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Resolution of Singularities of Pairs Preserving Semi-simple Normal CrossingsVera Pacheco, Franklin 26 March 2012 (has links)
Let X denote a reduced algebraic variety and D a Weil divisor on X. The pair (X,D) is said to be semi-simple normal crossings (semi-snc) at a in X if X is simple normal crossings at a (i.e., a simple normal
crossings hypersurface, with respect to a local embedding in a smooth ambient variety),
and D is induced by the restriction to X of a hypersurface that is simple normal crossings with respect to X. For a pair (X,D), over a field of characteristic zero, we construct a composition of blowings-up
f:X'-->X such that the transformed pair (X',D') is everywhere semi-simple normal crossings, and f is an isomorphism over the semi-simple normal crossings locus of
(X,D). The result answers a question of Kolla'r.
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Modern Foundations of Light Transport SimulationLessig, Christian 31 August 2012 (has links)
Light transport simulation aims at the numerical computation of the propagation of visible electromagnetic energy in macroscopic environments. In this thesis, we develop the foundations for a modern theory of light transport simulation, unveiling the geometric structure of the continuous theory and providing a formulation of computational techniques that furnishes remarkably efficacy with only local information. Utilizing recent results from various communities, we develop the physical and mathematical structure of light transport from Maxwell's equations by studying a lifted representation of electromagnetic theory on the cotangent bundle. At the short wavelength limit, this yields a Hamiltonian description on six-dimensional phase space, with the classical formulation over the space of "positions and directions" resulting from a reduction to the five-dimensional cosphere bundle. We establish the connection between light transport and geometrical optics by a non-canonical Legendre transform, and we derive classical concepts from radiometry, such as radiance and irradiance, by considering measurements of the light energy density. We also show that in idealized environments light transport is a Lie-Poisson system for the group of symplectic diffeomorphisms, unveiling a tantalizing similarity between light transport and fluid dynamics. Using Stone's theorem, we also derive a functional analytic description of light transport. This bridges the gap to existing formulations in the literature and naturally leads to computational questions. We then address one of the central challenges for light transport simulation in everyday environments with scattering surfaces: how are efficient computations possible when the light energy density can only be evaluated pointwise? Using biorthogonal and possibly overcomplete bases formed by reproducing kernel functions, we develop a comprehensive theory for computational techniques that are restricted to pointwise information, subsuming for example sampling theorems, interpolation formulas, quadrature rules, density estimation schemes, and Monte Carlo integration. The use of overcomplete representations makes us thereby robust to imperfect information, as is often unavoidable in practical applications, and numerical optimization of the sampling locations leads to close to optimal techniques, providing performance which considerably improves over the state of the art in the literature.
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Resolution of Singularities of Pairs Preserving Semi-simple Normal CrossingsVera Pacheco, Franklin 26 March 2012 (has links)
Let X denote a reduced algebraic variety and D a Weil divisor on X. The pair (X,D) is said to be semi-simple normal crossings (semi-snc) at a in X if X is simple normal crossings at a (i.e., a simple normal
crossings hypersurface, with respect to a local embedding in a smooth ambient variety),
and D is induced by the restriction to X of a hypersurface that is simple normal crossings with respect to X. For a pair (X,D), over a field of characteristic zero, we construct a composition of blowings-up
f:X'-->X such that the transformed pair (X',D') is everywhere semi-simple normal crossings, and f is an isomorphism over the semi-simple normal crossings locus of
(X,D). The result answers a question of Kolla'r.
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Modern Foundations of Light Transport SimulationLessig, Christian 31 August 2012 (has links)
Light transport simulation aims at the numerical computation of the propagation of visible electromagnetic energy in macroscopic environments. In this thesis, we develop the foundations for a modern theory of light transport simulation, unveiling the geometric structure of the continuous theory and providing a formulation of computational techniques that furnishes remarkably efficacy with only local information. Utilizing recent results from various communities, we develop the physical and mathematical structure of light transport from Maxwell's equations by studying a lifted representation of electromagnetic theory on the cotangent bundle. At the short wavelength limit, this yields a Hamiltonian description on six-dimensional phase space, with the classical formulation over the space of "positions and directions" resulting from a reduction to the five-dimensional cosphere bundle. We establish the connection between light transport and geometrical optics by a non-canonical Legendre transform, and we derive classical concepts from radiometry, such as radiance and irradiance, by considering measurements of the light energy density. We also show that in idealized environments light transport is a Lie-Poisson system for the group of symplectic diffeomorphisms, unveiling a tantalizing similarity between light transport and fluid dynamics. Using Stone's theorem, we also derive a functional analytic description of light transport. This bridges the gap to existing formulations in the literature and naturally leads to computational questions. We then address one of the central challenges for light transport simulation in everyday environments with scattering surfaces: how are efficient computations possible when the light energy density can only be evaluated pointwise? Using biorthogonal and possibly overcomplete bases formed by reproducing kernel functions, we develop a comprehensive theory for computational techniques that are restricted to pointwise information, subsuming for example sampling theorems, interpolation formulas, quadrature rules, density estimation schemes, and Monte Carlo integration. The use of overcomplete representations makes us thereby robust to imperfect information, as is often unavoidable in practical applications, and numerical optimization of the sampling locations leads to close to optimal techniques, providing performance which considerably improves over the state of the art in the literature.
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Multigraded Structures and the Depth of Blow-up AlgebrasColomé Nin, Gemma 14 July 2008 (has links)
A first goal of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge of cohomological properties of non-standard multigraded modules. In particular we study the Hilbert function of a non-standard multigraded module, the asymptotic depth of the homogeneous components of a multigraded module and the asymptotic depth of the Veronese modules. To reach our purposes, we generalize some cohomological invariants to the non-standard multigraded case and we study properties on the vanishing of local cohomology modules. In particular we study the generalized depth of a multigraded module.In chapters 2, 3 and 4, we consider multigraded rings S, finitely generated over the local ring S0 by elements of degrees g1,.,gr with gi=(g1i,.,gii,.,0) non-negative integral vectors and gii not zero for i=1,.,r. In Chapter 2, we prove that the Hilbert function of a multigraded S-module is quasi-polynomial in a cone of N^r. Moreover the Grothendieck-Serre formula is satisfied in our situation as well.In Chapter 3, using the quasi-polynomial behavior of the Hilbert function of the Koszul homology modules of a multigraded S-module M with respect to a system of generators of the maximal ideal of S0, we can prove that the depth of the homogeneous components of M is constant for degrees in a subnet of a cone of N^r defined by g1,.,gr. In some cases we can assure constant depth in all the cone. By considering the multigraded blow-up algebras associated to ideals I1,.,Ir in a Noetherian local ring (R,m), we can prove that the depth of R/I1^n1.Ir^nr is constant for n1,.,nr large enough.In Chapter 4, we study the depth of (a,b)-Veronese modules for a, b large enough. In particular we prove that in almost-standard case (i.e. the degrees of the generators are positive multiples of the canonical basis) with S0 a quotient of a regular local ring, this depth is constant for a, b in some regions of N^r. To reach this result we need a previous study about Veronese modules and about the vanishing of local cohomology modules. In particular we prove that, in the moregeneral case, if S0 is a quotient of a regular local ring, the generalized depth is invariant by taking Veronese transforms. Moreover in the almost-standard case the generalized depth coincides with the index of finite graduation of the local cohomology modules with respect to the homogeneous maximal ideal.A second goal of the thesis is the study of the depth of blow-up algebras associated to an ideal. In Chapter 5 we obtain refined versions of some conjectures on the depth of the associated graded ring of an ideal. By using certain non-standard bigraded structures, the integers that appear in Guerrieri's Conjecture and in Wang's Conjecture can be interpreted as a multiplicities of some bigraded modules. In particular we have given an answer to the question formulated by A. Guerrieri and C. Huneke in 1993. We have proved that given an m-primary ideal I in a Cohen-Macaulay local ring (R,m) of dimension d>0 with minimal reduction J, assuming that the lengths of the homogeneous components of the Valabrega-Valla module of I and J are less than or equal to 1, then the depth of the associated graded ring of I is greater than or equal to d-2.Finally, in Chapter 6, the study of the Hilbert function of certain submodules of the bigraded modules studied before, allows us to prove some cases in which the Hilbert function of an m-primary ideal in a one-dimensional Cohen-Macaulay local ring is non-decreasing. / CATALÀ: TÍTOL DE LA TESI: "Estructures Multigraduades i la Profunditat d'Àlgebres de Blow-up"TEXT DEL RESUM:Un primer objectiu d'aquesta tesi és contribuir al coneixement de propietats cohomològiques de mòduls multigraduats no-estàndard. En particular estudiem la funció de Hilbert d'un mòdul multigraduat no-estàndard, la profunditat asimptòtica de les components homogènies d'un mòdul multigraduat i la profunditat asimptòtica dels mòduls de Veronese. Per a això, generalitzem alguns invariants cohomològics en el cas multigraduat no-estàndard i estudiem propietats d'anul·lació de mòduls de cohomologia local. En particular estudiem la profunditat generalitzada d'un mòdul multigraduat.En els capítols 2, 3 i 4, considerem anells multigraduats S finitament generats sobre l'anell local S0 per elements de graus g1,...,gr amb gi=(g1i,...,gii,...,0) vectors enters no-negatius i gii no nul per a i=1,...,r. Al Capítol 2, demostrem que la funció de Hilbert d'un S-mòdul multigraduat és quasi-polinòmica en un con de N^r. A més es satisfà la fórmula de Grothendieck-Serre en la nostra situació.Al Capítol 3, utilitzant el comportament quasi-polinòmic de la funció de Hilbert dels mòduls d'homologia de Koszul d'un S-mòdul M multigraduat respecte d'un sistema de generadors de l'ideal maximal de S0, podem demostrar que la profunditat de les components homogènies de M és constant per a graus en una subxarxa d'un con de N^r definit per g1,...,gr. En alguns casos es pot assegurar profunditat constant en tot un con. Considerant els anells de blow-up multigraduats associats a ideals I1,...,Ir en un anell local Noetherià (R,m), podem demostrar que la profunditat de R/I1^n1...Ir^nr és constant per a n1,...,nr prou grans.Al Capítol 4, estudiem la profunditat dels mòduls de (a,b)-Veronese per a a,b prou grans. En particular demostrem que en el cas quasi-estàndard (i.e. amb generadors de graus múltiples positius de la base canònica) amb S0 quocient d'un anell local regular, aquesta profunditat és constant per a a,b en certes regions de N^r. Per arribar a aquest resultat ens cal un estudi previ dels mòduls de Veronese i de l'anul·lació de mòduls de cohomologia local. En particular demostrem que, en el cas més general, si S0 és quocient d'un anell local regular, la profunditat generalitzada és invariant per transformacions Veronese. A més en el cas quasi-estàndard la profunditat generalitzada coincideix amb l'índex de graduació finita dels mòduls de cohomologia local respecte de l'ideal homogeni maximal.Un segon objectiu de la tesi és l'estudi de la profunditat de les àlgebres de blow-up associades a un ideal. Al Capítol 5 s'obtenen versions refinades de conjectures sobre la profunditat de l'anell graduat associat a un ideal. Utilitzant algunes estructures bigraduades no-estàndard, es poden interpretar els enters que apareixen a la Conjectura de Guerrieri i a la Conjectura de Wang com a multiplicitats de mòduls bigraduats. En particular hem pogut donar resposta a una pregunta formulada per A. Guerrieri i C. Huneke al 1993. Hem demostrat que donat un ideal I m-primari en un anell local (R,m) Cohen-Macaulay de dimensió d>0 amb reducció minimal J, suposant que les longituds de les components homogènies del mòdul de Valabrega-Valla de I i J siguin menors o iguals que 1, aleshores la profunditat de l'anell graduat associat a I és major o igual que d-2.Finalment, al Capítol 6, l'estudi de la funció de Hilbert de certs submòduls dels mòduls bigraduats estudiats anteriorment, permet provar alguns casos en què la funció de Hilbert d'un ideal m-primari en un anell local Cohen-Macaulay de dimensió 1, és no decreixent.
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Optimal Dither and Noise Shaping in Image ProcessingChristou, Cameron 11 August 2008 (has links)
Dithered quantization and noise shaping is well known in the audio community. The image processing community seems to be aware of this same theory only in bits and pieces, and frequently under conflicting terminology. This thesis attempts to show that dithered quantization of images is an extension of dithered quantization of audio signals to higher dimensions.
Dithered quantization, or ``threshold modulation'', is investigated as a means of suppressing undesirable visual artifacts during the digital quantization, or requantization, of an image. Special attention is given to the statistical moments of the resulting error signal. Afterwards, noise shaping, or ``error diffusion'' methods are considered to try to improve on the dithered quantization technique.
We also take time to develop the minimum-phase property for two-dimensional systems. This leads to a natural extension of Jensen's Inequality and the Hilbert transform relationship between the log-magnitude and phase of a two-dimensional system. We then describe how these developments are relevant to image processing.
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Use SNA instead of VNA to characterize indoor channel : implementing and rms theoryLai, Jingou, Liu, Che January 2010 (has links)
In this report we focus on the use of an economical way on how Scalar Network Analyzer (SNA) works instead of Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) to estimate the phase angle of signals in indoor channel. This is detailed in RMS delay theory and simulation section, experimental is designed in the according Experiment Design section, where we also state the required measurements known from the math part. In our work, data are recorded both from two different channel characteristics. Method of achieving amplitude is by using deconvolution theory. The condition of applying Hilbert transform are highlighted as impulse response h(t) in time domain should be causal. The recorded data amplitude is computed by Hilbert Transform, and therefore validate the condition using Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) back to time domain to achieve h(t). Power delay profile P(t) is therefore presented afterwards. In paper calculations of rms delay τrms of the channel which is the most important variable are also performed, the results calculated from different windowing truncation and the LOS and NLOS characteristics are compared in discussion and conclusion section, it also includes Opinions of window functions chosen for the phase estimation.
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Optimal Dither and Noise Shaping in Image ProcessingChristou, Cameron 11 August 2008 (has links)
Dithered quantization and noise shaping is well known in the audio community. The image processing community seems to be aware of this same theory only in bits and pieces, and frequently under conflicting terminology. This thesis attempts to show that dithered quantization of images is an extension of dithered quantization of audio signals to higher dimensions.
Dithered quantization, or ``threshold modulation'', is investigated as a means of suppressing undesirable visual artifacts during the digital quantization, or requantization, of an image. Special attention is given to the statistical moments of the resulting error signal. Afterwards, noise shaping, or ``error diffusion'' methods are considered to try to improve on the dithered quantization technique.
We also take time to develop the minimum-phase property for two-dimensional systems. This leads to a natural extension of Jensen's Inequality and the Hilbert transform relationship between the log-magnitude and phase of a two-dimensional system. We then describe how these developments are relevant to image processing.
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Efficient Spatial Access Methods for Spatial Queries in Spatio-Temporal DatabasesChen, Hue-Ling 20 May 2011 (has links)
With the large number of spatial queries for spatial data objects changing with time in many applications, e.g., the location based services and geographic information systems, spatio-temporal databases have been developed to manipulate them in spatial or temporal databases. We focus on queries for stationary and moving objects in the spatial database in the present. However, there is no total ordering for the large volume and complicated objects which may change their geometries with time. A spatial access method based on the spatial index structure attempts to preserve the spatial proximity as much as possible. Then, the number of disk access which takes the response time is reduced during the query processing. Therefore, in this dissertation, based on the NA-tree, first, we propose the NA-tree join method over the stationary objects. Our NA-tree join simply uses the correlation table to directly obtain candidate leaf nodes based on two NA-trees which have non-empty overlaps. Moreover, our NA-tree join accesses objects once from those candidate leaf nodes and returns pairs of objects which have non-empty overlaps. Second, we propose the NABP method for the continuous range queries over the moving objects. Our NABP method uses the bit-patterns of regions in the NA-tree to check the relation between the range queries and moving objects. Our NABP method searches only one path in the NA-tree for the range query, instead of more than one path in the R*-tree-based method which has the overlapping problem. When the number of range queries increases with time, our NABP method incrementally updates the affected range queries by bit-patterns checking, instead of rebuilding the index like the cell-based method. From the experimental results, we have shown that our NABP method needs less time than the cell-based method for range queries update and less time than the R*-tree-based method for moving objects update. Based on the Hilbert curve with the good clustering property, we propose the ANHC method to answer the all-nearest-neighbors query by our ONHC method. Our ONHC method is used to answer the one-nearest-neighbor query over the stationary objects. We generate direction sequences to store the orientations of the query block in the Hilbert curve of different orders. By using quaternary numbers and direction sequences of the query block, we obtain the relative locations of the neighboring blocks and compute their quaternary numbers. Then, we directly access the neighboring blocks by their sequence numbers which is the transformation of the quaternary numbers from base four to ten. The nearest neighbor can be obtained by distance comparisons in these blocks. From the experimental results, we have shown that our ONHC and ANHC methods need less time than CCSF method for the one-nearest-neighbor query and the method based on R*-trees for the all-nearest-neighbors query, respectively.
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Exterior differential systems on Hilbert manifolds and its application to calculus of variationLiao, Ching-Jou 16 June 2011 (has links)
Calculus of variation on finite dimensional manifolds via exterior differential systems were expounded in the books of Sternberg, Bryant and Griffiths. Here we plan to extend the theory of exterior differential systems and study the applications to calculus of variation on Hilbert manifolds.
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