Spelling suggestions: "subject:"homosexuality"" "subject:"homosexualité""
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Postoj svobodných mladých žen a mužů s homosexuální orientací k registrovanému partnertsví.BABKOVÁ, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
In my diploma thesis, I dealt with the question of homosexuality, especially with the attitude of homosexual men and women to registered partnership. The diploma thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is theoretical, the other one comprises my research. In the first, theoretical part, I was concerned with the concept of homosexuality from the past to the present days, with the attitude to it from the medical and social points of view, and from the standpoint of faith. I dealt with the fundamental concepts relevant to homosexuality {--} coming out, the way of its progress, the homosexual identification, behaviour, the differences between homosexuality in men and women etc. Last but not least, I focused on the political and legislative aspects, such as the questions of discrimination, the attitude to the Registered Partnership Act and the resulting rights to start a family. To carry out the research part I used questionnaires with 23 closed and 1 semi-closed questions. 100 questionnaires were handed out to men and women with a different sexual orientation in the Region of South Bohemia. The research proceeded predominantly with the help of the South Bohemian Lambda. I was given back 73 completed questionnaires, and I worked with this sample in the research part of my dissertation. The responses to the questions drawn up in the answer sheet were to help me to confirm or refute my hypotheses. The first hypothesis: The young generation with homosexual orientation more often take a positive than a negative attitude to registered partnership. The second hypothesis: The young generation with homosexual orientation feel discriminated by the heterosexual society. On the basis of the responses obtained from questionnaires we can assume that neither of my hypotheses was confirmed. Young homosexual people do not have a positive attitude to the registered partnership. The vast majority of the respondents answered that they found certain drawbacks in the law, both in the legal and social fields. For these reasons the majority of the interviewed people do not use the possibility of registered partnership, and during the period of the Registered Partnership Act they have not noticed any changes related to their life with regard to their sexual orientation. The second hypothesis concerning young homosexual people who feel discriminated by heterosexual society was not confirmed either. The evaluation of the results shows that the majority of homosexuals have never met with discrimination either in employment, society or in health service. And if they have, the discrimination was related largely to men who were mostly exposed to verbal attacks. But it is necessary to point out that the refutation of this hypothesis can be affected by the fact that a certain percentage of respondents who said that they had never met with any discrimination, they have not admitted their different sexual orientation in public or in front of close friends.
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Body image u homosexuálně orientovaných mužůKroupová, Adéla January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Vývoj trestnosti homosexuálního styku a sodomie na území České republiky / The development of criminal punishment for homosexual activity and sodomy in the Czech republicDavídek, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The development of criminal punishment for homosexual activity and sodomy in the Czech republic This thesis deals with the development of the criminalization of homosexual intercourse and sodomy in the Czech Republic. The aim of this work is to monitor the development of decriminalization of homosexual intercourse and, marginally, sodomy with an emphasis on the period from 1852 to the present. The work is conceived as an analysis of criminal provisions applicable during the period and at the same time monitoring the circumstances that led to decriminalization. The following are examples of punishments for homosexual conduct and sodomy as stated by selected decisions of the courts. The work is divided into an introduction, followed by the monitored period into four parts, and these parts are divided into sections and subsections, followed by a conclusion. The first part follows the historical period from antiquity to 1852, where each time period is described very briefly, with emphasis on the relevant provisions of penial laws for homosexual intercourse and bestiality. The second part follows the period between 1852 and 1961. This period is already examined in detail, with emphasis on the period of the First Republic, where there were efforts to decriminalize homosexual act and where they conducted...
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Registrované partnerství / Registered partnershipJanáková, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
Thesis title: Registered partnership "his diplom- thesis -ddresses the su je t of registered p-rtnershipF "his theme is urrently very topi -l even though the egistered -rtnership e t w-s -dopted ten ye-rs -goD espe i-lly the rights -nd o lig-tions of registered p-rtners -re widely dis ussedF "his thesis des ri es the pro ess th-t pre eded the in orpor-tion of the institution of registered p-rtnership into the legisl-tion of the gze h epu li F in e the institution of registered p-rtnership is -ssigned to homosexu-lsD this thesis -lso outlines the evolution of the per eption of homosexu-lityF "he m-in p-rt of this thesis is dedi -ted to the urrent legisl-tion of the gze h epu li F sn spite of the f- t th-t the v-st m-jority of so iety toler-tes homosexu-lity -nd now-d-ys homosexu-lity is onsidered -s sexu-l orient-tion whi h is equiv-lent to heterosexu-l orient-tionD it is o vious th-t s-me sex ouples -re still don¡t h-ve the s-me -mount of rights -s ouples heterosexu-lF "he (rst hint of this inequ-lity of registered p-rtners -nd spouses is the f- t th-t -lthough the new ivil ode re odi(es the ivil l-wD it does not in lude the institution of registered p-rtnership whi h is thus regul-ted sep-r-telyF purthermore the rights gu-r-nteed to the registered p-rtners -nd their o lig-tions -re...
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Homosexualita a rodičovství / Homosexuality and parenthoodBrojáč, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis analyzes Czech legislation regulating relationships of same-sex couples and their options regarding family founding provided by Czech legal regulation. The aim of the thesis is to analyze and evaluate current Czech legislation and put it into international context. To attain this aim, this thesis uses three different approaches. Firstly it provides conclusions of conterporary social sciences in the field of parenthood of same-sex couples and impacts of homosexual parenting onto various areas of psychological and social adjustment od children. Secondly, the comparative study of czech legislation and legislations of Norway, United Kingdom, Germany and Slovakia is included. Thirdly, relevant cases decided by European Court of Human Rights are analyzed. Upon the findings provided by these analysis, the thesis evaluate suitability of czech legal regulation and propose possible future development in this area.
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Postoje studentů Husitské teologické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy k rodičovství homosexuálních jedinců a párů / Attitudes of students of the Hussite Theological Faculty of Charles University to parenthood of homosexual individuals and couplesHolosková, Olga January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of my diploma thesis, is to analyze attitudes towards the parenting of homosexual individuals and couples, at the students of the Hussite Theological Faculty of Charles University. The first part of my work is focused on definition of the homosexuality, explanation of basic concepts, and summarizing the history of the homosexuality. This diploma thesis gets the reader introduced into the concept of registered partnership. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the attitude of the public towards homosexuality and clarifies the situation of homo-parental families in the Czech Republic. As a main method for this work was used a quantitative one, the data were obtained by a questionnaire survey. As a secondary method were used summaries of other studies related to this topic. At the end of the thesis, the results of the questionnaire survey are evaluated and presented.
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Kvalita života u žen a mužů s homosexuální orientací / The Quality of Life of Homosexual Men and WomenVOKATÁ, Tereza January 2009 (has links)
As late as the past century, the possibility of professional scientific progress on the subject of homosexuality as one of the options of sexual behavior without prejudice and ideological limitation was not possible. The attitude towards homosexuality has changed rapidly during different time periods and among various cultures. By already making homosexuality legal in the early 60{\crq}s, Czechoslovakia was ranked as one of most progressive countries in the world during the last century because it had already legalized homosexuality in the early 1960{\crq}s. Also thanks to the effort of sexologist, this also happened earlier than in the majority of European countries, thanks to the efforts of sexologists. However, the quality of life of homosexual men and women is still limited up to a certain level. This limitation is distinct. Especially in the impossibility of starting a family, which corresponds to the traditional picture of a heterosexual marriage. Among other things, taking care of children in a homosexual relationship is also controversial. Unfortunately, the majority of individuals still has a negative approach towards homosexual people, and therefore this doesn{\crq}t put their quality of life for homosexuals on the same level as that of heterosexual society. The aim of my thesis has been to do research and an analysis of the quality of life of homosexual men and women in several areas, especially in the biological/medical sphere, as well as with the psychological, moral/ethical, educational, cultural, historical, political and religious spheres. The partial aim has been to compare the differences between the quality of life of homosexual men and homosexual women as compare to the differences in the quality of life of the homosexual and heterosexual population. In order to process the empirical part of my thesis, I have chosen the method of qualitative research; for data collection, I have chosen the technique of the interview. The results of this research clearly show that the quality of life of homosexual men and woman is limited, up to a certain level, precisely due to their sexual orientation. On the other hand, it is necessary to say that the majority of homosexuals I spoke with, lives a satisfied life, consider life to be good one and wouldn{\crq}t exchange the position in life with heterosexuals. The majority of those who were interviewed sees the biggest difference between the life of homosexuals and heterosexuals as being the possibility of having children, whether these children are physically their own or adopted. Unfortunately, today there are still people who force some lesbians and gays to hide their sexual orientation. It would be good to a deeper elaboration of the results of this research into smaller units. For example, the influence of family, childhood and adolescence on the individual{\crq}s later orientation could be analyzed more closely. A big topic would definitely be the subject of sexual-based discrimination and another interesting thing would also be to explore more the process of coming-out etc. This diploma can help the students gain further knowledge about our homosexual fellow citizens, and also elementary school teachers could find this information to be useful during sex education classes, during the same time the children are also being taught about other kinds of sexual orientation, apart from the heterosexual one.
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Postoje pražských vysokoškolských studentů k homosexualitěKřiklánová, Zuzana January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Vliv homogamie a komplementarity na spokojenost homosexuálních párů / Influence of homogamy and complementarity on partner choice in homosexual individuals.Bártová, Klára January 2012 (has links)
Recent studies show that both physical and personality characteristics influence mate choice. Two theories explaining particular mechanisms of mate choice were proposed. Theory of homogamy suggests that individuals prefer partners with similar personality traits as they have. In contrast, theory of complementarity states that people choose mates with opposite personality traits. Main aim of the current study was to test homogamy and complementarity of personality traits in long-term same-sex male couples. The research sample consisted of 40 male homosexuals (mean age 24.2, SD = 4.6) and their long-term partners (mean age 27.4, SD = 5.2). All participants completed anonymous set of questionnaires (NEO-FFI, Spanier's test of dyadic adjustment, questionnaire focused on gender diagnosticy and revised sociosexuality orientation inventory) Each questionnaire was evaluated separately. The individual scores of participants and his partner was compared by correlational analyses. Then, we using a correlation and ANOVA analyses between couples similarity and results of Dyadic Adjustment Scale was tested. Findings showed that greater couple similarity in BMI and weight indicates higher satisfaction in the partnership. The results also showed that homosexual couples were similar in age, occupation, level of...
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Gay pornografie jako afirmace a jako parodie. Genderové aspekty gay pornografie / Gay pornography as an affirmation and as a parody. Gender aspects of gay pornographyBartoš, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the work is the analysis of gay pornography from a gender perspective, which examines the anchoring process of gender and sexual stereotypes and the present opportunity and space for subversion or alternative reading. Particular attention is paid to the question of what role in the design and interpretation of these potentially subversive or affirmative moments plays a transgression of gender stereotypes and norms and related pornographic conventions based on heterosexist sexual dynamics and hierarchies. Furthermore, this work focuses on examining the role as a potential affirmative or parody pornography plays in relation to gay activism and emancipation movement, that focuses on the representation of collective identity and subculture and the structural transformation of these representations in commercially oriented pornography industry across time. For this purpose, the empirical part analysis of randomly selected gay pornographic images of Czech provenance of certain development stages of this genre in our country with a special emphasis on politics displaying protected and / or unprotected sex, and discursive compliance of these policies and their visual representations.
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