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Stroje pro aplikaci digestátuZeman, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The work deals with the first part of the existing machines for handling the digestate - drawn tanks and self-propelled applicators. It also deals with various variants of applicators and ancillary equipment used for application of digestate. It is also described by the quality of the selected machines and of the economic and technical evaluation of the application options. Followed by evaluation of field measurements focused on the absorption of nutrients in the soil, depending on the method of application. The last part of the work is optimization resulting from the measurement results.
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Dynamika dusičnanů v půdním profilu při různé intenzitě hnojeníZanáška, Jiří January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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Dynamika růstu jarního ječmene při různém zpracování půdy a různé intenzitě hnojeníRozsypal, Roman January 1973 (has links)
No description available.
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Souborná agrotechnika ozimé pšenice v kombinaci a ošetřením CCCJelínek, Zdeněk January 1970 (has links)
No description available.
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Vliv dusíkatého hnojení na tvorbu výnosu u vybraných odrůd sójeProcházková, Eliška January 1976 (has links)
No description available.
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Vliv diferencované výživy dusíkem a sírou na výnos a kvalitu zrna ječmeneDoležalová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is judged whether the different application of nutrition has impact on yield and grain quality of spring barley. The theoretical part deals with the basic characteristic of spring barley and its sulfur and nitrogen nutrition. In the practical part are evaluated the results of a long-term experiment which ran from 2005 to 2013. Fertilization by sulfur and nitrogen was made on spring barley in multiple variants in different doses. Each made application were evaluated and processed within the yield and quality of spring barley.
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Zpracování podkladů pro variabilní aplikaci hnojiv v precizním zemědělstvíVrba, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is preparation and processing of input information for variable rate application of fertilizers in precision agriculture. , evaluation of the results of soil sampling, creation of continuous maps using interpolation methods and then developement of fertilization plans. The methodology of work consist of taking samples of soil in the autumn period by sampling equipment. Six variants of data interpretation were compared and evaluated by statistical methods. The results shown that most promising variant is the fertilization using interpretation by balance coefficien.
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Vliv agrochemických vlastností půd a hnojení na výnos ozimé řepky v zemědělském podniku / The effect of soil agrochemical properties and fertilization on yield of winter rape in farming companyKlasová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
Rational use of fertilizers in an agricultural farm can increase its economical stability.
The analysis of data of the agrochemical soil properities in the vegetation of winter rape in a five year period showed if the fertilization system of Zemědělská společnost Chrášťany s.r.o. is set appropriately and where are the eventual reserves.
The analysis rates between the yield of winter rape and the individual nutrients content in the soil (P, K, Mg, Ca) and pH were calculated with the use of the analysis of correlation and regression. The same method was used in the evaluation of pure nutrient dosage in the applied fertilizers. The order of importance of the nutrients for the yield was determined according to the value of the coefficient of the correlation between the yield of rape and the examined elements. The examined period was consisted of the years 2011, 2012, 2013 and the analysed area of winter rape reached averagely 190 ha in each year, which was divided into 10 soil blocks.
The assumption that N fertilizing is going to have a greater influence on the growth of winter rape yield in soils with worse agrochemical soil properties, then on soils with greater nutrient reserve and a satisfactory soil reaction was confirmed. It is influenced by the fact of which nutrient is in minimal quantities in the soil. With the same N dosage the yield was better on soils with better agrochemical properties. The importance of usage of K fertilizers within years 2013-2015 is rising. The analysis pointed towards a strong influence of K on the yield especially in those three years. Greater influence of nutrients (P, K, Mg) from the soil reserve on the yield of winter rape was in years 2013 and 2014 with favourable weather than in other years. The recommendation of adjustment of the reserves of nutrients K, Mg and Ca in the soil according to the results of AZZP seems effective.
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Reakce travního porostu na aplikaci tekutého hnojiva DAM 390 / A reaction of grassland to application of liquid fertilizer DAM 390Netřebová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
This theses summarizes results obtained from studying of one-year experimental pot of permanent grassland which was established in Vítězná - Záboří in 2015. There has been observed 4 levels of nitrogen fertilization on the meadow plot (without fertilizing, 30 kg N.ha-1, 60 kg N.ha-1 and 90 survey was influence of nitrogen on the change in species richness by using weight share representation of individual agrobotanical groups in the stand (grasses, legumes, other forbs).
Results of this experiment were considerable affected by unfavourable weather events in the observed year. We should bear in mind the short time of this experiment. Positive unofficial effect of nitrogen on higher yield of above-ground biomass was recorded, especially by using 30 kg N.ha-1 and 60 kg N.ha-1. There is an exception at using 90 kg N.ha-1 with yield off balance. From the perspective of infuence of nitrogen on changes of species richness the increasing of doses of fertilizing has shown especially in increase proportion of grasses while present retreating herbs in the species composition of the reference stand. However results of experiment are not statistically different. We can not confirm studies which state decrease proportion of legumes in the grassland due to nitrogen fertilization from results of this experiment.
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Vliv pastevního systému a hnojení na produkci píce / Influence of pasture management and fertilization on forage yieldPanský, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Pastures and meadows are often looked over because of they are minor yields against arable land. Because of it it is common to not care so much about them. The purpose of this research is to compare several ways of care about this pastures (number of grazing animals, manuring) concurrently grazing and find out if it is economically expedient to invest into theyre acreage.
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