Spelling suggestions: "subject:"homoparentality"" "subject:"homoparentalidade""
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Homosexualita a rodičovství / Homosexuality and parenthoodBrojáč, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis analyzes Czech legislation regulating relationships of same-sex couples and their options regarding family founding provided by Czech legal regulation. The aim of the thesis is to analyze and evaluate current Czech legislation and put it into international context. To attain this aim, this thesis uses three different approaches. Firstly it provides conclusions of conterporary social sciences in the field of parenthood of same-sex couples and impacts of homosexual parenting onto various areas of psychological and social adjustment od children. Secondly, the comparative study of czech legislation and legislations of Norway, United Kingdom, Germany and Slovakia is included. Thirdly, relevant cases decided by European Court of Human Rights are analyzed. Upon the findings provided by these analysis, the thesis evaluate suitability of czech legal regulation and propose possible future development in this area.
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Registrované partnerství a jeho právní důsledky ve vztahu k náhradní rodinné péči / Registered Partnership and its Legal Consequences in Relation to Alternative Family CareFaustová, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of two today very important institutes, namely the registered partnership and the alternative family care. The aim of the thesis is to focus on areas where the two institutes overlap. Current registered partnership legislation contains some problematic provisions in relation to forms of alternative family care. The text of the thesis has focused on the description of these problem areas and try to outline possible future changes even in the context of the situation on the international level.
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Registrované partnerství - aktuální tendence v Evropě / Registered partnership - actual situation in EuropeKadeřábková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
Registered partnership - actual situation in Europe Abstract This thesis deals with the registered partnership and cohabitation of two persons of the same sex in the same-sex marriage. The thesis deals not only with the Czech legal system, but also with other european countries. The aim of the thesis is to compare the individual legal regulations and to review the actual tendencies of the european states in this respect. The text focuses mainly on the current situation in individual countries, the facts as concerning the establishment and termination of registered partnerships and partners' property relations are described. The subject of homoparentality and the possibility of adopting homosexual children is also discussed. The thesis is divided into 6 chapters, which gradually describe sub-areas related to this civil law institut. The first chapter defines the basic concepts and briefly describes the historical development of homosexual perceptions and the view of homosexuality. The next chapter describes the gradual legalization of a registered partnership in Europe, focusing on legislative processes in the Czech Republic. The third chapter discusses the emergence and termination of a legal partnership between same-sex persons, whether registered partnerships or same-sex marriages. The fourth chapter...
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Náhradní rodinná péče a výchova dětí homosexuálními páry z pohledu práva, psychologie a křesťanské etiky. / Foster care and upbringing of children by homosexual couples from the perspective of psychology and Christian ethics.DOLEŽALOVÁ, Monika January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with upbringing of children by homosexual couples and its analysis through the legal perspective, psychological perspective and through the perspective of Christian ethics. The aim of the thesis is with regard to researched literature on the possibilities of the upbringing of children by homosexual couples to analyse the above mentioned topic, and possibly to find an answer to if the existing approaches to homoparentality are justifiable or not. The presentation of the approach of Christian ethics to the respective topic will not be left out.
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Registrované partnerství a adopce / Registered partnership and adoptionsLaw, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyse two institutes of family law - registered partnership and adoption. This paper endeavours to understand the historical consequences connected with the adoption of the Registered Partnership Act in 2006 and compares the legislation of these institutes with 35 other European countries. By using a predominately analytical method the thesis strives to predict the direction of Czech legislative changes. This follows in light of the recent annulment of certain discriminatory aspects of the Registered Partnership Act. The analysis takes into consideration recent precendents made by the European Court of Human Rights.
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Otázky rodičovství homosexuálů / Same-sex parenting mattersŠádková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the adoption possibilities for same-sex couples. The main aim is to investigate and assess which opinion is prevailing in our society. Each term related to same-sex partnerships or marriages is defined in particular theoretical parts. The subsequent chapter deals with homosexuality and family. In the empirical part, the data collected in the quantitatve survey have been analysed and interpreted. The survey has been conducted through questionnaires designated for general public as well as homosexuals.
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Sociální práce s rodinou v riziku / Social Work With The Family In The RiskHamplová, Monika January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is called Social Work With Family In The Risk. The crisis has been uderstood as a crisis of the family as the institution in nowadays. Thesis is devided into three parts. In the first I¨m describing the baisics of social work with the family. Then I'm describinf definitions and functions of a familly accroding to opinions of several authors. There are also being open topics about homoparentality and crisis of the family in 21. century. Separate chapter is about theories of the family, being described by the run of differenet times and events which were forming the statute of the family till nowadays. The aim of the research part was to find out what are the opinions about chosen factors which are influencing the crisis of family. The research part was done by using a method of questionnaire. The research was done on the Theological faculty of Jan Hus at Charles University in Prague during the April in the year 2017, responded by the group of thirty students. About this topic I found democratic and open minded, students are aware of modern technologies are influencing the course of a family life. There has been also found out that individualism is not that common in families and mostly prefered are interests of the whole family than family members separately, what shows some signs of...
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Pedagogický pohled na výchovu dětí homosexuálními páry / Pedagogical view on the upbringing of children by homosexual couplesVráblíková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This Master's Thesis approaches the phenomen of upbringing of children by lesbian and gay couples. It deals with primary school teachers' attitude to the question of homosexuality and homoparentality. In the theoretical part, the issues such as family, gender, gender role and identity are introduced. Thereafter the work is focused on the concept of gay and lesbian families, the legal aspects of homoparentality and the possible approach to parenting by the same-sex couples. The thesis also presents some of the realized researches into homoparentality. Part of these studies covers a potentional influence of upbringing by same- sex parents on child's development. Second part comprises the researches focused on parental experience of gays and lesbian women. The last chapter of theoretical part deals with the conception of homosexuality and education at schools. The aim of the practical part is to find out what the attitude of primary school teachers to homosexuality and homoparentality is really like, whether and how these topics are taught and how the attitude of teachers is reflected in teaching/lessons. Keywords: homosexuality, homoparentality, same-sex family, gay parenthood, lesbian parenthood, registered partnership
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Děti v náhradní rodinné péči homosexuálních osob / Childrenin foster careof homosexualpersonsFIALOVÁ, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
Althoughitislegalized by law to adoptchildren by homosexualindividuals in the Czech Republic now, mainfocusofthechapters in this thesis dealswithadoptivechildrenofregisteredhomosexualcouples in the country. Exceptforothergoals, the thesis aimsatthistopicfromthe point oftheethic and morality as thesociety´svalues. Italsosets up a discussionaboutthefactthatthischanceisgiven to theindividuals but not thecouplesthatofficiallyvalidatetherelationship, whichshowsthatthey are not aware to admittheirorientation. The thesis takes in theaccount not only second and philosophic bibliografy, but it si alsosupported by the public discoursebeing in progress in media and online editorials. These ale alsoimportant to beconsideredwhilesolvingthissituation.
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Postoje studentů psychologie k adopci děti stejnopohlavními páry / Psychology students' attitudes towards adoption of children by same-sex couplesLukáš, Richard January 2019 (has links)
Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, Department of Psychology Richard Lukáš Psychology students' attitudes towards adoption of children by same-sex couples (Master Thesis) Consultant: PhDr. Lenka Krejčová, Ph.D. Praha 2018 Abstract: Same-sex parenting (homoparentality) is new, yet still not well explored phenomena in Czech Republic. Purpose of this study is to explore the attitudes of Czech psychology students (N=337) to homoparentality. The vignettes, i.e. model stories describing the situation of a couple preparing to adopt a child, were used. The sexual orientation of the couple and child's gender varied. After reading one of the six versions of the vignette, participants assessed the parental competences and child's future development after adoption. The factor analysis of dependent variables was performed with 8 scales as a result. Independent variables were traditional and modern homophobia, beliefs about etiology of homosexuality, gender roles attitudes etc. Results indicate that students view homoparentality rather positively. However, the homoparental and heteroparental families were rated differently. The participants were more concerned about normative sexual development and victimization of children from homoparental families. On the other hand, children from heteroparental families...
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