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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zaplevelení ječmene jarního v podmínkách rozdílného střídání plodin

Jónová, Markéta January 1991 (has links)
No description available.

Změny objemové hmotnosti zeminy během vegetace ječmene jarního

Maňák, František January 1977 (has links)
No description available.

Význam plné výživy NPK při pěstování konzumních brambor / The importace of full NPK nutrition in the cultivation potatoes

SVOBODA, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
The aim was compare impact of NPK with the other types of fertilization: 0, N, PK, NK and NP on plants of chosen varieties. The experiment was treated on soil less convenient to intensive planting at an altitude of 400 m and conventionally

Uplatnění dusíkatého hnojení a plečkování při pěstování kukuřice seté

Kalabus, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
In a one -- year pilot field experiment with maize were evaluated the yields -- qualitative parameters of KWS 9361 hybrid after the application of liquid N -- fertilizer DAM 390 applied either on its own as drip-out, respectively sprayed, or in combination with a cultivator as against hoeing itself and the control. The N dose was 156 kg N.ha-1 for all treatments plus supplementary fertilisation during vegetation in selected treatments to a total dose of 195 kg N.ha-1. During vegetation the samples were taken for analysis of plant N content and dry-matter yield, while the dry-matter weight of plants transienly decreased in treatment after foliar application of fertilizer, other treatments was no significant difference in the weight of plants. Grain yield was in the range 15.95 -- 16.59 t.ha-1, with no significant differences between the treatments. Thousand-seed weight, N content in dry-matter of biomass and starch content in the grain were not significantly affected by treatment. From an economic point of view can by recommended itself hoeing, which showed a gain of 1 556 Kč.ha-1. Conversely, the use of cultivator along a side dress treatment seems unprofitable (loss - 406 Kč.ha-1) on base of 1 -- year results.

Vliv dlouhodobého hnojení na chemické vlastnosti půdy, rostlinné druhové složení a arbusculární mykorhízní huby travních ekosystémů. / The effect of long-term fertilizers application on soil chemical properties, plant species composition and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of grasslands

Zemková, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
Fertilization and liming of grasslands have been used as an instrument improving hay production for centuries. For a long period of time, these practices not only sustained and increased hay yields, but also had negative effects on grassland ecosystems. Among others, they caused considerable changes in plant species composition leading in most cases to the reduction of species richness due to a lower capability of indigenous plants to compete with more productive pasture species. Furthermore these practices caused changes in soil and biomass chemical properties and shifts of soil microbial communities, including arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. The aim of this thesis was to analyze the responses of plant and mycorrhizal community and soil chemical properties in grassland ecosystems to long-term application of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. Results of this work indicate that agricultural management practices aimed at maximization of hay production may, in the long run, significantly increased hay yield, reduce plant species richness, promote grasses but suppress herbs, legumes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the soil although the response to phosphorus varied among different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal taxa. Long-term fertilization also significantly changed soil chemical properties and considerably reduced belowground carbon storage.

Využití dusíku z hnojiv jarním ječmenem a ozimou pšenicí / Nitrogen use from fertilizers applied to spring barley and winter wheat

Buráňová, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
Nitrogen fertilization is considered to be an important agronomic intervention. Its application to the field must be deliberate and well-timed. Poor management of nitrogen fertilizers can lead to significant losses with economic and environmental consequences. In the long-term field experiment of the Department of agroenvironmental chemistry and plant nutrition will be observed the influence of different organic and mineral fertilizers and the impact of location on the nitrogen balance and nitrogen use of applied fertilizer by spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). For the purpose of the thesis will be evaluated six treatments of fertilization: Control, Sewage sludge, Manure, N, NPK, N + straw. To the crops will be in the three-year cycle applied a single dose of 330 kg N ha-1. After the harvest will be annually determined the content of total nitrogen in plant material and yield of grain and straw. For wheat will be evaluated selected yield and quality parameters. From analyses of plant material will be then calculated indicators of nitrogen utilization of applied fertilizers.

Vliv dlouhodobého hnojení travního porostu na obsah rizikových prvků v půdě / Effect of long-term fertilizer application on content of risk elements in grassland soil

Jungová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The long-term Steinach Grassland Experiment is probably one of the oldest still-running fertilised grass experiments in continental Europe. The experiment was established on an alluvial meadow Alopecurus pratensis in southeastern Germany in 1933. The meadow was divided into 75 plots and fertilised with both mineral and organic fertilisers of differing compositions and amounts. The aim of this study was to provide more detailed information about the effects of long-term fertilisation by natrium (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) on the contents of risk elements in soil. The effects of long-term fertilisation were investigated in the extracts of a) plant-available elements (extraction of CaCl2), b) easily mobilised elements (extraction of EDTA), c) potentially mobilisable elements (extraction of HNO3), the total concentration of elements (extraction of Aqua regia). Concentrations of risk elements As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn in the soil profile has increased substantially due to the phosphorus fertilisation; however, the limits for total trace elements concentration as set by the Czech legislation have been exceeded only twice, namely in the case of As and Cd. The total concentration of As (AsT) has been exceeded only once, on the plot fertilised only by nitrogen. The assumption is that that the increased level of AsT fraction in soil was probably caused in the past by fertilising with Thomas slag which is known to contain elevated concentrations of As. However, fertilising with the phosphorus-containing fertilisers has had the opposite effect on concentrations of Mn, Ni and Zn that are easily available to plants; concentrations of these elements in the soil extraction were substantially higher. In spite of the overall concentrations of Cd being lower than the Czech legislative standards, the results on several plots fertilised by mineral and organic fertilisers containing N, P and K showed higher concentrations of Cd and in one case reached the limit value. Plots fertilised by mineral fertilisers N160P44K174 (NH4)2SO4 recorded higher Cr concentrations. In overview, it could be stated that under various types of fertilising no substantial effects of long-term fertiliser applications on a higher content of risk elements in soil has been detected. Only two plots have exceeded the limits set by Notice 13/1994 Sb., in one case it was a total concentration of As and in another one that of Cd.

Výživa kukuřice v praktických podmínkách zemědělského podniku / Maize fertilizing in terms of selected agricultural company

HOVORKA, Jaroslav January 2017 (has links)
My diploma thesis was focused on the corn nutrition in practical conditions of the agricultural company. The evaluation was made with the help of an experiment, which was made at an altitude of 508 metres, the experimental land belongs to the agricultural company Jasanka s.r.o. The experiment is based on the nutrition of corn with different fertilization doses. Various parameters characterizing plant development were observed during the vegetation season. The final results of this experiment showed the overall differences between the fertilized variants. For all the evaluated indicators, a decreasing tendency with a decreasing amount of nitrogen was confirmed. It is clear that all parameters of the best results were obtained for fertilizer variant 1 (58.5 kg N*ha-1). Similarly, for all parameters, the gradual decrease of values decreasing the fertilizer dose is evident.

Možnosti ovlivnění kvality zrna ječmene mimokořenovou výživou a aplikací pomocných látek a elicitorů

Podaný, Adam January 2016 (has links)
In the literary part of the thesis are information about the possibilities of influencing the quality of grain barely with foliar fertilizers and elicitors. In the practical part we explored the effect off ertilizer of company AGRA GROUP a.s. on quality of barley. The results of small-plot field trials established on plots of the Agrospol agricultural enterprise in 2014 and 2015 in Velká Bystřic we can see the positive effect of applied foliar fertilizers on the yield of the grain of spring barley variety Bojos. Also we can see positive effect on the quality of the grain, specially on the mechanical properties. Preparation NanoFyt Si had the positive effect on the yield, increase the proportion of leading grain and contributed to higher starch content. Foliar fertilizer K-Gel supported the use of fertilizers UREAstabil + AmisaN, which led to higher yields and better grain quality. Preparation nitrophenol increased yield and starch content of the grain.

Vliv agrotechniky na produkční charakteristiky a ekonomiku výroby silážní kukuřice

Bártů, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis was through a field experiment to compare the economics of different options silage maize. Comparisons were ways to stand establishment and variants of fertilization, the nitrogen dose was always the same. It analyzed the influence of fertilizer with the addition of sulfur on maize cultivation. When comparing the establishment of vegetation were evaluated influences on selected production characteristics of silage maize. It was evaluated price per sown hectare, more expensive option, seeding side dress treatment under the heel was implemented through agricultural services and cheaper alternative was seeding fertilizer under the heel of machines owned by the company. Fertilization formed the basis of all variants urea applied before seeding at 250 kg per hectare. In cases when fertilizer was applied directly to seed, it was also used urea. The rest to a total dose of 200 kg nitrogen per hectare was in both versions foundation used more fertilizers, which was urea, manure and aqueous solution of ammonium sulphate with urea (SAM). Even if fertilization effects were evaluated at selected production characteristics depending on the price.

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