Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hydrodynamic"" "subject:"hydrodynamics""
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Kapilární elektroforéza s duální optickou a bezkontaktní vodivostní detekcí. / Capillary electrophoresis with dual optical and contactless conductometric detection.Kadlecová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
This work deals with dual detection of organic and inorganic analytes after separation by capillary zone electrophoresis. In the first part, two types of hydrodynamic sampling are tested. Standard hydrodynamic sampling most often used in laboratory-made electrophoretic apparatus, based on lifting the vessel with the sample, in which the sampling end of the capillary is immersed, and a new method based on increasing the pressure in the sampling vessel without moving the capillary. This sampling procedure minimizes experimenter activity because it is controlled by software. Experimenter only changes vessel containing the sample solution for one with separation electrolyte. The experimental parameters, the sampling time and pressure, are optimized to achieve maximum separation efficiency and adequate detection sensitivity. In the second part of the work, the developed method is tested for the separation of amino-acids in a biological sample (urine).
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Vliv přimknutí na tření ve valivém ložisku / Effect of Conformity on Friction in Roller BearingPisklák, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This master’s thesis describes the influence of conformity on friction in rolling bearings. The coefficient of friction is measured on an experimental machine - Mini Traction Machine 2 – using ball-on-disc method. The results are plotted in graphs which showing the dependence of the coefficient of friction at spin-to-roll ratio for specific conformity, normal load and speed in the contact area. The influence of load, speed or different lubricant viscosity is verified for a given value of conformity. Experimentally obtained data are compared with the mathematical model developed in MatLab, within this thesis.
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Advanced Methods for the Solution of Journal Bearing Dynamics / Advanced Methods for the Solution of Journal Bearing DynamicsMaršálek, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Náplní této disertační práce je popis komplexní a obecně použitelné strategie výpočetního modelování chování kluzných ložisek, pracujících v režimu smíšeného mazání a uvažujících reálné struktury drsných povrchů obou členů kluzných ložisek – ložiskových pánví a ložiskových čepů. V práci jsou uvedeny a detailně popsány způsoby získání charakteristických popisných dat těchto drsných povrchů a její nedílnou součástí je i popis numerických algoritmů, sloužících k následnému zpracování těchto dat. Dále jsou zde rozebrány implementované výpočetní přístupy k modelování kontaktního tlaku. Ovlivnění hydrodynamické mazací vrstvy kluzných ložisek je dáno velikostí a průběhem faktorů toku, jejichž numerické stanovování je zde detailně popsáno. Alternativní stanovení faktorů toku pomocí analytických funkcí je zde pro úplnost rovněž obsaženo. V závěru práce je uveden popis numerického řešiče modelování chování kluzných ložisek spolu s uvedenými výsledky provedených simulací a jejich diskuzí. Ověření jednotlivých výpočetních modelů, popřípadě porovnání výsledků s výsledky získanými alternativním způsobem, je uvedeno v příslušných kapitolách.
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Hydroelastic Response of Hydrofoil Under Cavitation Conditions / Hydroelastic Response of Hydrofoil Under Cavitation ConditionsČupr, Pavel January 2021 (has links)
Tato disertační práce se zabývá experimentálním a výpočtovým výzkumem přídavných účinků od proudu kapaliny na obtékaný hydraulický profil. Dynamická odezva profilu byla analyzována pro dva typy buzení: buzení odtržením mezní vrstvy a Kármánových vírů a dále buzení pomocí externího budiče připojeného k lopatce. Experimentální měření dynamické odezvy profilu na oba typy buzení bylo provedeno pro lopatku umístěnou v kavitujícím a nekavitujícím proudění. Získané výsledky byly použity pro verifikaci přídavných účinků stanovených s využitím numerického modelování.
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Laboratorní simulátor pro studium radiálních kluzných ložisek / Laboratory simulator of radial journal bearingVincenc, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with a design of a radial journal bearing simulator, which is ready to implement a transparent sapphire journal bearing to an optical observation of the oil film. The first part of this thesis contains a short review of a few currently used journal bearing test rigs. The next part of the work deals with a discussion of concept variants and a definition of important parameters. The last part contains a detailed description of the designed radial journal bearing simulator. Limitations of the designed simulator and recommendations for future improvements are also discussed. The result of the presented work is the designed journal bearing simulator which will allow observing of the oil film. The work also consists a complete design documentation.
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Simulace rozběhu Lavalova rotoru uloženého v nelineárních vazbách / Simulation of the Laval rotor supported by nonlinear bearingsKrček, Aleš January 2021 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with simulation of Laval rotor supported by nonlinear bearings. The first part of thesis deals with research, which is focused on description of Laval rotor and motion equations for case of rigid and flexible rotor, also on description and modeling of hydrodynamic and magnetic bearing, which is considered in thesis. The second part of thesis deals with simulation of rotor for different approaches to modeling hydrodynamic and magnetic bearings. Using simulations performer in time domain, the dynamic behavior of Laval rotor is evaluated and compared. Simulations are performer in MATLAB.
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Návrh ojnice vznětového leteckého motoru / Connecting Rod Design of Diesel Aircraft EngineMaršálek, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with complex connecting rod design of two stroke diesel engine with regard to minimising its weight. Three versions of design are suggested and for each of them the stress analyses are implemented and the fatigue safety factors are determined. On the basis of results of implemented analyses and evaluation of all the aspects the most appropriate design is chosen and the production drawing is drawn according to it. In the conclusion, hydrodynamic lubrication plain bearings, which are the integral part of every connecting rod, are designed.
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Stanovení tuhosti, tlumení a přídavné hmotnosti tenké kapalinové vrstvy v těsnící spáře / Assessment of stiffness, damping and added mass in thin liquid layer in sealing gapKohut, Vojtěch January 2012 (has links)
The main purpose of this master’s thesis is to propose the methodology suitable for experimental evaluation of additional mass, stiffness and damping by which a liquid layer in the sealing gap affects the rotor. Sealing gaps are important structural elements of hydrodynamic machines. An appropriate design of a sealing gap including the additional effects determination is an inevitable part of the machine overall dynamic design. The thesis also provides a literature search in the field of rotor dynamics and additional effects of a liquid. The designed experiment aiming to determine additional effects of the liquid is based on rotor dynamics evaluation by means of the radial forces measurement. The experiment results were used to determine dynamic properties of dry and wet rotor of the testing device.
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Proudění nestlačitelných tekutin s viskozitou závislou na tlaku (a jejich aplikace při modelování proudění v ložisku) / Flows of incompressible fluids with pressure-dependent viscosity (and their application to modelling the flow in journal bearing)Lanzendörfer, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Title: Flows of incompressible fluids with pressure-dependent viscosity (and their application to modelling the flow in journal bearing) Author: Martin Lanzendörfer Department: Mathematical Institute of Charles University Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Josef Málek, DSc. Abstract: The viscosity of the fluids involved in hydrodynamic lubrication typically depends on pressure and shear rate. The thesis is concerned with steady isothermal flows of such fluds. Generalizing the recent results achieved in the case of homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions, the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions subject to the boundary conditions employed in practical applications will be established. The second part is concerned with numerical simulations of the lubrication flow. The experiments indicate that the presented finite element method is successful as long as certain restrictions on the constitutive model are met. Both the restrictions involved in the theoretical results and those indicated by the numerical experiments allow to accurately model real-world lubricants in certain ranges of pressures and shear rates. The last part quantifies those ranges for three representative lubricants. Keywords: existence and uniqueness of weak solutions, finite element method, pressure- thickening, shear-thinning, incompressible fluids,...
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Konstrukční studie axiálních bezucpávkových čerpadel / Design studies of axial sealing pumpsDobrovolný, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Review of axial hydraulic machines and elementary procedures of design hydraulic machines are listed in the first part of thesis. Second part is dedicated axial pump with annular motor and measurement its characteristic curve. In the third part of thesis, procedure of design axial pump with tube motor is described, also there are listed CFD results and characteristic curve of axial pump with tube motor is predicted.
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