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Ironins skiftningar — jagets förvandlingar : Om romantisk ironi och subjektets paradox i texter av P. D. A. AtterbomBåth, Katarina January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation explores the intimate relationship between irony and romantic subjectivity, by drawing on feminist psychoanalytical theory, via an examination of the shiftings of irony, and humor, in the works of the Swedish romanticist P. D. A. Atterbom (1790–1855). It looks at the critical role played by irony in the formation of Romantic subjectivity, and explores irony’s potential to undermine dualistically gendered notions of subject-object relations. For Atterbom, irony is an aesthetic concept closely related to drama, informed not only by German Romantic-ironic theorists such as Friedrich Schlegel and Jean Paul, but also by the works of Shakespeare, Ludwig Tieck, and E. T. A. Hoffmann. The thesis follows the shiftings of Romantic irony in Atterbom’s major literary texts: the cycle of poems Blommorna [The Flowers] (1811), where the Ovidian transformations are used metafictively to play with the relation between poet, poem, and reader; and the literary satire Rimmarbandet [The Rhyme Band] (1810), which, inspired by Tieck’s Der Gestiefelte Kater (1797), uses the metafictive theatre-in-the-theatre motif, as well as carnivalesque and grotesque motifs to expose contrived theatricality and homosocial misogyny in the prevailing culture. The dynamic between the satirist’s subject and the attacked object is a polarized power struggle, where revolt is followed by submission. In this respect, Romantic satire is here conservative. In the fairy tale play Lycksalighetens ö [Island of Felicity] (1824–27), tragedy’s irony is a dialectic between the ideal and the real that strives to create both inner and outer renewal. The play reaches out metafictively to the reader and turns her/him into the poet of a new version of the fairy tale. The reading/writing process inscribed in the work thus becomes a form of renewal and liberation from grief, and old, patriarchal gender roles. Finally, the humorous, unfinished idyll Fågel Blå [Blue Bird] (1814, 1818, 1858) is a work in many pieces, a fragment, a sketch and a non finito that together stages a restorative creative process, where the reader is asked to take part in joining together the scattered parts of Blue Bird itself. To conclude, irony is a feature of Romanticism, which makes the Romantic, literary subject relational and dialogical, open to its Other, and herein lies a form of ethics and an escape from a conventional, patriarchal notion of the self. I discuss this with Julia Kristeva’s theories on how subjectivity changes when it becomes poetic and Jessica Benjamin’s Winnicott-influenced theory of how play can offer a way out from patriarchy’s strict gender roles. The shiftings of irony in Atterbom’s work show a development from the satirical subject, where an aggressive form of self-assertion conceals a lack of individuality – via tragedy’s painstaking efforts to integrate repressed aspects of the self – to the idyll’s more harmonious subject, who has the capacity to laugh at him/herself and see both the grotesque in the holy, and the holy in the grotesque.
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Ordningsmakter inom ordningsmakten : Diskurskamp, dilemman och motstånd i blivande polisers samtal om mångfald / Forces in the Police Force : Discursive Conflict, Dilemmas and Resistance in Police Trainee Discourse on DiversityWieslander, Malin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis identifies and describes the diversity aspects of police discourse based on the accounts of police trainees in their final year. Specifically, the focus is on culture, religion and ethnicity, and four main questions are addressed: What is said about diversity? How is it articulated? What subject positions are offered and assumed? In what ways are discourses of diversity sustained and challenged? The analysis of discourse in use is based on field studies conducted at the Swedish National Police Academy and focus group interviews with police trainees in the educational setting and during their trainee placement period. The analytical concepts of interpretative repertoire, ideological dilemmas, subject positions and discursive devices are employed to identify how different meanings are ascribed to diversity. Three central discourses of diversity are presented: diversity as inescapable difference (a hegemonic practice), diversity as political goal (recognition of diversity) and diversity as potential likeness (regulation of diversity). These are competing discourses on how police officers should be and how their role is understood in relation to a pluralistic society. The study shows that the contradictory diversity discourses reflect a struggle of different ‘us’, which regulates the conception of the ideal police officer, professional conduct and the performance of policing. In addition, five dilemmas originating in the tension between the discourses are outlined. Diversity is found to involve ideological dilemmas regarding how policing should be conducted in relation to profiling and social categories, how humour and jargon are viewed and handled, and how lack of knowledge may mean attributing subject positions to others with discriminatory implications. The thesis contributes to showing how diversity discourses reproduce the social order by affirming the social categories that the representatives of diversity are assumed to embody. It closes with a discussion of some practical and theoretical implications of its findings. / Baksidestext Ordningsmakter inom ordningsmakten visar hur mångfald, med fokus på kultur, religion och etnicitet, ges skilda betydelser i blivande polisers samtal och att det pågår en kamp om hur samhällets mångfald ska förstås i relation till polisens sammansättning och arbete. Kampen mellan diskurser är vare sig en ny kamp eller exklusiv för polisen. Däremot kan striden om hur mångfald ska förstås ses som en modern företeelse, som ställs på sin spets inom polisen vars uppdrag är att skydda demokratiska värden och lagar om människors rättigheter. I denna avhandling beskrivs hur kampen tar sig uttryck inom ordningsmakten. Hur kan vi förstå det paradoxala i att polisen har som uppgift att arbeta mot fördomar, samtidigt som vissa arbetsuppgifter motiveras av fördomar? Vad innebär ett behov av ökad kunskap om olika grupper, som samtidigt sätter dessa grupper i en diskriminerande utgångspunkt? Varför förekommer en diskriminerande humoristisk jargong i ett yrke som har i uppdrag att främja rättvisa och motverka diskriminering? Detta är några av de frågor och dilemman som mångfald aktualiserar i en polisiär kontext. Avhandlingen synliggör hur mångfaldsdiskurser återskapar social över- och underordning och att kampen mellan diskurser är en kamp om olika ’vi’.
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A comparative study of satire and humour as communicative strategies in the poems of four Tsonga poetsRisenga, David Jinja 11 1900 (has links)
This study involves an investigation into the use of satire and humour as strategies of
communication. The poetry of four Tsonga poets selected for study includes these
strategies which are investigated for the purpose of determining the extent to which
they function as strategies of communication.
The study consists of four chapters which can be summarized as follows:
CHAPTER 1 contains the introduction, aim, scope and method of approach of the
entire study. Theories and definitions of satire and humour are also presented here.
In CHAPTER 2 the poems selected for study are analysed in terms of invective,
subtle and light-hearted satire.
CHAPTER 3 focuses attention on the style of presentation of comic and derisive
CHAPTER 4 highlights and elucidates the most significant findings of the study. The
most competent poet of the four at using satire and humour is identified and his
excellence declared and justified / African Languages / M.A. (African languages)
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Polyphibianism : evolving transdisciplinarity into an imaginary organism of living knowledgeLjubec, Ziva January 2015 (has links)
Transdisciplinarity emerged from the urge to grasp the elusive knowledge in the most fertile zone in between and beyond disciplines that escapes even the most elaborate interdisciplinary operations. While interdisciplinary protocol enables experts to operate within foreign disciplines, in the extreme case as diverse as art and science (by inviting artists into scientific departments and vice versa), the production of knowledge remains confined to particular domains. To transcend these confinements and access the knowledge that evades institutionalisation Basarab Nicolescu’s Manifesto of Transdisciplinarity sets up conditions for an open structure to be grown outside the current compartmentalisation into a living knowledge. This thesis imagines a possible evolution of transdisciplinarity into knowledge to be lived internally rather than learnt externally in order to overcome the anxiety in transcending the established culture of disciplinary research. By entering the transdisciplinary zone, the identity of experts-specialists dissolves, even the crudest separation into artists and scientists becomes obsolete. From the illusion of losing control over knowledge arises the fear of a return to archaic, mystic or even shamanic ways of knowing. Far from proposing a return to shamanism in its ancient forms this thesis imagines the way of polyphibianism – an imaginary solution to navigate efficiently the protoplasmic state of knowledge that would be indigenous to culture of disciplinary researchers. With every significant discovery the disciplinary researchers already intuitively trespass into the very zone that the Manifesto of Transdisciplinarity invites them to enter intentionally. From examination of documented introspective inquiries into their act of discovery the thesis infers the necessary sensibilities and adaptabilities of the individuals to cross the borders of their disciplines. Their seemingly lost identity is temporarily restored with the term polyphibian (analogous to amphibian) designating their ability to survive and explore multiple environments. With each change of circumstances in research a polyphibian adapts by swiftly reinventing its instinctive instruments, mutating its organs of knowing, indifferently to conventional habits of thought. Through their introspective writings this thesis investigates the polyphibic aptitude of Henri Poincaré, Henri Bergson and Marcel Duchamp to scout at the periphery of physics, metaphysics and ‘pataphysics, to intuitively anticipate the role of chance, chaos and complexity in both arts and sciences. A threshold of complexity has to be surpassed in order to bring the current apparatus of knowledge to life. Bergson’s insight on laughter and dreams suggests how intellect could transcend itself. The thesis proposes to consider laughter as faculty that could induce self-awareness in the intellectual apparatus while dreams are considered to facilitate self-organisation of intellect on higher orders of awareness. In Deleuzian manner of mutating Bergson’s work into Bergsonism, polyphibianism is a mutation in transcribing the code of Creative Evolution where Bergson insisted on interdependency between the theory of knowledge and the theory of evolution. The scholarly dispute on Bergsonian and anti-Bergsonian tendencies present in Marcel Duchamp’s work is revisited in the thesis by interpreting the higher dimensional Bride as a polyphibic organism of living knowledge with access to higher orders of awareness, able to guide the Bachelor’s apparatus of mechanical production and preservation of knowledge out of its predicament. Informed by peculiar Duchampian experiments that challenged both the domain of art and science the research projects in this thesis consist of an intervention at CERN that tested the impenetrability of institutionalised art-science collaborations and installation of the Interval of Suspended Judgement with high mathematical precision at the threshold between physics and ‘pataphysics. With these projects the problems of categorising researchers into artists and scientists are revealed. As Deleuze suggested, to effectively formulate the problem, to realize it in multiplicity of contexts, a new concept must be invented, a new organism must be conceived. This thesis gave birth to an imaginary organism of living knowledge in order to relieve the unnecessary anxieties and to fully engage in transdisciplinary research.
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Towards the development of a coping model for the well-being of patients with transverse myelitisUys, Martha-Marie January 2013 (has links)
Transverse myelitis (TM) is a rare auto-immune inflammatory disease in which the patient’s immune system attacks their spinal cord resulting in an unpredictable degree of neurologic disability, ranging from complete recovery to quadriplegia. TM patients often experience insufficient assistance towards understanding causes of the illness and have little to depend on in trying to deal with it. This study explores psychological strengths and coping strategies used by TM patients in coping with the illness.
A theoretical framework of positive psychology with a strong focus on seven constructs, namely positive coping, searching for meaning, benefit finding, hope, sense of humour, resilience, as well as religion and spirituality is presented. The main data collection strategy for this study was the gathering of stories as a form of conversation. These were subjected to thematic analysis by interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) focused on identifiable themes and patterns of living and behaviour.
The emerging patterns and identified fortigenic qualities were then considered, analysed and argued in relation to corresponding coping strategies. A model for the psychological coping and well-being of TM patients, based on emphasising the positive and constructive and considering existing models and strategies for the well-being of patients, was developed. The strategic and therapeutic model is presented in easily understandable language for the benefit of any care-giver (e.g. family member, friend or nurse) or the patient him/herself. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / lk2013 / Psychology / unrestricted
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Humour et vivre ensemble : l’industrie humoristique québécoise au prisme de la diversité culturelle et religieuseChoquette, Emmanuel 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur les implications de l’humour dans l’établissement du vivre ensemble au Québec. Je me penche tout particulièrement sur la production, le contenu et les effets des discours humoristiques dans le développement de certaines attitudes politiques à l’égard des communautés issues de la diversité culturelle et religieuse québécoise. L’ensemble de la recherche a été réalisé à travers la rédaction des trois articles, lesquels visent à mieux saisir la trajectoire empruntée par les messages humoristiques traitant de ces enjeux.
Le premier article s’attarde sur les motivations et les procédés à travers lesquels les humoristes et les artisans de l’humour construisent leurs numéros. Cette partie de l’étude a pour objectif de comprendre les facteurs d’influence de création humoristique traitant des enjeux du vivre ensemble tels que perçus par les membres de l’industrie de l’humour au Québec. Grâce à la réalisation d’une vingtaine d’entrevues semi-dirigées, on constate que le premier et principal vecteur de création de numéros d’humour reste l’individu, l’humoriste lui-même. C’est avant tout ses points de vues, sa façon de comprendre et d’interpréter le vivre ensemble qui est mis de l’avant. Le reflet de la société que renvoie l’humoriste est toutefois sous l’influence des pressions qu’il perçoit de la part de l’auditoire. Ainsi, les créateurs d’humour, comme tant d’autres personnalités ou groupes de l’espace public, sont soumis à un contrat de communication, lequel demeure à l’esprit de bon nombre d’humoristes.
Le second article propose une analyse de contenu de 76 vidéos humoristiques répertoriées sur la plate-forme de visionnement YouTube et abordant les questions du pluralisme. On y découvre que même si plus de 25 communautés culturelles et religieuses font l’objet de caricatures et de railleries, c’est la communauté arabo-musulmane qui représente la principale cible des humoristes, que ces derniers proviennent du groupe majoritaire ou des minorités. Le stéréotype liant islam et terrorisme est alors évoqué de façon récurrente.
Le troisième et dernier article se penche sur les effets de l’humour sur l’alimentation des préjugés auprès des individus. Il s’agit d’une étude expérimentale réalisée auprès de quelques 216 personnes séparées en deux groupes : un groupe a été exposé à des numéros véhiculant des stéréotypes culturels et religieux, à l’égard des arabo-musulmans en particulier, l’autre groupe a été confronté à des prestations ne comportant pas ce genre de stéréotypes. D’une part, on n’observe aucun effet direct significatif, sans variable amplificatrice, entre les deux groupes, suggérant qu’il faut peut-être prendre en compte d’autres facteurs pouvant jouer un rôle. D’autre part, des impacts significatifs sont en effet observables en fonction de la participation religieuse. Ainsi, les effets de l’humour sont à l’évidence complexes à mesurer et il importe de prendre en considération des variables modératrices (moderated effects) afin d’en apprécier empiriquement les répercussions. En regard des différentes conclusions tirées dans mes trois recherches, il subsiste un écart entre la responsabilité ou les impacts des créations humoristiques tels que perçus par les humoristiques et ce que leurs numéros contiennent et les effets que ces derniers engendrent sur le terrain. / This dissertation focuses on the implications of humour in the establishment of the Quebecois concept of "le vivre ensemble" (that we could translate into social cohesion). In particular, I am looking at the role and effects of comedic speech in the development of political attitudes towards communities stemming from Quebec's cultural and religious diversity. All of the research was carried out through the writing of three articles, which aim to better understand the trajectory taken by humorous messages dealing with these kinds of issues.
The first article focuses on the motivations and processes through which humorists and members of Quebec’s comedy industry construct their acts. The objective of this part of the study is to understand the influencing factors of the creative process dealing with the issues of the "vivre ensemble" as perceived by members of this industry. Based on about twenty semi-directed interviews, we can see that the first and main vector of comedy creation remains the individual, the stand-up comic themself. It is above all their points of view, their way of understanding the "vivre ensemble" that is put forward. The comedian’s thoughts on society are, however, influenced by the pressures they perceive from the audience. Thus, creators of comic communications, like so many other public figures or groups, are subject to a communication contract, which remains in the minds of many stand-up comics.
The second article proposes a content analysis of 76 humorous videos listed on the YouTube viewing platform and addressing issues of pluralism. It reveals that although more than 25 cultural and religious communities are the subject of caricatures and taunting, it is the Arab-Muslim community that represents the main target of humoristic videos whether they come from the majority or minority group. The stereotype linking Islam and terrorism is then evoked repeatedly.
The third and final article looks at the effects of humour on the feeding of prejudices among individuals. It is an experimental study carried out with some 216 people separated into two groups: one group was exposed to acts that conveys cultural and religious stereotypes, particularly towards Arab-Muslims, while the other group was confronted with performances that did not contain such stereotypes. On one hand, there were no significant direct effects, without controlling for intervening factors, between the two groups, suggesting that conditional factors may need to be taken into account. On the other hand, however, significant impacts are indeed observable depending on the religious participation of the audience. Clearly, the effects of humour are complex to measure and it is important to take into account moderated effects in order to empirically assess the impact.
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Exploration of Ndebele carnival literature posted on Facebook walls and how it provides an escape route from censorship in ZimbabweDube, Liketso 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is an exploration of tabooed literary creations that it terms carnival literature. To achieve the objective of establishing the effectiveness of posting material on Facebook walls of the selected group and individual accounts to escape censorship, the thesis compared traditional graffiti, particularly latrinalia, to ‗cyber‘ graffiti (social media) with Facebook as a case study.
Lev Vygotsky‘s Activity Theory helped the study link graffiti, vulgarities, humour and Facebook to the Ndebele society‘s response to tabooing of carnival literature. The thesis argued that participating in traditional graffiti production and coming up with posts on a Facebook wall is a
deliberate effort with a target audience just as other genres of literature have. However, society tends to condemn carnival literature as a rebellious genre that deserves exclusion from ‗normal‘
interaction. Carnival literature is therefore censored through tabooing its themes and language.
The term carnival literature is derived from medieval performances that were named the ‗carnivalesque‘ by Bakhtin and have equivalents in Africa as a continent and in Zimbabwe as a nation. The characteristics of carnivality are found in both traditional graffiti and ‗cyber‘ graffiti.
These, among others, include sex and sexuality as themes, obscenities, vulgarities, and all language that is considered offensive. Interestingly, these elements of carnivality evoke laughter
of one kind or another. Latrinalia from selected public toilets from the city of Bulawayo was photographed and subjected to Critical Discourse Analysis with attention being paid to carnivality, Bakhtinian dialogism and humour and its impact on the interaction process. Posts on
walls of the selected Facebook group and individual accounts were subjected to the same treatment that was given traditional graffiti. The thesis argues that social media can perform a
similar function to that of traditional graffiti with added advantages. Social media has created world communities that are brought together by common interests and platforms where they meet and share ideas. The study also established that messages have layers of meaning, making it unreasonable to ban certain messages since they serve a particular purpose. Social media, particularly Facebook, provides pockets of privacy for candid and unfettered interaction that
service specific audiences among the Ndebele; hence can function as the escape route for carnival literature from cultural censorship in Zimbabwe. / African Languages / D. Phil. (African Languages)
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Les imbroglios d'une communication exolingue comme véhicule humoristique. Une recherche-création performativeChamberland, Marie-Claude 03 1900 (has links)
Mémoire en recherche-création / Cette recherche-création est consacrée à l’humour plurilingue, c’est-à-dire de l’humour généré par la juxtaposition de deux (ou de plusieurs) langues. Elle comporte deux œuvres originales relevant de cette thématique, consistant en un enchevêtrement d’allemand, d’anglais et de français. Chacune d’elles est analysée par le biais des concepts élaborés par le chercheur Dirk Delabastita pour catégoriser les jeux de mots polyglottes, ainsi que selon les principes de comédie et de jeux de langage élaborés par Henri Bergson et Pierre Guiraud. Il s’agit ainsi de comprendre quels sont les mécanismes susceptibles de générer le rire dans une performance scénique exolingue (lorsque la maîtrise d’une langue est inégale entre un artiste et son public), et, par le fait même, de les mettre en application dans les œuvres créées dans le cadre du présent mémoire.
Marie-Claude Chamberland, autrice de cette recherche-création, est une comédienne, artiste de cirque, clown et chanteuse d’opéra performant ses numéros de comédie clownesque sur plusieurs scènes internationales, notamment dans des cabarets circassiens en Allemagne, en Autriche et en Suisse. La première œuvre de cette recherche-création, intitulée Poème, a déjà été présentée devant public au Palazzo Colombino de Bâle, en Suisse, en 2022 et 2023. Elle consiste en un numéro clownesque dans lequel un personnage récite un poème en anglais et demande à son partenaire (qui éprouve des difficultés en allemand) de le traduire phrase par phrase en allemand pour le public germanophone. Il va sans dire que l’humour issu de cette scène tient du fait que les traductions sont des plus malhabiles. Ainsi, dans le sillage de Delabastita, Marie-Claude s’intéresse ici, non pas à la traduction de l’humour comme telle, mais bien à la traduction en tant que véhicule humoristique. La deuxième œuvre, Tisch, consiste en une réflexion tenue en allemand sur la très grande variété de « tables » existant dans le lexique allemand. Le mot Tisch signifie certes « table », mais cette syllabe se retrouvant également à la fin de nombreux adjectifs allemands (« enthusiastisch »), l’humour naît ici de la décortication des termes, en faisant fi de la sémantique, et de ce jeu de langage émanent des types de tables dont aucun germanophone ne pouvait suspecter l’existence. / This research-creation is devoted to plurilingual humor, i.e. humor generated by the juxtaposition of two (or more) languages. It includes two original works on this theme, consisting of a jumble of German, English and French. Each is analyzed using concepts developed by researcher Dirk Delabastita to categorize polyglot puns, as well as the principles of comedy and language play developed by Henri Bergson and Pierre Guiraud. The aim is to understand the mechanisms likely to generate laughter in an exolingual stage performance (when the mastery of a language is unequal between a performer and his audience), and, by the same token, to apply them to the works created in this context.
Marie-Claude Chamberland, author of this research-creation, is an actress, circus artist, clown and opera singer who performs her clownish comedy acts on several international stages, notably in circus cabarets in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The first work of this research-creation, entitled Poème, has already been presented to the public at the Palazzo Colombino in Basel, Switzerland, in 2022 and 2023. It consists of a clown act in which one character recites a poem in English and asks his partner (who has difficulty in German) to translate it sentence by sentence into German for the German-speaking audience. Needless to say, the humor in this scene stems from the fact that the translations are extremely clumsy. So, following on from Delabastita, Marie-Claude's interest here is not in the translation of humor as such, but in translation as a vehicle for humor. The second work, Tisch, is a German-language reflection on the wide variety of “tables” in the German lexicon. Tisch does indeed mean “table”, but this syllable is also found at the end of many German adjectives (“enthusiastisch”), so the humor here comes from deconstructing the terms, disregarding semantics, and from this play on language emanates types of tables that no German speaker could have suspected existed. / Diese kreative Forschungsarbeit ist dem mehrsprachigen Humor gewidmet, d. h. dem Humor, der durch das Nebeneinander von zwei (oder mehreren) Sprachen entsteht. Sie umfasst zwei Originalwerke zu diesem Thema, die aus einer Mischung von Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch bestehen. Jedes dieser Werke wird anhand von Konzepten analysiert, die der Forscher Dirk Delabastita zur Kategorisierung polyglotter Wortspiele entwickelt hat, sowie anhand der von Henri Bergson und Pierre Guiraud entwickelten Prinzipien der Komik und der Sprachspiele. Es geht also darum, die Mechanismen zu verstehen, die in einer exolingualen Bühnenperformance (wenn die Beherrschung einer Sprache zwischen einem Künstler und seinem Publikum ungleich ist) Lachen erzeugen können, und sie dadurch in den in diesem Rahmen geschaffenen Werken anzuwenden.
Marie-Claude Chamberland, die Autorin dieses kreativen Forschungsprojekts, ist Schauspielerin, Zirkusartistin, Clownin und Opernsängerin, die ihre clownesken Komödiennummern auf mehreren internationalen Bühnen aufführt, insbesondere in Zirkuskabaretts in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Das erste Werk dieser kreativen Forschungsarbeit mit dem Titel Poème wurde bereits 2022 und 2023 im Palazzo Colombino in Basel, Schweiz, vor Publikum präsentiert. Es besteht aus einer Clown-Nummer, in der eine Figur ein Gedicht auf Englisch vorträgt und ihren Partner (der Schwierigkeiten mit der deutschen Sprache hat) bittet, es Satz für Satz für das deutschsprachige Publikum ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. Es versteht sich von selbst, dass der Humor, der sich aus dieser Szene ergibt, auf die Tatsache zurückzuführen ist, dass die Übersetzungen höchst ungeschickt sind. In Anlehnung an Delabastita befasst sich Marie-Claude hier also nicht mit der Übersetzung von Humor als solcher, sondern mit der Übersetzung als humoristisches Vehikel. Das zweite Werk, Tisch, beruht auf einer auf Deutsch gehaltenen Reflexion über die sehr große Vielfalt an ‘Tischen’, die es im deutschen Vokabular gibt. Das Wort Tisch beschreibt zwar den Gegenstand ‘Tisch’, da diese Silbe aber auch am Ende vieler deutscher Adjektive vorkommt (‘enthusiastisch’), entsteht der Humor hier aus der Zerlegung der Begriffe unter Vernachlässigung der Semantik. Aus diesem Sprachspiel ergeben sich Tischtypen, von denen kein Deutschsprachiger je etwas ahnen würde.
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Personalentwicklung in der Altenpflege: Analyse des Konzepts und der Praxis des Führungsansatzes „Pflege den Pflegenden" unter Einbeziehung biblisch-diakonischer Grundprinzipien und Entwicklung eines integrativen Humoransatzes = Personnel development in the care for elderly: analysis of the concept and the application of the principle of leadership. -"care for the carers"- applying Biblical and pastoral principles on the basis of an integrative conception of humourKraus, Cornelius 31 March 2008 (has links)
Text in German / Die gesellschaftliche Situation ändert sich stetig. Während früher alte Menschen zu Hause von ihren Familien gepflegt wurden, übernehmen heutzutage oft Altenpfleger diese schwere Aufgabe. Betrachtet man die Altenpflege, so lässt sich erkennen, dass die Pflege alter, kranker oder im Sterben liegender Menschen für die Mitarbeiter physisch und psychisch sehr belastend ist.
Angesichts dieser Tatsache, besteht die Notwendigkeit ein differenziertes Personalentwicklungskonzept, das biblisch diakonische Grundprinzipien widerspiegelt, zu formulieren.
Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt deren Möglichkeiten und Potentiale auf. Sie untersucht und beschreibt entsprechende Prinzipien, unter anderem anhand des Ansatzes H.U.M.O.R. und des Modells „Pflege den Pflegenden".
Diese Konzepte wurden im „Luise-Schleppe-Haus und Schloss", einer der traditionsreichsten Altenhilfeeinrichtungen Baden-Württembergs entwickelt.
Die Darstellung und Untersuchung dieser Konzepte, sowie die Sichtung weiterführender Literatur eröffnet neue Perspektiven für die Personalentwicklung in der Altenhilfe.
Der christlich ethische Aspekt von Führung wird berücksichtigt. Auf der Basis der erarbeiteten Prinzipien der Mitarbeiterentwicklung gibt die Masterarbeit Anregungen für die Praxis.
Formerly elderly people were taken care of at home by their families. Nowadays this difficult task is often assigned to professional nurses. In closer analysis of their task it becomes evident that helping the very old, ill and dying people constitutes a physical and mental strain.
This necessitates the development a differentiated concept of human resource development that reflects the fundamental Biblical diaconal principles.
This dissertation analyses the opportunities and potentials of such a concept. It researches and describes appropriate principles, amongst others the approach of H.U.M.O.R. and the model of Care for Caregivers (Pflege den Pflegenden).
These concepts were developed in the "Luise-Schleppe-Haus und Schloss", a geriatric facilities in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, of long standing.
The analysis combined with further literature opens up new perspectives for the human resource development in the care for the elderly and the ethical aspects of leaderhship in this context. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / M. Th. (Christian Leadership in Context)
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Humor a kritika v díle Pantaleón a jeho ženská rota Maria VargaseLlosy / Humour and critique in Pantaleón y las visitadoras from Mario Vargas LlosaFrimlová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
OF THE THESIS: The novel Captain Pantoja and the Special Service introduces the second period of Mario Vargas Llosa's literary production, which is caracterized by the simplification of the narration and the discovery of humour. The thesis focuses on the formal and thematic analysis of the novel with the objective to prove that despite the novel is in general humorous and parodic, there could be found some constant topics, known to the readers from Llosa's previous novels, which he had always treated very critically, and he also did so in this erotic and humorous work. Therefore, apart from the analysis of humour the thesis also examines the critical approach to the social problems present in the novel. The analysis also shows that the narration is slightly simplified in comparison to the author's formers works, but it still perfectly demonstrates the unconventional narrative techniques, which Vargas Llosa has used since the 1960's, since the period of the new hispano-american novel. KEY WORDS: Mario Vargas Llosa, Captain Pantoja and the Special Service, The Time of the Hero, The Green House, Latin American boom, Hispano-American new novel, total novel, experimental narrative techniques, types of humour and irony, humorous prose, parody, erotic novel, libertine prose, rainforest, criticism of the...
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