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Vliv pratotechniky na druhovou skladbu a pícninářské charakteristiky vybraných travních porostů. / The influence of pratotechnical way of use on species composition and characteristics of selected permanent grasslandsHAŠKOVCOVÁ, Petra January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this work is to assess the influence of mowing and grazing with different frequency and fertilization on species composition, fodder value and bimas production. The experiment was carried out at the village of Hrazany, district of Písek in 2017. The ecological conditions of grasslands, terms and intensity of use, biomass production, botanical composition and species diversity were monitored on these parcels. The data obtained was used to calculate the Hill's Diversity Index, calculate the pasture load, and calculate the yield in dry matter. Non-fertilized plots reach the lowest yields. Most grasses are located on the soil fertilized with urine. The smallest disturbance and shortcomings appear on the pasture with the finch pasture. The values were statistically processed.
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Nitrátová směrnice a její vliv na zemědělské hospodaření / Nitrate direction and its influence on agricultural farmingAUBRECHTOVÁ, Vendula January 2007 (has links)
The diploma paper deals with the impact of the Nitrate Direction upon agricultural management in the regions of interest {--} Suchdol nad Lužnicí, Bor u Suchdola nad Lužnicí,and Hrdlořezy u Suchdola nad Lužnicí. Two variants are proposed here of a plant production structure for the application of available amount (14 200 t) of the barnyard manure {--} pig slurry {--} on the agricultural land`s area of 1007,62 ha of which 807,98 ha is the arable land and 199,64 ha is the permanent grass plots. The agricultural land{\crq}s area in the nitrogen vulnerable zone amounts to 354,72 ha of which 327,33 ha is the arable land and 27,39 ha is the permanent grass plots. One of the main limiting criteria of the Nitrate Direction is that the total amount of nitrogen as applied yearly to agricultural land in organic fertilizers, organic mineral fertilizers, and barnyard manures must not exceed a dose of 170 kg N/ha within the entire enterprise on the condition that at least one plot is classified into the nitrogen vulnerable zone. It results from both the proposed variants in this diploma paper that the specified limit of 170 kg N/ha was not exceeded. The management structure selected in both the 1st and the 2nd proposed variant is based on the principles of regular agricultural practices and the adherence to proper environmental conditions in the region of interest.
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Vliv hnojení a frekvence kosení na porostovou skladbu, produkci a kvalitu píce travního porostu / Influence of fertilization and frequency of mowing on the stand composition, production and forage quality of grass standSMRŽ, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The long-term small plot trial was established at the site in Jevíčko in 2003. Monitoring was realised in years 2006 and 2007. There were used four levels of utilisation (four, three, two and two cuts) and four fertilizer application (zero fertiliser, PK, N90PK, N180PK). The average dry matter production of grassland was 6.99 t ha-1, and it was significantly (P 0.01) reduced when subjected to four and three cut systems compared with a two-cut system. The number of botanical species fluctuated between 17.8 and 27.6. The intensive cutting system significantly (P 0.01) increased CP concentration (from 116.6 to 149.8 g kg-1 DM), CP production (from 787.4 to 951.1 kg ha-1), NEL concentration (from 5.09 to 5.57 MJ kg-1 DM), NEV concentration (from 4.81 to 5.41 MJ kg-1 DM), PDIE concentration (from 75.1 to 83.3 MJ kg-1 DM), and PDIN concentration (from 68.9 to 89.2 MJ kg-1 DM) when compared with the extensive cutting system. The intensive system significantly (P 0.01) decreased the fibre concentration from 292.2 to 234.2 g kg-1 DM. Increasing N fertiliser significantly (P 0.01) increased DM production (from 4.77 to 9.92 t ha-1), CP concentration (from 123.4 to 140.9 g kg-1 DM), CP production (from 545.7 to 1285.4 kg ha-1) and the PDIN concentration (from 68.5 to 83.8 g kg-1 DM) when compared to the control treatment (zero fertiliser).
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Studium transportu kapalných lignohumátů přes listy rostlin a rostlinné kutikuly / Study on transport of liquid lignohumates through plant leaves and plant cuticlesRampáčková, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of transport commercial solution of pottasium lignohumate through the plant cuticles, as the main barriers in transport of active ingredience to plant tissues. The problematics has been studied to obtain the informations about ability of transport liquid active ingredience during foliar fertilization, which became popular in theme of efective utilization fertilizers and reduction their negative impact to enviroment. The aim of this thesis was to optimize technics of diffusion for demanded purposes in the Stokes diffusion cells. As the transport barriers have been used the plant cuticles, that have been isolated by various methods. The ultraviolet and visible spectrometry (UV-VIS) was the analytical method for determination of transported volume of lignohumate and to the mentioned experiments the cuticles of Prunus laurocerasus and cuticles of tomato fruit have been used. The isolated cuticles have been analyzed by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and profilometry. The characterisation of the used solution of lignohumate was also important part of this thesis. It has been used the basic physico-chemical methods and also the advanced methods as tensiometry, size exclusion chromatography with UV detector and differential refractive index detector (SEC-UV-dRI) and thermogravimetry (TGA).
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Vliv zvýšené koncentrace oxidu uhličitého na obsah proteinů gliadinové frakce u ozimé pšenice / Impact of elevated carbon dioxide concentration on protein content of gliadin fraction in winter wheatHamříková, Dominika January 2015 (has links)
In this diploma thesis protein content of gliadin fractions in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) var. Bohemia was studied. The crop was cultivated in conditions with ambient (AC) and elevated (EC; 700 mol•mol-1) carbon dioxide concentration. Moreover, half of the samples was fertilized with nitrogen in an amount of 200 kg•ha-1. Other observed environmental factors were drought and UV radiation. The gliadin proteins were separated by A PAGE method and quantified by computer densitometry. Generally the protein content within , and gliadin fractions varied, while the protein content of gliadins remained unchanged or almost unchanged. Clearly the nitrogen fertilization had the most pronounced impact on the gliadin protein content and it significantly increased the protein content in wheat grain. Most subfractions reacted in conditions of AC, drought and without UV radiation and in conditions of EC with natural rainfall and UV radiation. The interaction of nitrogen fertilization with UV radiation (AC, drought) was significant and so was the interaction of nitrogen fertilization excluding UV radiation (EC, drought). The interaction of nitrogen fertilization and natural rainfall significantly increased the protein content in conditions of AC without UV radiation and in conditions of EC with UV radiation. EC alone and the interaction of EC with other factors had only a small impact. The impact was the most pronounced in interaction with nitrogen fertilization. EC with nitrogen fertilization (drought without UV radiation) increased the gliadin protein content and EC excluding nitrogen fertilization (drought and natural rainfall with UV radiation) decreased the protein content.
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Typologická klasifikace a kategorizace travních porostů ve zvoleném území a návrhy vhodné pratotechniky / Typological classification and categorization og grasslands in selected area and recommendation of sutable grassland managementKADLECOVÁ, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to create the botanic snap of the chosen locations, which were meadows, grasslands, pastures and also fallow grass areas, to determine the area coverage of three main agrobotanic species i.e. grass, herbs and clover, to process it with the statistcal software and determine the method and intensity of use and fertilization of individual locations and suggest the suitable prato-technical methods. The cenological structure of the locations has been observed and described using botanic snaps. The prato-technic method used were documented for each of the locations and evaluated the influence on the cenological structure. The research was performed in locations Vřeskovice, Čeletice, Městiště in the region Pilsen, former district of Klatovy. In each location the botanic snaps were taken from 3 areas of about 5 x 6 meters each. There were determined the area coverage of grass, herbs and clovers and calculated the mean indication value of humidity. Mean indication value of humidity is the parameter usable for determination of permanent grassland management and utilization. The data from the research was elaborated in software MS Excel. I recommend to manage the analyzed permanent grasslands as follows: 1. The meadow Vřeskovice behind the sewage cleaning station - additional sow of perennial rye grass, meadow clover and white clover. 2. The meadow Mstice - total recovery alternatively conservative prato-technic measures - manure fertilization for about 20t/ha and additional sow of meadow and white clover and grass - red fescue, blue grass and perennial ryegrass. 3. The meadow above the transformer station Vřeskovice - keep on current management od additional clovers sow. 4. The pasture Čeletice grazed by horses - keep on current management or additional sow of red fescue, tall fescue and timothy grass. 5. The meadow Městiště with combined utilization by cattle pasture and mowing - keep on current way of use. 6. The pasture Vřeskovice grazed by cattle - keep on current utilization or additional sow meadow and white clover. 7. The pasture Vřeskovice grazed by sheep - keep on the current utilization, in future after the reduction of dangerous knapweed to decrease the amount of pastured animals. 8. The fallow meadow Vřeskovice behind Petrovický neither mowed nor pastured - proposed mulching twice a year for about 1 or 2 years, then pasture or pasture of extensive cattle breed (Galloway) or sheep or periodical mowing once or twice a year. 9. The fallow meadow Vřeskovice trench at the farmhouse - leave as a fallow meadow improves the biodivesity, optionally to mow once or twice a year from estetical reasons.
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Tvorba výnosu jarní pšenice v závislosti na předplodině / The yield formation of spring wheat in depending on preceding cropŽÁČEK, Josef January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the comparison of the influence of three different pre-crops on the spring wheat growing in real conditions of a chosen agricultural business. In 2018, a pilot plant test was established on the property in KÚ Dolní Svince, č.p. 0802/23 with the total area of 13,19 ha. For the establishment of the pilot plant test, an area of 5 ha had been used, which, due to its position, occupied the area of all thre pre-crops (corn for silage, winter barley, winter triticale). During the vegetation period, the occurence of weeds had been monitored and the crop yield elements for all stages of all spring wheat had been evaluated. After the harvest, the real crop yield of the wheat had been evaluated and a final economical evaluation had been made. The average crop yield concerning the first option, (pre-crop corn for silage) reached the yield value of 5,65 t.ha-1 , which was a 0,42 t.ha-1 more than the second option (pre-crop winter barley), in which case the value of harvest was 5,23 t.ha-1. Concerning the third monitored option (pre-crop winter triticale), the harvest value was almost similar to the second option - 5,36 t.ha-1. The most suitable pre-crop for the highest harvest of spring wheat is corn for silage, which has reached the highest profit when compared to the other options. In spite of a less advantageous pre-crop, the third option reached the highest-quality of nitrogen and nitrogen compouns.
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Vliv způsobu a intenzity využívání travních porostů na pícninářskou hodnotu a produkci biomasy / The influence of way and intensity of grassland exploitation on fodder value and biomass productionBĚLÍK, Michal January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate the methods and intensity of use of grasslands that have an impact on the value of the forage and biomass production. The analysis of the selected four sites with different types of management. They chose two meadows and pastures two, of which one pasture is used in a combined manner.
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Návrh konstrukčního řešení stabilizace podvozku samojízdného postřikovačeHOLEČEK, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of the structural optimalization of the chassis stabilization of the self-propelled agricultural spraying machine and the causes of instability. The introductory part describes the normative conditions for plant care by spraying. The history of the spraying technician and the use of this self-propelled machinery are also detailed. A substantial part of the work is devoted to the construction parts of the self-propelled spraying machine and their proper function. Important emphasis is placed on the chassis parts, whose features are key to rocking the machine. Part of the thesis is the design of construction solutions aimed at increasing the stability of the machine chassis, including the evaluation of the optimal variant. The conclusion of the thesis contains a balance sheet on the applicability of the proposed design solution, in terms of improved stability of the road and thus also the functionality of the whole sprayer.
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Vliv dusíkatého hnojení a sucha na obsah proteinů gliadinové frakce u ozimé pšenice / Impact of nitrogen fertilization and drought on gliadins content in winter wheatOdstrčilová, Eva January 2017 (has links)
In this diploma thesis the impacts of both nitrogen fertilization and drought on the content of proteins of the gliadin fraction in case of a winter wheat variety Tiguan were observed. Selected samples were cultivated at two locations in a total duration of two years. Two different conditions were selected: one without the nitrogen fertilization (0 kg N/ ha) and the other with the nitrogen fertilization in 140 kg N/ ha concentration. Second observed factor was the drought which was ensured by roofs above the crops and their cultivation in common climatic environment. Gliadin fraction was separated by the A-PAGE method and the protein quantification carried out by a computer densitometry. Such nitrogen fertilization caused a significant increase of gliadins, especially -1,2 and -5 fractions. Stress induced by the drought caused an increase of gliadin content compared to the control sample, particularly in case of - and - fractions. The most important factor influencing the gliadin content in grains was therefore the nitrogen fertilization in a dry environment. The observed increase of gliadin content was lower in case of the sample which was fertilized in a humid environment than in case of the sample which was fertilized in the dry one.
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