un régulateur de l’expression des enzymes antioxydantes in vitro. Chez les souris p53+/-, les cellules endothéliales ont été protégées du stress induit par l’hypercholestérolémie engendrée par la diète riche en gras. Cependant, chez les souris p53+/- cette protection pourrait être secondaire à un métabolisme accru des acides biliaires, qui en prévenant la hausse de cholestérol, protègerait indirectement l'endothélium.
Nous avons donc pu démontrer l’importance de l’environnement vasculaire sur la fonction endothéliale. La diète riche en gras a stimulé certains mécanismes de défense vasculaires tels que la voie des EDHF et la superoxyde dismutase afin de maintenir la fonction endothéliale malgré les conditions pro-athérosclérotiques. Nous avons observé que l’exercice et la catéchine influencent différemment l’endothélium malgré leurs capacités antioxydantes. Ces études soulignent la sensibilité de l’endothélium aux changements dans l’environnement vasculaire. En accord avec le vieillissement de la population et la progression des maladies cardiovasculaires, la proportion de personnes ayant une dysfonction endothéliale augmente. Ainsi, une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes ou d’interventions qui permettent le maintien de la fonction endothéliale à long terme s’avère utile. / Endothelial dysfunction is an early marker of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular risk factors generate a chronic stress, challenging endogenous defense mechanisms that are critical to maintain endothelial function, such as antioxidant enzymes. The vascular environment impacts the integrity and long-term function of endothelial cells. Thus, a healthy lifestyle is beneficial for cardiovascular health: regular physical training and/or a Mediterranean diet are associated with the maintenance of endothelial function and a lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, some key genes such as tumor suppressor gene p53, are known to regulate numerous cellular functions that are necessary to maintain endothelial cells integrity. We hypothesized that the post-natal vascular environment impacts the development of endogenous cellular defense mechanisms such as antioxidant enzymes, in order to protect against vascular stress that will occur later in life.
Our major goal was to evaluate the impact of post-natal interventions and endogenous reduction of p53 expression on vascular endothelial function and its capacity to resist against a metabolic stress. In our first study, healthy C57Bl/6 mice were exposed from weaning to the age of 9 months to physical voluntary training (running wheel) or to the antioxidant catechin, and were compared to physically inactive mice that did not receive catechin. Then, exercise and catechin were stopped and mice were subjected to a regular or a high fat diet for 3 months; mice were sacrificed either at the age of 9 or 12 months. In trained mice, we observed that exercise prevented endothelial dysfunction and inflammation induced by the high fat diet. In catechin-treated mice, aortic endothelial function was maintained despite exposure to the high fat diet, but an inflammatory profile was observed. In physically inactive mice, the high fat diet induced endothelial dysfunction without inflammation.
In our second study, mice partially deficient in p53 (p53+/-) were exposed to the same high fat diet from 3 to 6 months of age. Our rationale was based on the discovery that in vitro, p53 regulates antioxidant enzymes gene expression. In p53+/- mice, endothelial cells were protected from the stress of hypercholesterolemia induced by the high fat diet. However, this endothelial protection could be linked with an unexpected enhanced bile acid metabolism in p53+/- mice: low endogenous expression of p53 prevents the rise in plasma total cholesterol when fed a high fat diet, indirectly protecting the endothelium.
In summary, we were able to demonstrate the importance of the vascular environment on endothelial function. The pro-atherosclerotic environment induced by the high fat diet stimulated vascular defense mechanisms, as observed by the activation of the compensatory EDHF pathway and superoxide dismutase activity, to maintain an adequate endothelial function. We observed that exercise and catechin had a different impact on the endothelium despite their antioxidant properties. These studies demonstrate the sensitivity of the endothelium to changes within the vascular environment. As the population is aging and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases is increasing, endothelial dysfunction will be more frequent. Therefore, a better comprehension of mechanisms or interventions that can protect endothelial function can only be beneficial.
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Efeito dos ácidos graxos saturados, poli-insaturados e trans no desenvolvimento de aterosclerose e esteatose hepática em camundongos com ablação gênica do receptor de LDL / Effect of saturated, polyunsaturated and trans fatty acids on the development of atherosclerosis and hepatic steatosis of mice with ablation of the LDL receptor geneFigueiredo, Roberta Marcondes Machado 18 December 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A quantidade e o tipo de gordura alimentar exercem importante influência no desenvolvimento de doença cardiovascular (DCV) e podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de esteatose hepática. Os ácidos graxos saturados e trans são consensualmente apontados como aterogênicos; já os poli-insaturados parecem exercer ação antiaterogênica. Com relação a esteatose hepática, sabe-se que os ácidos graxos saturados estão associados com o seu desenvolvimento; porém, a ação dos ácidos graxos trans na gênese e no desenvolvimento de esteatose hepática não está totalmente elucidada. Neste estudo, avaliou-se o efeito do consumo de dietas enriquecidas com ácidos graxos saturados (SAT), poli-insaturados (POLI) ou trans (TRANS) sobre componentes envolvidos na indução e na progressão da placa aterosclerótica, bem como sobre o desenvolvimento da doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica. Métodos: Camundongos com ablação gênica para o receptor de LDL (LDLr-KO) foram alimentados com dietas hiperlipídicas (40% do valor calórico total sob a forma de gordura), enriquecidas com ácidos graxos SAT, POLI ou TRANS por 16 semanas e ao final submetidos a: 1) análises plasmáticas: colesterol total (CT), triglicérides (TG), insulina, glicose, aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e alanina aminotransferase (ALT), interleucina-6 (IL-6), fator de necrose tumoral-? (TNF-alfa) e perfil de lipoproteínas; 2) determinação da lesão aterosclerótica: área de lesão (Oil Red-O), conteúdo de ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) e infiltrado de macrófagos (imuno-histoquímica), colocalização de ABCA1 e macrófagos (microscopia confocal) e conteúdo de colágeno (Picrosirius-Red) na raiz aórtica; 3) conteúdo de CT, colesterol éster (CE) e colesterol livre (CL) na aorta total; 4) macrófagos peritoneais foram tratados com lipopolissacarídeo (LPS), e IL-6, TNF-alfa e interleucina-10 (IL-10) medidas no meio de cultura; 5) no fígado: grau da doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica, concentração de CT e TG e expressão de RNA mensageiro (mRNA) de PPAR-gama, PPAR-gama, SREBP-1c, MTP, CPT-1 e ABCA1 por RT-qPCR; 6) determinação do conteúdo de tecido adiposo visceral e subcutâneo na carcaça. Resultados: O consumo de dieta não diferiu entre os grupos; comparado à dieta POLI, TRANS induziu menor ganho de peso refletido por menor conteúdo de tecido adiposo. TRANS induziu hepatomegalia, desenvolvimento de esteato-hepatite não alcoólica (NASH) e piora da sensibilidade insulínica (evidenciada pelo índice HOMAIR). As concentrações de AST e ALT não diferiram entre os grupos. A dieta TRANS elevou a expressão de mRNA de genes relacionados à lipogênese hepática (PPAR-gama e SREBP-1c) comparada à SAT e POLI e reduziu a expressão de MTP comparada à dieta POLI. Não houve diferença entre os grupos com relação à expressão de genes envolvidos na oxidação hepática de lípides (PPAR-gama e CPT-1). As concentrações plasmáticas de CT e TG foram maiores no grupo TRANS comparado a SAT e POLI. POLI apresentou menor área de lesão, infiltrado de macrófagos e conteúdo de ABCA1 comparados a SAT e TRANS. Macrófagos e ABCA1 não se colocalizaram na área de lesão. O conteúdo de CT na parede arterial foi menor no grupo POLI comparado a TRANS; CL foi menor no grupo POLI comparado a SAT e TRANS; CE não diferiu entre os grupos. Comparado a POLI, SAT e TRANS apresentaram maior conteúdo de colágeno e núcleos necróticos na placa aterosclerótica. A concentração plasmática de IL-6 não diferiu entre os grupos; já a concentração de TNF-alfa foi maior nos grupos POLI e TRANS em comparação a SAT. Em relação à resposta inflamatória de macrófagos ao LPS, POLI e TRANS apresentaram maiores concentrações de IL-6 e TNF-alfa comparadas a SAT. POLI apresentou menores concentrações de IL-10 em comparação aos demais grupos. A expressão hepática de ABCA1 não diferiu entre os grupos. Conclusão: O consumo de dieta TRANS induziu perfil lipídico proaterogênico, hipercolesterolemia, hipertrigliceridemia, hiperglicemia e severo desenvolvimento de aterosclerose, além de hepatomegalia, maior acúmulo hepático de lípides e desenvolvimento de NASH. Por outro lado, POLI preveniu o desenvolvimento de aterosclerose, independentemente de sua ação inflamatória. / Introduction: The amount and type of dietary fat play important roles on the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and on the development of hepatic steatosis. Saturated (SAT) and trans (TRANS) fatty acids are known as pro-atherogenic, while the polyunsaturated (POLY) fats seem to exert an antiatherogenic action. Regarding hepatic steatosis, it is known that SAT are associated with its development, however, the role of TRANS in the genesis and development of hepatic steatosis is not fully undestood. This study evaluated the effect of the intake of diets enriched with SAT, POLY or TRANS on the parameters involved in the progression of the atherosclerotic plaque and also on the development of the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Methods: LDL receptor knock-out (LDLR-KO) male mice were fed for 16 weeks a high fat diet (40% of calories as fat) enriched with SAT, POLY or TRANS, for 16 weeks. The following parameters were mesured: 1) plasma: total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), insulin, glucose, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine amino transferase (ALT), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor- ? (TNF-?) and lipoprotein profile; 2) atherosclerotic lesion - lesion area (Oil Red-O), ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) content and macrophage infiltration (immunohistochemistry), co-localization of ABCA1 and macrophages (confocal microscopy) and collagen content (Picrosirius-Red); 3) TC, cholesteryl ester (CE) and free cholesterol (FC) content of the total aorta; 4) interleukin-6 and 10 (IL-6 and IL-10) and TNF-alfa in the culture medium of peritoneal macrophages after treatment with lipopolysaccharide (LPS); 5) liver: degree of fat liver disease, concentration of TC and TG and mRNA expression (RT-qPCR) of PPAR-gama, PPAR-gama, SREBP-1c, MTP, ABCA1 and CPT-1; 6) visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue contents in the carcass of the animals. Results: Food intake did not differ amongst the groups, however, compared to POLY, TRANS induced less weight gain, due to lower adipose tissue content. TRANS induced hepatomegaly, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and worsening of insulin sensitivity, as evidenced by the index HOMAIR. The concentrations of ALT and AST did not differ among groups. TRANS increased the mRNA expression of the hepatic lipogenic genes (PPAR-gama and SREBP-1c) compared to the SAT and POLY and reduced the mRNA expression of MTP compared to POLI. There was no difference among the groups regarding the mRNA expression of genes involved in hepatic lipid oxidation (PPAR-gama and CPT-1). Plasma concentrations of TC and TG were higher in TRANS compared to SAT and POLY. POLY showed lower arterial lesion area, macrophage infiltration and ABCA1 content compared to SAT and TRANS. ABCA1 and macrophages did not colocalize in the lesion area. The TC content in the arterial wall was lower on POLY compared to TRANS; FC was lower on POLY compared to SAT and TRANS; CE did not differ among groups. Compared to POLY, SAT and TRANS showed higher collagen content and necrotic core in atherosclerotic plaques. The plasma concentration of IL-6 did not differ among groups, however, TNF-alfa plasma concentration was higher in POLY and TRANS compared to SAT. Regarding the macrophage inflammatory response to LPS, POLY and TRANS showed higher concentrations of IL-6 and TNF-alfa compared to SAT. Moreover, POLY had the lowest concentration of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. The hepatic expression of ABCA1 did not differ amongst the groups. Conclusion: TRANS induced pro-atherogenic lipid profile, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hyperglycemia, and severe atherosclerosis, and in addition, elicted hepatomegaly, increased hepatic lipid accumulation and NASH. On the other hand, POLY prevented the development of atherosclerosis, independently of their pro-inflammatory activity.
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Intestinal Gene Expression Profiling and Fatty Acid Responses to a High-fat DietCedernaes, Jonathan January 2013 (has links)
The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) regulates nutrient uptake, secretes hormones and has a crucial gut flora and enteric nervous system. Of relevance for these functions are the G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and the solute carriers (SLCs). The Adhesion GPCR subfamily is known to mediate neural development and immune system functioning, whereas SLCs transport e.g. amino acids, fatty acids (FAs) and drugs over membranes. We aimed to comprehensively characterize Adhesion GPCR and SLC gene expression along the rat GIT. Using qPCR we measured expression of 78 SLCs as well as all 30 Adhesion GPCRs in a twelve-segment GIT model. 21 of the Adhesion GPCRs had a widespread (≥5 segments) or ubiquitous (≥11 segments) expression. Restricted expression patterns were characteristic for most group VII members. Of the SLCs, we found the majority (56 %) of these transcripts to be expressed in all GIT segments. SLCs were predominantly found in the absorption-responsible gut regions. Both Adhesion GPCRs and SLCs were widely expressed in the rat GIT, suggesting important roles. The distribution of Adhesion GPCRs defines them as a potential pharmacological target. FAs constitute an important energy source and have been implicated in the worldwide obesity increase. FAs and their ratios – indices for activities of e.g. the desaturase enzymes SCD-1 (SCD-16, 16:1n-7/16:0), D6D (18:3n-6/18:2n-6) and D5D (20:4n-6/20:3n-6) – have been associated with e.g. overall mortality and BMI. We examined whether differences in FAs and their indices in five lipid fractions contributed to obesity susceptibility in rats fed a high fat diet (HFD), and the associations of desaturase indices between lipid fractions in animals on different diets. We found that on a HFD, obesity-prone (OP) rats had a higher SCD-16 index and a lower linoleic acid (LA) proportions in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) than obesity-resistant rats. Desaturase indices were significantly correlated between many of the lipid fractions. The higher SCD-16 may indicate higher SCD-1 activity in SAT in OP rats, and combined with lower LA proportions may provide novel insights into HFD-induced obesity. The associations between desaturase indices show that plasma measurements can serve as proxies for some lipid fractions, but the correlations seem to be affected by diet and weight gain.
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