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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A militância anarquista através das relações mantidas por João Penteado - estratégias de sobrevivência pós anos 20 / The Anarchist Militancy through relations maintained by João Penteado Survival strategies after 20s

Calsavara, Tatiana da Silva 24 May 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo resgatar a militância do educador anarquista João Penteado após o fechamento da Escola Moderna do Belenzinho, em 1919, buscando traços de continuidade das práticas libertárias até então presentes no cotidiano escolar. Fora do ambiente da escola, o professor João Penteado manteve relações de amizade e militância com libertários como Rodolfo Felipe, Edgard Leuenroth, Pedro Catalo, Adelino de Pinho, José Oiticica entre outros, o que pode ser verificado nas correspondências trocadas entre eles que, muitas vezes, referem-se à importância de se manter a escola dirigida por João Penteado como parte importante do processo de resistência da militância anarquista em um momento de intensa repressão e vigilância das autoridades e da polícia. As questões colocadas pela militância anarquista a partir do fechamento da Escola Moderna relacionam-se às mudanças vividas pelo operariado no contexto político e social do período (tanto local quanto mundial). Neste momento verifica-se uma significativa produção de obras com conteúdo libertário, ainda que só houvesse espaço para o estudo das classes dominantes. Através da trajetória de João Penteado pretendemos identificar, portanto, as formas de resistência de seu grupo nesse período de crise, as questões que os envolveram, e a forma como essa resistência está presente na ideia de educação que eles defendiam. / This job aims to rescue the militancy of the anarchist educator João Penteado after the closing of Belenzinho Modern School, in 1919 seeking traces of continuity of libertarian practices until then, present in daily life. Outside the school environment, teacher João Penteado maintained friendly relations and militancy with libertarians as Rodolfo Felipe, Edgard Leuenroth, Pedro Catalo, Adelino de Pinho, José Oiticica and others which can be verified in letters exchanged between them that often refer to the importance of maintaining the school run by João Penteado as important part of the process of anarchist militancy resistance at a time of intense repression and surveillance of the authorities and the police. The issues raised by the anarchist militancy from the closing of the modern school relate to changes experienced by workers in the social and political context of the period (either local or worldwide). At the moment there is a significant production of works with libertarian content, even though there were only \"space for the study of the dominant classes.\" Through the course of John Barbour, we intend to identify, therefore, the forms of resistance of their group in this period of crisis, the issues involved, and how this resistance is present in the idea of education that they defended.

Novas velhas formas de dominação: os parques infantis e o novo projeto de dominação social / Old new forms of domination: the "parques infantis" and the new project of social domination

Guedes, Lizandra 11 August 2006 (has links)
A presente dissertação pretende investigar como se dá a relação estabelecida entre a experiência inicial dos Parques Infantis (1935- 1938), desenvolvido na cidade de São Paulo, e o projeto de nação idealizado pela nova geração da classe dominante paulista, em conjunto com diversos modernistas e intelectuais. Nela procuramos resgatar tanto as aspirações deste grupo para o futuro do país, bem como o papel que a educação, e as instituições que a representavam, desempenhava no cenário político-social paulista e nacional. Dessa forma, esperamos explicitar o caráter ambíguo que marca fortemente as ações desse governo, em que a aposta da classe dominante na educação como força capaz de resolver os problemas do país revela ora seu caráter fortemente moralizador e disciplinador das massas, ora evidencia grande potencial formativo. / The current essay intends to investigate the connection between the first experiment of the Parques Infantis (1935 - 1938), developed in the city of São Paulo, and the nation project designed by the new generation of the predominant class of São Paulo city, jointly with several modernists and intellectuals. In this essay we try to rescue the aspirations of this group for the future of the country, as well as the role played by education and its institutions in the political and social scenario of São Paulo and Brazil. We hope to elucidate the ambiguous feature that strongly stress the actions of the current government, where the dominant class believes in the strength of education to solve the problems of the country, sometimes revealing a strong moralizing and disciplinarian character, and sometimes highlighting a wide formative potential.

A centralidade da educação na obra do intelectual Florestan Fernandes

Borges Netto, Mario 02 February 2012 (has links)
Esta tese elegeu como objeto de pesquisa a militância de Florestan Fernandes (1920-1995) no campo educacional, no período de 1954 a 1964. Nosso objetivo foi pesquisar os escritos educacionais de Florestan Fernandes, tendo como horizonte de análise a sua militância como intelectual em defesa da educação pública no contexto da elaboração e tramitação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB) nº 4.024 de 1961. Em um contexto de crescente industrialização e de consolidação do capitalismo brasileiro era urgente a adequação da educação à ordem social livre competitiva. Em resposta a essa demanda, teve início a elaboração do projeto de LDB, cuja proposta original vislumbrava a democratização da educação e do ensino por meio da escola pública. A tramitação do projeto no Congresso Nacional motivou um caloroso debate educacional entre os defensores das escolas privadas, que se sentiram prejudicados com a proposta inicial do projeto de LDB, e os defensores das escolas públicas que, diante dos ataques da elite conservadora, mostravam que a escola pública era uma instituição compatível com a nova ordem social livre competitiva que se aspirava sedimentar. Os ataques à escola pública ganhavam forças políticas e se materializou no que ficou conhecido como Substitutivo Lacerda, um projeto substitutivo à proposta inicial, de autoria do deputado udenista Carlos Lacerda, que portava em si os princípios religiosos e interesses mercadológicos. Diante da aprovação de tal substitutivo, surgiu um movimento de intelectuais e educadores conhecido na historiografia como Campanha em Defesa da Escola Pública (Campanha), que lutaram no congresso nacional, nos círculos intelectuais e na imprensa em defesa da escola pública, do qual Florestan Fernandes fez parte. O sociólogo em destaque participou ativamente da Campanha, publicou textos na imprensa, proferiu palestras e conferências denunciando o caráter privatista do Substitutivo Lacerda. A sua participação na Campanha lhe conferiu a insígnia de principal defensor da causa. São vários os textos educacionais de Florestan Fernandes escritos no calor da militância, os quais constituem volumosa parte das suas análises sobre a educação brasileira. Por meio da nossa pesquisa compreendemos que a luta pela transformação radical da sociedade brasileira e pela superação dos dilemas educacionais conferiram unidade a atuação de Florestan Fernandes dentro e fora do espaço acadêmico e coerência entre sua visão de mundo e ação intelectual. Foi o momento em que o sociólogo aliou sua formação intelectual, seu conhecimento teórico, à capacidade de persuasor, de dirigente, para conscientizar e convocar os outros cidadãos a transformar a realidade. Isso nos levou a defender a tese de que os escritos educacionais se fazem centrais para entender Florestan Fernandes como intelectual, pois os mesmos são a manifestação de sua militância, de suas ações práticas no interior da luta de classes. Os seus textos sobre a educação, escritos no período de elaboração e tramitação do Projeto de LDB no Congresso Nacional, expressavam a ação engajada de um intelectual militante na luta pela democratização da cultura e da educação. / This thesis has the objective of analyzing the militancy of Florestan Fernandes (1920-1995) in the educational field, from 1954 to 1964. The goal was to research the educational writings of Florestan Fernandes having, as the basis of analysis, his militancy in defense of public education in the context of elaborating the National Education Law (in Portuguese LDB) n. 4.024 of 1961. In the context of rising industrialization and consolidation of Brazilian capitalism it was urgent to adjust the education to the competitive free social order. In response to that demand there was the start of the elaboration of the law project of the LDB, whose original proposal saw democratization of education and teaching through public school. While the bill followed its legal courses in the National Congress there was a heated educational debate among the private school defenders; who felt they were being aggrieved by the initial proposal of the project of LDB, and the public school defenders; who showed the public school was a compatible institution with the new competitive free social order that was on its way to sediment despite the attacks of the conservative elite. The attacks to public school gained political forces and were materialized in what was known as Substitutivo Lacerda, a substitute bill to the initial proposal that was written by the congressman who belonged to UDN (National Democratic Union) Carlos Lacerda; and it had religious principles and marketable interests. As the substitute bill was approved there was a movement of intellectuals and educators known in history as Campaign to Defend Public School (or simply Campaign). They fought in the national congress, in the intellectual circles and in press to defend public school, Florestan Fernandes took part in that movement. He participated in the Campaign in an active way, he published texts, gave lectures and conferences to denounce the private character of the substitute bill (Substitutivo Lacerda). His participation in Campaign granted him the merit badge of the principal defender of the cause. There are several educational texts written by Florestan Fernandes in the heat of militancy and they are a huge part of his analysis of Brazilian education. This research showed that the fight for the radical transformation of the Brazilian society and for the overcoming of the educational dilemmas gave consistency to the acting of Florestan Fernandes in and out of the academic space and coherence between his world view and his intellectual action. That was the moment the sociologist united his intellectual formation and his theoretical knowledge to his capacity of persuading others to make other citizens conscious and to call them to transform reality. That took us to defend that the educational writings are essential to understand Florestan Fernandes as intellectual because the same texts manifest his militancy, his actions inside the fight among classes. His texts about education written during the elaboration and the legal course of the bill of LDB in the National Congress expressed the engaged action of an intellectual militant in the fight for democratization of culture and education.

O ensino da física moderna nos livros didáticos do início do século XX / The modern physics teaching in the textbooks of the early twentieth century dissertation

Martins, Valeria Rosa 07 November 2014 (has links)
O livro didático, mesmo com todos os recursos digitais disponíveis, possui papel de destaque na educação básica brasileira, seja em razão de seu amplo acesso a alunos e professores, seja por causa de sua presença na história da nossa educação. Como fonte de pesquisa, esse material tem atraído cada vez mais interesse dos pesquisadores que o analisam sob diversos aspectos. Neste trabalho analisamos o livro didático como fonte documental histórica e tivemos como objetivo estudar a inserção de conteúdos de física moderna em livros didáticos de Física do começo do século XX. Analisamos cinco livros didáticos de Física: Traité elémentaire de Physique (1918), de Albert Ganot; Curso elementar de Physica (1920), de Antônio de Pádua Dias; Tratado de Physica (1928), de Raul Romano; Tratado de Física elementar (1925), de Francisco Ribeiro Nobre; e Curso de Physica (1936), de Aníbal Freitas. Na perspectiva de caracterizar o ensino de física moderna no período, com base na leitura exaustiva do material e dos referencias utilizados, foi possível construir quatro grandes categorias de análise: histórica, matemática, experimental e aplicativa tecnológica. Na categoria histórica, por exemplo, estão inseridos os elementos relacionados a descobertas e biografias dos cientistas. Foi possível notar que a ênfase nessa categoria é caracterizada pela priorização de fatos e uma história descritiva. A categoria matemática aparece marcada pelo uso de relações de grandeza e proporções, e não pelo predomínio do uso de equações que são comuns nos livros didáticos atuais. Já a categoria experimental caracteriza-se por uma série de apresentações de atividades práticas, as quais, muitas vezes, resumem-se à descrição procedimental acerca do uso de alguns aparelhos. Por último, a categoria aplicativa tecnológica foca na descrição de produtos da tecnologia da época, especialmente no uso das radiações na área médica, ressaltando seus benefícios. As categorias experimental e aplicativa tecnológica são as presentes nos livros didáticos analisados e parecem mostrar a forma como a física moderna era tratada no contexto educacional brasileiro do início do século XX, indicando uma tendência fortemente relacionada ao apelo da inserção de temas mais contemporâneos da ciência e com conteúdos direcionados à aplicação tecnológica. Desta pesquisa identificamos três questões principais, que podem promover à sua continuidade. A primeira trata da pequena expressividade de trabalhos desta natureza, que no Brasil passaram a ser mais frequentes a partir da década de 1990. A segunda ressalta a ausência de conteúdos mais acadêmicos nos livros didáticos analisados (como a Radiação de corpo negro e a Quantização de energia, temas contemporâneos à época). Por último, indagamos sobre a influência francesa no sistema educacional brasileiro, tanto nos modelos de instituições escolares criados no nosso país, como também nos livros didáticos recomendados. Questionamos se essa influência francesa foi percebida apenas no Brasil ou se também pôde ser observada em outros países. / The textbook, even with all digital resources available, has a major role in the Brazilian basic education, either because of their broad access to students and teachers, either because of their presence in the history of our education. As a research resource, this material has attracted increasing interest of researchers who analyze it from different aspects. We examined the textbook as a historical documentary source and our objective was to study the insertion of content in modern physics Physics textbooks from the early twentieth century. We analyzed five Physics textbooks: Traité elémentaire de Physique (1918), of Albert Ganot; Curso elementar de Physica (1920), of Antônio de Pádua Dias; Tratado de Physica (1928), of Raul Romano; Tratado de Física elementar (1925), of Francisco Ribeiro Nobre; and Curso de Physica (1936), of Aníbal Freitas. From the perspective of characterizing the teaching of modern physics in the period, based on extensive reading of materials and references used, it was possible to build four broad categories of analysis: historical, mathematical, experimental and applicative technology. In the historical category, for example, are inserted elements related to discoveries and biographies of scientists. We observed that the emphasis in this category is characterized by prioritizing facts and a descriptive story. The math category appears marked by the use of ratios and proportions greatness, and not by the prevalence of the use of equations that are common in today\'s textbooks. Already the experimental category is characterized by a series of presentations from practical activities, which often boil down to the procedural description about the use of some appliances. Finally, technological applicational category focuses on the description of the technology of the time products, especially in the use of radiation in medicine, emphasizing its benefits. The experimental applicative and technological categories are present in the textbooks analyzed and seem to show how modern physics was treated in the Brazilian educational context of the early twentieth century, indicating a trend appeal strongly related to the insertion of more contemporary issues of science and with content targeted to technological application. This research identified three main issues, which can promote its continuity. The first deals with the expressiveness of small works of this nature, in which Brazil became more frequent from the 1990s The second highlights the absence of more academic content in the textbooks analyzed (such as black body radiation and the quantization energy, contemporary at the time) themes. Lastly, inquire about the French influence in the Brazilian educational system, both the models of educational institutions created in our country, as well as the recommended textbooks. We question whether this French influence was seen only in Brazil or could also be observed in other countries.


Slotuk, Cebilla Moletta 09 July 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T20:31:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cebilla Moletta.pdf: 1566025 bytes, checksum: d349e227299da48891772983d24c87d2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-09 / This paper refers to a Master's thesis from the Education Post-Graduate Program in UEPG. The research presents a study that investigated education and slaves at the end of the Empire in Brazil, specifically in the Province of Paraná, by using as primary source the newspaper “December Nineteenth”, which had been published in Curitiba-PR. The aim of the study was to understand the relationship between political, economic and social interests, and the slaves’ education in Paraná, based on the newspaper publications in 1871, 1885 and 1888. Specifically, we sought to examine the Provincial historical moment in Paraná and highlight slavery and the press; to investigate the ways slavery had been approached in “December Nineteenth” and also analyze the presence of liberal ideas in its publications. We have delimited the years there had proclaimed the latest laws related to the end of slavery: the “Free Womb Law”, the “Sexagenarian Law” and the “Golden Law”. We have selected “December Nineteenth” because it was the first newspaper officially produced in Paraná, and because it had been part of Paraná Province’s history since their emancipation until the end of the Empire. This study has been grounded by Historical Materialism, and its analytical categories were: State, Labor and Education. The methodological procedures were: literature review; survey of primary sources in the Paraná Public Library, Paraná Museum and Digital Brazilian Hemeroteca; selection of publications which were related to the subject and analysis of the selected material. The text has been divided into three chapters: the first one approaches press situation in provincial Paraná and also the slavery in that context; next it addresses more directly the “December Nineteenth” and the presence of black slaves in its publications; finally, in the text, we discuss the presence of liberal ideas in the newspaper publications, as well as education at that time and how it was presented in the journal. We have concluded that the “December Nineteenth” collaborated for spreading the freedom idea, however its pages had been permeated by liberal ideals, which aimed at capitalism effectuation in Brazil, because we couldn’t find any concern about the black people situation, even slaves or free, much less about schooling them. / O presente trabalho refere-se à dissertação de Mestrado do Programa de Pós- Graduação em Educação da UEPG. A pesquisa apresenta um estudo que investigou a educação e escravos no final do Império no Brasil, especificamente na Província do Paraná, a partir da fonte primária o jornal Dezenove de Dezembro, publicado em Curitiba-PR. O objetivo foi compreender as relações entre os interesses políticos, econômicos e sociais, com a educação para os escravos no Paraná a partir das publicações no jornal Dezenove de Dezembro nos anos de 1871, 1885 e 1888. Especificamente, pretendeu-se analisar o momento histórico do Paraná Provincial destacando a escravidão e a imprensa; investigar como a escravidão era tratada no jornal Dezenove de Dezembro e analisar a presença das ideias liberais nas publicações no jornal. Delimitaram-se, para a pesquisa, os anos de promulgação das últimas leis relacionadas ao fim da escravidão, Lei do Ventre Livre, Lei dos Sexagenários e Lei Áurea. O jornal Dezenove de Dezembro foi escolhido por ter sido o primeiro jornal oficialmente produzido no Paraná, e por ter feito parte da história da Província paranaense desde sua emancipação até o final do Império. Norteado pelo materialismo histórico, o trabalho teve como categorias de análise Estado, Trabalho e Educação. Os procedimentos metodológicos foram: revisão bibliográfica, levantamento das fontes primárias, na Biblioteca Pública do Paraná, Museu Paranaense e Hemeroteca Digital Brasileira, seleção das publicações correspondentes ao tema da pesquisa e análise do material selecionado, originando a dissertação. O trabalho está dividido em três capítulos: inicialmente trata-se da situação da imprensa no Paraná provincial, bem como da escravidão naquele contexto, na sequência, aborda-se mais diretamente o jornal Dezenove de Dezembro e a presença do escravo negro nas suas publicações, por fim é discutida a presença das questões liberais nas publicações do jornal, bem como da educação naquele momento e de como esta se apresentava no periódico. Concluiu-se que o Dezenove de Dezembro colaborou com a disseminação da ideia de liberdade, contudo permeada pelos ideais liberais visando a efetivação do capitalismo no Brasil, pois não houve manifestações que mostrassem preocupação com a situação dos negros, escravos ou livres, quanto menos com a escolarização dos mesmos.

A constituição da escola evangélica de Carambeí: uma instituição educacional da imigração holandesa na Região dos Campos Gerais - PR

Cordeiro, Sonia Valdete Aparecida Lima 08 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T20:31:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 soniavaldete.pdf: 1560457 bytes, checksum: c147728c3b5f15ebd74d24447d688b34 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-08 / On this work, we study the process of creation and installation of the Dutch school in the region of Campos Gerais, during the First Republic, trying to articulate it to the specific objectives, as follows: registering the changes and the main characteristics of this ethnic group when arriving in the country and setting up in the colony in Paraná; analyzing the importance of religion in the formation of the school. To reach these objectives, the study will be structuralized and organized having the theoretician-metodological referential based in the historical materialism. The research has as its object the rescue of the historical process of constitution and institutionalization of the school in the First Republic, period marked by a liberal ideal that considered freedom, gratuitousness, obligation and laity for public instruction. From the point of view of the school Institutions, there aren’t studies that deal with the historical process of school constitution and institutionalization of the Dutch in Brazil. The relevance of this research is justified by the need to understand this initial process of the Dutch school Institutions in the region. A contextualization also becomes necessary, longing to understand the diverse reasons that made the Dutch immigration in this period occur and, specially, to this locality. The methodology considered was survey and catalogation of primary and secondary sources in the School, the “Casa da Memória in Carambeí, a museum dedicated to the city where the museum is” and the one in the city of Ponta Grossa , in the Public Archive of Paraná State, in the Campos Gerais Museum, in the private Archives of descendants of Dutch people, in Documentary Sources: Laws, Decrees, Regulations, Judicial directives, minute Meetings, the School Pedagogical Project , as well as periodicals of the time. In Carambeí, education and religion started with this group of Dutch immigrants. / Nesta dissertação estuda-se o processo de criação e instalação da escola holandesa na região dos Campos Gerais, na Primeira República, considerando as transformações ocorridas na sociedade brasileira, e busca-se articulação aos objetivos específicos, a saber: compreender o contexto da saída dos imigrantes de seu país de origem, assim como o de chegada dos mesmos no Brasil, atendo-se ao modo como se organizaram em Carambeí – Pr e analisar a importância da religião na formação da escola. Para alcançar esses objetivos, o estudo foi, estruturado e organizado tendo como referencial teórico-metodológico o materialismo histórico. Esse período da Primeira República foi marcado por um ideário formado por bandeiras liberais com propostas de liberdade, gratuidade, obrigatoriedade e, laicidade para instrução pública, o que acabou por interferir no funcionamento da escola pesquisada, mesmo sendo esta de caráter particular. Do ponto de vista das Instituições Escolares não se tem conhecimento de escritos que abordem o processo histórico de constituição e institucionalização Escolar dos Holandeses no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada foi o levantamento e a catalogação de fontes primárias e secundárias realizado na Escola, na Casa da Memória da cidade de Carambeí e na de Ponta Grossa, no Arquivo Público do Paraná, no Museu Campos Gerais, nos Arquivos particulares de descendentes de holandeses. Em Fontes Documentais: leis, decretos, regulamentos, portarias, atas de reuniões, projeto pedagógico da escola, bem como jornais da época. Em Carambeí, a educação e a religião tiveram início com esse grupo de imigrantes holandeses.

O Projeto Republicano para a educação no Paraná e o processo de (des)mistificação de Júlia Wanderley

Sousa, Nilvan Laurindo 18 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T20:32:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nilvan Laurindo Sousa.pdf: 2391172 bytes, checksum: 6d16f75d1ca8a6069e9d503bad710991 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-18 / The current paper is related to the Masters in Education’s dissertation from UEPG’s Post-Graduate Program, with the theme: Republican Project for Education in Parana and the process of (de) mystification of Julia Wanderley. The overall objective was to analyze Julia Wanderley’s formation and professional work, along with her involvement in the magazine “A Escola”. From this main objective, other specific objectives appeared, which were: to study Julia Wanderley a historical subject, as well as her formation and professional work; foreground the context in which Julia Wanderley was immersed; investigate what was the role of the press in the consolidation of her intellectuality, and, also, analyze the 1905 report, published in 1906 by “A Escola” magazine. The historical period delimited for this research started from 1874, Julia Wanderley’s year of birth, to 1918, the year of her death. Along this paper, one aimed to comprehend in what way Julia Wanderley legitimates herself – or is legitimate as an intellectual; what is the role of the press in this process; the reason she is seen as a role model in Education, by a determined segment; and how her report is presented by Escola magazine, published in 1906. To answer these questions, the following working categories were listed: Ideology, Press and Education. The study was structured and organized from the theoretical ideals of dialectical and historical materialism, seeing that, to understand the republican project for education in Parana, it was necessary to investigate the relationships between the historical, economic, political and social contexts. The research had a documental and bibliographical character, and the methodological procedures used were: mapping of documental sources, newspapers from the studied period, periodical magazines and government reports, located in Parana’s Public Library, House of Memory, Paranaense Museum and Public File. The current research was divided in three chapters: on the first chapter, teacher Julia Wanderley’s formation and work were adressed; on the second chapter, the press and the consolidation of republican ideals in Parana were studied; and, on the third chapter, the thoughts of Julia Wanderley were analyzed, through the report of 1905, broadcasted in the Escola magazine of 1906. / O presente trabalho refere-se à dissertação de Mestrado em Educação do Programa de Pós-Graduação da UEPG com o tema: O projeto Republicano para a Educação no Paraná e o processo de (des) mistificação de Júlia Wanderley. O objetivo geral foi analisar a formação e a atuação profissional de Júlia Wanderley e sua participação junto à revista “A Escola”. Deste objetivo geral decorreram outros objetivos específicos, os quais foram: estudar Júlia Wanderley como um sujeito histórico, bem como a sua formação e atuação profissional; evidenciar o contexto em que Júlia Wanderley estava imersa; investigar qual o papel da imprensa na consolidação de sua intelectualidade, e, ainda, analisar o relatório de 1905, publicado em 1906 na revista “A Escola”. O período histórico delimitado para esta pesquisa foi de 1874, data de nascimento de Júlia Wanderley, a 1918, ano de sua morte. No decorrer deste trabalho buscou-se compreender de que forma Julia Wanderley se legitima, ou é legitimada como intelectual; qual o papel da imprensa neste processo; porque ela é tida como um modelo de educadora, por um determinado seguimento; e como é apresentado seu relatório pela Revista Escola, publicado em 1906. Para responder estas questões foram elencadas as seguintes categorias de trabalho: Ideologia; Imprensa e Educação. O estudo foi estruturado e organizado a partir dos pressupostos teóricos do materialismo histórico dialético, pois, para se compreender o projeto republicano para a educação no Paraná, foi imprescindível investigar as relações com o contexto histórico, econômico, político e social. A pesquisa teve caráter documental e bibliográfico, os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados foram: o levantamento de fontes documentais, jornais de época, revista periódica e relatórios do governo, localizados na Biblioteca Pública do Paraná, Casa da Memória, Museu Paraense e Arquivo Público. A presente pesquisa foi dividida em três capítulos: no primeiro capítulo abordou-se a formação e a atuação da professora Júlia Wanderley; no segundo capítulo estudou-se a Imprensa e o processo de consolidação de ideais republicanos no Paraná e no terceiro capítulo analisou-se o pensamento de Júlia Wanderley, por meio do Relatório de 1905, divulgado na Revista Escola de 1906.

Narrating the self – women in the professions in Germany 1900-1945

Guest, Sarah Alicia January 2011 (has links)
Women’s perception of university education and professional life during the period 1900 to 1945 is the focus of this study. In order to examine these perceptions, the thesis undertakes a close textual analysis of autobiographical writings by two medical doctors, Rahel Straus (1880-1963) and Charlotte Wolff (1897-1986) and the aviator Elly Beinhorn (1907-2007). The images employed in these texts indicate the intricate ways that individual women in the professions define their sense of who they are in relation to their surroundings and how that sense may shift in different settings and at different times, or may ostensibly not shift at all. I have developed a differentiated language for the purposes of articulating the fluidity. This language allows me to take apart narrative levels and to examine the importance that is attached to gender in relation to religion, race, nationality, sexuality and professional identities. Through differentiating between narrative levels I am able to juxtapose life experiences that at first glance seem unconnected and to show this can be done without imposing binary classifications such as ‘emancipated’ or ‘un-emancipated’, as ‘political’ or ‘apolitical’ or ‘victim’ or ‘perpetrator’. The language that I have developed enables me to explore the articulation of self where it cannot be classified and where self should not be judged.

The leadership of collaboration in primary school settings

Cemm, Lorraine A. F. January 2012 (has links)
Collaboration has become closely linked with school improvement. Literature identifies elements which contribute to successful collaboration. This study identifies some of these elements. The study focus is collaboration of senior leaders in primary schools in a Midland’s LA. It identifies senior leaders’ understanding of collaboration and how the collaborative process is developed in contributing schools. The study is largely qualitative and based on the perceptions of primary school leaders. The methodology is that of survey, within this two methods were used to gather data – questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The questionnaire was designed to identify themes relating to collaboration which were then developed using semi-structured interviews to provide additional data and clarify specific areas relating to senior leaders’ perceptions and understanding of collaboration and their approach to collaborative working in primary schools. The findings show collaboration is perceived to be important to school improvement although the majority of contributors in this study have a ‘top-down’ approach. The study identifies if collaboration is to be successful there may be a need for reflection to be built into the collaborative process presenting a potential model for discussion on how reflection could be included in the collaborative process in primary schools. The study contributes to existing knowledge of collaboration of senior leaders in primary schools presenting a tentative ladder, based on literature and findings in this study, for different stages of collaboration moving forward from little or no collaboration to achieving successful effective equal collaboration, identifying how collaboration may be further developed in primary schools.

Caught between theory and practice? : expert and practitioner views of the contributions made by universities and schools to initial teacher preparation in England

Hardman, Alison January 2016 (has links)
In November 2010, the coalition government published its seminal The White Paper, The Importance of Teaching. Its recommendations sought to reform Initial Teacher Training (ITT) so that more training was school-based; to create a new national network of ‘Teaching Schools’ that gave outstanding schools in England a leadership role in the initial training and professional development of teachers. This thesis critically analyses the subsequent changes in relationships and tensions between universities and schools as the reforms were implemented. The consequent increase in the number of routes into teaching, coupled with more autonomy devolved to schools in relation to Initial Teacher Preparation (ITP), has served to jeopardise university-based preparation. The changing notions of pedagogy and practice in school-led initial teacher preparation alter the significance of theory in ITP and ultimately question the future for university-led initial teacher education. What constitutes effective teacher preparation is explored through a series of semi-structured interviews drawn from a small, reputational sample across the field of education. This provides the data that reveals a contemporary dichotomy between ‘training’ and ‘education’ that challenges the relevance of a theoretically informed teacher education in favour of ‘on the job training.’ From the discussion of the contested data provided by reputational sample, an outcome of the current changes could result in a peripheral role for universities in ITP. In particular, undergraduate provision, such as the B.Ed, was threatened because it did not provide a sufficient depth of subject knowledge; a shift to post-graduate school-based preparation and a reliance on assessment-only routes renders the role of the universities defunct. The findings from the analysis of the reputational sample were further examined in the workplace through questionnaire given to academics and partnership school mentors working in delivering ITP in an East Midlands University. The tensions between ‘training’ and education and the role of universities in initial teacher preparation were mirrored by teachers and academics. In conclusion, the changes made by the coalition government have made the future of ‘teacher education’ uniquely fragile.

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